
「empire」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(18ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Article 28 of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan stipulated that "Japanese subjects shall, within limits not prejudicial to peace and order, and not antagonistic to their duties as subjects, enjoy freedom of religious belief," but the scope of their 'duties as subjects' was a topic of debate at the lawmaking stage, with Hirobumi ITO and Kowashi INOUE, who helped draft the constitution, of the opinion that the veneration of shrines was not included in the duties of subjects. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法第28条の条文では「日本臣民ハ安寧秩序ヲ妨ケス及臣民タルノ義務ニ背カサル限ニ於テ信教ノ自由ヲ有ス」となっていたが、この「臣民タルノ義務」の範囲は立法段階で議論の的となっており、起草者である伊藤博文・井上毅は神社への崇敬は臣民の義務に含まれないという見解を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although "Kimigayo" became to be known mainly as the national anthem after having been made to appear by Oyama and so on, it was liked before the War as a very natural song for cerebrating peace of the nation because of its position as gaka in the past and historical background that the emperor "was the head of state and had a ruling power" (the Constitution of the Empire of Japan). 例文帳に追加

大山らが登場させて後は専ら国歌として知られるようになった『君が代』だが、それまでの賀歌としての位置付けや、天皇が「國ノ元首ニシテ統治権ヲ総攬」していた(大日本帝国憲法による)という時代背景から、戦前にはごく自然な国家平安の歌として親しまれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, Inazo NITOBE wrote "Bushido (Inazo NITOBE)" to introduce bushido to American people, but after the Sino-Japanese War, it was reimported to Japan and formed the ethical framework for military officers, mixing with the ethics which the military officers of the Empire of Japan should have, and on the other hand it appeared as aesthetic in various forms in the world of literature or entertainment. 例文帳に追加

その後新渡戸稲造がアメリカ人に紹介するために書いた『武士道(新渡戸稲造)』が、日清戦争以降、逆輸入され広く受け入れられ、大日本帝国の軍人が持つべき倫理と接合して、軍人の倫理の骨格をかたちづくり、また一方では、美学として文学や芸能の世界でさまざまなかたちとなってあらわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Spanish Empire and its people that advanced to the Pacific Ocean via an east-to-west route, developed Manila Galleon and made a colonial period in the history of the Philippines, as well as Portugal and its people that advanced to the history of Macao via a west-to-east route, were the first European country and people Japanese people met in the middle of the 16th century (the Sengoku period [period of warring states]). 例文帳に追加

東回りでマカオの歴史にまで進出したポルトガルおよびポルトガル人とならんで、西回りで太平洋に進出マニラ・ガレオンを開拓しフィリピンの歴史を植民地としたスペイン帝国およびスペイン人は、16世紀半ば(戦国時代)に日本人が初めて接触したヨーロッパの国・ヨーロッパ人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the sentences of the declaration, 'the Japanese government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people' and 'Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established,' the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP) led by Douglas MACARTHUR demanded modification of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. 例文帳に追加

同宣言には「日本国政府ハ日本国国民ノ間ニ於ケル民主主義的傾向ノ復活強化ニ対スル一切ノ障礙ヲ除去スベシ」「言論、宗教及思想ノ自由並ニ基本的人権ノ尊重ハ確立セラルベシ」等と定められたため、ダグラス・マッカーサー率いる連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)は、大日本帝国憲法の改正を日本政府に求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The examples of unsuccessful reforms are as follows: the Imo Incident and the Gapsin Corp in Korea; the Hundred Days' Reform in Qing; the Persian Constitutional Revolution in Iran; and the Reform of Sergei Witte and the Reform of Pyotr Stlypin in Russian empire (Regarding the movement of the reforms in Korea, refer to the article of "Kim Ok-gyun," and regarding the reforms in Qing, refer to the articles of "Guangxu Emperor" and "Huang Zunxian"). 例文帳に追加

朝鮮における壬午事変・甲申政変や清の戊戌の変法の失敗、長続きしなかったイランのイラン立憲革命やロシア帝国のセルゲイ・ヴィッテ改革、ピョートル・ストルイピン改革などが典型である(朝鮮の改革運動については金玉均など、清の改革については光緒帝、黄遵憲なども参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The dynasty soon established an international order in Asia with Qing as the center by joining northern and western remote regions as its provinces and had its vassal system with Nepal, Burma, Siam, and Vietnam in the south and Korea and Ryukyu Islands (although ryukyu had also a peerage relationship with Japan) in the east, and temporarily defined its northern border by concluding a treaty with the Russian Empire that had advanced into Siberia. 例文帳に追加

