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In addition, some people believe that the Jimmu tosei (Eastern expedition by Emperor Jimmu) story was modeled on "tosen" of Yamatai-Koku (theory that the Yamatai-Koku regime transferred its capital from Kyushu to Kinai Province).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the EU accession treaty (signed in April 2003), interim measures for up to seven years86 on labor>movement from new to old member countries were approved. - 経済産業省


ADB (2008) has also analyzed the effect (the changes from 2007 to 2012) in terms of the liberalization of the movement of people. As a result, the movement of people within the region will increase by 3.2 million, the GDP of most receiving countries will rise, and the GDP of sending countries will fall. - 経済産業省


These results indicate that in the major countries and regions of Asia as well restrictions on domestic savings have been lifted from domestic investment, and a move toward integration of the international financial markets is being seen, although the Asian region is still lagging behind at a low level, when compared with the OECD countries. - 経済産業省


The northern part of the region, and seemingly the center (including Tanba-gun and Tanba-go), was not included in Tanba Province but was instead separated to form Tango Province when the former was first established as one of the provinces administered by the Ryo-sei; this could be explained by the assumption that the central area of Tanba Province had been incorporated into the southern part of Tanba Province (a part of Tanba Province after the separation of Tango Province) from Tanba-gun in the north.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On observing the breakdown of capital transference from developed countries to developing countries from the balance of payments statistics, we find that workers' remittance has reached a scale equivalent to direct investment. - 経済産業省


An analysis of proportions of inflows from other countries and outflows into other countries to total numbers of highly educated persons in OECD countries (Figure 1.1.34) shows that about 10% of highly educated people in advanced countries move beyond national borders, suggesting that there is a borderless competition for acquiring human resources. - 経済産業省


The number of foreign workers from the Philippines is conspicuously high because the official language in the Philippines is English, which is advantageous for movement in labor force to Europe and the United States, and because the government is actively developing policies encouraging the movement of labor force outside the country. - 経済産業省


The largest change appeared in the capital transference from the Euro zone to the U.S. Capital export from the Euro zone to the U.S. reached 189,600 million dollars in 2006, but in 2007, there was a capital inflow (i.e., withdrawal) of 53,500 million dollars. - 経済産業省


There is a slight slope from the entrance on the National Route side on the west up to the Kurama-bound Platform 4, which is wheelchair-accessible.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is logical, since such borrowing would be a means of recycling private funds which have stopped flowing into, or have indeed flowed out from, emerging economies. - 財務省


In the history of the international movement of people, a large-scale workforce moved from the Old World to the New World in the 19th century, because industrialization was advanced by the Industrial Revolution in Europe, and a large quantity of primary commodities was necessary. - 経済産業省


Former territories decided by Kaichitsujo was not fixed and became wider or smaller depending on movement of subjected people or goods, therefore sometimes more than one country considered the same parts their own territory.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a reason they pointed out the fact that the flow of long-term capital among the countries is being hindered by regulatory restrictions and the preference for domestic investment. - 経済産業省


In the meantime, it is important to attract world capital into Japan riding the tide of the increase of international capital movement, which has been confirmed by the increase of current account imbalance, and to strategically increase returns on overseas investment by Japan. - 経済産業省


As shown in Figure 2-1-1, capital inflow from the U.K. to Japan has almost reached the scale of capital transference between Europe and the U.S.; the U.K.-to-Japan flow is now large and deserves attention in the study of the global money flow. - 経済産業省


For example, if there is movement of unskilled labour from a low-wage country to a highwage country, service suppliers will benefit from the use of cheap labour and be able to supply more cost-effective services. - 経済産業省


(3) Provisions that abolish antidumping measures within the area InvestmentAlthough Japan has concluded relatively few bilateral investment treaties (BITS), the Japan-South Korea, Japan-Vietnam BITs and BITs concluded by Japan thereafter as well as the investment-related chapters of Japan's EPAs are of a high standard as they provide for not only protection measures (national treatment (NT), most-favored-nation treatment (MFN), fair and equitable treatment, free transfer of funds, protection against conflicts, protection against seizures) but also cover liberalization measures (NT, MFN and prohibition of performance requirements) and in principle include arbitration for disputes between investors and states. - 経済産業省


Therefore, the structural conversion to "International Specialization" structure began. And in this process, the transfer of Japan's production bases to foreign countries, the increase of direct foreign investment, imports of inexpensive final goods and intermediate goods from Japan's overseas factories and foreign firms, and Japan's specialization to highly value-added final goods and exports of intermediate goods that require high and special technology had advanced. - 経済産業省


