
「premium」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(28ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The system receives the personal data of the insured person as well as a long- term blood sugar control index which is consulted at a medical institution on the server through the communication network to determine the insurance premium for the insured person at a rate which is previously established in accordance with the obtained personal data and the long-term blood sugar control index through the server.例文帳に追加

被保険者の個人データを通信ネットワークを介してサーバで受け付けるとともに、被保険者が受診した医療機関からの被保険者についての長期血糖コントロール指標をサーバで受け付け、サーバが、得られた個人データと長期血糖コントロール指標とに応じて予め設定された料率で被保険者に対する契約保険料を決定する。 - 特許庁

Therefore, the game player who desires to photograph the premium character 5b by a cellular phone 200 is given the opportunity to photograph in a desired timing in the process of performing the big prize end presentation by placing his hand over the stop switch 25a, so that the game player's motivation for the game can be further improved by enhancing the interest to the game.例文帳に追加

従って、携帯電話機200によるプレミアムキャラクタ5bの撮影を希望する遊技者は、停止スイッチ25aに手をかざすことによって大当り終了演出実行中の所望のタイミングで撮影を行う機会が与えられるので、遊技の興趣を高めることにより遊技者における遊技意欲の一層の向上を図ることができる。 - 特許庁

A temporary annual premium deposit, the minimum bid price and expected final acquisition sum of an option to be contributed from a fund are calculated based on various conditions such as a standard risk apportionment showing the total sum of a fund and the covering percentage of an option section for the covering sum of a whole fund (S12).例文帳に追加

本発明は、ファンドの総額及びファンド全体の補填金額に対するオプション部分の補填割合を示す標準リスク按分率などの諸条件に基づいて、ファンドから拠出する仮年間プレミアム積立額、オプションの最低入札価格及び予想最終獲得金額を算出する(S12)。 - 特許庁

To provide a merchandise sale/purchase system capable of promptly and exactly setting a sale history, quality of merchandise and a purchase price corresponding to a market price when the merchandise is purchased and further reducing the probability that a customer suffer from a loss about the purchase of premium merchandise.例文帳に追加

本発明は、商品の買取を実行する際、商品の販売経緯及び商品の程度、そして市場価値が反映された買取価格を迅速、且つ的確に設定することができ、さらには、プレミアム商品の買取について、顧客が不利益を被る事態の発生を低減することができる商品販売買取システムを提供する。 - 特許庁


Then, in such game setting, with the continuous detection of a player playing the game for prescribed time by a player detection means such as a touch switch as an imparting condition further, a prescribed privilege is imparted to the player, that is, a premium image is displayed (steps S501, 502).例文帳に追加

そして、このような遊技設定において、更に、遊技を行なっている遊技者がタッチスイッチ等の遊技者検出手段によって所定時間継続して検出されたことを付与条件として、遊技者に対して所定の特典を付与する、すなわち、プレミア画像を表示するようになっている(ステップS501,502)。 - 特許庁


To provide a health condition management system in which biological information of a subject can be acquired substantially simultaneously with acquisition of authentication information of the subject, and the health condition of the subject can be objectively digitized, and a health condition management method, an insurance premium calculation system, and a consumable member supply system therefor.例文帳に追加

被検体の認証情報を取得した時点で、略同時的に被検体の生体情報を取得することができ、被検体の健康状態を客観的に数値化することができる健康状態管理システム、健康状態管理方法、保険料算定システム及び消耗部材供給システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

When an insurance contract is added up online via an agency terminal 4 or a multifunctional ATM 9 connected to an insurance company host computer 2 via a network, a settlement amount found by subtracting the agency commission from the insurance premium is determined instantly, and transfer of this settlement amount is carried out through debit card settlement, credit card settlement, firm banking transfer, or money receipt from the multifunctional ATM 9.例文帳に追加

保険会社ホストコンピュータ2とネットワークで接続された代理店端末4又は多機能ATM9から保険契約をオンライン計上することによって保険料から代理店手数料を控除した精算額を即時に確定し、当該精算額の送金を、デビットカード決済、クレジットカード決済、ファームバンキング振込、又は多機能ATM9からの入金によって実行する。 - 特許庁

The content of insurance determined based on condition data on the condition of the insured object is adjusted by use of the degree of insurant's approach to reacquisition of the condition data and the degree of insurant's approach to reduction of the risk of the insured object, so that the premium for the insured object, the risk of which reduces in the future, is set appropriately.例文帳に追加

本発明は、保険対象の状態を取得した状態データに基づいて決定される保険内容を、前記状態データの再取得に対する保険契約者側の取組度合いや、保険対象のリスクを低減するための保険契約者側の取組度合いを用いて調整することにより、将来的にリスクの低くなる保険対象に対して保険料を適切に設定することを図ったものである。 - 特許庁

The concept of Premium Outlets has won extensive support from consumers in Japan as people can enjoy shopping all day long in them, surrounded in an extraordinary atmosphere where a variety of products, including famous domestic and foreign brands, are available at low prices. As a result, Chelsea Japan is steadily fostering a consumer market in Japan.例文帳に追加

非日常的な空間の中で、内外の有名ブランド品をはじめとした幅広い品揃えかつ格安価格でショッピングが1日中楽しめるという「プレミアム・アウトレット」のコンセプトは、日本の消費者にも広く支持されており、チェルシーによる日本の消費者市場の開拓は順調に進んでいる。 - 経済産業省


Furthermore, a "contest" is defined as the system by which a beneficiary of the premiums is selected and/or the premium amount is determined (1) through use of a lottery or other random selection; or (2) through judging the superiority or correctness of certain acts (Restrictions Concerning the Provision of Premiums by means of Prize Offers; Notice of the Fair Trade Commission, No.3, March 1, 1977). 例文帳に追加

また、「懸賞」とは、①くじその他偶然性を利用して定める方法、又は②特定の行為の優劣又は正誤によって定める方法によって景品類の提供の相手方又は提供する景品類の価額を定めることをいう(「懸賞による景品類の提供に関する事項の制限」(昭和52年3月1日公正取引委員会告示第3号))。 - 経済産業省


And, these activities have surely had an effect on increasing the amount of tourists from Asia. In connection with promotional activities for luring overseas high income class people seeking consumption of high quality products, which are carried out for the purpose of effectively promoting the Japan’s position as aPremium Destination,”87 the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, in collaboration with each other, participated for the first time in the “International Luxury Travel Marketconvened in France in December, 2007.例文帳に追加

日本の「プレミアム・デスティネーション」としての位置づけ87を効果的に推進するための、高品質な消費を求める海外の高所得者層の取り込みに向けたプロモーション活動についても、2007年12月にはフランスで開催された「インターナショナル・ラグジュアリー・トラベルマーケット」に経済産業省と国土交通省が連携して初参加した。 - 経済産業省

Other industrial goods include high value-added products in which France had held a strong competitive edge - like medical equipment and furnishings - holding premium "Made In France" brand image and the increase in the deficit margin in these sections, together with the fall into the red in the machinery/transport equipment sectors, can be seen as an indication of the decline in international competitiveness of French products.例文帳に追加

