
「域指定」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(74ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 域指定に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 3714


(1) 法第23条(1)にいう宣言は,特許出願の出願時になされ,かつ,次の事項を表示するものとする。 (a) 先の出願の出願日 (b) (2)に従うことを条件として,先の出願の番号 (c) (3)に従うことを条件として,先の出願に割り当てられている国際特許分類記号 (d) 先の出願がなされた国,又は先の出願が地出願若しくは国際出願である場合は,それが指定してなされた単数若しくは複数の国,及び (e) 先の出願が地出願又は国際出願である場合は,それがなされた庁例文帳に追加

(1) The declaration referred to in Section 23(1) of the Act shall be made at the time of filing the application for the patent and shall indicate - (a) the date of filing of the earlier application; and (b) the number of the earlier application, subject to paragraph (2); and (c) the symbol of the International Patents Classification which has been allocated to the earlier application, subject to paragraph (3); and (d) the State in which the earlier application was filed or, where the earlier application is a regional or an international application the State or States for which it was filed; and (e) where the earlier application is a regional or an international application, the Office with which it was filed. - 特許庁


An ionization system 22 for a zone demarcated in advance is provided with a plurality of emitter modules 24 spaced around the zone where each emitter module 24 has an individual address and at least one electrical ionizer apparatus, a system controller 28 for individually addressing and controlling each emitter module 24, and communication lines 26 for electrically connecting emitter modules 24 with system controller 28. - 特許庁


A decoder reads extended segment data on the segment (data obtained by collectively encoding image data on the segment and a part of image data on adjacent segments) from a CGROM based on address information on the designated segment, decides an unnecessary region (region to be deleted) corresponding to a part of the added adjacent segments on decoded data obtained by performing decoding processing and decides a plotting designation (step S2). - 特許庁


This contents adaptation apparatus extracts a target region in digital video contents, calculates resolution conversion ratio, on the basis of resolution information of input video contents and resolution designation information of output video contents, carries out conversion processing of the input video contents on the basis of the calculated resolution conversion ratio and the extracted target region, and converts original video contents into a form which is desirable by a reproduction terminal. - 特許庁



Speech data of speech which is obtained by making each learner speak a subject text, are collected for each speech data group of speech of the same speaking way of the area and made into a data base, and by comparing characteristics of the speech data of the subject text spoken by the learner with characteristics of the speech data group, whether the learner correctly speaks in the speaking way of the region indicated by the leaner is discriminated. - 特許庁



The trading area analysis system 10 has a DB editing part 11, a simulation part 12, a display/analyzing part 13, a regional statistics DB 14 storing statistical information regarding consumers per each area of precedently prepared map data divided by specified conditions, and a store DB 15 storing pieces of store information including at least several of store names, salesroom areas, coordinates indicating locations, and sales performance values per business category. - 特許庁


The license information supply system for performing the moving picture presentation through a computer network is provided with a presentation terminal which requests a server to issue license information according to a moving picture area and a presentation form for use and a server which issues license information in accordance with the designated moving picture area and representation form in response to the request from the presentation terminal and charges for it in accordance with contents of license information. - 特許庁


In addition to the effective utilization of trademarks registered by local organizations (at the end of March 2010, local organizations in areas for 90 of the 211 designated crafts in Japan had registered relevant trademarks), the Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries has made efforts to increase brand values for traditional crafts. It has done so by encouraging local cooperatives to attach the symbol of a certificate of authenticity to each traditional craft product that cleared inspections that test whether crafts meet criteria covering manufacturing technologies, methods and materials. - 経済産業省

4 地密着型介護老人福祉施設(介護保険法第八条第二十項に規定する地密着型介護老人福祉施設をいう。以下同じ。)、介護老人福祉施設又は介護老人保健施設(同条第二十五項に規定する介護老人保健施設をいう。以下同じ。)であつて第五十四条の二第一項の規定により指定を受けたもの(同条第二項の規定により同条第一項の指定を受けたものとみなされた地密着型介護老人福祉施設及び介護老人福祉施設を含む。)において施設介護を受ける被保護者に対して生活扶助を行う場合の保護金品を前項に規定する者に交付することが適当でないときその他保護の目的を達するために必要があるときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、当該地密着型介護老人福祉施設若しくは介護老人福祉施設の長又は当該介護老人保健施設の管理者に対して交付することができる。例文帳に追加

