
「sato」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(12ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The club got competent players for each position to begin to play in J1 after an interval of two years; for example, GK Yuichi MIZUTANI from Kashiwa Reysol, DF Sidiclei de SOUZA who had come back to Sanga from Gamba Osaka after an interval of 9 seasons, DF Tatsuya MASUSHIMA on loan from F.C. Tokyo, MF Yuto SATO from JEF United Ichihara Chiba, and FW Atsushi YANAGISAWA from Kashima Antlers. 例文帳に追加

柏レイソルからGK水谷雄一、ガンバ大阪から9シーズンぶりのサンガ復帰となるDFシジクレイ、FC東京からレンタル移籍でDF増嶋竜也、ジェフユナイテッド市原・千葉からMF佐藤勇人、鹿島アントラーズからFW柳沢敦と、各ポジションで実力者を獲得し、2年ぶりのJ1に臨んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mochi is manufactured and shipped from companies such as Echigo Seika Co., Ltd., Sato Food Industry (Niigata Prefecture) Co., Ltd., Kimura Food Co., Ltd, Tokyo Mochi Co., Ltd., Date Hompo Co., Ltd., Akafuku-mochi Co., Ltd., Gofuku-mochi, Hatada Co., Ltd., Nobumitsu Seika Co., Ltd., and Johoku Noodle Co., Ltd. 例文帳に追加

越後製菓株式会社、佐藤食品工業(新潟県)株式会社、株式会社きむら食品、東京もち株式会社、伊達本舗、株式会社赤福餅、御福餅、株式会社ハタダ、伸光製菓株式会社、城北麺工株式会社などの会社により製造出荷されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sempuku' became its leader product and was catapulted into fame by a commercial song 'Gurasu wo Nozoku Furamingo' with a phrase 'what about a cup of Sempuku,' written by Hachiro SATO, composed by Taku IZUMI and sung by Dark Ducks (Naomi SAGARA sang at the beginning). 例文帳に追加

その後、「千福」が主力商品になり、サトウハチロー作詞、いずみたく作曲、ダークダックスが歌うコマーシャルソング「グラスをのぞくフラミンゴ」(「千福一杯いかがです」のフレーズ)で一躍有名になった(当初は佐良直美が歌っていた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Such danmari include the 'Ombobori scene' in Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan (Tokaido Yotsuya ghost stories), the 'Mount Maruzuka scene' in "Nanso satomi hakken-den" (the story of the eight dog samurai and a princess of the Satomi family in the Nanso region), the 'Inasegawa Hyappongui scene' in "Sato Moyo Azami no Ironui" (Izayoi Seishin), the 'Yatsuyamasita scene" in "Kamino Megumi Wago no Torikumi" (Megumi no kenka (the fight of megumi), and the 'Akamonmae scene" in "Mekuranagaya Umegakagatobi" (Kagatobi). 例文帳に追加

『東海道四谷怪談』の「隠亡掘の場」、『南総里見八犬伝』の「円塚山の場」、『花街模様薊色縫』(十六夜清心)の「百本杭の場」、『神明恵和合取組』(め組の喧嘩)の「八ツ山下の場」、『盲長屋梅加賀鳶』(加賀鳶)の「赤門前の場」などがこれにあたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shin'ichi Sato called such conditions diarchy by Takauji, who held a military power in the lord-and-vassal relationship, and Tadayoshi, who controlled the judicial functions of the regime, in his essay 'Muromachi Bakufu' in "Iawanami Koza Nihon Rekishi vol.7" (Iawanami Publishing, 1963) and explained that the potentiality of the shogun's dual power which had continued since Kamakura Shogunate, came to appear. 例文帳に追加

佐藤進一は「室町幕府論」(『岩波講座日本歴史7』、岩波書店、1963)において、この状態を、主従制的支配権を握る尊氏と統治権的支配権を所管する直義との両頭政治であり、鎌倉幕府以来、将軍が有していた権力の二元性が具現したものと評価した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Baishoron," Takauji regretted having turned against Emperor Go-Daigo, and he for a while he was talking about becoming a priest. In the heat of battle he also talked about killing himself, so Shin'ichi SATO took these descriptions into consideration, and presumed that Takauji might have been a manic depressive. 例文帳に追加

『梅松論』などによると、尊氏は後醍醐に背いて朝敵となったことを悔やんで一時は出家を宣言したり、合戦で苦戦した際には切腹すると言い出すなどの記述があり、佐藤進一は尊氏を躁鬱病ではないかと推測している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He officially married with the daughter of Shigeyori KAWAGOE (Sato Gozen) through Yoritomo's good offices, and also had concubines, one is a beloved Japanese traditional dancer, Shizuka Gozen, who is famous for her dance at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, and the other is the daughter of Tokitada, and she was said to have been forwarded to him by her father, Tokitada, who wanted to secure his own neck after the extinction of the Taira family. 例文帳に追加

