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some of the peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1029


However, for political reasons or because of the relationship with the emperor, some people were not given shoden even if they were kugyo, and such people were called "Jige (lower class nobles) no Kandachime." 例文帳に追加

もっとも、政治的な理由や天皇個人との関係を理由として公卿でも昇殿が許されない事例もあり、そういう人々を「地下の上達部」と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There were some exceptions in this succession, as there were some individuals who did not assume the Tendai-zasu position, and 4 people out of 13 generations did not double as the Tendai-zasu position due to premature deaths or short reign. 例文帳に追加

ただし歴代中には例外的に天台座主には就任しなかった人もいて、13代のうち4人は早世または在位期間が短いため天台座主を兼任していない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people believe that the incident caused by Masakado, as previously described, may have had some psychological effect on Sumitomo, as the relative of Hisanori. 例文帳に追加

このため、先行した将門の動きが尚範の親族であった純友に何らかの心理的影響を与えた可能性までは否定できないという考えもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was also a rumor that 'if you have a sword, the GHQ will come to search with a metal detector,' so some swords were hidden in the ground, which caused them to corrode and they were ruined, some were broken to make a short one which is shorter than the length of the those that were prized by collectors, and some people discarded swords on their own, and so on and so forth. 例文帳に追加

また、「刀があるとGHQが金属探知機で探しに来る」との流言も飛び交い、土中に隠匿して、その結果刀を朽ちさせ駄目にしたり、回収基準の長さ以下になるように折って小刀としたり、自主的に廃棄するなどした例は枚挙に遑がない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Meanwhile, there were some like Eichi SHIBUSAWA, who preached that even in modern society, and even for people who are considered 'sophisticated modern people,' Ju-kyo's moral values are valid in certain areas such as the importance of social contribution. 例文帳に追加

一方、渋沢栄一のように「洗練された近代人」とされる人達の中でも社会貢献の重要性などにおいて、近代社会においてもなお儒教の道徳観が通用する部分もあることを唱えた者もいたが少数派に留まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In general, it is standard for people to choose to visit the shrine of their patron Shinto god, but in some cases people instead visit a shrine closer to where they live, or choose to pay homage at a famous shrine (for example, at Meiji-jingu Shrine or Atsuta-jingu Shrine). 例文帳に追加

また、お参りは氏神様にするのが基本だが、現住所の近場の神社ですませたり、有名な大きい神社(例:明治神宮・熱田神宮)へ参拝に行く場合も有る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, some people say that it is still necessary to prevent sales tactics using an advantageous position and to maintain and strengthen measures to do so, whereas other people call for relaxation or abolition of the regulation. 例文帳に追加

ですから、そういった圧力販売を防止する必要性は変わっておらず、維持・強化が必要との意見がある一方、利用者の利便を著しく損なっていると、緩和撤廃を求める意見もあると承知しています。 - 金融庁

for in these cases public opinion means, at the best, some people's opinion of what is good or bad for other people; 例文帳に追加

というのは、こういう場合、世論というのはせいぜいよくても、他人にとって何が善であり悪であるかについて、ある人々が抱く意見を意味するにすぎないからなのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

Some old type BITs broadly define the subject disputes as “any legal dispute that may arise out of investment made by an investor of either Contracting Party” (Agreement between Japan and Mongolia concerning the Promotion and Protection of Investment, Article 10.1), while some limit the coverage of dispute settlement to adispute concerning amount of compensationin the case of expropriation (Agreement between Japan and The People’s Republic of China Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments, Article 11.2).例文帳に追加

古いタイプのBIT では、単に対象となる紛争を「投資家と締約国の間で生ずるあらゆる投資に関する意見の相違」と広く規定するもの、あるいは逆に「収用が起きた場合の補償額」のみ紛争処理対象として限定するものもある。 - 経済産業省


Among the researchers who support the Kyushu dynasty theory, opinions are varied and not fixed, some people regard the period until the battle of Hakusukinoe as the history of the Kyushu dynasty while other people regard the period until the Jinshin rebellion or the period until the Taika Reforms as the history of the Kyushu dynasty. 例文帳に追加