(4) In the case of providing livelihood assistance to a public assistance recipient who receives facility care services at a community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly (which means a community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (20) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly, or a long-term care health facility for the elderly (which means a long-term care health facility for the elderly prescribed in paragraph (25) of the same Article; the same shall apply hereinafter) that has been designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 54-2, paragraph (1) (including a community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly or a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly that is deemed to have received the designation under paragraph (1) of the same Article pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article), if it is not appropriate to deliver the public assistance benefit to a person prescribed in the preceding paragraph or if it is necessary for achieving the purpose of public assistance, the public assistance benefit may be delivered to the head of said community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly or long-term care welfare facility for the elderly, or to the manager of said long-term care health facility for the elderly, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十八条 保護水面の区(河川、指定土地又は港湾法(昭和二十五年法律第二百十八号)第二条第三項(港湾区の定義)に規定する港湾区若しくは同法第五十六条第一項(港湾区の定めのない港湾)に規定する水(第五項において「港湾区」と総称する。)に係る部分を除く。)内において、埋立て若しくはしゆんせつの工事又は水路、河川の流量若しくは水位の変更を来す工事をしようとする者は、政令の定めるところにより、当該保護水面を管理する都道府県知事又は農林水産大臣の許可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 18 (1) Any person who intends to carry out land reclamation work or dredging or work that causes the flow volume or water level of waterway or the River to change within the area of the Protected Water Surface (excluding the area pertaining to the River, the Designated Land or the area of ports and harbors set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 2 (Definition of Area of Port and Harbor) of the Ports and Harbors Act (Act No. 218 of 1950) or the water area set forth in paragraph 1 of Article 56 of said Act (Port and Harbor without Designation of Area of Port and Harbor)(which is collectively referred to in paragraph 5 as the "Area of Port and Harbor") shall obtain the permission of the prefectural governor or the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries that administrates such Protected Water Surface as provided for in a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第五条の二 都道府県は、都市計画区外の区のうち、相当数の建築物その他の工作物(以下「建築物等」という。)の建築若しくは建設又はこれらの敷地の造成が現に行われ、又は行われると見込まれる区を含み、かつ、自然的及び社会的条件並びに農業振興地の整備に関する法律(昭和四十四年法律第五十八号)その他の法令による土地利用の規制の状況その他国土交通省令で定める事項に関する現況及び推移を勘案して、そのまま土地利用を整序し、又は環境を保全するための措置を講ずることなく放置すれば、将来における一体の都市としての整備、開発及び保全に支障が生じるおそれがあると認められる一定の区を、準都市計画区として指定することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 5-2 (1) The Prefectures may designate as quasi-city planning areas those areas outside of city planning areas in which the construction of a considerable number of buildings and other structures (hereinafter referred to as "buildings etc.") or land preparation is actually conducted, including areas in which construction is scheduled, giving due consideration to natural and social conditions, the current situation of land use regulations set forth in the Act Concerning Establishment of Agricultural Promotion Areas (Act No. 58 of 1969), and the current situation and developments concerning other matters stipulated in Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and where it is recognized that that future integrated city improvement, development and preservation risks hindrance if measures are not taken to organize land use or conserve the environment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十二条 何人も、開発許可を受けた開発区内においては、第三十六条第三項の公告があつた後は、当該開発許可に係る予定建築物等以外の建築物又は特定工作物を新築し、又は新設してはならず、また、建築物を改築し、又はその用途を変更して当該開発許可に係る予定の建築物以外の建築物としてはならない。ただし、都道府県知事が当該開発区における利便の増進上若しくは開発区及びその周辺の地における環境の保全上支障がないと認めて許可したとき、又は建築物及び第一種特定工作物で建築基準法第八十八条第二項の政令で指定する工作物に該当するものにあつては、当該開発区内の土地について用途地等が定められているときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) After the issuance of the public notice provided by Article 36 paragraph (3), any person shall not, in development areas where development permission has been granted, newly build nor newly construct any buildings or special structures other than the scheduled buildings, etc. pertaining to the relevant development permission; nor shall any persons reconstruct any buildings or change their uses to make them different from the scheduled buildings pertaining to the relevant development permission. However, this shall not apply to cases where the prefectural governors have given permission for the act deeming that it will cause no hindrance from the standpoint of promoting convenience in the relevant development areas or of preserving the environment in the development areas and surrounding areas and to cases where use districts, etc. have been prescribed for the land in the relevant development areas in cases of such buildings or Category 1 special structures falling under any of the structures designated by the Cabinet Order under Article 88 paragraph (2) of the Building Standards Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 国土交通大臣、都道府県知事又は市町村長は、河川若しくは指定土地に関する第一項に掲げる工事をし、若しくはさせようとする場合又はこれらの工事について河川法第二十三条から第二十七条まで若しくは第二十九条(河川使用の許可等)の規定による許可若しくは砂防法第四条(指定土地における一定行為の禁止、制限)の規定による制限に係る許可をしようとする場合において、当該工事が保護水面の区内においてされるものであるときは、政令の定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該保護水面を管理する都道府県知事又は農林水産大臣に協議しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) In the event that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the prefectural governor or the mayor of a municipality intends to carry out, or cause to carry out, the work listed in paragraph 1 for the River or the Designated Land, or that such work is carried out within the area of the Protected Water Surface when he/she grants permission pursuant to the provisions of Article 23 through to Article 27 or Article 29 (Permission, etc. for Use of River) of the River Act, or permission pertaining to the restrictions pursuant to the provision of Article 4 (Prohibition and Restriction on Certain Acts in Designated Land) of the Erosion Control Act, he/she shall consult with the prefectural governor or the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries that administrates such Protected Water Surface in advance as provided for in a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 都道府県知事は、混合型特定施設入居者生活介護(介護専用型特定施設以外の特定施設に入居している要介護者について行われる特定施設入居者生活介護をいう。以下同じ。)につき第一項の申請があった場合において、当該申請に係る事業所の所在地を含む区(第百十八条第二項第一号の規定により当該都道府県が定める区とする。)における混合型特定施設入居者生活介護の推定利用定員(厚生労働省令で定めるところにより算定した定員をいう。)の総数が、同条第一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県介護保険事業支援計画において定めるその区の混合型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る事業者の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県介護保険事業支援計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、第四十一条第一項本文の指定をしないことができる。例文帳に追加