その他工業製品にはフランスが従来得意としてきた医療用機器等の高付加価値製品や「メード・イン・フランス」としての高いブランドイメージを有する服飾品などが含まれており、当該分野での赤字幅の増加は機械類・輸送機器分野での赤字転落と併せてフランス製品の国際競争力低下の表れとみることができる。 - 経済産業省

With regard to the Disability Basic Pension and otherbenefits, the amount of which is a fixed sum grantedregardless of the periods of coverage, if the requirementsfor receiving such benefits are fulfilled by virtue ofparagraph 1 of Article 13 or paragraph 1 of Article 14, theamount to be granted shall be calculated according to theproportion of the sum of the periods of contribution andthe premium-exempted periods under the pension system fromwhich such benefits will be paid to the theoretical periodof coverage referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article .例文帳に追加

3 日本国の被用者年金制度の下での障害給付及び遺族給付(日本国の被用者年金制度における保険期間が日本国の法令上定められた期間に満たない場合に支給されるものであって、支給される給付の額が当該定められた期間に基づいて計算されるものに限る 。 - 厚生労働省

(4) The prospective amount of an insurance premium amount which is divided by the number of payments as set forth in the preceding paragraph, with respect to said Primary Insured Person, is the amount that shall be the amount obtained by dividing the amount which is calculated pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare based on said insurance premium amount of said fiscal year by the number of payments of said Old Age, etc., Pension Benefit during the period from the first day to September 30 of the year following of said fiscal year (with regard to a Primary Insured Person pertaining to a notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of the preceding Article, the date shall be June 1 of the same fiscal year, and with regard to a Primary Insured Person pertaining to the notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) of the same Article, the date shall be August 1 of the same fiscal year). 例文帳に追加

4 前項の支払回数割保険料額の見込額は、当該第一号被保険者につき、当該年度の保険料額を基礎として厚生労働省令で定めるところにより算定した額を、当該年度の翌年度の初日(前条第五項の規定による通知に係る第一号被保険者については同年度の六月一日とし、同条第六項の規定による通知に係る第一号被保険者については同年度の八月一日とする。)から九月三十日までの間における当該老齢等年金給付の支払の回数で除して得た額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) A Municipality, with regard to a Primary Insured Person as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when an Old Age, etc., Pension Benefit as prescribed in the same paragraph is paid during the period from June 1 to September 30 of the year including the said first day of said fiscal year, shall collect as the insurance premium amount pertaining to each payment, the amount equivalent to the amount of said insurance premium pertaining to said Primary Insured Person divided by the number of payments as prescribed in the same paragraph (in a case of special circumstances in which it is determined inappropriate to pay said amount, the amount shall be the amount specified by said Municipality by taking into consideration the income status and other circumstances) pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, by the method of special collection. 例文帳に追加

2 市町村は、前項に規定する第一号被保険者について、当該年度の初日の属する年の六月一日から九月三十日までの間において同項に規定する老齢等年金給付が支払われるときは、それぞれの支払に係る保険料額として、当該第一号被保険者に係る同項に規定する支払回数割保険料額に相当する額(当該額によることが適当でないと認められる特別な事情がある場合においては、所得の状況その他の事情を勘案して市町村が定める額とする。)を、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、特別徴収の方法によって徴収するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) For businesses other than the businesses listed in the following item and in item (iii), the general insurance premiums calculated by multiplying the prospective amount of the total wages (if such amount includes a fraction less than one thousand yen, such fraction shall be rounded down; the same shall apply hereinafter) pertaining to all workers employed during such insurance year (or, in case of establishment of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year, all workers employed during the period from the day on which such insurance relation is established to the end of such insurance year) (or the amount of total wages pertaining to all workers employed during the immediately preceding insurance year, in case prescribed as such in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), by the insurance premium rate pertaining to the general insurance premiums pursuant to the provision of Article 12 (hereinafter referred to as the "general insurance premium rate") for such businesses 例文帳に追加

一 次号及び第三号の事業以外の事業にあつては、その保険年度に使用するすべての労働者(保険年度の中途に保険関係が成立したものについては、当該保険関係が成立した日からその保険年度の末日までに使用するすべての労働者)に係る賃金総額(その額に千円未満の端数があるときは、その端数は、切り捨てる。以下同じ。)の見込額(厚生労働省令で定める場合にあつては、直前の保険年度に使用したすべての労働者に係る賃金総額)に当該事業についての第十二条の規定による一般保険料に係る保険料率(以下「一般保険料率」という。)を乗じて算定した一般保険料 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) The surety by the surety bond business (referring to, among the businesses to guarantee the performance of contractual obligations or legal and regulatory obligations, and receive the consideration, those carried out by setting the amount of consideration, establishing a reserve, and distributing the risks by reinsurance, based on actuarial science, or by using any other methods inherent to insurance) shall be deemed as the underwriting of the classes of insurance listed in item (i) of the preceding paragraph, and the consideration pertaining to the surety shall be deemed as the insurance premium pertaining to the classes of insurance set forth in that item. 例文帳に追加

6 保証証券業務(契約上の債務又は法令上の義務の履行を保証することを約し、その対価を受ける業務のうち、保険数理に基づき、当該対価を決定し、準備金を積み立て、再保険による危険の分散を行うことその他保険に固有の方法を用いて行うものをいう。)による当該保証は、前項第一号に掲げる保険の引受けとみなし、当該保証に係る対価は、同号の保険に係る保険料とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) In the case of Revocation of Application, etc. for an insurance contract, the Insurance Company, etc. or Foreign Insurance Company, etc. may not demand from the Applicant, etc. payment of any damage, penalty or other money for the Revocation of Application, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply, in the case of revocation of an insurance contract under paragraph (1), to the amount of money specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as equivalent to the insurance premium for the period leading to the date of such revocation. 例文帳に追加

5 保険会社等又は外国保険会社等は、保険契約の申込みの撤回等があった場合には、申込者等に対し、その申込みの撤回等に伴う損害賠償又は違約金その他の金銭の支払を請求することができない。ただし、第一項の規定による保険契約の解除の場合における当該解除までの期間に相当する保険料として内閣府令で定める金額については、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) In the case of Revocation of Application, etc. for an insurance contract, the Insurance Company, etc. or Foreign Insurance Company, etc. shall promptly refund to the Applicant, etc. any money received in connection with the insurance contract; provided, however, that this shall not apply, in the case of revocation of an insurance contract under paragraph (1), to that part of the money received as prepayment of the insurance premium pertaining to the insurance contract which corresponds to the amount set forth in the preceding paragraph specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance. 例文帳に追加

