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該当件数 : 1479



This polyimide is obtained by reaction between a diaminopolysiloxane two kinds of diamine compound consisting of carboxyl- contg. diamines or three kinds of diamine compound consisting of the above two kinds and an aromatic or alicyclic diamine, and a dicarboxylic dianhydride with 2,5-dioxotetrahydrofuryl group as one of the acid anhydride groups to form a polyamic acid once, which is then subjected to polyimidation reaction. - 特許庁


To provide a polishing solution for metal excellent in insurance of polish velocity ratio with an insulating film which serves as a stopper, which is used for chemical-mechanical planarization of semiconductor device manufacture and polishes platinum group-based metal films to be polished with a high efficiency and quality; and to provide a chemical-mechanical polishing method using such polishing solution. - 特許庁


When connection to a portable server is impossible, an activation level determination part 112 checks whether a local activation level contained in license information 121 is "0" or not, and a confirmation server connection part 113 transmits, when the local activation level is determined not to be "0", a connection request message to a confirmation server. - 特許庁


The water treatment apparatus 1 is equipped with a container 4 for storing water, a platinum plate electrode pair 13 immersed in the water within the container 4 to elute platinum ions by AC electrolysis, a power supply part 3 for applying AC voltage to the platinum plate electrode pair 13, and a platinum plating treated titanium electrode pair 14 that reduces platinum ions contained in the water within container 4 to form platinum colloid. - 特許庁



When the mobile station MS2 is resident in the void cells, since notice information includes information denoting that the selection of the communication system 2 is disabled, only the level measurement of a perch channel set to the communication system 1 of the cells is conducted and a perch channel set to the communication system 2 is not scanned and the level is not measured. - 特許庁



Then, if the relay data is for the neighbor local device, the radio relay device 1 refers to a local device control content table 1060, controls a local device connected to own radio relay device according to the data type for the neighbor local device contained in the relay data, and transmits local data obtained from the local device to the information center 4. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive flame-retardant resin composition suitable for the protective layer of a printed circuit board and the like by using a component having an ethylenically unsaturated double bond and a carboxylic group and a flame retardant which does not contain halogen, has satisfactory solubility, does not impair resin original characteristics such as mechanical characteristics and moldability upon addition to a resin and does not cause whitening. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive flame-retardant composition optimal for a protective layer of a printed board or the like by using together with a component having an ethylenically unsaturated double bond and a carboxyl group, a flame retardant that contains no halogen, has good solubility, that does not decrease characteristics inherent to a resin such as mechanical characteristics and molding processability when added to the resin, and does not cause whitening. - 特許庁


A motor structure is of such constitution that it gets smooth rotation low in slot ripple at low-speed revolution, with its magnet pieces negating slot ripple each other, by constituting a pair of motors 20 and 21 of one piece of rotor 8, and shifting each magnet piece of each annular magnet body 10 and 11 provided at the rotor 8 from each other in the circumferential direction of the rotor 8. - 特許庁



The stored original image data is checked for any QR codes, and when the QR code image is found, the QR code image is extracted from the original image data and stored, and post-extraction image data with a white image replacing the QR code image portion of the original image data is created and stored. - 特許庁



When the liquid crystal display is seen from the front, the long side of each domain divided by the partitions of the pixel electrode and the domain dividing means is arranged perpendicular or parallel to a gate line, and at least part of the short side of each domain is a straight line forming an angle between 30 to 60 degrees with the gate line. - 特許庁


To provide a semiconductor element having a sealing material consisting mainly of a composition with heat resistance and transparency in which yellowing or white turbidity due to near-ultraviolet light or ultraviolet light hardly occurs and quite a small amount of residue or no residue of low molecule siloxane is included, and to provide a semiconductor device thereof. - 特許庁


The thermosetting resin composition comprises a thermosetting resin composition containing a vinylbenzyl compound as an essential ingredient and 1-30 wt% based on the total resin volume of a thermoplastic resin having a dielectric constant (ε') of 3.0 or less and a dielectric loss tangent (tan δ) of 0.002 or less in the 5 GHz frequency band. - 特許庁


Two diamine compounds consisted of a diaminopolysiloxane and a hydroxyl group-containing diamine, or three diamine compounds which further includes an aromatic or alicyclic diamine are allowed to react with a dicarboxylic acid anhydride wherein one of the acid anhydride groups is 2,5-dioxotetrahydrofuryl group to once form a polyamic acid which is then polyimidated to prepare a polyimide. - 特許庁