また、九州王朝説の支持研究者間でも、白村江の戦いまでを九州王朝の歴史と見る、壬申の乱までを九州王朝の歴史と見る、大化の改新まで九州王朝の歴史と見る等考え方は様々であり定まっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, some advocates of male-lineage succession suggested that members of the Kobetsu Sekke be selected as successors to the imperial throne instead of members of the "former imperial family", because some people opposed the selection of the latter as successors since their more distant kinship to the imperial family means they would not enjoy public support. 例文帳に追加

しかし、血縁が遠すぎて皇位継承者として国民の支持が得られないと反対派から批判された「旧皇族」に代えて、彼ら「皇別摂家」から皇位継承者を迎えてはどうかとの意見が男系維持論者の一部から提起された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

More specifically, as we can expect some returns from shopping support services, which may not be provided yet, for the senior citizens and those people who feel difficulty in shopping (Chapter 2) and from the participation in the medical treatment, nursing, and welfare fields and the distribution of a part of governmental services (included in Chapter 3), we can expect the possibility of some business. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、いまだ顕在化していない高齢者や買い物に困難を覚える人々への買い物支援の対応(第二章)や、医療・介護・福祉分野への進出及び行政サービスの一部提供(第三章の一部)などは対価が期待できるため、ビジネスとしての可能性が期待できる。 - 経済産業省

With the rising of the standard of learning on ancient Japanese thought and culture during the latter period of the Tokugawa Shogunate, books such as "Nihon Gaishi," "Nihon Seiki," and "Kokushiryaku," which increased the reverence for the Emperor, were adopted in the schools of the clans and in some of the private elementary schools for the common people. 例文帳に追加

幕末の国学の高揚とともに、『大日本史』(一部が刊行されていた)や『日本外史』・『日本政記』・『国史略』など尊皇意識を高める書籍も藩校や一部寺子屋などで採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Daichidoron (Commentary on the Great Wisdom Sutra, "摩訶般若波羅蜜多," literally translated to the "Heart of the Perfection of Transcedent Wisdom")" written at that time indicated that such expression as the land where the sun rises only referred to the East of China, but some people mention that the expression of the King of Wa was avoided. 例文帳に追加

これは当時の仏典『大智度論』(『摩訶般若波羅蜜多経』の注釈書)などに「」とあるように東方にあることを示しただけとする考えもあるが、倭国王の表記を忌避したものと見る考えもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December of the same year,he went into Kyoto by sea along with some 700 people in the spearhead convoy of the expeditionary force to the east, which was under Takumi MOURI, governor of all the army, ordered by the lord of domain Takachika MORI, who had been requested by the Satsuma Domain to dispatch the troops for the movement to overthrow the Shogunate. 例文帳に追加

同年11月、薩摩藩から倒幕運動の出兵要請を受けた藩主毛利敬親の命令で、全軍総督である毛利内匠の東征軍先鋒隊700人余とともに海路で京都に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Although, after World War II, some descriptions such as 'The Chinese are shameless people who do not understand humbleness and humility' (page 240, ) and 'Koreans are extremely atrocious when punishing their own people' were specifically picked out of the 'Datsu-A Ron,' these were not expressions rooted in the sense of discrimination, but just some criticism toward the harsh follow-ups of the Gapsin Coup." 例文帳に追加

「第二次世界大戦後になって、「脱亜論」中の、「支那人が卑屈にして恥を知らざれば」(全⑩二百四十頁)とか、「朝鮮国に人を刑するの惨酷(ざんこく)あれば」とかいった記述がことさらに取り上げられることになったが、そうした表現は一般的な差別意識に根ざすものではなく、この甲申政変の過酷な事後処理に対する批判にすぎなかったのである。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The former lord of the Shonai Domain, Tadazumi SAKAI, together with other people, compiled SAIGO's teachings of the deceased, 'teachings of the deceased by an old man in Nanshu,' and later, some of the former retainers of the Shonai Domain joined the SAIGO's army in the Seinan War. 例文帳に追加

前庄内藩主酒井忠篤(庄内藩主)らは西郷の遺訓『南洲翁遺訓』を編纂し、後の西南戦争では西郷軍に元庄内藩士が参加している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Kyoto at night have been known by some people such as local people and hotel guests, different from the daytime with relatively high number of tourists, a narrow path in and around Higashiyama had never been a place to walk except downtown areas, partly because of the limit of opening hours of most temples and shrines. 例文帳に追加