6 保険会社等又は外国保険会社等は、保険契約の申込みの撤回等があった場合において、当該保険契約に関連して金銭を受領しているときは、申込者等に対し、速やかに、これを返還しなければならない。ただし、第一項の規定による保険契約の解除の場合における当該保険契約に係る保険料の前払として受領した金銭のうち前項の内閣府令で定める金額については、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 125 (1) With regard to the amount (hereinafter referred to as "Amount Subject to Medical Insurance Premium Payment" in this Chapter) that is obtained by multiplying the payment percentage of the Secondary Insured Person group to the amount of expense necessary for Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits among the expenses that are imposed upon a special account pertaining to Municipal Long-Term Care Insurance, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, a Grant for Long-Term Care Benefit Expenses that is provided to a Municipality by the Social Insurance Medical Fee Payment Fund (hereinafter referred to as "Payment Fund") pursuant to the provisions of the Social Insurance Medical Fee Payment Fund Act (Act No. 129 of 1948) shall be allocated to said amount. 例文帳に追加

第百二十五条 市町村の介護保険に関する特別会計において負担する費用のうち、介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用の額に第二号被保険者負担率を乗じて得た額(以下この章において「医療保険納付対象額」という。)については、政令で定めるところにより、社会保険診療報酬支払基金法(昭和二十三年法律第百二十九号)による社会保険診療報酬支払基金(以下「支払基金」という。)が市町村に対して交付する介護給付費交付金をもって充てる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 126 (1) With regard to the amount that is obtained by multiplying the payment proportion of the Secondary Insured Person group as set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to the amount of expenses necessary for a Long-Term Care Prevention Project among the expenses that are imposed on a special account pertaining to Municipal Long-Term Care Insurance (hereinafter referred to as "Amount Subject to Medical Insurance Premium Payment for Long-Term Care Prevention Project" in this Chapter), pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, the Grants for Supporting Community Support Projects that the Payment Fund provides to a Municipality, shall be allocated to said amount. 例文帳に追加

第百二十六条 市町村の介護保険に関する特別会計において負担する費用のうち、介護予防事業に要する費用の額に前条第一項の第二号被保険者負担率を乗じて得た額(以下この章において「介護予防事業医療保険納付対象額」という。)については、政令で定めるところにより、支払基金が市町村に対して交付する地域支援事業支援交付金をもって充てる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 138 (1) A Municipality, in a case when an Insured Person Subject to Special Collection pertaining to said notification has lost status as an Insured Person after notification of an insurance premium amount divided by the number of payments to a Person Under Obligation of Special Collection pursuant to the provisions of Article 136, paragraph (1) or other cases as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, shall provide notification of said fact, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, to said Person Under Obligation of Special Collection and said Insured Person Subject to Special Collection. 例文帳に追加

第百三十八条 市町村は、第百三十六条第一項の規定により支払回数割保険料額を特別徴収義務者に通知した後に当該通知に係る特別徴収対象被保険者が被保険者資格を喪失した場合その他厚生労働省令で定める場合においては、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、その旨を当該特別徴収義務者及び当該特別徴収対象被保険者に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 183 (1) A person that is dissatisfied with the action executed concerning an Insurance Benefit (including the action pertaining to a request for issuance of a Certificate of Insured Person and action concerning a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care or Needed Support Certification) or an action concerning an insurance premium and other levies pursuant to the provisions of this Act (except for a Fiscal Stability Fund contribution, payment and delinquent charge as prescribed in Article 157, paragraph (1)), may apply to a Certification Committee for Long-Term Care Insurance for an examination. 例文帳に追加

第百八十三条 保険給付に関する処分(被保険者証の交付の請求に関する処分及び要介護認定又は要支援認定に関する処分を含む。)又は保険料その他この法律の規定による徴収金(財政安定化基金拠出金、納付金及び第百五十七条第一項に規定する延滞金を除く。)に関する処分に不服がある者は、介護保険審査会に審査請求をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 203 A Municipality, when it determines it necessary with regard to an Insurance Benefit or an insurance premium, with respect to the property or income condition of said Insured Person, the spouse of said Primary Insured Person, the householder of said family where said Primary Insured Person resides, or other person who belong to said family, or with regard to the payment status of an Old Age, etc., Pension Benefit to an Insured Person, may request the submission of necessary documents or to submit other materials of a post office or other public agency, or the employer of said pension insurer, or request the submission of a report from a bank, trust company, and other institutions, or said employer of said Insured Person, or other relevant person. 例文帳に追加

第二百三条 市町村は、保険給付及び保険料に関して必要があると認めるときは、被保険者、第一号被保険者の配偶者若しくは第一号被保険者の属する世帯の世帯主その他その世帯に属する者の資産若しくは収入の状況又は被保険者に対する老齢等年金給付の支給状況につき、郵便局その他の官公署若しくは年金保険者に対し必要な文書の閲覧若しくは資料の提供を求め、又は銀行、信託会社その他の機関若しくは被保険者の雇用主その他の関係人に報告を求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 20 (1) When working hours extended pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 or paragraph (1) of Article 36 of the Act fall between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. when the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary, in areas or during periods that are specified by the Minister), the employer shall pay premium wages for work during such hours at a rate no lower than 50 percent over the amount calculated by multiplying the amount stipulated in items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article by the number of working hours. 例文帳に追加

第二十条 法第三十三条又は法第三十六条第一項の規定によつて延長した労働時間が午後十時から午前五時(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合は、その定める地域又は期間については午後十一時から午前六時)までの間に及ぶ場合においては、使用者はその時間の労働については、前条第一項各号の金額にその労働時間数を乗じた金額の五割以上の率で計算した割増賃金を支払わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When working hours on days off pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 or paragraph (1) of Article 36 of the Act fall between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. on a rest day (or the period between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. when the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary, in areas or during periods that are specified by the Minister), the employer shall pay premium wages for work during such hours at a rate no lower than 60 percent over the amount calculated by multiplying the amount stipulated in items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article by the number of working hours. 例文帳に追加

2 法第三十三条又は法第三十六条第一項の規定による休日の労働時間が午後十時から午前五時(厚生労働大臣が必要であると認める場合は、その定める地域又は期間については午後十一時から午前六時)までの間に及ぶ場合においては、使用者はその時間の労働については、前条第一項各号の金額にその労働時間数を乗じた金額の六割以上の率で計算した割増賃金を支払わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) For businesses prescribed in the preceding paragraph, item (ii)(a), the general insurance premiums calculated pursuant to the rule in the provision of the preceding item in respect of the prospective amount of total wages pertaining to all workers employed for the business, and the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums calculated by multiplying the prospective amount of the total of the amounts specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in Article 13 for the whole period pertaining to the approval set forth in Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act by the Class I special enrollment insurance premium rate for such business 例文帳に追加

二 前項第二号イの事業にあつては、その使用するすべての労働者に係る賃金総額の見込額について前号の規定の例により算定した一般保険料及び労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認に係る全期間における第十三条の厚生労働省令で定める額の総額の見込額に当該事業についての第一種特別加入保険料率を乗じて算定した第一種特別加入保険料 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) For businesses prescribed by Article 15, paragraph (1), item (ii)(a), the general insurance premiums calculated pursuant to the rule in the preceding item in respect of the total wages pertaining to all workers employed for such business, and the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums calculated by multiplying the total of the amounts specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in Article 13 for the whole period pertaining to the approval prescribed by Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act, by the Class I special enrollment insurance premium rate for such business 例文帳に追加

