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head familyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3414


Since then, he achieved a considerably rapid promotion for being the head of the Seiga family (one of the highest court noble families in Japan at that time), holding the positions such as Jiju (a chamberlain), Sakone no Gon no shosho (provisional minor captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), Ukone no Gon no chujo (provisional middle captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), and Chugu Gon no suke (provisional assistant master of the Consort's Household), and in 1795 he was ranked Jusanmi (Junior 3rd Rank) and became one of Kugyo (top court officials). 例文帳に追加

以降清華家の当主としてはやいスピードで昇進して、侍従・左近衛権少将・右近衛権中将・中宮権亮となり、寛政7年(1795年)には従三位となり公卿に列する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After being raised to peerage in 1826, he gained rapid promotion for being the head of the Seiga family, holding prominent positions such as Jiju (chamberlain), Ukone no Gon no shosho (minor captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), and Sakone no Gon no chujo (middle captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1840 he was raised to Jusanmi (Junior 3rd Rank) and became one of Kugyo (top court officials). 例文帳に追加

文政9年(1826年)に叙爵してから清華家の当主として速いスピードで昇進し、侍従・右近衛権少将・左近衛権中将などを歴任して、天保11年(1840年)には従三位となり公卿に列した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the commencement of the Cloister government by the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa, which followed the accession of Emperor Fushimi to the throne in 1287, Tokitsugu was able to hold posts such as Innoshikken (Regent of the Cloister Government), Denso (message courier between the court's people and the Emperor), Hyojoshu (a member of Council of State) as the head of In no Kinshin (the Retired Emperor's courtier), and he was promoted to Gon Dainagon (Provisional Chief Councilor of State) in 1289, which was unusual for his family line. 例文帳に追加

弘安10年(1287年)の伏見天皇の即位に伴う後深草上皇院政開始によって一躍院近臣の筆頭として院執権、伝奏、評定衆を歴任、正応2年(1289年)には彼の家系では異例の権大納言に昇進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masanao TOYOTA, another instructor of Niten Ichi-ryu and a vassal of the Matsui clan who had served the Hosokawa family as Hitto karo (the head of chief retainers), wrote the Musashi biography "Buko-den" in 1755, and recorded tales by Musashi's direct disciples, which Masatake TOYOTA (Masanao's father) had gathered before. 例文帳に追加

細川家筆頭家老松井氏の家臣で二天一流師範、豊田正脩が宝暦5年(1755年)に完成させた『武公伝』には、正脩の父・豊田正剛が集めた武蔵の弟子達が語った生前の武蔵に関する伝聞が記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, he protected the Tokugawa clan by questioning by only the head of the Tokugawa family had to return their estates while Satsuma, Tosa, Owari and Geishu clans were allowed to keep their estates, regarding Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA's Jikan nochi (an order for surrendering the Shogunate post and domains to the Imperial court) determined by Iwakura and Okubo. 例文帳に追加

また、岩倉、大久保が徳川慶喜に対して辞官納地を決定したことについては、薩摩、土佐、尾州、芸州が土地をそのまま保有しておきながら、なぜ徳川宗家に対してだけは土地を返納させねばならないのかなどと徳川宗家擁護を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His elder brother Toyoteru YAMAUCHI (thirteenth lord), Toyoatsu YAMAUCHI (fourteenth lord) died in succession in 1848 and he was seen as the successor as a younger brother but since he was only 3 years old, Toyonobu (Yodo) YAMAUCHI, who was from a branch line, became the family head. 例文帳に追加

嘉永元年(1848年)に兄の山内豊熈(第13代藩主)、山内豊惇(第14代藩主)が相次いで死去したため、弟に当たることから後継者と目されたが、わずか3歳の幼少だったため、家督は分家出身の山内豊信(容堂)が継承することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hiroaki served as Bandai (deputy and guardian of the family head) until Okifusa SUE, the third son of Hiromori, his older brother, attained manhood and also as Shugodai in Suo and Chikuzen Provinces, while holding a fort and attending to government affairs in the domain when Yoshioki OUCHI, his lord, visited Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

