
「"ありました"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(28ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > "ありました"に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1436



who, for his part, whenever he had trodden the streets of Antwerp, had thought the daub of blue and red that they called a Madonna, on the walls of the wine-shop where he drank his sou's worth of black beer, quite as good as any of the famous altarpieces  - Ouida『フランダースの犬』


There was one substance which was not obtained when the candle was burning properly, which was charcoal or smoke; and there was some other substance that went upwards from the flame which did not appear as smoke, but took some other form, and made part of that general current which, ascending from the candle upwards, becomes invisible, and escapes.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


In relation to the stock of J-Power (Electric Power Development Co.), there was a media report that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has decided not to approve a plan by TCI (the Children's Investment Fund) to acquire additional shares in J-Power. I would like to ask you once again how you think this kind of move to tighten regulation on foreign capital will affect Japan's financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁


Forgive me for asking you now about what was reported late last year, but could you tell me about what the FSA knows, if any, about a media report that Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (Group Holdings), Aioi (Insurance) and Nissay Dowa (General Insurance) are negotiating about a possible business integration and about how you view the situation surrounding the non-life insurance industry?  - 金融庁



The specifics for the future may be explained later by Senior Vice Minister Kouhei Ohtsuka, who is here with us today. In a sense, it attracted a great deal of public attention, so it was brought about by extremely careful discussions we continuously held with the three ruling parties, including the Policy Meetings.  - 金融庁



Another point is that the amended Money Lending Act is designed, with the aim of solving the multiple debtor problem, to deal with over-lending and other issues and to form a consumer finance market that the public can access with peace of mind. As far as I have read in newspaper articles, the Osaka Prefectural Government's idea for a special zone appears to involve relaxing the cap of the amount of total borrowing, which I think is also not appropriate as that would lead to evasion of law, considering that law should apply equally throughout Japan as a general rule.  - 金融庁


Q.One week ago, the issue of a management crisis at U.S. mortgage finance companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae emerged, and I hear that the FSA (Financial Services Agency) has started investigations in to what extent Japanese financial institutions are exposed to bonds issued by the two companies. Could you tell me about the progress or the results of the investigation?  - 金融庁


Q.Regarding this matter, a media report said that when you talked with a senior U.S. government official on July 16, you expressed your concern about the management crisis at the two U.S. mortgage finance companies and said in effect that you would not only prevent the sale of GSE bonds held by the government but also ask private financial institutions not to sell their holdings. Is this report correct?  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the National Vision Project Headquarters' decision concerning the staffing of the secretariat of the headquarters for the promotion of the civil servant system reform, which you mentioned earlier. Could you tell me about your hopes for what has been decided in the face of opposition from some people to the idea of making appointments through public invitation? You said that requests related to the decision will be submitted to the Prime Minister's Office. What actions do you hope for in response to these requests?  - 金融庁



According to a media report this morning, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group is considering a plan to invest in Barclays and form a business alliance with the British bank. Do you know any details about this plan, and how do you view investments by Japanese banks in foreign financial institutions? Also, do you expect that more deals like this will be done in the future?  - 金融庁



In relation to the question about Urban Corporation's filing for the application of the civil rehabilitation law, statistics show a significant increase in the number of bankruptcies in July, and some people have pointed out that the recent series of large-scale bankruptcies may have been caused by financial institutions' move to curb loans. What is your view on this issue?  - 金融庁


Urban Corporation submitted to the FSA an extraordinary notice regarding the issuance of convertible bonds with equity purchase warrants on June 26, and submitted a revised notice on August 13, about one and a half months after the submission of the original notice.  - 金融庁


At the Prime Minister’s Office, there was talk about what French President Sarkozy has suggested. Regardless of whether we should immediately go so far as was suggested by him, it is very important that G-7 members, developed countries and other nations that have a certain level of financial scale or influence cooperate with one another, and it is necessary for them to make a very agile response.  - 金融庁


This question may overlap the opening question. Congressional negotiations on the bill for U.S. financial stability measures are entering the final stage, and if an agreement on the bill cannot be reached, I expect that the market will be in a frightening situation on Monday. Could you tell me what you would like to say in your capacity as a cabinet minister, in order to encourage the United States to reach an agreement?  - 金融庁


Forgive me for asking a question similar to one I asked you last week, but how do you view the continuing drop in New York stock prices and what do you think of the concern that Japanese stock pricesstock trading will start soon — may move in tandem with New York stock prices?  - 金融庁


Regarding the capital injection that you announced now, could you tell us specifically how much will be injected? Despite the quota of 12 trillion yen, these three banks seem likely to be the only banks to apply for the capital injection by the end of the fiscal year. Could you tell us about your views on the idea of urging banks to apply for capital injection so as to promote future use of the capital injection scheme?  - 金融庁


Regarding Europe, which faces prolonged fiscal and financial problems, the turmoil has extended to Dexia, a private bank. Some people at Japanese and U.S. authorities say that European authorities have not been quick enough in taking action despite their efforts to do something. What is your view on that point?  - 金融庁


