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The Plant QA group will audit each area where packaging is taking place for products destined for Japan. - 厚生労働省


to the little supper and romp in the great barns with which her feast-day was always celebrated,  - Ouida『フランダースの犬』


One day that little bit of pine wood that your father has of mine shall be worth its weight in silver;  - Ouida『フランダースの犬』


and to-day she will burn the ships of the Greeks, and they will all perish in Troyland, and see Greece never more again."  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』



for they had driven the Trojans from their wall, and hoped that to-morrow they would slay Eurypylus, and take Troy town.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』



But they, passing on from Perga, came to Antioch of Pisidia. They went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and sat down.  - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 13:14』


Behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was sixty stadia from Jerusalem.  - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 24:13』


It is known that, according to the article dated March 6, 1186, Toshikata inquired Shizuka Gozen about whereabouts of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, and the article dated August 15 in the same year described the famous scene of appearance of Saigyo, the beginning of yabusame (the art of shooting arrows on horseback), and Yoritomo made Toshikane write the secrets of the art of yabusame told by Saigyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the entry of November 22 described in a historical book entitled "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East), in the autumn, six months after the establishment of the council system, Tomomitsu YUKI recalled Yoritomo's glory in the office of the shogun's palace, saying, 'I should have entered into priesthood at that point of time as the proverb says that loyal subjects do not serve two masters. I feel as if we were walking on thin ice these days.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It will soon be one year since the Great East Japan Earthquake took place. The earthquake occurred while a session of the House of Councillors' Audit Committee was being aired live. Nearly 20,000 people were killed or left missing.  - 金融庁


条約第三条1(d)(一般的定義)の規定に関し、「本国の租税」又は「オーストラリアの租税」には、 条約の適用を受ける租税に関連する本国又はオーストラリアのそれぞれの法令に基づいて課される附帯税又はこれに相当するものを含めない。例文帳に追加

With reference to subparagraph d) of paragraph 1 of Article 3 (General Definitions) of the Convention: The termJapanese taxorAustralian taxshall not include any amount which represents a penalty or interest imposed under the laws of Japan or Australia, respectively, relating to the taxes to which the Convention applies.  - 財務省

この条約の適用上、「一方の締約国の居住者」とは、次の者をいう。(a)本国については、本国の法令の下において、住所、居所、本店又は主たる事務所の所在地その他これらに類する基準により本国において課税を受けるべきものとされる者 (b)オーストラリアについては、オーストラリアの租税に関し、オーストラリアの居住者とされる者例文帳に追加

For the purposes of this Convention, the termresident of a Contracting Statemeans: a) in the case of Japan, any person who, under the laws of Japan, is liable to tax therein by reason of the person’s domicile, residence, place of head or main office, or any other criterion of a similar nature; and b) in the case of Australia, a person who is a resident of Australia for the purposes of Australian tax.  - 財務省

(3) 基準において,法人又は組合がオーストラリアの登録簿のA部又はB部に商標の所有者として登録された場合,その付においてその法人の所有者又は組合の構成員であるすべての者は,本章の適用上,その付のオーストラリアの登録簿の当該商標の所有者として共同で登録されたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) Where, on the relevant date, a firm or partnership was registered in Part A or Part B of the Australian Register as the proprietor of a trade mark, all the persons who were on that date the proprietors of the firm or the members of the partnership shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Part, to have been registered jointly as the proprietors of the trade mark in the Australian Register at that date. - 特許庁


As illustrated in Table 1.1.10, while the surplus of Japan and oil-producing countries (“Asia (excluding Japan and Australia) and Africain the table) each accounted for one-third of the U.S. current account deficit in 1987 immediately after the Plaza Accords, in 2004, “Asia (excluding Japan and Australia) and Africaaccounted for half of the U.S. current account deficit, with East Asian countries and regions including China having a growing share. - 経済産業省

(2) 本章の適用上,オーストラリア法の規定に基づき,その付後にオーストラリアの登録簿に登録が行われた結果として,その付までにその法律によりそのように登録されたとみなすことができるにもかかわらず,その者の任意の商品に関する商標の登録所有者としての登録が基準にオーストラリアの登録簿に登録されていない者は,それらの商品に関するそのような登録がその付でオーストラリアの登録簿に登録されていないものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) For the purposes of this Part, a person is deemed not to have been registered in the Australian Register as the registered proprietor of a trade mark in respect of any goods at the relevant date if his registration as such in respect of those goods was not entered in the Australian Register at that date, notwithstanding that, by virtue of the provisions of the Australian Act, he may be deemed by that Act to have been so registered by that date in consequence of an entry made in the Australian Register after that date. - 特許庁