やがて広大な領土支配のため北部と西部方面の辺境地域を藩部とし南のネパール、ビルマ、シャム、越南(ベトナム)、東の朝鮮及び琉球(なお琉球は日本側とも冊封関係にあった)を冊封して清を中心とする国際秩序をアジアに構築、北辺ではシベリアに進出したロシア帝国との間に条約を締結して国境を漸次確定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 23rd, 1904, Japan concluded the Japan-Korean Protocol enabling Japan to take military action in the Korea in spite of the fact that the Korean Empire had announced a 'Declaration of neutrality' prior to the outbreak of the war; This made the way for the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Treaty in August 1904 in which Japan assigned advisers to Korean financial and foreign affairs departments to ensure that they consulted the Japanese government prior to concluding treaties with foreign powers. 例文帳に追加

1904年2月23日、開戦前に「局外中立宣言」をした大韓帝国における軍事行動を可能にするために日韓議定書を締結し、開戦後8月には第一次日韓協約を締結、大韓帝国の財政、外交に顧問を置き条約締結に日本政府との協議をすることとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kublai, who in 1260 became the fifth emperor (Khan) of the Mongol Empire that was later called 'Yuan' (the Great Yuan Ulus, Great Yuan Dynasty or Yuan Dynasty), in 1266 planned to send the first envoys to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, through Goryeo in the Korean peninsula, which had already become its subject, while starting to conquer the Southern Sung Dynasty in 1268, which had been its long-standing aim since the reign of the second emperor Ogodei. 例文帳に追加

1260年にモンゴル帝国の第5代皇帝(ハーン、ハーン)に即位した後のいわゆる「元(王朝)」(大元ウルス、大元朝、元朝)の皇帝クビライは、1268年(日本の文永5年・大元朝の至元(元世祖)5年)に第2代皇帝オゴデイ以来の懸案であった南宋攻略を開始する一方、既に服属していた朝鮮半島の高麗を通じて、1266年に日本に初めて通交を求める使者を送ろうとしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sukeyoshi SHONI (Sukeyoshi MUTO) of Dazai-fu received the letter from the Mongol Empire (letter and records according to Japanese materials) and the one from the king of Goryeo, and sent them to Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) (however, Hanpu returned to Goryeo seven months after his arrival at Dazai-fu, possibly because Japan showed no intention to reply, and in October of the same year, Goryeo reported to the Yuan imperial court, by envoy Hanpu himself visiting there, that he had gained no fruit). 例文帳に追加

大宰府の少弐資能(武藤資能)は蒙古国書(日本側では牒状と記録)と高麗王書状を受け取り、鎌倉幕府へ送達する(しかし、日本側からの返牒の気配がなかったためか、太宰府来着から七ヶ月後に潘阜は高麗へ帰還しており、高麗は同年10月には潘阜の遣使が不首尾に終わった旨を元朝宮廷側に潘阜ら自らが赴くなどして報告している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This theory is persistent, based upon the following facts; the army of the Mongol Empire in many cases performed several reconnaissances in a phased manner before a serious invasion, with a number of soldiers varying from a hundred to ten thousand; arrows run short soon in the Yuan army as described in 'Nihon Den' of "Genshi;" and the number of soldiers was small, about thirty thousand (including non-soldiers). 例文帳に追加

根拠として、本来モンゴル帝国の軍事行動では、事前に兵力100〜1万規模での敵地への威力偵察を数度段階的に行った後、本格的な侵攻を行う場合が多く、また『元史』「日本伝」には元軍の矢がすぐに尽きたという記述が見られることと、3万人程度(中には非戦闘員もいる)という少ない兵力からこの説も根強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"In November 1274, the Mongol Empire attacked Tsukushi Province. People on Tsushima Island put up a defense, but Sukekuni SO and others escaped. As for the peasants, men were killed or captured. Women were gathered and hung on the ships' sides with their hands laced through, or captured. No one was spared. They also did the same at Iki Province." 例文帳に追加

