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Browse the template scripts to understand what is being performed.These three template files were created by combining the three separate template files used to generate Java classes, and are linked together so the scripts can be reused. 例文帳に追加

テンプレートスクリプトを閲覧して実行内容を理解します。 これらの 3 つのテンプレートファイルは、Java クラスを生成するために使用する 3 つの個別のテンプレートファイルを組み合わせて作成されたもので、相互にリンクされており、スクリプトを再利用できます。 - NetBeans

When your manager asks for a code review, simplyreverse-engineer your code to update your model and take the diagrams into the meeting.Though reverse engineering is a tremendously useful tool to help you understand legacy code, it does not provide answers to all the questions.例文帳に追加

部署の責任者からコードレビューを求められたら、コードをリバースエンジニアリングしてモデルを更新し、図を会合に持参すればよいだけです。 リバースエンジニアリングは過去のコードの理解に役立つ非常に有用なツールですが、あらゆる疑問に対する答えを提供するものではありません。 - NetBeans

This is especially important to understand when a default parameter is a mutable object,such as a list or a dictionary: if the function modifies the object(e.g. by appending an item to a list), the default value is in effectmodified.例文帳に追加

デフォルトパラメタ値がリストや辞書のような変更可能なオブジェクトである場合、この使用を理解しておくことは特に重要です: 関数でこのオブジェクトを (例えばリストに要素を追加して) 変更する と、実際のデフォルト値が変更されてしまいます。 - Python

What is extracted from the interactions between a master and disciple, or Zen lecture transcripts that record the actions of a master, is called a Koan (precedent) and various collections have been compiled since the Song dynasty; but enlightenment is not something that can be communicated with words, so when people today try to understand the text, the Koan itself refuses them. 例文帳に追加

師匠と弟子のやりとりや、師匠の振舞を記録した禅語録から、抜き出したものが公案(判例)とよばれ、宋代からさまざまな集成が編まれてきたが、悟りは言葉では伝えられるものではなく、現代人の文章理解で読もうとすると公案自体が拒絶する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was known as a bright person who could understand everything once he saw or heard it, and in 1198 he played an important role in checking citations, called Kanmon, in compiling Honen's "Senchaku Hongan Nenbutsu-shu" (the holy writings of the Jodo Sect) and in the following year, he gave a lecture on "Senchaku-shu" at Kanezane KUJO's residence in place of Honen. 例文帳に追加

一度見聞すればすべてを理解してしまった、という秀才ぶりで、そうしたことからか、建久9年(1198年)法然の『選択本願念仏集』の撰述にあたっては、引用文との照らし合わせという勘文の重要な役にあたり、翌年師法然に代わって九条兼実邸で『選択集』を講じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Hokke gengi" (subtle and profound essentials of the Lotus Sutra) mentions in its introduction that Myosha (skilled men) are rewarded with mysterious dharma; "Yuimagyo" (Vimalakirti Sutra) mentions in its Bukkokuhon that public people may be rescued by this Myoho (supreme dharma); "Hokekyo" mentions in its Hobenhon that Homyo (supreme dharma) is difficult to understand; "Nehangyo" (the Nirvana Sutra) mentions in its Myoji-kudokuhon that any Myoho dharma of various theories, as well as any secrecy kept deep in warehouses, are all destined to enter the Great Nirvana. 例文帳に追加

『法華玄義』序には「妙者褒美不可思議之法也」、『維摩経』仏国品では「以斯妙法済群生」、また『法華経』方便品に「我法妙難思」、『涅槃経』名字功徳品「所説の種々の妙法、秘密深奥蔵門、悉くみなこの大般涅槃に入る」などとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This view interprets the Nirvana Sutra as 'tsuisetsu' (a re-exposition of the Lotus Sutra sermons), which Buddha gave to people who failed to attend these sermons (or failed to understand their meaning) based upon his Lotus Sutra sermons along with his other previous sermons on temporary truths contained in various Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhist sutras, such as Kegon (Flower Garland), Agon (Agama), Hodo (Expansion) and Hannya (Wisdom). 例文帳に追加