比較的、観光客の多い日中と異なり、夜の京都は地元や宿泊客などの一部に知られるものの、寺社のほとんどは拝観時間の制限もあり、繁華街を除けば東山周辺の小路などが散策の対象になることは少なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people said some of Kazunomiya's poems after she moved to Edo, compared with the ones she wrote while she was in Kyoto, were not elegant at all, it was almost like someone else wrote the poems for her (it is said the poems were not even professionally written, her style changed into an unprofessional, dull style all of a sudden), there was a theory that someone was acting as a double in place of Kazunomiya. 例文帳に追加

在京の頃の歌風と比べ、東下後の歌風は、「雅」がまるで感じられず、まるで別人に取って代わったと言ってもいいような変化(それも、素人あるいは、一般庶民のような野臭い歌風に急変したとする)であるため、それをもって、替え玉であると言うことを唱える人もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people still say that it was conversion or betrayal of Kaishu KATSU that he was accepted as an honorable man after the Meiji Restoration, but on the other hand, other people have come to highly evaluate Kaishu KATSU and Takeaki ENOMOTO for their contribution to Japan without sticking to the small framework of the Tokugawa family, as a whole. 例文帳に追加

勝が維新後に栄誉を受けたことを転身、裏切りとするこの手の意見は今も絶えないが、勝、榎本両者は徳川家の名誉回復と存続に大変な労力を裂いていおり、現在では大局として徳川家という狭い枠にとどまらず、日本の為に尽くしたと評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other than that, opinion advocating abolishment of the Emperor and theory which states the revision of the name of era by the abdication of Emperor Showa and enthronement of the Crown Prince is appropriate, were advocated by Shigeru NANBARA, Soichi SASAKI, Yasuhiro NAKASONE, and others, but were backed by only some of the people. 例文帳に追加

その外、天皇の廃位を唱える見解や昭和天皇の退位と皇太子の即位により元号を改正するのが妥当とする説も、南原繁・佐々木惣一・中曽根康弘らが唱えたが、一部に止まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The purpose and meaning are diversified because some feasts are held for 'the productiveness of grain' for good harvests, and a prayer for good luck charm and prayer for warding off evil such as 'good catch and memorial service,' 'prosperous trade,' 'an attempt to secure protection from a plague,' 'state of perfect health,' 'safety of one's family,' 'peace and longevity,' 'harmonious marriage,' 'fertility and family prosperity,' 'ancestor worship,' 'abundance and joy to all people,' 'universal peace' and so on, some are held in appreciation for accomplishments of such prayers, some are held as a result of development of annual events such as Sekku and so on, or some are held to console spirits of great people. 例文帳に追加

その目的や意義は、豊作の「五穀豊穣」を始め、「大漁追福」、「商売繁盛」、「疫病退散」、「無病息災」、「家内安全」、「安寧長寿」、「夫婦円満」、「子孫繁栄」、「祖先崇拝」、「豊楽万民」、「天下泰平」などを招福祈願、厄除祈念として行われるもの、またはそれらの成就に感謝して行われるもの、節句などの年中行事が発展して行われているもの、偉人の霊を慰めるために行われるものなど様々である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

If the postal reform is properly carried out and the reform gets on track, boosting the morale and business performance of Japan Post, shares can be sold under the bills in their original form. So, some people say that although there may be some time lag, it could become a source of funds. 例文帳に追加

きちんと郵政改革ができれば、そして軌道に乗って、士気が上がってきちんとやってくれれば、当然、株式も今の原案で売れるわけですから、そういったことで、少しタイムラグはあるかもしれませんけれども、やはり財源の一つにはなるのではないかという声を聞いております。 - 金融庁

Recent studies show that some revolts had aspects of social reform; motives, purposes and requirements of the revolts varied; and some of them did not take a form of revolt but a form of legal conflict, such as submitting signatures and written opinions in cooperation with Jiyu Minken Undo (Movement for Liberty and People's Right). 例文帳に追加

今日では世直しを求める側面や一揆の動機・目的・要求などに大きな差があること、全てが一揆の形態ではなく、自由民権運動との連携を通じた署名・意見書などの提出による合法的な反対闘争の存在などが分かっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although some cars were added, many people living in the northern area in Nishinomiya City and Sanda City, in which a rapid increase in population was seen, asked that rapid trains be provided, and some rapid trains came on the scene after the privatization of JNR in 1989 (the section for the rapid train was only between Osaka and Sanda, which is the same as today). 例文帳に追加