兄・弘護の三男の陶興房が成人するまで番代(当主代行・後見人)を務めて周防国及び筑前両国の守護代職を務め、主君・大内義興の上洛中は留守を守って領内の政務を執り行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1680, when Ietsuna TOKUGAWA fell in critical illness, Tadakiyo supported Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Yukihito to be the 15th shogun, and Masanori also kept in pace with it, but because it ended in failure, Masanori was forced to retire, and Masamichi officially succeeded the head of the family at the age of 44. 例文帳に追加

延宝8年(1680年)、徳川家綱が危篤に陥った時、忠清は有栖川宮幸仁親王を5代将軍に擁し、正則もこれに歩調を合わせたが失敗したため、綱吉が5代将軍につくと間もなく隠居を余儀なくされ、正往が44歳にして正式に家督を相続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that this story may have been intentionally made up to emphasize Nobutaka's legitimacy as the head of the Oda family after Nobunaga's death, or to justify his having opposed Nobukatsu who was his older brother, and that he actually was born later than Nobukatsu. 例文帳に追加

本来兄の信孝が信雄よりも信長亡き後の織田家一門の筆頭に相応しいという正嫡性の強調のため、あるいは兄である信雄に逆らったことを正当化するための意図的な創作話ではないかといわれ、実際は信孝が信雄より後に生まれたのではないかといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1552, he took part in the war for the first time in the Battle of Kayatsu which was broken out between Nobunaga and Nobutomo ODA, the lord of Kiyosu-jo Castle of the Oda Yamato no Kami family (the Kiyosu Oda clan) who governed Owari Shimo Yongun (the lower four counties of Owari), and made an achievement of getting one severed head (Memoranda of Shigeyori MURAI). 例文帳に追加

翌天文21年(1552年)に尾張下四郡を支配する織田大和守家(清洲織田氏)の清洲城主、織田信友と信長の間に起こった萱津の戦いで初陣し、首級ひとつを挙げる功を立てる(村井重頼覚書)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Disturbance of Bicchu, the Mori clan recognized his achievements in some extent and allowed him to remain in the position of lord of Nariwa-jo Castle (Kakushu-jo Castle), but decreased his territory to about 8,000 koku, which was less than half of his original territory, for his failure to prevent the rebellion of the Mimura head family. 例文帳に追加

備中兵乱後、一定の功績が毛利氏より認められて備中成羽(鶴首)城主の地位は安堵されたが、備中松山・三村本家の叛乱を諫止できなかった咎を問われ、所領は原封の半分以下といわれる約8千石にまで減封された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dissatisfied with Hisamasa's weak-kneed diplomacy, many of his vassals forced Hisamasa to retire for transferring his position as head of the family to Nagamasa AZAI, the heir to Hisamasa in 1560, when Nagamasa won a landslide victory over Yoshikata ROKKAKU at the Battle of Norada and became independent from the Rokkaku clan. 例文帳に追加

このような、久政の弱腰外交に家臣たちの多くが不満をもつようになり、1560年に久政の嫡男・浅井長政が野良田の戦いで六角義賢に大勝し六角氏から独立すると、家臣たちから家督を長政に譲ることを強要され、強制的に隠居させられることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Onin War began in Kyoto, triggered by a combination of the matters of the succession of the Ashikaga shogun family, the conflict over the head of the Hatakeyama clan as well as the conflict in the Shiba clan, Yoshitoshi, who joined the eastern army led by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA, disregarded what was happening in Kyoto and quickly achieved military results in Echizen Province. 例文帳に追加

このような斯波家の内訌に加え、足利将軍家の継嗣問題や、畠山氏の家督争いなどが関係して応仁の乱が起きると、義敏は、細川勝元率いる東軍に属して戦い、京での戦乱を後目に、いち早く越前に下向して戦果を上げようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Naganori left for Ako the next day of the surrender of the castle, leaving Hitto karo (the head of chief retainers) Kuranosuke OISHI in Matsuyama-jo Castle to attend it, and the Asano family had been in charge of Matsuyama-jo Castle for 1 year and 9 months until Shigehiro ANDO entered the castle as a new lord the following year. 例文帳に追加

