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該当件数 : 4791



A system controller 16 calculates DC resistance of the battery 4 based on a difference between current values in operation modes before and after changing stored in a memory 14 and a voltage fluctuation of the battery 4 measured by an A/D converter 12, and transmits a warning indication signal to a data LCD 28 when the calculated DC resistance exceeds a predetermined level. - 特許庁


According to the operation materials, corresponding operation and the time operation of the timer are performed, a display unit and a voice circuit are driven to display and transmit the calculation results and the time through a display unit and a voice device, so that the user can obtain the arithmetic result and accurate time speedily without any key-in operation. - 特許庁


In Kafu NAGAI's famed novel 'Bokuto Kidan' (A Strange Tale from East of the River) which depicts the life and manners of Japanese people in the early Showa period, he described how a prostitute of Tamanoi ate cold rice in a wooden container and an aluminum pot of cooked sweet potatoes with soy sauce; she ate chazuke together with the potatoes warmed on hibachi (a brazier) and heaped takuan (pickled radish).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Concerning 'bibimbap,' a Korean dish in which various side dishes are put on top of boiled rice placed originally in a non-heated bowl and both side dishes and rice are eaten from the mixture, a Korean cook residing in Japan and a Japanese cook have recently devised jointly 'stone-roasted bibimbap,' in which a bowl, cut out of rock, is heated and boiled rice and side dishes are placed in it (in many of such dishes, side dishes not used in traditional Korean dishes are provided).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While gendai budo establishes the systems of the arts and places emphasis on competitions or matches for the purpose of disciplining mind and body from the point of view of the human development and physical education more than polishing the arts (for example, judo, kendo), the fundamental purpose of kobudo was not winning a match (some of the schools had forbidden trainees from competing in the contest between different schools), but defending themselves actually to live or disciplining themselves to carry out their missions as samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


法会所用具類(ほうえ しょようぐるい)39点(舞楽水引6枚、蛮絵袍2枚、舎利会装束(衣二領、袴二腰)2組、舎利会装束衣 2領、舎利会装束大口 2腰、舎利会散花机前垂(赤蓮華文錦) 1枚、奚婁(けいろ)1口、鼗(ふりつづみ)1口、羯鼓(台付)1口、鼓胴(皮各二枚付)2口、鉦鼓 1口、木履 5両、十二天持物13本)例文帳に追加

