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THey whoの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 2634


Even for the few daimyo (Japanese feudal lords) who joined the Western Camp in Sekigahara, they were punished by being deprived of their fiefs, but some were then restored, such as Muneshige TACHIBANA and Nagashige NIWA; those given shoryo (territories) were Tanagura, Mutsu 10,000 koku for Muneshige and Futsuto, and Hitachi 10,000 for Nagashige. 例文帳に追加

関ヶ原に西軍として参戦し、改易され、復活を遂げた数少ない大名である立花宗茂や丹羽長重も、本領に復帰する前に与えられた所領は宗茂が陸奥棚倉1万石、長重が常陸古渡1万石であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Escaping danger is undoubtedly the safest art of self-defense, and Yukichi supposedly regarded Iai as entirely a way of seeking after truth and not a way of killing a person, which is close to the ideas of Kaishu KATSU and Tesshu YAMAOKA, who had also never killed a person, although they had a reputation for their mastery of swordsmanship. 例文帳に追加

無論、逃げる事は最も安全な護身術であるが、福澤自身、居合はあくまでも求道の手段であり殺人術でないと考えていたと思われ、同じく剣の達人と言われながら生涯人を斬ったことが無かった勝海舟・山岡鉄舟の思想と似ている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To the vassals of the Matsudaira clan, however, it was a fact that the legitimate son of their lord (and particularly, after Hirotada's death, their lord) was taken as hostage, and it seems that they felt a certain amount of pressure due to their disadvantaged position (Tadayoshi TORII complained to Ieyasu, who temporarily returned to the Okazaki-ji Castle to pay his ancestors a visit, about the Imagawa family's autocratic manner.) 例文帳に追加

しかし、松平氏の家臣にとっては嫡男(特に広忠の死後は主君)を人質に取られていると言う事実に変わりは無く、立場上弱い面からの圧力などがあったようである(墓参りのために岡崎城に一時帰参した家康に対し、鳥居忠吉が今川の横暴を訴えている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshikage also tried to depart for the front leading the whole Asakura army in response to this, however, Yoshikage who had been repeating various blunders was already losing trust from vassals, so senior vassals of the Asakura family such as Kageakira ASAKURA and Kagekata UOZUMI refused the order to depart for the front from Yoshikage, saying 'they can't depart for the front because of fatigue.' 例文帳に追加

これに対して義景も朝倉全軍を率いて出陣しようとするが、数々の失態を犯し重ねてきた義景はすでに家臣の信頼を失いつつあり、「疲労で出陣できない」として朝倉家の重臣である朝倉景鏡、魚住景固らが義景の出陣命令を拒否する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In September, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI invaded Ecchu Province taking a large force of 100,000 men with Toshiie working as a leading guide there, Narimasa surrendered, so that Toshiie's legitimate child Toshinaga MAEDA had three counties of Tonami, Imizu and Nei added in Ecchu Province, with the result that they became a great daimyo who owned three provinces governed by a father and a son. 例文帳に追加

8月、利家が越中への先導の役を果たし豊臣秀吉が10万の大軍を率いて攻め込むと成政は降伏し、嫡子前田利長に越中国のうち砺波・射水・婦負の3郡を加増され、父子で三ヶ国を領する大大名となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Those who left the group were 5 Mito roshis (masterless samurai) including Serizawa, Niimi and 8 disciples of Shieikan including Kondo, Toshizo HIJIKATA, Keisuke YAMANAMI, Soji OKITA and also some other people including Yoshio TONOUCHI, Yuzan NEGISHI, Shingoro KASUYA joined them, but they had an internal conflict soon, by which Tonouchi, Negishi, Kasuya and others were murdered or left the group. 例文帳に追加

離脱組は芹沢、新見ら5人の水戸系浪士と近藤、土方歳三、山南敬助、沖田総司ら8人の試衛館門人で、これに殿内義雄、根岸友山、粕谷新五郎らが加わるがすぐに内部抗争が起きて殿内、根岸、粕谷らは謀殺・脱退した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Focusing on rickshaw men who lost their jobs after the Tokyo Horse Tramway was laid, he persuaded Tsuna TAKEUCHI's rickshaw chauffeur and leader of rickshaw men, Kamekichi MIURA, to use his power for his campaign, and by distributing leaflets saying that participants could enjoy as much sake as they wanted, he gathered many rickshaw men at a get-together party held within the precincts of the Kanda-Myojin Shrine on October 4, 1882. 例文帳に追加