In a sintering stage for a compact finally made into a magnetostriction element, when the inside of a furnace is heated-up, in a temperature region where a hydride included in the compact is thermally decomposed and gaseous hydrogen is dissipated, the atmosphere in the furnace is sucked with a vacuum pump, the pressure in the furnace is held to the negative one, and the dissipation of hydrogen from the compact is promoted. - 特許庁


To provide a photosensitive black-colored resin composition capable of forming a black matrix as a barrier that prevents color mixing caused by intrusion of inks in different colors between adjoining color pixel layers and prevent pixel defects such as local voids, without applying a special surface treatment such as plasma treatment. - 特許庁


The printer 100 selects one of a monochrome mode, a full color mode or an automatic color selection mode as a printing mode and the color printing transition process is executed before a printing process for the color image data when a printing job includes color image data and the color printing transition process is not executed when no color image data is included in the printing job when the automatic color selection mode is selected. - 特許庁


In general, a drummer wears hantako (trunks) with a bellyband (a band of bleached cloth) and a hanten (a short coat originally for craftsmen worn over a kimono) or a happi coat (a workman's livery coat), however, in a creative Japanese drum performance, the costumes may be a white kimono, with a hakama (a long pleated skirt worn over a kimono) of color such as red, or dark blue, depending on the groups, and there are also groups of men (sometimes boys in extremely rare cases) dressed in loincloths, depending on the play.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Ming army headed by the accountant Yang Hao and admiral Ma Gui attacked the nearly complete Ulsan Japanese Castle in early February 1598 (the First Battle of Ulsan) against the Japanese army, which was expanding its domain and building winter quarters, and when Kiyomasa KATO struggled against the Ming army the Japanese army based in the west formed reinforcements for Ulsan and defeated the Ming army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At that time, because of the long-lasting peace, jomai which was originally stockpiled for the purpose of the military was gradually being used as a redress for the disaster such as famine, or diverted to the resources of extraordinary expenses, and finally, in 1689, the bakufu put the criteria of stock back before Kanbun era to cover the deficit of its financial affairs and sold the surplus rice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The drying device comprises a rotary drying part 4 having a rotor 44 rotating around a shaft inside, a holding tool 5 having a holding part for holding the cleaned object and a holding tool body for storing the holding part and removable from the rotor 44, and a rotation fitting mechanism 11 for fitting the rotor 44 and the holding tool 5 by the rotation movement of the holding tool 5 to the rotor 44. - 特許庁


This polyimide is obtained by reaction between a diaminopolysiloxane, two kinds of diamine compound consisting of hydroxyl- contg. diamines or three kinds of diamine compound consisting of the above two kinds and an aromatic or alicyclic diamine, and 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphthalic dianhydride to form a polyamic acid once, which is then subjected to polyimidation reaction. - 特許庁


When the ceramic catalyst is produced by directly supporting a noble metal catalyst such as Pt on a ceramic carrier prepared by substituting W for one or more kinds of elements, for example Al, in the structural elements of cordierite as the base ceramic material, a compound containing no chlorine such as dinitrodiammine platinum or the like is used as the start source material of the noble metal catalyst. - 特許庁


The propylenic sheet is fabricated which comprises a mixture of a specific propylene-ethylene random copolymer (A), a specific ethylene-butene copolymer (B), and at least one or a mixture (C) selected from a petroluem resin, a terpene resin, a cumarone-indene resin, a rosin-based resin, and hydrogenated derivatives thereof, in a specific ratio. - 特許庁


This polyimide is obtained by reaction between a diaminopolysiloxane, two kinds of diamine compound consisting of hydroxyl- contg. diamines or three kinds of diamine compound consisting of the above two kinds and an aromatic or alicyclic diamine, and 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene)diphthalic dianhydride to form a polyamic acid once which is then subjected to polyimidation reaction. - 特許庁