Normally, the disparity between cities, where industrialization progresses, and rural areas tends to level out through the movement of labor from rural communities to cities. China, however, based on the family registration system, is a two-tiered society of people residing in cities and people residing in rural communities. - 経済産業省


Therefore, in the northern part and western part of China, the way of farming and livestock-farming has been changed from the moving type to the stationary type, though use of the stationary type is likely to change areas in these parts into desert.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The characteristic of NAFTA looked at from the perspective of the “movement of natural personsis that it attempts to encourage the economic development of Mexico and reduce the number of illegal immigrants to the U.S. - 経済産業省


Where the regulations on trade-related payment are in force, in making a remittance pertaining to a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods involving the movement of goods between foreign states with a non-resident (hereinafter referred to asBrokerage Transaction”), does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. carry out confirmation while keeping the following points in mind, in order to confirm that a remittance is not one pertaining to a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods involving the movement of goods from a third country to a country subject to the regulations or a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods exported from a country subject to regulations, which is the region of shipment, to a third country?発音を聞く  - 財務省


Because financial crises in emerging market economies for the past two years were partly due to the rapid in/outflow of short-term capital, safeguards should be taken against short-term or speculative capital movements. - 財務省


Over the medium- to long-term, the labor force shifts from sectors with low productivity which are slumping as a result of increased imports to sectors with high productivity which are in a growth phase, with the national industrial structure undergoing adjustment. - 経済産業省

しかし、今日の金融危機の主要な原因の一つが資本移動のサイズ及び方向が大きく変化することに鑑みると、巨額かつ急激な資本移動から新興市場諸等を守ることにより注意を払いながら、IMFのサーベイランス -特に新興市場等に対する- をより強化していくことが必要である。例文帳に追加

However, in light of the fact that one of the major causes of today's financial crises is rapid changes in the size and direction of capital flows, it is necessary to strengthen Fund surveillance, especially of emerging economies, by paying more attention to safeguarding these economies against large and rapid capital movements. - 財務省

例えば、日本-フィルム・ケースにおける、富士フィルム社の反競争的行為により米からの輸出が阻害されているとの米の主張や、モノの移動の自由化(域内関税撤廃)と並行して統一競争政策導入を進めたEU の考え方と共通する問題意識である。例文帳に追加

The same concern can be found, for example, in the Japan-Film case, in which the U.S.A. claimed that exportation [of photo-film] from the U.S.A. was prevented by the anti-competitive practices of FUJIFILM Corporation. The same concern underlies the EU’s policy of introducing the common competition policy within the EU in parallel with the liberalization of movement of goods (i.e. elimination of intra-regional tariffs) within the EU. - 経済産業省


The duties of the Sakimori guards were harsh: They had to travel long distances from eastern Japan to Kyushu by themselves, and they had to procure their own food and arms while they were performing duties.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Theories to explain this include the Kingdom's base moving from Yamato to the Kawachi Plain; the base remaining in Yamato, but the Kawachi Plain being developed as a port to trade with foreign countries; or the original royal line ending and a new one being established (the Dynastic Change Theory).発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hence, even though we make continuous efforts in implementing sound macroeconomic policies and credible regulations, we need to bear in mind that problems associated with major fluctuations in exchange rates and large-scale, rapid movements of capital will continue to pose challenges to the international community.発音を聞く  - 財務省


To provide a least-cost communication access system, by which a user can access a provider or the like at the least-cost routing by having only to recognize a national unified number only of the provider or the like, even when the user located at a place which he normally does not use, such as a moving destination. - 特許庁


In the telecommunications sector, the entry of foreign companies has become easier through regulatory reforms such as the introduction of the sell out system for mobile phones in 1994, implementation of notification system of the cellular communication fee in 1996, and the easing of regulations on overseas investment in Type I Carriers in 1998. - 経済産業省


A situation like this can be seen in the US as well. Figure 1.1.10 shows changes in the four-quarter moving average of the rate of changes in compensation for employees and operating surplus between the first quarter of 1990 and the second quarter of 2003. - 経済産業省


While the Date army was moving to Mt. Kunimi, warriors including Tanba KURUMA serving Nagayoshi SUDA in the Yanagawa-jo Castle on the Uesugi side crossed the Osumigawa River from the Yanagawa-jo Castle with 100 ashigaru (common foot soldiers) as well as 100 horsemen and 63 horseman from Ote and suddenly attacked provision transporters bringing up the rear of the Date forces in the area between Fujita and Koori.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

このように東アジア域内における高度人材の移動は少ない一方で、近年の先進諸間における高度人材獲得競争の激化を受けて、東アジアから欧米等への高度人材の流出(頭脳流出、Brain Drain)が問題となっている。例文帳に追加

