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Will we abandon the tactical progress bought by tens of thousands of sacrifices - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Todai-ji Gyonen Senjutsu Shoshorui Jihitsu-bon (Todai-ji Selection of Commentaries on Buddhist Scriptures etc. by Gyonen) (9 types)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Are we going to abandon the tactical advances gained through tens of thousands of sacrifices - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The Japanese army woke up their disadvantages in naval battles and switched their methods from positive sally tactics to passive joint defense by navy and army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



the legal act of trying to prevent action in a lawmaking body  - EDR日英対訳辞書


防衛省超自然災害対策本部特殊戦術隊 オレ達と同業者だ例文帳に追加

The special tactics squad under the supernatural disaster prevention headquarters of the ministry of defense. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


As mentioned before, this may also depend on the instrument being played as well as the type of employment concurrently held by the performer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The three members, foot soldier Bugyo, horse soldier Bugyo, and Army Bugyo as a head, were placed, and the three soldiers tactics using foot soldiers, horse soldiers, and artillery were introduced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(This characteristic is common to sacred gems generally; it is the same as gorinto and hoto referred to above, ishidoro [stone lantern] and giboshi [ornamental top of a railing].)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a tool for publicizing the strategy of a ball game played by a plurality of players through a network. - 特許庁



It is also said that Shinran spent 4 years on writing a rough draft of his main work "Kenjodo shinjitsu kyogyo shomonrui" (Kyogyo shinsho) at his thatched hut in Inada.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the above survey, large numbers of enterprises answered "don't know (unknown)" regarding whether the number of enterprises in the same industry in the same municipality was increasing or decreasing, suggesting that enterprises are not gathering sufficient firsthand information on their surrounding areas. - 経済産業省


It includes not only the normal swimming, but swimming in armor and combat techniques in the water as a military art, such as fighting techniques in the water and firing a matchlock while treading water (Some schools also teach seamanship.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Edo shogunate and the southwest strong domains translated the English and the French military drill handbooks independently and published them as "Eikoku hohei renpo" (英国歩兵) (English-style training method for infantry) or "Furansu hohei sorensho" (French-style infantry training text), which responded to the progress of small arms and military strategy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As previously cited in Case 2-3-1, the establishment of a corporate culture capable of accepting elements such as information sharing and work reforms is an assumption underlying obtaining sufficient benefits from IT. - 経済産業省


According to the tale, Kume-no-sennin of Ryumon-dera Temple on Mt. Yoshino-yama learned to fly in the air using his supernatural powers; one day while flying, his attention went to the calves of a woman doing laundry in a river, making him lose his powers and fall to the ground.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article, remuneration derived in respect of an employment exercised aboard a ship or aircraft operated in international traffic by an enterprise of a Contracting State may be taxed in that Contracting State.  - 財務省


A movement control reference set information select means (a tactic set information select section 86) select at least one movement control reference set information from the comparing result of an option selected by the user and an option correlated to movement control reference set information. - 特許庁


Besides these projects, the utilization of private funds is expected for the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project, the Indonesia Economic Development Corridors and the Mekong-Japan Economic and Industrial Cooperation Initiative mentioned earlier. - 経済産業省

このようなサービスのハブが、24 時間営業で数百メートルおきに存在し、かつそこでは欲しい商品が欲しい量だけ手に入るという「便利さ」、これを付加価値とするのが先述の通り、我が国のコンビニ・ビジネスモデルである。例文帳に追加

Service hubs are in place every several hundred meters with around-the-clock services, and people can get as many as goods they wantsuch aconvenienceis the value added convenience store business model of Japan as described above. - 経済産業省


"Daijokishinron (the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana)," which is considered to have originated in China, states that there are two kinds of righteousness--Fukaku (blunder) and Kaku (awakening)--is explained by dividing Kaku into Shikaku (acquired awakening) and Hongaku (original awakening).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Along with "Sanjo-wasan," which was also written by Shinran, it was established by Rennyo, the eighth chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple, to be read in the morning and evening as a devotional exercise for priests and common people, as is still done in the present day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And Tokuitsu wrote "Shaikensho" and "Enichiusoku" as a rebuttal to Sanichigonjitsu no soron in the latter volume of "Shugo-kokkai-sho" and Saicho opposed this in "Ketsugon jitsuron" and as a conclusion he seems to have written "Hokke-shuku."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because of the relation with Ito previously noted, the copy right of the "Kenpo Gikai" (Commentaries on the Constitution), a official commentary on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the Imperial House Law was donated by the author Ito to the Kokkagakkai in 1889, and it was published by Kokkagakkai in the same year, becoming a basic fund.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Handwriting: In addition to brush writing in acknowledgment of a traditional style, colorful felt-tip pens or drawing materials are used, but patterns of the zodiac animals and lucky items, as mentioned above, are also often used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, since each samurai paid his own expences during the military service as mentioned before, the war outfit was almost left to the discretion of individuals; each samurai used various arms such as a bow, a gun, a spear or even a Japanese halberd carried by Buke hokonin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Next, by drawing upon the method of analysis in Lev (2003) cited earlier, the relation between organizational capital and human capital (here, "non-R&D intellectual assets" as the concept that includes both) and the corporate performance was estimated for Japanese companies, with the results as follows. - 経済産業省


