
「the same province」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(10ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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the same provinceの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 486


Since the assassination of Sakon SHIMADA (August 16 of the same year), UGO, who sensed danger, was moving from place to place, but he was found hiding in the Kawaramachi Palace of the Kujo family, and while sleeping, he was suddenly attacked by Izo OKADA, Hachinosuke OKAMOTO, Chuzaburo MURATA, and Matsuzaemon TSUTSUMI from Higo Province. 例文帳に追加

島田左近暗殺(同年7月21日)以来、身の危険を感じた宇郷は居所を転々としていたが、この日は九条家河原町御殿に潜伏しているのを見つかり、寝所を岡田以蔵・岡本八之助・村田忠三郎及び肥後国の堤松左衛門に急襲された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the article of January 12, 1185 of "Azuma Kagami," there was a story about Noriyori telling about the hard battle, and in there, he said 'Togoku people are getting tired (of the prolonged battle) and thinking about their province. Even Kotaro-Yoshimori WADA tried to secretly return to Kamakura. Others are the same'. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』元暦2年1月12日の条には苦戦を訴える範頼の記事があり、その中で「東国の者たちは、(長期の戦いに)すこぶる退屈しており、本国を懐かしみ、和田小太郎義盛までもが秘かに鎌倉へ帰ろうとする始末です。その他の者たちは言うまでもありません」と報告されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, recently there is an influential theory that the invasion of Izu Province by Soun HOJO, a vassal of the Imagawa clan, that occurred in the same year, in cooperation with Masamoto and Sadamasa UESUGI, was intended to defeat Chachamaru ASHIKAGA, who was the Horikoshi Governor-General and Yoshizumi's brother by a different mother, and opposed Yoshizumi. 例文帳に追加

さらに近年では、同年に発生した今川氏家臣北条早雲(北条早雲)の伊豆国侵攻が、義澄と対立関係にあった異母兄である堀越公方・足利茶々丸を倒すために、政元や上杉定正と連携して行われたとする見方が有力になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, in the "Shinpen Musashi Fudo Kiko" (a topography of Musashi Province from 1804 to 1829) it is recorded that 'there was a fort in Uwado belonging to Masashige DAIDOJI' and it is presumed that this fort continued to function as an outpost castle after the construction of Kawagoe-jo Castle, and it is believed to have been destroyed at the same time as Kawagoe-jo Castle during the siege of Odawara by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

また、『新編武蔵風土記稿』には「上戸に大道寺政繁の砦があった」と記されており、その砦は河越城築城後も出城として機能していたと推測され、豊臣秀吉の小田原征伐の際に川越城落城とともに廃城となったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Praised as 'the bravest armed monk in Japan,' he played a key role in Kofuku-ji Temple, which had gradually built up military forces to dispute MINAMOTO no Chikaharu of the same clan on the Yamato Province and to make an assault upon some temples on Mt. Kinpusen, leading many warrior monks of Kofuku-ji Temple in 1145. 例文帳に追加

「日本一悪僧武勇」と称され、大和国内にて同族の源親治と抗争した他、天養2年(1145年)には興福寺の大衆を率いて金峯山を襲撃するなど、武装化傾向を強める興福寺の中にあって中心的な役割を果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He became Omi no gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Omi Province) in 1116, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1117, Chugu-shiki daibu (Master of the Consort's Household) in 1118, Chunagon (Vice-Councilor of State) and Saemon no kami (Captain of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) in 1122, and was promoted to Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1128 but died at the young age of 39 that same year. 例文帳に追加

永久4年(1116年)に兼近江権守、永久5年(1117年)に従三位、永久6年(1118年)に兼中宮権大夫、さらに、保安(元号)3年(1122年)に中納言、左衛門督、大治3年(1128年)に正三位に進むが、同年39歳にして早世した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Tuneie begged for Harutsugu and Doyo MORISHITA's lives before his death, his plead was refused and they were commanded to commit seppuku on charges that 'bringing the war in Inaba Province' and 'betrayal of their lord,' then they committed suicide with their swords on the evening of November 30, at the same jinsho (camp) where Tsuneie YOSHIKAWA died. 例文帳に追加

