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To the northの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1711


After exiting from Seiwa-in Gomon Gate of Kyoto Imperial Palace and heading north for a while from Teramachi-dori, there are three famous temples: Rozan-ji Temple, where the remains of Murasakishikibu's villa are found on the east side of the street, and the south side to the precincts of the temple, Shojoke-in Temple, which is famous for Migawarifudo and Honzen-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

京都御所の清和院御門を出て、寺町通を少し北に進むと、道の東側に南から境内に「紫式部邸宅遺跡」がある廬山寺、「身代り不動」が有名な清浄華院、本禅寺の三寺が並ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Recently, a lot of mokkan (narrow strip of wood on which an official message is written) that describe the large remains of structures, or delivery of taxes, were unearthed in the palace town ruins located 1 km to the north from the palace ruins of Shigaraki no miya (ruins designated by the nation), therefore, it was considered as a probable place of the palace ruins. 例文帳に追加

最近では国史跡・紫香楽宮跡の北約1kmに位置する宮町遺跡から大規模な建物跡や税納入を示す木簡が大量に出土したことから、ここが宮跡の有力地となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The imperial mausoleums that the Imperial Household Agency administers are located in thirty-three prefectures from Yamagata Prefecture in the north to Kagoshima Prefecture in the south, and there are one hundred eighty-eight mausoleums in total including one hundred twelve imperial mausoleums for the successive emperors and seventy-six mausoleums for the empresses. 例文帳に追加

宮内庁管理の陵墓は、北は山形県から南は鹿児島県まで1都2府30県にわたって所在しており、歴代天皇陵が112、皇后陵など76で計188。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He went up to Kyoto around the time between 1145 and 1151, served the retired Emperor Toba as Hokumen no bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards for the north side) through the donation of his manor, and then held the posts of Kurodo (Chamberlain) and Keibiishi (officials with judicial and police powers). 例文帳に追加

久安年間の頃上洛し、所領の寄進が機縁となって鳥羽上皇に北面武士として仕え、蔵人や検非違使に任官する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, there are sections where ICOCA is not accepted even though trains arrive regularly from the Keihanshin Urban Network area (for example: Tsuruga Station, the section to the north of Shimoyamaguchi Station on the Fukuchiyama Line, and the section between Takada Station and Wakayama Station on the Wakayama Line). 例文帳に追加

一方、京阪神エリアのうちアーバンネットワーク内から定期列車が乗り入れるにもかかわらず、ICOCAが利用できない線区(例:敦賀駅、福知山線の篠山口駅以北、和歌山線の高田~和歌山間など)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even in the section in which the special rapid train stops at every station to the north of Omi-Maiko Station and Hikone Station, the train runs with the sign 'Special Rapid,' while the timetable includes descriptions of 'Special Rapid.' 例文帳に追加

新快速は近江舞子駅・彦根駅以北の各駅停車区間でも「新快速」の表示を出し、駅時刻表も新快速と表記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For the turnouts which are located in the north of Takasaki Station and are used for making a branch between the Joetsu Shinkansen line and the Hokuriku Shinkansen line, the longest and highest-level points, which enable a branching train to pass the point at a speed of 160 km/s, are installed. 例文帳に追加

また、高崎駅北方にある上越新幹線と北陸新幹線(長野新幹線)との分岐には、分岐側が160km/hで通過できる国内最高水準かつ最長のポイントが設置されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mt. Otowa (Shiga and Kyoto Prefectures) to the east, Mt. Hiei toward the north, Kyoto Higashiyama (Kyoto Prefecture) on the west, and the Yamashina-gawa River toward the south, form an axis, which opens toward the direction of Rokujizo, Uji City. 例文帳に追加

東は音羽山(滋賀県・京都府)などに、北は比叡山に、西は京都東山(京都府)に接し、南は山科川を軸にして宇治市六地蔵方面へ開けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The north side of the pass became the entrance (Kyoto prefectural road 284, the Yawata Interchange Line) to a high class residential area 'Keihan East Rose Town' (which was developed on the eastern side of Yawata City and the western side of Kyotanabe City) and was properly developed into a road lighting-installed intersection. 例文帳に追加

また、峠の北側は八幡市東部や京田辺市西部に造成された高級住宅街「京阪東ローズタウン」の玄関口(京都府道284号八幡インター線)となり、道路照明の整った交差点として整備された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Enomoto and some others submitted a petition for granting the control of Ezochi to the retainers of the former Shogunate in the name of development and protection of the north, but the new government rejected it and deployed troops. 例文帳に追加