Tools for Hoe Ceremonies39 items (Bugaku Mizuhiki x6, Bane-no-ho x2, Sharie Shozoku costume (Kinu robes, Hakama trousers) 2 sets, Sharie Shozoku Kinu x2, Sharie Shozoku Okuchi x2, Sharie Sangeki Maedare (Shakurenge-monnishiki) x1, Keiro x1, Furizutsumi x1, Kakko (with stand) x1, Kodo drums (with 2 skins each) x2, Shoko x1, wooden shoes x5 pairs, Juniten Jimotsu x13)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Emperor Ojin passed away, he plotted to succeed the Imperial Throne, and with hundreds of soldiers, he raised an army against Iratsuko UJINOWAKI and Osasagi no miko (the later Emperor Nintoku) who were strong candidates for the succession, but when he was crossing the Yodo-gawa River on a ship, he drowned because Iratsuko UJINOWAKI who heard the story from Osasagi no miko that suspected Oyamamori no miko's plan, disguised himself as a ferryman and purposely capsized the ship.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shigemori raised the morale of the members of his army saying that 'we are in the era of Heiji, the capital is Heian, and we are the Taira clan, all having the same character (the character can be read as both Hei and Taira), and so we shall flatten (also the same character as Hei/Taira) our enemy out,' and he engaged in fierce battles against MINAMOTO no Yoshihira, between mandarin orange trees of the Ukon and cherry trees of the Sakon at the Imperial Palace, and then he performed heroically in the Battle of Horikawa with irresistible force as he - after losing his own horse to a volley of arrows - stood up on logs and then climbed upon a new horse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Just after he killed his younger brother Fuyuyasu ATAGI because of slanders from Hisahide MATSUNAGA in 1564, he died on August 20 in a house near Kawachi Imoriyama Castle due to extended illness, passed at a time when it seemed as if he was following his brother (There are opinions that it was an assassination, rather than a death from illness. Hisahide MATSUNAGA and three other people from the Miyoshi family are suspected; however, this theory is believed to be a myth created by writers in later years).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In January 1186, on the occasion of Emperor Gotoba's Imperial visit for a Katatagae gyoko (to stay the night in a place situated at another point of the compass when one's destination from home lies in an ill-starred direction), as Hachijoin's residence had been seriously damaged by an earthquake and the repairs had not been completed, Yorimori's residence adjacent to it was chosen; however, Yorimori flatly declined to allow the use of his residence, stating that there were impurities there (see the entries for January 5, 6 and 7 in the "Gyokuyo").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As a part of measures to reconcile the relationship between the Hojo clan and Ashikaga clan, she married Takauji ASHIKAGA and gave birth to the heir, Senjuo (later, Yoshiakira) and she went through many hardships that Yoshiakira was sent to Kamakura as a hostage for the Hojo family and that as Takauji later turned against the Kamakura bakufu, as a result, the Hojo family including her elder brother, Moritoki was ruined..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tokitomo was 178 cm tall and taller than average in those days, skilled in martial arts due to his privileged body, famous as a cultured person so that his 51 poems whose number was next to Yoritsuna UTSUNOMIYA were contained in "Utsunomiya Shin Wakashu"(the second collection of Utsunomiya group's poetry), and a copy of Tokitomo's poems "Collection of Poetry Written by Tokitomo KASAMA" is stored in Imperial Household Archives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hisamitsu continued to keep power in the Satsuma domain (Kagoshima Prefecture), however, it is said that when Haihan-chiken (abolition of domains and establishment of prefectures) was declared by the Grand Council of State under the leadership of Takamori SAIGO and Toshimichi OKUBO participating in the central government on August 29, 1871, he got very angry and ordered to set off fireworks the whole day in Kagoshima as a message protest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In fact, when the war was over, Kagetoki was exceeded by Yoshimori WADA not only in his war record but also in administrative and practical works (as seen in his report of the battle against Yoshinaka, mentioned above: it is said that there were not many Bando [old Kanto region] Samurai who could write at that time), so Kagetoki, able even to compose waka, was a valuable staff member for Yoritomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the winter of 1180, during the nation-wide revolt of the Minamoto forces in response to the princely command of the Prince Mochihito, TAIRA no Kiyomori, who regarded the existence of the Minamoto clan at Kawachi Ishikawa manor, formerly a stronghold of the Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan), as a dangerous threat, put a plan in motion which lured Yoshimoto and the greater part of the Ishikawa-Genji (Minamoto clan) strength away to Toba (today's Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City), where he quickly had them surrounded and annihilated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


