
「had been around」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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had been aroundの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 185


Besides, Tomoyoshi YOSHIOKA who was the 33rd Regimental Commander of hohei which completely destroyed in 'the fierce battle around Kankyotonsangenya' of Battle of Mukden said to be the fiercest battle of the Russo-Japanese War had been YAMAZA's close friend since his childhood and married YAMAZA's younger sister to become his younger brother-in-law. 例文帳に追加

また、日露戦争における最大の激戦とされる奉天会戦の「干洪屯三軒屋附近の激戦」において全滅した歩兵第33連隊の連隊長吉岡友愛は、山座の少年時代からの親友であり、山座の妹と結婚し義弟であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shirakawa yofune' (Sound asleep) means that someone was fast asleep and totally unaware of what was going on around, which is based on the anecdote-- when a lier told that he had been on a journey to Kyoto, and he was asked about the Shirakawa area, he thought he was asked about the Shira-kawa River and told that he was not aware much of the river because he traveled down the river by boat in darkness of night, there, he was caught in his lie. 例文帳に追加

京都に旅行へ行ったと嘘をつく人が、この白河(白川)の地について聞かれ川のことだと思い、夜に船で通ったのでよく知らないと答え、嘘がばれたという逸話から、熟睡して前後を知らないことを「白河夜船(白川夜船)」という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the origin of foundation, it was accepted that SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi, who went as a Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China, founded the Monjoin around 834 modeled after and 崇 in Tang -- On the other hand, there was another opinion that there had been a dormitory for monjosho (student of literary studies in the Imperial University) after 728 when the Monjo hakase was founded. 例文帳に追加

設立の由来については、遣唐使として唐に渡った菅原清公が、唐の昭文館・崇文館を参考にして承和(日本)元年(834年)頃に設立したとされているが、文章博士が設置された神亀5年(728年)以後に文章生を収容する宿舎があったとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With lack of army provisions and ammunition, psychological warfare that the Tokugawa side conducted, and damages of the towers and camps by cannons, the Toyotomi officers and soldiers had been exhausted, and also Yodo-dono, who was in a leading position in the Toyotomi Family, having seeing damage around her brought by bombardments to Honmaru, Toyotomi side decided to take a softer line, and agreed to have peace negotiations (16th) (the old calendar). 例文帳に追加

豊臣方も同じく兵糧に加え弾薬の欠乏や徳川方が仕掛けた心理戦、大砲で櫓・陣屋などに被害を受けて将兵は疲労し、また豊臣家で主導的立場にあった淀殿も本丸への砲撃で身近に被害が及び、態度を軟化させて和議に応じたという(16日)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the theory of the Kyushu dynasty, Wakoku had been founded by the first century around the area of the northern part of Kyusu, and the King of Wa placed the capital in Wanonanokuni near the Hakata Bay and offered tribute to the Han Dynasty, and then transferred it to Dazaifu (govermental headquarters in northern Kyushu from the late Kofun period (300-700) through the Heian Period) to exist till the end of the seventh century. 例文帳に追加

1世紀には倭国が北部九州を中心とした地域に成立し、倭国王は博多湾近くの倭奴国に首都をおいて漢に朝貢し、後には太宰府に都を移して7世紀末まで存在したとする九州王朝説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The pirates that Sumitomo restrained through persuasion and martial arts were toneri (servants) of the Fugo-so (the upper class) from around the Seto Inland Sea, who had been laid off due to institutional reform by the Imperial Court with the aim of claiming vested interest in tax revenue that was sent to the capital. 例文帳に追加

純友が武芸と説得によって鎮圧した海賊は朝廷の機構改革で人員削減された瀬戸内海一帯の富豪層出身の舎人たちが、税収の既得権を主張して運京租税の奪取を図っていたものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Myobo kanmon had been actively created by the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), when the political power of the Imperial Court and In no cho was well retained in and around Kyoto, but Myobodo declined with the downfall of such political power and Myobo kanmon were no longer created. 例文帳に追加

