
「tomb」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(20ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Also, there were also phenomenon reportedly witnessed by an unspecified number of people in connection with onryo ghosts such as the reported happenings in Tokyo during the Meiji Period in connection with the transfer of "a tomb for the head" of TAIRA no Masakado inside an old undisclosed ministry and related curses. 例文帳に追加

また、明治時代に東京で起きたとされる、某・旧省庁内における「平将門の『首塚(くびづか)』移転などにまつわる数々の祟り」など、怨霊に関する、不特定多数の人間によって確認されたとされる現象もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Korean peninsular, thin belt-like straight gold leaf for the kikkomon (hexagonal pattern) is confirmed on the red-colored (presumably, red-lacquered) surface of the wooden pillow for a princess unearthed from the tomb of King Muryeong in Sud Chungcheong in Baekje, in the early sixth century. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮半島では6世紀前半、百済の忠清南道武寧王陵出土の王妃木製頭枕に朱漆と思われる赤色に着色された表面に、幅をもたせて帯のように切られた線状の金箔による亀甲文様が施されているのが確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hojuji-dono Palace was set ablaze by MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa passed away several years later and Hoju-ji Temple continued to serve as his mausoleum until the end of the Edo period when the tomb and temple were separated in the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

法住寺殿が源義仲によって焼き討ちされ、数年を経て後白河上皇もなくなると、法住寺は後白河上皇の天皇陵をまもる寺として江戸時代末期まで存続、明治時代期に御陵と寺が分離され現在にいたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its temple history written in Kamakura period describes the origin of the shine, and according to it, after the death of the founder of the Fujiwara clan, FUJIWARA no Kamatari, a monk and his elder son Joe came back to Japan from China (Tang Dynasty) and moved his father's tomb from Ai, Settsu Province (see Abuyama Tumulus) to Yamato Province, where he erected Jusanjunoto (Thirteen-storied pagoda) in 678. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代に成立した寺伝によると、藤原氏の祖である藤原鎌足の死後の天武天皇7年(678年)、長男で僧の定恵が唐からの帰国後に、父の墓を摂津国安威の地(参照:阿武山古墳)から大和国のこの地に移し、十三重塔を造立したのが発祥である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is no proof that 'Ikuma Sembo' and 'Kayano Sembo' are one and the same, or if either are the current Chikurin-ji Temple, but considering the fact that Gyogi's tomb is located here, it is thought that it is likely that Chikurin-ji Temple is a reincarnation of 'Ikuma Sembo'. 例文帳に追加

「生馬仙房」と「草野仙房」が同じものであるか、またそれが現在の竹林寺に相当するのかについては確証はないが、当地に行基の墓があることから考えて、「生馬仙房」の後身が竹林寺であると考えて大過ないと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that Masatsura KUSUNOKI, the eldest son of Masashige KUSUNOKI, together with his families and retainers, paid a visit to the imperial tomb of Emperor Godaigo in this temple and wrote his death poem 'Since I will never come back alive, I am writing down the names of my fellows and me, who are to be numbered among the dead,' when leaving for the front in the Battle of Shijonawate in January 1348. 例文帳に追加

正平2年12月(1346年)、楠木正成の長男・楠木正行が四条畷の戦いに出陣するに際し、一族郎党とともに当寺にある後醍醐天皇陵に詣で、辞世の歌「かへらじとかねて思へば梓弓なき数に入る名をぞとどむる」を詠んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been considered that Yamamomo no Misasagi is the largest round barrow (tumulus, a round burial mound) (Ichiniwa Kofun, or the Ichiniwa tomb) in Japan; however, it cannot be called Emperor Heizei's mausoleum since it was learned through an archaeological excavation in 1962-1963 that the front part of the round barrow had been pulled down during the construction of Heijokyo (Heijo Palace). 例文帳に追加

楊梅陵(市庭古墳)は全国最大の円墳と考えられてきたが、1962-63年の発掘調査により前方部が平城京築造の際取り壊されていたのが判明したため、同古墳を平城天皇の墓とするのは無理がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, there is an opinion that quite a few inconsistencies in "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" are solved, and deceased persons in the gigantic ancient tomb are easily identified by reviewing history adopting the Nobuo ORIGUCHI's theory regarding Nakatsusumeramikoto; Empress or Princess who is a liaison between God and Emperor, and the Hime-Hiko system advocated by folklore scholars; the Princess-Prince system; governing the country by female and male imperial family members. 例文帳に追加