Especially the daimyo jinya of small domains were built in imitation of a castle, for example Sonobe-jo Castle and Komono Jinya (Komono-cho, Mie Prefecture) were constructed towards the end of the Edo period (1868) with a turret likened to a tenshu (main keep or tower of a castle), a mizubori (water-filled moat), low stone walls, and dorui (earthworks), and also Mori Jinya (Kusu Town, Oita Prefecture) had many stone walls in the adjacent shrine and a two-storied chaya (tea house) which was likened to a tenshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fuel electrode and the oxidizer electrode or the proton conducting section which is arranged in the electrolyte membrane are composed of a mixed material of inorganic proton conducting material and organic material, and the organic material is one kind selected from a group made of polyvinylpyrolidene, polyethyleneglycol, polyoxazoline, and polydimethylsiloxane. - 特許庁


In the catalyst carrier, the powder material prepared by mixing metal powder that roles as a carrier and powder of transition metal or platinum group metal, or metal salt powder of them that role as catalyst substance is thermally sprayed with the use of a plasma spraying device, and is dispersed and carried on the surface of the substrate that is a porous body made by sintering a raw material of layered metal net made of stainless or stainless alloy. - 特許庁


A partial control data flow graph(CDFG) including in a CDFG is preliminarily subjected to a logical synthesis and a circuit obtained by performing logical synthesis is dealt with as one node in the case of converting an operation description where only a processing operation is described is described into the CDFG consisting of a node showing an operation and input- output branches showing data flow. - 特許庁


When a transition source 511 to be a trigger to another screen is included in the screens 510 displayed in the first area 500, the displaying means displays an arrow 620 showing a transition relation from the transition source 511 to the screen 602 of a transition destination displayed in the second area 600 over the first area 500. - 特許庁


The imide based oligomer has an imide unit composed of an asymmetrical aromatic compound (A) or a diaminosiloxane residual group, wherein the composition ratio of the A component to the B component (A/B) is in the range of 1.2-5, and has an acid anhydride at the terminal. - 特許庁


Thus, with respect to the encoded code, the block (tiles 401, 402 and 403) including no ROI is converted to the encoded code to be decoded in black and white by reducing the encoded code of the color difference component in the block (tiles 401, 402 and 403), for example, such that an encoding quantity can be reduced. - 特許庁


The film base material 10 for the wiring substrate comprises a resin film 11 of a polyimide or a liquid crystal polymer (LCP), a siloxane polymer-containing polymer film 12 made by curing a coating film of an organic SOG solution applied on the resin film 11, and a metallic film 13 formed by soaking the polymer film 12 in a Ni-B electroless plating solution to form a plated underlayer. - 特許庁


An antireflection film, having a reflection factor of ≤3% to light beams of 405 nm, 658 nm, and 780 nm in wavelength or an antireflection film, having a reflector factor of ≤3% to light beams in wavelength ranges of 400 to 410 nm, 640 to 680 nm, and 760 to 800 nm is formed on both the top and the reverse surfaces of the aberration correcting element 6. - 特許庁


Thereafter the server confirms whether or not each block includes pixels for forming a color object, applies coding processing to the image data of the blocks including the pixels for forming the color object as a color image, converts the image data of the blocks not including the pixels for forming the color object into black/white image data and applies coding processing (steps 106 to 116). - 特許庁


The chemical mechanical polishig method comprises a step of polishing the semiconductor integrated circuit with the silica system film obtained by coating a composite for forming the film including a siloxane resin (a), and an alkylene glycol dialkylehter or a dialkylene glycol dialkylehter (b) used as the interlayer insulating film with the use of a polishing liquid including no inorganic abrasive grain. - 特許庁


Platinum and palladium are supported on a titania carrier to obtain the objective catalyst for the oxidation of unburned hydrocarbons in waste gas containing excess oxygen and optionally containing SOx. Platinum and palladium are supported on a zirconia carrier to obtain the objective catalyst for the oxidation of unburned hydrocarbons in waste gas containing excess oxygen and SOx. - 特許庁