In this way the movement of highly-skilled human resources within the East Asian region is very limited,while on the other hand the flow of highly-skilled human resources from East Asia to Europe and North America (the brain drain) has become a problem as a result of the intensified competition among developed countries to obtain highly-skilled human resources in recent years. - 経済産業省


As for the method of surveillance, the IMF should shift its emphasis from a static analysis of the current situation toward a dynamic analysis of the risk of financial crises over a medium-term horizon.At the same time, the IMF should pay attention, not only to the specific country in question, but also to conditions surrounding the country, and the region, including the confluence of international capital flows and developments in international financial markets.発音を聞く  - 財務省

具体的には、① 第1章において、際経済の動向を概観した上で、際的な経常収支不均衡の拡大や原油価格上昇に伴う新たなオイルマネーの動向の分析等を通じて、際資本移動の活発化を中心とした経済のグローバル化の姿を描き、② 第2章において、アジアのダイナミズムを概観した上で、日本企業による際事業ネットワーク形成が分業面・貿易面において、いわば「水平的」なアジアを創出しつつある状況をミクロからマクロにわたる複層的な視点から分析するとともに、際事業ネットワーク形成に際して重要な進出先となっている中とASEANの状況を分析し、③ 第3章において、以上の調査分析を踏まえて、企業活動の場(フィールド)の自由化・調和・安定化と事業拠点間を結ぶ「ビジネスコスト距離」の短縮等を通じた際事業環境整備の推進、生産性向上を伴う我がへの対内直接投資の拡大、人的資本の育成・活用、「複線的」構造に立脚した「投資立」の実現、という4つの取組について論じた。例文帳に追加

Concretely, the following analyses and discussions are made in the White Paper. (1) In Chapter 1, the globalization of the economy, mainly by increased international capital movement, was described by surveying the trend in the international economy and analyzing the expansion of international current account imbalances, together with the new trend in petromoney caused by higher crude oil prices. (2) In Chapter 2, after surveying the dynamism of Asia, an analysis was made from multilayered points of view, including macro and micro perspectives on the formation of international business networks by Japanese companies, which are creating a “horizontalAsia in terms of both division of labor and trade. Conditions in China and ASEAN, which have become important business partners in the process of the formation of international business networks, were also analyzed. (3) Based upon the results of these researches and analyses, in Chapter 3, discussions were made about four issues: promoting the improvement of the international business environment through the liberalization, harmonization and stabilization of fields for corporate activities; shorteningbusiness cost distancebetween business bases; expanding inward direct investment in Japan which will be accompanied by improved productivity, and realizing aninvestment powerhouse” through fostering and utilizing human resources with a “dual-track” structure. - 経済産業省

サービス産業の成長の背景について、まず、需要面から見ると、経済成長に伴う貿易取引の拡大や内外での人の移動の増大などを反映し、港湾でのコンテナ取扱量が2000 年以降年平均13.8% で拡大しているほか、航空旅客数も2002 年以降年平均21.1% で増大しているなど、運輸関連のサービス需要が大幅に拡大している(第1-4-15 図、第1-4-16 図)。例文帳に追加

The factors involved in growth of the service industry include, on the demand side, the expansion of trade accompanying economic growth and increased movement of people in India and overseas. Demand for transport-related services has also markedly expanded, with a annual average increase o13.8% in container handling volume in ports since 2000 and a 21.1% average annual increase in the number of airline passengers since 2002 (Figure 1-4-15 and 1-4-16). - 経済産業省


In order for the Japanese economy to break free of the current straitened employment situation and stage a self-sustained recovery led by private demand, it will be important to (1) promote the reduction and elimination of employment mismatches by promoting a smooth labor shift, adjusting to the diversification of work modes, and developing highly-specialist personnel, and (2) build safety nets to reduce the risks accompanying unemployment. - 経済産業省


When hedging exchange risks, we generally employ derivative transactions, including forward exchange contract, currency swaps, and currency options. However, possible measures for Japanese companies to apply for reducing exchange risks include (i) introduction of common currency or a common currency basket system; (ii) internationalization of the yen; and (iii) introduction of a currency basket system for each country, as examined in Section 1 of Chapter III. As for (i) introduction of common currency or a common currency basket system, it is currently too early31 because of the presence of economic gaps within the region, limited synchronization with economic conditions, and the presence of constraints in transferring labor force and funds within the region. Regarding (ii), the internationalization of the yen is hardly underway in reality. - 経済産業省