長矩は開城の翌日には赤穂への帰途についたが、名代として筆頭家老大石内蔵助を松山城に在番させ、翌年に安藤重博が新城主として入城するまでの1年9か月の間、浅野家が松山城を管理することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was highly estimated to be a 'talented person' by his father, Suketsune, and was promoted up to be a Jusani (Junior Third Rank), however, he was not favored by government posts, including the fact that he was not appointed to be a Kurodo (Chamberlain), nor a benkan (official of the dajokan), both of which were regarded as conditions of a family head of the Kanjuji line, in addition to being the 4th son, he ended in a Hisangi (advisor at large). 例文帳に追加

父資経からは「器量者」として高く評価されており、従三位にまで進んだが、四男であったことに加えて勧修寺流長者の条件とされた蔵人、弁官に任じられなかったなど官職にも恵まれず非参議で終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The process of how and when Muramune succeeded to the family headship is not clear because there were few historical materials about the movement of Sukemune and Muramune in the beginning of the Eisho era, although Muramune is thought to become a head of the Uragami clan by succeeding Sukemune URAGAMI, an adopted heir of Norimune, 例文帳に追加

則宗の養嗣子である浦上祐宗の跡を継いで浦上氏の当主になったと見られるものの、肝心の家督相続の経緯、時期については永正年間前半の祐宗、村宗の動向を示す史料が少ない為、はっきりしない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kagetora captured Musashi Matsuyama-jo Castle (Musashi Province), and in March 1561, supported Norimasa UESUGI, Kanto Kanrei, and besieged Odawara-jo Castle with a large force consisting of 100,000 vassals of old Uesugi clan such as Narimasa NAGANO, Hidetsuna OYAMA, Ujiharu ODA, Suketane NASU, Yoshishige SATAKE (the 18th family head), Sukemasa OTA, Tsunahide MITA, Nagayasu NARITA and so on. 例文帳に追加

武蔵松山城(武蔵国)を攻め落とし、永禄4年(1561年)3月に関東管領・上杉憲政を擁して長野業正、小山秀綱、小田氏治、那須資胤、佐竹義重(十八代当主)、太田資正、三田綱秀、成田長泰ら旧上杉家家臣団10万の大軍で小田原城を包囲する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The head family of the Toshima clan went to ruin in the Muromachi period and the genealogy was restored more than two hundred years later, with confusion in identification of the people, and in recent study, Asatsune was believed to be a son of Aritsune who was described as his son in the genealogy, and their parent-child relationship was reversed. 例文帳に追加

豊島氏本宗家は室町時代に滅びており、系図はその200年以上後になって復元されたもので、人物の比定に混乱が見られ、近年の研究では朝経は系図では子になっている有経の子と推定され、親子関係が逆転している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiyu, however, left a bitter legacy such that his close adherence to Tanesada CHIBA entangled his school in conflict over succession of the Chiba family head among the potential successors, which resulted in his school adopting a policy which gave priority to carry on the school while having a cooperative relationship with secular powers and the other sects. 例文帳に追加

しかし、同時に千葉胤貞との密着は胤貞自身が盟主として擁立された千葉氏の家督争いに門流を直接巻き込む事になってしまい、結果的に世俗勢力や他宗との関係を保ちながら門流の維持を優先する路線を選択することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This news shocked the people as an unprecedented event in the court noble society, because the head of one of Sekkan-ke (the families which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor; line of regents and advisers), which had gripped the absolute power in the Imperial Court for many years, was sent as Imperial envoys to call up SANJO, descended from the Seiga family (ranked second in the court noble families), which had no political influence until then. 例文帳に追加

