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例えば、我が国企業は、第2 章で分析したとおり、アジアを中心に現地進出を進めてきているところ、こうした現地法においては、部材の調達を現地で行う傾向が高くなっている(第2-2-3-4 図)。例文帳に追加

For example, with regard to Japanese companies, which have made their advancement into overseas including Asia, as analyzed in Chapter 2, more and more Japanese companies established in overseas tend to procure components within the local country (Figure 2-2-3-4). - 経済産業省


Besides reinsurance cooperation, Japan also conducts annual research projects inviting personnel in charge of trade and investment insurance from Asian countries to Japan, as an effort for personal exchanges with trade and investment agencies of other countries. - 経済産業省

我が国としても、これらの世界各国の期待に応えるべく、アジアを中心として、材育成や技術普及等による、省エネ・新エネ協力を通じた積極的な貢献を行っている(第3-2-3-3 図、第3-2-3-4 図)。例文帳に追加

In order to meet those expectations, Japan is making an active contribution through energy conservation/new energy cooperation and through human resources development and technology transfer, etc. (see Figures 3-2-3-3 and 3-2-3-4). - 経済産業省


In addition, there is potential for new "knowledge creation" in Asia owing to the economic development in and rich and diverse human capital of its constituent countries such as China (the "world's factory") and India (the "world's IT stronghold")1. - 経済産業省



Meanwhile, there are signs that the movement of people has increased in Asia, as will be mentioned later, but the outflow centering on high-quality human resources going to Europe and the U.S. has become the mainstream. - 経済産業省



In addition, workers in many countries are avoiding low-wage jobs, and many unskilled foreign workers are employed in these types of jobs in Asia. - 経済産業省


In Asian countries, increasing the flexibility of the current education system is required in order to be able to supply human resources in line with the needs of industry, which are getting more sophisticated and diversified. - 経済産業省


The increasing numbers of Asians who have reached a certain income levelsuch as the rich and the middle-income class—are believed to be increasing the sales-volumes of high-priced goods produced in developed countries. - 経済産業省


In response to such increases in income levels210, the per-capita GDP values of various Asian urban areas are growing, establishing a class that can be referred to as an "urban middle-income class" (see Figure 2-1-68). - 経済産業省



In the meantime, the know-how of Japanese financial institutions in structuring a financial system that leads to an increase in income—from high economic growth to the expansion of consumer spendingisexpected to be exploited for the improvement of retail finance in Asia215. - 経済産業省



It endeavors to establish a basis for partnership by maintaining a mutually supportive relationship between the environment and trade, we will expand Japan's model, which consists of Japan's experiences, technologies, organizations, and systems as a package to cover Asia, and develop the Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability through a partnership among government, higher education, businesses, and NGOs. - 経済産業省

さらに今後 10 年間にアジアの労働市場に参入する 5 億の若者の半数以上に、YEN がとりわけ関連性のあるものとなっていることを付け加えたいと思います。例文帳に追加

I might also add that with more than half a billion young people entering the Asian labour market in the coming decade YEN is particularly relevant. - 厚生労働省


JICA introduced its approaches to human resource development in the field of welfare, and the ILO Office for Japan introduced approaches to employment creation for the elderly and the disabled at the community level based on ILO policies. - 厚生労働省


In addition, it has been pointed out that there are problems such as those shown in Table 3.4.34 concerning the state of human resources development in each country and region. It can be said that the future challenges for East Asian countries are human resources development tailored to economic development and the optimal deployment of those human resources. - 経済産業省


Japan’s Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program is a system for the acceptance of foreign trainees and interns into Japan’s private sector organizations and companies that provide them with opportunities to acquire skills and knowledge in order to develop the human resources necessary for the industrial development of China and Southeast Asia. - 経済産業省


This kind of coordination of policy with respect to the intra-regional movement of labor and policies that organically combine human resources development in each country and region is an East Asia-wide human resources policy consisting of the development of human resources within the region, exchange, and creation of a human resources network. - 経済産業省


However, further reduction of human resources has become insignificant as Japanese companies are already located in countries where such costs are low. The proportion of human resource costs to total business costs is 4.0 percent in the Asian region (3.5 percent in China) while it is as high as 14.4 percent in Japan (Fig. 2.3.14). - 経済産業省


However, looking at the destinations of high-quality talent shows that only 2.4% of the whole flow in the world is flowing into Asia, while about 65% is flowing into North America and about 24% into Europe. This reveals that Europe and the U.S. (the U.S. in particular) are becoming the destinations for high-quality human resources (see Figures 2-1-25 to 2-1-27). - 経済産業省