二 第十五条第一項第二号イの事業にあつては、その使用したすべての労働者に係る賃金総額について前号の規定の例により算定した一般保険料及び労災保険法第三十四条第一項の承認に係る全期間における第十三条の厚生労働省令で定める額の総額に当該事業についての第一種特別加入保険料率を乗じて算定した第一種特別加入保険料 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

A higher insurance premium for thepayment and settlement deposit” can also act as a restraint for financial institutions to collect additional funds through this means at no cost. 例文帳に追加

さらに、保険料率を金融機関の財務状況等に応じて設定することができれば、こうした効果は一段と高まることとなると考えられる。もっとも、こうした仕組みを直ちに導入することについては、モラル・ハザード防止の側面のみならず、経営が悪化した金融機関に対する影響等、多面的な観点からの検討が必要であろう。なお、預金者が意図せずに「決済用預金」に資金を滞留させることもありうるため、「決済用預金」中の余剰資金をその他の預金に容易に振り替えられるよう、金融機関においても預金者の利便性に最大限配慮することが期待される。 - 金融庁

The term structure of swap spreads are modeled with a given initial curve which is obtained by observing the current market in the LG model that we reach to our conclusion to use as a tentative model for the time being. With respect to this, an opinion was expressed that we need to analyze the swap spreads by decomposing them into several factors. The factors include the premium as a benefit of holding the government bond (so-called a convenience yield), credit risk factor, and the specific factors involved in swap transactions, since there are actually significant factors comprising the swap spreads. 例文帳に追加

今般「当面のモデル」として報告されたモデルにおいては、スワップスプレッドは国債金利とスワップカーブとの間で計測されたスワップスプレッドを市場で観測されるままの形で期間構造を把握することとしている。これに対し、実際にはスワップスプレッドを構成する要因は様々であり、国債を保有することによる便益(いわゆるコンビニエンス・イールド)、信用リスク要因、スワップ取引の独自要因等のそれぞれについて分解のうえ分析する必要があるとの意見が出された。 - 財務省

A policyholder specifies an insurance object by himself or herself and sets contents of insurance to this specified insurance object by himself or herself, and a premium of this insurance is set on the basis of personal information of the policyholder, the specified insurance object, and specified insurance contents, and the policyholder is insured on the basis of an application for insurance with set insurance contents to the insurance object from the policyholder.例文帳に追加

保険加入者が自ら保険対象を特定し、該特定した保険対象に対して自ら保険の内容を設定し、前記保険加入者の個人情報と特定した保険対象と特定した保険の内容とに基づいて当該加入保険の保険料を設定し、前記保険加入者からの前記保険対象に対する設定保険内容での保険加入申込に基づいて、前記保険加入者に対して保険設定を行うようにする。 - 特許庁

Among agricultural products, the prices of wheat and corn have risen considerably as shown in Figure 1-3-36. While a part of the price increases can be explained by the changes in the expectations of term-end inventory levels around the world, the actual price increases are far greater than those expected, reflecting the combined effects of various demand-supply factors such as crop forecasts under climate change and export restrictions imposed by exporting countries, as well as technical factors involving speculative funds and other investors (premium portion shown in the figure).例文帳に追加

一方、農産物である小麦及びとうもろこしについては、第1-1-36図のとおり、世界全体の期末在庫の予測値の変動のみで説明できる部分の価格が上昇傾向にある中、天候変動による作柄予測や輸出国の輸出規制などの様々な需給要因と投機資金等のテクニカルな要因が複合的に影響して(図中プレミアム部分)、実績値がそれを大きく上回って上昇している。 - 経済産業省

Under the Premiums and Representations Act, the maximum value of a premium provided by means of a prize offer shall not exceed twenty times the price of the transaction involving the prize offer (however, when the applicable amount exceeds \\100,000 yen, the limit shall be \\100,000 yen). In addition, the total value of premiums provided by means of prize offers shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the planned total value of the transactions involving such prize offers (Restrictions Concerning the Provision of Premiums by Means of Prize Offers; same notice as above). 例文帳に追加

景品表示法上、懸賞により提供する景品類の最高額は、懸賞に係る取引の価額の20倍の金額(当該金額が10万円を超える場合にあっては、10万円)を超えてはならず、かつ、懸賞により提供する景品類の総額は、当該懸賞に係る取引の予定総額の100分の2を超えてはならないこととされている(「懸賞による景品類の提供に関する事項の制限」(前同告示))。 - 経済産業省

Where an offer is made to provide an economic benefit through the selection of a specified person by means of a lottery, or to otherwise solicit general consumers in an advertisement, and where such offer is not associated with a transaction (meaning that such prize offers or prizes do not constitute a premium governed by the Premiums and Representations Act), such prize offers as "open kenshos" are subject to the provisions of the Act concerning Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (hereinafter referred to as the "Antimonopoly Act"). 例文帳に追加

なお、顧客を誘引する手段として、広告において一般消費者に対し、くじの方法等により特定の者を選び、これに経済上の利益の提供を申し出る企画であって、取引に付随せず、景品表示法に規定する景品類に該当しないものは、いわゆるオープン懸賞として、私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律(以下「独占禁止法」という。)による規制に服することになる。 - 経済産業省

As for the outflow of East Asia’s foreign exchange reserves to developed countrieslow-risk assets, one argument is that East Asian countries and regions are investing their foreign exchange reserves in developed countriessafe assets with low rates of return out of necessity, as the capital markets in their country or region are not developed. Therefore, it is argued, the outflow is the difference in terms of the countrys or region’s rate of return on risky assets that these countries and regions can normally enjoy and they are compelled to pay this amount to developed countries in the form of a certain premium (Fukui (2003)).例文帳に追加

東アジアの外貨準備が先進国の低リスク資産へ流出することについては、東アジア諸国・地域には、自国内や域内に資本市場が発達していないために、先進国の安全資産による低い収益率での運用を余儀なくされており、本来享受できる自国や域内の危険資産の収益率との差を一種のプレミアムの形で先進国に払わされているとの見方もある(福居(2003))。 - 経済産業省

2. With regard to the Disability Basic Pension and other benefits, the amount of which is a fixed sum granted regardless of the periods of coverage, if the requirements for receiving such benefits are fulfilled by virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 13 or paragraph 1 of Article 14, the amount to be granted shall be calculated according to the proportion of the sum of the periods of contribution and the premium-exempted periods under the pension system from which such benefits will be paid to the theoretical period of coverage referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article.例文帳に追加

2 障害基礎年金その他の保険期間にかかわらず一定額が支給される給付に関しては、当該給付を受けるための要件が第十三条1又は前条1の規定の適用により満たされる場合には、支給される当該給付の額は、4に規定する理論的加入期間に対する当該給付が支給される年金制度における保険料納付期間及び保険料免除期間を合算した期間の比率に基づいて計算する。 - 厚生労働省