榎本らは北方の防衛開拓を名目として旧幕臣政権による蝦夷地支配の追認を求める嘆願書を朝廷に提出したが、新政府はこれを認めず派兵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The same year, FUJIWARA no Hidehira became Chinjufu shogun (Commander-in-chief of the Defense of the North and the courtly title of the Fourth Rank) but was assumed to have received the position in exchange for donations of gold, which was an export in Japan-Song trade. 例文帳に追加

同年に藤原秀衡が鎮守府将軍になるが、日宋貿易の輸出品である金の貢納と引き換えに任じられたと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having been estranged from local samurai land owners in the northern area, such as the Yashiro clan, Yoshikiyo MURAKAMI was isolated in its stronghold Katsurao-jo Castle, and the Takeda clan became to control all areas of Shinano Province, except the area in the north of Zenko-ji Temple (or Kawanakajima) and part of the southern Shinano area. 例文帳に追加

また屋代氏などの北部の与力衆の離反もあって村上義清は本拠地葛尾城に孤立し、武田氏の勢力は善光寺(川中島)以北や南信濃の一部を除き、信濃国のほぼ全域に広がる事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, Seii taishoguns (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") or Chinju-fu shoguns (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) were dispatched to Mutsu Province and Chinju-fu (army base) was deployed in the subdued area and the Chinju-fu shogun, the chief of it ranked with kokushi. 例文帳に追加

そのため、陸奥国には征夷大将軍や鎮守府将軍が派遣され、平定した地域には陸奥国府と並び鎮守府が置かれ、その長官たる鎮守府将軍は国司と同格とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Not only in Japan but also in the North American continent and the Asian continent, the point achieved a remarkable development from the end of the diluvial epoch (Pleistocene epoch) to the early alluvial epoch (Holocene epoch). 例文帳に追加

洪積世(更新世)末から沖積世(完新世)初頭にかけては、日本のみならず北アメリカ大陸・アジア大陸においても尖頭器の発達が著しい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The area surrounded by Odoi was extremely large compared to the urban area at that time, and some areas at the west and at the north were farmlands until the end of the Second World War. 例文帳に追加

御土居の囲む範囲は当時の市街地に比べ極めて広く、西部や北部においては第2次世界大戦後まで農地が広がっていた場所すらある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A section called "Naka-yashiki" (literally, middle residence) remains, with a length of approximately 40 meters in the east-west direction and approximately 50 meters in the north-south direction, exists in the middle of a ridge called "Yakushi-one" (Yakushi ridge) to the south of the remains of the lord's residence. 例文帳に追加

城主居館跡の南方、「薬師尾根」と称される尾根の中腹には「中屋敷」跡と呼ばれる東西約40メートル、南北約50メートルの区画がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the detailed map of the remains produced from the investigation, the expanse of the area is 2 kilometers long in east-west orientation and 1.5 kilometers long in south-north orientation forming an ellipse shape, with an area up to 3,000 square meters spreading around the location of today's JR Makumuku Station as its center. 例文帳に追加

遺跡地図上では遺跡範囲はJR巻向駅を中心に東西約2キロメートル・南北約1.5キロメートルに及び、その形は楕円形であり、面積は3000m2にまで達する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Looking at the changes in the amount of goods exported from the U.S. from 2001 to 2011 by major trading partners, that of Canada and Mexico, which are signatory countries of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the largest and the second-largest importers, increased by 1.7 times and 2.0 times respectively.例文帳に追加

2001 年から 2011 年の米国からの財輸出額の変化を主要国別に見ると、北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)締結国であり輸出先第 1、2 位のカナダ及びメキシコはそれぞれ 1.7 倍、2.0 倍に伸びた。 - 経済産業省

Pepper: Brought to Japan via China and ko (races lived in the places to the north and west of old China), and used as a seasoning for a pungent taste more often than today, but demand for pepper as seasoning for nihon-ryori dishes diminished after red pepper was brought to Japan. 例文帳に追加

コショウ-日本には中国、胡を経て伝来していて、辛味の調味料として現在よりも多用されていたが、トウガラシが伝来して以後、日本料理の調味料としての需要は減少した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Performances beyond the category of cooking such as to pile up round slices of onion like Mt. Fuji and burn them to give white smoke or to juggle cooking utensils being fired up, at teppanyaki restaurants in the North America, are known. 例文帳に追加