東京馬車鉄道の敷設で失業した車夫に着目し、竹内綱の抱えの三浦亀吉という親分を説得、周旋させ、集まった者にはいくらでも酒を飲ませるというビラをまき、1882年(明治15年)10月4日、神田明神境内で人力車夫大懇親会を開いたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Commander of Shinsengumi, Shinpachi NAGAKURA and other members, such as Sanosuke HARADA, Hajime SAITO, Corporal Kai SHIMADA, Shoshi shirabeyaku (Shinsengumi's organizational post for investigating movements of the opponents) Masajiro OZEKI, and Kazurayama, who was also a corporal, elaborated a petition of five articles concerning the immoral and self-concentrated conduct of the Head of Shinsengumi, Isami KONDO and forwarded it to the Aizu Domain, insisting that they were not Kondo's retainers. 例文帳に追加

また、局長近藤勇の家臣ではないとして、近藤の非行・増長を5箇条に纏めた建白書を隊長の永倉新八、原田左之助、斉藤一、伍長の島田魁、葛山、諸士調役の尾関雅次郎らが綴り会津藩に提出。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as more and more believers appeared who were openly expressing their belief in Christianity, they were persecuted and supressed under the anti-Christian policies of the Edo shogunate government that had been continued by the Meiji government (for more details, see the entry on the fourth arrest of Christians of 1867). 例文帳に追加

しかし堂々とキリスト教の信者である事を表明する者が現れたため、江戸幕府やキリスト教禁教政策を引き継いだ明治政府から迫害や弾圧を受ける事になる(詳しくは浦上四番崩れの項参照の事)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, even though they got reinforcements, the Sakaikubo army needed to spare more than half of its troops to protect Yoshitsuna ASHIKAGA who located in Sakai, so the number of the troops was not really enough to face the Takakuni army, and in consequence, the Sakaikubo army relied much on the ability of Motonaga (the Battle of Nakajima). 例文帳に追加

しかし、増派軍を加えたとはいえ、堺に鎮座する足利義維を守るための戦力を半数以上も割かねばならぬ為、純粋に高国軍と対峙するには少なく、元長の手腕に依存するところが大きかった(中嶋の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While they contributed to the flourishing of shamisen music and koto music, heikyoku, which should have been their original profession, came to a complete standstill, being handed down with no new work, and gradually the number of musicians who could play heikyoku decreased. 例文帳に追加

こうして彼らにより三味線音楽や箏曲が興隆する一方で、本来彼らの表芸であるはずの平曲は完全に停滞、固定化して、ただ伝承されるだけの存在となり、新作もなく、平曲を演奏出来る人は次第に減少して行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Yofumi TAMANO, the judge who judged them,it seems that all but the principal offender, Ichiro SHIMADA did not know the objective of the assasination and committed the crime because they were brainstormed by SHIMADA to believe that 'it was for the country to get rid of this person' (Tokyo Daily Newspaper, June 1st, 1878).例文帳に追加

彼らを裁いた判事・玉乃世履によると、主犯の島田一郎以外はこの暗殺の趣意を知らず、ただ島田に「この人を除く事が御国のため」と洗脳されて犯行に及ぶに至ったと思われるという(東京日日新聞・明治11年6月1日)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This means that the strained relationship between the parties continued for about ten days; if their bad mood hadn't changed and they had started a battle, it would have greatly influenced on the power balance of the local samurai groups (at that time, it is thought to have been Ienaga or his son who led the Kodama party.) 例文帳に追加

約10日間の緊張状態が続いていた事になり、もしそのまま開戦していたのなら、武蔵国の武士団勢力分布図に大きく影響を及ぼす事になったと考えられる(この時、児玉党を率いていたのは、家長か、あるいはその子息と考えられる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aizan, who later achieved great success as a journalist and historian, realized that what his grandfather had said was due to his anxiety for his grandson and agonized over his own attitude, so he displayed portraits of three generations, Yoshitsugu, Yukitaka and Akitsune YAMAJI, and admonished younger people that they should see their acheivement as a model to be followed. 例文帳に追加