こうした明法勘文は、朝廷・院庁の政治的権威が京都とその周辺部で堅持されていた南北朝時代(日本)の頃までは盛んに作成されていたが、以後政治的権力の失墜とともに明法道も衰退し、明法勘文が作成されることはほとんど無くなったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He excavated seven out of eight places around the country where the Buddha's sariras had been dedicated, and pulverized the bones and divided them grain by grain, and subdivided the ashes into minute quantities; then he redistributed them to an enormous number of temples inside and outside the country; these were said to number some 80,000 temples, including the ones in surrounding countries. 例文帳に追加

全国8個所に奉納されていた仏舎利のうち7か所の仏舎利を発掘し、遺骨は細かく粉砕しひと粒ひと粒に分け、灰塵は微量づつに小分けする作業を行って、最終的に周辺国も含めて8万余の膨大な寺院に再配布を実施した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, with the Keihan Electric Railroad being constructed running through the north-western part of its Honmaru, Yodo-jo Castle had been doomed to completely disappear, but when it was designated as a historic site, the preservation movement grew and some repair work is carried out around the Honmaru today to preserve the rock walls and moats which have survived the city development. 例文帳に追加

さらに、本丸北西部を京阪電気鉄道が貫通するに及び、淀城の消滅は必至となるが、史跡指定によってようやく保存運動が高まり、今日は本丸周辺の整備が進み、開発の手を免れた石垣及び堀が保存されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some researchers interpret this as the fact that he had forced Buddhism to the Ainu, however, others suppose that the Ando clan that lead the Ainu might have been defeated by Yuan Dynasty because the Yuan's attack against the Ainu in Sakhalin (Karafuto) Island around that time was documented, and therefore, the word 'Emishi' here might indicate the northern foreign people in general, and not meaning precisely the Ainu. 例文帳に追加

これを、アイヌに仏教を強要したためとする意見もあるが、この頃元(王朝)が樺太アイヌを攻撃したことが元史に記録されており、ここでいう「ゑぞ」をアイヌではなく広く北方の異民族と解し、安藤氏がアイヌを率いて元に討たれたのではないかと推察する説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While many of them have been consolidated, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries had a very solid presence when I was younger. Frankly speaking, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and its foreign counterparts have a very strong influence in all countries around the world. 例文帳に追加

今はだいぶ整理したと思いますけれども、我々が若くて色々やっていた頃は、非常に農水省というのはそういう意味では、まさに地に足がついた省庁でございまして、はっきり言えば役所としての影響力は非常に強いところも、それはどの国でもそうです。 - 金融庁

Private capital flows which had been driving economic growth in the developing countries sharply declined from their peak of around $1 trillion in 2007, and are now projected to turn negative in 2009.We must assist the developing countries to mitigate the negative impacts of this precipitous drop in capital flows. 例文帳に追加

また、途上国の成長を牽引してきた民間資金の流入が、2007年の約1兆ドルをピークに激減し、2009年にはマイナスになるとの見方もあり、途上国に対しても、このような民間資本の急激な逆流による様々な影響を緩和するための支援を行っていく必要があります。 - 財務省

3) In the case of the "Business Select Loan" unsecured loan product which does not require a third-party guarantor offered by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation to SMEs with an annual turnover of not more than \\1 billion, for example, around 190,000 loans had been made as of the end of September 2006 worth a combined total of approximately \\4.9 trillion.例文帳に追加

3 たとえば、三井住友銀行の年商10億円以下の中小企業を対象とした無担保・第三者保証人不要の貸出融資商品「ビジネスセレクトローン」は、2006年9月末までに累計取扱件数約19万件、取組金額約4兆9,000億円という実績がある。 - 経済産業省

In addition to the above, due to the fact that passengers had to pass the ticket gate of conventional trains before passing that of Shinkansen, as double ticket examinations had been conducted until March 27, 2007, as well as the fact that a fare adjustment office was located inside the ticket gate, the structure around the ticket gates of this station was the most complicated one by comparison to other Shinkansen stations in Niigata Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