「追説」とは、『法華経』の会座にいなかった(漏れて覚れなかった)人たちのために、華厳・阿含・方等・般若の小大乗の方便の教えを、『法華経』の意義を含みつつも、さらにもう一度方便の教えを説くことをいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They also point out that if "the Lotus Sutra" was in fact the most fundamental sutra, it is difficult to understand why the unenlightened masses had to wait for "the Nirvana Sutra" for their religious salvation and that the teachings revealed in the Lotus Sutra, which is believed to provide everyone with the perfect vehicle for salvation, should have been able to save not only Buddha's disciples but the unenlightened masses as well. 例文帳に追加

また、もし『法華経』が最高の教えならば、機根の低い衆生を『涅槃経』に譲らなければならなかったのか、一切の衆生を済度する教えを一乗や円教と呼ぶのなら、機根の高低など関係なくすべてを済度するのが本当ではないか、と指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Attempts to understand the two contradictory concepts, the idea of salvation by Amida Nyorai, and Buddhism as a way of self-help, led to the formation of the kyogaku which emphasized exercise of invoking the name of Amida Buddha and which regarded faith as 'the mind being clear and pure'. 例文帳に追加

この、阿弥陀如来による救済思想と、自己救済としての仏道という二つの矛盾する考え方を、どのように理解していくかという試みの中で、称名念仏行を重視し、信心を「心が澄んで清らかになる」として理解する教学が形作られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, there are differences of insistence and interpretation that shakubuku is a method to be applied to persons who understand Buddhism to a certain extent or those who have advanced understanding through the teaching of the same sect, and that it should not be applied to those who do not know what is Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

しかし折伏は、仏の教えをある程度理解している人、もしくは同門(その宗派)の教えで理解が進んだ人に対して行われる手法であり、仏教を知らない人に使う手法ではない、といった主張や解釈の違いもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was a admonition to Saicho, who tried to understand Esoteric Buddhism superficially by making a handwritten copy of Sutra, not mastering the method in esoteric Buddhism; Kukai declined to lend the scriptures insisting that Esoteric Buddhism laid importance not only on scriptures but on ascetic practices and Face to Face Transmission. 例文帳に追加

これは、修法の会得をしようとせず、経典を写して文字の表面上だけで密教を理解しようとする最澄に対して諌めたもので、空海は密教では経典だけではなく修行法や面授口伝を尊ぶことを理由に借経を断ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobunori wrote his diary on the other side of case records and administrative documents while he was working as Mandokoro betto (Director of the Administrative Board) and Kurodo gashira (a kind of secretary and archivist to the Emperor), which also came to be important historical materials to understand the inside situation of the Sekkan family and the scope of Kurodo gashira's work. 例文帳に追加

信範が摂関家政所別当職や蔵人頭を務めていた際の訴訟・行政文書の裏が日記用の紙に使われており、摂関家の内部事情や蔵人頭の業務内容が伺える貴重な史料ともなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is totally impossible to understand the descriptions of Nihonshoki based on the three books of Baekje without regard to the backgrounds such as the period under the system of the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes, the position as a follower of the emperor who led the compilation, and the expectation to maintain their political status. 例文帳に追加

根本的な事実である律令国家体制下の編纂という時代の性質、編纂の主体が置かれていた天皇の臣下という立場の性質、政治的な地位の保全への期待という思想性、それらを無視して百済三書に基づく日本書紀の記述を読むことは全くもって不可能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

So finally he concluded that 'it is hard to consider the work as a highly precise variorum. I do not think that it is totally impossible to carry out the text study of "The Tale of Genji" and collation based on this variorum, but we have to understand that all we can do is the very limited investigation.' 例文帳に追加