さらに徹底して、折口信夫の中天皇あるいは民俗学者がいうヒメ・ヒコ制で歴史を整理すれば、『古事記』・『日本書紀』の矛盾の多くが解決し、巨大古墳の被葬者の治定も容易に定まることになるとする意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) reported that the Empress Suiko wished in her will to be buried in Takeda no miko's graveyard, it is said that his graveyard is Shinaga no Yamada no Misasagi (the Yamada Imperial tomb) (Oaza Yamada, Taishi-cho, Minamikawachi-gun, Osaka Prefecture), designated as the burial mound of the Empress Suiko (The "Nihonshoki" did not record the name of the burial mound.) 例文帳に追加

皇子の墓は日本書紀に推古天皇が竹田皇子の墓に合葬するように遺詔した事から、推古天皇陵として治定されている磯長山田陵(大阪府南河内郡太子町(大阪府)大字山田)とされる(書紀は陵墓名を記さず)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1907, more than 300 years after the Battle of Sekigahara, Yosuke WATANABE, of Tokyo Imperial University, excavated a tomb believed to be that of Mitsunari, and Buntaro ADACHI, in the anatomy department of Kyoto Imperial University, investigated and analyzed the skeleton. 例文帳に追加

関ヶ原の戦いから約300余年を経た明治40年(1907年)、東京帝國大学の渡辺世佑が三成の伝記執筆のために、三玄院にある三成のものと思しき墓を発掘、京都帝國大学解剖学教室の足立文太郎が遺骨を鑑定調査した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The tomb of Shikanosuke was erected at the scene of his murder, which faces Route 313 near the area where the Takahashi-gawa and Nariwa-gawa Rivers converge in Takahashi City, as it is known today; however, his torso was interred in a burial mound at Kansen-ji Temple by Sangyu (), the retired chief priest of that temple, and the burial mound remains even to this day in the graveyard of the temple. 例文帳に追加

殺害現場である現在の高梁市の高梁川と成羽川との合流点付近の国道313号沿いに墓所はあるが、胴体は観泉寺前住珊牛和尚によって埋葬された胴塚が現在も観泉寺墓地に残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Only Takaie was arrested and Korechika was not found in the palace at that time, but "Eiga Monogatari" (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes; historical tales), the volume 'Uraura no wakare' (leaving shores) gave the details of the incident as follows: Korechika visited Kasuga-taisha shrine and his father's tomb in Kohata, and three days after the raid, returned with his head shaven and attired as a monk. 例文帳に追加

その時捕まえられたのは隆家だけで、邸内に伊周の身柄は無かったが、事件の過程を詳らかに記す『栄花物語』「浦々の別れ」巻は、伊周が春日大社や木幡にある父の墓に参詣し、3日後僧形で帰ったと伝える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is based on a fact that there is a tomb of Kiyooki SHIMA in Ryuhon-ji Temple in Kyoto City and his Buddhist mortuary tablet and family register of deaths remain in a sub-temple, in particular one founded to commemorate the death of a high priest, and it is said that Shima escaped after the Battle of Sekigahara and died as a priest of this temple 32 years later. 例文帳に追加

なお、京都市の立本寺には島清興の墓があり、また位牌や過去帳も塔頭に残されていることから、関ヶ原の戦い後、逃れてこの寺の僧として、32年後に死去したとされている点がその根拠となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A legend has been told among his descendants that his tomb is at the Genju-ji Temple in Nariwa, Bicchu Province (now Nariwa-cho, Takahashi City), which was founded by Chikashige's nephew Motochika for his father Iechika, but the head priest of the temple says that for Chikashige only a Buddhist mortuary tablet exists and no stone pagoda has been discovered. 例文帳に追加

なお、墓は甥・元親がその父・家親のために創建したと言われる備中成羽(現:高梁市成羽町)の源樹寺にあると従前子孫の間では言われてきたが、源樹寺の住職によれば親成については位牌のみで、石塔は発見できてないという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are few sightseeing spots in the ward except for: the Imperial Tomb of Emperor Tenji, the Bishamon-do Monzeki (monzeki is the temple formerly led by founder of sect, temple in which resided a member of nobility or imperial family), the Ansho-ji Temple (Kyoto City) and the Honkoku-ji Temple (the grand head temple of the Nichiren sect) in the northern area; and the Kaju-ji Temple and the Zuishin-in Temple, which are the head temples of the Shingon sect, in the southern area. 例文帳に追加