生前の経家が春続と森下道誉の助命を嘆願するも聞き入れられず、「因幡一国に戦乱を招いた罪」と「主君への裏切りの罪」で切腹を命じられ、10月24日の晩、吉川経家が自刃した同じ陣所にて自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 'Tenson hongi,' it said that he lived in Kumano village, Kii Province (Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture is its presumed location), another name was '' (Takurihiko no mikoto) or '下命' (Takurihiko no mikoto), and the following was the same contents of tradition in 'Takakuraji' of 'kiki' (the Kojiki and Nihonshoki) (see Takakuraji for details). 例文帳に追加

「天孫本紀」では、紀伊国の熊野邑(和歌山県新宮市が比定地になっている)に住み、別名を「手栗彦命(たくりひこ-)」、または「高倉下命」というとあり、以下「記紀」に載せる「高倉下」の伝承と同じ内容を記す(詳しくは高倉下を参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: 例文帳に追加

アメリカに隣接した地域でイギリスの法律が自由に執行されるのを廃し、そこに独裁的な政府を樹立し、その政府がこのアメリカの植民地にも同じような独裁制を導入しようとする例に、また格好の手段となるように、国境を拡大しようとする法律 - United States『独立宣言』


It is unknown whether the article of "Azuma Kagami" with the same date is reliable, but according to 'Kanto Hyojoden' (an annual listing of personnel for the years 1226 and 1232 to 1284), he already became Saemon no jo (third-ranked officer of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) at the age of 18, was conferred a peerage in the same year, became Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) at the age of 23, Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) at the age of 26, and Kai no kami (the governor of Kai Province) at the age of 27, indicating that he promoted rapidly because his high social standing was recognized. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』の同日条を何処まで信用して良いのかは不明ながら、「関東評定伝」によると、18歳で既に左衛門尉となっており、同年更に従五位下に叙爵、23歳で従五位上、26歳で正五位下左衛門大尉、27歳で甲斐守という官職の昇進の早さは確かに高い家格を認められていたということになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around the same time as raising an army in Ishiyama, another Ikko Ikki started from Nagashima Gansho-ji Temple (Nagashima Ikko Ikki) which exhibited its hostility against Nobunaga by destroying Nobunaga's younger brother Nobuoki ODA's Kokie-jo Castle in Owari Province, and, in June 1571, Nobunaga tried to exterminate Nagashima but failed with a lot of soldiers lost. 例文帳に追加

石山挙兵とほぼ同時に長島願証寺で一向一揆が発生(長島一向一揆)し、信長の弟織田信興が守る尾張の小木江城を滅ぼすなどして公然と信長に敵対するようになると、元亀2年(1571年)5月に信長は長島殲滅を図るが失敗し、多数の兵を失った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there are many different places with the same name across Japan, for example Hachiman-yama mountain, Inari-yama mountain, Otsuka-yama mountain, Chausu-yama mountain, Kuruma-zuka tumulus, Funa-yama mountain and Miya-yama mountain, and these names exist in many places and sometimes there are exactly the same names in a county or within an area of an old province; therefore, to distinguish the difference in those cases, usually the name of the oaza or higher rank names (such as the prefecture name) will be added to the original names, for example Inbehachiman-yama mountain Kofun, Inari-yama mountain Kofun, the Eta Funa-yama mountain Kofun and Mozuotsuka-yama mountain Kofun. 例文帳に追加

