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He belonged to the same generation as Naritoshi MORI and he was an expected person as seen in the fact that he was called directly by the master leaving his home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus, a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy was completed for the first time in Asia (precisely speaking, the Midhat Constitution in 1876 of Tanzimat Reform in the Ottoman Empire was the first Asian constitutional monarchy, but the country returned to a monarchy in the same year).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


HIGUCHI said in tears, 'Those of you who heard this, who missed him as a lord, immediately go and settle in somewhere and pray for him to rest in peace by taking whatever hard Buddhist training you can. I will go to Kyoto and die in battle to meet my lord in the heaven, seeing my lord is my wish,' and then he went to Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Japan side led this change, and the main point of the change was to alter the terms for expressing the Tokugawa shogun in the sovereign's message on the Korean side from King of Japan to Tycoon of Japan (the term of tycoon was devised by Gyokuho Korin, a high priest at Five Great Zen Temples of Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



According to the "Nihonshoki," because Ominagi as a uneme (a court lady) had became pregnant with the Emperor Yuryaku after spending only one night; then the Emperor Yuryaku had doubts as to whether this daughter (Princess Kasuga no Oiratsume) was truly his child or not, and he did not raise her as her own.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the ancient times, many emperors (tycoons) placed their hometowns (refer to the capitals in Japan) in the Nara Basin, and in this case, the port in what is currently Sakai City was connected with those hometowns by Nagao-kaido Road, Takeuchi-kaido Road, etc. bound for the city.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, as the kazura flew in the air and landed in Niwa Country, Owari Province, Takeoka no kimi constructed a shrine there, since then the place where the shrine was constructed has been called Azura no sato (Village of Azura), phonetically modified from the word 'kazura' (chaplet).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In November, Takauji suggested to the emperor that Yoshisada NITTA was an enemy of the imperial court and should be killed, but on the contrary the emperor ordered Yoshisada to kill Takauji, making Yoshisada take Prince Takanaga (Takayoshi) to Kamakura along Tokaido.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to legend, Shuten Doji, based at Mt. Oe, Kyoto, often appeared in the urban area of Kyoto with many of his subordinates, including Ibaraki Doji, kidnapped noble princesses to make them serve him or filleted and ate them raw, according to the legend.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Originally, the Kakizaki clan was under the control of the Ando clan, however, when Suehiro KAKIZAKI went on to become independent from the Ando clan, Sueto KODAIRA made a great contribution to the lord, Suehiro KAKIZAKI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the Hojo-ki (a record of the Hojo family), Ujimasa is referred to that 'the fourth family head, Ujimasa, is such a fool that he was deceived by Norihide MATSUDA, a roshin (main retainer) and disturbed the affairs of the state, but due to the virtue of his father, Ujiyasu, he was spared his life.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the subject you have just raised about how the new ways of financing and investment suggested by Minister Haraguchi will be implemented, I find that it is a good idea, as he says, to think it globally.  - 金融庁


``I am afraid that this is a bad business, Watson,'' said my companion as he returned after accompanying Mr. Grant Munro to the door. ``What do you make of it?''  - Conan Doyle『黄色な顔』


You observed that her right glove was torn at the forefinger, but you did not apparently see that both glove and finger were stained with violet ink.  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』


As such, I hold that the instigation to it, in a specific case, may be a proper subject of punishment, but only if an overt act has followed, and at least a probable connexion can be established between the act and the instigation.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Also, since the GPS signals include time information as well, by generating a spread code in spread spectrum communication in synchronism with the time information, the synchronization is easily obtained between the transmitter and the receiver. - 特許庁


