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該当件数 : 345



To provide an injector 1 for suppressing the dispersion of an actual injection amount while preventing the bending of a command piston 21 to maintain smooth movement thereof even when a body 30 is bent. - 特許庁


When the paper sheet is delivered into the reversing passage 19, the paper sheet is damped by a paper damping means 25, and the paper sheets stopped in the reversing passage 19 for switch-back, are stopped at a fixed position at all times without variations in the stopping positions. - 特許庁


The workpiece is finish-polished by fixed abrasive grains embedded uniformly at high density to reduce unevenness among lots of roughness of a machining face of the workpiece and a recess amount. - 特許庁


Opening reinforcing steel plates 9 of two bodies are arranged inside the beam 1, that is, in an area surrounded by an upper reinforcement 2, a lower reinforcement 3, and a stirrup 4 in the opening part 1a penetrating in the width direction through the beam 1. - 特許庁



To provide a plasma display device excellent in external light contrast, with which it is easy to print phosphor paste by dropping it into the bottom part of a space surrounded by barrier ribs and which causes little fluctuation in application volume of phosphors. - 特許庁



The paths of the yarimizu and its river walls of rocks were delicately designed to make changes in the flow, fascinating white bubbles on the rocks, and pleasant sounds.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


CPU for display control sets a figure pattern assigning command unreceiving information pattern table as a lamp control table unless a settled command unreceiving flag is set when a temporary figure pattern employing flag is set. - 特許庁


To provide a dynamic conversion system of the number of I/O command inputs, capable of balancing the load among a plurality of hosts. - 特許庁


We went up-stairs, through period bedrooms swathed in rose and lavender silk and vivid with new flowers, through dressing-rooms and poolrooms, and bathrooms with sunken baths——  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』



There the blasting medium in lump shape is separated finely by the shearing force given by the shearing plate 114 in rotation and is intruded into a small gap 129 between the disc and a ring-shaped flange 128 provided at the lower outlet of the upper hopper, and the medium squeezed loose is separated apart finely lump by lump. - 特許庁



In the occasion, a frame to be used for reference according to the photographing mode of a camera is specified, and the white balance of image data of other frames related to the photographing mode of the camera is corrected based on a difference of the average brightness from that of the frame to be used for reference. - 特許庁


Such plans remained out of discussion for some time after that, but since the thirteenth report of the Council for Urban Transport (in 1971) included the description that the "Osaka City [Municipal] Subway Chuo Line must urgently be extended in order to improve transport conditions up to Ikoma Station," the momentum for constructing the new line increased again.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A nitride film is arranged to overlap the source and gate electrodes of a MOS transistor, and the amount of the nitride film overlapping the gate electrode in its channel width direction is made variable by a pattern design value, thus realizing finer multi-Vth making. - 特許庁


The microcomputer in the ECU corrects the torque signal T inputted from the sensor part through an I/F circuit corresponding to variance in characteristics of the sensor part and I/F circuit due to environmental temperature, machining precision, an assembly error, etc. - 特許庁


Even when the user sets the right-left balance of the audio outputs of the speakers to a desired value, the right-left balance of the audio outputs is made neutral once the input terminal plug of headphones is inserted into an audio device main body. - 特許庁


Torque limiters 30A and 30B for releasing an impact are built in sun gears 20A and 20B and control the torque at a moment in time when the torque is low and significant variation does not occur in the torque before the motor is decelerated by the planetary gear mechanisms 15A and 15B. - 特許庁


To overcome a large problem on manufacturing that the unevenness of cutting edge height of an abrasive grain must be reduced in order to obtain a smooth surfacing surface, on the contrary, a polishing speed is outstandingly reduced although a polishing surface plate buried with the abrasive grain is used for polishing of the surfacing surface of a magnetic head. - 特許庁


To provide a method for controlling a sheet temperature in a heating furnace of a continuous annealing facility by which the temperature of a heating furnace in a continuous annealing facility can be feed-forward-controlled suitably in accordance with the emissivity of the cold-rolled steel sheet to be fed, and poor quality caused by the unevenness in the temperature of the steel sheet can be suppressed. - 特許庁


For eliminating a fluctuation in the fuel injection quantity caused by an individual difference in a part constituting the fuel injection valve 21, correction data are written in the EEPROM 14 by operation of a pre-shipping exclusive tool 30 or a post-shipping exclusive tool 32. - 特許庁


