
「Ladies」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(13ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Although the crux of the description is mainly the emperor's daily activities, the records also include topics that do not appear on the center stage of politics; articles about events in the Imperial court such as court ceremonies, conferrals of rank and office, imperial grants and tribute, and trends among the Imperial family or court ladies, etc. 例文帳に追加

主に天皇の日常の動向が記述の中心であるが、宮廷行事や任官叙位、下賜進献などの宮中での出来事、皇族や女官の動向等、政治の表舞台には現れないような記事も見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although she had an older brother who became a priest, and an aunt who got married to Kokushu (head of provincial governors), she could not expect financial aid, and lived in a dilapidated house with old court ladies. 例文帳に追加

僧侶となった兄と国守に嫁いだ叔母がいるが、経済的な援助は見込めず、あばら家となった屋敷で年老いた女房たちと暮らしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Court ladies acting as supporters were divided to the left and right, each preparing elaborate costumes according to their base color, which was red (emperor red) for the left and blue (green) for the right. 例文帳に追加

方人(かたうど;応援する役)には女房たちが左右に分かれ、それぞれ左方は赤(朱)、右方は青(緑)を基調に衣裳を揃えるなど趣向を凝らしたものであったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, Sama no kami (Captain of Samaryo, Left Division of Bureau of Horses) and To Shikibu no Jo (Functionary from the Ministry of Rites) joined them, and four people had a chat about ladies (it is commonly known as "rating woman on a rainy night"). 例文帳に追加

さらに左馬頭(さまのかみ)と藤式部丞(とうしきぶのじょう)も交えて、4人で女性談義(俗に『雨夜の品定め』と呼ばれる)をすることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The number of characters mentioned in the genealogy (male characters: Emperors ** people, Imperial Princes ** people, Ministers ** people, and female characters: Empresses ** people, Sai-in (Imperial Princess appointed to serve the deities of the Kamo-jinja Shrines) ** people, nyogo (a high-ranking lady in the court - a consort of an emperor) ** people, and court ladies ** people) 例文帳に追加

系譜に挙げた人物を数え上げる記述(男は帝王○人、親王○人、大臣○人などと、女は后○人、斎院○人、女御○人、女房○人などと数え上げている) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He decided to have her go to his oldest daughter, Kokiden no nyogo, the Emperor's consort, to learn good manners, but a letter and a waka poem she sent to Kokiden were nonsensical, causing the court ladies to snigger in contempt. 例文帳に追加

そこで長女弘徽殿女御の元に行儀見習いへ出すことを決めたが、女御へ贈られた文も和歌も支離滅裂な出来で、女房たちの失笑を買うのだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The only exception is the portrait of the High priestess (Saigu) Kishi; she is sitting on a tatami mat with ugen-beri (a hem made of silk fabrics colored in one color with sequential layers from light to dark) with a folding screen at the back and a kicho (a curtained frame put up to screen royal personages or noble ladies from direct view of those around them) at the front to indicate her noble status. 例文帳に追加

ただし、中で身分の高い斎宮女御徽子のみは繧繝縁(うんげんべり)の上畳(あげだたみ)に座し、背後に屏風、手前に几帳を置いて、格の高さを表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It takes the style of a dialogue between an 83-year-old nun who, at a young age, served Kokamonin's mother, Kitanomandokoro (legal wife of regent or chief adviser to the Emperor), and young court ladies living at the foot of Mt. Higashiyama with four chapters of "Preface," "Critique of Monogatari (tales)," "Critique of Kashu (collection of poetry)," and "Critique of Women." 例文帳に追加

若くして皇嘉門院の母北政所に仕えた八十三歳の老尼と、東山の麓に住む若い女房たちの対話形式をとり、「序」「物語批評」「歌集批評」「女性批評」の四部からなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, Toba-in ordered two ladies who closely resembled Ayame-no-mae in age and appearance to wear the same kimono, and to walk out together and asked Yorimasa to distinguish which lady was Ayame-no-mae. 例文帳に追加

そこで、菖蒲前と年恰好、容貌がよくにている女二人に同じ着物を着せ、頼政に菖蒲前を見分けて二人で退出するように申し付けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They had long flowing hair or did their hair in chigo mage (coiffure, distinguished by two loops of hair standing on the crown of the head), putting on makeup just like court ladies in the Heian period who had already celebrated their coming of age (even applying tooth black to their teeth), and wearing suikan (the dress for upper class children) in full color. 例文帳に追加

髪形は垂髪、または、稚児髷で、元服後の平安貴族女性と同様の化粧をし(お歯黒も付けていたらしい)、極彩色の水干を着る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first one (noble language as described above) was spoken by court ladies among imperial families and court nobles within the Imperial court since the Muromachi period, part of which are still being spoken within some shrines and temples of today. 例文帳に追加