The above-mentioned Borio and White of BIS hold that sharp increases in asset prices and credit volumes have been confirmed before the occurrence of systemic banking crises, and point out that the risk of crisis occurrence is further increased in banking systems with liberalized financial environments. - 経済産業省


Amid these developments, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, (i) from the standpoint of promoting Japanese companies' intellectual property strategies and based on the earlier-mentioned "qualitative evaluation approach" has been promoting "intellectual property-backed management" that combines the three strategies for business, R&D and intellectual property, and has been making efforts toward the disclosure of their performances by the "Intellectual Property Report" or toward the evaluation of their performances on the basis of public data, and (ii) from the standpoint of facilitating the distribution and securitization of intellectual property, also has been considering and sorting out valuation methods for each type of intellectual property rights on the basis of the earlier-cited"capitalization approach." - 経済産業省


The above considerations show the existence of intellectual assets other than R&D that affect the corporate performance. But as mentioned earlier, the role of human capital is crucially important in the sense that corporate organizations themselves do not generate knowledge in the beginning and new knowledge is always generated by individuals. - 経済産業省


Along with the progress of financial liberalization, mid-term fluctuations in asset prices expand the amplitude of occurrence, and credit volumes also fluctuate in line. - 経済産業省


An examination of the change in the proportion of recruitment of workers from within the region (i.e. same municipality) of location according to the above survey shows that more enterprises are employing a falling proportion of local human resources than are employing a rising proportion of local human resources, and the same trend is exhibited even among growth enterprises employing an increasing number of workers (Fig. 2-3-9). - 経済産業省


The main doctrine is Ogen Ni-eko (Oso-eko・Genso-eko), as constituted from the name of Hongwan (by Amidanyorai), which was extracted from Kenjodoshinjitsukyogyoshomonrui (Kyogyoshinsho) based on Muryoju-kyo Bussetsu Muryoju-kyo Sutra by the founder of the sect, St. Shinran.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 830 as one of the Tencho Rokupon Shusho (six books compiled at Imperial command by the six Buddhism sects during the Tencho era; each sect described the spirit and the characteristics of its own teachings) ordered by Emperor Junna, on behalf of the Sanron sect he compiled 'Daijo Sanron Daigisho' (notes of religious teachings of the Sanron sect), where he mainly developed the doctrine of his own sect, arguing down that of the Hosso sect (Japanese equivalent of the Chinese Faxiang sect) which in those days was aggressive against the Sanron sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

先述のMURC の企業アンケートにおいて、為替水準及び変動のどちらがより問題かを質問したところ、製造業では円高等の為替水準の方が問題であると回答した企業が全体(300 社)の約4 分の3 を占めたが、残り約4 分の1 は為替変動の大きさの方が問題であると回答している。例文帳に追加

In the aforementioned survey conducted by MURC, a question is asked which of an exchange rate level or fluctuation in exchange rates are more problematic. About three fourths of the total respondents (300 companies) in the manufacturing sector answer that the exchange rate level is more problematic, while the remaining one fourth cite fluctuations in exchange rates as more problematic. - 経済産業省

その理由は先述したとおり、価格競争による規模の経済を過度に追求せず、技術やブランドに裏打ちされた価格決定力の保持を最重視しながら迅速に成長する海外マーケットに進出し、自国通貨や輸入物価の変動に合わせて輸出価格を変更可能とする経営スタイルを採用している輸出企業が多いことにも起因していると考えられる(第2-4-3-19 図参照)。例文帳に追加

As mentioned earlier, the reason behind this difference is that many German companies gave the highest priority to maintaining their pricing power which was supported by technologies and brand value. At the same time, German enterprises tapped into rapidly growing overseas markets, while implementing management strategies that allowed them to change their export prices in accordance with fluctuations of local currencies and import prices (see Figure 2-4-3-19). - 経済産業省