これは長年朝廷の全権を握っていた摂関家が勅使となり、政治的に非力であった清華家出身の三条を出仕させるという公家社会始まって以来の出来事として衝撃を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to attempt to keep his power secure, Yoshitaka SHIBUKAWA deepened friendship with the Kobayakawa clan, a bakufu hokoshu (the shogunal military guard) and powerful kokujin (local lord) who owned territories in two provinces of Aki and Bingo, and in 1507, he transferred a part of the territory in Mitsugi to the family head Sukehira KOBAYAKAWA. 例文帳に追加

渋川義陸はその勢力の安泰を図るため、安芸・備後二ヶ国に所領を有する幕府奉公衆にして有力国人・小早川氏と親交し、1507年(永正4年)当主・小早川扶平に御調の所領の一部を譲与している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a direct descendant of the Sasaki Rokkaku clan, he owned the genealogy of the head family of the Sasaki clan "Kindei no Maki" (a horizontal scroll written with gold paint), he had Ikai (Court rank) of Shii (Fourth Rank), and he was admitted inshoden (access to the retired emperor in the imperial court) by Emperor Gomizunoo ("Muso Kokushi Zokufu" [], "Hagakure Monryaku" [葉隠], the genealogy of the Sasaki clan possessed by Sasaki-jinja Shrine [神社所蔵佐々系図]), 例文帳に追加

佐々木六角氏の正統として佐々木氏本家系図「金泥の巻き」を所持、四位の位階を持ち、後水尾天皇から院昇殿を許されていた(『夢窓国師俗譜』、『葉隠聞略』、沙沙貴神社所蔵佐々木系図)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As His two older brothers died young, who were Tadahiro KAZANIN (Shogoinoge jiju [Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade, Chamberlain]) and Sadanori KAZANIN (Sakone no chujo [Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards])(Jusanmi Sakon e no chujo [Junior Third Rank, Middle Captain of the Left Palace Guards]), He took over the 24th Head of the Kazanin family belonging to the FUJIWARA no Morozane line of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan. 例文帳に追加

二人の兄(花山院忠広(正五位下侍従)と花山院定教(左近衛中将)(従三位左近衛中将))が若くして死去したあと、承応2年(1653年)に藤原氏藤原北家藤原師実流の花山院家24代当主となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Emperor Ninken, he attempted to assume the position himself, however OTOMO no Kanamura opposed Matori's intention and defeated him under the order of Ohatuse no wakasagi no mikoto (later day Emperor Buretsu); as a result, Matori killed himself and part of the Hegri clan head family went downfallen (there is also a rumor of survival). 例文帳に追加

仁賢天皇の没後、自ら大王になろうとしたが、これに不満を抱いた大伴金村は小泊瀬稚鷦鷯尊(後の武烈天皇)の命令を受け平群真鳥を討ち、真鳥は自害し平群本宗家の一部は滅んだ(生存説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ienaga defeated TAIRA no Tomomasa, and working with Kagesue KAJIWARA (or his father Kagetoki), he captured the beaten vice-shogun or Sanmi no chujo (Junior Third Rank) of Ikuta no mori, TAIRA no Shigehira, however, his oldest son Yoriie SHO was killed in the battle and Ienaga lost the direct line taking over as head of the family. 例文帳に追加

家長は、平朝昌を討ち取り、敗走した生田森の副将軍三位中将平重衡を須磨区海岸で梶原景季(あるいはその父景時)と共に捕える功績を上げるが、長男である庄頼家が戦死し、家督を継ぐべき直系が絶える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He surpassed his elder brother Naritane who succeeded the head of Chiba family, in terms of their official ranks; Tsunehide was promoted to Shimousa no kami, a higher rank to Naritane's Chiba no suke (assistant governor of Chiba Province, also called Shimousa no suke), while Tsunehide later achieved the position of Kazusa no suke, the highest rank official of Kazusa Kokuga (territories governed by provincial government office) designated as Shinno-ningoku (provinces whose gubernatorial posts were reserved as sinecures for imperial princes). 例文帳に追加

