
「一台」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(173ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 8670



A bolt protective member 126 is mounted on a pin head fixing bolt 122. - 特許庁


(i) a copy of the residence certificate prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Basic Resident Registration Act (Act No. 81 of 1967) (in the case where the person is a foreign national who resides in Japan, a copy of an alien registration certificate, a copy of a registration card, or a certificate of the registered matters of said person), or a substitute thereof (hereinafter referred to as a "Copy of the Residence Certificate, etc."), a curriculum vitae, a certification issued by a public agency that such person does not fall under any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (2), item (i) (a) and (b) of the Act (excluding the case where said person is a foreign national), and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person does not fall under any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph (2), item (i) (c) to (k) of the Act (in the case where such person is a foreign national, (a) to (k) of the same item);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 情報管理センターは、第項の通知を行った後主務省令で定める期間を経過してもなお同項の引取実施報告を行った者が行うべき引取後引渡実施報告を受けないときは、主務省令で定めるところにより、遅滞なく、当該使用済自動車等の引取り又は引渡しが適正に行われていないおそれがある旨及び当該引取実施報告を行った者の氏名又は名称、当該使用済自動車等の車番号(特定再資源化等物品にあっては、当該特定再資源化等物品に係る使用済自動車の車番号。次項において同じ。)その他の主務省令で定める事項を都道府県知事に報告しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) When a Report on Implementing Delivery After Collection to be made by the entity making the Report on Implementing Collection in Paragraph 1 has not been received even after the period of time specified by ordinance of the competent minister has elapsed after the notification indicated in Paragraph 1 has been made as specified by ordinance of the competent minister, the Information Management Entity shall report to the governor without delay that there is likely that the End-of-Life Vehicles, etc. may not be collected or delivered as is appropriate in addition to the name or designation of the entity making the Report on Implementing Collection, the Vehicle number of the End-of-Life Vehicles, etc. (when these are Parts Specified for Recycling, etc., the vehicle number of the End-of-Life Vehicles related to the Parts Specified for Recycling, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph) and other matters specified by ordinance of the competent minister.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In this process, important innovative technologies, clearly different from those in previous train-cars, as described in the following, came to be practically used only during several years from 1953: The new train-car base supporting high-speeds in addition to 'the Cardan driving method,' which enabled the suppression of vibration and contributed to making passengers feel more comfortable and to enabling high-speed operations, 'all-metal light body train-cars,' which enabled stress to be distributed to side plates and ceilings as well as floor chassis, 'the method of electrifying every train-car,' in which every train-car was equipped with an electric motor to increase acceleration performances, 'the electromagnetic straight brake mechanism,' which provided quick response abilities and allowed it to be handled easily, and 'the 1C8M method (MM unit method),' in which a control unit was shared by two electric power train-cars, contributing to reducing cost and to making the car bodies lighter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and PNP together issued the three-party pact. This represents a common policy of the three parties issued on August 16 of last year in the run-up to the election. It was developed in the circumstances in which excessive regulatory reforms implemented by Mr. Koizumi, coupled with excessive market fundamentalism, had brought much instability to the lives of the Japanese people. That is the basic premise of this coalition government. Subsequently, after winning the election, we articulated the idea into the three-party pact. I find it a positive thing that the people are voicing various opinions in line with the cause. And we have made a decision to set up an inspection committee. I believe that it is necessary to properly inspect any significant incident on a case-by-case basis.  - 金融庁



The image reading device is also provided with: a measuring means for measuring the corrected gradation of the image data of the central part and the side part; and a changing means for changing the prescribed quantity on the basis of the measured gradation of the image data of the central part and the side part. - 特許庁

ヘ 排水量が、〇〇〇トン以上の船舶に使用することができる防音装置であって、ディーゼルエンジン、ディーゼル発電機、ガスタービンエンジン、ガスタービン発電機、推進電動機又は減速装置から発生する五〇〇ヘルツ未満の周波数の音響又は振動を減少するもののうち、複合型の防音からなり、かつ、中間のマスの重量がその上に設置される装置の重量の三〇パーセントを超えるもの例文帳に追加