There may be some overlaps, but could you tell me particularly what policies you want to emphasize in relation to postal services and financial administration based on your experience of working as a civil servant at the Ministry of Construction and serving as senior vice minister of economy, trade and industry and senior vice minister for reconstruction?  - 金融庁


Regarding the international situation, as U.S. and European financial institutions have suffered damage, Japan is in a relatively advantageous position. What role should Japan play in the world and what does the FSA want to communicate to other countries?  - 金融庁

今お話がありました罰則強化策等の対応でございますけれども、罰則の強化について、ご提言があったことは承知をしております。 「罰則の強化」は、投資一任業者等の「不正への牽制」を強めるとの観点から、本件の再発防止を図る上で、重要な検討課題であると認識しています。例文帳に追加

I am aware of the proposal for the strengthening of punishment. I recognize that the strengthening of punishment is an important issue for deliberation when we consider how to prevent a recurrence of problems like this from the perspective of enhancing checks against illegal practices by companies managing customersassets based on discretionary investment contracts.  - 金融庁


On March 11, the FSA requested financial institutions to take appropriate financial measures with regard to the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami, as you mentioned earlier. Do you have any further requests or hopes with regard to financial institutions' future response?  - 金融庁


The government should exercise their most fundamental functions in emergencies like natural disasters and epidemics of disease, so the FSA will actively support economic reconstruction. I strongly hope that the FSA will play the central role in implementing financial measures related to reconstruction.  - 金融庁


As for the stance of Chairman Yonekura of Keidanren, whom you mentioned, he said at a press conference yesterday that more time should be spent on discussion on this matter. While it is required for now that a decision on mandatory application be made by the end of 2012, how much time should be spent on decision-making?  - 金融庁


In relation to Olympus, the top official of the company's main creditor bank recently said that his bank had failed to see through the window-dressing. Generally speaking, what do you, as the minister in charge of financial administration, think of the role and the responsibility of main creditor banks in ensuring the transparency and fairness of borrowing companies?  - 金融庁


Therefore, I believe that it is appropriate to extend the period of share purchase by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation and the government subsidy for Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation of Japan for five years and I would like to submit relevant bills to the next ordinary session of the Diet.Regarding the SME Financing Facilitation Act, I understand that this will be the final extension.  - 金融庁


Next, we checked the receipt of information by the contact offices of the FSA and SESC found out that the SESC's contact office received four pieces of information concerning AIJ Investment Advisors between 2005 and the start of the inspection, of which three were provided by anonymous sources and one by a source which gave its real name.  - 金融庁


Regarding the policy package announced today, several people said in the Diet that more efforts should be devoted to measures to support SMEs in relation to the extension of the period of support by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan. In relation to the policy package, do you see any problems with the collaboration that has so far been made with regard to management support for SMEs?  - 金融庁


In relation to the postal businesses, President Saito said in an interview that Japan Post will participate in syndicated loan projects led by private financial institutions. What is your view on Japan Post's cooperative relationship with private financial institutions, although you are in a sensitive position as the minister for postal reform and financial services?  - 金融庁


As you also asked me about the overall financial markets, I would like to talk about one more thing. In the corporate bond market, for example, I understand that companies whose credit ratings are at medium or low levels are resuming bond issuance.  - 金融庁


Second, as Mr. Sato mentioned just now, the FSA is engaging in various activities to facilitate financing in the difficult economic situation. At the same time, the FSA is implementing the Better Regulation initiative and the Better Market initiative. We will continue efforts to carry them out.  - 金融庁


Your upcoming trip to the U.S. that you have just explained to us is, in my view, taking place at a very significant time in terms of international financial regulatory reform debates. Having heard that Mr. Bernanke is among the people that you are scheduled to meet there, I would like to hear once again what the meaning behind your trip is as well as what outcomes you would like to reap in particular.  - 金融庁


The meeting of the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervisors held in July clearly stated in its announcement that the requirement standards and phased-in arrangements will be examined again at a meeting to be held this month.  - 金融庁


Allow me to add a few more wordson the subject of the bank's attempt to find new investors, there was a statement in the document submitted by the bank today, which was so submitted in accordance with a request to submit a status report under Article 24, paragraph 1 of the Banking Act, that the bank was trying to find investors but there has been no prospective investor thus far that meets the capitalization requirements.  - 金融庁


Having just held a press conference at the Prime Minister's office, please tell us once again your new resolutions as re-appointed Minister of State for Financial Services and Minister for Postal Reform, and provide us with a brief explanation of what kind of impact there will be especially on postal services in cooperating with the newly-appointed Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications.  - 金融庁


I was asked a similar question when I assumed office the other day. The SME Financing Facilitation Act was established last autumn based on tremendous efforts made by former Minister for Financial Services Shizuka Kamei as a temporary measure to facilitate financing especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the tough economic climate and employment conditions.  - 金融庁