官位などは宗家を継いだ兄・成胤を越え、更には千葉介(下総介)の上官である下総守、ついで親王任国である上総国衙の最高の地位である上総介の地位を得て宗家をしのぐ地位を獲得するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On Decemebr 21 in the same year, when the Adachi clan was destroyed by the Shimotsuki Incident, which was led by the conflict between Yasumori and Uchi-Kanrei (head of Tokuso Family) TAIRA no Yoritsuna, Morimune who was in northern Kyushu secluded himself in Iwato-ji Castle with Kagesuke SHONI, and fought with a troop of Kagesuke's brother, Tsunesuke SHONI, which backed Yoritsuna, but was defeated and dead (battle in Iwato). 例文帳に追加

同年11月17日、泰盛と内管領平頼綱の対立による霜月騒動で安達一族が滅ぼされると、北九州にいた盛宗は少弐景資と共に岩門城に籠もり、頼綱方である景資の兄少弐経資の軍勢と戦って敗死した(岩門合戦)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court mainly gave the gosho-go to the temples and shrines at which the head priest was a son or daughter of the Imperial Family or the sekke; moreover, high nobles were practically allowed to be referred to as Gosho, Gosho-sama, or Ue-sama by their families. 例文帳に追加

朝廷が授与する御所号は、主に皇族や摂家の子女が門跡となった寺社に対して授与するものが主であり、その他、公卿もその家人より御所、或いは御所様(ごしょさま)、上様などと尊称されることが事実上許されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Samurai and landlord in the medieval Japan took charge of the territorial management and ruling by assuming various posts and powers such as Gunji shiki (local headships), Goshi shiki (sub district headships) and Hoshi shiki (executive officer of an Imperial demesne) granted by Kokuga (provincial government office), and Shokan shiki (officer entrusted with local management of the private estate) granted by the lord of a private estate (family head or guarantor of manor), as well as Jito shiki (manager and lord of a private estate) granted by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). 例文帳に追加

中世期の武士・在地領主は、ある者は国衙から郡司職・郷司職・保司職としての地位・権利を認められ、ある者は荘園領主(本家・本所)から荘官職に任じられ、またある者は幕府から地頭職を付与された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In spite of some priests' temporarily conversion to the Rinzai sect, Honpuku-ji Temple was deeply trusted by Rennyo, the eighth chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple because Hoju (1397 to 1480) and his son, Myoken (1445-1509), the third and fourth head of the family, respectively, returned to the Jodo Shinshu sect and decided to work for Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

その後一時期臨済宗に改まるものの、3代目にあたる法住(応永4年(1397年)-文明_(日本)12年(1480年))・明顕(4代目、文安2年(1445年)-永正6年(1509年))親子が、浄土真宗に復帰して本願寺に属すると、本願寺8世蓮如からの厚い信任を受けるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Naohiko YAEGASHI's theory, that seeks evidence by backing Umehara's theory on the demise of the Soga clan's head family (Soga no Emishi and Soga no Iruka), and Kazuomi TADA's view, that points to evidence in the death of Prince Otsu, are logically valid although both refer to writings of later times as proof, including "Fusoryakki" and "Yakushiji-Eng". 例文帳に追加

蘇我宗家(蘇我蝦夷・蘇我入鹿)の滅亡にその兆候がみとめられるとする八重樫直比古のような理解や、大津皇子にその発端をみる多田一臣らの説は、『扶桑略記』『薬師寺縁起』のように後世にくだる史料に拠らざるを得ない欠点はあるものの、一定の論拠を有している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was because many shoke, similarly to the employer's household, maintained their territories, their castles as residences, and their vassals and kept their independence from their employer's household to some extent, and this relationship was not a strong one between master and vassals, but, in fact, tended to be more of an alliance with the head of the family as the alliance leader. 例文帳に追加