(4) In a case of an application as set forth in paragraph (1) for Daily Life Activities of a Long-Term Care Patient Admitted to a Combined Specified Facility (which means Daily Life Long-Term Care Admitted to a Specified Facility provided for a Person Requiring Long-Term Care who is a resident in a Specified Facility other than a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility; the same shall apply herein), a prefectural governor, when the total of assumed capacity of users of Daily Life Activities of a Long-Term Care Patient Admitted to a Combined Specified Facility (which means a capacity calculated pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare) in the area including the location of the Business Office pertaining to said application (which means an area provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 118, paragraph (2), item (i)) has been reached or is it determined that said capacity will be exceeded by the appointment as service provider pertaining to said application the total of prospective capacity of necessary users of Daily Life Activities of a Long-Term Care Patient Admitted to a Combined Specified Facility (which means a capacity calculated pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare) in said area provided by a Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or when it is determined that said application may interfere with the accomplishment of said Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan, may determine not to execute an appointment as service provider as set forth in the main clause of Article 41, paragraph (1).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項に規定する現物給付のうち、居宅介護、福祉用具の給付、施設介護、介護予防及び介護予防福祉用具の給付は、介護機関(その事業として居宅介護を行う者及びその事業として居宅介護支援計画を作成する者、その事業として介護保険法第八条第十三項に規定する特定福祉用具販売を行う者(第五十四条の二第一項において「特定福祉用具販売事業者」という。)、地密着型介護老人福祉施設、介護老人福祉施設及び介護老人保健施設、その事業として介護予防を行う者及び地包括支援センター並びにその事業として同法第八条の二第十三項に規定する特定介護予防福祉用具販売を行う者(第五十四条の二第一項において「特定介護予防福祉用具販売事業者」という。)をいう。以下同じ。)であつて、第五十四条の二第一項の規定により指定を受けたもの(同条第二項の規定により同条第一項の指定を受けたものとみなされた地密着型介護老人福祉施設及び介護老人福祉施設を含む。)にこれを委託して行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Out of the performance in kind prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in-home care services, the furnishing of welfare equipment, facility care services, care prevention services and the furnishing of welfare equipment for care prevention shall be provided by way of entrusting such assistance to a long-term care provider (which means a person who provides in-home care services as his/her business, a person who prepares in-home care support plans as his/her business, a person who sells specified welfare equipment prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (13) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act as his/her business [referred to as a "specified welfare equipment dealer" in Article 54-2, paragraph (1)], a community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly, a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly, a long-term care health facility for the elderly, a person who provides care prevention services as his/her business, a community comprehensive support center, or a person who sells specified welfare equipment for care prevention prescribed in Article 8-2, paragraph (13) of the same Act as his/her business [referred to as a "specified care prevention welfare equipment dealer" in Article 54-2, paragraph (1)]; the same shall apply hereinafter) who has been designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 54-2, paragraph (1) (including a community-based long-term care welfare facility for the elderly or a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly that is deemed to have received the designation under paragraph (1) of the same Article pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the same Article).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 認知症対応型共同生活介護、地密着型特定施設入居者生活介護又は地密着型介護老人福祉施設入所者生活介護につき第一項の申請があった場合において、当該市町村又は当該申請に係る事業所の所在地を含む区(第百十七条第二項第一号の規定により当該市町村が定める区とする。以下この号において「日常生活圏」という。)における当該地密着型サービスの利用定員の総数が、同条第一項の規定により当該市町村が定める市町村介護保険事業計画において定める当該市町村又は当該日常生活圏の当該地密着型サービスの必要利用定員総数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る事業者の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該市町村介護保険事業計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるとき。例文帳に追加

(iv) in a case when an appointment as service provider as set forth in paragraph (1) was filed for Communal Daily Long-Term Care for a Dementia Patient, Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility, or Admission to a Community-Based Facility for Preventive Daily Long-Term Care of the Elderly Covered by Public Aid, when it is determined that the total capacity of users of said Community-Based Service in said Municipality or in the area including the location of the Business Office pertaining to said application (which means an area provided by said Municipality pursuant to the provisions of Article 117, paragraph (2), item (i); herein referred to as "Daily Activities Area" in this item) has been reached or is it determined that said total number will be exceeded by the appointment as service provider pertaining to said application for the total capacity of necessary users for said Community-Based Service in said Municipality or said Daily Activities Area provided by Municipal Insured Long-Term Care Service Plan provided by said Municipality pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or when it is determined that it is likely to cause problems with the accomplishment of said Municipal Insured Long-Term Care Service Plan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九条 指定内において土壌の採取その他の土地の形質の変更をしようとする者は、当該土地の形質の変更に着手する日の十四日前までに、環境省令で定めるところにより、当該土地の形質の変更の種類、場所、施行方法及び着手予定日その他環境省令で定める事項を都道府県知事に届け出なければならない。ただし、次の各号に掲げる行為については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 9 (1) Any person who extracts soil or takes any other action that changes the character of land in a Designated Area shall be required to notify the prefectural governor of the type of the character change of said land, the land location, methods of the change, the scheduled date of commencing the change, and other matters defined in the Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment, no later than 14 days before the scheduled date of the change, pursuant to the Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to following:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 地の障害者等の福祉に関する各般の問題につき、障害者等、障害児の保護者又は障害者等の介護を行う者からの相談に応じ、必要な情報の提供及び助言を行い、併せてこれらの者と市町村及び第二十九条第二項に規定する指定障害福祉サービス事業者等との連絡調整その他の厚生労働省令で定める便宜を総合的に供与すること。例文帳に追加