その後は車両増結で対処したが、当時人口が急増していた西宮市北部地区や三田市の住民から快速列車の設定を希望する声が相次いだため、民営化後の1989年より快速が登場(快速の区間は現在と同じく、大阪~三田間のみ)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning of the early modern period (1683) or, as some people say, between 1622 to 1643, a portion of the Katsushika district in Shimo-Usa Province, from the Sumida River to the Tone River (the downstream of the present-day Edo-gawa River), was combined to form the Katsushika district of Musashi Province. 例文帳に追加

近世初期(1683年(貞享3年)また一説によれば寛永(1622年-1643年)に、下総国葛飾郡からその一部、すなわち隅田川から利根川(現在の江戸川下流)までの地域をあわせ、武蔵国の葛飾郡とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are four kinds of hataraki-goto that are played on nohkan, kotsuzumi, and otsuzumi: 'kakeri' (a type of action piece in Noh, hataraki danced about the ghosts of warriors, shura-mono or mad people, kyoran-mono to depict suffering or distraction), 'iroe' (shosa, a conduct of Noh, short dance of the shite, a main role making the circuit of the stage silently before kuse), 'kirikumi,' and 'tachimawari' (also called hataraki and the stick drum is used in some tachimawari). 例文帳に追加

能管、小鼓、大鼓によって奏される働事には「カケリ」(翔)、「イロエ」(彩色)、「斬組」、「立廻り」(ハタラキともいう。また立廻りには太鼓入りもある)の四種がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He has the longest life span of any character recorded in the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki - too long for a single person, which led some people to hypothesize that he may have been created as an imaginary character representing a certain group of people; however, this remains uncertain. 例文帳に追加

記紀の登場人物では最も長命の人間で、一人の人物とは考えられず、親子が何代かが同じ名前をついだもの、あるいは個人ではなくある種の人間集団の事跡を一人の人物の事柄に仮託して描かれたものではないかとする仮説も唱えられているが、確かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the word has been passed down to future generations by some enthusiasts of the term, the category of Kobetsu Sekke started to include people who newly established a branch family, people who succeeded other families through adoption and their male descendants. 例文帳に追加

一部の愛好者のみがこのことばを細々と伝えてゆくなかで、摂家だけではなく、そこから新しく分家を興した者たち、養子縁組に出て他家を相続した者たち、さらにはその男系子孫たちをも「皇別摂家」というカテゴリでくくるようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people in Nagatacho (the Japanese center of political power) and the market have pointed out the possibility that this case could have some effects on the integrated tax and social security reform that the Noda cabinet is promoting. Do you see such possibility? 例文帳に追加

永田町や市場からは、この問題が今野田内閣が進めている税と社会保障の一体改革に何らかの影響があるのではないかと、こういう指摘があるわけですけれども、税と社会保障の一体改革に何がしか影響を与える可能性があると思われますか。 - 金融庁

It seemed Kazunomiya had some contact with the local people where she stayed to rest up, Keijiro NAKANO of Kansuiro, Tonosawa, Hakone (it was Choan TODA Hotel while Kazunomiya stayed in the hot-spring resort) remembers an old lady, Kiwa HIRATSUKA who was ninety eight years old at that time, talking about Kazunomiya, that she used to have children of the village over to give some sweets during 1960s. 例文帳に追加

転地療養先では地元住民との交流も行われたようで、箱根塔ノ沢環水楼(和宮湯治時は中田暢平旅館)中野敬次郎氏に1960年代、当時98歳の平塚きわという老婆が幼い頃、村の子供達を招待して菓子を振舞われた宮の思い出を語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, besides foods, there are some examples where tap water and information on the vicinities are provided and toilets are lent by designating some stores that give support to people walking home at the time of disaster as "homecoming support station on disastrous occasions" on the basis of agreement with municipal governments. 例文帳に追加

また、食料以外にも、地方自治体との協定に基づき、災害時の徒歩帰宅者の支援行う店舗を「災害時帰宅支援ステーション」として位置づけ、水道水や周辺情報の提供、トイレの貸出し等を行なっている事例もある。 - 経済産業省

However, some people say that the Baekje side considered 'the 26th year of Shoo' was the introduction year of Buddhism to Wa, because 538 corresponds to the 26th year of Shoo based on the theory that he was enthroned in 513, and 552 also corresponds to the 26th year of Shoo based on the theory that he was enthroned in 527. 例文帳に追加