北米の鉄板焼きレストランでは、輪切りにしたタマネギを重ねて富士山に見立て炎をつけて白煙を噴出させたり、火をつけた料理器具でジャグリングをするなど料理の範疇を超えたショーとしても知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1632, when Tadatoshi became feudal lord of land in Kumamoto Domain in Higo Province with yield of 540,000 koku and moved to Kumamoto Castle, Tadaoki decided to retire to the Kita-no-maru (the north keep) of Yatsushiro Castle in South Kumamoto. 例文帳に追加

寛永9年(1632年)、忠利が肥後国熊本藩54万石の領主として熊本城に移封されると熊本の南の八代城に入り北の丸を隠居所とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In travelling by bus for sightseeing, it is more convenient to go to Kashiharajingu-mae Station (Kintetsu Railway, Kintetsu Minamiosaka Line/Kintetsu Kashihara Line), two stations to the north, where the frequency of buses is better. 例文帳に追加

観光にバスを使う場合、2つ北の橿原神宮前駅(近畿日本鉄道近鉄南大阪線・近鉄橿原線)の方が本数が多く便利である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Midokanpaku-ki (Midokanpaku diary)," when peacocks arrived at the imperial court from North Soh Dynasty in China in 1015, Emperor Sanjo, the emperor at that time, presented them to Michinaga, who is said to have kept them at Tsuchimikado-dono Palace. 例文帳に追加

また『御堂関白記』によれば、長和4年(1015年)北宋朝からクジャクが朝廷に届き、これを時の三条天皇が道長に下賜し、道長は土御門殿で飼っていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order for Japan to become an attractive place to study for the advanced students of East Asia over and above Europe and North America, it is necessary to further raise the level of Japan’s higher educational institutions.例文帳に追加

今後、我が国が、東アジアの高度な留学生にとって欧米に代わる魅力的な留学先となるためには、我が国の高等教育機関のレベルをより高めていくことが求められる。 - 経済産業省

In Higashiyama Ward Ryogawa-cho (town which exists on both sides area of the street) is arranged along the street; where towns have numbers within their names from 1 to 22 from the north--that is 1 chome, Honmachi to 22 chome, Honmachi Higashiyama Ward 例文帳に追加

東山区内においては、通りに沿って、北から東山区本町一丁目から本町二十二丁目とナンバリングされた町名の両側町が形成されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Cited below are typical entrances often included in Seven Entrances to Kyoto, and are named in clockwise order from the north along with relevant information such as locations of the entrances from which roads extend and the place-names that remain to this day. 例文帳に追加

以下に、現代において七口の一つとよく称される代表的な口の名称を示し、そこからのびていた街道、口の場所についての情報や現存する地名などについて北から時計回りに記す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, as a following of Taishakuten it is said to live in Tengyo-jo Castle of Suishota, which is the north of Mt. Shumisen (Mt. Sumeru) or to guard Hokkurushu (uttara-kuru), one of the four continents in the world view of ancient India. 例文帳に追加

そして帝釈天の配下として、仏の住む世界を支える須弥山の北方、水精埵の天敬城に住み、或いは古代インドの世界観で地球上にあるとされた4つの大陸のうち北倶盧洲(ほっくるしゅう)を守護するとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally, it was generally the case that temple monks lived communally in sanmen sobo (monks' dormitories constructed to the north, east and west of the lecture hall) but there were individuals who built their own sobo (living quarters) in order to fully immerse themselves in ascetic practice. 例文帳に追加

本来、寺院の僧侶は三面僧房で共同生活を送ることが原則とされていたが、僧侶の中には修行に専念するために独自の僧房を設置して独立空間を構える者もいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At stand-up-eating soba/udon noodle shops, it is a common practice to serve kakiage east and north of the Tokai region while tenpura made from small shrimp (less than five centimeters long) with a thick batter is used west of the Kansai area, to keep the cost down. 例文帳に追加

立ち食いそば・うどん店では安価に供するため、東海以東・以北ではかき揚げ、関西以西では小さな海老(体長5cm未満)と大きな衣の天ぷらを用いるのが一般的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To the north of the main monastery lies a valley named Sengyokukan, which is spanned by, from west to east, the three bridges Gaun-kyo Bridge, Tsuten-kyo Bridge and Engetsu-kyo Bridge (Important Cultural Property). 例文帳に追加