Article 37-2 Out of the public assistance benefit delivered to the householder or a person equivalent thereto pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of Article 31, paragraph (3) or Article 33, paragraph (4), the public assistance benefit delivered to the public assistance recipient pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 31, paragraph (3), Article 31, paragraph (5), Article 32, paragraph (2), Article 34, paragraph (5) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 34-2, paragraph (3) or Article 35, paragraph (3)) or Article 36, paragraph (3), or the public assistance benefit delivered to the person conducting the funeral pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article, a public assistance administrator may, when it is necessary for achieving the purpose of public assistance, pay the money equivalent to the amount of the premium for long-term care insurance (which means the premium prescribed in Article 129, paragraph (1) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act) and any other expenses to be paid by the public assistance recipient that is specified by a Cabinet Order to a person specified by a Cabinet Order in lieu of the public assistance recipient. In this case, when said payment has been made, it shall be deemed that the public assistance benefit has been delivered to the person to whom delivery should be made pursuant to these provisions. 例文帳に追加

第三十七条の二 保護の実施機関は、保護の目的を達するために必要があるときは、第三十一条第三項本文若しくは第三十三条第四項の規定により世帯主若しくはこれに準ずる者に対して交付する保護金品、第三十一条第三項ただし書若しくは第五項、第三十二条第二項、第三十四条第五項(第三十四条の二第三項及び第三十五条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)若しくは第三十六条第三項の規定により被保護者に対して交付する保護金品又は前条第二項の規定により葬祭を行う者に対して交付する保護金品のうち、介護保険料(介護保険法第百二十九条第一項に規定する保険料をいう。)その他の被保護者が支払うべき費用であつて政令で定めるものの額に相当する金銭について、被保護者に代わり、政令で定める者に支払うことができる。この場合において、当該支払があつたときは、これらの規定により交付すべき者に対し当該保護金品の交付があつたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The rate of an insurance premium as set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be determined in order to be able to maintain fiscal balance of revenue and expenses approximated through three years in consideration of the estimated amount of disbursements necessary for Insurance Benefits calculated based on the prospective volume, etc., of the Service Covered by Long-Term Care Benefits, etc., as prescribed in a Municipal Insured Long-Term Care Service Plan, the estimated amount of disbursements necessary for payment of a Fiscal Stability Fund contribution, the approximate amount of disbursements necessary for repayment of borrowings from a prefecture pursuant to the provisions of Article 147, paragraph (1), item (ii), and estimated amount of disbursements necessary for Community Support Projects and Health Care and Welfare Projects, the distribution of income of the Primary Insured Person group and said prospective amount, and the amount of national treasury impositions, etc. 例文帳に追加

3 前項の保険料率は、市町村介護保険事業計画に定める介護給付等対象サービスの見込量等に基づいて算定した保険給付に要する費用の予想額、財政安定化基金拠出金の納付に要する費用の予想額、第百四十七条第一項第二号の規定による都道府県からの借入金の償還に要する費用の予定額並びに地域支援事業及び保健福祉事業に要する費用の予定額、第一号被保険者の所得の分布状況及びその見通し並びに国庫負担等の額等に照らし、おおむね三年を通じ財政の均衡を保つことができるものでなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) In a case when a Specified Municipality, pursuant to the provisions of Article 129, paragraph (2), and provisions of paragraph (3) of the same Article, applies a rate of insurance premium provided by said ordinance, the phrase "approximate amount of the disbursements necessary for repayment" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "approximate amount of the disbursements necessary for repayment, the prospective amount of disbursements imposed by said Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project as prescribed in Article 148, paragraph (1)," and the phrase "approximated through three years in consideration of..., and the amount of national treasury impositions, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "approximated during the Project Implementation Period as prescribed in Article 148, paragraph (2) in consideration of..., and the amount of national treasury impositions, etc., and prospective amount, etc., granted by said Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project as prescribed in the same paragraph." 例文帳に追加

6 特定市町村が第百二十九条第二項の規定によりその条例で定める保険料率について同条第三項の規定を適用する場合においては、同項中「償還に要する費用の予定額」とあるのは「償還に要する費用の予定額、第百四十八条第一項に規定する市町村相互財政安定化事業により負担する額の予想額」と、「並びに国庫負担等の額等に照らし、おおむね三年」とあるのは「、国庫負担等の額並びに同項に規定する市町村相互財政安定化事業により交付される額の予想額等に照らし、おおむね第百四十八条第二項に規定する事業実施期間」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 13 The amount of the Class I special enrollment insurance premiums shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the total of the amounts specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the persons deemed as entitled to receive the insurance benefit pursuant to the provision of Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act, by taking into consideration of the basic daily benefit amount set forth in item (iii) of the same paragraph and other circumstances, by the rate obtained by reducing, from the rate identical to the industrial accident insurance rate prescribed by Article 12, paragraph (2) (or, if such rate has been increased or decreased pursuant to the same Article, paragraph (3), such increased or decreased rate) for the businesses pertaining to such persons, the rate prescribed by the Minister of Heath, Labour and Welfare by taking into consideration of the amount of the costs required for the benefit for second medical examination, etc. during the past three years in respect of all businesses to which the Industrial Accident Insurance Act is applied (hereinafter referred to as the "Class I special enrollment insurance premium rate"). 例文帳に追加

第十三条 第一種特別加入保険料の額は、労災保険法第三十四条第一項の規定により保険給付を受けることができることとされた者について同項第三号の給付基礎日額その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める額の総額にこれらの者に係る事業についての第十二条第二項の規定による労災保険率(その率が同条第三項の規定により引き上げ又は引き下げられたときは、その引き上げ又は引き下げられた率)と同一の率から労災保険法の適用を受けるすべての事業の過去三年間の二次健康診断等給付に要した費用の額を考慮して厚生労働大臣の定める率を減じた率(以下「第一種特別加入保険料率」という。)を乗じて得た額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 14-2 (1) The amount of the Class III special enrollment insurance premiums shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the total of the amounts specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by taking into consideration of the basic daily benefit amount set forth in Article 34, paragraph (1), item (iii), which applies mutatis mutandis to the insured person of Class III special enrollment pursuant to Article 36, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act and other circumstances, by the rate prescribed by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare by taking into consideration of the injury rate pertaining to employment injury and commuting injury for the businesses of the same type as or similar type to those in which the persons listed in Article 33, item (vi) or (vii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act are engaged and which are operated within the jurisdiction where this Act is effective, the type and content of the services implemented as the services for social rehabilitation promotion, etc. and other circumstances (hereinafter referred to as the "Class III special enrollment insurance premium rate"). 例文帳に追加