後にジャーナリスト・歴史家として大成した愛山はこの時の祖父の言が、孫の将来を憂慮した言葉であったと気づいて悔やみ、家に山路徳風・諧孝、そして彰常の3代の肖像画を掲げて子弟に祖父らの業績を鑑にする様に諭したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a scandal in which 59 station employees and 10 temporary workers of JR West, who once took a train using their ICOCA card, erased the riding record of the card using the ticket processors installed in the wickets and repeatedly practiced illegal riding (an act akin to stealing a ride), and it is said that they had committed this act since November 2003, when the service was just introduced, till August 2004. 例文帳に追加

JR西日本の駅員59名と委託社員10名が、ICOCAで乗車した後、窓口の処理機で乗車記録を消去するという手段で不正乗車(キセルに類似した行為)を繰り返したとする不祥事があり、その行為はサービスが開始された2003年11月から2004年8月まで行われていたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), Kojin (a god) and other local people who make human traffic stop are introduced, and descriptions include that, immediately after the Taika Reforms, some travelers were punished by local people because they violated a taboo not knowing the customs in the area. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』においても、人々の往来を妨害する神(「荒神」)や地元の人々の存在が多数登場しており、大化の改新直後においても旅人がその地域の慣習を知らずに禁忌を犯したためにその地域の人々に処罰されていることが問題視されているなどの記載がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because some myths say that Amaterasu Omikami sought opinions from her elder Amatsu Kami (the god of heaven) about her specific acts-whether they were good or not-and even followed his instructions, some consider that Amaterasu Omikami was a deified Emperor who ruled the country by conducting religious services. 例文帳に追加

神話中では自分より先に生まれた天津神(タカミムスビ)に行動の是非を伺ったり、その指示に従っている場面も見られることから、天照大神は神に祭祀(まつりごと)を行って国を治める天皇自体の神格化だとみなす考え方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides the miko of Yamato Shinto discussed in this section, there are people around the world who can be regarded as miko if miko are interpreted as female shamans; they include Noro in Ryukyu (Okinawa), Ang-I in Taiwan, Mudang in Korea, the indigenous peoples of Siberia and the Americas, and the shaman of Africa. 例文帳に追加

本項で取り上げた大和の神道における巫女以外にも、「巫女」を「女性のシャーマン」として広義に解釈し、琉球のノロや台湾における尪姨、大韓民国のムーダンの他、シベリア、アメリカ州の先住民族、アフリカなどにみられるシャーマンが巫女と呼ばれる場合がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In summary, Isotakeru descended to Soshimori in Silla with Susanoo, who was banished from heaven (which is called Takaamahara in the "Kojiki"), and then they together moved to the place called Torikaminotake located at the upper reaches of Hii-kawa River in Izumo Province by a hani-bune (clay boat) because Susanoo said he did not want to stay in Soshimori. 例文帳に追加

とあり天(『古事記』では高天原)を追放された素戔嗚尊とともに新羅曽尸茂梨に天降り、スサノオがこの地吾居ること欲さず(「乃興言曰此地吾不欲居」)と言ったので、一緒に埴土船で渡って出雲国斐伊川上の鳥上峯に至ったとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Muraza was a festival group in which any village inhabitant who had reached a certain age or finished Genpuku (a coming-of-age ceremony) could participate; even though the group had a quota of fixed members, they were allowed to enter the group in order of age or ceremonial conferment when a vacancy becomes available. 例文帳に追加

これに対して村座は基本的には一定の年齢もしくは元服などの特定の儀式を済ませた村人であれば誰でも資格を獲得し、定員がある場合でも空席が出来た場合には年齢順・儀式授与順に繰り上がって座入(加入)が許される祭祀組織である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shinsen-gumi, was comprised of men with strong kenjutsu (fencing) abilities, and in addition to KONDO's Shiei-kan, Tennen Rishin-ryu, which was the main line, there were men of various kenjutsu schools, including Shindo Munen Ryu, Hokushin Itto Ryu, etc., and also members who learned sojutsu (spearmanship), jujutsu (judo), etc., and they used group fighting tactics, with emphasis on actual fighting. 例文帳に追加