Similar to the Western feudalism, under which multiple contractual relationships and dissolution/alteration of contracts were seen, in Japan, the master-and-servant relationship was fluid and unshaken loyalty as shown in the saying ' A faithful retainer will never serve two masters' was not required until the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, during the consultation, there was an opinion that, because it was a serious offense for a person who was not an expert in Onmyodo (an occult divination system based on Yin and Yang) to perform Taizanfukunsai, Arikuni should be brought to the other world in Sukemichi's place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the olden days up to now, both the monarch who ruled the world and the emperor who inherited the foundation and work from his ancestors have received all these from heaven, and how can one weigh and consider all this so easily?'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), after finally settling this upheaval of the Warring States Period, made samurai learn the Neo-Confucianism ethics, to teach the vassals' loyalty to their lords.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Under the Ritsuryo system, based on the ideas of odo omin and ikkun banmin, cultivated land was granted equally to the people (peasants) who, in return, had to provide taxes, labor, and military service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


``if it should ever strike you that I am getting a little overconfident in my powers, or giving less pains to a case than it deserves, kindly whisper `Norbury' in my ear,  - Conan Doyle『黄色な顔』


I say, therefore, do not hesitate on our account, and do not say, as you did in the court (compare Apol.), that you will have a difficulty in knowing what to do with yourself anywhere else.  - Plato『クリトン』


The offence charged was not that of criticising institutions, or the acts or persons of rulers, but of circulating what was deemed an immoral doctrine, the lawfulness of Tyrannicide.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


On July 20, Emperor Kotoku and Naka no Oe no Oji gathered their retainers under a big zelkova tree and swore to gods, 'the way the policy is carried out by Emperor is only one' and 'we slew the tyrant (Soga clan) and from now on, there will be only one policy for Emperor and only one Court for retainers."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Middle Ages, they were done in the form of 'tokusei (benevolent rule) of miyohajime' from the monarch to the people, and in the form of demonstrational actions from the people to the monarch such as the uprising of tokusei to demand the enforcement of tokusei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1880, he became a member of the national anthem committee, as a representative of gagaku musicians, and the committee submitting the score for the present day 'Kimigayo' in October of the same year and he played it for the first time on November 3 of the same year, on the Emperor's birthday.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When he went down to shoen (manor in medieval Japan) in Mino Province by the order of the lord FUJIWARA no Tadazane in the same year, he blamed an insolent fellow on the way, which developed to strife arising from mutual personal grudges, ended up killing three retainers including TACHIBANA no Hirofusa, Shinano no kuni no kami (Governor of Shinano Province), and MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, it seems that the idea of the constitutional monarchy didn't prevail to the public (this was obvious from the difference in reactions between of the public who had read Minobe's explanation on newspapers and of the House of Peers [Japan]), and since the theory of the imperial sovereignty got an advantage after a series of turmoil, these people tended to advocate that the idea of the constitutional monarch was 'uncritical acceptance of western theory (summarized from "Kokutai no Hongi" [the primordial doctrine of the national]).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Naganao ASANO, who had become the lord of Ako Domain, was renowned as a wise ruler who had built the foundation of Ako Domain, establishing water supply system and Ako salt development.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshizumi MIURA was Yoshihira's uncle while Hidetsune KAZUSANOSUKE was the heir of the Kazusa clan, who backed Yoshitomo, having adopted him as their liege lord, and the Yamanouchi-Sudo clan had been vassals of the Minamoto for many generations, meaning that all of these warriors had close personal relationships with Yoshitomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tell me, then, whether you agree with and assent to my first principle, that neither injury nor retaliation nor warding off evil by evil is ever right.  - Plato『クリトン』


And shall that be the premiss of our argument? Or do you decline and dissent from this? For so I have ever thought, and continue to think; but, if you are of another opinion, let me hear what you have to say.  - Plato『クリトン』


The day following, he appeared to them as they fought, and urged them to be at peace again, saying, ‘Sirs, you are brothers. Why do you wrong one another?’  - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 7:26』