また新幹線改札が2007年3月27日までは二重改札を行っており、一旦在来線改札を通ってからでないと新幹線改札を通れない構造になっていたり、精算所が改札内に設置されていたりと、改札口周辺の構造は県内の新幹線停車駅の中でも特に複雑になっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the battle of Hakone-Takenoshita, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who was defecting from the Kemmu Restoration by Emperor Godaigo, defeated Yoshisada NITTA who had been ordered to crush Takauji by the Kemmu government; then, Takauji chased Nitta's forces trying to capture Kyoto, but in 1336, he was defeated in and around Kyoto by the Imperial forces which had contact with Masashige KUSUNOKI and Akiie KITABATAKE; he escaped to the west, towards Kyushu, by ship to renew his forces, helped by Norimura AKAMATU (Enshin) of Harima Province on the way. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇の建武の新政から離反した足利尊氏は、建武政権から尊氏追討を命じられた新田義貞を箱根・竹ノ下の戦いで破り、さらに新田軍を追撃して京都の確保を図るが、1336年、楠木正成や北畠顕家らと連絡した宮方勢に京都とその近辺で敗れ海路西走し、途中播磨国の赤松則村(円心)らに助けられ、再興を賭けて九州地方に下る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Sadashige SO, who had tried hard to restrict Wako activity, fell gravely ill in September 1417 before eventually dying of this illness in April 1418, and when Sadamori SO succeeded Sadashige as ruler of Tsushima, the So clan's ability to police the seas around Tsushima was hampered and weakened by Sadamori's youth and inexperience; this meant that the Wako, who had been held in check by Sadashige, erupted into fresh activity near Tsushima, inflicting heavy damage on Japan and Korea. 例文帳に追加

しかし、倭寇の取り締まりを積極的に行っていた宗貞茂が1417年9月、病に倒れ翌1418年4月に病没し、宗貞盛が跡目を継ぐと、若年の当主のため対馬の周辺海域の警察力が弱体化し、活動を抑制されていた倭寇は再び活発化し、日本や朝鮮で多大な被害が出ていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the narrative part of Kojiki ends around the description of Emperor Buretsu and the rest of the description was almost solely about genealogy and the description of Nihonshoki also changes its nature hugely at around this point from the mostly narrative description with few specific dates to the description mostly based on the records with dates, he regarded the contents of 'Kyuji' to have ended around this, and that 'Kyuji,' which had been handed down orally, was documented in the 6th century right after that. 例文帳に追加

古事記の説話的部分が概ね武烈天皇のあたりで終わっておりその後はほとんど系譜のみの記述となること、また日本書紀の記述もこのあたりで大きく性格が変わり、具体的な日時をあまり含まない説話的な記述を中心としたものからきちんと日時の入った記録をもとにした記述中心に変わっていると見られる等の理由から「旧辞」の内容はこのあたりで終わり、その後まもなくそれまでもともと口承で伝えられてきた「旧辞」が6世紀ころに文書化されたものであると考えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thus it is said that, owing to this favorable route setup, Kyoto Station was constructed in the southern area of Kyoto City, around Shichijo-dori Street and Hachijo-dori Street, although this area was far from the Shijo-Kawaramachi area, a prominent center of the time. However, another reason for the selection could be that the area was underdeveloped at the time and it was easy to acquire the site (if it had been constructed along the Shijo-dori Street, the acquisition of the land would have met strong emotional opposition from the citizens in addition to the difficulties in purchasing it, because railroading should have been carried out in the Gion District, which has many temples and shrines such as Yasaka-jinja Shrine, and the traditional houses in the vicinity should have been removed). 例文帳に追加