During the Diet deliberations on the bill for revising the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, Minister Nakagawa mentioned a rule change that makes the escape clause regarding restructured loans to small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) applicable when the borrowers submit plans to achieve a business turnaround within five years, compared with the present cut-off line of three years. How do you expect this to affect actual lending practices?  - 金融庁


We took the extraordinary step of putting this act into force in less than one week from its enactment, and I suppose that financial institutions considered various matters toward the end of last year. However, I have not received reports from the FSA about any specific plan for the use of the recapitalization scheme under this act  - 金融庁


At your recent meeting for an exchange of views (about the facilitation of financing toward the end of the fiscal year), representatives of small and medium-size financial institutions said that a rise in the ceiling on the postal savings amount per customer is a matter of life and death for them and that it may actually undermine the facilitation of financing for small and medium-size enterprises  - 金融庁


As a reason for that, you have cited the unanimous vote of all political parties to the amendment of the Money Lending Act at that time. In the meantime, as we faced a financial crisis in the past two years, the economic environment has changed since then. Despite that, do you think it is not necessary to make a review that would involve a new legal amendment?  - 金融庁

我が国も第二次世界大戦前は、ジニ係数が現在の LAC地域と同じか高い水準にありましたが、農地改革、税制改革による資産課税及び累進課税の強化等を通じ、比較的短期間に所得格差を是正したことが、その後の社会の安定と発展につながったという経験があります。例文帳に追加

Before World War II, the Gini coefficient in Japan used to be either equal to or higher than that of the current LAC region, but through farmland reform and tax reform, increasing property tax and introducing progressive taxation, Japan was able to amend income disparities in a relatively short span of time, which led to the social stability and prosperity of our nation.  - 財務省


Japan’s economic development was brought about by a combination of both domestic and international factors: Domestic factors included a policy and institutional framework that is sound, a macroeconomic management framework that is stable, labor force that excels, and a set of enabling infrastructure.International factors can be attributed to stable international financial conditions under the Bretton Woods system coupled with international assistance by development partners including the World Bank.  - 財務省


2. Since the year 2001, when the Doha Declaration was adopted, we have intensely discussed how we can enhance trade liberalization for development under a multilateral trading system. It was not always easy and we actually faced difficulties over the course of our serious discussions. However, efforts of each Member have always succeeded in overcoming the difficulties for the noble aim of the Doha Declaration. These efforts brought us here in Hong Kong today.  - 経済産業省


and although at every period those who travelled in different paths have been intolerant of one another, and each would have thought it an excellent thing if all the rest could have been compelled to travel his road, their attempts to thwart each other's development have rarely had any permanent success, and each has in time endured to receive the good which the others have offered.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

犬が金を持っていますか? 野良犬が3000ドュカートを貸すことができますかな? 私は身をかがめて、こう申せというのですか?『だんな様、あなたはこの前の水曜日にわしにつばを吐きかけなさいましたね、それに、わしを犬とお呼びなさったこともありましたね、そういうご親切に対して、わしはあなた様にお金をお貸しいたしましょう。』などと。」例文帳に追加

Has a dog money? Is it possible a cur should lend three thousand ducats? Shall I bend lowand say, Fair sir, you spit upon me on Wednesday last, another time you called me dog, and for these courtesies I am to lend you monies."  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


The 22nd head, Yoshiyuki KIKUCHI, who fled from Tamemitsu, escaped to Shimabara via Tamana, seeking refuge with the Arima clan, and in cooperation with Shigemine JO (岑) and Yukiharu KUMABE and others, he made Tanemitsu to kill himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. - Tatoeba例文


Although you say the report was made "in consideration of the opinions expressed of the Policy Meeting", some members of the Democratic Party argued in the meeting that there is no point holding such a meeting when a conclusion has already been drawn. The fact that Policy Meetings had been held 9 times was one of the major justifications you mentioned in the postal reform debate, so it seems inevitable that some members of the Democratic Party are expressing their frustration when they think their opinions not being reflected at all in the policy decisions. What are your views on this?  - 金融庁


In parallel with the World Economic Forum on East Asia, which you mentioned, a meeting of the G-8 Finance Ministers was held in Osaka and an ASEM meeting (meeting of the Finance Ministers of Asia and Europe) was held in South Korea. At these meetings, I understand that a consensus was formed regarding matters such as inflation, the surging prices of primary products, and exchange rate issues such as the weakness of the dollar. What are your views on these matters? Also, as a result of your exchange of views with officials from various countries in Kuala Lumpur, do you think that there is a widespread consensus regarding these matters?  - 金融庁


In relation to the same question, I suppose that the U.S bailout plan for the GSEs is intended to protect GSE-related bonds. It has become known that Japanese financial institutions hold a large amount of GSE-related bonds, and you said that major Japanese financial institutions held GSE bonds totaling 10 trillion yen as of the end of June. Have you detected moves to sell such bonds or are you worried about the possibility of such sales?  - 金融庁



Japan’s crisis concerned conventional loans while in the current crisis, a variety of problems have spread throughout the world at once through securitization products. Prices of securitization products are immediately affected by drops in land and real estate prices.  - 金融庁


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