主要伽藍の北には洗玉澗(せんぎょくかん)という渓谷があり、西から東へ臥雲橋、通天橋、偃月橋(えんげつきょう、重要文化財)という3本の橋が架かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From 1208 to 1212, Unkei led Buddhist statue sculptors of his sect to create the Seated Statue of Miroku Buddha, which was the main statue of worship of Kofuku-ji Temple's Hokuen-do (North Octagonal Hall), as well as the Muchaku and Seshin statues. 例文帳に追加

承元2年(1208年)から建暦2年(1212年)にかけては、一門の仏師を率いて、興福寺北円堂の本尊弥勒仏坐像と、無著・世親像を造っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Boshin War in 1868, he was active on the North Kanto and Aizu fronts as daigunkan (senior commander), and in 1870, he committed to the reformation of domain duties as Han shosanji (second to a governor). 例文帳に追加

明治元年(1868年)の戊辰戦争では、大軍監として北関東・会津戦線で活躍し、明治3年(1870年)、藩少参事として藩政改革に尽力した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the above-mentioned factors, 'Monju (train),' arriving at and departing from Shin-Osaka Station, which concurrently commenced operation, and 'Kitakinki,' an L-tokkyu (limited express) train on the Fukuchiyama Line, which had already started operation, came to comprise the North Kinki Big X Network. 例文帳に追加

これにより、同時に運行を開始した新大阪駅発着の「文殊_(列車)」とすでに運行を開始している福知山線エル特急「北近畿_(列車)」と合わせて北近畿ビッグXネットワークが構成されることとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, its military importance is increasing due to incidences involving North Korean covert-operation boats; therefore the Maizuru Air Port was built to deploy the Maizuru Fleet Air Force and the Special Boarding Unit 例文帳に追加

近年では朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の工作船事件などで軍事上の重要度が高まり、舞鶴飛行場が建設され舞鶴航空隊や特別警備隊が配備された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early modern Kyoto, the area north of Nijo-dori Street was referred to as Kamigyo, and the area south of Nijo-dori Street was referred to as Shimogyo; and chogumi (town society) called 'Twelve town societies of Kamigyo' and 'Kinri Rokucho town society' were formed in Kamigyo, and 'Eight town societies of Shimogyo' were formed in Shimogyo. 例文帳に追加

近世の京都では、二条通以北を上京、以南を下京と称し、上京には「上京十二組」「禁裏六丁組」、下京には「下京八組」という町組(ちょうぐみ)が組織されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early modern Kyoto, the area north of Nijo-dori Street was referred to as Kamigyo, and the area south of Nijo-dori Street was referred to as Shimogyo; and chogumi (town society) called 'Twelve town societies of Kamigyo' and 'Kinri Rokucho town society' were formed in Kamigyo, and 'Eight town societies of Shimogyo' were formed in Shimogyo. 例文帳に追加

近世には、二条通り以北を上京、以南を下京と称し、上京には「上京十二組」「禁裏六丁組」、下京には「下京八組」という町組(ちょうぐみ)が組織されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the north to the east, Kamakura is surrounded by low mountains-- Mt. Rokkokuken (147 meters high), Mt. Ohira (159 meters high), Mt. Tendai (141 meters high), and Mt. Kinubari (120 meters high)--extending all the way to Iijimagasaki and Wagaejima that border with Zushi City. 例文帳に追加

市街地の北から東にかけては六国見山(147メートル)、大平山(159メートル)、天台山(141メートル)、衣張山(120メートル)などの低い山が連なり、逗子市との境に当たる飯島ヶ崎、和賀江島(わかえじま)方面へ伸びている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the ninth month, Emperor Godaigo appointed Imperial Prince Kanenaga Seisei taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the western barbarians") and dispatched him to Kyushu, while Yoshisada NITTA went into Hokuriku (the region north-northeast of Kyoto) in obedience to Imperial Princes Tsunenaga and Takanaga. 例文帳に追加

9月に後醍醐天皇は皇子の懐良親王を征西大将軍に任じて九州へ派遣し、新田義貞に恒良親王・尊良親王を奉じさせて北陸へ下らせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the Japanese army marched close to Pyongyang, Sonjo fled to Uiju in Pyeongan Province located at the north end and on the border of Liaodong and asked Ming for help based on sakuho (homage by Chinese emperors). 例文帳に追加

日本軍の進撃が平壌に迫ると宣祖は遼東との国境である北端の平安道・義州へと逃亡し、冊封に基づいて明に救援を要請する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the recent financial crisis, concerns over the settlement risk related to OTC derivative transactions, which was observed primarily in Europe and North America, was partly attributable to inadequate market transparency resulting in an insufficient understanding of the actual trade conditions. 例文帳に追加