《去文永十一年(太歳甲戊)十月ニ、蒙古国ヨリ筑紫ニ寄セテ有シニ、対馬ノ者カタメテ有シ、総馬尉(そうまじょう)等逃ケレハ、百姓等ハ男ヲハ或八殺シ、或ハ生取(いけどり)ニシ、女ヲハ或ハ取集(とりあつめ)テ、手ヲトヲシテ船ニ結付(むすびつけ)或ハ生取ニス、一人モ助カル者ナシ、壱岐ニヨセテモ又如是(またかくのごとし)、》 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In other words, the then fairly progressive Constitution of the Empire of Japan could not achieve the real aim of the movement and they had to wait to be fully realized in the democratization, which was prompted by the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ) after Japan's defeat in the Pacific War in 1945. 例文帳に追加

言い換えれば、当時相当先進的な内容であった大日本帝国憲法をもってしても自由民権運動の真意がかなえられる事は無く、1945年の太平洋戦争敗北後に、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部が行なった民主化政策でしか自由民権運動の成果は結実しえなかったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the document in 1572, Shingen confirmed that Nobutoyo would exclusively use Shu-iro (Empire red) for his troop's all equipment, and in the document in 1574, Katsuyori TAKEDA permitted that Nobutoyo's Hitoteshu (a troop consisted of high ranking warriors) would wear a black outfit (this matches with the description on the Battle of Nagashino in "Gunkan" and "Shinchoko-ki (Biography of Nobunaga ODA)"), therefore, it is considered that Takeda Army gave a standard of military outfit including color to each Hitoteshu. 例文帳に追加

元亀3年文書では信玄が信豊に対し装備を朱色で統一することを独占的に認められており、天正2年文書では武田勝頼により信豊の一手衆が黒出立を使用することを許可されており(これは『軍鑑』や『信長公記』長篠合戦時における記述と符号している)、武田軍では一手衆ごとに色彩を含めて兵装の規格化が整えられていたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the side of the Army (and a part of the Navy), however, since the imperial rescript was given by Emperor ahead of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, there was an idea that the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors secures their independence from the government and the parliament (Some members of the Army even interpreted 'Military men are neither perplexed at political opinions nor involved in politics.' as 'Military men need not care about what the government and statesmen say'). 例文帳に追加

ところが大日本帝国憲法に先行して天皇から与えられた「勅諭」であることから、陸軍(および海軍の一部)は軍人勅諭を政府や議会に対する自らの独立性を担保するものと位置づけていた(陸軍の一部には「政論に惑わず政治に拘わらず」について「政府や政治家が何を言おうと気にする必要はない、ということだ」という解釈すらあったという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, a formal question arose about whether the Constitution of the Empire of Japan (hereinafter referred to as 'the Constitution'), which had been enforced in the inland, could be applied to the regions where Japan acquired sovereignty after the enforcement of the Constitution (More specifically, the question is about whether the legislation of Gaichi needed the consent of the Imperial Diet in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution). 例文帳に追加

その際、既に内地に施行されていた大日本帝国憲法(以下、単に「憲法」という)の効力がその後に統治権を取得した地域に対しても及ぶかという形式的な問題(具体的には、外地の立法につき憲法5条の規定により帝国議会の協賛が必要か否かという問題)が生じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The preparation for constitutional system progressed steadily as the reform of Imperial Japanese Army toward German-style system, education reform such as Imperial University Law and Primary School Order and establishment of local authority system were carried out, and Ito himself made the draft of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan along with Kowashi INOUE, Kentaro KANEKO, and Miyoji ITO. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国陸軍のドイツ式組織への改革や帝国大学令・小学校令などの制定に代表される教育改革、市町村制の確立などが行われ、伊藤自身も井上毅・金子堅太郎・伊東巳代治と大日本帝国憲法草案を作成するなど、立憲体制への準備が着々と進められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The day after the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the election law of the members of the House of Representatives were issued (February 12, 1889), KURODA made the speech called 'speech of the doctrine of superiority' in order to show his attitude to cope with the political parties to the bottom in the luncheon held at Rokumeikan, and on the other hand, he had Shigenobu OKUMA, who was also the former president of the Constitutional Progressive Party, stay in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japan) to assign the mission to revise the treaty. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法、衆議院議員選挙法が公布された翌日(1889年(明治22年)2月12日)、黒田は鹿鳴館で開催された午餐会の席上において「超然主義演説」を行って政党との徹底対決の姿勢を示したが、その一方で立憲改進党前総裁(実質は党首)で外務大臣(日本)の大隈重信を留任させて条約改正の任にあたらせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan initially wasn't putting a high estimation in Isshinkai, but after it was founded, Song Byung-joon sent a letter to Yasuharu MATSUISHI, a Japanese Colonel of the times, to explain that current regime led by Gao Zong and the bureaucracy couldn't bring independence and maintenance to Korean Empire, and he also offered a cooperation for the construction of Keigi Railroad. 例文帳に追加