最終的な結論は、「特に精度の高い校本とは言い難い。この校本によっての『源氏物語』の本文研究や、校訂作業は全く不可能なこととは思わないが、非常に限られた調査しか出来ないことは承知しておかねばなるまい。」であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He wrote about the history of Nihon teiens and the method of composition, citing photographs taken by Isshin OGAWA, and made it easier to understand visually, Conder explained the idea behind Japanese landscape gardening is to pick up the characteristic part of the surrounding environment and re-present them. 例文帳に追加

日本庭園の沿革から構成方法いたるまでを小川一真の撮影による写真を多く用いて視覚的にもわかりやすくまとめたもので、コンドルは、日本の庭園造形は周囲の自然風景の特徴ある部分を選び出してレ・プレゼントしたものである、と説明している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Kyo language, honorific language and euphemistic expressions are frequently used in order to make the tone of conversation euphonic and polite avoiding any offending expression as much as possible, but it often happens to induce ironic effects or cynicism and make people who do not correctly understand Kyo language feel some difficulty in communication. 例文帳に追加

敬語や婉曲表現を多用し、柔らかく丁寧な口調でなるべく会話に角が立たない言い回しをするが、それが皮肉となるケースも多く、京言葉を解せない人々がコミュニケーションをとりにくい、と感じることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Recently, there are many comics which draw a laugh not always being in line with kishotenketsu, but using different methods such as nidan ochi in which punch lines come twice in the third and the fourth frames, and using a subtitle of the manga which should originally be a title of contents as a factor of ochi (in this case, readers will understand what the subtitle means after reading the whole four frames). 例文帳に追加

但し、最近は、3コマ目にもオチを配置した2段オチと呼ばれるものや、本来は内容の表題であった小見出し(サブタイトル)もオチの要素とするもの(4コマ目まで読んで初めて小見出しの意味がわかるもの)など、必ずしも起承転結に沿わない形で笑いを取るものも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this goes with the times of information disclosure, if consumers are not familiar with sake to an extent, they will never be able to decipher the information and understand what type of sake it is; some people eventually point out that this is one of the factors associated with consumers' withdrawal from sake. 例文帳に追加

これは情報開示という時代の流れには沿うものであるが、逆にある程度日本酒に詳しい人でないと、情報を読みこなすことができず、それがどういう酒であるのかがわかりにくくなり、ひいては消費者が日本酒から離れていった一因になったと指摘する声もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the part where Gengobei loses the inner fight to hold down his sexual urge for Oman while listening to shinnai, Sadanji chose to have the audience understand the volatile emotion by being rapt in listening to shinnai, while other actors struggled to express the emotion. 例文帳に追加

新内を聞きながらおまんへの欲情が抑えきれなくなる件では、他の俳優が表現の工夫にもて余す中で、左團次は何もしないでじっと新内を聞いている演技によって源五兵衛の揺れ動く心理を観客に理解させたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The concept of the ceasing to be a Imperial Family member was not brought about by the General Headquarters, as mentioned in ' The reinforcement regulations on ceasing to be a member of the Imperial Family' which was explained later, we must understand the concept as an extended policy towards the Imperial Family, which was applied to them since the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

皇籍離脱という着想自体は、GHQにより新たに持ち込まれたものではなく、後述の「皇族ノ降下ニ関スル施行準則」に表現されているように、明治以来、皇族たちに対して一貫して採用されてきた政策の延長上に理解すべきものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was born as the first Prince of the Emperor Monmu, but his father died when he was seven years old and his mother Miyako developed mental illness and thereafter she did not see the Prince for a long time (the Emperor was thirty-seven years old when the Emperor met Miyako who had recovered from mental illness after the Emperor began to understand things). 例文帳に追加

文武天皇の第一皇子として生まれたが7歳で父は死没、母の宮子も心的障害に陥りその後は長く皇子に会う事はなかった(物心がついた天皇が病気が平癒した宮子と対面したのは天皇が37歳のときのことであった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he understood the meaning of the articles presented by the Society of Jesus such as a world globe, a clock and maps (In those days Japanese did not know that this world was a round object and nobody could understand the explanation about the world being a globe at the time it was presented, but Nobunaga said that 'It makes sense' and understood it). 例文帳に追加