今次の金融危機において、主に欧米でみられた店頭デリバティブ取引に係る決済リスクへの懸念は、市場の透明性が欠如し、取引実態の十分な把握が行えなかったことに起因する面がある。 - 金融庁

We welcome the WBG’s enhanced focus on innovative approaches to support countries in the Middle East and North Africa region to address the social and economic consequences of their current transition. 例文帳に追加

現下の移行期のもたらす社会的及び経済的帰結へ対処している中東及び北アフリカ地域の諸国を支援するため、世界銀行グループが、革新的なアプローチに強く焦点を当てていることを歓迎。 - 財務省

The method for promoting raising of fishes is applied to various cultured fishes, especially used in fish farming of Verasper misery being a large-sized flatfish of a north sea known as a high-class fish to exhibit the effect of the method.例文帳に追加

本発明の方法は、種々の養殖魚に適用することができるが、特に、高級魚として知られる、北の海の大型カレイであるマツカワの養殖に用いて、その効果を発揮することができる。 - 特許庁

Single magnetic poles (the south pole or the north pole) having different polarities from each other are arranged in both side surfaces of a circular encoder 2 to form one of the side surfaces as a surface to be detected 13.例文帳に追加

円輪状のエンコーダ2の両側面にそれぞれ、互いに極性が異なる単一の磁極(S極又はN極)を配置し、このうちの一方の側面を被検出面13とする。 - 特許庁

It is convenient to investigate the east, west, south, and north orientations, the name of a town and a facility utilizing the map software system to plan everyday activities.例文帳に追加

即ち地図ソフトウェアーシステムの東西南北方位と連動し正確かつ簡易に地図上画面に吉凶方位を表示する方法を採用した。 - 特許庁

However, in recent years, the balance in services with Asia turned to a surplus, and the favorable balance has been continuing to increase, while that with the EU was a small surplus, and that with North America has remained in deficit (Figure 3-3-1-2).例文帳に追加

しかしながら、近年はアジア向けが黒字に転じ、かつ、その黒字が拡大基調である一方、EU 向けは若干の黒字、北米向けは引き続き赤字で推移しているのが特徴である(第3-3-1-2 図)。 - 経済産業省

Oita Airport is also located in the town of Aki. Access to the airport is easy, and it provides the advantage of easy overseas business trips to Europe and North America via Korea's Incheon International Airport.例文帳に追加

安岐町には大分空港が立地していることから、同空港へのアクセスが容易であり、同空港から韓国の仁川国際空港を経由してヨーロッパや北米への海外出張をしやすいというメリットもある。 - 経済産業省

Regarding Germany, the contribution rates of change by region revealed that the contributions of both the EU27 and North America, etc. were negative until October 2008, but a positive contribution was sustained in regard to exports to all other regions (Figure 2-1-2-10).例文帳に追加

地域別増減寄与度でも、2008年10月時点まではEU27、及び北米等はマイナス寄与となっている一方、その他の地域向け輸出はプラス寄与を維持している(第2-1-2-10図)。 - 経済産業省

Suwancho-dori Street, located along the southern extension of the Ryogaemachi-dori Street, runs from Takatsuji-dori Street in the north to Hanayacho-dori Street at the northern end of Higashihongan-ji Temple in the south. 例文帳に追加

諏訪町通(すわんちょうどおり)は両替町通を南へ延長した線上にあり、北は高辻通から南は東本願寺の北端の花屋町通まで。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, however, he took Yugiri's daughter, Roku no Kimi, as Kita no kata (the woman living in the north of the house; wife), and then his interest shifted to the new woman, neglecting Naka no Kimi ('Yadorigi' (The Ivy)). 例文帳に追加

しかし後に夕霧(源氏物語)の娘六の君を北の方に迎えると、彼女に興味を移して中の君をないがしろにしてしまう(「宿木」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Samurai were not in the court, but were in the 'lower side' (ka or ke), which was a building with five gaps between pillars along the mud wall with a roof north of the imperial palace, and this was not just for samurai, but also for gochodo (sodomy partner) of Shirakawain and gojiso (a priest who prays to guard the emperor). 例文帳に追加

武士が居たのは殿上ではなく、「下」(カ、またはケ)で、御所の北の築地に沿う五間屋であるが、こちらも武士だけではなく、白河院の「御寵童」(男色の相手)や、護持僧なども含んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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