Increased use of the Chinese renminbi is not inconsistent at all with increased use of Japanese yen. On the contrary, further use of the renminbi between the two countries and in Asia is expected to induce more use of the yen and also to increase business opportunities for the private financial sectors of both countries. As such, wider use of the two currencies should be considered as mutually complementary.  - 財務省


In spurring economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries, it is extremely important to secure access to safe and clean water. In the Asia-Pacific region, however, nearly 500 million people are still without safe drinking water and nearly two billion people lack access to basic sanitation facilities.  - 財務省


We can not forget tragedies caused by the earthquake in Qinghai Province in China last month and the Sumatra earthquake in 2004.We should also recall a grave fact that as many as 90% of the world's people affected by tsunamis, cyclones and other water-related disasters from 1978 to 2007 live in the Asia-Pacific region.  - 財務省


In order to raise the level of the quality of human resources more effectively in the East Asian region in the future it will be necessary to formulate human resources development policies coordinated within the region that transcend the individual policies currently being taken in each country, as well as to take an integrated approach to the intra-regional movement of labor. - 経済産業省


As already stated, there are few movements of highly-skilled human resources other than intra company transferees (professional workers, workers with highly specialized qualifications, researchers, etc.) within the East Asian region; rather, these highly-skilled human resources are flowing to areas outside of the region such as Europe and North America. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, a look at actual conditions in the Asian countries and regions that supply the labor force reveals that the ratio of workers working outside their country of origin to the domestic labor force population is only around 2 percent in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, while it is high in the Philippines, at 16.0 percent (Fig.3.2.22). - 経済産業省


On the other hand, taking a look by region at the number of Japanese students studying abroad at foreign universities (approximately 80,000 people in 2002), shows that although Europe and North America still account for almost 70% of the Japanese students' destinations, the number of students heading to China and Korea in the East Asian region is increasing as well. - 経済産業省


What we can conclude from the figures is that production workers working in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises make up the bulk of the foreigners working in Japan, and that they are mostly Central and South American-born persons of Japanese descent or people from East Asia. - 経済産業省


The finished lamp consisted of a lampshade, created with the use of Edo Kiriko technology, and a stand made from Takaoka doki (Figure 2-2-3-38). The lamps retail for the high price of several hundred thousand yen each. The lamps were only released in 2008; however, the lamp has attracted foreign customers such as Russians, and the company has received offers for handling of sale thereof from multiple buyers from countries including Asia. - 経済産業省


The per capita GDP disparity (dispersion) across the nine East Asian nations(Japan, the Newly Industrialized Economies (NIEs), the ASEAN 3 (Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia) and China) began to diminish slowly as of the end of the 1980s, indicating convergence in per capita GDP within the region (Fig. 1.1.14). - 経済産業省


Figure 1.1.21 assumes that per capita GDP in the countries of East Asia has grown at the average rate of increase for the 10 years leading up to 1980, 1990 and 1999 respectively as means of determining when these nations will catch up with Japan's per capita GDP level. - 経済産業省


The number of overseas affiliated companies established by Japanese-owned companies in North America and Europe has remained almost unchanged, but the number of overseas affiliated companies in Asia has increased from approximately 6,000 in 1997 to approximately 10,000 in 2006, which is an increase of more than 1.5 times in the ten years (Figure 2-1-3-2). - 経済産業省


According to recent mitochondrial DNA research, both the Jomon people and Yayoi people have DNA resembling that of the people of North East Asia (China, Siberia, Buryat and Korean), casting doubt on the multiple structure theory of Kazuro HANIWARA, which purported the Jomon people to be a southern lineage and Yayoi people a northern lineage, though it confirms the multiple structure theory of the Japanese race itself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two of the reasons for the lack of foreign language skills of Japanese human resources are inadequate English education and a low-level of acceptance of foreign workers. In Japan, the year in school in which English education begins is later than in other countries in Asia, which is a likely reason for the unsatisfactory English skills50 (see Table 2-4-25). - 経済産業省


In Sub-Saharan Africa, almost half the population lives on less than a dollar a day and the incidence of poverty rose between 1990 and 2001.To deliver poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa, broad-based economic growth accompanied by private-sector development is necessary, as we have witnessed in Asia.This requires improve ment of the investment climate and infrastructure development, and we should bear in mind that Asian countries utilized loans for these purposes.  - 財務省


Achieving innovation and utilization of global human resources in East Asia as outlined above will require not only management efforts on the part of Japanese companies but also the support for the policies aimed at developing a regulatory environment, including the protection of intellectual property rights and harmonization of labor-related systems, to facilitate the creation of more active R&D and business networks. - 経済産業省