妻には頼朝の媒酌による正室の河越重頼の娘(郷御前)、鶴岡八幡宮の舞で有名な愛妾の白拍子・静御前、平家滅亡後に平時忠が保身の為に差し出したとされる時忠の娘がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About the conflict between Yoritomo and Yoshitsune, Shinichi SATO argues that the conflict was caused by the existence of two opposing powers inside the Kamakura Administration; one was the 'eastern nation independentist' formed by powerful lower-ranking vassals (gokenin) in the Kanto region, and the other was the 'Kyoto sympathizers' formed by close vassals of Yoritomo and the officials who were relegated from Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

佐藤進一は頼朝と義経の対立について、鎌倉政権内部には関東の有力御家人を中心とする「東国独立派」と、頼朝側近と京下り官僚ら「親京都派」が並立していたことが原因であると主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the origin of the 'Soji's face is like a flatfish' belief seemed to be a light jokey answer made by a great grand son of Hikogoro SATO when Haruo TANI said a lighthearted joke to him in a TV program, and according to Tani, 'Soji's face is like a flatfish' does not mean his face is flat but the two eyes of other family members including his sisters in photos are closely-spaced. 例文帳に追加

しかし「総司=ヒラメ顔」説は、佐藤彦五郎のひ孫が、テレビで谷春雄の話に軽くノってつい口走ってしまったのが始まりらしいのだが、谷は「総司がヒラメ顔」というのは“のっぺらぼうという意味ではなくて、一族や兄弟の写真がみな目の間隔が寄っているから”と話している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had a style of using lighthearted effects, and asked Akira IFUKUBE and Masaru SATO to compose music for consecutive films he managed, "Nankai no daiketto" (Great Battle of Southern Sea) and "Godzilla no musuko" (Son of Godzilla) since 'if only Akira IFUKUBE composed the music, it tends to become moody so I asked Mr. Saito as well' as he claimed in the comment. 例文帳に追加

軽快な演出を持ち味にしており、『南海の大決闘』、『ゴジラの息子』と続けて担当した二作では、シリーズでおなじみの伊福部昭ではなく、佐藤勝に作曲を依頼しているが、「伊福部さんだとどうしても重くなっちゃうんで、佐藤さんにやってもらいました」とコメントしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nobuhiro SATO criticized that Konyo's sweet potato cultivation method was a 'Careless method' in his book "Six-step method in cultivating plants"and introduced high temperature and humidity seedlings as a harvest method at early time, in contrast to Konyo's method of planting the seed tuber directly on ground. 例文帳に追加

佐藤信淵はその著書『草木六部耕種法』の中で、昆陽の薩摩芋栽培法を「疎放なる作法」と批判し、昆陽の種芋を直接地面に植える方法に対して、高温多湿な苗代を作り早い時期に収穫する方法を紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until the development of La Port (explained later) in 1995, there were no mass merchandising stores other than one store in Nishi-Maizuru (Sato Maizuru), and a shopping district near the train station (Higashi-Maizuru: Sanjo/Yashima/Omon malls and Nishi-Maizuru: Manai mall) which was able to operate without severe competition. 例文帳に追加

1995年に「らぽーる」(後述)が出来るまでは、大規模小売店は西舞鶴に一箇所(さとう舞鶴店)しか無く、駅前商店街(東舞鶴:三条・八島・大門商店街、西舞鶴:マナイ商店街)が競争とは無縁な経営を続けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, large-scale development has proceeded along the National Route 9 on the south side of the station, and there are many big company stores such as Centum City Fukuchiyama (complex), Frespo Fukuchiyama (a shopping mall), UNIQLO (clothing shop), TSUTAYA (rental shop), Yofuku no Aoyama (ready-made men's wear), Kappa Zushi (Sushi restaurant), a Honda dealership (car dealer), a Yoshinoya restaurant, Tamahimeden (a wedding hall), McDonald's, SHIMAMURA (clothing shop), and Washoku Sato (restaurant). 例文帳に追加

ほかにも駅南の国道9号線沿いに大規模な開発センタムシティ福知山や、フレスポ福知山、ユニクロ、TSUTAYA、洋服の青山、かっぱ寿司、ホンダ、吉野家、玉姫殿、マクドナルド、しまむら、和食さとなど大手の店がたくさん並んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The concept of placing the imperial palace in Edo and making it Tokyo was a plan that appeared in the Keiseika (intellectuals) that Nobuhiro SATO wrote in 1823, during the last of the Edo period titled "The Secret Merger Plan," and it is said that Toshimichi OKUBO was influenced by this and advocated moving the capital to Tokyo. 例文帳に追加