このため、路線形状の都合から当時の繁華街である四条河原町地域からは遠く離れた京都市でも南の地域、即ち七条通-八条通付近に京都駅は設置されたが、それ以外にも用地買収の楽な寂れた地域(四条通に沿って建設する事は用地買収面以外にも、祇園地区において八坂神社などの境内に当たる事や周辺の伝統的な家屋の立ち退きを伴う事などから、市民感情から考えても猛反発を受けた可能性が高かったと見られる)だったというのが、この土地を選択した要因になったといわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His thought that an indulgence in the Tale of Genji made him unhappy had already appeared in Sarashina Nikki (Sarashina Diary), written around 1060; his concrete actions are recognized in "Hobutsushu" (A Collection of Treasures) and the Genji Kuyo, which is thought to have been started between 1177 and 1180 and between 1185 and 1189, was actually held several times in medieval times. 例文帳に追加

源氏物語に耽溺したために自身が不幸になったとする思想は1060年ころ著された更級日記の中にすでに現れているが、具体的な行動としては『宝物集』などに現れており、治承(1177年から1180年)・文治(1185年から1189年)のころに始まったとされており、中世には実際に何度か行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around 1985, when efforts for recovery from stagnation began, Nakagawa Shuzo, the producer of 'Fukujukai' and Yamane Shuzojo, the producer of 'Hiokizakura,' both breweries being in Tottori Prefecture, were given a handful of seed rice that had been kept as materials in the Faculty of Agriculture at Tottori University and started their revival with cooperation by farmers; in 1990, the yield reached a quantity sufficient to produce a minimum unit of moromi. 例文帳に追加

低迷からの模索が図られ始めた昭和60年(1985年)ごろに、県内「福寿海」の中川酒造と「日置桜」の山根酒造場が、鳥取大学農学部に資料として残されていた一握りの種籾を譲り受け、農家の協力を得て復刻開始、平成2年(1990年)に醪一本分の収量を得るに到った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From around Kanmaki Station (Osaka Prefecture) to Oyamazaki Station, there is an elevated section, which was made in connection with the construction of the Tokaido Shinkansen running in parallel, and during the period of the elevation work from April to December 1963 the company hired the elevated tracks of the Tokaido Shinkansen, which had already been constructed at that time, in order to operate the trains using them. 例文帳に追加

上牧駅(大阪府)前後から大山崎駅にかけて一部高架区間があるが、これは並行する東海道新幹線の建設に併せて造られたもので、高架化工事中の1963年4月から12月までの間、先に完成していた東海道新幹線の高架線路を借りて列車の運行を行っていたことがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the two are quite different and seem to belong to different lineages, the former being in the typical Gyoki-zu format and the latter containing the Japanese archipelago surrounded by dragon-like creatures around which foreign countries like China and Mongolia and imaginative countries like Gando and Rasetsu-koku are painted, probably reflecting the circumstance of Kamakura which had been under military tension after the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan. 例文帳に追加

ただし、両者は大きく違い別系統に属すると考えられ、前者は典型的な行基図の体裁であるが、後者は元寇以後の軍事的緊迫下にある鎌倉近郊で用いられた事情を反映したものか、日本列島は龍らしき生物に囲まれてその外側に唐土・蒙古などの海外の国々や雁道・羅刹国などの空想上の国々が描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In unification of the currency, it was Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's ambitious strategy to show people that he was a ruler of the country facilitating the smooth unification of the country, by way of taking over the system in which silver by weight standard had been widely used among merchants centering around Osaka, as well as distributing the keicho-chogin in Kamigata (Kyoto and Osaka area), the base of Hideyori TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

これは徳川家康が通貨統一にあたり、以前から秤量銀貨が大坂を中心として商人に広く使用されている実情を踏まえ、この形態をそのまま継承し、慶長銀を豊臣秀頼の膝元である上方に流通させることにより、常に天下は徳川のものであることを知らしめ全国統一を円滑に進めるという、したたかな政略のひとつであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, symbolic structures like Tenshu were not absolutely nonexistent before Azuchi-jo Castle was built; examples from various places include Seishoken of Dokan OTA which had been in Edo-jo Castle around 1469, Settsu Province Itami-jo Castle (Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture), Yamato Province, Tamonyama-jo Castle built by Hisahide MATSUNAGA in the Eiroku era (1558-1569), and the Yonkai Yagura (four-story turret) in Shigisan-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