前者の公家言葉は、宮中や宮家、公家のあいだで室町時代の初期から女官によって話されたもので、現在では一部の社寺に残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The patterns of those Kimono were controlled under strict rules, ladies from Samurai society fully utilized their education and added some flavors of their own to the Kimono such as slightly changing the position of patterns, etc. 例文帳に追加

これらの着物の文様は、厳格に決まりがあったとはいえ、武家女性は教養の限りを尽くして文様の位置を微妙に変えたりなどの工夫をしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On pilgrimages such as the Okage Mairi (to Ise-jingu Shrine) and Fuji Mode (to Sengen Shrine at the summit of Mount Fuji), the road traveled was also considered to be part of the pilgrimage, as such inn towns contained prostitutes (serving ladies) whose entertaining of the guests was a form of purification and exorcism. 例文帳に追加

お蔭参り(御伊勢参り)や富士詣などは途中の旅路も過程も含めて「詣で」であり、宿場町に遊女(飯盛女)が存在し、客が遊興することは、禊や祓いであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the number of adults who let children wear Geta so as to train their legs increases, children get familiar with Geta from a very young age, and it is often seen that elderly ladies wear Geta as sandals. 例文帳に追加

足を鍛えるため子供に下駄を履かせるようにする大人が増えて、子供が小さなころから下駄に親しむようになったり、年配の女性がサンダルとして下駄を履く姿も見かける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This began as part of the education of young ladies, by sewing and giving a small bag to store a koto plectrum as a wish for health and growth with the birth of a princess. 例文帳に追加

元々は奥女中の嗜み教養のひとつとして、お姫様が生まれると琴爪入れなどに使う袋物を姫様の健やかな成長を願い繕い贈ったのがはじまり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once beni was brought to Japan from China, the court ladies' lips were made up in vivid beni, and people began to think of using beni as an important factor to a woman's grooming and appearance. 例文帳に追加

中国から紅が伝来した後は、鮮やかな紅が王朝の宮廷婦人たちの唇を彩るようになり、紅を引くことは女性の重要な身だしなみとみなされるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Two naishi (ladies-in-waiting to the emperor) cooperatively divided the kisewata, and Rokui no Kurodo (the Chamberlain of Sixth Rank) received the divided kisewata from the naishi behind a bamboo blind, and gave it to the wagon (Japanese harp) players and others in the forecourt as a reward for their performance. 例文帳に追加

内侍2人が左右から被綿をわかち、和琴を弾くもの以下に、六位蔵人が御簾中からこれを伝取し、庭中でこれを被(かづ)く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kanjo, also known as sannin-kanjo represent court ladies serving in the imperial court, and one of them has blackened teeth called ohaguro and shaved off their eyebrows (in general, a woman with blackened teeth and no eyebrows was married, but in the case of a court lady who remained single all her life, it is assumed that she was senior). 例文帳に追加

官女(三人官女)は宮中に仕える女官をあらわす、内1人のみお歯黒、眉無し(既婚者を意味するが、生涯独身の女官の場合には年長者という意味であろう) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Onkaku kyoshu-fu, there were musicians who belonged to Taigakusho (music department) of Taijo-ji (a government office which was in charge of the rituals at the court), such as the disciples of zabugi (musicians accompanying the dance performed at the party held at the court), female dancers belonging to kyobo (training center for imperial dancers), and some of the court ladies. 例文帳に追加

音楽教習府には、太常寺太楽署所属の楽人で、坐部伎の楽人子弟、教坊の妓女、宮女の一部とが属した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was also an excellent writer whose representative books include 'SUGAWARA to Chushingura (SUGAWARA and Chushingura),' 'Natsu-matsuri to Ise-ondo (summer festivals and Ise-ondo song),' 'Touzai-touzai (ladies and gentlemen, welcome),' 'Nizaemon KATAOKA XI,' 'Saga-dango (episodes of the Saga area),' 'Nizaemon-rakugaki (Nizaemon's graffiti),' 'Shibai-tan (episodes of stage acting)' and 'Wasurerareteiru-senzo-no-kuyo (forgotten memorial services for the ancestors).' 例文帳に追加