区内にはいわゆる観光スポットは少ないが、北部には天智天皇山科陵、毘沙門堂門跡、安祥寺(京都市)、本圀寺(日蓮宗大本山)などがあり、区南端近くにはともに真言宗本山寺院である勧修寺、随心院がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Haruki KAGEYAMA interprets that it began as ancestral worship like kofun (burial mound) or tsuka (ancient tomb) and was then transformed into natural Shintoistic form that sees a mountain itself as the object of worship and that in due course of time the concept of ancestral deities in mountains was fused with the concept of agricultural deity. 例文帳に追加

また景山春樹は古墳や塚と同様に祖霊信仰に始まり、やがて山そのものを信仰の対象とする自然神道的な形態に変遷し、後に山中の祖霊神に農耕の神の観念が重なっていったと解釈している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Originally, ceremonial vessel stand form earthenware and ceremonial jar form earthenware started in Kibi region were used in funeral rituals, while cylindrical Haniwa passed on tumulus are thought to have had a purpose to divide the sanctuary based on their arrangement of surrounding a hill tomb and important section. 例文帳に追加

元々、吉備地方に発生した特殊器台形土器・特殊壺形土器は、墳墓上で行われた葬送儀礼に用いられものであるが、古墳に継承された円筒埴輪は、墳丘や重要な区画を囲い込むというその樹立方法からして、聖域を区画するという役割を有していたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Seiseki zushi" by Hyosai HIRATSUKA published in 1854, Mise Maruyama was also considered as the Tenmu-Jito Mausoleum but the writer also mentioned that there had been a theory of Noguchino Ono-haka being the Tenmu-Jito Mausoleum and another theory of Noguchino Ono-haka being identified as the tomb of Yamato-hiko no Mikoto. 例文帳に追加

1854年(嘉永7)刊で平塚瓢斎の『聖蹟図志』でも、見瀬丸山が天武持統陵とされたが、元禄期には野口王墓が天武持統陵であるという説があったこと、また野口王墓に倭彦命を比定する説があることが付け加えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Sanryoshi" written by Kunpei GAMOH (a historical research record regarding Imperial mausoleums written by a Confucian scholar Kunpei GAMOH), Tsukiyama Tumulus is considered to be built as the Imperial Mausoleum for Emperor Buretsu, while Kitsuizuka Tumulus in a circular shape rear-end with a rectangular frontage (the length of the tumulus is 75m, and it is located south to Tsukiyama Tumulus; currently the Imperial Household Agency manages the tomb as Okanishi Imperial Mausoleum) was built as the Imperial Mausoleum for Emperor Kenzo. 例文帳に追加

蒲生君平の山陵志では、南にある全長75mの前方後円墳である狐井塚古墳(現 陵西(おかにし)陵墓参考地)と共に、武烈天皇陵と顕宗天皇陵に比定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But the later excavation and research has revealed that its front square part had been removed and leveled out when Heijo-kyu Palace was constructed, and that the original tumulus had been a keyhole-shaped tomb mound with its front square part facing south, whose total length was 253 meters with its front square part being 164 meters in width and its rear round part being 147 meters in diameter. 例文帳に追加

しかしその後の発掘調査で前方部が平城宮建設のさいに削平されており、本来は墳丘の全長253メートル前方部の幅164メートル後円部の直径147メートルの前方部を南に向けた前方後円墳であることが判明した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A stone statue called Saruishi, which is placed in the adjoining tomb of Kibitsuhime Okimi, was dug out from the rice field (Koaza Ikeda) just to the south of Umeyama Tumulus in the Edo period and had been placed beside the tumulus since then, but in the early Meiji period it was moved to the present spot. 例文帳に追加

隣接する吉備姫王墓に猿石と呼ばれる石像物が置かれているが、これは江戸時代に梅山古墳のすぐ南の田(小字池田)で掘り出されて古墳のかたわらに置かれていたもので、明治初期に現在の場所に移された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This pallet 1 for a stone structure used for an earthquake resistance test for a stone structure such as a tomb stone is provided with a roughly box shaped pallet main body 20 and a receding rectangular base placement part 20a formed on the top face of the main body 20.例文帳に追加

お墓等の石造構造物の耐震試験に用いる石造構造物用パレット1において、略箱状のパレット本体部20と、パレット本体部20の上面に形成された、矩形状凹状の基礎設置部20aとを設ける。 - 特許庁