それは、庶家も主家同様、領土と居城、家臣を養い、主家から一定の独立を保った者も少なくなく、主君と家臣という強固な主従関係というよりは、事実上、宗家を盟主とする同盟関係という性格が強いものであったことによる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even after the lifting of a ban, for Matsugo yoshi to be given approval, the procedure of "Hanmoto Mitodoke", in which the family head was confirmed as alive and his will for adoption was certified by a bakufu official, had to be carried out, which made it not always as straightforward as it could have been. 例文帳に追加

とはいえ、末期養子の認可のためには、幕府から派遣された役人が直接当主の生存と養子縁組の意思を確かめる判元見届(はんもとみとどけ)という手続きが必要であり、無制限に認められたわけではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since around the 10th century, the tax system consisting of the ancient family registration system and handen shuju sei (a system of periodic reallocations of rice land) stipulated by the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code) had almost collapsed, gradually shifting into the kokushi ukeoi system, which made Zuryo (the head of Kokushi [provincial governors] who was sent to local provinces to administer) undertake tax collection in their provinces. 例文帳に追加

10世紀頃から、律令制で規定していた古代の戸籍制度・班田収授による租税制度がほぼ崩壊し、現地派遣の筆頭国司である受領へ租税納入を請け負わせる国司請負制へと移行し始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As seen in relationships among honke (head family), ryoke (lord of the manor), kaihatsu-ryoshu (local notable who developed the land), shokan (officer governing shoen), and jito (manager and lord of manor), dominance relationships involving lands and farmers and also relationships involving rights such as land and profit were related to each other in multiple ways; therefore, the Shoen Koryo system of the Middle Ages was extremely complicated. 例文帳に追加

中世の荘園公領制では、本家-領家-開発領主-荘官-地頭らの関係に見られるように、土地や百姓に対する支配関係、また土地からの収益に関する権利関係が重層的に絡み合っており、著しく複雑な様相を呈していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shozan SATAKE, a feudal lord known for his association with the lord of the Kumamoto clan Shigekata HOSOKAWA who was known for his hot temper, Yoshimi SATAKE, the family head of the Northern House of the Satake clan (the Keeper of Kakunodate-jo Castle), as well as statesmen including Tadakuni TASHIRO, Katsutaka OGITSU, Torakichi SUGAWARA and Torazo SUGAWARA, a painter of the Kubota clan, were all among Naotake's painting disciples. 例文帳に追加

直武の絵画における弟子としては、蘭癖大名として知られる熊本藩主細川重賢とも交流のあった藩主佐竹曙山、北家当主(角館城代)佐竹義躬、藩士田代忠国・荻津勝孝・菅原寅吉、久保田藩御用絵師菅原虎三などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After which, Hidenobu ODA, the legitimate grandson of Nobunaga, took over as head of the family, but he was just a puppet of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and due to the results of the Kiyosu conference, Nobunaga's former territories were all divided and succeeded by his vassals, so the Oda clan itself fell from power and was reduced to the status of an ordinary daimyo. 例文帳に追加

その後、織田氏の家督は信長の嫡孫・織田秀信が継いだが、秀信は豊臣秀吉の傀儡にすぎず、また清洲会議により、信長の旧領はことごとく織田家臣団によって分割相続されたため、織田政権、というより織田氏自体が、政権から単なる一大名に転落してしまったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinobu, who succeeded as head of the Tokugawa family, at first showed the will to participate in the battle himself, but he changed his position and tried to make peace, ending the second attempt to conquer Choshu when Kaishu KATSU from the bakufu side, and Masaomi HIROSAWA and Kaoru INOUE from the Choshu side concluded the armistice in Hiroshima. 例文帳に追加

徳川宗家を相続した慶喜は自ら親征の意志を見せるものの、一転して和睦を模索し、広島で幕府の使者勝海舟と長州の使者広沢真臣・井上馨らの間で停戦協定が結ばれ、第二次長州征伐は終焉を迎えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the decline of Gokenin (shogunal retainers of the Kamakura bakufu) resulted from not only the burden at the time of Mongol invasion attempts against Japan but also the downsizing of mid- and small-scale Gokenin to ultrasmall-scale Gokenin due to the Soryo system (the eldest son system for the succession of the head of the family) referring to division of succession, and from being buffeted by the progress of monetary economy, it was impossible to stop such a big movement. 例文帳に追加