剣術集団である新選組は、中心となる近藤ら試衛館の天然理心流に加えて神道無念流剣術、北辰一刀流剣術などさまざまな剣術流派に加え、槍術や柔術などを学んだ隊士もおり、実戦本意の集団戦法の集団であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some retainers of the former Shogunate, who were opposed to the bloodless surrender of Edo Castle on May 3, 1868, fled towards Chiba Prefecture and set up a camp in Funabashi Daijingu, and on May 24, they clashed with the new government's forces around the area of Ichikawa City, Kamagaya City, and Funabashi City. 例文帳に追加

慶応4年(1868年)4月11日に行われた江戸城無血開城に従わぬ旧幕臣の一部が千葉県方面に逃亡、船橋大神宮に陣をはり、4月3日(旧暦)(5月24日)に市川市・鎌ヶ谷市・船橋市周辺で両軍は衝突した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in 1457, the gonancho forces were essentially ruined when they were betrayed by the surviving retainers of the AKAMATSU clan, who were seeking to restore the clan after their annihilation in the Kakitsu rebellion; the Southern Court descendants, the brothers Jitenno and Chugio, were assassinated, and the Grand Jewels were restolen. 例文帳に追加

後南朝は、嘉吉の乱で滅亡した赤松氏の再興を目指す赤松遺臣によって、1457年(長禄元年)に南朝後裔の自天王・忠義王なる兄弟が殺害され、神璽が奪還されることによって、実質的に滅亡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Their mothers were all from the Fujiwara clan or related family who were empress or received similar treatment, and due to the wishes of Kanmu, they all had wives that were Imperial Princesses and their half-sisters with a different mother (Ate had two wives, Imperial Princess Asahara and Imperial Princess Oyake, Kamino had Imperial Princess Takatsu, and Otomo had Imperial Princess Koshi). 例文帳に追加

彼らはいずれも皇后もしくはそれに準じる待遇を受けた藤原氏藤原式家出身の女性を母とし、さらに桓武の意向で異母姉妹にあたる内親王を妻としていた(安殿は朝原内親王と大宅内親王の2人、神野は高津内親王、大伴は高志内親王)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the Three Sacred Treasures that were stolen, the sword was discovered at Kiyomizu-dera Temple, but the shinji were not found until 15 years later in 1457, when remaining followers of the Akamatsu clan, who had become impoverished during the Kakitsu Incident, recovered the shinji after a great battle during the Choroku Incident, and they were returned to the Northern Court the next year. 例文帳に追加

奪われた神器のうち、剣は清水寺で発見されるが、神爾は持ち去られたままであり、15年後の1457年(長禄元年)には、嘉吉の乱で没落した赤松氏の遺臣が長禄の変での奮闘により神爾を奪い返し、翌年には神爾は北朝の手に戻っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Heike monogatari" describes Yorimasa visiting the down-on-his-luck prince Mochihito at his mansion in the dead of night and proposing that they overthrow the government, but at this point Yorimasa was 77 years old, which has prompted some to suspect it was the other way around--that it was prince Mochihito, distressed at the disruption of imperial succession, who approached Yorimasa about raising an army. 例文帳に追加

『平家物語』では、頼政が夜半に不遇の以仁王の邸を訪れ、謀反を持ちかけたことになっているが、当時頼政は77歳という高齢であり、皇位への道を断たれて不満を持っていた以仁王の方から頼政に挙兵を持ちかけたという見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under such circumstances, around the 12th and the 13th centuries, lords of manors, kokuga, and samurai warriors who were appointed as the local supervisors by lords or kokuga had to recognize the tato's influence, and they gave the tato permanent tenure of myoden in exchange for the firm land tax payment and the undertaking of public duties. 例文帳に追加

こうした状況の中で、12世紀~13世紀ごろになると、荘園領主や国衙、さらにこれらから在地支配を任された武士も田堵の力を認めざるを得なくなり、田堵に名田の永代保有権を付与する代わりに、年貢・公事の納付請負を確約させるようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Zaichokanjin took the side of the tato and fumyo classes representing their interests, and other times they took the side of those who oppressed tato and fumyo classes as soldiers to ensure the power of the imperial court and kokuga, and came to have the actual power in the local regions. 例文帳に追加

在庁官人はあるときは田堵負名層の利益代表として反乱側に、またあるときは朝廷・国衙ラインの権力を保証する戦士として田堵負名層を制圧する側に立ち、地域における実権を構築していったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While peasants in poverty evaded tax by false registration or escape, wealthy peasants acquired additional farmland through reclamation, which they were allowed to own privately, and made poor peasants, especially those who escaped or were debt-burned due to private suiko, their subordinate people. 例文帳に追加