しかし、単に八幡山、稲荷山、大塚山、茶臼山、車塚、船山、宮山などと称する地名は各地にいくらでもみられ、時には同郡、同国内に複数存在する場合もあるので、どこの八幡山かを区別するために、井辺八幡山古墳、埼玉稲荷山古墳、江田船山古墳、百舌鳥大塚山古墳などと大字またはそれより上位の地名を付して呼称するのが通例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is supposed that, the Ando clan's territory during the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts consisted of the major part of the coastal regions except for the vicinity of current Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, according to the documents such as a letter of concession by Munenori ANDO (the widely-accepted theory is that it was the same person as the above mentioned Suehisa) and Akiie KITABATAKE's certificate for the land directed to Morosue ANDO, in which it is mentioned that the clan was in charge of Jitoondaikan (deputy military governor) in Kinuka-jima, Shirihiki-go and Ikunobe-go, Ezo no sata of Hanawa County, Mutsu Province and in Usori-go, Nakahama-mimaki and Minato Tsugaru-nishihama of Nukabe County, Mutsu Province, and others. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉末期から南北朝時代における安東氏の支配領域は、安藤宗季(上記の季久とする説が有力)による譲り状や安藤師季に対する北畠顕家安堵状によると、陸奥国鼻和郡絹家島、尻引郷、行野辺郷、蝦夷の沙汰、糠部郡宇曾利郷、中浜御牧、湊、津軽西浜以下の地頭御代官職となっており、現在の青森県地方のうち八戸近辺を除く沿岸部のほとんどと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The registration of a trade-mark under the laws of Newfoundland before April 1, 1949 has the same force and effect in the Province of Newfoundland as if Newfoundland had not become part of Canada, and all rights and privileges acquired under or by virtue of those laws may continue to be exercised or enjoyed in the Province of Newfoundland as if Newfoundland had not become part of Canada. 例文帳に追加

1949年4月1日前のニューファウンドランドの法律に基づく商標登録は,ニューファウンドランドがカナダの一部になっていなかったものとしてニューファウンドランド州内において同一の有効性及び効果を有し,当該法律により取得したすべての権利及び特権は,ニューファウンドランドがカナダの一部になっていなかったものとしてニューファウンドランド州内において引き続き行使又は享受することができる。 - 特許庁

However, in the general use of Gozoku as the meaning of 'a potent clan' or 'powerful clan' (for example the use like 'Gozoku in △△ District, OO Province' in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts), the term "Gozoku" was often used to describe Jito (manager and lord of manor), Akuto (a villain in the medieval times), and samurai families at the same level as daimyo in the feudal lord class from Kokujin (local samurai) in the subsequent periods, and they were sometimes described as Gozoku until the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period. 例文帳に追加

しかし、豪族を、「勢力のある一族」「有力な一族」という意味での一般的な使用(例えば「南北朝時代の○○国△△郡の豪族」というような使用)では、豪族という形容は、その後の時代の地頭や悪党、国人出自などの領主クラスの大名分の武家に対してしばしば使用され、戦国時代・安土桃山時代まで豪族という形容をすることがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there was no strict rule on that myoji (family name) and honsei (original name) had to be different as these examples show: in the cases of the Miyatsuko family of Kii Province, and the Tsumori family, the honsei (original name) existed but they had no myoji (family name), on the other hand, the Minamoto clan, the line of MINAMOTO no Yoshitaka (Sahyoe no gon no suke [provisional assistant captain of the Left Division of Middle Palace Guards]), the sei (surname) and myoji (family name) were the same, and therefore, it is impossible to conclude what was the myoji of the head family of TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

が、当時の紀伊国造家や津守氏のように本姓はあっても名字の存在しない家や、源義高(左兵衛権佐)流源氏のように姓と名字が同一の例も存在するなど、名字と本姓が必ず別であるという規則は無いこともあり、豊臣宗家の名字を断定することは出来ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Paradoxically, however, this simply means that the Miyoshi family would have been under the restraint of the bakufu's power; they returned the ruling power in Yamashiro Province to the Shogun family and to Saikyojo, which had been issued under the name of Yoshinaga on behalf of the bakufu and was discontinued in the same year, it became clear that the Miyoshi family suffered a political setback by losing the guise of the central government. 例文帳に追加

ただし、逆説的にはこれは三好家が幕府権力の掣肘に伏する事に他ならず、山城一国の統治権を将軍家に返還するに留まらず、幕府に替わって発行していた長慶名の裁許状もこの年を境に途絶え、中央政権たる体裁を失うという政治的な敗北は明らかであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Nobunaga worked together with Nobukiyo ODA from the same family, who was the Inuyama Castellan, to defeat Nobutaka ODA from 'the Oda Isenokami family' (Iwakura Oda family), the longtime foe of his former master 'the Oda Yamatonokami family,' Soke (the head family or house) of the Oda family, shugodai of the north four counties of Owari Province (Niwa, Haguri, Nakashima and Kasugai counties) and the Iwakura Castellan (the Battle of Ukino), and exiled him. 例文帳に追加