'Asanoshi metsubou no ransho (story of the beginning of fall of the Asano family)' in "Sentoku zuihitsu (essay)" written by Sentoku MIZUMA (the Haikai master of feudal retainers of Ako Domain Gengo OTAKA, Yogoro KANZAKI, Sukeemon TOMINOMORI and Sanpei KAYANO) adopted the theory the Asano family was stingy on the budget, saying as follows: "The Asano family paid only 700 ryo for the expenses to entertain Imperial envoy, which cost 1200 ryo every year, and Kira protested against it, setting them in feud and ended up in Ninjo."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, her biological mother Ichida placed her younger brother Moritsune ICHIDA to the position of Satsumahan issho mochi (position only reserved for Shimazu clan) with her power and acted as if she was a lawful wife of Shigehide after sending Shigehide's another concubine Tsutsumi who was Narinobu SHIMAZU's mother and a daughter of Kuge (Shunkoin (a concubine of Shigehide SHIMAZU)) to Kagoshima from Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Mt. Yoshino was fallen by Sadafuji NIKAIDO's massive force, he shouted in order to let the Imperial Prince Moriyoshi escape safely, 'I am Ippon Hyobukyo (Imperial Prince of the first rank, Minister for Military Affairs), Imperial Prince Moriyoshi, the second son of Emperor Godaigo who was the 95th generation from Emperor Jinmu, the descendant of Amaterasu Omikami (the Sun Goddess). Look at how I am going to kill myself now in order not to be overthrown by rebellious subjects and settle my grudge in the afterworld, and follow what I've done when you have to commit seppuku after using up your fortune of war.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shidan-Kaido the first, second and third gun-do (three military roads for military use) situated in the section between Fukakusa Station and Fujimori Station were equipped with overhead crossings that permitted these roads to cross over the line, in order not to interrupt the maneuvers of the 16th Division of the Imperial Japanese Ground Army (Japanese Army) before the war (it has since been relocated to the suburbs as the posts of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF); one in the vicinity of Obaku Station (Kyoto Prefecture) on the Keihan Uji Line and the other in the vicinity of Okubo Station on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1992, 400 series Shinkansen train-cars were manufactured and the Yamagata Shinkansen line started operation between Fukushima Station (located in Fukushima Prefecture) and Yamagata Station of the Ou main line; In 1997, E3 series Shinkansen train-cars were manufactured and the Akita Shinkansen line started operation between Morioka Station and Akita Station on the Tazawako line and the Ou main line; in 1999, E3 series 1000 - 1999 Shinkansen train-cars were manufactured additionally and the section between Yamagata Station and Shinjo Station of the Ou main line started operation as an extension of the Yamagata Shinkansen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Takanashi clan resisted the governor Yoshitane SHIBA, rose in arms at Zenko-ji Temple along with Yorikuni MURAKAMI, Seijun OGASAWARA and Taro NAGANUMA in 1387, attacked the prefectural office in Hirashiba (Amori, Nagano City) in May, fought at Urushidahara (Nakagosho, Nagano City), captured Yokoyama-jo Castle (in which Ujiyasu NINOMIYA, Shugodai [deputy of Shugo, provincial constable] had taken refuge) in September, and attacked Namani-jo Castle (Amamiya, Chikuma City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Masamori TAKANASHI's time, to strengthen the connection between the Takanashi and Nagao clans, the deputy governor of Echigo, Masamori, had his daughter marry Yoshikage NAGAO (since Masamori and Yoshikage were at the same age, she was probably a daughter of Masataka) and the daughter bore Tamekage NAGAO (the father of Kenshin UESUGI), who ultimately became a deputy governor of Echigo, so that the Takanashi clan was involved in the conflict between the Uesugi clan, the governor of Echigo, and the Nagao clan in Echigo during the late Muromachi period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Hayashi family, one of the bakufu members opposing Arai's plan, insisted, "King means Emperor, therefore, Shogun should not introduce himself as King, this is an useless reform. This only causes a flutter in the dovecotes," and also Hoshu AMENOMORI, a Confusion scholar in Tsushima domain opposed it saying, "the Joseon Dynasty doesn't like sudden reformation. Please reconsider," but as a result, the changes were implemented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the Shimotsuki Incident note, the only primary archive describing the incident, when Yasumori was in his second house in Matsutani in the morning of December 21, he noticed a restlessness in the world and went back to his residence in Tonotsuji around midday to prepare to attend court, but he was attacked and killed by Yoritsuna's soldiers when he arrived at Sadatoki's residence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to them, it is recorded that Koden was granted for the great achievements to EMI no Oshikatsu (FUJIWARA no Nakamaro) who assumed the real political power during the middle of the Nara period, WAKE no Kiyomaro who prevented Dokyo from acceding to the throne, FUJIWARA no Hidesato who defeated TAIRA no Masakado, TAIRA no Kiyomori who established the Taira clan government, MINAMOTO no Yoritomo who defeated the Taira clan government and established the Kamakura bakufu, and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One of the examples is that TAIRA no Masakado's War was not suppressed until TAIRA no Masakado staged a rebellious act attacking a provincial governor (although TAIRA no Sadamori on the opposing side was similar in that he had disturbed the peace and at the beginning of Masakado's War he had been ordered to hunt down and kill Sadamori), and another example is that, for the Go Sannen no Eki (Later Three-Year Campaign), reward grants were not given to the subordinates of MINAMOTO no Yoshiie.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ito was shocked to know that the reason of Emperor's rejection to return to public service was because the Emperor was upset about the informal appointment of Arinori MORI, a Christian, as Goyogakari (a general affairs official of the Imperial Household) which he thought was a neglect of his 'Imperial Thoughts on Education', and that the appointment was reported to the Emperor by the close advisers in the Imperial court before the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although assumed to be used as gin-date (payment based on silver) or sen-date (payment based on sen [a unit of currency at that time]) paper money, Hatamoto-satsu in Omi Province was provided with the feature that each piece of the paper money was nominally a stamp for goods (or exchange ticket) such as follows: Sumi-kitte (stamps for charcoal) issued by the Kuchiki clan, Tane-kitte (stamps for seeds) by the Iba-Saigusa clan, Mame-kitte (stamps for beans) by the Nakayama-Seki clan, Mame-tegata (promissory notes for beans) by the Oiso-Negoro clan, and Cha-kitte (stamps for tea) by the Omori-Mogami clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Famous members of the Taira clan included the following: TAIRA no Masakado of Shimousa Province and Hitachi Province, who tried but failed to establish an independent government in Togoku; TAIRA no Kiyomori, who led the aristocratic government; and the Bando-Heishi, supporters of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, who had toppled Kiyomori; ironically, both Kiyomori and the Bando-Heishi could trace their ancestry back to the lineage of the Taira clan that was native to the Togoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Ishibashi Clan Family Tree" handed down to Dr 石橋 of Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the Ishibashi clan in the Yame region started when Uemon-morikiyo ISHIBASHI (died in 1601), a senior vassal of the lord of the Shimoda-jo Castle of the Chikugo Province 貞元 who was a Seiwa Genji-lined samurai from Hizen Province and a family member of the Otomo clan of the Bungo Province, settled in Hoshino-mura village, Ikuha County, Chikugo Province in a certain point of the Tensho era (1573 - 1593).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on this approach, the supervisory perspectives to review a comprehensive risk management system will be included in supervisory guidelines so as to encourage each financial institution, having considered these perspectives, to build an appropriate and comprehensive risk management system in accordance with the scale of its business and risk profile, etc., and to build a process for assessing its capital adequacy in relation to its own risk  - 金融庁