貧困層は偽籍・逃亡によって租税負担から逃れ、富豪層は墾田活動を通じて得分収取しうる田地を獲得し、逃亡したり私出挙によって負債を負わせた貧困百姓らを保護民、隷属民として囲い込んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the naval force of the Seto Inland Sea, consisting of the navies of the Mori Clan, the Kobayakawa Clan, and the Murakami Clan, attempted to deliver provisions to Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple, which had been surrounded by the army of Nobunaga ODA, they were confronted by the naval force of the Oda clan, who tried to block them, and clashed with them at the mouth of the Kizu-kawa River in the Osaka Bay. 例文帳に追加

織田信長軍の攻囲を受ける石山本願寺への兵糧搬入を目的とした毛利水軍・小早川水軍・村上水軍を中心とする瀬戸内の水軍戦力と、それを阻止せんとする織田方の水軍戦力が大阪湾木津川(大阪府)河口で激突した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reason for this was not only that there were differences between koka and washi prices but also that there was no end to the corrupt practices by kokushi (provincial governors) at kokuga and Zaichokanjin (the local officers in Heian and Kamakura periods), who imposed unreasonably low prices as koka on local residents, buying more goods than necessary so that they could use the surplus to feather their nests. 例文帳に追加

これは、估価と和市価格の乖離に加え、国衙の国司や在庁官人が不当に安い価格を估価として地元住民に押し付けた上、必要以上に買い入れてその余剰をもって私服を肥やすという不正が後を絶たなかったからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They may not have been bushi but many were in a position to rush in while wearing armor, holding bows, and staffed as cavalry busha leading dozens of retainers when mobilized by TAIRA no Tsunezumi, who was Kazusa no suke (vice minister of Kazusa Province) that also served as Into no Shoji (administrator of a manor of Into no sho). 例文帳に追加

彼らは、元々は武士では無かったかもしれないが、印東庄司を兼ねる上総介平常澄から動員が掛かれば、鎧を着、弓箭・兵仗を帯びて、何人か十何人かの郎党とともに騎馬武者として駆けつける立場の者も相当含まれていたと思われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With such limited armies of Sumimoto HOSOKAWA and Yukinaga MIYOSHI around three thousand strong, Yukinaga MIYOSHI who was proficient in directing a war could not have devised a strategy aimed at retaking Kyoto -- They might have aimed at turning the tide of the war and retreating back to Awa Province. 例文帳に追加

細川澄元、三好之長軍は3千名前後しかおらず、この戦力で京都奪還を目指すというのは、戦上手である三好之長が立案するとは考えにくく、戦局の打開、阿波国へ逃げ帰る事が目的であったとも思われている - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Together with Hiromitsu OGAWA, gozoku (powerful kin group) in Yamato Province, the retainers attacked the angu of the Gonancho, based in Kitayama and Kawakami deep in Yoshino, on December 27, 1457, they defeated the brothers of Jitenno and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor (the latter was a seii taishogun of the Gonancho), and took away the Shinji. 例文帳に追加

大和国の豪族・小川弘光とともに、吉野の奥で北山・川上に本拠を置いていた後南朝の行宮を長禄元年12月2日_(旧暦)(1457年12月27日)に襲撃、南朝の皇胤である自天王と忠義王(後南朝の征夷大将軍である)の兄弟を討ち倒して、神璽を持ち去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In July 1913, the president of Kyoto Imperial University Masataro SAWAYANAGI, who was appointed by the Ministry of Education two months before, ordered seven professors (one for the medical school, five for the science and engineering school, and one for the literature school) to submit resignation letters because they called for the education reform, and dismissed them in August. 例文帳に追加

1913年7月、文部省の任命で就任して2ヵ月になったばかりの澤柳政太郎京都帝国大学総長は、教学の刷新を標榜して7教授(医科大学1名、理工科大学5名、文科大学1名)に辞表を提出させ8月に免官を発令した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the progress of developments in shoen, conflict between kaihatsu-ryoshu (local nobles who actually developed the land) and kokushi intensified over the scope and the target of Fuyu (tax exemption), and more and more shoen acquired Funyu no ken (the right to keep the tax agents from entering their property) so they could take advantage of refusing the entry by kokushi's envoy. 例文帳に追加