ただし、天守のような象徴的な建物は安土城以前に全くなかったわけではなく、1469年前後の江戸城にあった太田道灌の静勝軒、摂津国伊丹城(兵庫県伊丹市)、また松永久秀が永禄年間(1558年-1569年)に築いた大和国多聞山城や信貴山城の四階櫓などが各地に造られていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We also received a book containing messages of support from people and NGOs around the world who have been supported by the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) that Japan had established in the World Bank at the time of the Asian currency crisis to provide direct assistance to the most vulnerable people, and from World Bank staff involved in JSDF programs. 例文帳に追加

また、我が国がアジア通貨危機を機に、最も脆弱な人々に直接届く支援を実施すべく世銀に設けた日本社会開発基金(JSDF:Japan Social Development Fund)のサポートを受けた世界中の人々、NGO、そしてJSDFのプログラムに関わった世界銀行の職員の皆様からの励ましの声をまとめたメッセージ・ブックも日本に届きました。 - 財務省

As of November 2005, more than 20,000 approvals had been made since the system’s inception in July 1999, and around half of the enterprises that have completed business innovation plans (of three to five years in duration) under the system have achieved at least a 3% annual increase in value added, either in total value or per employee, which is regarded as the yardstick of success. 例文帳に追加

同制度の承認件数は、99年7月の事業開始以来、05年11月時点で2万件を突破したところであり、経営革新計画(3~5年計画)を終了した企業の経営パフォーマンスを調べてみると、成功判断基準である総額又は一人当たりの「年率3%以上の付加価値額の向上」を達成した企業は、およそ半数前後に上っている。 - 経済産業省

The conditions of the sentience had been here, he imagined, fulfilled in the method of collocation of these stones - in the order of their arrangement, as well as in that of the many _fungi_ which overspread them, and of the decayed trees which stood around - above all, in the long undisturbed endurance of this arrangement, and in its reduplication in the still waters of the tarn. 例文帳に追加

彼の想像によると、知覚力の諸条件はこの場合では、これらの石の配置の方法のなかに——石を蔽(おお)うている多くの菌や、あたりに立っている枯木などの配置とともに、石そのものの配列のなかに——とりわけ、この配列が長いあいだ乱されずにそのままつづいてきたということと、それが沼の静かな水面に影を落しているということとのなかに、備わっているのである。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』

Around this time in Kyoto in 1565, Miyoshi sanninshu (three chief retainers of the Miyoshi clan, Nagayuki MIYOSHI, Masayasu MIYOSHI and Tomomichi IWANARI), influential people in the Miyoshi clan who had power in the Kinai region (the five capital provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto), and Hisahide MATSUNAGA all collaborated in the murder of the thirteenth seii taishogun, Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, who had been in increasing conflict with the Miyoshi clan due to his goal of restoring power to the Muromachi bakufu, and installed his cousin Yoshihide ASHIKAGA as the fourteenth shogun to serve as their puppet (Eiroku Incident). 例文帳に追加

このころ中央では、永禄8年(1565年)、かねて京都を中心に畿内で権勢を誇っていた三好氏の有力者・三好三人衆(三好長逸、三好政康、岩成友通)と松永久秀が、室町幕府権力の復活を目指して三好氏と対立を深めていた第13代征夷大将軍・足利義輝を暗殺し、第14代将軍として義輝の従弟・足利義栄を傀儡として擁立する(永禄の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When I visited Beijing, China in August, I had a meeting with bank executives dispatched to Beijing from Japan, most of whom were branch managers in China. I was told by them that since around February, there had been a sudden and rapid increase in Japanese companies including SMEs seeking to transfer some of their plants and business departments to China. I thought this was not good, as I suspected the increased deindustrialization of Japan. I pondered this as I returned to Japan. 例文帳に追加