Shito Jimukyoku, which had decided to enshrine in its temple four gods and Zokasanshin (the three gods of creation)-Ameno minakanushi no kami, Takamimusubi no kami and Kamimusubi no kami-and Amaterasu Omikami met with opposition from the Izumo group, which stressed the idea of Yuken ichinyo (the unity of this world and the world after death) and insisted on worshipping five gods, including Okuni nushi no okami, the ruling god of Yukai (the world after death).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Subject to the provisions of the laws of Japan regarding the allowance as a credit against Japanese tax of tax payable in any country other than Japan:a) Where a resident of Japan derives income from Australia which may be taxed in Australia in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, the amount of Australian tax payable in respect of that income shall be allowed as a credit against the Japanese tax imposed on that resident.  - 財務省


While the Imperial Japanese Navy succeeded in sinking the battleship Петропавловск (Battleship/The first) of the Lushun Fleet on April 13th, with a mine laid earlier by the IJN, killing Vice-Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov, the Commander-in-Chief of the Lushun Fleet; the IJN battleships 'Yashima' and 'Hatsuse' were conversely sunk by Russian mines on May 15th.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The two Prime Ministers appreciated the progress hitherto achieved ever since they had reached a decision, at their meeting on 12th April 2002 on the occasion of the “Boao Forum for Asia”, that the two countries should begin consultations for the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership in a Working Group (WG) to be set up under the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Consultations Meeting. - 経済産業省


As for the trade relationship with Japan, South Africa’s exports to Japan include platinum, automobiles, wood chips, aluminum and steel, and imports from Japan include automobiles, machinery, electronic equipments, tires and precision equipment. The large share of raw material exports along with the recent rise in exports of automobiles by European and U.S. carmakers to Japan are in line with South Africa’s export trend as a whole. - 経済産業省

6 人家族で、3 間に一本程度購入して飲用に用いる(1.1ℓ /人/)とすれば、月間のボトル水への支払金額は 3,000Kyat(US$3.75)となる。これは、毎 70ℓ /人の完全に飲める水の供給を受けているカンボジアのプノンペン市やフィリピンのマニラ市の低所得者が毎月支払う水道料金(US$1.6~2.0)の倍の支払い金額である。例文帳に追加

Assuming that a household with 6 family members buys a 20l bottle water every 3 days for drinking purpose (1.1l/person/day), their monthly payment for bottled water is Kyat 3,000 (US$3.75), which is double of the amount of monthly water tariff payment by the low income citizens in Pnom Phen City in Cambodia and Manila City in the Philippines, who are supplied 70l/person/day of perfectly drinkable water. - 厚生労働省


Yesterday, I received words of praise from Ms.Kyoko Nakayama, a Diet member who used to work for the Ministry of Finance, so I am grateful for the hard work of the FSA staff while admiring her for paying attention to our efforts.  - 金融庁


Subject to the provisions of the law of Australia from time to time in force which relate to the allowance of a credit against Australian tax of tax paid in a country outside Australia (which shall not affect the general principle of this Article), Japanese tax paid under the law of Japan and in accordance with this Convention, whether directly or by deduction, in respect of income, profits or gains derived by a person who is a resident of Australia from sources in Japan shall be allowed as a credit against Australian tax payable in respect of that income, profits or gains.  - 財務省