第十四条の二 第三種特別加入保険料の額は、第三種特別加入者について労災保険法第三十六条第一項第二号において準用する労災保険法第三十四条第一項第三号の給付基礎日額その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める額の総額に労災保険法第三十三条第六号又は第七号に掲げる者が従事している事業と同種又は類似のこの法律の施行地内で行われている事業についての業務災害及び通勤災害に係る災害率、社会復帰促進等事業として行う事業の種類及び内容その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働大臣の定める率(以下「第三種特別加入保険料率」という。)を乗じて得た額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The new pricing structure should establish more consistent incentives across facilities, encourage access to private capital, discourage prolonged use of, and deter inappropriate large scale access to IMF resources, thus contributing to their more efficient use. For all non-concessional facilities, the interest rate should increase on a graduated basis the longer countries have IMF resources outstanding. The possibility of adding a premium when the scale of financing goes beyond certain thresholds should be explored. In addition, for countries that continuously resort to IMF facilities, the IMF should make more intensive use of prior actions and limit access to its resources. 例文帳に追加

新しい手数料構造は、融資制度全体を通じてより整合的なインセンティブを確立し、民間資本へのアクセスを促し、長期の利用を防ぎ、IMF資金への不適切な大規模アクセスを防止し、従ってより効率的な利用に寄与するようなものでなければならない。全ての非譲許的融資制度について、その金利は、IMFの融資を受けている期間の長さに応じて段階的に引き上げるべきである。融資の規模が一定限度を超える時には、割増手数料を上乗せする可能性についても検討されるべきである。更に、IMF融資に継続的に依存する国に対しては、IMFは融資の前提条件をより厳密に適用するとともに、IMF資金の融資限度を制限するべきである。 - 財務省

(2) The adjustment rate of insurance premiums as set forth in the preceding paragraph, if each Municipality that participates in said Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project (hereinafter referred to as "Specified Municipality" in this Article and paragraph (2) of the following Article) imposes upon each Primary Insured Person an insurance premium according to the amount of insurance premium that is calculated by using the rate of adjustment of insurance premiums, shall be the total amount of insurance premiums received during the project implementation period (which means a period that shall be deemed to be three years that is provided by a Specified Municipality pursuant to the provisions of the constitution referred to in the following paragraph as one period to implement said Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph and paragraph (4)) for each said Specified Municipality to be able to maintain a balance of the total amount of the disbursements necessary to provide for Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits (except with regard to the disbursements necessary for said Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits, the amount defrayed or granted to a general fund or Payment Fund by the national government, a prefecture, or Municipality, pursuant to the provisions of Article 121, paragraph (1), Article 122, paragraph (1), Article 123, paragraph (1), Article 124, paragraph (1) and Article 125, paragraph (1)), the disbursements necessary for Community Support Projects (except with regard to the disbursements necessary for said Community Support Projects, the amount defrayed or granted to the general fund or Payment Fund by the national government, a prefecture, or Municipality, pursuant to the provisions of Article 122-2, Article 123, paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), Article 124, paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), and Article 126, paragraph (1)), the disbursements necessary for payment of a Fiscal Stability Fund contribution, and the disbursements necessary for repayment of Borrowings for Fund Project during said project implementation period in said Municipality, and be determined by said Specified Municipality in accordance with the standards provided by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の調整保険料率は、市町村相互財政安定化事業を行う市町村(以下この条及び次条第二項において「特定市町村」という。)のそれぞれが、それぞれの第一号被保険者に対し、当該調整保険料率により算定した保険料額によって保険料を課するとしたならば、当該特定市町村につき事業実施期間(市町村相互財政安定化事業を実施する期間として特定市町村が次項の規約により定める三年を一期とする期間をいう。以下この項及び第四項において同じ。)において収納される保険料の額の合計額が、当該事業実施期間における当該特定市町村の介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用の額(当該介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用の額につき第百二十一条第一項、第百二十二条第一項、第百二十三条第一項、第百二十四条第一項及び第百二十五条第一項の規定により、国、都道府県、市町村の一般会計及び支払基金が負担し、又は交付する額を除く。)、地域支援事業に要する費用の額(当該地域支援事業に要する費用の額につき第百二十二条の二、第百二十三条第三項及び第四項、第百二十四条第三項及び第四項並びに第百二十六条第一項の規定により、国、都道府県、市町村の一般会計及び支払基金が負担し、又は交付する額を除く。)、財政安定化基金拠出金の納付に要する費用の額並びに基金事業借入金の償還に要する費用の額の合計額と均衡を保つことができるものであって、当該特定市町村が政令で定める基準に従い定めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 14 (1) The amount of the Class II special enrollment insurance premiums shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the total of the amounts specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the persons deemed as entitled to be covered by the industrial accident insurance pursuant to the provision of Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act (in the following paragraph referred to as the "insured of Class II special enrollment"), by taking into consideration of the basic daily benefit amount set forth in the same Article, paragraph (1), item (vi) and other circumstances, by the rate prescribed by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare by taking into consideration of the injury rate pertaining to employment injury and commuting injury for the businesses of the same type as or similar type to those set forth in Article 33, item (iii) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act or the businesses conducting the works of the same type as or similar type to those set forth in the same Article, item (v) (or, in case of the persons specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in Article 35, paragraph (1) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act, the injury rate pertaining to employment injury for such business of the same or similar type or the business conducting such works of the same or similar type), the type and content of the services implemented as the services for social rehabilitation promotion, etc. and other circumstances (hereinafter referred to as the "Class II special enrollment insurance premium rate"). 例文帳に追加

第十四条 第二種特別加入保険料の額は、労災保険法第三十五条第一項の規定により労災保険の適用を受けることができることとされた者(次項において「第二種特別加入者」という。)について同条第一項第六号の給付基礎日額その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働省令で定める額の総額に労災保険法第三十三条第三号の事業と同種若しくは類似の事業又は同条第五号の作業と同種若しくは類似の作業を行う事業についての業務災害及び通勤災害に係る災害率(労災保険法第三十五条第一項の厚生労働省令で定める者に関しては、当該同種若しくは類似の事業又は当該同種若しくは類似の作業を行う事業についての業務災害に係る災害率)、社会復帰促進等事業として行う事業の種類及び内容その他の事情を考慮して厚生労働大臣の定める率(以下「第二種特別加入保険料率」という。)を乗じて得た額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Given that insurance is intended to cover accidents under those conditions and that insurance is affected by the accident rate, I think that if an increase in the premium rate is decided, it will be inevitable to accept it in light of the various circumstances. 例文帳に追加

しかし、私は、そういうことを含めて論議することは何も決定することではございませんから、国民的な論議をさせて頂くということが政治の立場だと思っていますので、そういったことを含めて社会保障の一体改革と、無駄遣い、これは徹底的に排除する必要があります。霞が関の埋蔵金というのは色々ここ1~2年大きな問題になってきましたけれども、そんな無駄を徹底的に排除するのは、同時に新たな税制のあり方であると思います。イコール消費税ではないです。やっぱり色々なことを考えて国民新党の立場としても、政治家が責任を持ってやっていくということは必要だと思っていますので、そういった意味で、少し長くなりましたけれども、今、非常に大きなテーマですから、持続可能な社会保障と、自賠責の安心・安全ということを、万が一のときの安心・安全ですから、そういった意味で5,900億円オーバーフローしているのに(料率を)上げるのはけしからんというお叱りだろうと思いますけれども、そういう事情もこれ勘案して、ひとつご理解頂けないかなというのが私の率直な政治家としての思いです。 - 金融庁