Furthermore, the FSA has amended the Guidelines for Supervision effective August 6, 2008 to incorporate the lessons on risk management learnt from domestic and foreign financial institutionsexperience of the subprime mortgage problem, including risk management related to securitized products, etc.As necessary, the agency will verify whether such lessons are reflected in risk management at the practical level and the disclosure of risk-related information.  - 金融庁


From the perspectives of implementing efficient and effective inspections and lightening the burdens of firms that receive inspections, and in relation to the measures considered in the above-mentionedProject for Reviewing the Inspection Process,” the items such as the trial introduction of prior notice inspection and the meeting with top management, of which directions are fixed to some extent, have been incorporated into the “Basic Inspection Guidelines.” The guidelines are currently undergoing public comment.  - 金融庁


The summary included recommendations regarding four issues, namely (1) improvement in the reliability of the operations of securities companies as market intermediaries, (2) securities companiesexercise of the function of acting as a check against issuers, (3) securities companiesexercise of the function of acting as a check against investors and (4) maintenance of the self-discipline of securities companies as market players.  - 金融庁


As for the individual steps in this series of measures, we are rapidly implementing them beginning with those most able to be put into effect quickly.However, in order for these countermeasures to be effective, we believe it necessary to implement the budget for FY2009 in tandem with the first and second supplementary budgets for FY2008 in a seamless manner.  - 金融庁


