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head familyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3414


Like Tadaakira, Yasuto was very generous about bribery and accepted a bribe of 6,000 ryo from Sakyo SENGOKU, hitto karo (the head of chief retainers) of the Sengoku clan of Izushi Domain in Tajima Province; in consequence, he married a daughter of his brother Chikara MATSUDAIRA, a branch family of hatamoto yoriaiseki (a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto) off to Sakyo's son, Kotaro SENGOKU, which later led to his downfall. 例文帳に追加

忠成同様、賄賂には大変鷹揚なところがあり、但馬国出石藩仙石氏の筆頭家老の仙石左京から6,000両もの賄賂を受け取り、その結果、実弟の分家旗本寄合席・松平主税の娘を左京の息子仙石小太郎に嫁がせたが、これがのちに康任失脚の布石となってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sadahide's father, Takasato was a branch family of the Gamo clan, and Sadahide's cousin Hidenori GAMO had been taking over the reigns of head family, but while Hidenori was leaning toward the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), Takasato and Sadahide gained their lord Sadayori ROKKAKU's confidence, and he was given a word "Sada" with the backing of the lord, and identified himself as Sadahide, he attacked Hidenori in 1522, and destroyed Otowa-jo Castle which was the Gamo clan's castle at that time. 例文帳に追加

定秀の父・高郷は蒲生氏の分家で、本家の家督は定秀の従兄弟・蒲生秀紀が継いでいたが、秀紀が室町幕府寄りであったのに対し、高郷・定秀は主君・六角定頼の信任を受けていたため、その後ろ盾を得て「定」の一字を賜って定秀と名乗り、大永2年(1522年)に秀紀を攻撃し、当時の蒲生氏の居城であった音羽城を破却した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Genko War, he is considered to have followed the head family of Ashikaga along with other Kira family members, at Kenmu Restoration, he went down to Kanto region, following Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, younger brother of Takauji ASHIKAGA, and he was appointed as the third tonin (the director) of the six banshu (guards) of Kanto Hisashi ban (people who keep the night watch staying under the eaves of building) in February 1334, getting the assignment to guard Imperial Prince Nariyoshi. 例文帳に追加

元弘の乱では他の吉良一族とともに足利宗家に従ったと考えられ、建武の新政期に足利尊氏の弟・足利直義に従い関東に下向、建武(日本)元年正月(1334年2月)に関東廂番(かんとうひさしばん)六番衆の第三番の頭人に任ぜられ、成良親王警護の任を負った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some of his episodes are included in 'Sangyoan Zasshi' (Journal of Sangyoan), in which Tangen KIMURA, who studied under Tanshin KANO, Tanyu's son, discussed painting; for instance the reason why Nakabashi family took over soke (the head family) was because of Tanyu's consideration to enable Yasunobu to earn his daily bread, which is ill-intended and differs from historical facts; and when a roju (senior councilor) told him and two big brothers to paint, Tanyu said to him, "Watch your expert brothers paint," which humiliated him. 例文帳に追加

探幽の息子の狩野探信に学んだ木村探元の画論書「三暁庵雑志」では、中橋家が宗家を継いだのは、安信が食いはぶれないようにするための探幽の配慮といった、史実と異なる悪意が込められた話や、ある時、三兄弟が老中から絵を描くよう言われた際、探幽に「兄たち妙手が描くのを見ておれ」と申しつけられ恥をかかされたといったエピソードが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Each such name had originally been the childhood name of the founder of the family (so for example, the name Takechiyo had been the first Edo-period Shogun, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's name, while Gorota had been the Owari branch progenitor Yoshinao TOKUGAWA's, Chofukumaru the Kishu branch founder Yorinobu TOKUGAWA's, Tsuruchiyo the Mito branch forefather Yorifusa TOKUGAWA's, and Inuchiyo the Kaga Domain patriarch Toshiie MAEDA's), and each was passed down from family head to the son being groomed as heir, becoming their childhood name in turn; this passing down continued from generation to generation. 例文帳に追加

これらはそれぞれの家の初代当主の幼名であり、(たとえば竹千代は江戸幕府初代征夷大将軍徳川家康の、五郎太は尾張藩祖徳川義直の、長福丸は紀州藩祖徳川頼宣の、鶴千代は水戸藩祖徳川頼房の、犬千代は加賀藩祖前田利家の幼名である)これらは子孫のうち後を継ぐべき嫡男の幼名にもなり、代々受け継がれていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The soryo system was sustained during Kamakura period, but as heavy presence of Kamakura period disappeared, Kenmu government subdivided into south and north as well as the conflict began to rise between the legitimate child and illegitimate child as 天下三分 formed, and illegitimate child and branch family that was on the winning side started to surpassed the head family of the main line. 例文帳に追加