In this place, there is an Izumo-taisha Shrine which is described in "Engishiki Jimmyocho " (a Register of Shrines in Japan) as 'Iwa-ni-imasu Ona-mochi Mitama-jinja Shrine' (Myojindai), whereas according to "Harima Fudoki" (Records of the Culture and Geography of the Harima Province), Iwa-no-kimi who had lived in this place later moved to Shikama County where he also built Iwa-go.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At first, Naoie UKITA acted under the dominance of the Mori clan and climbed up the ranks after driving out Munekage URAGAMI, who was his lord but was more on Oda's side, but once he found out how powerful the Oda clan and Hideyoshi were, he gave up on the Mori clan and offered to surrender to Hideyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He wrote that he was surprised to know that the American people knew almost nothing about what became of the descendants of George Washington, while every Japanese knew what became of descendants of their monarchs, including Ieyasu TOKUGAWA (George Washington had no descendants.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kyo ningyo, which were cherished as a favorite toy by daughters of nobles in the Heian period, have been made by craftsmen in Kyoto and were appreciated as gifts from Kyoto back in the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although TAIRA no Kiyomori was widely understood to be an upstart tyrant because he was portrayed as being atrocious, inhuman, and cold-hearted in "Heike Monogatari," some claim that Kiyomori actually was a gentle and compassionate person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There was not enough audiences for the original comics with a realistic narrative made in 1984, the movie "Seitoshokun" (main actress was Kyoko KOIZUMI), "Virgin road" (main actress was Reiko MATSUNAGA) made in 1985 was not shown to the public due to the various reasons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In June 1533, at Harumoto's command, he fought with Harukuni HOSOKAWA, a younger brother of (or a son of) Takakuni, who was his former lord, and during the war he was killed in Takao, Yamashiro Province on July 20, 1533.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And an entry and other information from "Seishu Gunki" say that Nobunaga's wife, who was the daughter of Dosan SAITO, bore him no children and that Nobutada ODA (his childhood name was Kimyo or Kimyomaru), who was born from one of Nobunaga's concubines, was adopted so that Nobunaga could make him the legitimate son.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fujitaka HOSOKAWA, who had believed that 'Murashige had an intention to raise rebellion,' criticized Murashige ARAKI, who suddenly abandoned the castle and family and did a moonlight flit with tea utensils, by composing a tanka meaning 'Although Araki drew a bow against his lord, but a nock was out of order, he could not stay in Arioka-jo Castle.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, he simultaneously advances the very active view that if the ruler and his retainers observe and safeguard a virtuous style of government, by basing their actions on correct principles, the course of history could be rescued from a misguided direction and restored to the correct path.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He ruled Mino Province as a lord until 1554, at which point he passed on his family estate to Yoshitatsu, but Dosan soon severed all ties with Yoshitatsu; Dosan was killed by Yoshitatsu's army at the Nagara-gawa River April, 1556.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The details of the attack codenamed 'remember your heart, everyone' were decided minutely down to the type of arms, garb, equipment, and secret password, as well as who would receive the head of KIRA, how it would be treated, and that those who would act as lookouts in the garden would also do so at the sacrifice of the deceased lord.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The doctors of Myoho became so active that they submitted Myobokanmon response papers not only to the emperors and Daijokan (government's supreme organ) but also to Chitennokimi (a retired emperor) and Innocho (administrative organization of retired emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 13, Yoshinaka cited Goshirakawa's having encouraged Yoritomo to go to the capital and having issued Juei-ninen Jugatsuno Senji as the two issues that made him harbor a grudge against him, making a bitter protest ("Gyokuyo," entry of December 13).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reform of the Imperial court was implemented at almost the same time, and in this reform, a number of positions from the former imperial court, including court ladies, were abolished, and palace staff mainly consisting of 'warrior class' educated Emperor Meiji so he could become fit for the role of a militaristic reform leader.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Ikkunbanmin-ron theory was used as a great cause of toppling the domain clique system and introducing democracy, and it functioned as an ideology to oppose not only to the inherited privileges but also to the powerful wealthy class, most notably Zaibatsu (industrial and financial conglomerates).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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