To provide a tombstone capable of respectfully resting small articles for a memorial service such as a posthumous Buddhist name plate and the memorial post plate in a tombstone body without exposed to the weather and capable of easily storing them and taking them out as necessary in a case of visiting the tomb and in a Buddhist memorial service.例文帳に追加

戒名棒や霊標棒のような供養のための小品を野ざらしにすることなく、墓石本体内において鄭重に安置することができ、かつ、墓参法要等の必要に応じて簡単に収納・取り出し可能な墓石を提供する。 - 特許庁

In this tombstone for the lamp of the tomb, an opening 2b is formed in the front part of the cavity 2a which is formed in the vertical direction of the stone pillar 2 placed on a base 1; an openable/closable door 4, which transmits light, is mounted in the opening 2b; and a candle stand 5 is provided inside the door 4.例文帳に追加

基台1の上に載置された石柱2の縦方向に形成した空洞2aの正面部分に開口2bが形成され、開口2bに開閉自在で光を透過する扉4が取り付けられ、扉4の内側にろうそく立て5が設けられている墓の灯火用石碑。 - 特許庁

To provide a mortuary tablet for depositing ashes which can perform a mass for the dead or a pet animal at any time by compact integration of a tomb, a mortuary tablet and a picture frame for reducing burden on successors and pet keepers while eliminating the shortage of graveyards and cemetery centers.例文帳に追加

お墓、位牌及び写真額をコンパクトに一体化することにより、墓地・霊園の不足を解消し、後継者、ペットの飼主の負担を低減し、故人や亡きペットへの供養をいつでも行うことができる納骨霊牌を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

A metallic simplified grave stone 10 is formed of a hollow box-shaped stainless steel tomb body 11 having slant faces 16, 19 slanting in a chevron shape from the plane rear end part 14 to a slightly plane front end 13 in a plane center.例文帳に追加

金属製簡易型墓石10は、中空箱形のステンレス製の墓本体11からなっており、その墓本体11は平面後端部14から平面中央やや平面前端部13寄りにへ字形に傾斜する傾斜面16,19を有している。 - 特許庁

To provide a charnel house and a tomb having a charnel house capable of preventing its interior from being stained due to dew condensation, maintaining the appearance of the interior over a long period of time, and making the interior of the charnel house as a comfortable space to be thoughtful to the spirit of the deceased and ourselves.例文帳に追加

内部が結露などで汚れるのを抑制でき、長期間にわたって内部の美観を保つことができ、カロート内部を居心地の良い空間として故人の霊および自分に対して心のこもった温かみのあるカロートおよびカロートを備えた墓を提供する。 - 特許庁

who was sent from Friar Lawrence to apprise him that these were mock funerals only, and but the shadow and representation of death, and that his dear lady lay in the tomb but for a short while, expecting when Romeo would come to release her from that dreary mansion. 例文帳に追加

ロレンスはロミオに、ジュリエットの葬式は偽装したもので、その死は演出された影にすぎぬこと、ロミオの愛する娘は、ほんの少しの時間墓の中に横たわっていて、ロミオがそのような寂しい場所から彼女を救出しにやってくるのを待っているのだということを知らせるはずだったのだ。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

for in the meantime he was making his men face the enemy and form up in line and take breath, and was encouraging them, for they had retreated from the wall of the Greeks across the whole plain, past the hill that was the tomb of Ilus, a king of old, and past the place of the wild fig-tree. 例文帳に追加

ギリシア軍の防壁から、古えの王イーロスの墳墓を過ぎ、野性の無花果の木の生えているところを過ぎて、平原を突っきって退却したので、その間に、部下を敵のほうへと向き直らせて戦線を作り、一息つかせて、激励したのだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

Command therefore that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest perhaps his disciples come at night and steal him away, and tell the people, ‘He is risen from the dead;’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.” 例文帳に追加

ですから,三日目まで墓を警備するよう命じてください。そうでないと,夜中に弟子たちが来て彼を盗み出し,『彼は死んだ者たちの中から起こされた』などと民に告げるかも知れません。そうなれば,この最後の欺きは最初の欺きよりも悪いものになるでしょう」。 - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 27:64』

On the other hand, he built a fine tomb stone for Ichiro MINAMI, his close friend, became a devout Christian, and showed a generous side by being affectionate toward his children, and continued the missionary work despite being persecuted at the beginning of the Christian period, nor did he show any emotion when a cancer of the stomach grew to a size that even surprised his doctors, which l indicated that he was an individual that possessed a strong will. 例文帳に追加