しかし例えば513年即位説に従えば538年は聖王26年となり、527年説では552年がやはり聖王26年となることから、百済側では「聖王26年」を倭への仏教伝来年次と考えていたとする見解もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also there is another theory that the content of the Imperial instruction was only the inheritance order of Kawachi-Ishikawa sho estate, or some people say the old theory is good enough since Buke-Genji (Minamoto clan as samurai families) was considered as the descendants of Emperor Seiwa according to Okagami (The Great Mirror) written in the beginning of 12th century. 例文帳に追加

また、告文の内容は河内石川庄の相続順序に過ぎないとする説や、12世紀はじめに書かれた大鏡が武家源氏を清和天皇の末としている事もあり、なお旧説でよいとする人もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The clans who received the position of Kuni no Miyatsuko were representative local clans; in certain aspect they were integrated into the local offices of the Yamato Sovereignty so that there were some clans that were in the position of Tomo no Miyatsuko in local sense and took control of the common people in the region. 例文帳に追加

代表的な地方豪族をさし、一面ではヤマト王権の地方官に組みこまれ、また在地の部民(べみん)を率(ひき)いる地方的伴造の地位にある者もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the late Edo period some of shougun's retainers of Kaimei-ha Group (a group of people who advocated enlightenment) including Rinsho MITSUKURI, Joun kURIMOTO and others proposed preparing Minpoten on a model of Code Napoleon (French Civil Code), but the proposal was not realized because of the downfall of the Edo bakufu. 例文帳に追加

幕末には箕作麟祥や栗本鋤雲ら開明派の幕臣がフランスのナポレオン法典(フランス民法典)を範にして求める事を提案したが江戸幕府の滅亡によって実現しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the kamado has completed its role in present-day Japan, there are people in some countries such as in Africa or Southeast Asia where have not developed the infrastructure of their society because of conflicts or political disorder, and people who live primitive lives like in ancient times, who cook over open fires outside. 例文帳に追加

現代日本ではその役割を終えた竈ではあるが、アフリカや東南アジアなどといった紛争や政治的混乱により社会整備が進んでいない国や、また古代さながらの原始的生活をしている民族もおり、これらの人々は戸外で裸火による調理をしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is often said that “a company needs to breathe in and out to grow.” Start-ups should also acquire such types of people and develop the appropriate internal organization needed at each stage of development. Some are afraid, however, that Japanese companies lack a culture where people in management are replaced by those relevant at a specific phase of growth. 例文帳に追加

「企業は呼吸しながら伸びていく。」と言われる。ベンチャー企業も、成長ステージに応じて必要な人材、内部組織体制を構築していく必要があるが、日本の企業は、成長ステージに応じて経営人材を交代させていく文化を十分に持っていないとも言われる。 - 経済産業省

As mentioned earlier, utilization of IT enables the provision of services without personal contact in some service sector, but services are still produced and provided by people in many service businesses, where quality and efficiency of services largely rely on people.例文帳に追加

先に述べたように、一部のサービス産業では、ITの利活用によって人を介さずにサービスを提供することが可能になってきているが、依然多くのサービス業では人を介してサービスが生産・提供されており、サービスの品質や効率性は人に依存する部分が大きい。 - 経済産業省

Some people regard that the savagery of the Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa reflected the savagery of the pictures which described this story in detail, for example, Chito had a tong pull out and hung on a tree, and stepped on the head of his master KIYOHARA no Takehira at the end of his physical life. 例文帳に追加

この話を詳細に書き記し、舌を引き抜く処、その後千任が木に吊され、力尽きて主人清原武衡の生首を踏んでしまうところを絵に描いた嗜虐性を、後白河法皇の嗜虐性と見る見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the chapter of 'Kiritsubo' (The Paulownia Court) was written in order to pay homage to "The Song of Everlasting Sorrow," there is a view that Kiritsubo no Koi was modeled after Yang Guifei, the heroine in the song, while some people consider that FUJIWARA no Takushi (a consort of Emperor Ninmyo or the biological mother of Emperor Koko) was her model. 例文帳に追加

「桐壺」の巻が『長恨歌』をオマージュして書かれたことから、桐壺更衣のモデルはヒロインの楊貴妃であると考える説や、また藤原沢子(仁明天皇女御、光孝天皇生母)をモデルとする説などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the historical material which suggests that the real mother of Yoshisada's son, Yoshiaki, came from the Ando clan, some people assert that she was a daughter of the influential Michiubito (private vassal of the tokuso family (the direct line of regency Hojo family)) Seishu Ando. 例文帳に追加