江戸に皇居を置き東京とするという構想は、江戸時代後期の経世家である佐藤信淵が文政6年(1823年)に著した『混同秘策』に既に現われており、これに影響を受けて大久保利通も東京奠都を建言したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, while some historians, such as Shinichi SATO and Susumu ISHII consider the extent of the area subject to this decree as the whole area throughout Tokaido (an old Japanese geographical region that was situated along the southeastern edge of Honshu) and Tosando(an old Japanese geographical region that was situated along the central mountains of Honshu), Masataka UWAYOKOTE insists that it was limited to the thirteen provinces located eastward of Totomi Province and Shinano Province. 例文帳に追加

また、本宣旨が対象とする地域範囲についても、佐藤進一や石井進(歴史学者)らが東海道・東山道全域とするのに対し、上横手雅敬は遠江・信濃以東の13カ国に限定されていたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Owing to this decree, Yoritomo was granted the official authority (the administrative authority of the Togoku region and the right to command the local officials of kokuga) by the Imperial Court, which was the then existing national authority, and this contact between Yoritomo and the public authority caused the formation of other national organizations, namely the Togoku state and the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), according to SATO. 例文帳に追加

佐藤は、本宣旨により頼朝は既存の国家権力である朝廷から公権(東国行政権国衙在庁指揮権)を付与され、この公的権力との接触により一つの国家的存在、すなわち東国国家鎌倉幕府が成立したとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Nobuhiro SATO, an economist argued absolutism of nationalizing lands and finding ways into foreign countries, while Shoin YOSHIDA argued in his book titled yuin-roku (descriptions in prison) reclamation of Ezo and invasion for the control of such as the Kamchatkan Peninsula, Korea, Taiwan, and Manchuria. 例文帳に追加

幕末には経済学者佐藤信淵は土地国有化と海外進出を行う絶対主義国家を論じ、吉田松陰は幽囚録で蝦夷地開拓とともにカムチャッカ半島、朝鮮、台湾、満州等への侵略統治論を展開していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadanori ISHIGURO (a military doctor), Goro IJUIN, Kanetake OURA, Naomichi OSAKO (at the military academy (in Japan)), Mitsuomi KAMIO, Tadashi SATO (in the era of establishing the army), Tadashi SHIMIZU, Ginnosuke TAMURA, Masatake TERAUCHI (his right arm was injured), Hidenori TOJO, Noboru HAMANO (a military doctor), Motoomi YAMAGUCHI (a battalion commander), and Ryosen TEZUKA (a military doctor) 例文帳に追加

石黒忠悳軍医・伊集院五郎・大浦兼武・大迫尚道陸軍士官学校(日本)・神尾光臣・佐藤正(陸軍草創期)・志水直・田村銀之助・寺内正毅(右腕を負傷)・東条英教・浜野昇軍医・山口素臣大隊長・手塚良仙軍医 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One theory states that Soga clan was a powerful family that was a native to the area around Kawachi Province by Ishikawa River (present-day Ishikawa River basin in Osaka Prefecture; some even identify the precise location as Ichisuka Kanan-cho, Minamikawachi-gun), or Soga no Sato, Katsuragi Prefecture (present-day Soga-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

河内の石川(現在の大阪府の石川(大阪府)流域、人によっては詳細に南河内郡河南町一須賀あたり)、あるいは葛城県蘇我里(現在の奈良県橿原市曽我町あたり)を本拠にした土着の豪族であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result of this fight, many people including Kanson ARAHATA, Takuji UTSUNOMIYA, Sakae OSUGI, Genjiro MURAKI, Satoru SATO, Yasunosuke TOKUNAGA, Eiji MORIOKA, Shin MOMOSE, and four women (Satoko OSUGA, Suga KANNO, Reiko KOGURE and Matsuko KAMIKAWA) were arrested, and SAKAI and YAMAKAWA, who tried to stop the fight, were also arrested. 例文帳に追加

この格闘の末、荒畑寒村、宇都宮卓爾、大杉栄、村木源次郎、佐藤悟、徳永保之助、森岡栄治、百瀬晋のほか、女性4名(大須賀里子、管野スガ、小暮礼子、神川松子)が検挙され、またこれを止めに入った堺と山川も同じく検挙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The initial secretaries of the club consisted of 25 members in total, including three from imperial nomination (Yoshito OKUDA, Keijiro OKANO, Kanemichi ANRAKU), three from the top tax bracket (Tomoemon SATO, Shobee MORITA, Kihee YAMASHITA), and such as the following: Binichi ISHIWATARI, Teiichi SUGITA, Rentaro MIZUNO, Soroku EBARA, Koki MATSUOKA, Yoshifumi MUROTA, Yasutake MATSUOKA, Yoshiaya MUROTA. 例文帳に追加