一進会の設立当初、日本は一進会をそれほど評価してはいなかったが、一進会の設立後、宋秉畯は当時の日本の大佐、松石安治に対し書簡を送り、現状の高宗およびその官僚主導では大韓帝国の独立・維持は困難であると説明し、また京義線敷設の協力をも申し出ている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Becoming a Foreign Minister in the second ITO Cabinet, Munemitsu MUTSU, who had succeeded in the conclusion of the equal treaty with Mexico, requested the Minister-Counselor to England Shuzo AOKI to negotiate with the country, and in 1894 just before the Sino-Japanese War, he succeeded to conclude the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with England, which heightened the sense of danger against the advance southward of the Russian Empire, and thus abolished the extraterritoriality. 例文帳に追加

第二次伊藤内閣で、メキシコとの間に平等条約締結を成功させた陸奥宗光が外相となり、駐英公使の青木周蔵を交渉に当たらせ、1894年(明治27年)の日清戦争直前、ロシア帝国の南下に危機感を募らせていた英国と日英通商航海条約の調印に成功し、治外法権制度を撤廃させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That cabinet disapproved of the administrative and financial reform plan, which was made by Yoshihito OKUDA, the Director-General of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, and made him resign; Ito and other members of the Seiyu party were enraged by that and attacked the cabinet, which led to such a critical situation as the Constitution of the Empire of Japan might be abandoned (from Katsura's letter to Aritomo YAMAGATA on May 19 ('Aritomo YAMAGATA monjo' [written materials]). 例文帳に追加

だが、親政友会の奥田義人法制局長官による行財政改革案を葬って辞任に追い込んだことが伊藤を含めた政友会の怒りを買って内閣を攻撃し、一時は大日本帝国憲法の停止を検討する程(5月19日山縣有朋宛の桂書簡(「山縣有朋文書」))の危機的状況を迎えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the term "Tokyo period" is not used in general, except in some books that use the term to refer to modern or contemporary Japan, probably because there is a big difference in political systems between Japan under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and Japan under the present Constitution of Japan, and because it may seem unnatural to call a period that stretches beyond 100 years with the same name. 例文帳に追加

しかし、東京時代と言っても大日本帝国憲法下と日本国憲法下では政治体制に大きな違いがある事や、100年以上前と現在を一括した呼称となるだけに違和感を抱かれる事が多いのか、一部の本で近現代(近代と現代)の日本を指す呼称として用いられるケースもあるものの、一般においては全く使われていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Actually, there were a number of Korean people who crossed the border, then negotiations between Korea and the Qing dynasty were held regarding protection of the Koreans even after Korea became the Korean empire, and the borders of the Tumen river and the Yalu river gradually became an accomplished fact. 例文帳に追加

実際にはこの「国境」を越えた清朝領域に越境した朝鮮人が多数に上ったため、彼らをどう保護するかという問題とも絡んで、この後大韓帝国となっても清朝との国境線画定の話し合いは断続的に行われたが、豆満江・鴨緑江を国境線とすることが次第に既成事実化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 1268, after Tokiyori died, a sovereign letter from the Mongolian Emperor ordering submission to the Mongolian Empire was delivered to Japan, which led to the attack by the Mongolian army in 1274, following which the regent Tokimune HOJO, who was Tokiyori's son, murdered his older paternal half-brother, Tokisuke HOJO, while there were also signs of conflict between the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa and Emperor Kameyama in the imperial court, and all these events suggested signs of a civil war. 例文帳に追加