さらに信長は、同族の犬山城主・織田信清と協力し、旧主・「織田大和守家」の宿敵で織田一門の宗家であった尾張上四郡(丹羽郡・葉栗郡・中島郡・春日井郡)の守護代・「織田伊勢守家」(岩倉織田家)の岩倉城主・織田信賢を破って(浮野の戦い)これを追放。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the Korean Dynasty was afraid that the information about their defensive preparation along the territory might be leaked to the wako pirates, they limited the entry of koriwasen (ships used to deliver daily necessities such as rice, fish and salt) in 1407, so that these ships were allowed to use only the Pusanpo (port of Busan) and the Seiho (port of Sei, and this port was also called Naijiho), which both were located in Jinhae City, South Gyeongsang Province. The Dynasty also applied the same policy to shisosen (ships used to dispatch envoys) in 1410. 例文帳に追加

しかし各地の防備の状況が倭寇に漏れるのを恐れ、交易統制のためもあり、1407年、朝鮮王朝は興利倭船(米、魚、塩など日常品の交易をする船)の入港場を釜山浦・薺浦(乃而浦とも、慶尚南道の鎮海市)に制限し、1410年には使送船(使節による通交船)についても同様の措置が取られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Right after the Honnoji Incident, it is often said that Ieyasu worked behind the scenes of Hidetaka KAWAJIRI's unusual death by a riot of a surviving retainer of the Takeda clan in Kai Province, and taking advantage of the death of Nobunaga, Ieyasu invading Kai and Shinano Provinces started a riot between the Hojo clan and the Uesugi clan who invaded the former territory of the Takeda clan with the same intention (Tenshojingo War). 例文帳に追加

本能寺の変の直後に甲斐において河尻秀隆が武田氏の遺臣の一揆により横死したのは家康が暗躍したためともいわれるが、信長の死に乗じて甲斐・信濃に侵攻し、おなじ意図をもって旧武田領に侵攻した北条、上杉とのあいだに騒乱を起こした(天正壬午の乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, 'Oda Danjonojo family' which Nobunaga came from was the Oda Yamato no Kami family who was assigned to the Shugodai (deputy of Shugo, provincial constable) of the south four counties (Kaito, Kaisei, Aichi and Chita Counties) by the Shiba clan who was shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords) in the Owari Province, that is, the branch family of Kiyosu Oda family and the lord of Furuwatari-jo Castle as same as its senior vassal, i.e., one of the three magistrates of Kiyosu. 例文帳に追加

なお、信長の生まれた「織田弾正忠家」は、尾張国の守護大名・斯波氏の被官、下四郡(海東郡・海西郡・愛知郡・知多郡)の守護代に補任された織田大和守家、即ち清洲織田家の分家にして同家重臣たる清洲三奉行・古渡城主の家柄であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the same day, June 1 in the evening, Mitsuhide departed the Tanba Kameyama-jo Castle to Kyoto at the head of an army of 13,000 (There is another view that Mitsuhide did not visit Kameyama-jo Castle (Tanba Province) before or after the event and he moved toward Honno-ji Temple from Sakamoto-jo Castle at the head of 3,000 troops and arrived around nine o'clock, that is several hours after seven thirty A.M. when the Honno-ji Temple burnt down.) 例文帳に追加

同じ6月1日の夕、光秀は1万3000の手勢を率いて丹波亀山城を出陣し京に向かった(光秀は亀山城(丹波国)には事件前にも後にも死ぬまで立ち寄っておらず、坂本城より3000の兵で本能寺に向かい、到着したのは本能寺が焼け落ちた午前7時半より数時間後の9時頃だったとする説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The core of the water strategy in Singapore is the "Singapore Green Plan 2012" formulated in 2006. The Four Tap Strategy, which was formulated in the same year under the plan, are measures to diversify water sources, which include (1) collection of rainwater in the region (main source), (2) import of water from Johore Province in Malaysia, (3) utilization of NEWater, and (4) desalination of seawater.例文帳に追加