その一方で親友・南一郎の死に際して立派な墓碑を建立したり、キリスト教の敬虔な信者となったり、子に対しても慈しみ深いなど、優しさも持った人物であり、さらに初期キリスト教時代の迫害を受けつつも伝道を行い、またその死に際しては医師が驚くほど胃癌が進行するまで顔色一つ変えないなど、精神的な強さも持っていたと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto City also opposed the construction of a railway in the vicinity of Momoyama Goryo-mae Station, objecting to the railroad crossing that might be produced on the approach to the Momoyama Goryo Tomb; therefore, the company made a plan to construct a subway line, but that also failed because of the protest of the sake brewers association of Fushimi Ward, which was worried about the depletion of underground water, and finally as the last expedient, the railway was constructed with an elevated structure. 例文帳に追加

また、桃山御陵前駅の前後は、京都市も桃山御陵への参拝道に踏切が生じることを理由に反対したため地下線での建設を計画したが、伏見区の酒造組合が地下水の枯渇を理由に地下線での建設計画は頓挫し、残る高架方式での建設となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yomi referred simply to the location of Ne no kuni, and as such the theory that it was located somewhere between the town of Yomi in the city of Yonago, Tottori Prefecture, and the town of Higashi Izumo (where Yomotsuhirasaka was located) in Yatsuka county of Shimane Prefecture is most plausible; excavations nearby have unearthed huge square tombs built in a very early period of Japanese history (for example, Tsukuriyama tomb in the city of Yasugi in Tottori) as well as sokantotachi (swords) including an iron sword that closely resembles Kusanagi, one of the three Imperial Regalia. 例文帳に追加

黄泉とは単純に根の国の地名を指し、鳥取県米子市夜見町から黄泉平坂のある島根県八束郡東出雲町の間にあった土地と言う説が有力であり、それをうらづけるような早期ながら規模の大きな方形の古墳群が近隣に存在し(安来市造山古墳(島根県))、素環頭大刀などのような天叢雲剣を髣髴させる鉄刀なども出土している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

All the large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds found in the Korean Peninsula were built in a very limited period of time between the late fifth century and mid sixth century, only in the area that used to be the westernmost part of Gaya's sphere of influence before Baekje moved to the south, and they are known for containing Japanese relics, such as ento haniwa (cylindrical haniwa), shell products made in south islands, and an rock chamber painted with bengara (iron oxide red pigment). 例文帳に追加

また朝鮮半島の前方後円墳はいずれも5世紀後半から6世紀中葉という極めて限られた時期に成立したもので、百済が南遷する前は伽耶の勢力圏の最西部であった地域のみに存在し、円筒埴輪や南島産貝製品、内部をベンガラで塗った石室といった倭系遺物を伴うことが知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Examples include followings: Osaka Kasuga Mukaiyama-kofun Tumulus (with the side lengths of 63 and 60 meters) specified as the mausoleum of Emperor Yomei.amada Takatsuka-kofun Tumulus (with the side lengths of 63 and 56 meters) specified as the mausoleum of Empress Suiko, Ishibutai-kofun Tumulus (with a competing view that it is a dome-shaped mound on a square base) believed to be the tomb of SOGA no Umako, and Ryukakuji Iwaya-kofun Tumulus in Chiba Prefecture (with the side lengths of 80 meters and the height of 13 meters). 例文帳に追加

例としては現在、用明天皇陵に指定されている大阪春日向山古墳(辺長63m×60m)や、推古天皇陵に指定されている山田高塚古墳(辺長63m×56m)、蘇我馬子の墓と考えられている石舞台古墳(上円下方墳との説あり)、千葉県の龍角寺岩屋古墳(辺長80m、高さ13m)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Musashi Fuchu Kumano Jinja Tumulus was designated as a national historical site on July 14, 2005 for the following reasons: it is a rare tomb with a dome-shaped mound on a square base in Japan; it is one of the largest tumuli built in the ancient Musashi Province; and it is archaeologically and sociologically valuable remains since Musashi Fokufu was established nearby immediately after its construction. 例文帳に追加