With regard to the issue of the activities of the Shogitai (group of former Tokugawa retainers opposed to the Meiji government who fought in the Battle of Ueno) which focused on the former shogun's retainers, Senpei and Masujiro OMURA advocated the subjugation of the group and he fought as a Assistant Deputy General at the Battle of Ueno drive the Shogitai forces to the area surrounding Kanei-ji Temple in Ueno, before forcing the Shogitai to break up by using tactics such as long range gunfire from Armstrong Guns.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As described above, for the lock-in mechanism to function, skilled labor in a region is essential. However, the Business Survey Cluster mentioned above, for example, reveals that many enterprises consider "supply of highquality labor" and "technological base and buildup" to be merits that have declined, and as Fig. 2-3-8 shows, moreover, satisfaction of manufacturers with the local supply of labor is lower among manufacturers than among enterprises locating in clusters of information and telecommunications enterprises,6) indicating that the attractions of regions have been declining. - 経済産業省


Thus, Japan should aim at the form of cooperation fully utilizing the funds, advanced technology, know-how, human resources, etc. of the public and private sectors. The case of Vietnam stated above is a good example of such cooperation, which activated the private sector by supporting its trade, investment and other activities, utilizing yen loans, finance by Japan Bank for International Cooperation and trade insurance. - 経済産業省


In addition, his above-mentioned interests in social matters made him have further activities such as participation in the establishment of workers' organization called Yuai-kai (in 1912), assumption of office as an adviser of Yuai-kai, participation in a research institute for labor-management cooperation called Kyocho-kai (established in 1919), and participation in a group called Jitsugyo Doshi-kai, which was established by Sanji MUTO, a businessman who had the same ideals, in 1923.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as for the factor of foundation of it, not only internal circumstances at the University of Tokyo previously noted, but also that Hirobumi ITO who almost completed a draft of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan at that time advised to Koki WATANABE (president), 'The study on the science of the nation should be immensely encouraged, and we extremely need to inform people of underlying principle and implementation of constitution widely.' were deeply related to.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the perspectives of implementing efficient and effective inspections and lightening the burdens of firms that receive inspections, and in relation to the measures considered in the above-mentionedProject for Reviewing the Inspection Process,” the items such as the trial introduction of prior notice inspection and the meeting with top management, of which directions are fixed to some extent, have been incorporated into the “Basic Inspection Guidelines.” The guidelines are currently undergoing public comment.  - 金融庁


Although the euro zone economy as a whole was moderately recovering, as mentioned above, economic trends in the said zone had a large gap between countries. Some of the South European countries including Ireland and Greece continued to register minus growth and the deflation concern was emerging. If interest rates increase, the home loan mainly on the variable rate may lead to the intensification of the bad-loan problem of financial institutions. - 経済産業省


As just stated, there is currently an increasing sense of surplus staff, and although it can be expected that these circumstances will become less severe, it is also predicted that the population of Japan will decrease in the future, and that the percentage of the population of persons aged 15 to 64, i.e. the working-age population, will fall significantly (Fig. 3-1-11). In the long term, it can therefore be assumed that securing personnel in a single enterprise will again become difficult. - 経済産業省


As of 1964, after Yodoyabashi Station was inaugurated, the train made stops at Shijo Station (current Gion-shijo Station), Shichijo Station, Fushimi-inari Station, Tanbabashi Station, Chushojima Station, Yawatacho Station (currently Yawatashi Station), Hirakatashi Station, Korien Station, Kyobashi Station, Tenmabashi Station and Kitahama Station (additionally, during the daytime at Hirakata-koen Station), which meant that train at that time made a stop at nearly the same number of stations as the Rapid Express projected to be introduced in October 2008 (it's scheduled that the Rapid Express train will stop at (in addition to the above-mentioned stations) Kuzuha Station, Neyagawashi Station, Moriguchishi Station, and pass nonstop at Fushimi-inari Station, Yawatashi Station and Hirakata-koen Station).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



no money to move the factory to areas free from flood risk. Companies that chose to move out of Thailand said that they would do so with an aim for risk diversification since they have other production base(s) in Thailand. This survey did not identify any corporation that made a decision to take a risk of abandoning the conventional supply chain by completely withdrawing from Thailand after the floods [the survey of the earlier-mentioned Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (2012) also shows a similar result]. - 経済産業省


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