しかし、御家人の凋落は、元寇時の負担だけではなく、惣領制=分割相続制による中小御家人の零細化、そして貨幣経済の進展に翻弄された結果であり、そうした大きな流れを止めることは出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is set in a large shop, and the characters are: Yasunosuke as a master, Yasuzo as a young master, Chisaburo as a branch family (such as master's younger brother), Kosuke as obanto (the head clerk), Naosuke as chubanto (a middle clerk), Mameshichi as kobanto (a lower clerk), Sutekichi as tedai, and Hidematsu as decchi. 例文帳に追加

ここは大店で、主人(だんさん):安之助、若主人(わかだんさん):安造、分家(ごぶんけはん、旦那の弟など):治三郎、大番頭(おおばんとうはん):孝助、中番頭(なかばんとうはん):直助、小番頭(こばんとうはん):豆七、手代:捨吉、丁稚:秀松、とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Sadayori ROKKAKU was the family head (or Jindai, a deputy whose role was to proceed to battlefield on behalf of his load during the Muromachi period thereafter), Rokkaku clan entered into the height of its prosperity such as dominating in effect the Azai clan who was the warring load of Kita Omi Province and being granted the post of Kanrei-dai (representative of a shogunal deputy) by Muromachi Shougunate. 例文帳に追加

六角氏は六角定頼が当主(あるいは陣代)の時代、北近江の戦国大名であった浅井氏を事実上の支配下に置き、さらに室町幕府からも管領代の地位を与えられるなどして全盛期を迎えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yosikata and Yoshiharu, father and son, returned to Kannonji castle through the mediation by Sadahide GAMO and Katahide GAMO, father and son, Yoshitaka and Yoshiharu had to consent to hand over the patrimony to Yoshisada ROKKAKU (Yoshiharu's brother), and furthermore, to clip the power of Rokkaku clan as the family head through signing for "Rokkakushi shikimoku (Rokkaku clan's bunkokuho, laws and standards established by Sengoku daimyo to govern their territories)". 例文帳に追加

蒲生定秀・蒲生賢秀親子の仲介により、義賢・義治親子は観音寺城に復帰することになったが、家督を六角義定(義治の弟)に譲ること、さらに「六角氏式目」に署名して、六角氏の当主権限を縮小することを認めざるを得なくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In twelve days after that, Munenobu HOJO, who was considered the chief of Hikitsukeshu (coadjustors of the high court) as well as a Yoriaishu member (a member of the top decision making organ), and others chased Munekata HOJO, a male cousin of Sadatoki, who was considered chamberlain of the Tokuso family, and a Yoriaishu member as well as Ossotonin (the head of legal institutions of Kamakura bakufu and Muromachi bakufu) and Samurai-dokoro shoshi (Governor of the Board of Retainers). 例文帳に追加

その12日後、引付衆一番頭人で寄合衆と思われる北条宗宣らが貞時の従兄弟で得宗家執事、越訴頭人、幕府侍所所司で寄合衆と思われる北条宗方を追討した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yoritomo had such consciousness, the notion of Tenka at the time did not overcome the recognition of the emperor as a real ruler of the dynasty yet, and in fact, the emperor (or chiten no kimi [supreme ruler] as the head of the Imperial family) was expected to be the president of Tenka in many cases. 例文帳に追加

しかし頼朝がこのような意識をもっていようと、この時期の天下概念はいまだ現実の天皇の王朝支配を克服しきれておらず、天下の主宰者としては天皇(あるいは天皇家の家督者としての治天の君)が期待されている事例が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Heian period, although the Onosaki clan was treated as the hereditary vassal of Satake clan since Michimori ONOSAKI and Michinaga ONOSAKI who were the head family of Onosaki clan had been serving the Satake clan, Onosaki clan established the position as a senior vassal of Satake clan in the 'Battle of Satake'. 例文帳に追加