The lubrication coating film composition is obtained by dispersing either or both of furfural and furfuryl alcohol as a starting substance, a furan resin initial condensate to become a low-friction furan resin by curing and three kinds of solid lubricants of molybdenum disulfide, a polytetrafluoroethylene and graphite into an organic solvent. - 特許庁


To provide a belt-nip fixing device capable of stably fixing a toner image regardless of the type of a recording sheet by preventing so-called "paper blister" and "toner blister". - 特許庁


To provide a data processor and its processing method capable of efficiently accelerating initial rise and improving the performance of a system by downloading only necessary configuration data to a configuration memory built in a field programmable gate array in accordance with required data processing to be executed. - 特許庁


To obtain a new benzotriazole mother nucleus-having benzotriazole derivative which is used as a raw material (monomer) for synthesizing polymer ultraviolet light absorbents having high ultraviolet light absorbability and having good compatibility with resins for films, and the like, and to provide a method for synthesizing the benzotriazole derivative in high purity and in high yield. - 特許庁


To provide a flag signal generation circuit which ignores an external active command input before a read operation for SRR, and performs an active operation when an external active command is input after the read operation for SRR. - 特許庁


While the data transmission from the router 20 is stopped, the configuration controller reads the configuration data upgraded from a flash memory and transfers the data to the programmable logic circuit (FPGA) after all data stored in a buffer of the programmable logic circuit (FPGA) are sent out. - 特許庁


This Mo99-Tc99m generator system is constituted of an elution column of Tc99m filled with Mo adsorption PZC including Mo99 produced by performing neutron irradiation to molybdenum oxide MoO_3 having a natural isotope composition of Mo, dissolving it into sodium hydrate, and reacting it with poly-zirconium chloride (PZC). - 特許庁


A configuration writing/reading circuit 60 monitors power, reads the storage place from the configuration storage place storage circuit 30 when receiving cutoff information from a power cutoff detection circuit 50 detecting the cutoff information, and copies information of a configuration cache memory 200 to the storage place. - 特許庁


The font preload optical information storage medium includes A/V data including audio or video data, and interactive data, which constitutes a predetermined interactive screen having the A/V data and includes a command for preloading fonts for use in a plurality of interactive screens into a memory of a reproducing apparatus during seamless reproduction. - 特許庁


A control logic processor 44 is in control signal communication with the focus adjustment mechanism to adjust focus position, and is in image data communication with the image detector array for receiving image data obtained by the image detector array and with a memory 48 for storing the received image data corresponding to each of the sequence of focus positions. - 特許庁


At step S110, an object distance calculation unit calculates the object distance based on the information prestored in a lens Flash memory while an AF processing unit acquires the position information of focal point in the plane of image to be captured, and the imaging apparatus carries out photographing and captures an image by the processing at step S120. - 特許庁


To suppress a short channel effect by achieving uniformity in junction depth of a high concentration impurity layer of a source/drain electrode including an elevated source/drain region in a transistor in a peripheral circuit region while preventing short-circuit due to contact between semiconductor layers on the sourced/drain electrode in the transistor in a memory cell region. - 特許庁


In a data control circuit 1, a warning status flag 409 is enabled when the free space in the buffer memory 3 decreases to a predetermined level, and control is performed for halting input data loading, upon detecting that the warning status flag 409 is enabled, while restart information for restarting output of the input data is held. - 特許庁


To provide a new radiation sensitive resin composition that has a sufficient pattern form even on a substrate having a step even when an antireflective film is not formed on the substrate using a thin film, forms a resist film with a small pattern variation width, has sufficient sensitivity, and has high focal latitude and exposure latitude. - 特許庁



The controller 100 manages, based on final reference time information of a corresponding table, the time when the thumbnail images to be kept in the cache memory 101 are finally displayed, deletes a thumbnail image that is least used when a new thumbnail image is created, and keeps the new thumbnail image instead. - 特許庁


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