シンガポールの水戦略の中核は2006年に策定された「シンガポールグリーンプラン2012」であり、その下で同年策定された「四つの水源戦略(Four TapStrategy)」において、水源の多様化の方策として、①地域内での雨水集水、を中心に、②マレーシアのジョホール州からの水輸入、③NEWaterの活用、④海水淡水化を挙げている。 - 経済産業省

It is explained that the castellan might have judged that, because, same as in the case of Miki-jo Castle, the Mori clan promised to send reinforcement troops and supplied provisions through Hanakuma-jo Castle and Amagasaki-jo Castle, but no reinforcement troops did come even after one year, it was impossible to maintain if the situation remained as it was and, because sending subordinates as emissaries did not bring any result, the castellan decided to visit Aki Province by himself and directly negotiate with the Mori clan. 例文帳に追加

三木合戦もそうであったが、毛利氏は援軍の約束しながら、花隈城や尼崎城を通じて兵糧は補給していたが、1年経っても援兵はこず、このままでは城を持ちこたえるのは不可能と判断し、家臣を使者としても効果は無く、城主自ら安芸国に出向き毛利氏と直接交渉しようとしたのではないかと説明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At precisely the same time, Jun HATTORI who was transferred to an Ohama branch office (16 villages in Aomi County, 5 villages in Hazu County, 21 villages in total were called Ohama territory and were controlled by Ohama branch office in Kikuma Domain) from Kikuma, Kazusa Province, implemented the revision of village law, the imperialism education, and the religious transformation such as separation of Buddhism and Shintoism by following the policy of the Meiji Government. 例文帳に追加

ちょうどその頃、上総国菊間から大浜出張所(碧海郡に16ヶ村幡豆郡に5ヶ村、計21ヶ村は、大浜領と呼ばれ、菊間藩の大浜出張所に支配されていた。)に赴任してきた服部純は、明治政府の方針に従い村法の改正や勤王主義教育、神仏分離などの宗教改革を実施した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 1224, following the discovery of the 'Iga Clan War,' a coup to defeat the next regent, Yasutoki HOJO, planned by Mitsumune IGA, brother of Sanemasa's wife's mother, and because Mitsumune's intention to make Sanemasa, his niece's husband, the new shogun on behalf of Yoritsune KUJO at the same time also came to light, Sanemasa was forced to divorce his wife, and then exiled to Echizen Province. 例文帳に追加

ところが、元仁元年(1224年)、妻の母方の伯父である伊賀光宗が政変を起こして次期執権の北条泰時を倒そうとしたいわゆる「伊賀氏の乱」が発覚、その際光宗は自分の姪の婿にあたる実雅を九条頼経に代わる新将軍に立てようとしていたことも発覚、実雅は妻と離別させられた上で越前国に流刑となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the essay "Law and People" (Shunjusha Publishing Company educational library, 1943) written by Yorozu ODA, a scholar of administrative law, who was from the same province as Okuma and favored by him, he was satisfied with the speech Ito gave at the opening ceremony of Waseda University in which he said, 'although I have been in conflict with Okuma over various matters, the fact that he built this educational institute by himself is beyond reproach.' 例文帳に追加

大隈と同郷で、かれに目をかけられた行政法学者織田萬のエッセイ集『法と人』(1943年、春秋社教養叢書)によると、早稲田大学開学式典で伊藤が「大隈君とはいろいろ競ってきたが、教育機関を自ら作ったという点ではかなわない」と述べたことに満悦したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Right after his return to Japan, the Rebellion of FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu broke out; in 743, he was appointed Senior Assistant Minister of Justice; in 744, appointed official envoy to Tosando; in 746, appointed Senior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Ceremonial; in the same year, appointed the governor of Settsu; and in January 747, raised to Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade; and in 750, raised to Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade; and in 752, appointed the Governor of Musashi Province. 例文帳に追加