結成時の幹事は勅選議員(奥田義人・岡野敬次郎・安楽兼道)・多額納税議員(佐藤友右衛門・森田庄兵衛・山下喜兵衛)ともに3名ずつ選出され、他に石渡敏一・杉田定一・水野錬太郎・江原素六・松岡康毅・室田義文らを合わせて25名が参加していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The content shows that the descendants of the ruling family of the Miyake (Imperial-controlled territory) in Takada no sato, Shimosanu-go (also known as Shimosano-go), Gunma County, Kozuke Province would build the monument to pray to Buddha for the salvation of their ancestors and safety of their parents by pledging to the heaven and earth, for the parents of the seventh generation, those of the time, and so on. 例文帳に追加

その内容は、上野国群馬郡下賛(下佐野)郷高田里の三家(ミヤケ、屯倉)の子孫が、七世父母、現在の父母等のために天地に誓願して作る旨が記され、祖先の菩提と父母の安穏を仏に祈願している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In another theory, Shimane is put forward as home city of the Kamo family based on the fact that there is a description of Kamo-no-kamube, Toneri-no-sato, O County in "Izumo-fudoki," and that there is a Kamo-jinja Shrine in Yasugi City in Tobu Izumo (Eastern Izumo and present-day Shimane Prefecture), where Kotoshiro nushi, the ancestral god Hitokoto nushi under a different name, is worshipped. 例文帳に追加

また、出雲風土記では意宇郡舎人郷賀茂神戸とあり、また現在の島根県安来市には賀茂神社があり、祖神である一言主の同一神、言代主の活躍地である東部出雲に属することから、ここを本貫とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was well-known that, in 1934, Kumakichi NAKAJIMA, the Minister of Commerce and Industry in the Sato Cabinet, stated in his article reprinted in the February issue of the monthly magazine "Gendai" (Modern times) that Takauji ASHIKAGA and the Ashikaga era (i.e., the Muromachi period) should be transvalued; and Yukimitsu, together with Takeo KIKUCHI, censured Kumakichi NAKAJIMA and forced him to resign. 例文帳に追加

また1934年(昭和9年)には、斎藤内閣の商工大臣であった中島久万吉が雑誌「現代」2月号に転載された足利尊氏と足利時代(室町時代)を再評価すべきという感想を述べたことに対して、菊池議員と共に中島大臣を攻撃し辞職させたことでも知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is a question for Mr. Sato. You have engaged in financial administration for many years, since before the Financial Supervisory Agency was established. Could you tell us how you feel about the period and about particularly memorable events? 例文帳に追加

佐藤前長官にお聞きします。金融監督庁発足時からのメンバーのお一人として、それ以前も含め、長年、金融行政に携わってこられたことと思います。この間のご感想ですとか、印象深い出来事などをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

I have a question for Mr. Sato. Looking back at the two years of your term, do you have anything that you regret? 例文帳に追加

佐藤前長官にお聞きしたいのですけれども、この2年を振り返って、いろいろなエピソードがあったと思いますけれども、これを振り返って、ちょっと後悔していらっしゃるところ、あるいはこれはもう少しやればよかったと思っていらっしゃるところは何かございますか。 - 金融庁

The storage unit stores first history information on the number of times each operator ("Yamada", "Sato", "Yoshida" and "Kimura") has handled the printing of orders by each client (UA, UB and UC) and second history information on the number of times each of the operators has used each printer (Printer 1, Printer 2, Printer 3 and Printer 4).例文帳に追加

記憶部は、各オペレータ(「山田」、「佐藤」、「吉田」、「木村」)による発注者(UA,UB,UC)別の印刷担当回数に関する第1の履歴情報と各オペレータによる各プリンタ(「1号機」、「2号機」、「3号機」、「4号機」)の利用回数に関する第2の履歴情報とを記憶する。 - 特許庁

Mr. Sato gained experience working as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical firm prior to founding the company, and by exploiting the fundamental knowledge of chemistry required to work in such a company, together with the facility in communication and footwork gained by being a salesman, he built up a diverse network of personal contacts.例文帳に追加

佐藤社長は、同社を創業する以前、製薬会社の営業担当として働いていた経験を有しており、製薬会社ならではの化学の基礎知識と、営業マンとして培ったコミュニケーション力やフットワークの良さを駆使して様々な人的ネットワークを築いてきた。 - 経済産業省

In 1948, Nihon Kajin Kurabu (The Japan Tanka Poets' Society) was formed by the 183 founding members, including Mokichi SAITO, Bunmei TSUCHIYA, Shaku Choku, Saishu ONOE, Nobutsuna SASAKI, Utsubo KUBOTA, Zenmaro TOKI, Yugure MAEDA, and influential, contemporary poets, such as Seikyu OTA, Junzo WATANABE, Yoshimi KONDO, Sataro SATO, Osamu KIMATA, Shuji MIYA, and Susumu KAGAWA. 例文帳に追加