Even when the receiving circuit is mounted on a tester board and placed in operation, no large current flows to the input circuit from the test output circuit, the receiving circuit does not oscillate to improve the test precision, and the minute current signal recognition variation of the optical interconnecting devices is reduced. - 特許庁


To provide an electrooptical device having an excellent light emission characteristic by suppressing dispersion of film thickness of light emitting elements formed in forming the light emitting elements in a partitioned area surrounded by a bank, and to provide electronic equipment mounting the electrooptical device. - 特許庁


The surface roughness of the bearing surface 21b is planarized, by removing the press oil remained between the head piece 58 and a bottom of a work piece W therefore, in turn, the yoke 21 which is hard to cause the fluctuation in the characteristics is manufactured. - 特許庁


To provide a vehicular waist molding capable of significantly exhibiting a buffer lip function, such as buffering and clearance shielding, while preventing a buffer lip from riding up or being gotten in due to variations in mounting or external force in mounting, and to provide a method for manufacturing the same. - 特許庁


A stopper member 33 is slidably inserted in the stopper insert hole 32, and the plunger 14 is prevented from slipping off by engagement between the stopper member 33 and the engaging groove 31 to prevent various parts integrated into the cylinder chamber 12, from disintegrating apart. - 特許庁


To propose a novel riding posture and cause no trouble of its houseroom in a balance training device for training a balance capacity of a subject by rocking a seat on which the subject sits by a rocking mechanism and for applying an exercising load imitating the horseback riding to the subject. - 特許庁


At the middle of each of the cells 3, a trench 32 is formed with its bottom located in a high-concentration n^+-region 10, a gate oxide film 33 for avalanche performance is formed on the inner walls of the trench 32, and a conductive film 34 for avalanche performance made of polysilicon or the like is embedded in the trench 32. - 特許庁


To provide an optical fiber ribbon which is easily separated into optical fibers, respective optical fibers are not torn by being adhered and supported in a common coating film, and are not protruded out nor drawn in the common coating film due to a variation in temperature. - 特許庁


The phase condition of the oscillator 10 caused by dispersion in the oscillator 10 can be adjusted in details by changing the connected position of the parts AR1a, AR1b between the package wiring 13 and the wires 14 interconnecting the surface acoustic wave resonator 11 and the package wiring 13. - 特許庁


The outer periphery of a spline tooth 14 of a spline shaft 9 is provided with an inlet 13 of oil flowing into the balance chamber 4 for balancing with and canceling a centrifugal force acting on a working fluid fed into an oil chamber 3 for operating the piston 2. - 特許庁


In the flowmeter 700 having a case 703 storing a single straight flow tube 701 surrounded by a balance bar 702, the balance bar ends are coupled by means of a brace bar 709 to the flow tube as well as by case connect links 710 to the inner wall of the case. - 特許庁


The payout machine 7 is waited in a region of the cargo space 5B same as that of the terminal 28 to eliminate concern of snarl or break of the cable 21 during voyage, and the cable 21 is fed to the drum 26 during taking out the bulk materials, is wound into it, and can follow the running of the payout machine 7. - 特許庁


The electric motor including a rotor having a magnet embedded in a rotor core 11 and a stator includes a counterweight integral type end plate 13 in which a counterweight 13A is integrated with the end plate 13B, and a cutout part provided on the end plate 13B of the counterweight integral type end plate 13. - 特許庁


The electronic still camera provided with a white balance adjustment means for performing white balance adjustment based on a photographed image, measures number of photographed images and an elapsed time from a prescribed point of time, discriminates the reliability of a white balance control signal stored at the prescribed point of time and can inform a user about it when the reliability is low. - 特許庁

MOSFET9 を有するスイッチ回路21は、入力信号に応答して点灯若しくは消灯する発光素子6 と、発光素子6 からの光を受光する1個又は直列接続された複数個のアバランシェフォトダイオードから成るアバランシェフォトダイオードアレイ7 であって、MOSFET9 のゲートG とドレインD との間に接続されるアバランシェフォトダイオードアレイ7 とを備えて成る。例文帳に追加

A switching circuit 21, having a MOSFET 9, is provided with a light-emitting element 6 that is lighted or put out in response to an input signal and with an avalanche photodiode array 7 consisting of a single avalanche photodiode or more in series connection, receiving a light from the light-emitting element 6 and connected between a gate G and a drain D of the MOSFET 9. - 特許庁