それでも惣領制は鎌倉時代にはともかくも維持されていたが、鎌倉幕府という重しが消滅し、建武政権が南北に分列し、更に天下三分の形勢となるに及んで、嫡子、庶子の分裂も見られるようになり、更には勝った側についた庶子・庶家(しょけ)が嫡流の宗家を凌駕する事態も訪れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Satoyasu worked as the head of a police magistrate in the Gamo family, which held the position of chief retainer to perform political duties from the time when Ujisasato received additional estates after the Kunohe War, but there were many who antagonistic to each other within the family as he came into the hair-trigger situation with the chief retainers Satoyoshi and Satonari GAMO in Aizu, while Ujisato raised the army and traveled to Nagoya during the Bunroku War. 例文帳に追加

九戸の乱後に氏郷が加増された頃から、蒲生家における家老職にあたる仕置奉行の筆頭として政務を執っていた郷安であったが、文禄の役で氏郷が名護屋に出陣している際に、会津で重臣の蒲生郷可、蒲生郷成らと一触即発の自体を招くなど、家中では対立する人々が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This registration system not only served as a starting point of "rokunen-ichizo" (literally, "one creation in six years) in which family registers were created every six years thereafter, but also made it possible to see the direct composition of each household by organizing households in terms of fifty households in ichi-ri on an administrative basis and describing each family member's name, age and relation to the household head in detail, and served as a ledger to conduct Handen Shuju (a regulation of land ownership) and jinto kazei (poll taxation). 例文帳に追加

同戸籍は、その後の六年に一度作成するという「六年一造」の造籍の出発点になっただけでなく、五十戸一里を基準に行政的に戸を編成して、その戸内の家族(戸口)の名・年齢・戸主との続柄などを詳述したことによって、個々の家族構成を直接的に把握することを可能にし、それを基に班田収授を行い、人頭課税をする台帳の機能も果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore Ie seido had a side that rights of family members were sacrificed by rights of a head of a family, so, since this goes against Article 24 of the Constitution of Japan, according to Act on emergency measures of Civil Code (民法応急措置に関する法律) (In 1947, law no.74) Ie seido was abolished on the day of enforcement of the Constitution of Japan (May 3, 1947). 例文帳に追加

このように、家制度には家を統括する戸主の権限により家族の権利が犠牲にされる側面があったため、日本国憲法第24条等に反するとして、日本国憲法の施行に伴う民法の応急的措置に関する法律(昭和22年法律第74号)により、日本国憲法の施行日(1947年5月3日)に廃止された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The seventh son of Munetake TOKUGAWA of the Tayasu family, Masamaru (later Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA), was famous for his intelligence since childhood and considered to be a successor, but roju Okitsugu TANUMA, an influential person in those times, and Harusada TOKUGAWA (the head of Hitotsubashi family) who backed up his son Ienari TOKUGAWA made him being adopted as a son of Sadakuni MATSUDAIRA, the lord of Shirakawa Domain in Mutsu Province. 例文帳に追加

田安家徳川宗武の七男・松平定信(後の松平定信)が幼少の頃から英明を謳われ、後継と目されたが、時の権力者・老中田沼意次や、子の徳川家斉(後の家斉)を推す徳川治済(一橋家当主)らの画策で、陸奥国白河藩主・松平定邦の養子にさせられたとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sixteenth head of the Konoe family, Sakihisa KONOE (the pseudonym Ozan, 1536 - 1612), who served as Kanpaku over the periods of the demise of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), Honnoji Incident (a battle in which Nobunaga was killed), and the foundation of Tokugawa Shogunate, led a turbulent life serving as Kanpaku to move to Echigo (the Niigata region) to make an alliance with Kenshin UESUGI, also took a good care of the family treasure of documents and evacuated them to Sakamoto at the foot of Mt. Hiei. 例文帳に追加

16代当主近衛前久(さきひさ、号は応山、1536年–1612年)は、室町幕府の崩壊、本能寺の変、徳川幕府成立という激動の時代に関白を務め、関白の職にありながら、上杉謙信と同盟を結んで越後に赴くなど数奇な生涯を送った人物であるが、彼も家伝文書の保存には意を払い、文書を比叡山の麓の坂本に疎開させたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Partly due to the successive premature deaths of their family heads, the power of the Mori clan was once weakened; however, when Motonari MORI (the 52nd) became the family head, he actively used his knowledge and strategies that enabled the clan to purge conflicts between families and tyrannical vassals and destroyed enemy forces, including the Takahashi clan of the Iwami Province, he further extended his power by taking over the powerful kokujin, Yoshikawa clan in the Aki Province and the Kobayakawa clan in the Bingo Province by the way of adoption. 例文帳に追加