昭和23年(1948年)には、日本歌人クラブが、斎藤茂吉・土屋文明・釈迢空・尾上柴舟・佐佐木信綱・窪田空穂・土岐善麿・前田夕暮をはじめとする183名の発起人、太田靑丘・渡辺順三・近藤芳美・佐藤佐太郎・木俣修・宮柊二・香川進ら当時の中堅歌人らによって結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1956, Gendai Kajin Kyokai (The Association of Contemporary Tanka Poets) was formed as something similar to a professional association by 62 founding members, including Tatsue UBUKATA, Tadao OOGIHATA, 尾上, Susumu KAGAWA, Juzo KAGOSHIMA, Osamu KIMATA, Utsubo KUBOTA, Yoshimi KONDO, Nobutsuna SASAKI, Sataro SATO, , Bunmei TSUCHIYA, Tetsukyu TSUBONO, Zenmaro TOKI, Eiichi MATSUMURA, Yaichi AIZU, Shuji MIYA, Mokichi YAMAGUCHI and Tomoichi YAMAMOTO. 例文帳に追加

昭和31年(1956年)には歌人の職能的性格を持つ団体として「現代歌人協会」が、生方たつゑ・扇畑忠雄・尾上紫舟・香川進・鹿児島壽蔵・木俣修・窪田空穂・近藤芳美・佐々木信綱・佐藤佐太郎・紫生田稔・土屋文明・坪野哲久・土岐善麿・松村英一・会津八一・宮柊二・山口茂吉・山本友一など62名の発起人により結成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In historical science after the war, akuto was positioned among feudal lords, but when Yoshihiko AMINO, Shinichi SATO, etc. introduced a picture of medieval history focused on craftsmen and entertainers whose social foundations were not agricultural, akuto was discussed in connection with them, and from the end of the 20th century, Ichiro KAIZU and others were attempting to position akuto in the context of social change such as genko and Tokuseirei (ordering return of land sold and dissolution of debts). 例文帳に追加

戦後の歴史学において、悪党は封建領主のなかで位置づけられていたが、網野善彦、佐藤進一らが社会的基盤を農業以外に置く手工業民や芸能民などに着目した中世史像を提示すると、悪党の存在もそれらと関連付けて論じられるようになり、20世紀末からは海津一朗らによって元寇や徳政令等の社会変動における悪党の位置づけが試みられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A movement to revive the holiday started with the independence of Japan in 1952 – in 1958 a bill was submitted to Parliament, in 1966 the Public Holiday Law was revised, then the cabinet of Eisaku SATO issued a cabinet order (cabinet order no. 376, 1966) to re-establish the day as National Foundation Day (Kenkoku Kinen no Hi), which was enforced on February 11, 1967. 例文帳に追加

日本独立の1952年(昭和27年)から復活運動がおき、1958年(昭和33年)に国会への議案提出があり、1966年(昭和41年)に国民の祝日に関する法律が改正され、さらに佐藤栄作内閣によりs建国記念の日となる日を定める政令(昭和41年政令第376号)として再制定され、1967年(昭和42年)2月11日建国記念の日として実施された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to casting leading actors such as Toshiro MIFUNE, Tatsuya NAKADAI, Mitsuru SATO, and Keiju KOBAYASHI, for supporting roles he repeatedly picked up such male actors with colorful characters like Ichiro NAKATANI, Kunie TANAKA, Yunosuke ITO, Hideyo AMAMOTO, Shin KISHIDA, Tadao NAKAMARU, Akihiko HIRATA, Minori TERADA, Hideo SUNADUKA, Daigo KUSANO, Etsushi TAKAHASHI, Hirotaro HONDA, Shigeru KAMIYAMA, Masao IMAFUKU, Masanari NIHEI, and Ittoku KISHIDA, and they are called 'Kihachi Ikka' or 'Kihachi Family.' 例文帳に追加

三船敏郎、仲代達矢、佐藤允、小林桂樹らスター俳優に加え、中谷一郎、田中邦衛、伊藤雄之助、天本英世、岸田森、中丸忠雄、平田昭彦、寺田農、砂塚秀夫、草野大悟、高橋悦史、本田博太郎、神山繁、今福将雄、二瓶正也、岸部一徳ら、脇を固める個性派男優を再三起用し、彼らは「喜八一家」、「喜八ファミリー」と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Arita-Nakaide - the Battle of Kagamiyama Castle - the Battle of Sato-Kanayama Castle - the Battle of Yoshida Koriyama Castle - the First Battle of Gassan Toda Castle - the Defeat in Funo - the Battle of Oshikibata - the Battle of Itsukushima - the Conquest of Bocho - the Defeat in Oshibara - the Battle of Gorozaka - the Second Battle of Gassan Toda Castle - the Iyo Expedition - the Battle of Tachibana Castle - the Invasion of Yamaguchi by Teruhiro OUCHI - the Battle of Fubeyama 例文帳に追加