The device 4 decodes the received authentication command to fetch the numbers R1 to Rn, selects a random number Ri when the comparison collation results of information D and D' of comparison collation algorithm 7 are D=D' according to the information Rule (i, j), selects a random number Rj in the case of D≠D' and transmits it as authentication response to the device 2. - 特許庁


Consequently, the radiation electrode 51 is sandwiched by the sealing resin 91 having a predetermined dielectric constant, a capacity value necessary for excitation of the antenna is obtained, an inter-electrode distance between the tip portion of the radiation electrode 51 and the feeding electrode 71 is also stabilized, the variance of capacity is reduced, and the stable capacity-feeding type antenna can be configured. - 特許庁

ここにあるロウソクは、固体で、別に容器におさまったりしてませんね。それなのに、この固体の物質が、どうやって炎のあるところまでのぼっていくのか? 固体が、液体でもないのに、そこまでいけるのか? あるいは液体になったとしたら、どうしてバラバラにならずにいるのか? ロウソクのすごいのは、こういうところです。例文帳に追加

You have here a solid substance with no vessel to contain it; and how is it that this solid substance can get up to the place where the flame is? How is it that this solid gets there, it not being a fluid? or, when it is made a fluid, then how is it that it keeps together? This is a wonderful thing about a candle.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


To provide a toy for game which enable a user to play with a toy while appreciating the fun to smartly pile up pieces one after another by taking the balance and the fun, such as the feel of a thrill fearing that the piece group built up on a tower collapse. - 特許庁


To prevent an unsuitable current from flowing to cause unbalance of armature coil currents between phases while using a capacitive filter for preventing a high frequency current component from flowing through the armature coil of an axial gap motor. - 特許庁


To obtain a stator for a rotating-electric machine capable of adjusting a shaft center mass imbalance resulting from a bias of a drawing position of a lead line of a stator winding, of preventing amplification of vibration applied to the stator, and capable of preventing disconnection of the stator winding and excitation to a dynamo-electric machine case. - 特許庁


To prevent an unsuitable current from flowing to cause unbalance of armature coil currents between phases while using a capacitive filter for preventing a high-frequency current component from flowing through the armature coil of an axial gap motor. - 特許庁


To provide a copolymer latex for a makeup puff retaining a fine-grained foaming structure and an expansion ratio from a foaming process to a gelation process when manufacturing the makeup puff and stably and highly efficiently manufacturing the fine-grained makeup puff having well-balanced elasticity and texture. - 特許庁


In this way, the projection 26 is pierced and fixed to the sheet metal 14, and acts so as to draw the circumferential plate, but the swelling part 30 is soon abutted against the sheet metal 14, thus the part abutted against the swelling part 30 is drawn, and it is drawn in a well balance over all the periphery. - 特許庁


Ten' or the image of Tenbu in Buddhism was established by the historical process where the gods in Indian myths and Brahmanism were incorporated into Buddhism and became Goho Zenshin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The president is Nisso UCHINO (hoen of Cho-shi) the Hoshu of Kuon-ji Temple on Mt. Minobu, and the chairman is Nikkan NAGAKURA (hoen of Cho-shi) the Kanju of Hongaku-ji Temple on Mt. Myogon, and the office is temporarily located in Komatsubara Kyonin-ji Temple at present.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tokinashi daikon's leaves are characterized by their turquoise color, the straightness with deep slits, and fine midribs; the root has a cusp cylinder shape with a diameter of six to eight centimeters, and is approximately forty-five centimeters long.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The gyudon (rice covered with beef and vegetables) refers to a cuisine for the common people that consists of a bowl of rice topped with solid pieces of chopped-up pork ribs or pieces of sliced meat simmered with onions in a mixture of sugar and soy sauce.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Yoshino yoshimizuin gakusho" describes a Kagura song 'Sonokoma' as 'originally from Saibara,' and "Eikyokusho" (a musical document in the late of Heian period) describes 'Asakura' as 'a tune of Asakura Saibara, sing in three parts.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1584, during the Battle of Komaki-Nagakute, the friendly army was completely defeated but he divided his force into three, then waited for the armies of Ieyasu side led by Yasutaka OSUGA and Yasumasa SAKAKIBARA, conducted a pincer movement and defeated the enemies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Naoharu thought that it was difficult to defend, and escaped to Tomari-jo Castle (present Tanabe City) of his uncle Noriharu YUKAWA () after burning his residence at Komatsubara and the Kameyama-jo Castle (all of which were in present Gobo City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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