荘園内での開発が進展するにともない、不輸の範囲や対象をめぐる開発領主と国司の対立がはげしくなると、荘園領主の権威を利用して国司の使者の立ち入りを認めない不入の権(日本)を得る荘園が増えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was considered that the first example of keryo was of the early shoen which were owned by koshin (the Imperial family) or court nobles who ordered Ie no tsukasa (house stewards) and the like via order documents using a kacho (tag), kafu (code), and iejirushi (house mark showing ownership by the family) to operate the holding from the end of the Nara period to the early Heian period; they were called 'XX keryo' (XX family's holding) or 'XX kaden' (XX family's paddy field). 例文帳に追加

奈良時代末期から平安時代初期に皇親・貴族が所有して家牒・家符・家印などを用いた命令文書で家司などに命じて経営させた初期荘園を「○○家領」「××家田」などと呼称したのが最初と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Questions are raised on calling them 'Kawachi-Genji' despite the fact that they were no longer based on the manor of Kawachi Province, and it is, indeed, unreasonable that those who were apparently never based in Kawachi according to historical materials, such as MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, are included in Kawachi-Genji. 例文帳に追加

既に河内国の領内を本拠としていないにも関わらず「河内源氏」と呼称し続けることに対しての疑問もあり、源頼朝のように史料上明らかに河内に本拠を構えたことのない人物まで河内源氏と括ることへの違和感があるのは確かである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until the time of Masayori TAKANASHI, a grandson of Masamori, the Takanashi clan remained independent, but Shingen TAKEDA, of Kai Province, who had destroyed the Murakami clan, invaded the land of the Takanashi clan and they retreated to the Iiyama area close to the boundary of Shinano and Echigo from Nakano, the base, between 1555 and 1558. 例文帳に追加

それでも政盛の孫の高梨政頼の頃まで独立性を保ってきたが、村上氏を撃破した甲斐国の武田信玄の侵攻を受け、弘治(日本)年間(1555-1558)に本拠地中野郷から信越国境に近い飯山郷まで後退した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although most military commanders of the Budan-ha were the ones who rendered distinguished services in a number of battle fields (especially in the Bunroku-Keicho War) (their name "Budan" meaning resorting to military means came from this fact), they could not be said to have had high positions in the center of the administration. 例文帳に追加

武断派の武将たちは、今まで数々の戦場(特に文禄・慶長の役)で、大きな戦功を立てたたものが多かった(これが武断派の名称の由来となった)が、その功績に比して政権の中枢で大きな地位を占めているとはいえなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Empress Koken/Shotoku (who had previously retired but was restored) along with Dokyo, insisting that a Shintaku (oracle) of Usa Hachimangu Shrine) had been handed down, tried to appoint Dokyo as heir to the Imperial Throne but they were stopped by FUJIWARA no Momokawa and WAKE no Kiyomaro, and after the Empress Shotoku's death in 770 Dokyo fell from power. 例文帳に追加

孝謙天皇称徳天皇(孝謙上皇が復位)と道鏡は宇佐八幡宮に神託がくだったとして、道鏡を皇位継承者に擁立しようとしたが、藤原百川や和気清麻呂に阻まれ、770年(宝亀元年)の称徳天皇の没後に失脚した(道鏡事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The decisive actions of Ii, provoked a stream of criticism, including action taken by Nariaki TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Mito clan) and Yoshikatsu TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Owari clan), who went to Edo-jo Castle to protest, but they were in fact punished by II for not gaining permission to enter the castle beforehand. 例文帳に追加

こうした井伊の強権的手法には反撥が相次ぎ、徳川斉昭・徳川慶勝(尾張藩主)・松平慶永らは抗議のため登城するが、無断で登城したことを理由に逆に井伊によって謹慎処分を受けることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some members of Hisamitsu's clan who advocated sonjo party (royalists) misunderstood Hisamitsu's action as preparation to overthrow the bakufu, but they were suppressed by Hisamitsu (See the Teradaya incident), and his efforts with the Court worked, and Shigenori OHARA was sent as an imperial messenger to the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