有田中井手の戦い-鏡山城の戦い-佐東銀山城の戦い-吉田郡山城の戦い-月山富田城の戦い第一次月山富田城の戦い-布野崩れ-折敷畑の戦い-厳島の戦い-防長経略-忍原崩れ-降露坂の戦い-月山富田城の戦い第二次月山富田城の戦い-伊予出兵-立花城の戦い-大内輝弘の山口乱入-布部山の戦い - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He had so many successful roles; as for jidai-mono (historical drama), Yaegaki-hime in the scene of 'Jusshuko' of "Honcho Nijushi-Ko," Toki-hime in 'Kinugawa-mura' of "Kamakura Sandaiki," Yuki-hime in 'Kinkakuji' of "Gion Sairei Shinko-ki" (those three roles were called Mitsuhime [three princesses]), and Masaoka in "Meiboku Sendai Hagi"; as for sewa-mono (drama based on real-life people), Agemaki in "Sukeroku," Yatsuhashi in "Kagotsurube" ("Kagotsurube Sato no Yoizame," Omitsu in 'Nozaki-mura' of "Shinpan Utazaimon"; as for modern play, Yodogimi mentioned above and so on. 例文帳に追加

当り役は非常に多く、時代物では『本朝廿四孝・十種香』の八重垣姫、『鎌倉三代記・絹川村』の時姫、『祇園祭礼信仰記・金閣寺』の雪姫(三つ合わせて三姫)、『伽羅先代萩』の政岡・世話物では『助六』の揚巻、『籠釣瓶』の八つ橋、『新版歌祭文・野崎村』のお光、新作では前述の淀君などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there are the other theories, such as the argument on the governing structure of the powerful family by Toshio KURODA and his allies, which states that the center of the nation state was the Imperial Court and influential families such as kuge, families that own and reside in temples and samurai families complemented each other and formed the nation state, and the theory of the east state founded by Shinichi SATO and his allies, which says that, instead of the above, the nation state was established in fact in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) against Imperial Court in Saigoku (western part of Japan (especially Kyushu, but ranging as far east as Kinki)). 例文帳に追加

しかし、あくまで国家の中心は朝廷であり、公家、寺家、そして武家の権門が相互補完しながら国家を形成していたとする黒田俊雄らの権門体制論、そうではなく西国の朝廷に対して東国に事実上の国家を樹立したとする佐藤進一らの東国国家論がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Bokoku no Shukuzu" (The Epitome of the Perishing Nation) (1902) compiled by Gisuke SATO, Kikutei TAGUCHI referred to a doctor's story; the doctor had been working at a clinic for the victims of the mining pollution in Ebise Village, and although he had not taken statistics because he was very busy, he treated over 2,300 patients in a month and a half of them suffered from eye diseases, and he estimated they were caused by some qualities of the lands.例文帳に追加

田口掬汀は、海老瀬村の鉱毒被害者向けの診療所の医師に聞いた話として、忙しくて統計はとっていないが、ひと月に2300名を越える患者を診断し、うち半数が眼病であったが、これは地質が及ぼす結果だろうとこの医師は推測していることを佐藤儀助編『亡国の縮図』(1902年)で紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are theories stating that NAKAHARA no Chikayoshi and Sukeyori MUTO succeeded the post of Chinzei Bugyo after Tokage, but alluding to the existence of numerous theories regarding the successor of Tokage, Seiichiro SENO (Japanese historian) points out that, 'The Chinzei Bugyo was nothing but a common title and we can say that this is due to its vague nature as a job as there are theories denying it an official title (theory purported by Shinichi SATO).' 例文帳に追加

遠景の後について、中原親能・武藤資頼が継いだとする説もあるが、瀬野精一郎は、遠景後の後継者について諸説あることをまとめた上で、「鎮西奉行は一般的呼称にすぎず、鎌倉幕府の正式な官職名ではなかったとする説(佐藤進一説)もあるごとく、その性格がなお不明瞭な点が多いことに起因しているといえる」と指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Miyamaso (Yaso Ichimian - literally, wild herbs one-taste 'Miyamaso') is a restaurant and inn that is located in the Hanase-no-sato community on a remote mountain in Kyoto and is famous for Tsumikusa ryori (cuisine using wild herbs and vegetables), which was loved many intellectuals like Masaaki TACHIHARA and Masako SHIRASU and has been said not allowed to be taken out of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

美山荘(みやまそう)(野草一味庵「美山荘」)は、京都の奥山、花背(はなせ)の里にある「摘草料理」で有名な料理旅館で、摘み取った季節の草花や旬の野菜に魚を取り入れた美しい料理は、立原正秋や白洲正子など多くの文化人から愛され、京都から「門外不出」といわれてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the pillars of the basic act are plans to increase the mobility of human resources through a Japanese-style "revolving door" system and create a civil servant system that enables servants to work until the retirement age and - although this is a measure included in a legal revision made last year -abolishing the seniority-based personnel management system in favor of the merit-based system. I advised FSA Commissioner Sato that personnel appointments should be made with due consideration of the direction of the reform measures for the civil servant system. 例文帳に追加