(i) To provide consultation to persons with disabilities, or others, guardians of children with disabilities, or caretakers of persons with disabilities, or others; to offer necessary information and advice; and as well as to provide communication and coordination among such persons, municipalities and the designated welfare service business operators for persons with disabilities prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 29, and afford the other benefit prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare comprehensively, for various problems concerning the welfare of persons with disabilities, or others in communities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十九条 承認企業立地計画に従って企業立地を行う承認企業立地事業者であって、同意集積区内において指定集積業種のうち次に掲げるものに属する事業のための施設又は設備を新設したものが、当該新設に伴い新たに取得し、又は製作し、若しくは建設した機械及び装置並びに建物及びその附属設備については、租税特別措置法(昭和三十二年法律第二十六号)で定めるところにより、課税の特例の適用があるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 19 Pursuant to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Act No. 26 of 1957), special provisions for taxation shall be applied to machines, equipment, buildings and equipment attached thereto which have been newly acquired, manufactured or constructed by an approved business operator establishing new business facilities who has established a new business facilities in accordance with the approved plan for establishing new business facilities and who has established, in an agreed cluster zone, new facilities or equipment to be used for designated cluster industries falling under those listed as follows:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十一条 指定漁業の許可又は起業の認可を受けた者が、その許可又は起業の認可を受けた船舶(母船式漁業にあつては、母船又は独航船等。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)について、その船舶の総トン数を増加し、又は操業区その他の農林水産省令で定める事項を変更しようとするときは、農林水産大臣の許可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 61 When a person granted a permission or an approval of business commencement of a designated fishery is going to increase the gross tonnage of the boat (the mother ship or the one of self-navigating boats, in the case of mother ship type fishery; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the next Article) granted the permission or the approval of business commencement or is going to change the fishing area or any other matter prescribed in an Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, he/she shall be granted a permission of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 気象庁は、水防法(昭和二十四年法律第百九十三号)第十条第二項の規定により指定された河川について、水防に関する事務を行う国土交通大臣と共同して、当該河川の水位又は流量(はん濫した後においては、水位若しくは流量又ははん濫により浸水する区及びその水深)を示して洪水についての水防活動の利用に適合する予報及び警報をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) With respect to the rivers designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Flood Prevention Act (Act No. 193 of 1949), the Japan Meteorological Agency shall, jointly with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism who administers the affairs concerning flood prevention, give suitable forecasts and warnings of floods for use in flood prevention activities by indicating the water levels and flow volumes of said rivers (or after overflow of rivers, water levels or flow volumes, or areas flooded by overflow and water depths therein).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十四条 国土交通大臣は、国の利害に重大な関係がある事項に関し、必要があると認めるときは、都道府県に対し、又は都道府県知事を通じて市町村に対し、期限を定めて、都市計画区指定又は都市計画の決定若しくは変更のため必要な措置をとるべきことを指示することができる。この場合においては、都道府県又は市町村は、正当な理由がない限り、当該指示に従わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24 (1) The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, when he deems it necessary concerning matters of grave importance to national interest, may issue guidance to the Prefectures, or to municipalities via Prefectural governors, to the effect that they should, within a fixed period of time, perform the required measures to designate city planning areas or to decide on or revise city plans. In such cases, Prefectural governors or the municipalities must adhere to this guidance unless they have justifiable reasons not to do so.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 経済産業大臣は、第七条第一項の許可を受けた熱供給事業者が同条第四項において準用する第六条第一項の規定により指定された期間(第七条第四項において準用する第六条第三項の規定による延長があつたときは、延長後の期間)内にその増加する供給区において事業を開始せず、又はその期間内に第四条第一項第三号の事項を変更しないときは、その許可を取り消すことができる。例文帳に追加

(2) Where a heat supply operator that has obtained permission under Article 7, paragraph (1) does not commence its business within the period designated under Article 6, paragraph (1) applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (4) (or, if the period has been extended under Article 6, paragraph (3) applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (4), the extended period) in the new service area, or make a change to the matter listed in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (iii) within the said period, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may rescind the permission.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In terms of laws, the section from the Seta-higashi Interchange to the Kumiyamayodo Interchange, being part of the national highways 1 and 478, is a regional high-standard road; the Kumiyamayodo Interchange to Oyamazaki Junction, a part of National Highway 478, is a high-standard highway designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (a national highway only for vehicles) (Kyoto-daini-soto-kanjo-doro Belt Line of the Kyoto jukan-jidoushdo Expressway); and the section from Oyamazaki Junction to Kumiyamyodo Interchange is a national express highway (a section called the Keiji Bypass of the Chuo Jidosha-do National Expressway).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For the purpose of giving effect to any international agreement or arrangement to which New Zealand is a party or that applies to New Zealand, the Governor-General may by Order in Council declare that any entity specified in the order that is a party to the agreement or arrangement or to which the agreement or arrangement applies (whether a state, part of a state, a territory for whose international relations a state is responsible, a political union, an international organisation, or any other entity) is, for the purposes of all or any of the provisions of this Act, a convention country. - 特許庁


Search under Articles 12 and 31(3) of the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications shall be carried out in the files of: marks and geographical indications applied for or registered via the national route; international mark registrations under the Madrid Agreement and the Protocol in which the Republic of Bulgaria is a designated country; appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon Agreement; geographical indications and designations of origin applied for or registered under Council Regulation (EC) No. 510/2006; Community mark applications and registrations; well-known marks and marks with a reputation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria that are recorded in the Register.  - 特許庁


The cache control method for this disc device comprises judging whether the read request from the host device is the skip request or not from the address information stored in an address storage means, calculating a skip address that is the address to be read next by the skip request when the skip request is judged, and selecting the information for the area designated by this skip address to execute a skip cache. - 特許庁


In respective files, the parts data used for generating the musical sound waveform data corresponding to respective partial time section are stored in a parts area 102, and respective parts data consists of the information specifying the template data (waveform template WT, pitch template PT, amplitude template AT, spectrum template ST, time template TT) showing changes in the partial time section related to respective plural musical sound elements. - 特許庁


In the image forming apparatus which assigns a physical access position on a disk of the hard disk device directly and stores a series of image data in a physical continuous area on the disk, when the read processing or the write processing start, the started processing occupies the access to the hard disk device until a read operation or a write operation by the portion of a pre-set continuous transfer size completes. - 特許庁


A plan designing means 31 which designs a plan figure by arranging components on an internal plan of a building unit by using component data stored in a component information storage means is provided with a segment specifying means 42 which selects a desired segment out of segments representing the border of an area formed in the building through input operation for designating one arbitrary point on the segment. - 特許庁


A cache system of an embodiment of the invention includes: a volatile cache memory; a nonvolatile cache memory with the same capacity as that of the volatile cache memory; an address decoder designating the same line for the volatile cache memory and the nonvolatile cache memory; and a save region for storing data inputted from the volatile cache memory and outputting the stored data to the volatile cache memory. - 特許庁