Flat bows include those bows used by coastal Southeast Asian people, Japanese bow, a composite bow used by indigenous people around the Amur River basin northeast of Japan, and a compound bow and a cable backed bow (a bow adding tensioning force) used by American Indians on the north American continent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Especially after that, there are signs of that sake had already been brought to Europe including Holland through Batavia (a part of Indonesia at present) which was the base of the Dutch East India Company and where drinking sake was established as part of its unique food culture, during the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since Emperor Meiji was respected as a sovereign, as for non western countries, he was highly regarded overseas, more than he was in Japan, by the people such as Haile Selassiein Ethiopia, Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay, Saddam Husain in Iraq.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was sometimes called the 'Red Baron,' and advocated friendship between Japan and Russia through the viewpoint of common people, considering that communist ideology was only a nationalistic ideology of Russia and not worth worrying about, and that the normalization of diplomatic relations was desirable in order to soften the Soviet Union.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally it was written as '' (read as "Anafu"); however, when the Emperor Gomurakami moved the Imperial Palace from Yoshino to this place, he changed the characters to (read as "Kanau", which in Japanese means "wish coming true") with the hope for unification by the Southern Court, and once the unification was realized in 1351 (Shohei Itto [temporal unification of the Northern and Southern Courts]), he changed the name to '' (read as "Kanau").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, Isshinkai which was founded in the middle of Russo-Japanese War had a thought that blocking Russia's invasion under the Japan-Korea Military Alliance could weaken Russia's influence on the Korean Empire, that it further could prevent the allied western powers from advancing into Asia, and that it finally could lead to the restoration of Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, this treaty didn't mention the Russia's obligation to pay the reparations to Japan, so Japan couldn't directly gain the reparations although it sacrificed a considerable number of victims and a huge amount of war expenditure (including the external debt) incomparable with the Sino-Japanese War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While they stated in its public agreement that they would respect treaties between Japan and the Russian Empire as well as those between the both countries and Qing, together with the realization of the independence of Qing, open-door policy, equal opportunity, and the like, they agreed upon respective range of Japanese interests in the south Manchuria and Russian interests in the north Manchuria in its confidential agreement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as those Asian countries which conducted sakuho and choko to the Qing dynasty became colonies of western countries and America, the Qing dynasty was also put pressure continuously by powerful countries after the Opium War, especially when Ili region was seized by Russia, the Sino-French War, the Taiwan expedition and the Japanese-Sino War occurred.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Irtysh surrender incident is the incident in which the crew of a special service vessel of the Russian Baltic Fleet called the Irtysh, which had been damaged in the Battle of Tsushima and stalled at sea, surrendered in Waki district, Tsuno village, Naka County (present-day Waki town, Gotsu City), Shimane Prefecture at about 2:00 pm on May 28, 1905.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the meeting of the G-8 Finance Ministers, which was held in Lecce, Italy, on June 1213, an agreement was reached to establish the Lecce framework of common principles and standards of conduct for international companies and financial institutions, as you mentioned  - 金融庁


By sharing Japanese technologies on safety and security - including those used for Shinkansen bullet trains, water, and energy ? with Asian neighbors, we hope that such technologies can serve as an engine for the sustainable growth of Asia and that way Japan and Asian economies will grow together.  - 財務省


The applicants whose applications for registration of the industrial designs and models were objected to shall be notified in writing and shall be allowed a time period for reply of maximum 30 days for the applicants residing in this country, and of maximum 60 days for the applicants residing abroad. - 特許庁

(1) 本章において,次の各号に掲げる記述はそれぞれ次のとおり解釈するものとする。 「本章が適用される出願人」とは,出願について,次に掲げる,商標の所有者をいう。 (a) 開始から12月以内に登録官に当該商標の登録を申請する者,及び (b) 登録官が得心するように自らが次の者であったことを証明する者 (i) 基準において,登録された所有者であった者,又は (ii) 基準において若しくは基準の後でかつ開始以前に,その付におけるオーストラリアの登録簿のA部又はB部の登録に基づいて,その者の出願が関連する同一商品についてパプアニューギニア国内及びパプアニューギニア向けの当該商標の,登録所有者の承継人であった者 「出願」とは,本法に基づく商標の登録の出願をいう。 「オーストラリア法」とは,オーストラリアの1955年商標法をいう。 「オーストラリアの登録簿」とは,オーストラリアの1955年商標法に基づき商標局において管理される商標登録簿をいう。 「基準」とは1975年9月15をいう。例文帳に追加

(1) In this Part - “applicant to whom this Part appliesin relation to an application means the proprietor of a trade mark - (a) who applies to the Registrar for the registration of that trade mark within a period of 12 months from the commencement date, and (b) who shows to the satisfaction of the Registrar that he was - (i) on the relevant date, the registered proprietor; or (ii) on the relevant date or subsequent to the relevant date and before the commencement date the successor in title of the registered proprietor, of that trade mark in and for Papua New Guinea in respect of the same goods to which his application relates by virtue of the registration in Part A or Part B of the Australian Register at that date; “applicationmeans an application for the registration of a trade mark under this Act; “the Australian Actmeans the Trade Marks Act 1955 of Australia; “the Australian Registermeans the Register of Trade Marks kept at the Trade Marks Office under the Trade Marks Act 1955 of Australia; “the relevant datemeans 15 September 1975. - 特許庁