この基本法のいくつかの柱の中の一つに、日本型回転ドアの人材流動化、並びに定年まで仕事のできる公務員制度を作っていく、去年の改正でございますが、能力実績主義に基づいて年功序列を止める、こうした新しい公務員制度改革の方向性をよく考えて人事をやるべきである、と佐藤長官には申し上げてまいりました。 - 金融庁

The other two are Yukihiro Sato, who is a former Executive Vice President of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and is now a Senior Executive Advisor at the company, and Hiroshi Hirose, who is the Vice Chairman of Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.and a former President of the company. Mr. Hirose is the Chairman of Keidanren's Committee on Corporate Accounting. 例文帳に追加

もう一人が佐藤行弘さん、これは三菱電機の元副社長でございますが、今は常任顧問でございます。それから廣瀬博さん、住友化学工業株式会社の取締役副会長で、元社長でございまして、この方は日本経済団体連合会の企業会計委員会の委員長でございます。 - 金融庁

Second, as Mr. Sato mentioned just now, the FSA is engaging in various activities to facilitate financing in the difficult economic situation. At the same time, the FSA is implementing the Better Regulation initiative and the Better Market initiative. We will continue efforts to carry them out. 例文帳に追加

二つ目の捉え方といたしまして、現在、私どもは、ただいま佐藤前長官からご説明がありましたように、厳しい経済情勢の下で、金融円滑化のための各般の取組みを行っているところでございます。また、同時に、ベター・レギュレーション、あるいは市場強化プラン、こういった課題にも取り組んでいるところでございます。私どもは、引き続き、これらの諸課題の達成・深化に更に努力してまいりたいと考えております。 - 金融庁

The details of establishment of Imperial University in this period were complicated due to the relationship between Imperial Diet and the government, problem of funding and constructing school buildings, and the relations between the predecessor institutions of high education and newly established Imperial Universities; and it was associated with the relationships with Shosuke SATO (last master of Sapporo Agricultural School, first president of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, first president of Hokkaido Imperial University), who was from Morioka Domain like Takashi HARA and a class mate in hanko Sakujinkan Shubunjo (domain school, Sakujinkan Shubunjo). 例文帳に追加

帝国議会と政府との関係、資金面の問題、校舎建設の問題、前身となる高等教育機関と新設各帝国大学との関係から、この時期の帝国大学の設立経緯は複雑であり、原敬と同じ盛岡藩出身で藩校作人館修文所で同級生だった佐藤昌介(札幌農学校最後の校長、東北帝国大学農科大学初代学長、北海道帝国大学初代総長)も関係している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he betrayed Katsuyori at the last minute despite being a Takeda family member, Nobukimi ANAYAMA had a negative reputation alongside Yoshimasa KISO, who was also the son-in-law of Shingen but switched sides to the Oda family, and Nobushige OYAMADA, who committed betrayal just before the fall; however, Hachiro SATO gives him a favorable appraisal, justifying his daring decision to turn away in order to sustain the family name, while Toshifumi YANO believes that the relationship between the Takeda clan and local samurai lords such as Anayama and Oyamada was a coalition government, and that with the fall of Takeda family, Nobukimi broke away from the perspective of an individual feudal lord. 例文帳に追加

武田一族にも関わらず土壇場で勝頼を裏切ったことから、同じく信玄の娘婿でありながら織田家に寝返った木曽義昌や滅亡寸前に裏切った小山田信茂らと共に否定的評価がある一方で、佐藤八郎など家名存続のため敢えて背いた情勢判断を正当視する好意的評価や、矢野俊文による武田氏と国人領主の穴山や小山田の関係が連合政権であるとする立場から、滅亡に際して個別領主の立場から離反に至ったとする見解もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His great-grandson Eisaku SATO wrote at the beginning of his autobiography "Kyowa Ashitano Zenjitsu" (Today is the day before tomorrow) that "my ancestors were originally vassals of the Mori clan and were living in Hagi City (omission), my great-grandfather was serving directly the main Mori clan, however he was not at a high rank, yet, thinking about it now, he was a reformist at that time and when the Mori clan went to fight in Kyushu, he joined in the attacking force, after the Meiji Restoration he became the governor of Shimane Prefecture." 例文帳に追加