In this storage service method of the storage service system to perform data transfer between the SSU to use data and the SSP to provide storage service, it is constituted so that the data free area is always provided to the SSU by automatically performing upload and download of the data between the SSP and the SSU so that no free capacity of a data storage part (DAS) of the SSU becomes less than a specified value. - 特許庁

これに対して、 Andean Community及び一部分野(Treaty establishing the European Economic Community 及びTreaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Communityの規律又はこれら の適用のために採用された措置に相当する EEA の規定の解釈に関する紛争)に関する EEA は、かかる機関において問題を解決できな い場合は、内に設置された常設裁判所に提訴 できるとしている(Andean Communityでは協 定上の紛争事項を解決する常設裁判所、EEA で はEC 裁判所(the Court of Justice of the European Communities)を指定(ただし、 EFTA 諸国間の紛争はEFTA Court に付 託)。)。例文帳に追加

In contrast, the Andean Community and the EEA (with respect to only those disputes concerning the rules of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, or the interpretation of the EEA provisions relevant to the measures adopted to implement such treaties) provide that the disputed matter which such council type body has failed to settle can be referred to a permanent court that has been established within the relevant region. In this respect, the Andean Community has established a permanent court which addresses any dispute under such agreement, and the EEA has appointed the Court of Justice of the European Communities to address any dispute under such agreement (except for disputes between EFTA countries, which are referred to the EFTA Court). - 経済産業省

第七条 国土交通大臣は、特定の地において一般貨物自動車運送事業の供給輸送力(以下この条において単に「供給輸送力」という。)が輸送需要量に対し著しく過剰となっている場合であって、当該供給輸送力が更に増加することにより、第三条の許可を受けた者(以下「一般貨物自動車運送事業者」という。)であってその行う貨物の運送の全部又は大部分が当該特定の地を発地又は着地とするものの相当部分について事業の継続が困難となると認めるときは、当該特定の地を、期間を定めて緊急調整地として指定することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 7 (1) When the supplied transportation capacity of general motor truck transportation business (hereinafter in this Article referred to as the "supply transportation capacity") is considerably excessive against the transportation demand in a specified area and further addition to the said supply transportation capacity would cause the situation in which continuation of whole or part of the business concerning a significant part of the freight transportation that departs from or arrive at the said specified area by the person who has been granted the permission given in Article 3 (hereinafter referred to as "general motor truck transportation business operator") is found to be difficult, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may designate the said specified area as an emergency adjustment area for a specified period.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 国土交通大臣は、特定の地間において供給輸送力(特別積合せ貨物運送に係るものに限る。)が輸送需要量に対し著しく過剰となっている場合であって、当該供給輸送力が更に増加することにより、専ら当該特定の地間において特別積合せ貨物運送を行っている一般貨物自動車運送事業者の相当部分について事業の継続が困難となり、かつ、当該特定の地間における適正な特別積合せ貨物運送の実施が著しく困難となると認めるときは、当該特定の地間を、期間を定めて緊急調整区間として指定することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) When the supplied transportation capacity (limited to that pertaining to the special loading motor truck transportation of LTL) is considerably excessive against the transportation demand between specified sections and further addition to the said supply transportation capacity would cause the situation in which continuation of a significant part of the business conducted by the general motor truck transportation business operator who specializes mostly in special loading motor truck transportation of LTL between the specified sections is found to be difficult and execution of appropriate special loading motor truck transportation of LTL between the said specified sections is found to be considerably difficult, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may designate the said specified sections as an emergency adjustment section for a specified period.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九条 独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構(以下「機構」という。)は、同意基本計画において定められた集積区(以下「同意集積区」という。)において、当該同意集積区に係る指定集積業種に属する事業(以下「特定事業」という。)を行う事業者(以下「特定事業者」という。)による企業立地及び事業高度化を促進するため、同意集積区において、工場(特定事業の用に供するものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)、事業場(特定事業の用に供するものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)又は当該工場若しくは当該事業場の利用者の利便に供する施設の整備並びにこれらの賃貸その他の管理及び譲渡を行う。例文帳に追加

Article 9 (1) In order to promote the establishment of new business facilities and business innovation by a business operator who conducts a business that falls under the category of the designated cluster industries pertaining to a cluster zone provided for in the agreed basic plan (hereinafter referred to as an "agreed cluster zone") in said agreed cluster zone (hereinafter such business shall be referred to as a "specified business" and such business operator shall be referred to as a "specified business operator"), the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization") shall conduct businesses for the development, leasing and other management and transfer of factories (limited to those used for a specified business; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), workplaces (limited to those used for a specified business; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), or facilities to be used for the convenience of the users of said factories or workplaces.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Based on the reference time in the first data, the moving image time and the access unit time are made corresponding to each other, thereby specifying a valid period that is a period during which at least the second data can be called. - 特許庁