実は私、今年の8月に中国・北京に行かせていただきまして、北京で日本から行っている銀行の幹部の方、中国の大体、支店長さんと懇談させていただいたときに、実は2月ぐらいから、急に日本の中小企業を含めて、中国に少し工場を移転したいとか、事業部の一部を移転したいという話が急に増えたという話を実は現場の、まさに第一線の支店長さんから聞いてきまして、これはいけないな、どんどん日本の産業が空洞化しつつあるのではないかなと。 - 金融庁

The Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, etc. that entered effect in December 2009 following the Lehman crisis was also extended for another year to the end of March 2013, and a total of some 2.49 million loan modification applications and 2.29 million modifications had been made to date, which translates into a modification rate of around 97% after allowing for applications that are still under examination or have been withdrawn (Fig. 1-1-19). 例文帳に追加

なお、リーマン・ショック後の2009 年12 月に施行された「中小企業者等に対する金融の円滑化を図るための臨時措置に関する法律」は、2013年3 月末まで1 年間再延長されたが、これまでの中小企業者向けの施行実績は、2011 年9 月末時点で申込件数が累計約249 万件、実行件数が同約229 万件となっており、審査中及び取下げを除いた実行率は、おおむね97%前後で推移している(第1-1-19 図)。 - 経済産業省

This period was marked by an environment in which various changes were occurring, including i) increased FDI at the end of 2001 around the time of WTO accession, ii) heightened expectations concerning infrastructure and construction-related investment demand arising from national investment projects for the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Exposition; and iii) improvements in the corporate income and investment climate due to reforms of state-owned and collective enterprises. These changes prompted expectations that development, which until then had been led by light industries, would move to be led by heavy industries, which require large quantities of materials, energy, and machinery. This in turn brought about an investment boom with expectations for expanded demand.例文帳に追加

この時期には、①2001年末のWTO加盟前後に対内直接投資が増加したこと、②北京五輪・上海万博等の国家投資プロジェクトによるインフラ・建設関連投資需要の期待が高まったこと、③国有企業・集団所有企業の改革により企業収益・投資環境が改善したこと等の変化の中で、それまでの軽工業中心から、素材・エネルギーあるいは機械を多く需要する重工業の発展に対する期待が醸成され、これらの需要拡大を見越した投資ブームが起こった。 - 経済産業省

While the objects around me - while the carvings of the ceilings, the sombre tapestries of the walls, the ebon blackness of the floors, and the phantasmagoric armorial trophies which rattled as I strode, were but matters to which, or to such as which, I had been accustomed from my infancy - while I hesitated not to acknowledge how familiar was all this - I still wondered to find how unfamiliar were the fancies which ordinary images were stirring up. 例文帳に追加

私のまわりの事物が——天井の彫刻、壁のくすんだ掛毛氈(かけもうせん)、黒檀(こくたん)のように真っ黒な床、歩くにつれてがたがた音をたてる幻影のような紋章付きの戦利品などが、自分の幼少のころから見慣れていたもの、あるいはそれに類したものであるにもかかわらず、——どれもみな自分のよく見知っているものであることをすぐと認められるにもかかわらず、——平凡な物の形が自分の心に煽(あお)りたてる空想のあまり奇怪なのに私は驚いた。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』

While I am not an expert in finance, I am aware that the global economy has drastically changed in some ways since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, and that each country truly has its own problems. Over the past three decades, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been extremely powerful in economic, political and military terms as the single most dominant country, and my understanding is that so-called financial capital has played a central role. I believe the Lehman Brothers shockwave was a major turning point for American-style finance-oriented capitalism, leaving it no alternative but to undergo transformation. As you are well aware, the financial capital had the political backup of former U.S. Republican President George W. Bush. Nevertheless, even the United States had its President changed to Barack Obama. If you take a look around the world, events like the Greek shock are making newspapers headlines nowadays. In that sense, economic policies including financial regulation and supervision are currently at a major juncture on an international scale. 例文帳に追加