イエズス会の献上した地球儀・時計・地図などをよく理解したといわれる(当時はこの世界が丸い物体であることを知る日本人はおらず、地球儀献上の際も家臣の誰もがその説明を理解できなかったが、信長は「理にかなっている」と言い、理解した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I understand that you are very busy with your own studies and work, however, there is not other talented person among the students that complete this book, so I earnestly request you to write the annotation from paragraph 151 to the end of the book. 例文帳に追加

貴君御事、ご自身御著述御多端なる御事は十分御察し申し居り候へ共、御門人中に、差当り外に御依頼致す可き御仁之無く候間、なにとぞ右第百五十一段より末迄の所、御註解成し下されたく御頼み申し候。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the futures market that was established by Dojima Rice Market in Osaka with a permission of the bakufu in 1730 was the first futures market in the world, and some people think that it was impossible for a samurai, who was not a merchant, to understand such a new financial market. 例文帳に追加

ただし先物市場は、1730年に江戸幕府が大坂の堂島米会所にその許可を与えたのが世界最初であり、このような最先端の金融取引に対する理解を、商人でもない武士に期待すること自体が無理との声もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Morimasa was transferred, Nagamasa ASANO taunted him by saying that 'I don't understand why someone like you, who was called 'Oni Genba', didn't commit suicide upon defeat', and Morimasa replied, 'when MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was defeated by Kagechika OBA, he survived by hiding himself in a cave of a tree and achieved something great later', and people around him got impressed by that. 例文帳に追加

引き渡されたとき、浅野長政に「鬼玄蕃とも言われたあなたが、なぜ敗れて自害しなかったのか」と愚弄されたが、「源頼朝公は大庭景親に敗れたとき、木の洞に隠れて逃げ延び、後に大事を成したではないか」と言い返し、周囲をうならせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this place, Rennyo expounded the creed to the public in an easy-to-understand manner, sometimes using a preaching letter written by himself, which is called 'Ofumi' or 'Gobunsho,' and granting scrolls carrying 'rokuji myogo' (the six characters of Buddha's name), i.e., 'Na-Mu-A-Mi-Da-Butsu,' and so a great number of believers came to visit Yoshizaki Gobo not only from the Hokuriku region but from the Ou region (the present Tohoku region). 例文帳に追加

この地で蓮如は教義を民衆にわかりやすく説き、時には「御文(おふみ)」(「御文章(ごぶんしょう)」)を用いたり、「南無阿弥陀仏」の六字名号を下付したため、御坊には北陸はもとより奥羽からも多くの門徒が集った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Gukansho" (Jottings of a Fool) (volume 6), when Yoritomo came to the capital for the first time in 1190, Hirotsune continuingly mentioned to Emperor Goshirakawa that he did not understand why the Emperor's concern was only for the welfare of the Imperial Court but did not know who could control forces active in Togoku. 例文帳に追加

慈円の『愚管抄』(巻六)によると、頼朝が初めて京に上洛した建久元年(1190年)、後白河天皇との対面で語った話として、広常は「なぜ朝廷のことにばかり見苦しく気を遣うのか、我々がこうして東国で活動しているのを、一体誰が命令などできるものですか」と言うのが常であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kien studied further into the art of divination ('ekigaku' in Japanese), and based on his own philological theory did he advance a 'Kaibutsu-ron' theory (literally, 'kai' means opening and 'butsu' means objects, the 'kai-butsu' referring to a method of grasping the meaning of a word by voicing it so as to understand an object via name) which interpreted a relationship between 'name' and 'object,' and published books annotating many basic literature for Confucianism (which literature was called 'Keisho'), the books including "Roshi" (Lao Tzu or Lao-tse or Lao·zi; literally "Master Lao"), "Soshi" (Zhuangzi or Chuang-tzu; literally "Master Zhuang"), "Resshi" (Liezi or Lièzĭ or Lieh Tzu; literally "Master Lie") and "Rongo" (Lunyu in Chinese or Analects in English, also known as the Analects of Confucius). 例文帳に追加