3 特許を受ける権利を有する者が政府若しくは地方公共団体(以下「政府等」という。)が開設する博覧会若しくは政府等以外の者が開設する博覧会であつて特許庁長官が指定するものに、パリ条約の同盟国若しくは世界貿易機関の加盟国の領内でその政府等若しくはその許可を受けた者が開設する国際的な博覧会に、又はパリ条約の同盟国若しくは世界貿易機関の加盟国のいずれにも該当しない国の領内でその政府等若しくはその許可を受けた者が開設する国際的な博覧会であつて特許庁長官が指定するものに出品することにより、第二十九条第一項各号の一に該当するに至つた発明も、その該当するに至つた日から六月以内にその者がした特許出願に係る発明についての同条第一項及び第二項の規定の適用については、第一項と同様とする。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case of an invention which has fallen under any of the items of Article 29(1) by reason of the fact that the person having the right to obtain a patent has exhibited the invention at an exhibition held by the Government or a local public entity (hereinafter referred to as the "Government, etc."), an exhibition held by those who are not the Government, etc. where such exhibition has been designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, an international exhibition held in the territory of a country of the Union of the Paris Convention or a member of the World Trade Organization by its Government, etc. or those who are authorized thereby to hold such an exhibition, or an international exhibition held in the territory of a state which is neither of a country of the Union of the Paris Convention nor a member of the World Trade Organization by its Government, etc. or those who are authorized thereby where such exhibition has been designated by the Commissioner of the Patent Office, paragraph (1) shall also apply for the purposes of Article 29(1) and (2) to the invention claimed in the patent application which has been filed by the said person within six months from the date on which the invention first fell under any of those items.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 都道府県知事は、地密着型特定施設入居者生活介護につき市町村長から前項の届出があった場合において、当該申請に係る事業所の所在地を含む区(第百十八条第二項第一号の規定により当該都道府県が定める区とする。)における介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数及び地密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の利用定員の総数の合計数が、同条第一項の規定により当該都道府県が定める都道府県介護保険事業支援計画において定めるその区の介護専用型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数及び地密着型特定施設入居者生活介護の必要利用定員総数の合計数に既に達しているか、又は当該申請に係る事業者の指定によってこれを超えることになると認めるとき、その他の当該都道府県介護保険事業支援計画の達成に支障を生ずるおそれがあると認めるときは、当該市町村長に対し、必要な助言又は勧告をすることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) A prefectural governor, in a case when a mayor of a Municipality provides notification as set forth in the preceding paragraph regarding Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility, and when it is determined that the total sum of the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of maximum users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in the area (which shall be an area provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 118, paragraph (2) item (i)) including the location of the Business Office pertaining to said application has been reached or is it determined that said total number of maximum users will be exceeded by the appointment as service provider pertaining to said application to provide service of Daily Life Care of a Patient Admitted to a Specialized Long-Term Care Specified Facility and the total number of the necessary number of users of Daily Life Long-Term Care for a Person Admitted to a Community-Based Specified Facility in said area provided by Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan that is provided by said prefecture pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, or when it is determined that it will be likely to cause a problem with accomplishment of a Prefectural Insured Long-Term Care Support Project Plan, may provide necessary advice or recommendations to said mayor of the Municipality.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十三条 国土交通大臣は、特定の地(特別積合せ貨物運送に係る運賃及び料金にあっては、特定の地間。以下この項において同じ。)において、一般貨物自動車運送事業に係る運賃及び料金がその供給輸送力及び輸送需要量の不均衡又は物価その他の経済事情の変動により著しく高騰し、又は下落するおそれがある場合において、公衆の利便又は一般貨物自動車運送事業の健全な運営を確保するため特に必要があると認めるときは、当該特定の地指定して、一般貨物自動車運送事業の能率的な経営の下における適正な原価及び適正な利潤を基準として、期間を定めて標準運賃及び標準料金を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 63 (1) In the event that the fares and charges of the general motor truck transportation business are likely to significantly soar or drop by the imbalance between the supplied transportation capacity and the transportation demand or by fluctuation of prices and other economic conditions in a certain area (between specific sections for fares and charges pertaining to the special loading motor truck transportation of LTL, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), when it is found necessary in maintaining the public convenience or ensuring sound management of the general motor truck transportation business operator in the said specific area, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may designate the said specific area and determine the standard fares and standard charges for a specified period based on the fair cost and fair profit under efficient management of the general motor truck transportation business.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十四条の二 厚生労働大臣は、国の開設した地密着型介護老人福祉施設、介護老人福祉施設又は介護老人保健施設についてその主務大臣の同意を得て、都道府県知事は、その他の地密着型介護老人福祉施設、介護老人福祉施設若しくは介護老人保健施設、その事業として居宅介護を行う者若しくはその事業として居宅介護支援計画を作成する者、特定福祉用具販売事業者、その事業として介護予防を行う者若しくは地包括支援センター又は特定介護予防福祉用具販売事業者について開設者、本人又は設置者の同意を得て、この法律による介護扶助のための居宅介護若しくは居宅介護支援計画の作成、福祉用具の給付、施設介護、介護予防若しくは介護予防支援計画の作成又は介護予防福祉用具の給付を担当させる機関を指定する。例文帳に追加

Article 54-2 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall designate providers in charge of in-home care services, preparation of in-home care support plans, furnishing of welfare equipment, facility care services, care prevention services, preparation of care prevention support plans, or furnishing of welfare equipment for care prevention for long-term care assistance under this Act with regard to community-based long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, or long-term care health facilities for the elderly established by the State by obtaining the consent of the competent minister, and a prefectural governor shall designate such providers with regard to any other community-based long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly, long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly or long-term care health facilities for the elderly, or persons who provide in-home care services as their business, persons who prepare in-home care support plans as their business, specified welfare equipment dealers, persons who provide care prevention services as their business, community comprehensive support centers or specified care prevention welfare equipment dealers by obtaining the consent of the founder, the person himself/herself, or the establisher.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

指定した商品の名称に付随する、歴史的名称を含む国名、地名、地方名、他の地理的対象またはその組合せによる名称は原産地名称として登録することができる。 次に掲げる名称は原産地名称として登録されないものとする。 -地理的地を表す名称ではあるが製品が生産された場所と混同するもの - 製品生産地の実際の場所を正式に示してはいるが、他の地から産生する製品であるという誤った見解を与えるもの - 名称に含まれる地理的表示が製造地と関係がないもの、及び、カザフスタン共和国において同一の周知商品の名称として広く使われているもの 原産地名称の登録出願及び原産地名称の使用権付与の出願(以下、「出願」という)は、出願人がカザフスタン共和国に提出するものとする。例文帳に追加