武蔵府中熊野神社古墳は日本国内でもまれな上円下方墳であり、当時の武蔵国最大級の古墳で、古墳造営直後には近隣に武蔵国府が設置されるなど、古墳の考古学的価値と並んで社会的に見ても貴重な遺跡であることが評価され、2005年(平成17年)7月14日、国の史跡に指定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Buddhist altar fitting cabinet 8 for a tomb, which is placed in front of a tombstone to store Buddhist altar fittings and offerings, has a top plate 3 arranged over a base plate 1 via a left-right pair of side blocks 2, and supports a cylindrical rotary storage 4 for turning motion on a vertical axis between both side blocks 2.例文帳に追加

本発明に係る墓用仏具収納台8は、墓石の前に設置して、仏具や供え物を収納するためのものであって、ベース板1上に左右一対のサイドブロック2、2を介して天板3が設置され、両サイドブロック2、2の間には、円筒状の回転式収納庫4が鉛直軸回りに回転可能に支持されている。 - 特許庁

Many theories, such as a theory stating that the appearance of large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds seen in and after middle 3rd century suggests the establishment of unified government in the Japanese Islands, and the dynasty established at that time were the ancestors of the Imperial Family, a theory regarding the lineage of Himiko of the Yamatai Kingdom, if it existed in the Kinki region of the Yayoi period, as the ancestors of the Imperial Family, and a theory stating that the dynasty of the ancestors of the Imperial Family was established in 4th century, has been presented, and has not been settled. 例文帳に追加

3世紀中葉以降に見られる前方後円墳の登場は日本列島における統一的な政権の成立を示唆しており、このときに成立した王朝が天皇家の祖先だとする説や、弥生時代の近畿地方にあった場合の邪馬台国の卑弥呼の系統を天皇家の祖先とする説、天皇家祖先の王朝は4世紀に成立したとする説、など多くの説が提出されており定まっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Assuming from the high possibility of large kofun (tumulus) being a tomb of leader (great king) of the time by the chronological order of kofun and others, the following kofun tumulus show there was a sovereignty in this region (present day Sakurai City and Tenri City): Yamato-kofun Tumulus Clusters and Yanagimoto Otsuka Tumulus built at the foot of the Mt. Miwa, in the southeast of Nara basin in the early Kofun period (from about the middle of the third century to the early fourth century), and large scattered kofun with the hill length of 300 meters to 200 meters such as Shibutani Mukoyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Keiko), Hashihaka-kofun Tumulus (surmised by some researchers to be a grave of Himiko), Andonyama-kofun Tumulus (identified as a mausoleum of Emperor Sujin), Mesuriyama-kofun Tumulus, and Nishitonotsuka-kofun Tumulus (identified as the grave of Tashiraka no Himemiko). 例文帳に追加

古墳の編年などから大型古墳はその時代の盟主(大王)の墳墓である可能性が高いことなどから推測すると、古墳時代の前期(3世紀の中葉から4世紀の初期)に奈良盆地の東南部の三輪山山麓に大和古墳群・柳本大塚が展開し、渋谷向山古墳(景行陵に比定)、箸墓古墳(卑弥呼の墓と推測する研究者もいる)、行燈山古墳(崇神陵に比定)、メスリ山古墳、西殿塚古墳(手白香皇女墓と比定)などの墳丘長が300から200メートルある大古墳が点在し、この地方(現桜井市や天理市)に王権があったことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is almost presumed from historical facts that some sort of group deeply related to Wakoku (such as government officials and military men dispatched by Wakoku or local powerful clans who served Wakoku) possessed certain military clout and economic interest in Gaya region (another name of Mimana); Wakoku's advance to the Korean Peninsula is recorded in history books of China and Korea as well as "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan); "Gwanggaeto Stele" tells that Wakoku subjugated Silla and Baekje; large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds, which are peculiar to the Japanese archipelago, are starting to be discovered in the Korean Peninsula; a massive amount of Japanese jade magadama (comma-shaped beads) have been excavated in the influence area of Silla, Baekje and Gaya (rare in the former territory of Goguryeo). 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』をはじめ、中国や朝鮮の史書でも朝鮮半島への倭国の進出を示す記事が存在すること、『広開土王碑』に倭が新羅や百済を臣民としたと記されていること、またいくつもの、日本列島独特の墓制である前方後円墳が朝鮮半島で発見され始めたこと、そして新羅・百済・伽耶の勢力圏内で日本産のヒスイ製勾玉が大量に出土(高句麗の旧領では稀)したこと等の史実より、倭国と深い関連を持つ何らかの集団(倭国から派遣された官吏や軍人、倭国に臣従した在地豪族など)が伽耶地域において一定の軍事的影響力および経済的利権を有していたことはほぼ確実視されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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