易学について研究を深め、独自の言語論により「名」と「物」との関係を解釈する開物論を唱え、「老子」「荘子」「列子」「論語」など多くの経書に対する注釈書を著した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Ganka Kinno," an anatomical drawing of eyeball and the names of each part such as cornea, crystalline humor, membrane of crystalline and optic nerve were seen and we can understand that he had the necessary knowledge of modern medicine (operation of eyeball) (in "Zoku Ganka Kinno," operation of eyeball was described). 例文帳に追加

『眼科錦囊』には、眼球の解剖図が載っており、角膜や水晶液、水晶膜、視神経などなど各部位の名が見られ、近代医術(眼球の手術)に必要な知識が備わっていた事が分かる(『続眼科錦囊』には眼球の手術の様子が描かれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been also pointed out as refutations that Sakihisa KONOE became a priest on the day of or several days after Honnoji Incident and it seems appropriate to understand his becoming a priest was to follow Nobunaga same as Yusai HOSOKAWA's becoming a priest and that Sakihisa KONOE made a waka (31-syllable Japanese poem) which mourned Nobunaga's death. 例文帳に追加

さらに近衛前久は本能寺の変の当日または数日後に出家しており、これを細川幽斎の出家と同様、信長に殉じたと解釈するのが適切と見る見解や、後々まで信長の死を惜しんだ和歌を残している事などが反論として挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore the old regime could not understand the Eastern bushi's real agenda and lacked foresight when it issued the Imperial Order of October 1183 and named MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka as Seii taishogun with the aim of destroying the Taira clan because it opened up the road to greater rights for the warrior class. 例文帳に追加

そのため、旧勢力は東国武士たちの本音を読みとることができずに目先にある平氏打倒という目的のため、寿永二年十月宣旨の発給や源義仲の征夷大将軍への任命などといった、武士への大幅な権限委譲への道を開いてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Mizuno and other heads of the bakufu could not understand the fact that kabunakama got weak due to the protection by the power of bakufu and kabunakama was the institutional basic of trading and thought that they could control the national distribution network if kabunakama were dissolved. 例文帳に追加

ところが、水野をはじめとした幕府首脳は幕府権力の保護を受けた株仲間の弱体化や、商取引の制度的基礎になっていたという現実を理解出来なかったために、株仲間を解散させれば、全国的な流通網を動かせると考えたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the existence of estate owners cannot be ignored in order to understand 'bushi' existence and 'the real origin of existence' mentioned by Masaaki TAKAHASHI, but excluding 'the theory of origin of bushi performance' that he pointed out in 'this' is not a central problem.' 例文帳に追加

しかし髙橋昌明が「ここでは中心的な問題ではない」というその「ここ」、つまり「武士職能の発生論」ではなくて、「武士」という存在全体、髙橋昌明がいうところの「存在の真の根拠」を理解しようとするときには、在地領主としての存在も無視する訳にはいかない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, most of the reforms in other Asian countries were not successful, because they didn't understand that the Meiji Restoration was a comprehensive reform including an administration system, an educational system, industry, and finance, so these reforms were just formal or 'top-down' reforms looking at just one aspect of the Meiji Restoration. 例文帳に追加

ただし、その多くは明治維新が行政制度のみならず教育・産業・金融などを含めた総合的な改革であったという本質への理解には及ばず、形だけの改革や一面だけを捉えた「上からの改革」に終始したため、成功に至った例は少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They, however, cited the phrase 'the voice of the people is the voice of God' from "Odyssea" by Homer, 'I try to understand the citizen's mind to make it into mine' from Emperor Yu's anecdote, and 'broad-based assemblies should be held and all critical issues settled by public debate' from the Five-Article Imperial Oath by Emperor Meiji to make the statements below. 例文帳に追加