ところが時頼没後の文永5年(1268年)にはモンゴル帝国から臣従を要求する国書が届けられて元寇の到来に至り、続いて国内では時頼の遺児である執権北条時宗が異母兄北条時輔を殺害し、朝廷では後深草上皇と亀山天皇の対立の様相を見せ始めるなど、内乱の兆しを思わせる事件が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And in the matter over the Korean Peninsula rocked by the Tonghak Uprising and others, he advocated hard line toward Qing with a vice chief of staff Soroku KAWAKAMI, and started the Sino-Japanese War, gaining favorable neutrality from the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire, which caused that Japan carried on the war advantageously from the beginning to the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. 例文帳に追加

更に東学党の乱などでゆれる朝鮮半島問題では、川上操六参謀次長とともに清国に対して強硬論を唱えて、日清戦争を開戦させるとともにイギリス・ロシア帝国からは好意的な中立を獲得して、下関条約締結まで終始日本側の有利に戦況を進める結果となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as for the factor of foundation of it, not only internal circumstances at the University of Tokyo previously noted, but also that Hirobumi ITO who almost completed a draft of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan at that time advised to Koki WATANABE (president), 'The study on the science of the nation should be immensely encouraged, and we extremely need to inform people of underlying principle and implementation of constitution widely.' were deeply related to. 例文帳に追加

しかし学会設立の要因に際しては、先述のような東京大学内部の事情のみならず、当時大日本帝国憲法草案をほぼ完成していた伊藤博文が渡辺洪基(総長)に対し「大(おおい)ニ国家学ノ研究ヲ振興シ、普(あまね)ク国民ヲシテ立憲ノ本義ト其運用トヲ知ラシムルコトガ極メテ必要デアル」と助言したこと大きく関わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

and unless there were a succession of persons whose ever-recurring originality prevents the grounds of those beliefs and practices from becoming merely traditional, such dead matter would not resist the smallest shock from anything really alive, and there would be no reason why civilization should not die out, as in the Byzantine Empire. 例文帳に追加

絶えず再起する独創性でその信念と行いの基盤が単なる伝統になってしまうのを防いでいる人たちが連綿と続いていなければ、こうした生気のない事態は、なにか本当に活気のあるものからの最小の衝撃にも耐えないだろうし、ビザンチン帝国でのように、文明が死に絶えないという理由はないのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

With reference to this, the trend came to have content that emphasized not the traditional techniques but the educational effect, or mental training, from the end of the Meiji period to the Taisho period, just after the Japanese-Sino War (in the song of the kendo master Sasaburo TAKANO, 'As kendo is the way of God's instructions, cultivate the "yamato-gokoro" (Japanese spirit) by way of the sword'), and Japanese bujutsu as the way of Japanese traditional fighting skills was adopted in school education as a means to promote mental training in the subject under the Empire of Japan. 例文帳に追加

これを参考に日清戦争直後の明治末から大正にかけて、これまでの技術が主となる内容ではなく教育的効用や精神修養を重んじる風潮となり(剣道家の高野佐三郎の歌にも「剣道は神の教えの道なればやまと心をみがくこの技」とある)日本の伝統的な戦闘技法である日本武術を大日本帝国臣民としての精神修養としての道とし、学校教育に採用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the official view of the Government of Japan, it was explained on June 11, 1999 as "Although it is said that, under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan," the word "Kimi" meant the emperor, who was the sovereign, but under the Constitution of Japan, it is appropriate to interpret it as the emperor who is the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people" and "(the words of 'Kimigayo' is) under the Constitution of Japan, it is appropriate to understand them to be the hope for prosperity of Japan, which has the emperor as the symbol of State and the unity of the people and peace." 例文帳に追加

政府の公式見解は、国家国旗法案が提出された際の1999年6月11日段階では、「『君』とは、『大日本帝国憲法下では主権者である天皇を指していたと言われているが、日本国憲法下では、日本国及び日本国民統合の象徴である天皇と解釈するのが適当である。』(「君が代」の歌詞は、)『日本国憲法下では、天皇を日本国及び日本国民統合の象徴とする我が国の末永い繁栄と平和を祈念したものと理解することが適当である』」とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Qing dynasty had allowed foreign trade only at Canton port, Britain (the British Empire) concluded the treaties of Nanjing (in 1482), Tianjin (in 1858), and Beijing (in 1860) after First Opium War and the Second Opium War in 1840 and 1857 to make Qing dynasty pay a large amount of reparations, cede Hong Kong and Kawloon island, open 11 ports including Shanghai, recognize consular jurisdiction, abandon tariff autonomy, grant one-sided most-favored-nation treatment, permit an envoy to stay in Beijing, and officially recognize and protect Christianity. 例文帳に追加