平安期、小野崎氏宗家の小野崎通盛・小野崎通長が佐竹氏に臣従して以来、小野崎氏は佐竹氏の譜代家臣として遇されてきたが、小野崎氏が佐竹氏の重臣としての地位を確立した戦いが「佐竹の乱」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What really was regarded as Mokkanryo, however, varied from honke shiki (the right which belonged to the head family), geshi (lower ranking officer) to kumon (a local shoen official below the gesu in rank), as it depended on the actual post and responsibility (the post within the manor as well as various rights that came with the responsibility) held by the original owner of the confiscated land. 例文帳に追加

もっとも、没官領の実態は没官された者が持っていた職の体系(荘園内の役職とそれに付随する諸権利)であるため、同じ没官領でも本家職から下司・公文まで様々な内容を有していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yoshitoki protected Shigetada at the time of the rebellion, there was no evidence that he looked after Shigetada's children after his death; Shigetada's wife, who was a sister of Yoshitoki and Masako, was approved to inherit Shigetada's territories, however, she married Yoshizumi ASHIKAGA, who then became head of the Hatayama clan, which in fact ended Shigetada's family line. 例文帳に追加

重忠討伐の際、重忠を擁護したという義時は、その後重忠の遺児を庇護したなどという形跡はなく、重忠の所領は義時・政子の姉妹である重忠の妻に安堵され、その妻は北条氏の縁戚足利義純に再嫁して畠山氏を継承し、重忠の血筋は断絶している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Corresponding to the officials that handled the imposition, there were chokuji (chokuyaku) (tax imposed by the Imperial Court), inji (inyaku) (imposed by In), kokuji (kokuyaku) (imposed by kokushi), shinji (shinyaku) (imposed by Shinto shrine), butsuji (butsuyaku) (imposed by Buddhist temple), tenyaku (provisional imposition for any emergency or construction), honjoyaku (imposed by administrative headquarters of manor), honkeyaku (imposed by head family), azukaridokoroyaku (imposed by custodian), gesuyaku (imposed by lower ranking officer), bukeyaku (general tax imposed in Kamakura and Muromachi Bakufu), jitoyaku (imposed by manager and lord of manor), shugoyaku (imposed by provincial constable) and so on. 例文帳に追加

賦課を行う主体によって、勅事(勅役)・院事(院役)・国事(国役)・神事(神役)・仏事(仏役)・天役・本所役・本家約・預所役・下司役・武家役・地頭役・守護役などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought that the manor was developed by Shami Jumyo before being donated by his grandson Takakata KANOKOGI/KANAKOGI (鹿子) to dazai daini (senior assistant governor-general of Government Headquarters in Kyushu) FUJIWARA no Sanemasa in 1086, and after Sanemasa's downfall, was inherited by FUJIWARA no Kinzane, but his grandson FUJIWARA no Takamichi (a son of Kinzane's daughter) later donated it to Shokudoku-in Temple and subsequently Ninna-ji Temple took on the role of head family. 例文帳に追加

沙弥寿妙が開発し、孫の鹿子木高方が応徳3年に大宰大弐藤原実政に寄進、実政失脚後は藤原公実が伝領し、外孫藤原隆通が勝功徳院に寄進、次いで仁和寺が本家とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kameju ROKKAKU, who is considered to be the family head after Hisayori (there are several theories over the identity of Kameju), belonged to the western army at the turmoil of the Onin War, and in the next generation that of Takayori ROKKAKU, the ninth-generation shogun Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA and the tenth-generation shogun Yoshitane ASHIKAGA sent a punitive expedition to Takayori in 1487. 例文帳に追加

久頼の後に当主であったとみられる六角亀寿(どの人物に比定されるかは諸説ある)は応仁の乱では西軍に属し、その次代の六角高頼の代には、1487年(長享元年)には9代将軍足利義尚、10代足利義稙から討伐を受ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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