The name ofa country, locality, region, including their historical names, as well as names of other geographical objects or their combination with specific appellations of goods may be registered as appellations of origin. The following designations shall not be registered as appellations of origin: - those that represent the name of geographical area, but are confusing as to the place of manufacture of that product; - those that formally indicate the real place of manufacture of a product but give an erroneous idea that this product originates from another territory; - those that contain geographical indications not related to a place of manufacture and are widely used in the Republic of Kazakhstan as designations of some known goods. The application for registration of an appellation of origin and granting of right to use the appellation of origin (hereinafter referred to as “the application”) shall be filed with Kazpatent by the applicant. - 特許庁

第七条 建築物の新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕、模様替、用途の変更若しくは使用について許可、認可若しくは確認をする権限を有する行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は建築基準法(昭和二十五年法律第二百一号)第六条の二第一項(同法第八十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定による確認を行う指定確認検査機関(同法第七十七条の二十一第一項に規定する指定確認検査機関をいう。以下この条において同じ。)は、当該許可、認可若しくは確認又は同法第六条の二第一項の規定による確認に係る建築物の工事施工地又は所在地を管轄する消防長又は消防署長の同意を得なければ、当該許可、認可若しくは確認又は同項の規定による確認をすることができない。ただし、確認(同項の規定による確認を含む。)に係る建築物が都市計画法(昭和四十三年法律第百号)第八条第一項第五号に掲げる防火地及び準防火地以外の区内における住宅(長屋、共同住宅その他政令で定める住宅を除く。)である場合又は建築主事が建築基準法第八十七条の二において準用する同法第六条第一項の規定による確認をする場合においては、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 7 (1) An administrative agency which has the authority to grant permission, authorization or confirmation for the new construction, extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling of a building, for a change of intended purpose of a building or for use of a building, or a person delegated thereby, or a designated confirmation and inspection body which makes a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act (Act No. 201 of 1950) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (meaning a designated confirmation and inspection body prescribed in Article 77-21, paragraph (1) of said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may not grant said permission, authorization or confirmation or make a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act, respectively, without the consent of the fire chief or fire station chief who has jurisdiction over the construction site or location of the building for which said permission, authorization or confirmation or a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act is sought; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the building for which a confirmation (including a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act) is sought is a residence (excluding a row house, apartment house and any other residence specified by Cabinet Order) within areas other than primary fire protection districts or secondary fire protection districts listed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (v) of the City Planning Act (Act No. 100 of 1968) or where a building official makes a confirmation under the provision of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87-2 of said Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十七条 要介護認定を受けようとする被保険者は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、申請書に被保険者証を添付して市町村に申請をしなければならない。この場合において、当該被保険者は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、第四十六条第一項に規定する指定居宅介護支援事業者、地密着型介護老人福祉施設若しくは介護保険施設であって厚生労働省令で定めるもの又は第百十五条の三十九第一項に規定する地包括支援センターに、当該申請に関する手続を代わって行わせることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 27 (1) An Insured Person that intends to obtain a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, shall submit an application with attachment of Certificate of Insured Person to a Municipality. In this case, said Insured Person, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, may have a Designated In-Home Long-Term Care Support Provider as prescribed in Article 46, paragraph (1), a Community-Based Facility for the Elderly Covered by Public Aid Requiring Long-Term Care, or a Facility Covered by Long-Term Care Insurance, and those which are determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, or a community general support center as prescribed in Article 115-39, paragraph (1) implement procedures pertaining to said application on behalf of said Insured Person.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十二条 要支援認定を受けようとする被保険者は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、申請書に被保険者証を添付して市町村に申請をしなければならない。この場合において、当該被保険者は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、第四十六条第一項に規定する指定居宅介護支援事業者、地密着型介護老人福祉施設若しくは介護保険施設であって厚生労働省令で定めるもの又は第百十五条の三十九第一項に規定する地包括支援センターに、当該申請に関する手続を代わって行わせることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 32 (1) An Insured Person that intends to receive a Certification of Needed Support shall submit to a Municipality an application with a Certificate of Insured Person pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. In this case, said Insured Person may, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, have a Designated In-Home Long-Term Care Support Provider, etc., as prescribed in Article 46, paragraph (1), a Community-Based Facility for the Elderly Covered by Public Aid Requiring Long-Term Care or a Facility Covered by Long-Term Care Insurance as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, or a community general support center as prescribed in Article 115-39, paragraph (1), perform the procedures of said application on behalf of the Insured Person.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十六条 海区漁業調整委員会が設置される海区に沿う市町村(海に沿わない市町村であつて、当該海区において漁業を営み又はこれに従事する者が相当数その区内に住所又は事業場を有している等特別の事由によつて農林水産大臣が指定したものを含む。)の区内に住所又は事業場を有する者であつて、一年に九十日以上、漁船を使用する漁業を営み又は漁業者のために漁船を使用して行う水産動植物の採捕若しくは養殖に従事するものは、海区漁業調整委員会の委員の選挙権及び被選挙権を有する。例文帳に追加

Article 86 (1) A person who has an address or a place of business in the region of the municipalities along the sea area for which each Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission is established (including the municipalities not lying along the sea, but designated by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister for such a special reason that there are numerous persons operating or engaged in fisheries in said sea area and having addresses or places of business in the region of the municipalities) and operates a fishery using a fishing boat or is engaged in the gathering, catch or culture of aquatic animals and plants using a fishing boat for fishery managers for 90 days or more per year, has a voting right for selecting a commission member of the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission and is eligible for election for the commission member.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) The Government may by notification in the official Gazette, require that- (a) an indication of goods or services which are supplied or imported into Bangladesh and produced and manufactured beyond the limits of Bangladesh, or (b) an indication of goods or services which are produced or manufactured within the limits of Bangladesh or, (c) an indication of the name of country or place of the manufacture, producer or supplier or the persons for whom the goods or services were manufactured or produced. shall be applied to the goods or services from such date as may be appointed by the notification not being less than 3 (three) months from its issue.  - 特許庁