文才もあり、主な著書には「菅原と忠臣蔵」「夏祭と伊勢音頭」「とうざいとうざい」「十一代目片岡仁左衛門」「嵯峨談語」「仁左衛門楽我記」「芝居譚」「忘れられている先祖の供養」などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By the Edo period, post Onin War customs had become fixed, and even in the court noble society, uchiki was worn only at a large event or by high-ranking court ladies. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代になると、応仁の乱以後の服飾習慣が固定化してしまい、公家社会でも高位の女官や大きな行事でもない限り、袿が着られることはなくなってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kouchigi in the present-day is a costume for the young ladies of the royal family, and it is called nakabe which is similar in style to Uchigi, having a cloth attached between the outer and inner lining, but larger in size than Uchigi. 例文帳に追加

現在のものは若い皇族女子の衣装で、中倍(なかべ)といって、裏地と表地の間に挟む布を付け加えた袿と同型で袿より大型のもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, as the obi grew longer and bigger, the practice of tying it in the back spread from young ladies to decent women in general, and a more luxurious obi were sought as obi tying became more complex, resulting in a great turning point in the history of Japanese fashion. 例文帳に追加

これより帯の巨大化に伴って帯を後ろ結びにする風習が若い娘から堅気の女性一般に広まり、より帯結びが複雑化し豪奢な帯が求められるなど、日本の服飾史にとっては大きな転回点となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Kyoho Reforms which were typical of the tendency to admonish against luxury that dominated the order of the day, the simple Chaya-zome had lost the interest of the merchant class but started to please samurai-class ladies. 例文帳に追加

やがて享保の改革など奢侈を戒める風潮が主体となると、町人の関心を失い地味だった茶屋染は武家の婦人に気に入られることとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Nihonshoki," Emperor Yuryaku told two uneme (Court ladies) to wear a loincloth and to wrestle in front of INABE no Mane, who was very proud of himself, in September 469. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』の雄略天皇十三年(469年)には、秋九月、雄略天皇が二人の采女(女官)に命じて褌を付けさせ、自らの事を豪語する工匠猪名部真根の目前で「相撲」をとらせたと書かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The himegimis of samurais wore Fukiwa while court ladies normally wore a flat mage called tabo (a part of hair extended backward from the back of the head) no tsubuichi (apprentice court lady's hair style) and participated in big events wearing the osuberakashi (a traditional coiffure for Shinto priestesses, with the hair gathered so as to hang down from the back of the head). 例文帳に追加

武家の姫ならこの吹輪を結うが、公家の姫君の方は普段は平たいたぼのつぶいちと呼ばれる髷を結い大きな行事にはおすべらかしで挑んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is said that the gorgeous decoration and 'loose hair' are arrangements for plays and dramas, and actual ladies of samurai families were modest, wearing only silverwork/tortoiseshell work combs and Kogai (one of hair ornaments for women in the Edo period). 例文帳に追加

ただし、華やかな装飾や「後れ毛」は芝居・舞台用のアレンジであり、実際の武家の姫君は銀・べっこう細工の櫛・こうがい等のみで地味であったといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One of the court ladies who had fled from Mt. Kasagi with Emperor Godaigo in the face of a crushing defeat in the Onin War of 1331 came to Tsukigase to stay. 例文帳に追加

1331年に起こった元弘の乱で大敗を喫した後醍醐天皇が笠置山から撤退する際、一緒に逃げてきた女官の一人が月瀬に滞在した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The divine mirror, which was modeled after Yata no Kagami (the eight-span mirror; one of the Imperial regalia) as one of the three sacred imperial treasures, was kept in Unmeiden (Naishidokoro), therefore, court ladies in Naishi no tsukasa had to protect and keep the mirror. 例文帳に追加

三種の神器のひとつ・八咫鏡を模した神鏡が温明殿(内侍所)に安置されており、この神鏡を守護捧持するのも内侍司の女官の役目である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And also, as you can see that Sei Shonagon and Murasaki Shikibu who developed dynastic style literature were court ladies from this class, people from this class were the important bearers of the culture of dynasty. 例文帳に追加

また王朝文学を発展させた清少納言や紫式部らがこの階層に出自した女官であったことからわかるように王朝文化の重要な担い手であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The person who was placed in the most highest position among the Naishi no suke and controlled the court ladies was called osuke, and controlled all of the various matters of Otsune Goten Palace in Gosho (imperial palace) along with the Koto naishi no jo (clerical worker at government offices, also called nagahashi no tsubone since lived in a corridor from Seiryoden to Shishinden.) 例文帳に追加

その典侍の中でも最上位に位置し、女官を統括する者は大典侍と称し、匂当掌侍(長橋局)と並んで御所御常御殿の事務諸事一切を掌握した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some Naishi no suke served as the secretary in the daily life of the Emperor (vestal court ladies), others served as the concubines who receive the total favor of the Emperor and bear princes and princesses. 例文帳に追加