清はそれまで広州一港に貿易を限っていたがイギリス(大英帝国)は1840年と1857年のアヘン戦争および第二次アヘン戦争により南京条約(1842年)、天津条約(1858年)および北京条約(1860年)を結び多額の賠償金と香港、九竜半島の割譲、上海など11港の開港と領事裁判権の承認、関税自主権の喪失、片務的最恵国待遇、公使の北京駐在、キリスト教の公認と保護などを清に認めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Japan was in the position to take part in Korean finance and diplomacy due to the conclusion of the First Japan-Korea Treaty in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War, she decided to conclude this treaty in order to required the Korean Empire, who had lost trust from Japan, to take more reliable actions, because Japan had been approved of the priority rights over Korea by Russia due to the Treaty of Portsmouth (September 5, 1905), the peace treaty of the Russo-Japanese War, and also because it became a problem that Gao Zong (King of Korea) had sent a secret agent to other countries to show his discontent with the First Japan-Korea Treaty. 例文帳に追加

日本は日露戦争中である1904年の第一次日韓協約締結により韓国の財政・外交に対し関与する立場となっていたが、日露戦争の講和条約であるポーツマス条約(1905年9月5日)により韓国に対する優越権をロシアから承認され、また高宗(朝鮮王)が他の国に第一次日韓協約への不満を表す密使を送っていたことが問題となったこともあり、日本からの信頼を無くしていた大韓帝国に対し、より信頼できる行動をとることを求めるため、この協約を結ぶこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What can be said about information on Japan documented during the Mongolian Empire period, or the Yuan Dynasty, is that the subsection on Japan, 'Japan Accounts' (日本), of the 'History of Song Dynasty,' which was complied in the late Great Yuan Dynasty by Prime Minister Toktoghan recounted twenty-three generations from Amenominakanushi-no-mikoto to Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess) as 'what the Japanese chronicle had listed' and about sixty-four sovereigns, such as from the Emperor Jinmu (a grandson of Amaterasu Omikami) to the Emperor Reizei and the subsequent Emperor Enyu (the Emperor Morihira), who was the emperor of that age (the early Song Dynasty), and recorded as follows 例文帳に追加

モンゴル帝国時代、元(王朝)時代の「日本観」についてであるが、大元朝後期に中書右丞相トクトらによって編纂された『宋史』「日本伝」では、「年代紀に記するところ」として天御中主尊から天照大神尊などの二十三世、神武天皇から冷泉天皇、(宋代初期の)当代の守平天皇(円融天皇)までの約六十四代を列記、されており、以下が記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, more and more people supported the Seko-enki-ha Group, because of the then situation that in spite of peasants and landowners who were brought to ruin and local regions impoverished by Matsukata Deflation, and the appearance of businessmen with political ties who were rapidly increasing power by getting government properties cheaply, a negative part of free competition in capitalist economy, and the fact that in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan the Emperor system was adopted and the formation of the modern Emperor-system nation was on going. 例文帳に追加

しかし、松方デフレ等の影響で没落した農家・地主たちや疲弊した地方を尻目に官営事業の払下げで急速に力をつけてきた政商資本家の台頭という資本主義経済における自由競争の負の部分が顕在化しつつあった当時の状況や、大日本帝国憲法では天皇制を定め、近代天皇制国家の形成が進められていたことから、施行延期派を支持する声が段々と強まるようになっていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The constitution of the Empire of Japan the Article 5 said that the Emperor acts the legislative power with a support of Imperial Diet, and the Article 64, Provision 1 said that the state annual expenditure and revenue was committed by a support of Imperial Diet with annual budget, so that the budget for the organization and maintenance of the army should have been decided by Imperial Diet, however, as Supreme Command Staff could make comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results without confirmation of the Cabinet, (Iaku-joso) the idea that the Minister of State (Cabinet) would not be necessary for the process occupied in general. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法第5条天皇は帝国議会の協賛を以て立法権を行ふ、大日本帝国憲法第64条第1項国家の歳出歳入は毎年予算を以て帝国議会の協賛を経へしにより、軍の編成・維持のための予算は議会が決定する物であるが、統帥部は、軍事に関する情報を内閣に通さず天皇に報告(帷幄上奏)できたため、国務大臣(内閣)が関わる必要がないと言う考えが大勢を占めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, many researchers of other countries including Japan, have sympathetic views stating that, although it is true that the Iljinhoe group played a role making Korea a lost country without foreseeing the Empire of Japan's intension of invasion, their theory of equal merger was totally different from Japan's theory of Korean annexation (Korea comes under the rule of Japan to become a colony by relinquishing sovereign power), so considering Japan discarded the Iljinhoe after the group served their purpose, 'the Iljinhoe were also victims and should not be totally blamed'. 例文帳に追加