しかし、「民の声は神の声なり」(=天声人語)というホメロスの『オデュッセイア』にある言葉「朕民の心を追つて朕の心とする」という禹の故事明治天皇が五箇条の御誓文において誓った「広く会議を興し、万機公論に決すべし」という言葉を引いて以下のように主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was difficult for the Korean dynasty and Korean intellectuals to understand the Japanese intention to force Korea to secede from the tributary system of the Qing dynasty, on the grounds that a tributary country, on which China had conferred sakuho (homage by Chinese emperors) in the Sinocentrism order, was originally an "independent country." 例文帳に追加

しかし、中華秩序において冊封を受けた朝貢国は元々「自主の邦」であるため、清朝の冊封体制から離脱させようという日本の意図は朝鮮王朝にとっても朝鮮の知識人にとって理解しがたいものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For this, Shunsaku NISHIKAWA, a staff writer of the "Fukuzawa Yukichi Shokanshu" (Collection of letters of Yukichi FUKUZAWA) pointed out that "Judging Fukuzawa as the 'initiator' of the 'Datsu-A Nyu-O' (Leave Asia, Enter Europe) movement from a part of this short (about 2000-character) editorial is too shortsighted and it is a view from someone who does not properly understand the relationship among the three countries of East Asia at that time." 例文帳に追加

これにつき『福沢諭吉書簡集』の編集委員であった西川俊作は「この短い(およそ2,000字の)論説一篇をもって、彼を脱亜入欧の「はしり」であると見るのは短絡であり、当時の東アジア三国のあいだの相互関連を適切に理解していない見方である」と指摘する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The contents were as follows: Munekata, Suruga no Kami (governor of Suruga Province), was killed today (around noon) because he conducted an intrigue; You should understand the situation; For this incident, you should make persons in Kyoto, jito (managers and lords of manors) and gokenin (immediate vassals of the Shogunate in the Kamakura) in the western region know that they should not come to Kamakura (the original Chinese passage was converted into this Japanese passage by Shigeo OSOKAWA). 例文帳に追加

その内容は、「駿河守宗方、陰謀の企て有るにより、今日(午刻)誅されおはんぬ、その旨を存ずべし、かつがつこの事につき、在京人ならびに西国地頭御家人等、参向すべからざるのよし、あひ触れらるべし...」(読み下しは細川重男による) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, it is translated as "大統領" to mean a head of republic, but, at that time, since readers had no knowledge of that kind, it was considered that, even if they used a newly created word, readers could not understand correctly and it was determined to express pronunciation of the work in Chinese characters. 例文帳に追加

現在では共和国元首という意味で「大統領」と訳されるが、当時にあっては読者にそういう知識は無かったので新造語をあてても、正確に読者に伝わらないと考えられ、そのまま言語の音を漢字に置き換えたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As just described, the author of the book tried to correct the translation of Martin version, but as written in the book "The law is fundamental rule of the world, which does not change forever, therefore we can stay safely if we abide by the law, we will have a good effect from unification of the world," tendency to understand international law as natural law is more noticeable than Martin version. 例文帳に追加

このようにマーティンの訳に訂正を試みようとしているものの、「この法は天地の常理なれば、これに遵えば天地和合の気を受け無事なるべし」という風に、マーティンよりも国際法を自然法的に解釈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, no other scholars tried to understand the characteristics of the nature of a region, not only about plants but also animals and minerals, by localizing the area and it is characteristic of his work in which detailed topography of the target area was also included. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、一つの地域を特定し、その地域内の植物だけでなく動物、さらには鉱物まで含めて、地域の自然の全体的な特色の把握を試みた例は、伴存の他に見られず、調査対象地の詳細な地誌まで著しているのは伴存の特色である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Town building of Imai thus began and has subsequently undergone changes to become Imai-cho as we know it today but as it seems difficult to understand the significance of Imanishi-ke Jutaku in those days unless some facts such as why it was necessary to develop the town in this fashion and the background of Imai-cho are explained, we will discuss these to begin with. 例文帳に追加