To reduce the whole width of a combine harvester by retreating a sunshade member from the upper part of an auxiliary carrier to the upper side of a hopper, to prevent a bad condition in which the sunshade member collides against an obstacle and damaged when the combine harvester travels on a road and to easily store the combine harvester even in a narrow warehouse. - 特許庁


When no low luminance emission is discriminated, on the other hand, color information for each area, for which a picture is divided into plural areas, is found and on the basis of color information for each area, the number of areas included in a shade detection frame (frame showing the range of color distribution corresponding to the shade) is found. - 特許庁


Then, it is discriminated on the basis of the above mentioned acquired photographing EV value and the number of areas included in the shade detection area whether the light source type is the shade or daylight (step S20) and white balance control suitable for that discriminated light source type is performed (steps S22 and S24). - 特許庁

2000年11月1、APEC エンジニアの要件が取りまとめられ、現在は、本、オーストラリア、カナダ、香港、韓国、マレーシア、ニュージーランド、インドネシア、フィリピン、米国、タイ、シンガポール及び台湾が正式加盟し、現在は13カ国・地域が加盟している。例文帳に追加

On November 1, 2000, the requirements for APEC Engineers were established, and currently there are 13 official member economies: Japan, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, United States, Thailand, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. - 経済産業省


Given the significant changes in the situation in East Asia enveloping the activities of Japanese companies, the perspective of at which point and how profits can be made along the overall value chain of corporate activities will become even more important for Japanese companies when creating corporate strategies for East Asia. - 経済産業省

また、我が国政府は、印の貿易・投資面での関係深化に向けて印EPA 交渉を2007 年1月に開始し、さらに、前述の我が国企業の中国・ASEAN 拠点との連携も視野に入れ、東アジアEPAの民間専門家研究の開始を提唱した。例文帳に追加

In addition, the Japanese government began Japan-India EPA negotiations in January 2007 aimed at deepening the trade and investment relationship between Japan and India, and also called for the initiation of research by East Asian private sector experts, which will take into its purview the aforementioned collaboration by Japanese companies with the bases of China and ASEAN. - 経済産業省


We would hope to see a revitalized Japan become a force in East Asia’s economic growth, and also use its strength to overcome the environmental, energy, and population issues which may press increasingly heavily on the region in the years ahead. - 経済産業省


The exclusion of Japanese ports from the major course signifies that cargoes from Japan are first collected at a hub port in another Asian country before being transported to Europe and United States, which may constitute a factor that increases the distribution costs incurred by Japan. - 経済産業省


There is, therefore, a strong impetus to attempt institutionalization of such economic conditions, and efforts at FTAs/EPAs between the ASEAN and Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand are progressing. Because it is able to attempt broad regional economic partnerships based on such FTAs/EPAs, in August 2006, Japan proposed a study to be conducted on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia ("CEPEA," an East Asian EPA) by the ASEAN+6. - 経済産業省


Accordingly, changes in Asia's consumption of goods imported from developed countries (Japan, United States, EU) show that imports from Japan and from the EU have continuously increased since 1998, since the Asian currency crisis; in particular, the increase of imports from the EU and Japan has been remarkable (see Figure 2-1-65). - 経済産業省


(e) "competent institution" means, as regards Japan, any of the insurance institutions, or any association thereof, responsible for the implementation of the Japanese pension systems specified in paragraph 2 of Article 2,as regards Australia, the institution or agency which has the task of implementing the applicable legislation of Australia; - 厚生労働省


As regards the spouse or children who are specified in the legislation of Japan as the accompanying spouse or children of a person who works in the territory of Japan and who is subject to the legislation of Australia in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 2 of Article 9 or Article 11, - 厚生労働省



"I am already sick of this world", my brother said. At that time I didn't understand what he was saying. Then, in the afternoon, he passed away. - Tatoeba例文


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原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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Copyright (C) 2003 Kojiro Araki (荒木 光二郎)
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