また、義貞の長子義顕の生母を安東氏とする史料があり、これを有力な御内人安東聖秀の娘であるとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was not easy to attain this goal from the beginning because some systems, such as Oni no sei (the automatic promotion of people at the age of 21, whose parents were from Imperial Prince down to the fifth rank, or whose grandparents were higher than the third rank), were set up to give priority to the descendants of men of high rank to get promotion easily. 例文帳に追加

しかし、高位者の子孫には一定以上の位階に叙位する制度(蔭位の制)を設けるなど、当初からその目的は達成困難なものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some Korean nationalist sentiments assert that the whole of ancient Japanese culture originated from the Korean Peninsula (put forward by Pak Pyong Sik and Yi Yong-hui), and some Japanese people including Yuka FUJIMURA have also supported those views, and elements of the media including the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (such as NHK, which is recognized as a respected state-run broadcasting station in other countries, in some ways moreso than in Japan) and major publishing houses including Bungeishunju Ltd. and Shincho Publishing Company have reported that those opinions have been shared by some Japanese people. 例文帳に追加

それを逆手にとった、日本の古代文化をすべて朝鮮半島由来とする韓国の民族主義(朴炳植、李寧煕など)、さらにそれに迎合する一部の日本人(藤村由加など)の言説や、それを好意的にとりあげた日本放送協会(NHK。海外では「国営放送局」と認識され、国内以上に権威主義的な影響力がある)などマスメディア、文芸春秋社や新潮社など大手出版社の影響力が介在している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

and it is necessary further to show, that these developed human beings are of some use to the undevelopedto point out to those who do not desire liberty, and would not avail themselves of it, that they may be in some intelligible manner rewarded for allowing other people to make use of it without hindrance.10 例文帳に追加

こういう発達した人間が、発達していない人のなにか役に立つことをもっと示し、つまり自由を求めておらず、自由を自分の役にも立てようとしない人々に、他の人々が自由を使うのを邪魔をせず許すなら、なにかはっきり分るやりかたで、報いられることを指摘してやる必要があるのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

In "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), Kojin (a god) and other local people who make human traffic stop are introduced, and descriptions include that, immediately after the Taika Reforms, some travelers were punished by local people because they violated a taboo not knowing the customs in the area. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』においても、人々の往来を妨害する神(「荒神」)や地元の人々の存在が多数登場しており、大化の改新直後においても旅人がその地域の慣習を知らずに禁忌を犯したためにその地域の人々に処罰されていることが問題視されているなどの記載がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, it was not until after the mechanism was shifted to that of flintlock when the shooting method of exchanging between the front and the rear was put into practical use, which, some people think, owed much to the improvement in the functions of the flintlock mechanism. 例文帳に追加

実際に前後交替射撃法が実用化するのは燧石式に移行してからであり、燧石式の機能改善もそれに相当の貢献をしたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This change was conducted to establish the new ruling system by delegating some power to local influential people under the control of the head of the provincial governors (the head of Kokushi, Zuryo), who were dispatched there: the system was called the dynasty state system. 例文帳に追加

この方針転換は、民間の有力者に権限を委譲してこれを現地赴任の筆頭国司(受領)が統括することにより新たな支配体制を構築するものであり、これを王朝国家体制という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, many families of the Shinano-Ogasawara clan belonged to the Northern Court, but there were some people belonging to the Southern Court such as Jujiro OGASAWARA, the fourth son of Sadamune OGASAWARA, who is said to be the one who constructed Haba-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代には信濃小笠原氏の一族の大多数は北朝に属したが、小笠原貞宗の四男で羽場城の築城者とも伝わる小笠原重次郎など、一部に南朝に属した者もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, some note a rise in the number of trainees and trainee-dispatching agencies that do not have a full understanding of the purpose of this program. Consequently the selection of people for this program in their home countries is not conducted appropriately and the level of trainees entering Japan is declining.例文帳に追加

また、制度趣旨を十分に理解していない送り出し機関や研修生が増加し、現地での人選が適切に行われず、入国する研修生のレベルが低下しているとの指摘もある。 - 経済産業省


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原題:”On Liberty”

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