He deployed the following busho: Katsuie SHIBATA, Toshiie MAEDA, Narimasa SASA, and others against Kagekatsu UESUGI who succeeded the head of the Uesugi family through a family feud after the death of Kenshin UESUGI; his legitimate son Nobutada, Kazumasu TAKIGAWA, Nagayoshi MORI and others against Katsuyori TAKEDA; Mitsuhide AKECHI, Yusai HOSOKAWA and others against Hideharu HATANO (the battle of Kuroi-jo Castle); Hideyoshi HASHIBA against Terumoto MORI and Nobumori SAKUMA against the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this battle, Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, a brave general of the Satsuma army, encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: 'Why are you so cowardly?; If we allowed the enemy to seize this place, how the soldiers stationed outside Kumamoto Castle would become?; Only what is important is to defend this place to the last; It is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior, if alive, or a loyal retainer, if dead; Fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up' (according to "Satsunan Ketsurui-shi" (the history of Satsunan full of blood and tears)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A catalyst containing one or two or more kinds of metal components selected from a group comprising Cr, Mo, W, Fe, Ni, Co and platinum-group elements is disposed in an engine intake air duct, and the steam and carbon dioxide gas contained in the intake air are partially dissociated by the catalyst to reduce the thermal dissociation load in an engine. - 特許庁


To provide an adhesive structure having an adhesive layer having both of high heat resistant adhesiveness and insulating property, and comprising an adhesive material composed essentially of a composition containing extremely small quantity of or completely no residual low molecular weight siloxane, and also to provide an adhesive film comprising the adhesive material. - 特許庁


In the photoelectric transfer element having a semiconductor electrode made of a semiconductor particulate and a metal membrane becoming a counter electrode, polyethylenedioxothiophene (PEDOT)/polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSS) membrane 13 is formed on the transparent electrode 12 made of metal oxide such as ITO by spin coat, and then on top of it, a platinum membrane 14 becoming a counter electrode is formed. - 特許庁


A language model generation part 20 classifies all words into part-of-speech classes of backward classes based upon part-of-speech properties of words connected before a word to be processed and part-of-speech classes of forward classes based upon part-of-speech properties of words connected after the word to be processed. - 特許庁


In a polyimide film which is used for the film for the SAW device and mainly composed of a polyimide resin composed of a diamine component containing a tetracarboxylic acid anhydride component and a diamino siloxane component in 10-35 mol%, a volatilization quantity of silicone contained in the polyimide film is made into ≤ 700ppm. - 特許庁


The photocatalyst having an excellent reducing power is titanium dioxide supported by platinum. - 特許庁


In this reflection mirror 10, a hydrophilic film 20 is made mainly of silicon dioxides, the rate of content of photocatalyst particles 22 contained in the hydrophilic film 20 is set between 40 and 65% of the entire hydrophilic film 20 to thereby make the light transmittance of the hydrophilic film 20 to be almost equal to the light transmittance of a glass substrate 12. - 特許庁


The card reader detects the position of the card by suing magnetic circuit noise based on the electric noise generated when the card in a card conveying path 2 contacts or separates with and from a magnetic head 7, without depending on a card position detection sensor such as a photosensor composed of a light emitting and receiving element 6d. - 特許庁


One is that it is necessary to respond to this emergency situation in the way decided recently by the ASBJ (Accounting Standards Board of Japan), and this will, in principle, be done within the scope of the existing rules, although a revision may become necessary. In addition, there is growing global doubt as to the appropriateness of the status quo, as Prime Minister Aso said yesterday. Radical revisions of the existing rules, including those regarding securitization products and fair-value accounting, are necessary for properly evaluating derivatives products and leveraged products in a manner suited to the 21st century era of computerization and globalization.  - 金融庁


However, where the ownership of land is assigned, and where the new owner assumes the role of less or of the land under a pre-existing lease agreement, it is held that, except where special circumstances prevail, the new owner may assume the rights and duties of the former owner by way of agreement between the former owner and the new owner, without obtaining the consent of the lessee. This is possible in part due to the assumption of the less or's duty by the new less or, since the manner in which the duty is fulfilled would not be substantially different, and partly because it is advantageous for the lessee to allow the new owner of the land to assume the less or's duties (Judgment of the Supreme Court of Japan, 2nd Petty Bench, April 23, 1971; 25-3 Minshu 388).  - 経済産業省



This isolated polynucleotide is selected from the group consisting of (a) polynucleotide encoding GABAA epsilon polypeptide having the estimated amino acid sequences shown in fig. 1 to fig. 3, or encoding a fragment, analog or derivative thereof and (b) polynucleotide encoding GABAA epsilon polypeptide having an amino acid sequence encoded by a cDNA included in ATCC deposit No.75810, or encoding a fragment, analog or derivative thereof. - 特許庁


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