第三十七条 市町村は、要介護認定、要介護更新認定、第二十九条第二項において準用する第二十七条第七項若しくは第三十条第一項の規定による要介護状態区分の変更の認定、要支援認定、要支援更新認定又は第三十三条の二第二項において準用する第三十二条第六項若しくは第三十三条の三第一項の規定による要支援状態区分の変更の認定(以下この項において単に「認定」という。)をするに当たっては、第二十七条第五項第一号(第二十八条第四項、第二十九条第二項及び第三十条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)又は第三十二条第四項第一号(第三十三条第四項、第三十三条の二第二項及び第三十三条の三第二項において準用する場合を含む。)に掲げる事項に係る認定審査会の意見に基づき、当該認定に係る被保険者が受けることができる居宅介護サービス費若しくは特例居宅介護サービス費に係る居宅サービス、地密着型介護サービス費若しくは特例地密着型介護サービス費に係る地密着型サービス、施設介護サービス費若しくは特例施設介護サービス費に係る施設サービス、介護予防サービス費若しくは特例介護予防サービス費に係る介護予防サービス又は地密着型介護予防サービス費若しくは特例地密着型介護予防サービス費に係る地密着型介護予防サービスの種類を指定することができる。この場合において、市町村は、当該被保険者の被保険者証に、第二十七条第七項後段(第二十八条第四項及び第二十九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十条第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第四項後段又は第三十二条第六項後段(第三十三条第四項及び第三十三条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十三条の三第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第二項後段若しくは第六項後段の規定による記載に併せて、当該指定に係る居宅サービス、地密着型サービス、施設サービス、介護予防サービス又は地密着型介護予防サービスの種類を記載するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 37 (1) A Municipality, when providing a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care; a Renewal of Certification of Needed Long-Term Care; a Certification of Change of Category of Condition of Need for Long-Term Care pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7) or Article 30, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2); a Certification of Needed Support; a Renewal of Certification of Needed Support; a Certification of Change of Category of Needed Support Condition pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (6) or Article 33-3, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33-2, paragraph (2); (hereinafter simply referred to as "Certification" in this paragraph) may specify the type of services to be performed for an Insured Person pertaining to said Certification, including In-Home Service pertaining to Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service or Exceptional Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service, Community-Based Service pertaining to Allowance for Community-Based Long-Term Care Service or Exceptional Allowance for Community-Based Long-Term Care Service, Facility Service pertaining to Allowance for Long-Term Care Facility Service or Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Facility Service, Preventive Long-Term Care Service pertaining to Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service or Exceptional Allowance for Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, or Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care pertaining to Allowance for Community-Based Preventive Long-Term Care Service, or Exceptional Allowance for Community-Based Preventive Service of Long-Term Care, based on the opinion of the Certification Committee pertaining to the matter listed in Article 27, paragraph (5), item (i) (including a case it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 28, paragraph (4), Article 29, paragraph (2), or Article 30, paragraph (2)) or Article 32, paragraph (4), item (i) (including a case it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph (4), or Article 33-2, paragraph (2)). In this case, the Municipality shall enter on the Certificate of Insured Person of said Insured Person the type of services pertaining to said specification including In-Home Service, Community-Based Service, Facility Service, Preventive Long-Term Care Service, or Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care together with an entry pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7) second sentence (including a case it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 28, paragraph (4) or Article 29, paragraph (2)), Article 30, paragraph (1), second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (4), second sentence, or Article 32, paragraph (6) second sentence (including a case it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph (4) or Article 33-2, paragraph (2)), Article 33-3, paragraph (1) second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (2), second sentence, or paragraph (6), second sentence.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十五条 第十三条第一項又は第二項の認定を受けた協定(以下「認定協定」という。)に参加している者は、認定協定の対象となる海において認定協定の対象となる種類の特定海洋生物資源又は指定海洋生物資源について認定協定の対象となる種類の採捕を行う者であって認定協定に参加していないものに対し認定協定を示して参加を求めた場合においてその参加を承諾しない者があるときは、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、同条第一項又は第二項の認定をした農林水産大臣又は都道府県の知事に対し、その者の承諾を得るために必要なあっせんをすべきことを求めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 15 (1) In the case where a person participating in an agreement that has been certified pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 13 (hereinafter referred to as a "certified agreement") shows the certified agreement to a person who is not a participant thereto but who carries out the gathering or catching of the types of specified living marine resources or designated living marine resources subject to the certified agreement by the modes of gathering or catching and in the areas of the sea subject to the certified agreement and asks the non-participant to participate in the certified agreement, if the non-participant does not agree to participate, the participant to the certified agreement may request that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the governor of the relevant prefecture who has given certification pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of the Article 13 make the necessary arrangements for obtaining the consent of the non-participant, as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十六条 認定協定に参加している者は、その数が認定協定の対象となる海において認定協定の対象となる特定海洋生物資源又は指定海洋生物資源について認定協定の対象となる種類の採捕を行う者のすべての数の三分の二以上であって農林水産省令で定める割合を超えていることその他の農林水産省令で定める基準に該当するときは、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、農林水産大臣又は都道府県の知事に対し、認定協定の目的を達成するために必要な措置を講ずべきことを求めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 16 (1) If the number of persons participating in a certified agreement is not less than two thirds of all the persons who carry out the gathering or catching of the specified living marine resources or designated living marine resources subject to the certified agreement by the mode of gathering or catching mode and in the area of the sea subject to said certified agreement, and if such number of all such persons exceed the rate prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and also conforms to other standards prescribed by Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the participants may request that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the governor of the relevant prefecture take the measures necessary for the achievement of the purpose of the certified agreement, as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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