典侍は天皇の日常生活における秘書的役割を勤める者(お清の女官)と、同じ典侍でも天皇の寵愛を一身に受け、皇子女を生む側室の役割を持つ者がいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The court ladies including Naishi no suke were occupied by daughters of kuge until the end of the Edo period and they had the immeasurable power in the court by serving close to the Emperor, however, drastic reform was executed by the new Meiji government. 例文帳に追加

幕末まで公家の子女によって占有され、天皇に近侍することで宮廷で絶大な権勢を誇るようになっていた典侍をはじめとする女官であるが、明治新政府によって大改革が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Next, all the court ladies under the rank of Naishi no suke who were placed under the Emperor were integrated and moved under the empress, and daughters of samurai families and the peerage could be adopted. 例文帳に追加

次に天皇の下に置かれていた典侍以下全ての女官を皇后の下に統一して移し、武家華族の子女からも採用されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Abolition of the post of Naishi no suke was triggered by the establishment of the Togu-shiki (the Board of the Crown Prince's Affairs) court lady system in the end of Taisho era, and was determined by the reform of the court ladies led by crown prince at the time, Prince Hirohito (Emperor Showa). 例文帳に追加

典侍の職制が廃止されるに至ったのは、大正末期の東宮職女官制の制定が端緒であり、当時の皇太子裕仁親王(昭和天皇)が進めた女官改革からである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The guest hall of the Shoin zukuri (a traditional Japanese style of residential architecture that includes a tokonoma) was a reconstruction of 対面 of Nyoin Palace (the palace for court ladies who received In title or equivalent) in Tofukumon in (Emperor Gomizunoo's court lady, Tokugawa second Shogun, Hidetada's daughter) which was constructed in 1677. 例文帳に追加

書院造の客殿は、1677年(延宝5年)造営された東福門院(後水尾天皇女御、徳川2代将軍秀忠娘)の女院御所の奥対面所を移築したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was said that it appeared as if 'all the furniture and the ladies in waiting were so beautiful and it was almost like they were shinning.' ("Kenreimonin Ukyo no Daibu shu") 例文帳に追加

その様子は「御所の御しつらひ、人々の姿まで、ことにかがやくばかり見えし(御所の調度から女房の姿まで、輝くようだった)」(『建礼門院右京大夫集』)と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kenjugozen was surprised to see the difference of the Hachijoin's palace, which was covered with dust and the ladies in waiting were wearing unfashionable costumes, compared to those in Kenshumonin's palace with luxurious furnishing and everything well in order. 例文帳に追加

健寿御前は、塵が積もった御所の中で、女房がちぐはぐな衣装を着ても気に留めなかった八条院の様子を見て、華美好きで整然とした建春門院御所との違いに感嘆した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, a temple was built in Rokujodono, where the retired Emperor and the Princesses palace used to be, the Retired Emperor continued to let the ladies-in waiting serve at the Palace in the same way as it use to be. 例文帳に追加

その後院と内親王の御所であった六条殿に御堂が建立され、院はそこへ昔日と変わらぬままに女房達を仕えさせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he held various posts, including Tanba no kuni no suke (Assistant Governor of Tanba Province) having the rank of Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), Nuidonoryo no kami (the head of the Bureau of the Wardrobe and Court Ladies) having the rank of Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade), Kudai-taifu (post of Imperial Household Ministry) having the rank of Jushiijo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade), Shoryoryo no kami (the head of the Bureau for managing imperial mausoleums), and the governor of Musashi Province, Yamato Province, and Yamashiro Province. 例文帳に追加

後に正五位下丹波国介、従四位下縫殿寮頭、従四位上宮内省大輔、諸陵寮頭の他武蔵国、大和国、山城国国司を歴任する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because her birth mother was a court lady, under normal circumstances, Akenomiya should have lived her life at an imperial palace for bikuni (female Buddhist disciples) like many other princesses born to court ladies without receiving the proclamation of the title as Imperial Princess. 例文帳に追加

女官を生母として生まれた朱宮は本来であれば、他の多くの女官腹の皇女を同じく、内親王宣下を受けることもなく比丘尼御所で生涯を終えるのが通例であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many princes and princesses were born between Emperor Gomizuno and his court ladies, but Tofukumonin got along with them well, and the relationships among those born from different mothers were good. 例文帳に追加

後水尾天皇は多くの女官たちとの間に多数の皇子女をなしたが、東福門院と女官所生の皇子女とは仲が良く、また、母が異なる皇子女同士も非常に良好な関係であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around Emperor Kanmu, three ladies died one after another, that is, FUJIWARA no Tabiko, Bunin (consort of the emperor) in 788, TAKANO no Niigasa, Kotaifujin (title for previous retired emperors' wife) (real mother of Kanmu) in 789 and Empress Otomuro in the following year. 例文帳に追加