毛利氏は当主の夭折が続いたこともあり、勢力は一時衰えたが、興元の弟である毛利元就(52代)が当主となると、元就はその知略を尽くし一族の反乱や横暴な家臣を粛清、石見国の高橋氏など敵対勢力を滅ぼし、さらに有力国人である安芸国の吉川氏と備後国の小早川氏を養子により乗っ取るなど、勢力を拡大。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kuniuji IMAGAWA, the second son of Osauji KIRA who founded the Kira family as the first illegitimate child of Yoshiuji ASHIKAGA (the third head of ASHIKAGA family), was given Imagawa no sho (the current Imagawacho, Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture), Aomi County, Mikawa Province) and called himself Shiro IMAGAWA (or it is said that Kuniuji was a nephew of Osauji and became an adopted son). 例文帳に追加

足利義氏(足利家3代目当主)の庶長子として吉良家を興した吉良長氏の2男である今川国氏が、吉良氏の所領から三河国碧海郡今川荘(いまがわのしょう、現在の愛知県西尾市今川町周辺)を分与され、今川四郎を称したのに始まる(あるいは国氏は長氏の甥で、養子になったとも言う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The position of 'Soke', or Grand Master, who was in charge of "Kyuho" and the Ogasawara style of etiquette, was passed down in Soryo-ke (the main branch of the family) for generations, but in 1562, to prevent the horseback archery technique from dying out, the 17th head of the family, Nagatoki OGASAWARA, and his son Sadayoshi OGASAWARA, who as daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period were involved in fierce battles against Shingen TAKEDA, handed the art of "kyuho", the family geneology and records to their cousin, Tsunenaga OGASAWARA, entrusting him with passing on the arts of archery, horsemanship and courtesy. 例文帳に追加

小笠原家は代々、総領家(本家)が糾法および小笠原流礼法全般をとりしきり「宗家」となっていたが、惣領家十七代の小笠原長時とその子小笠原貞慶は、戦国大名として武田信玄らと壮絶な戦を繰り広げる中、弓馬礼法の伝統を絶やさないため、永禄5年(1562年)、従兄弟筋にあたる小笠原経長に糾法的伝と系図、記録を携え、弓馬術礼法の道統を託した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the part of an assassination of Kamo SERIZAWA, the head of the group, stated in "Roshi (masterless samurai) Bunkyu Era Patriotism Articles" and "Shinsengumi Tenmatsuki"that were written by Shinpachi NAGAKURA, a top official of Shinsengumi, and in "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki" and "Shinsengumi Ibun" (Curious stories about Shinsengumi) that were written based on the stories heard from Tamesaburo YAGI (the son of Yagi family in which Shinsengumi quartered) by Kan SHIMOZAWA, a novelist, in the Showa period, she appeared as a woman who was present at the Yagi's house, when Kamo SERIZAWA, the head of the group, was assassinated. 例文帳に追加

新撰組幹部永倉新八が書き残した『浪士文久報国記事』、『新選組顛末記』や昭和になって小説家の子母澤寛が八木為三郎(新撰組が屯所としていた八木家の子息)からの聞き書き『新撰組始末記』『新撰組遺聞』で筆頭局長芹沢鴨暗殺事件の際に事件の現場の八木家に居合わせた女性として登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His children included Kinmune TOIN, Kino OGURA (originator of Ogura family), Kinmori TOIN, Sadakatsu (head of Daigo-ji Temple), Morie (To-ji choja), Jijun (the head priest of Hossho-ji Temple), Kyogokuin Kitsuhi Toin (empress of Emperor Kameyama), Genkimonin Toin Inshi (wife of Emperor Gofukakusa), Emperor Gofukakusa Kishi TOIN (wife of Emperor Fushimi), wife of Motohira KONOE, wife of Mototada TAKATSUKASA, wife of Kinchika SANJO. 例文帳に追加