この動きを倒幕への準備と見誤った同藩の尊攘派が久光によって鎮圧される事件が発生したものの(寺田屋騒動参照)、久光の朝廷工作により、幕府改革への勅使として大原重徳が遣わされるという事態となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The local samurai land owners in the northern Shinano area in the north of Zenko-ji Temple (such as the Takanashi clan and the Inoue clan), who were in a cooperative relationship with the Murakami clan against the Takeda clan, had originally connections with the Nagao family, the Echigo no Shugodai (the acting Military Governor of Echigo Province) family since they competed against the Murakami clan over the control of the northern Shinano area. 例文帳に追加

対武田では村上氏と協力関係にあった善光寺平以北の北信濃国人衆(高梨氏や井上氏の一族など)は、元々村上氏と北信の覇権を争っていた時代から越後の守護代家であった長尾氏と繋がりがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the practice of Katatagae for the Hoi-jin Gods who presided over one direction for a long period (such as Daishogun, Kon-jin God, O and So Gods), it was considered to be ineffective to avoid the taboo if people practiced only one Katatagae on the first day when the Hoi-jin gods moved from one direction to another, so that during that period, they needed to practice Katatagae several times according to the following rules. 例文帳に追加

同一方角に長期間在する神(大将軍・金神・王相)については、遊行の最初の日に1回方違えしただけでは有効とは言えないとして、その期間中、以下のような規則で何度も方違えをする必要があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The damage caused by the battle was so devastating that a number of samurais who played the central role in the Azai clan such as a senior vassal Naotsune ENDO, whom, they say, Nagamasa had trusted the most, Nagamasa's own younger brother Masayuki AZAI, Iezumi YUGE and the Imamura clan were killed. 例文帳に追加

姉川の合戦における浅井家の被害は甚大で、長政が最も信頼していたと言われている重臣遠藤直経や長政の実弟浅井政之をはじめ、弓削家澄、今村氏直ら浅井家で中心的役割を果たしていた多くの武将が戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After defeating the Prince Nagaya in the Conspiracy of Nagayao, along with Muchimaro (Dainagon [chief councilor of state]) and Fusasaki (Sangi [councilor]) who had already become a court noble, Umakai and Maro also became sangi, and four brothers occupied the power among the nine court nobles and they played a political role in the Imperial Court from 729 to 737. 例文帳に追加

長屋王の変で長屋王を追い落とした後、すでに公卿となっていた武智麻呂(大納言)・房前(参議)に加え、官人の推挙により宇合・麻呂も参議となり、9人の公卿の内四兄弟で4人を占め729年から738年の間朝廷の政治を担った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one belief, the five Kings of Wa, who intended to intervene in Gaya, located in the southern part of Korea, for acquiring concessions of natural resources there from the latter half of the fourth century, dispatched an envoy to China to submit to a suzerain-vassal relationship with the Chinese sovereign so that they might make use of such a relationship on the pretext of their intervention in Korea. 例文帳に追加

倭の五王による中国への冊封要請遣使は、4世紀後期から倭国が朝鮮半島南部の伽耶諸国群へ資源・利権獲得のために介入しようとしたため、その地の冊封を受けて大義名分を得ようとしたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They had been broken up by patrolling officers at that time, but people started to have meetings and the number of people who demanded to sell rice increased further, and moreover, nearly 200 residents gathered in Mizuhashi-machi town, Nakaniikawa County on August 3 to ask rice marketers and wealthy people to stop transporting rice and sell it. 例文帳に追加

この時は巡回中の警官によって解散させられたが、住民らは集会をはじめるなど、米の販売を要望する人数はさらに増加していき、翌月8月3日には中新川郡水橋町で200名弱の町民が集結し、米問屋や資産家に対し米の移出を停止し、販売するよう嘆願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, by the policy of 'the tax revenue will be not be below that of the tax revenue that the Edo Shogunate received,' the high tax rate of 3% was calculated; upon hearing this high tax rate, Takayoshi KIDO opposed the rate up to the last minute saying that the rate will drive the farmers into the more dire situation than they faced under the Edo Shogunate government; yet he belonged to people who promoted land-tax reform actively. 例文帳に追加

しかも、「旧来の歳入を減じない」という方針によって3%という高額な税率が算定されたのである(なお、地租改正の推進派であった木戸孝允はこの高税率を聞くと、農民を幕藩体制よりも酷い状況に追い込むものだとして最後まで反対している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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