Article 69 (1) In a case when a Municipality issues a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care, a Renewal of Certification of Care Need, or Certification of Change of Condition of Need for Long-Term Care pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7) or Article 30, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2), a Certification of Needed Support, a Renewal of Certification of Needed Support, or a Certification of Change of Category of Needed Support Condition pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (6) or Article 33-3, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33-2, paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to simply as "Certification" in this paragraph) and there is a period when the right to collect an insurance premium has extinguished (which means a period calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order regarding the period when the right to collect an insurance premium pertaining to said period has been extinguished due to a legal proscription) with regard to an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., that is the Primary Insured Person pertaining to said Certification, a Municipality pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare shall enter on the Certificate of Insured Person of said Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., in addition to the entry pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7), second sentence (including a case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 28, paragraph (4) and Article 29, paragraph (2)), Article 30, paragraph (1), second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (4), second sentence, Article 32, paragraph (6), second sentence (including a case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph (4) or Article 33-2, paragraph (2)), Article 33-3, paragraph (1), second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (2), second sentence, or paragraph (6) second sentence as pertaining to said Certification, that the amount of Long-Term Care Benefit, etc., (except for payment of an Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service, Exceptional Allowance for an In-Home Long-Term Care Service Plan, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service Plan, Exceptional Allowance for a Preventive Service Plan of Long-term care, Allowance for High-Cost Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for High-Cost Preventive Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, and Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Preventive Service of a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility) shall be reduced and that the Allowance for High-Cost Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for High-Cost Preventive Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, and Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Preventive Service of a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility shall not be paid, and the period that these measures are applicable (which means a period that a Municipality determines pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order according to the period during which the right to collect an insurance premium is extinguished; herein referred to as "Benefit Reduction Period" in this Article) (hereinafter said entry is referred to as "Entry of Benefit Reduction Amount, etc." in this Article), however, provided that this provision shall not apply to a case when it is determined that said Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., suffers due to a disaster or other special circumstance provided by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第六十九条 市町村は、要介護認定、要介護更新認定、第二十九条第二項において準用する第二十七条第七項若しくは第三十条第一項の規定による要介護状態区分の変更の認定、要支援認定、要支援更新認定、第三十三条の二第二項において準用する第三十二条第六項若しくは第三十三条の三第一項の規定による要支援状態区分の変更の認定(以下この項において単に「認定」という。)をした場合において、当該認定に係る第一号被保険者である要介護被保険者等について保険料徴収権消滅期間(当該期間に係る保険料を徴収する権利が時効によって消滅している期間につき政令で定めるところにより算定された期間をいう。以下この項において同じ。)があるときは、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、当該要介護被保険者等の被保険者証に、当該認定に係る第二十七条第七項後段(第二十八条第四項及び第二十九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十条第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第四項後段又は第三十二条第六項後段(第三十三条第四項及び第三十三条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十三条の三第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第二項後段若しくは第六項後段の規定による記載に併せて、介護給付等(居宅介護サービス計画費の支給、特例居宅介護サービス計画費の支給、介護予防サービス計画費の支給及び特例介護予防サービス計画費の支給、高額介護サービス費の支給及び高額介護予防サービス費の支給並びに特定入所者介護サービス費の支給、特例特定入所者介護サービス費の支給、特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給及び特例特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給を除く。)の額の減額を行う旨並びに高額介護サービス費及び高額介護予防サービス費並びに特定入所者介護サービス費、特例特定入所者介護サービス費、特定入所者介護予防サービス費及び特例特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給を行わない旨並びにこれらの措置がとられる期間(市町村が、政令で定めるところにより、保険料徴収権消滅期間に応じて定める期間をいう。以下この条において「給付額減額期間」という。)の記載(以下この条において「給付額減額等の記載」という。)をするものとする。ただし、当該要介護被保険者等について、災害その他の政令で定める特別の事情があると認めるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 300-2 The provision of Chapter III, Section 1, Subsection 5 (excluding Article 34-2, paragraphs (6) to (8) inclusive (Cases Where a Professional Investor Will be Deemed to be a Customer Other than Professional Investor) and Article 34-3, paragraphs (5) and (6) (Cases Where a Juridical Person who Is a Customer Other Than Professional Investor Will Be Deemed to Be a Professional Investor)) (Professional Investor) and Article 45 (excluding items (iii) and (iv)) (Miscellaneous Provision) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a specified insurance contract (meaning an insurance contract specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as entailing the risk of loss due to any change in interest rates, currency values, financial instruments market prices as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (14) of that Act or any other indicator (meaning the risk that the total amount of insurance premiums to be paid by the customer following the conclusion of the insurance contract may exceed the total amount of insurance claims, reimbursements and other benefits to be paid out to the customer following the conclusion of the contract); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) effected by an Insurance Company, etc. or Foreign Insurance Company, etc., or a contract stipulating any specific act as an intermediary for the benefit of a customer in concluding a specified insurance contract; the provision of Section 2, Subsection 1 of the same Chapter (excluding Article 35 to 36-4 inclusive (Scope of Business for Persons Who Engage in Type 1 Financial Instruments Transaction Business or Investment Management Business, Scope of Subsidiary Businesses of Persons Who Only Engage in Type II Financial Instruments Business or Investment Advisory and Agency Business, Duty of Good Faith to Customers, Posting of Signs, Prohibition of Name-Lending and Prohibition of Administration of Company Bonds, etc.), Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Regulation of Advertising, etc.), Article 37-2 (Obligation to Clarify Conditions of Transactions in Advance), Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3, paragraph (3) (Delivery of Document Prior to Conclusion of Contract), Article 37-5 (Delivery of Document Pertaining to Receipt of Security Deposit), Article 37-6 (Cancellation by a Written Statement), Article 38, items (i) and (ii) and Article 38-2 (Prohibited Acts), the proviso of Article 39, paragraph (3) and Article 39, paragraph (5) (Prohibition of Loss Compensation, etc.), Article 40-2 (Best Execution Policy, etc.), and Article 40-3 (Prohibition of Sales and Purchase, etc. Where Separate Management Is not Ensured) (General Rules)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of a specified insurance contract by an Insurance Company, etc., Foreign Insurance Company, etc., Insurance Solicitor or Insurance Broker and related act as an agent or intermediary. In this case, the terms "financial instruments transaction contract" and "financial instruments transaction business" in those provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified insurance contract, etc.," and "the conclusion of a specified insurance contract, or any related act as an agent or intermediary," respectively; in Article 34 of that Act, the term "contract to conduct Acts of Financial Instruments Transaction (meaning acts listed in the items of Article 2, paragraph (8); the same shall apply hereinafter) with a customer as the other party or on behalf of a customer" shall be deemed to be replaced with "effecting a specified insurance contract (meaning a specified insurance contract provided in Article 300-2 of the Insurance Business Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) or acting as an intermediary for the benefit of a customer in concluding a specified insurance contract"; in Article 37, paragraph (2) of that Act, the term "carrying out Financial Instruments and Exchange Activities" shall be deemed to be replaced with "concluding specified insurance contracts"; in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of that Act, the term "when it intends to conclude a financial instruments transaction contract" shall be deemed to be replaced with "when it intends to conclude a financial instruments transaction contract or acts as an agent or intermediary in concluding a specified insurance contract" and the term "the following matters" with "the following matters and any other important matter stipulated by an insurance contract provided in Article 300, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Insurance Business Act"; in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of that Act, the term "Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "Insurance Company, etc. (meaning an Insurance Company, etc. as defined in Article 2-2, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act), Foreign Insurance Company, etc. (meaning a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. as defined in Article 2, paragraph (7) of that Act) or Insurance Broker (meaning an Insurance Broker as defined in paragraph (25) of the same Article) concluding a specified insurance contract, etc."; in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (v) of that Act, the term "financial instruments transaction business carried out" shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified insurance contract concluded"; in Article 38, paragraph (1) of that Act, the term "employee" shall be deemed to be replaced with "employee (excluding an Insurance Solicitor as defined in Article 2, paragraph (23) of the Insurance Business Act; the same shall apply in Article 39, paragraph (3))"; in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (i) of that Act, the term "sales and purchase and any other transaction of Securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance and other transactions specified by a Cabinet Order) or of Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the conclusion of a specified insurance contract", the term "securities or derivative transaction (hereinafter referred to as "securities, etc." in this Article)" with "specified insurance contract," the term "customer (in the case where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts sales and purchase of Securities or Derivative Transactions for the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including said person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)" with "the customer," the term "loss" with "loss (meaning, where the total amount of insurance premiums to be paid by the customer following the conclusion of the specified insurance contract exceeds the total amount of insurance claims, reimbursements and other benefits to be paid out to the customer following the conclusion of the contract, the total amount of premium payment subtracted by the total amount of insurance claims, reimbursements and other benefits; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," and the term "to supplement" with "to supplement, outside the stipulations of the specified insurance contract"; in Article 39, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii) of that Act, the term "securities sales transaction, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "the conclusion of a specified insurance contract," the term "securities, etc." with "specified insurance contract," and the term "to add to" with "to add to, outside the stipulations of the specified insurance contract"; in Article 39, paragraph (2) of that Act, the term "securities sales transaction, etc." shall be deemed to be replaced with "the conclusion of a specified insurance contract"; in Article 39, paragraph (3) of that Act, the term "determined by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause" shall be deemed to be replaced with "a potential cause"; in Article 40, item (i) of that Act, the term "financial instruments transaction business" with "the conclusion of a specified insurance contract, etc."; in Article 45, item (ii) of that Act, the term "Article 37-2 to 37-6 inclusive, Article 40-2, paragraph (4) and Article 43-4" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Articles 37-3 (as far as any of the matters listed in the items of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) is concerned, excluding Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3, paragraph (3)) and 37-4"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第三百条の二 金融商品取引法第三章第一節第五款(第三十四条の二第六項から第八項まで(特定投資家が特定投資家以外の顧客とみなされる場合)並びに第三十四条の三第五項及び第六項(特定投資家以外の顧客である法人が特定投資家とみなされる場合)を除く。)(特定投資家)及び第四十五条(第三号及び第四号を除く。)(雑則)の規定は保険会社等若しくは外国保険会社等又は保険仲立人が行う特定保険契約(金利、通貨の価格、同法第二条第十四項に規定する金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動により損失が生ずるおそれ(当該保険契約が締結されることにより顧客の支払うこととなる保険料の合計額が、当該保険契約が締結されることにより当該顧客の取得することとなる保険金、返戻金その他の給付金の合計額を上回ることとなるおそれをいう。)がある保険契約として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は顧客のために特定保険契約の締結の媒介を行うことを内容とする契約の締結について、同章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者の業務の範囲、第二種金融商品取引業又は投資助言・代理業のみを行う者の兼業の範囲、顧客に対する誠実義務、標識の掲示、名義貸しの禁止及び社債の管理の禁止等)、第三十七条第一項第二号(広告等の規制)、第三十七条の二(取引態様の事前明示義務)、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項(契約締結前の書面の交付)、第三十七条の五(保証金の受領に係る書面の交付)、第三十七条の六(書面による解除)、第三十八条第一号及び第二号並びに第三十八条の二(禁止行為)、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項(損失補てん等の禁止)、第四十条の二(最良執行方針等)並びに第四十条の三(分別管理が確保されていない場合の売買等の禁止)を除く。)(通則)の規定は保険会社等、外国保険会社等、保険募集人又は保険仲立人が行う特定保険契約の締結又はその代理若しくは媒介について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「特定保険契約等」と、「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結又はその代理若しくは媒介の業務」と、同法第三十四条中「顧客を相手方とし、又は顧客のために金融商品取引行為(第二条第八項各号に掲げる行為をいう。以下同じ。)」とあるのは「特定保険契約(保険業法第三百条の二に規定する特定保険契約をいう。以下同じ。)又は顧客のために特定保険契約の締結の媒介」と、同法第三十七条第二項中「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「締結しようとするとき」とあるのは「締結しようとするとき、又は特定保険契約の締結の代理若しくは媒介を行うとき」と、「次に掲げる事項」とあるのは「次に掲げる事項その他保険業法第三百条第一項第一号に規定する保険契約の契約条項のうち重要な事項」と、同項第一号中「金融商品取引業者等」とあるのは「特定保険契約等を締結する保険会社等(保険業法第二条の二第一項に規定する保険会社等をいう。)、外国保険会社等(同法第二条第七項に規定する外国保険会社等をいう。)又は保険仲立人(同条第二十五項に規定する保険仲立人をいう。)」と、同項第五号中「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結」と、同法第三十八条第一項中「使用人」とあるのは「使用人(保険募集人(保険業法第二条第二十三項に規定する保険募集人をいう。)を除く。第三十九条第三項において同じ。)」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定保険契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「顧客」と、「損失」とあるのは「損失(当該特定保険契約が締結されることにより顧客の支払う保険料の合計額が当該特定保険契約が締結されることにより当該顧客の取得する保険金、返戻金その他の給付金の合計額を上回る場合における当該保険料の合計額から当該保険金、返戻金その他の給付金の合計額を控除した金額をいう。以下この条において同じ。)」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定保険契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定保険契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定保険契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定保険契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定保険契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と、同法第四十条第一号中「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「特定保険契約等の締結」と、同法第四十五条第二号中「第三十七条の二から第三十七条の六まで、第四十条の二第四項及び第四十三条の四」とあるのは「第三十七条の三(第一項各号に掲げる事項に係る部分に限り、同項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項を除く。)及び第三十七条の四」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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