このようにして今井の町造りが始まり、現在の今井町に変わってきたわけであるが、なぜこのような町造りが必要であったか、または今井町のおいたちなどを述べないと、当時の今西家住宅の存在がわからないと思われるので、それらのことから先に述べることにする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although I will refrain from directly commenting on remarks by the U.S. Treasury Secretary, I understand that he also indicated in the interview that it would take some more months before the market turmoil settles down completely. 例文帳に追加

米国の財務長官のご発言について直接コメントすることは差し控えさせていただきたいと思いますが、財務長官はこのインタビューの中で、「市場の混乱が完全に落ち着くまでにはさらに数ヶ月以上かかるであろう」という認識も同時に示されていると承知しております。 - 金融庁

I understand that the bank will continue integration work with a view to completing the full-fledged system integration, dubbed "Day 2," by the end of 2008. I hope that the bank will take every possible precaution in its future integration work. 例文帳に追加

同行のシステム本格統合、いわゆる「Day2」は平成20年末の完了を目指して引き続き作業が続くところと承知をいたしておりまして、同行においては今後の取組みに万全を期していただきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Meanwhile, future tasks for us include getting all FSA employees to understand the concept of better regulation, enhancing working-level dialogue and increasing opportunities to disseminate information, such as briefing sessions. 例文帳に追加

また、今後の課題としては、アンケート結果から、「ベター・レギュレーション」の考え方の我が金融庁職員への周知徹底、そして、実務者レベルでの対話の充実、更には説明会等情報発信の機会の拡充といったことが上げられようかと思います。 - 金融庁

Of course, I think that realignment and business integration are important options for individual regional banks when they consider what management strategies to adopt and how to enhance management. However, I understand that these are matters to be decided based on the management judgment of individual regional banks. 例文帳に追加

勿論、再編や経営統合というのは各地域銀行が経営戦略・経営の強化に向けた検討をされる際の一つの選択肢として重要であると思いますが、あくまでも各地域銀行の自主的な経営判断に基づき決定されるべきものというふうに認識をしております。 - 金融庁

First, I will sort out the facts. I understand that on July 25, the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced the closure of two U.S. regional banks, First Nation Bank of Nevada (Nevada) and First Heritage Bank (California), due to their capital shortage. 例文帳に追加

まず、事実関係としては、7月25日に米国の地方銀行であるファースト・ナショナル・バンク・オブ・ネバダ(ネバダ州)とファースト・へリテッジ・バンク(カリフォルニア州)の2行が資本不足に陥っているとして閉鎖された旨、米国の通貨監督庁より公表されたと承知しております。 - 金融庁

Regarding the condition of regional economies, we understand that since downside risks are materializing amid the surge of crude oil, grain and raw material prices as I said earlier, SMEs, which are principal customers of regional financial institutions, face severe business conditions. 例文帳に追加

まず、地域経済の状況についてですけれども、これは先ほども申し上げましたように原油や穀物、あるいは原材料価格の高騰等を背景に景気の下振れリスクが顕在化しつつあって、地域金融機関の主たる取引先である中小企業の業況は厳しい状況にあると認識しております。 - 金融庁

Shokochukin will be converted from a cooperative institution into a stock company on October 1 this year, and I understand that it will be fully privatized in about five to seven years, with Shokochukin shares owned by the government to be released over this period. 例文帳に追加

このうち商工中金につきましては、本年10月1日に協同組織から株式会社に組織転換することとされておりまして、その際この商工中金の政府保有株式については概ね5年から7年後を目途に処分が行われ、完全民営化が予定されていると承知をしております。 - 金融庁


I understand that Minister (for Financial Services Motegi) has recently asked the Japanese Bankers Association to make efforts to facilitate financing for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Could you tell me how the FSA intends to deal with banks' moves to curb loans? 例文帳に追加

今般大臣のほうも、(全国)銀行協会に対して中小企業金融の円滑化に向けた努力を要請したようでありますが、金融庁として、今回の米金融の問題を受けて、貸し渋りへの対策はどのような方針で取り組まれていくのか、よろしくお願いします。 - 金融庁


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