子に洞院公宗・小倉公雄(小倉家の祖)・洞院公守・定勝(醍醐寺座主)・守恵(東寺長者)・慈順(法性寺座主)・京極院洞院佶子(亀山天皇皇后)・玄輝門院洞院愔子(後深草天皇妃)・顕親門院洞院季子(伏見天皇妃)・近衛基平室・鷹司基忠室・三条公親室らがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As symbolized by the fact that Kichizaemon was called "Kacho-sama," extremely high respect was accorded to the Kichizaemon, from the high-ranking position of head of the directors down to the rank and file, and the successive Kichizaemon elevated the Sumitomo name through the cultural enterprise on one hand while on the other hand trying to raise the corporate morale as the family head and president of the Zaibatsu main company. 例文帳に追加

吉左衛門を「家長様」と呼んでいた事に象徴されるように、上は総理事から下は一般社員までに至る吉左衛門に対する敬愛の念はすこぶる高く、歴代吉左衛門もまた、一方では文化事業を通じて住友の名を高め、他方では家長・財閥本社社長として企業モラルの引き締めの任に当たっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, Morotada NIJO asked his older brother Dogen, who had experience as tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect), for help and introduced sokuikanjo, a new ritual, on the occasion of the enthronement of the Emperor Fushimi intending to escape from difficult situation which the Nijo Family was forced to suffer and to compete with other members of Gosekke (the five families of the Fujiwara clan whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho and kanpaku). 例文帳に追加

そのため、二条師忠は兄であり、天台座主を勤めた経験もある道玄の協力を仰ぎ、伏見天皇即位時に即位灌頂という新たなる儀式を始め、二条家が置かれた苦境から脱し、他の五摂家と対抗することをもくろんだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, in 1687, at the enthronement of Emperor Higashiyama, a large dispute arose because Tsunahira NIJO, the head of the Nijo family at that time, was Gon Dainagon at the age of 16, and he was only three years old when his father Mitsuhira JIJO died, so it was doubted whether he was taught details of inmyodenju from his father. 例文帳に追加

続いて1687年の東山天皇即位の際は、時の二条家当主の二条綱平が当時、まだ16歳の若さで権大納言であり、しかも父である二条光平が死去した時、二条綱平はまだ3歳で、印明伝授の内容を父から伝えられたかどうか疑念を持たれたことから、大きな争論となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kono clan was the head family of what used to be a powerful clan, but by the time Ippen was born, it no longer had the influence it once had, due in part to the exile of his grandfather Michinobu KONO to Mutsu Province in response to his having joined the Kyogata (the group that took the side of the Imperial court, which was located in Kyoto) during the Jokyu War of 1221, which brought the clan to ruin. 例文帳に追加

有力氏族であった本家の河野氏は、承久3年(1221年)の承久の乱で京方について祖父の河野通信が陸奥国に配流されるなどして没落し、一遍が生まれた頃にはかつての勢いを失っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sansenke was established as follows; Sosa KOSHIN, who was the third son of the third head of Omotesenke, SEN no Sotan, inherited the family estate and founded Fushin-an Omotesenke; Sotan's fourth son, Soshitsu SENSO, inherited the retreat of Sotan and founded Konnichi-an Urasenke; and the second son, Soshu ICHIO, who had been once adopted and had left the house, came back to Senke and called himself Kankyu-an Mushanokojisenke. 例文帳に追加

表千家三代千宗旦の三男江岑宗左が家督を継承し不審菴表千家となり、宗旦の隠居所を四男仙叟宗室が継ぎ今日庵裏千家となり、さらに一度養子に出ていた次男一翁宗守が千家に戻り官休庵武者小路千家を称し、三千家が成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, Motoyasu YAMAWAKI, the twelfth married a daughter of Mototeru YAMAWAKI, the eleventh, becoming an heir to the Soke family: however, he was unable to bring the school together due to love affairs and lack of talent, and in the end, he retired from Kyogen, leaving the Izumi school without a Soke head. 例文帳に追加

その後、十二世山脇元康が十一世の遺子と縁組みをして宗家を継承したものの、女性問題や芸力の不足によって流内の統一をはかることができず、ついに狂言を廃して、和泉流は宗家不在の状態となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the head Konparu family just barely continued to perform Noh in Nara and a few other places after the Meiji Restoration, Banma (later Sajin) SAKURAMA had some success during this time of crisis for the school and was admired as one of the 'three masters of Meiji,' being equal to Kuro HOSHO and Minoru UMEWAKA. 例文帳に追加