『摩訶般若波羅蜜神咒一巻』及び『般若波羅蜜神咒一巻 異本』は、後世の文献では前者は3世紀中央アジア出身の支謙、後者は鳩摩羅什の訳とされているが、『綜理衆経目録』には訳者不明(失訳)とされており、この二に帰することは信憑性にとぼしい。例文帳に追加

According to the documents of a later age, "Maka Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1" was translated by Zhi Qian, who came from Central Asia in the third century, and "Hannya Haramitsu Shinju Vol. 1, alternative version" was translated by Kumaraju; however, "Shuri Shu-kyo Mokuroku" states that their translators are unknown, so it is doubtful that they were translated by these people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although the kamado has completed its role in present-day Japan, there are people in some countries such as in Africa or Southeast Asia where have not developed the infrastructure of their society because of conflicts or political disorder, and people who live primitive lives like in ancient times, who cook over open fires outside.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Flat bows include those bows used by coastal Southeast Asian people, Japanese bow, a composite bow used by indigenous people around the Amur River basin northeast of Japan, and a compound bow and a cable backed bow (a bow adding tensioning force) used by American Indians on the north American continent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, there is such a difference in the manner of eating that East Asian people share a one-pot dish cooked at the table or dish arranged on a big plate and Japanese people use individual dishes and have meals using a tray on which accompanying dishes are served individually.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While studying in Tokyo in 1887, he became to have a sense of danger in the invasion of Asian countries by western powerful countries as well as the old-fashioned political system of the Qing Dynasty, and had a plan in which he would go to China in hope of establishing a democracy and would launch a global revolution along with Asian countries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Baiu (called also "tsuyu" and written also as "" [meaning 'rain of molds']) is a rainy period from May to July every year which is typical meteorological phenomenon seen in a wide area covering Japan excluding Hokkaido and Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands), the southern part of Korean Peninsula, coastal area of People's Republic of China including south and center China and Taiwan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is believed that the Edo Bakufu changed its policy to seclusionism after obtaining this information from merchants of Britain and the Netherlands who were aiming to oust Spanish and Portuguese power from Asia, even though the Edo Bakufu during the era of the Ieyasu TOKUGAWA shogunate had positive relations with foreign countries (another theory suggests that Iemitsu was simply a xenophobia.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, as to the roots, it is said that they originated from various places such as from the Yellow River basin to the Shandong Peninsula, the Yangzi jiang, or from Manchuria to the Korean Peninsula, and until now still the subjects of discussion are the roots and the scale of torai (one compelling theory is that Toraijin mostly came from the North East Asia according to the latest genetic research).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They also live as immigrants of Japanese descent in countries around the world such as Latin America including Brazil, Asia, Europe and the United States; however, Japanese immigrants are relatively few in number compared to neighboring races such as the Han race and Korean race.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Specifically, it will take the form of information supply and, as a type of support to be given for that purpose, Japanese financial institutions will partner with JETRO by, among other actions, sending their staff members to JETRO offices in Japan and Asian cities in order to assist mid-to-large companies and SMEs as well as their overseas subsidiaries, through information supply, consultation and other services.  - 金融庁


The Crimson Heart of Cleopatra, supposedly the world's most beautiful jewel, is split in two pieces and owned separately by two millionaires: Pramuk, the boss of the Asian underworld, and Dawson, an old friend of Arsène Lupin. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

中華民共和国及び日本国の税関の関税局長・長官は、大韓民国関税庁が「アジア・大洋州地域情報連絡事務所(RILO A/P)」を次期ホストする意向であることを歓迎し、 RILO A/Pの運営ノウハウを提供することを約束した。例文帳に追加

China and Japan Customs Heads welcomed Korea Customsintention to host RILO A/P for the next term and promised to provide their know-how of operating RILO A/P. - 財務省


However, as the flow of private capital from industrial countries to number of Asian and Latin-American countries expanded in the 1990s, the focus of the World Bank operations also shifted from development assistance through infrastructure provision to other areas, such as education, insurance, population, and the environment.  - 財務省


Mr. Kuroda has served as Director-General of the International Bureau and Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, and thus has extensive experience in the field of international financial affairs, including development policies. He also has broad and in-depth knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, I believe Mr. Kuroda is a most qualified candidate for President of the Asian Development Bank. - 財務省


To provide a hair dye composition which can lower and soften the elasticity of each hair, can improve the deterioration of the touch due to the damage of the hair in a hair dye treatment even for thick and hard Asian hair, and does not deteriorate dyeability; and to provide a method for dyeing hair therewith. - 特許庁



To provide a hair cosmetic which can act on the inner portions of hairs to lower and soften the elasticity of each hair, and can thus improve the original hard touch of thick Asian hair and the deterioration of the touch due to the damage of the hair; and to provide a method for softening hair. - 特許庁


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