それから、金融のことについては、私は専門家ではございませんけれども、こういった景気の、リーマン・ブラザーズショック以来、世界の経済は、ある意味で一変しているわけでございまして、そういった中で、本当に、各国各様に問題を抱えておりますが、私は、まさにリーマン・ブラザーズショックというのは、アメリカ型の、まさに金融資本主義、あるいは大変強力に、この30年、特にソ連が崩壊した後、一強の国としての経済、あるいは政治、軍事的に、非常に、アメリカという国家は強かったわけでございますけれども、その中核をなしたのが、いわゆる金融資本というものだというふうに認識しておりまして、アメリカ型の、いわゆる金融を中心とした資本主義は、リーマン・ブラザーズショックを一つの大きな曲がり角として変質をせざるを得なくなったと、そういった事態の、そして、それを政治的に、ご存知のように、バックアップしていたのはアメリカの共和党のブッシュ(前)大統領でございます。そのアメリカですら、オバマ(大統領)さんに代わったわけでございまして、そういった意味で、非常に、世界を見回しても、ギリシャ・ショック、今は、こういったことも新聞紙上を賑わせておりますが、そういった、国際的にも、今、金融行政、あるいは経済情勢、あるいは、そういったことを含めた経済政策は大きな節目にあると。 - 金融庁

The global financial sector had been in turmoil since the Lehman Brothers collapse sent shockwaves around the world in September 2008. You may already be well aware that on the economic front at present, the question of how to rebuild the sector and how to harmonize markets on an international scale is a major economic and political issue not just in Japan but worldwide. As just mentioned in the question, at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting to be held in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea on Friday, October 22 and Saturday, October 23, the main agendas are expected to be the global economy, the reform of international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the reform of financial regulations, in the lead up to the Seoul Summit next month. 例文帳に追加

一昨年の9月にリーマン・ショックが起きまして、それ以来、金融の分野が世界中で荒れて、これをどういうふうに再構築するかと、あるいは国際的にハーモナイズするかということは、今、経済の分野では日本の国内のみならず世界全体の経済、あるいは政治について大きな問題であるということは、もう皆様方よくお分かりだと、こう思いますけれども、今質問にございましたように10月22日、23日、金曜日と土曜日でございますが、韓国の慶州で開催されますG20の財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議において、来月ソウルのサミットを控えまして世界経済、IMFなどの国際金融機関の改革等々並びに金融規制改革が主な議題となる見通しでございます。 - 金融庁


For another thing, derivatives products, which are new products based on financial engineering, have been sold around the world and the implosion of derivatives deals has had a significant impact on the real economy. Recently, such a situation occurred in the United States. By all means, the government must avoid a situation in which greed leads even innocent ordinary investors, who lack adequate knowledge, to suffer financial damage. The FSA (Financial Services Agency) has already been acting from that perspective. As you know, there are various ways of trading between many counterparties in the market. The FSA is considering if it is possible to set a central body that clears off all gains and losses made in the market through these trading. If a good proposal comes up in this respect, we may enact it into law. This is another matter we are now working on. 例文帳に追加

それともう一つは、ご承知のように、デリバティブ商品と言ったら、そういう金融工学に基づいてのいろいろな新しい商品が、世界中で売りまくられているわけでありまして、ご案内のように、それが破綻をすることによって、実体経済まで大変な影響を受けると。最近でも、そういう事態がアメリカに端を発して起きたわけでありますけれども、そうした金融商品の取引をめぐって、これを「善良な」と言いますか、一般の投資家までもが、知識を持たないで、欲に駆られてみたいな形でどんどん被害を被っていくということは、やはり我々政府としてはどうしても避けなければならないと。金融庁もそういう立場で今までもやっているわけでありますけれども、そういうことに関して、一つは、このお互いの、いろいろな取引の中で、皆さん方ご承知のように、錯綜した取引が行われるわけでありますけれども、損失が起きた場合の清算等について、できることなら一括して処理ができるようなあり方というのを作れないかどうかというようなことを、金融庁事務局において、今、検討してくれておりますので、この辺りで良い案が出てくれば、これを法制化するという場合も起きてこようかと思っております。これにも、今、取り組んでいる最中であります。 - 金融庁


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