明治維新後、金春宗家は奈良などで細々と演能を続けているにすぎなかったが、こうした流儀の危機にあって一人気を吐いたのが、宝生九郎、梅若実とともに「明治の三名人」といわれた桜間伴馬(後に左陣)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Houn NARUSE () who was a highly ranked disciple of Shingoro SUGAWARA (), a merchant patronized by Satake family of Kubota Domain, started the class of chato (an offering of tea and hot water made to Buddha or the spirit of the deceased) at Rinsen-ji Temple in Tokyo, and the wife of the chief priest of the Rinsen-ji Temple, Shingetsu FUKUI (福井), succeeded Houn NARUSE to establish and serve as the first head of the Rinsen group. 例文帳に追加

久保田藩佐竹家の御用商人菅原新五郎から、その高弟成瀬峯雲が東京で茶湯の教場を開いたのが林泉寺であり、その林泉寺の住職夫人が成瀬峯雲の後をついで林泉派を創てたのが初代家元の福井心月である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The pictures of the front stage of Yasukuni-jinja Shrine (formerly, Mt. Momiji) at Kudan in Tokyo were painted by a painter living in Kyoto; the pictures of the stage in a villa of the Hosokawa clan at Fujimi-cho, Kojimachi in Tokyo were painted by Shosen KONDO; the pictures of the stage of the Umewaka head family at Minami-motomachi, Asakusa in Tokyo wee painted by Shuka TSUCHIYA; and the pictures of the stage for Kamakura-nohgaku-kai society in Sasamegayatsu, Kamakura were painted by Hyakusui HIRAFUKU. 例文帳に追加

東京九段の靖国神社(旧紅葉山)舞台は京都の某画家、東京麹町富士見町の細川公別邸舞台は近藤樵仙、東京浅草南元町の梅若宗家舞台は土屋秀禾、鎌倉笹目谷の鎌倉能楽会舞台は平福百穂による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In light of the above, the government put the postal service in place, constructed the railway system, developed export industries (with an example being Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill)) (encouragement of new industry) and implemented conscription (which, since the household head was exempt from this legislation and the other sons of the family or male members of the poor peasant class were drafted into military service, caused the blood tax revolt (anti-conscription revolt)). 例文帳に追加

このため、郵便制度の整備、鉄道の敷設、輸出産業の育成(一例が富岡製糸場)を行い(殖産興業)、徴兵制を実施した(戸主は徴兵を免除されたので、主に戸主以外の次三男層や貧農層の子弟が兵役を担った為、血税一揆が起きた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) from about 1283, the rule of naming the Shogun from the Imperial family as "Kubo," "Gokenin" (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) as "Kubo no hitobito" (Kubo people), and "Kanto Goryo" (the Shogun's demesne) as "Kubo Goryo" was adopted in consideration of such names as Tokuso (the patrimonial head of the main branch of the Hojo clan), Miuchibito (private vassals of the tokuso), and "Miuchi Goryo" (Tokuso's demesne) in the Hojo regency. 例文帳に追加

更に鎌倉幕府においても弘安6年(1283年)頃より、執権北条氏の得宗・御内人・御内御領に対抗して、皇族将軍を「公方」・御家人を「公方人々」・関東御領を「公方御領」と呼称する規定が成立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the early Muromachi period, the bakufu was controlled by both of Shogun Takauji and Tadayoshi, his younger brother, but since the head of Samuraidokoro was KO no Moroyasu, the elder brother of KO no Moronao who was the steward of the Ashikaga family, it is considered that Samuraidokoro was an organization controlled directly by the shogun. 例文帳に追加

初期の室町幕府は将軍尊氏と実弟直義の2頭体制であったが、侍所頭人は足利家執事の高師直の兄にあたる高師泰であることから、侍所は将軍直轄機関であったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the Nosenkata was abolished along with the dissolution of the Muromachi bakufu in 1573, the system of Nosenkata is thought to be absorbed by the Oda administration, because Shojitsubo Joun, the family head of Shojitsubo at that time, was continuously appointed by Nobunaga ODA to the post for collecting taxes. 例文帳に追加

納銭方は天正元年(1573年)の室町幕府解体とともに廃止されるが、当時の正実坊の当主であった正実坊掟運は織田信長によってそのまま徴税担当に起用されており、その仕組みは織田政権によって吸収されていったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The lord in Obama Domain (the Sakai clan) was not regarded as kunimochi in light of the balance with the head family, or the Sakai clan of the Himeji Domain, in spite of possessing Wakasa Province and Tsuruga District, Echizen Province (however, it is said that Tadakatsu SAKAI (the lord of Obama Domain of Wakasa Province) became kunimochi for one generation only by appointment by Iemitsu TOKUGAWA). 例文帳に追加