帰国直後に藤原広嗣の乱が起こったが、天平15年(743年)刑部大輔を拝命し、天平16年(744年)東山道使、天平16年(746年)式部大輔、同年攝津大夫に任命され、天平19年(747年)正月従四位下、天平勝宝2年(750年)従四位上と累進し、天平勝宝4年(752年)には武蔵守に任命されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he also acted as guardian of Ujizane IMAGAWA, the legitimate son of Yoshimoto IMAGAWA, and Motoyasu MATSUDAIRA (Ieyasu TOKUGAWA), a hostage of the Imagawa clan at that time, but it was during the same period as Sessai left Suruga (during negotiations with the Takeda and Gohojo clans and expedition to Mikawa Province) so it is unknown whether he in fact influenced both persons or not. 例文帳に追加

今川義元の嫡男である今川氏真や、当時今川氏の人質であった松平元康(徳川家康)の後見も務めたとも言われるが、雪斎が駿府から離れていた期間(武田氏、後北条氏との交渉や三河への遠征など)とも重なっているため、両人物に大きな影響を与えたか否かについては不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At present, the old provincial names are used in several ways; first, people use them to distinguish the same place names in different places; second, people use them when they do not like to use prefecture names that are taken from a city name or a county name instead of coming up with their own and most prefecture names are settled using such substitution; third, people use old provincial names locally; (a typical example is 'Shinano Province' or 'Shinshu' which are consciously called by people in Nagano Prefecture except in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture where Nagano City is located.) 例文帳に追加

現代では、離れたところにある同じ地名を区別する際に用いられたり、府県名が郡名や都市名で代用したものが大半であるため、それで呼ぶことを嫌う場合や地域において用いられている(長野県を県庁所在地である長野市が所在する北信地方以外では意識的に「信濃国」或いは「信州」と呼ぶケースが代表的)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May 1601, based on the suggestion by Shouemon GOTO (there are two theories that he was the same as Shozaburokoji GOTO of kinza and he was a different person) and kanbe SUEYOSHI, wealthy merchant in Hirano, Settsu Province, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA decided that Sakube YUASA in Sakai was Daikoku-Joze, and ginza was established in Fushimi, Kyoto with Joze as its head where keicho- chogin started to be minted (there are several theories about establishment period). 例文帳に追加

慶長6年(1601年)5月、徳川家康は後藤庄右衛門(金座の後藤庄三郎光次と同一人物、または別人との二説あり)および摂津国平野区の豪商末吉勘兵衛の建議により、堺の湯浅作兵衛に大黒常是と名乗らせ、常是を長とする銀座を京都の伏見に設立し、慶長丁銀の鋳造が始まった(設立時期には諸説あり)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Suruga Sumigaki Koban consists of a large-sized old Japanese gold coin with hammer tone resembling Tensho-Oban and a oval koban with the same style as Oban,having written 'Suruga kyoumoku ichiryo (kao)' in ink, called Kyoume Ichiryo Koban or Suruga Sumiban, and a theory has it that it was daimyos' own territory currency Ieyasu ordered to cast after he moved to Suruga Province in Tensho era, however, which is not clear. 例文帳に追加