4. 際通貨システム(IMS)はその強じんさを示してきたものの、脆弱性は残っており、システミックな安定性を確保し、秩序のある調整を促進し、悪影響を及ぼすような資本移動の変動、準備通貨を持つ先進が過度の変動を監視することを含む、為替レートの無秩序な動き、為替レートの継続した不均衡を回避するため、IMS を改善する必要性が高まっている。今日、我々は、IMS の機能の強化に向けた作業プログラムに合意した。IMSの機能強化は、以下を通じて目指される:不安定性をもたらす可能性のある資本移動への対処に関する、好ましくない結果をもたらしうることに留意しつつも、マクロ健全性措置を含む一貫した手法や措置、資金セーフティ・ネットや SDR の役割といった論点を含む、ショックを予防し、対処する能力を強化するための際的な流動性の管理。これにはまた、為替レートについての諸論点と IMF のサーベイランスの強化に関する議論が求められる。我々は、4 月の次回会合において、以下の報告を議論することを期待している:IMSの強化に関する IMF からの報告、新興・途上における現地の資本市場や内通貨の借入れを強化する行動に関する経験に基づく世界銀行と RDBs による報告。加えて、我々は、資本移動に関する OECD の作業及び UNCTAD 等、他の関連する際機関の貢献を得ることができる。例文帳に追加

4. The international monetary system (IMS) has proven resilient, but vulnerabilities remain, which raise the need to improve it in order to ensure systemic stability, promote orderly adjustment, and avoid disruptive fluctuations in capital flows, disorderly movements in exchange rates? including advanced economies with reserve currencies being vigilant against excess volatility ? and persistent misalignement of exchange rates. Today we agreed on a work program aimed at strengthening the functioning of the IMS, including through coherent approaches and measures to deal with potentially destabilizing capital flows, among which macro-prudential measures, mindful of possible drawbacks; and management of global liquidity to strengthen our capacity to prevent and deal with shocks, including issues such as Financial Safety Nets and the role of the SDR. This will also require discussions on exchange rates issues and on the strengthening of IMF surveillance. We look forward to discussing at our next meeting in April a report from the IMF on the strengthening of the IMS and reports by the World Bank and the RDBs building on experiences, on actions to strengthen local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing in emerging and developing economies. In addition, we will benefit from the work of OECD on capital flows, and from the contributions of other relevant international organizations, such as UNCTAD.発音を聞く  - 財務省

4. 我々は、際通貨システムを強化するため、短期的には我々の作業の焦点を以下の点に当てることに合意した:世界的な流動性の状況の評価、外貨準備の蓄積の原因に関する各固有の分析、為替レートの無秩序な動きや継続したファンダメンタルズからの乖離を回避するための協調の強化、SDRの構成通貨を拡大するための基準に則った道筋、グローバルな資金セーフティ・ネットを強化するための諸制度の改善、IMF と地域金融取極の間の協力の強化、地域資本市場や自通貨での借入れの発展、各の経験を踏まえた資本移動への対処のための一貫した結論。例文帳に追加

4. To strengthen the international monetary system, we agreed to focus our work, in the short term, on assessing developments in global liquidity, a country specific analysis regarding drivers of reserve accumulation, a \\ strengthened coordination to avoid disorderly movements and persistent exchange rates misalignments, a criteria-based path to broaden the composition of the SDR, an improved toolkit to strengthen the global financial safety nets, enhanced cooperation between the IMF and regional financial arrangements, the development of local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing, coherent conclusions for the management of capital flows drawing on country experiences.発音を聞く  - 財務省


MIURA and so on noted that medieval Europe was supported by the knights who were 'armed suzerain' emerging on the frontier by the Great Barbarian Invasion of Germanic peoples, positioned the bushi, who flourished in the frontier society centering on Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) from the middle of Heian period in Japan, as 'armed suzerain' who were the same as the knights, 'discovered' that there also existed medieval times in Japan, which was the only country in Asia, and insisted that Japan could be modernized.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The reasons for this follow; in the Edo period Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA prohibited hunting and the possession of a gun by farmers in principle; that the transfer of a gun was limited; that, commonly believed, the technological advance of guns stagnated from the influence of the exclusion of foreigners (national isolation); that a flintlock gun (flintlock system) had a stronger spring than a hinawaju and when the gunlock operating the impact was big and after trigger was pulled, the ignition mechanism for the explosive charge momentarily wavered and the accuracy of fire was bad and thus Japanese who liked to 'ippatsu hicchu' (hit with one shot), disliked the flintlock gun; that good quality flints could not be found in Japan and could not be mass-produced; and that, as a big factor, the art of gun was inherited probably in the form of a school-style gun for competitions like all the martial arts and as a result, the improvement of the weapon was necessarily avoided.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス






I move from the country to the country






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