小浜藩(酒井氏)は若狭一国および越前敦賀郡を領するも本家である姫路藩酒井氏との吊りあいから国持とはされない(ただし酒井忠勝(若狭国小浜藩主)は徳川家光により一代限りの国持となったとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the period drama "Mito Komon", which depicts Mitukuni TOKUGAWA's journey through various districts in the nation on the basis of the fact that the head of Mito-Tokugawa family, one of the gosanke, was called "the world famous vice-shogun" although it was common saying, he was portrayed as "world famous vice shogun" and "former vice shogun" (because he resigned his post and was retired). 例文帳に追加

俗説とはいえ御三家の一つ水戸徳川家の当主が「天下の副将軍」などと称されたことを元に、徳川光圀の諸国漫遊の旅を描いた時代劇「水戸黄門」では光圀を「天下の副将軍」「前の副将軍」(水戸藩主の地位を譲って隠居の身であるので)として描いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "bangashira" or "banto" at a samurai family enjoyed the highest status and reputation in the military sector and was called the "oban gashira" chiefly during the Edo shogunate, serving as the head of security for Ote-mon Gate (Main Gate) of the Edo Castle, as well as a captain in charge of the bakufu troop and of the cavalry in times of war or military campaign. 例文帳に追加

武家における番頭(ばんがしら・ばんとう)とは、主に江戸幕府にあっては大番頭と呼ばれ、平時は江戸城大手門をはじめ、江戸城の警備隊長として、また有時及び行軍に際しては幕府軍の備並びに騎馬隊指揮官(侍大将)として、番方(軍事部門)で最高の格式を誇った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Ishikawamaro was a member of the Soga clan, he was hostile to the head family of the Soga clan, including Emishi and Iruka, and he conspired with anti-Soga forces, including Naka no Oe no Oji (a.k.a. Katsuragi no Miko, who later became Emperor Tenchi) and FUJIWARA no Kamatari, to support the Isshi no Hen (the Murder in the Year of Isshi or the assassination of SOGA no Iruka), which took place in 645. 例文帳に追加

石川麻呂は蘇我氏の一族でありながら蝦夷、入鹿らの蘇我氏本宗家とは敵対しており、中大兄皇子(葛城皇子、後の天智天皇)、藤原鎌足らの反蘇我勢力と共謀して、皇極天皇4年(645年)に起きた乙巳の変(蘇我入鹿暗殺事件)に加担した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The father, and the head of the family, Imperial Prince Takahito stayed away from political activities after he was allowed to appear in public, however Emperor Meiji had complete trust in Imperial Prince Taruhito and other people who were against the bakufu also trusted him as well, Takamori SAIGO and others let the Prince know about a planned coup, in advance, for the restoration of imperial rule. 例文帳に追加

当主である父・幟仁親王は謹慎解除後は政治活動から距離をおいたが、明治天皇の信任と倒幕派の人望が篤い熾仁親王は、王政復古のクーデター計画も西郷隆盛等から事前に知らされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, in the Imperial Family's ceremony called Sojoden no Gi, the coffin was moved to the Sokaren (a palanquin for an emperor with a good omen decoration in a leek flower head shape on its rooftop) from the hearse before they formed a new funeral procession, and then the palanquin with the coffin inside was laid in state at the funeral hall after the procession arrived at the hall. 例文帳に追加

皇室の儀式(葬場殿の儀)として霊柩が轜車(じしゃ霊柩車)から葱華輦(そうかれん:天皇が用いる屋上に葱坊主形の吉祥飾りを着けた輿)に遷され、徒歩の葬列を組んで葬場殿に到着し、霊輦(霊柩がおさめられた葱華輦)が葬場殿に安置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The parade of the Emperor heading to Kyoto consisted of two army captains at the head, following a palanquin which the divine mirror of Kashikodokoro (Imperial Sanctuary) enshrined, a coach-and-six which Emperor Showa rode, a coach-and-four which Empress Kojun rode, a coach of the Naidaijin (minister of the center) (Nobuaki MAKINO), a representative of royal family, and the Prime Minister (Giichi TANAKA). 例文帳に追加

京都へ向かう天皇の行列は2名の陸軍大尉を先頭に賢所の神鏡を奉安した御羽車、昭和天皇の乗る6頭立て馬車・香淳皇后の乗る4頭立て馬車・皇族代表・内大臣(牧野伸顕)・内閣総理大臣(田中義一)の馬車と続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shizuo KATSUMATA expresses the following opinion regarding Yoshitatsu's succession to Dosan's family: Dosan's ruthless behavior caused dissatisfaction among his leading retainers, who, in turn, instigated a political change that supported Yoshitatsu, and as a result, Dosan was merely driven out of his position as the head of the clan. 例文帳に追加