駿河墨書小判(するがすみがきこばん/するがぼくしょこばん)は天正大判と類似の槌目(つちめ)で大判と同形式の楕円形の小判であり「駿河京目壹两(花押)」と墨書され、京目一両小判(きょうめいちりょうこばん)あるいは駿河墨判(するがすみばん)とも呼ばれ、家康が天正年間に駿河国に移ってから鋳造させた領国貨幣との説があるが定かでない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For Mitsuyuki's whereabouts in the Jokyu War that occurred thereafter, some consider that "Toki Hogandai" mentioned in the said record as a member of the Imperial forces was identified as Mitsuyuki and that he sided with Kyoto like many samurai in Mino Province, but there is no definitive explanation on his identity and whereabouts with respect to this record because there is also a persuasive theory that the said "Toki Hogandai" was somebody else in the same family (such as his brother Mitsutoki) and that Mitsuyuki himself sided with the shogunate forces considering the fact that Mitsuyuki is also mentioned in the same record as "Toki Saemon no jo" after the Jokyu War. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その後の承久の乱における動向については同書に官軍としてみえている「土岐判官代」を光行と比定し、多くの美濃国の武士たちと同じく京方に付いたとする見方がある一方で、光行が乱の後にも「土岐左衛門尉」として同書に現われていることなどから「土岐判官代」は同族の別人(弟・光時か)であるとし、光行自身は幕府方に付き行動していたとする見方も有力視されるなど明確でない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to this view, the first oracle was about an event not related to the succession to the Imperial Throne (perhaps it was related to the capital relocation to Yugenomiya Detached Palace [Yuge, in Kawachi Province, hometown of Dokyo] done in the same year), and WAKE no Kiyomaro was exiled because the plan by the Fujiwara clan (probably FUJIWARA no Nagate and his younger brother FUJIWARA no Kaedemaro) to make up an oracle using Kiyomaro was uncovered; according to this plan, the oracle says Prince Shirakabe or his son Imperial Prince Osabe should become Crown Prince (among the grandchildren of Emperor Shomu, Emperor Shotoku's father, born to his daughters married into another family, Imperial Prince Osabe was the only grandchild who had the right to ascend the Imperial Throne). 例文帳に追加

その説によれば、最初の神託は皇位継承以外の出来事に纏わる(恐らくはこの年に行われた由義宮(道鏡の故郷である河内国弓削)遷都に関する)ものであって、これに乗じた藤原氏(恐らくは藤原永手とその弟の藤原楓麻呂か)が和気清麻呂を利用して白壁王あるいはその子である他戸親王(称徳天皇の父・聖武天皇の外孫の中で唯一皇位継承権を持つ)の立太子するようにという神託を仕立て上げようとしたことが発覚したために清麻呂が流刑にされたとする可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 17 (1) With regard to those persons against whom a judgment of conviction was rendered in Korea or Taiwan, the Guandong Province, the South Sea Islands, or other areas outside Japan, a public prosecutor of the public prosecutors office corresponding to the district court which has jurisdiction over the area where the legal domicile or place of residence in Japan (excluding Okinawa Prefecture and Sakhalin; the same shall apply hereinafter) of such person is located, may, for the time being, notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 1-2, petition the National Offenders Rehabilitation Commission, ex officio, for a special pardon, commutation of sentence, or remission of execution of sentence. 例文帳に追加

第十七条 朝鮮若しくは台湾又は関東州、南洋群島その他日本国外の地域において有罪の言渡しを受けた者については、当分の間、第一条の二第一項の規定にかかわらず、内地(沖縄県及び樺太を除く。以下同じ。)におけるその者の本籍又は住居のある地を管轄する地方裁判所に対応する検察庁の検察官は、職権で、中央更生保護審査会に特赦、減刑又は刑の執行の免除の上申をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Norizane consistently made an effort to mediate between Kamakura Government and Bakufu; when Mochiuji ignored changing the name of an era by Bakufu, Norizane worried about Mochiie's relationship with Bakufu and dispatched envoy in order to apologize about Mochiuji's behavior to Bakufu in 1431, and in the next year, 1432, he returned shoryo (territory) to Bakufu that was dispossessed by Kamakura Government, and also in the same year, Shogun Yoshinori's geko (go down to the province) to Fuji was discussed in Bakufu, Norizane urged them to postpone his geko on the lookout for disturbing situation in Kanto region, and he sent gifts to Mansai who was Monzeki (successor of a temple) of Sanbo-in of Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

持氏が幕府の改元を無視すると、1431年には謝罪の使節を派遣するなど幕府との関係を憂慮し、翌1432年には鎌倉府が横領していた所領を幕府に返還し、同年に幕府で将軍義教の富士下向が協議されると、憲実は警戒して関東情勢の不穏を理由に下向の延期を促し、幕府の醍醐寺三宝院門跡満済らに進物するなど、憲実は一貫して鎌倉府と幕府との調停に努めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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