ただ日本を含めた諸外国の研究者は、一進会が大日本帝国の侵略の意図を見抜けず韓国を亡国へと導く役割を果たしたことは事実であるが、対等合併論自体は日本の朝鮮併合論(朝鮮が日本に従属し、主権を放棄する形で植民地となる。)とは明らかに異なり、寧ろ併合後の日本が一進会すらも用済みとして切捨て、植民地統治を開始したことを踏まえて、「一進会もまた犠牲者であり、必ずしも責められるべき点ばかりではなかった」とする同情的意見も強い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following view given by Eiichi ISHIGAMI and other historians has been supported to a certain extent: under the circumstances, hastening to establish Japan as a nation by bringing all the people and lands in Japan under the Emperor's rule, although Emishi, Hayato and other Japanese were the same Wajin (people who lived in the Wa country [Japan]), the government concealed the reality that it was not yet able to control these frontier people, and making the best of a difficult situation, established a 'small empire' to include all people who were currently under the Emperor's control. 例文帳に追加

石上英一以来歴史学者の間で唱えられた蝦夷・隼人と日本人は同じ倭人(倭の地に住む人間)であるにも関わらず、日本という国家成立を急ぐために本来は全ての倭人を内国(内地)化・王民化しなければならない辺境の人民をいまだ支配できていない現実を隠蔽して、逆にそれを利用して内国の王民を統治・支配する「小帝国」を形成してきたとする見解が一定の支持を受けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Here, OKUBO became aware of the importance of the matter, and after consulting people from the Satsuma Domain such as YOSHII and Takamori SAIGO who was staying in Kagoshima City, OKUBO presented a petition individually, arguing that when 'your domain (the Satsuma Domain)' sacrifices its life to save the 'empire's (Japan) crisis,' then it becomes possible to 'preach the justice to the world' and he also insisted that by stopping the coining of counterfeit money and revealing the truth, the Satsuma Domain would be able to have an advantage over other domains. 例文帳に追加

ここにおいて大久保も事の重大さを認識して、吉井や鹿児島市滞在中の西郷隆盛ら薩摩藩出身者と相談した上で大久保個人による形式で薩摩藩への建白書を提出して「皇国(日本)の安危興亡」を救うために「御国(薩摩藩)」が身を犠牲にすることで「天下に大義を唱える」ことが可能となることを論じて、直ちに贋貨鋳造を取りやめて事実を明らかにすることで、薩摩藩が他藩に対して優位に立てると主張したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hanzo YAMANASHI, the Minister of Army, Giichi TANAKA, the former Minister of Army, and Aritomo YAMAGATA, the Genro, rebelled to appoint the civil officer to the Minister of Military, because it was not appropriate to the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors and the understanding of supreme command in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the government regulations of the Ministry of Army and Navy described that the Minister of Military should be the Major Captain and Lieutenant General in commission or reserve duty (The Military ministers to be officers on active-duty rule was not adopted at that time.), and Iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the Emperor with full responsibility of the results) by the Minister of Army and Navy included a part related to the supreme command, the substitution of the duty by the civil officer would be the unconstitutional action against the independence of the supreme command which secured under the Constitution. 例文帳に追加

これに対して山梨半造陸軍大臣をはじめ、田中義一前陸相及び元老山縣有朋は、軍部大臣に文官を任命することは軍人勅諭及び帝国憲法の統帥権の解釈からして不適当であること、陸軍省官制および海軍省官制には軍部大臣が現役あるいは予備役の大将・中将と明記され(当時は軍部大臣現役武官制ではない)ていること、また、陸海軍大臣の帷幄上奏には統帥に関わる部分も含まれており、これを文官が代理するのは憲法で保障された統帥権の独立に対する違憲行為であるとして反発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”On Liberty”

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