勝俣鎮夫は道三から義竜への家督譲渡の背景には、実はこうした残酷な道三の姿勢に不満を抱いた重臣達によって義竜を擁した政変が引き起こされて、道三はそれによって当主の座を追われたにすぎないとする説を唱えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because FUJIWARA no Fuhito was still too young at the time, it is likely that Kamatari's cousin and son-in-law, NAKATOMI no Omimaro, assumed responsibility as the head of the clan in order to govern it as a temporary successor until Fuhito was ready to take on the leadership; additionally, other members of the Nakatomi family were permitted to use the title FUJIWARA no Asomi until Fuhito was old enough. 例文帳に追加

その際藤原不比等がまだ若かった事もあって鎌足の従兄弟で娘婿でもあった中臣意美麻呂が不比等が成長するまでの中継ぎとして暫定的に氏上となったらしく、それ以外の成員にも不比等が成長するまで暫定的に藤原朝臣が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The forces of the Yamana clan, however, grew much more rapidly than Katsumoto had expected, and Katsumoto considered the expansion of Sozen’s power dangerous; therefore, when rivalry for the head of the family (the Buei disturbance) occurred in the Shiba clan, Katsumoto supported Yoshitoshi SHIBA, who fought against Yoshikane SHIBA, while Sozen supported Yoshikane SHIBA as they were related by marriage. 例文帳に追加

しかし山名氏の勢力が勝元の想像以上に急速に拡大したため、勝元は宗全の勢力拡大を危険視するようになり、斯波氏の家督争い(武衛騒動)でも姻戚関係から斯波義廉を支持する宗全に対し、勝元は義廉と対立する斯波義敏を支持した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June of 1507, after Masamoto was killed by Motonaga KOZAI and Nagatada YAKUSHIJI, the chief retainers of individuals who supported Sumiyuki, Sumimoto organized an army with the intention of attacking Sumiyuki in August of that year, which Takakuni joined, making a huge contribution to Sumimoto and supporting his bid to become the head of the HOSOKAWA family (Confusion of Eisho). 例文帳に追加

永正4年(1507年)6月、政元が澄之派の重臣・香西元長や薬師寺長忠らによって殺されると、8月に澄元は澄之討伐の兵を挙げたが、このときに高国は澄元を支持して討伐に貢献し、澄元の家督相続を承認した(永正の錯乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Warring States Period, control of Kanto was gradually taken over by the newly arising force of the Gohojo clan, and the head of the Yamanouchi-Uesugi family, Norimasa UESUGI, passed on the Uesugi name to Kagetora NAGAO (later Kenshin UESUGI) of the Nagao clan, who was gaining power as the Governor of Echigo. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)には関東における覇権を、次第に新興勢力である後北条氏に押され、山内上杉家の当主上杉憲政は、越後守護代として勢力を台頭させていた長尾氏の長尾景虎(後の上杉謙信)に上杉の名跡を譲った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kenshin UESUGI based himself in Echigo and expanded his territory into Kanto and the Hokuriku Region, but after his death, a fight to become the head of the family (Otate War) developed between his two adopted sons, Kagekatsu UESUGI and Kagetora UESUGI, and because of this turmoil they lost their territories in the Kanto Region. 例文帳に追加

上杉謙信は、越後を拠点として領国を関東と北陸地方に拡大したが、その死後、二人の養子上杉景勝と上杉景虎の間で家督争い(御館の乱)が起こり、この混乱によって関東地方の領国を喪失した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Gyokuyo", the diary of Kanezane KUJO, Sukemori is described as being the individual who was to succeed to the position of head of the family, and from the fact that he had already surpassed TAIRA no Koremori, who is thought to have been his older brother by a different mother, in official rank before December of the same year, it is considered that he was treated as Shigemori's heir from the beginning. 例文帳に追加

この時の九条兼実の日記『玉葉』には資盛を「嫡男」と記されており、また同年12月以前においては異母兄であるとされている平維盛よりも官位で上回っていた事から当初は重盛の嫡男として扱われていたと見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He took over from FUJIWARA no Nagate, his uncle, as the main line of the Northern House and, unlike his father, who was from a branch family and therefore unable to become a minister, he reached the rank of Udaijin (Minister of the Right), which is one rank higher than that of his father, serving as the head of the government from the early days of Emperor Heizei's reign to the beginning of the reign of Emperor Saga. 例文帳に追加