曾孫にあたる佐藤栄作は『今日は明日の前日』という自伝の冒頭に「私の家はもともと毛利氏の家臣で萩市に住んでいた。(中略)曽祖父は毛利家本藩の直参だったのだがあまり格の高いものではなかったようだ。しかし、いまから考えると当時の革新派で毛利藩が九州に出兵した時などはその攻撃軍に加わっている。そんなことで明治維新の後は島根県の県令になった」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Daiichi-Sakka-Domei (First Writers Alliance, or DSD), which had five groups and 34 members, including Shou OTA, Sanki KOBAYASHI, Nichibon SATO, Hajime MATSUSHIMA, Aokusa YOSHIKAWA, and Mitsuru MANO [all from Seiju-sha], Kiichi MURAKUMO, Tomeyoshi ARAKI, Kazuyoshi TANAKA, and Zennosuke TAMAMURA [all from Kogen-kai], Choyo TAKAGI, Shinpu YAMAUCHI, Koichi IKEDA, Nanjinshi MORITANI, Dachu NISHIMURA, and Michie TORII [all from Soku-Hogakai], Gentaro KOBAYASHI and Nio MIZUSHIMA [all from Koju-sha], Kojiro FUNASAKI, Misao MATSUDA, and Saburo ENOMOTO [all from Akahito-sha]) was formed in late June of 1922. 例文帳に追加

第一作家同盟(DSD、メンバー34名で五団体が結集、太田聴雨、小林三季、佐藤日梵、松島肇、吉川青草、真野満(以上、青樹社)、村雲毅一、荒木留吉、田中一良、玉村善之助(以上、高原会)、高木長葉、山内神斧、池田耕一、森谷南人子、西村陀宙、鳥居道枝(以上、蒼空邦画会)、小林源太郎、水島爾保布(以上、行樹社)、船崎光次郎、松田操、榎本三朗(以上、赤人社))1922年6月末結成 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Combined Fleet overwhelmed and annihilated the Baltic Fleet which was said to be the strongest in Europe through the superior tactics of the commander Heihachiro TOGO, the outstanding strategy of his two staff officers (Saneyuki AKIYAMA and Tetsutaro SATO), the pursuit of the enemy by the Second Fleet (a cruiser fleet) under the command of General Hikonojo KAMIMURA, torpedo operations with destroyers led by Kantaro SUZUKI, and the use of Shimose gunpowder (What was then the world's most powerful gunpowder), Ijuin fuse, cutting-edge radio sets, the invention and application of volley tactics, and the deployment of the world's fastest fleet in battle among several other factors. 例文帳に追加

連合艦隊は、東郷平八郎司令長官の優れた戦術、二人の参謀(秋山真之、佐藤鉄太郎)による見事な作戦、上村彦之丞将軍率いる第二艦隊(巡洋艦を中心とした艦隊)による追撃、鈴木貫太郎の駆逐隊による魚雷攻撃作戦、下瀬火薬(世界最強火薬)、伊集院信管、新型無線機、世界初の斉射戦術、世界最高水準の高速艦隊運動などによって、欧州最強と言われたバルチック艦隊を圧倒、これを殲滅した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mr. Sato has a long period of experience in the field of accounting, as you know.Having long worked for Mitsubishi Electric, a major Japanese electric machinery manufacturer, he has an experience as a manager as well as an accounting expert, as he served as Vice President of the company. Those are the reasons why I appointed these three people as Advisers. 例文帳に追加

佐藤さんは、この方はもうご存じのように非常に経理畑の長い人でございまして、皆様ご存じと思いますが、企業の中では経理畑といいまして、非常に専門的で、そういうのが日本の昔の企業の常でございましたが、この方はずっと三菱電機、日本の大変大きな電気会社でございますが、ずっと専門家で副社長、経営者もされたということで、そういった意味で今3人きちっと参与にさせていただいたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

I would like to ask Mr. Sato about the implementation of the Better Regulation initiative. Are there any tasks that you have left unfinished and that you would like Mr. Mikuniya to devote efforts to in relation to important themes of recent international debate? 例文帳に追加

佐藤(前)長官に伺いたいのですが、先ほど一般的なお話があったと思います。ベター・レギュレーションをさらに進めていくのだ、ということなのですが、新長官への引継ぎというか、具体的な幾つかの重要なテーマが国際的な議論の中でもあると思うのですが、何かやり残したというか、これから喫緊の課題としてこれに力を入れてほしいとか、そういった金融庁新長官への課題というか、こういうものがあるのではないか、というのがもしあれば、伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁


I have another question for Mr. Sato. It is more than 10 years since the Financial Supervisory Agency was separated from the Ministry of Finance in 1998 and started conducting financial administration as an independent agency. You headed the General Coordination Division at that time, and have been engaging in financial administration almost consistently since then. Do you think that Japan's financial administration, which was viewed with distrust by the people when it was conducted by the Ministry of Finance, has changed over the 10-year period? If so, could you tell us how it has changed? 例文帳に追加

佐藤前長官に、もう一つだけ。1998年に、金融監督庁が旧大蔵省から分離しまして、金融行政が金融監督庁ということで新しく進められてきて10年以上たちましたが、その当時、総務課長として出られて、ほぼ一貫して金融行政のところに立たれてきて、この10年間余りで、国民から非常に不審の目で見られていた旧大蔵省における金融行政は変わったとご判断されていますか。そうであるとすれば、どのように変わったかという点でご見解を伺えればと思いますけれども。 - 金融庁


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