桓武天皇の周囲では延暦7年(788年)に夫人藤原旅子、同8年(789年)皇太夫人高野新笠(桓武の実母)、そして翌年に皇后乙牟漏が相次いで没している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he arrived at the present Yura, Tsuruoka City in Yamagata prefecture, he saw eight young ladies dancing to the sound of flute on a rock called the Butaiiwa (meaning the stage formed of rock) located at Yaotome Bay. 例文帳に追加

そして、現在の山形県鶴岡市由良にたどり着いた時、八乙女浦にある舞台岩と呼ばれる岩の上で、八人の乙女が笛の音に合わせて踊っているのを見た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She had several literary ladies-in-waiting, including "The Tale of Genji" author, Murasaki Shikibu; the greatest poet of her time, Izumi Shikibu; the poet Akazome Emon (who is the possible author of "Eiga Monogatari"); and the poet Ise no Taifu. 例文帳に追加

女房に『源氏物語』の作者・紫式部、王朝有数の歌人・和泉式部、歌人で『栄花物語』正編の作者と伝えられる赤染衛門、同じく歌人の伊勢大輔などを従え、華麗な文芸サロンを形成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Books of poetry produced include "Korai Futeisho" (Poetic Styles from the Past) a tome presented to Imperial Princess Noriko (one of Retired Emperor Goshirakawa's ladies) as well as "Shunzei Kyo Waji Sojo" (Japanese Poetry of Shunzei) and "Kokin Mondo" (Ancient and Modern Questions and Answers). 例文帳に追加

歌学書には、『古来風躰抄』(後白河院の皇女である式子内親王に奉ったもの)のほか、『俊成卿和字奏状』『古今問答』。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The current nyoin (a close female relative of the Emperor or a woman of comparable standing) such as Kokamonin, who were ladies who were at the ranks of Chugu or Empress Dowager as the legal princess or empress were at the similar rank as the retired emperor that they were not in the position to serve the retired emperor. 例文帳に追加

皇嘉門院のように、只今の女院、かつて天皇の正妃・母后として中宮・皇太后の尊位にあった女性は、上皇とほぼ同等の身位にあり、上皇に随侍する立場にない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, 'Nene' was a very common name that began to appear in the Kamakura period (there were several ladies named Nene who lived in Kodaiin's age, including Nagamasa KURODA's wife, Eihime; Yorishige SUWA's wife, Nene; Toshitsune MAEDA's wife, Tamahime; and Naomasa NANBU's wife). 例文帳に追加

いっぽう「ねね」は鎌倉時代あたりから現れ、非常に頻繁に用いられる女性名である(同時代にも黒田長政栄姫、諏訪頼重(戦国時代)禰々、前田利常珠姫、南部直政室など複数見られる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, it was common for low-ranking ladies-in-waiting to serve persons of noble status, and it is probably true that Niigasa who served as a lady-in-waiting would occasionally catch the eye of Shirakabe no Okimi, attended at his bedside, and received his affection. 例文帳に追加

当時は采女といって身分の低い女性が高貴な者に奉仕することがふつうだったので、采女である新笠がたまたま白壁王の目に止まり、枕席に侍り情を受けたというのが真相ではあるまいか。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Mototada played Shite (a main actor) in songs such as 'Tomonaga' (MINAMOTO no Tomonaga), 'Teika' (FUJIWARA no Teika), 'Kantan' (The Pillow of Kantan, Noh play), 'Oimatsu' (The Old Pine Tree), 'Ataka' (The Ataka Barrier, Noh play), 'Futarishizuka' (a couple of the young ladies named Shizuka), 'Mii-dera Temple,' 'Yamanba' (old mountain witch), 'Matsukaze' (Wind in the Pines), 'Miwa' (deity of Mt. Miwa), 'Kasuga Ryujin' (The Kasuga Dragon God), 'Shojo' (an Imaginary Animal Like an orangutan), 'Taema' (Princess Chujo in Taima-dera Temple; a Noh play), 'Sanemori' (Sanemori SAITO), 'Sotoba Komachi' (Komachi on the Stupa), and 'Sakura-gawa River'. 例文帳に追加

元忠は「朝長」、「定家」、「邯鄲」、「老松」、「安宅」、「二人静」、「三井寺」、「山姥」、「松風」、「三輪」、「春日龍神」、「猩猩」、「当麻」、「実盛」、「卒都婆小町」、「桜川」といった曲のシテを勤めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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