伯父である藤原永手系に代わって北家の嫡流となり、傍流ゆえに大臣になれなかった父・真楯より一階級上の右大臣に至り、平城天皇朝~嵯峨天皇朝初期にかけて台閣の首班を務めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The head of Kamachi area was also a descendant of TACHIBANA no Kiyomori, who showed fine performance during the subjugation of FUJIWARA no Sumitomo; when MINAMOTO no Hisanao of Saga-Genji (Minamoto clan) became the Jitoshiki (steward) of Kamachi in the Kamakura period, he married the daughter of the Tachibana clan of the Chikugo Province, a descendant of TACHIBANA no Kiyomori; their family named themselves the Kamachi clan and wielded power. 例文帳に追加

蒲池の領主もまた藤原純友追討に功のあった橘公頼の子孫であり、鎌倉時代に嵯峨源氏の源久直が蒲池の地頭職になって赴任し、橘公頼の子孫の筑後の橘氏の娘婿となり、その勢力を背景にして蒲池氏を名のる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After gaining Yoshinaka's trust by submitting his daughter, FUJIWARA no Ishi, as his concubine, he succeeded in appointing Moroie, who was then only 12 years old, to the position of Junii (Junior Second Rank), Sessho (Regent), Naidaijin (the minister of interior), and Toshi choja (a head of the Fujiwara Family) in Novenmber of the same year and recovered from Motomichi the initiative inside Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents). 例文帳に追加

娘の藤原伊子を義仲の側室として差し出しその信を得ると、同年11月、わずか12歳の師家を従二位・摂政・内大臣・藤氏長者の地位につけることに成功し、基通から摂関家内部における主導権を奪還した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once the peace was established, however, Noritane was no longer able to declare himself the head of the Chiba clan, so he was against this peace negotiation together with Kageharu NAGAO, who repeatedly attempted to exact revenge on the Yamanouchi-Uesugi family throughout his life, and his nominal lord was still Shigeuji ASHIKAGA but he decided firmly to prevent Shigeuji from returning to the Koga Imperial Palace. 例文帳に追加

しかし和議が整うと孝胤は千葉氏当主を自称できなくなり、山内上杉家に終生復讐を繰り返した長尾景春とともに、和議に反対し名目上は足利成氏を主君としながらもその古河御所への帰城は阻止する方針を固めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after Masamune DATE, the son of Terumune (his lawful wife was Princess Ai, the daughter of Kiyoaki TAMURA) took over as head of the family in 1584, Masamune sided with the Tamura clan and attacked Sadatsuna, one of such attacks being a clean sweep of opponents in Odemori-jo Castle; thus Sadatsuna abandoned Obama-jo Castle and escaped to Nihonmatsu (a town in Adachi District), and then relied upon the Ashina clan of Aizu Province. 例文帳に追加

しかし、1584年に輝宗の子・伊達政宗(正室は田村清顕の娘・愛姫)が家督を継ぐと、政宗は田村氏に加担して定綱を攻撃し、小手森城で撫で斬りを行うなどしたため、定綱は小浜城を放棄して二本松へ逃れ、ついで会津の蘆名氏を頼った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to a record on posterity, 'Sonyumonjo' in 1688, he got married to the granddaughter of Sokei TANAKA, and later set up a studio for creating ceramics with Sokei, his eldest son, Tanaka Syozaemon Somi, and his second son, Kichizaemon Rakujokei who became the second head of Raku Kichizaemon family later. 例文帳に追加

後世の記録「宗入文書」(元禄元年(1688年))の伝えるところによると、妻に田中宗慶の孫娘を迎え、後に宗慶とその長男・田中庄左衛門宗味、次男・吉左衛門楽常慶(後に樂吉左衛門家二代当主)らとともに工房を構えて作陶を行なった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While he frequently visited Kai Province, at the time of succession by Shingen TAKEDA (Shingen) to the position of family head, he, along with Sanezumi SANJONISHI, conveyed Rinshi (a document from Emperor) ("Tokitsugu Kyoki" (Dairy of Tokitsugu YAMASHINA) and "Reizei Tamekazu shu") and in Kofu, renga-kai (a gathering of linked verse) was held at Sekisui-ji Temple with attendance of chief guests including Suetoo. 例文帳に追加

また甲斐国にも度々下向しており、天文15年(1546年)5月の武田信玄(信玄)の家督相続に際しては三条西実澄と後奈良天皇倫旨を伝達し(『言継卿記』『冷泉為和集』)、甲府では積翠寺において季遠らを主客に連歌会が催されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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