(f) Among soundproofing devices which are capable of being used on vessels in which the displacement is greater than 1,000 tons which reduces sound or vibration at frequencies of less than 500 hertz generated from diesel engines, diesel generators, gas turbine engines, gas turbine generators, propulsion electric motors, reducers, those made of a composite sound insulating base the intermediate mass weight of which exceeds 30 % of the weight of the device installed on it  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 特定特殊自動車製作等事業者は、特定特殊自動車排出ガスの排出状況その他の事情を勘案して政令で定める数以下の同の型式に属する特定特殊自動車(以下「少数生産車」という。)の製作等をした場合であって、主務省令で定める基準に適合するものとして主務省令で定めるところにより主務大臣の承認を受けたときは、当該少数生産車に主務省令で定める表示(以下「少数特例表示」という。)を付することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) When a business operator that engages in the manufacture etc. of non-road special motor vehicles has conducted the manufacture etc. of non-road special motor vehicles that belong to the same type in the number that is specified by Cabinet Order or less, taking into account the state of emissions of exhaust from non-road special motor vehicles and other circumstances (hereinafter to be referred to "motor vehicles manufactured in smaller numbers") and when it has been received approval from the competent minister in accordance with the Ordinance of the competent ministry as complying with the standards set by the Ordinance of the competent ministry, he/she may affix on such motor vehicles manufactured in smaller numbers an indication as specified in the Ordinance of the competent ministry (hereinafter to be referred to "exceptional case indication of smaller number").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(i) A fishery in which the deepest water depth at the place where the body of a fishing net is fixed is 27 meters (15 meters in Okinawa Prefecture) or more at the time of the highest sea level (excluding the fishery using a pound net with some cube-shaped bags in the Seto Inland Sea (the Seto Inland Sea provided in paragraph (2), Article 110) and the fishery using a fixed shore trap net with a pocket and the fishery using a pound net with some cube-shaped bags in the Mutsu Bay (the sea surrounded by the straight line between Yakeyamazaki, Aomori Prefecture and the lighthouse at Cape Myojingasaki, Aomori Prefecture and by the shore).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第百五十条の四十五 事業者は、最大積載量が五トン以上の不整地運搬車に荷を積む作業(ロープ掛けの作業及びシート掛けの作業を含む。)又は最大積載量が五トン以上の不整地運搬車から荷を卸す作業(ロープ解きの作業及びシート外しの作業を含む。)を行うときは、墜落による労働者の危険を防止するため、当該作業に従事する労働者が床面と荷上の荷の上面との間を安全に昇降するための設備を設けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 151-45 (1) The employer shall, when loading cargoes on a transporting vehicle on rough terrain having the maximum loading capacity of 5 tons or more (including the work roping and sheeting) and unloading cargoes from a transporting vehicle on a rough terrain having the maximum loading capacity of 5 tons or more (including the work unroping and unsheeting), provide the equipment for the worker engaging the said work to go up and down safely between the floor surface and the upper surface of the cargoes on the loading platform in order to prevent workers from dangers due to falling.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第百五十条の六十七 事業者は、最大積載量が五トン以上の貨物自動車に荷を積む作業(ロープ掛けの作業及びシート掛けの作業を含む。)又は最大積載量が五トン以上の貨物自動車から荷を卸す作業(ロープ解きの作業及びシート外しの作業を含む。)を行うときは、墜落による労働者の危険を防止するため、当該作業に従事する労働者が床面と荷上の荷の上面との間を安全に昇降するための設備を設けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 151-67 (1) The employer shall, when loading cargoes on a truck having the maximum loading capacity of 5 tons or more (including the work roping and sheeting) and unloading cargoes from a truck having the maximum loading capacity of 5 tons or more (including the work unroping and unsheeting), provide equipment for the worker engaging in the said work to go up and down safely between the floor surface and the upper surface of the cargoes on the loading platform in order to prevent workers from dangers due to falling.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

中央サーバ, 次ミラーサイト, Armenia, Israel, アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アルゼンチン, イギリス, イタリア, インドネシア共和国, ウクライナ, エストニア, オーストラリア, オーストリア, オランダ, カナダ, ギリシア, クロアチア, サウジアラビア, シンガポール, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, スロバキア共和国, スロベニア, チェコ共和国, デンマーク, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィンランド, フランス, ブラジル, ブルガリア, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルーマニア, ロシア, 韓国, 香港, 湾, 中国, 南アフリカ, 日本.例文帳に追加

Central Servers, Primary Mirror Sites, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.  - FreeBSD

中央サーバ, 次ミラーサイト, Armenia, Israel, アイスランド, アイルランド, アメリカ合衆国, アルゼンチン, イギリス, イタリア, インドネシア共和国, ウクライナ, エストニア, オーストラリア, オーストリア, オランダ, カナダ, キルギス共和国, ギリシア, クウェート, コスタリカ共和国, サンマリノ, シンガポール, スイス, スウェーデン, スペイン, スロバキア共和国, スロベニア, タイ王国, チェコ共和国, デンマーク, トルコ, ドイツ, ニュージーランド, ノルウェー, ハンガリー, フィリピン, フィンランド, フランス, ブラジル, ブルガリア, ポーランド, ポルトガル, ラトビア, リトアニア, ルーマニア, ロシア, 韓国, 湾, 中国, 南アフリカ, 日本.例文帳に追加

Central Servers, Primary Mirror Sites, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.  - FreeBSD


27 temples in Koyasan - (in Koya-cho, Wakayama Prefecture), Hoki-in Temple, Yochi-in Temple, Tentoku-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Shochi-in Temple, Saizen-in Temple, Myoo-in Temple (in Koyasan), Ryuko-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Shinno-in Temple, Soji-in Temple, Nishimuro-in Temple, Nan-in Temple, Kongosanmai-in Temple, Ryusei-in Temple, Kodai-in Temple, Fukuchi-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Hongaku-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Hon no-in Temple, Fumon-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Ichijo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Fugen-in Temple, Saimon-in Temple, Daien-in Temple, Jimyo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Tamon-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Sanbo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Henjoko-in Temple, Shojoshin-in Temple, Entsuritsu-ji Temple  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The spacious characteristics of the Itsukushima-jinja Shrine, originally constructed during the period of the Empress Suiko regnant, were seen in its design, first, a large torii and plain stage appeared on the sea and second, a corridor (a covered passageway) that turns, surrounds an axis connecting a large torii (gateway to a Shinto shrine) and the main shrine, and third, buildings of the shrine and the large torii that blends with the surrounding nature can be seen off and on as viewers approach, which imitate the sea, pond, spring, and the mountain behind the shrine as an object in which the soul of a god dwells, and it becomes a massive view in scale that merges the sea and mountains into one unit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many theories, such as a theory stating that the appearance of large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds seen in and after middle 3rd century suggests the establishment of unified government in the Japanese Islands, and the dynasty established at that time were the ancestors of the Imperial Family, a theory regarding the lineage of Himiko of the Yamatai Kingdom, if it existed in the Kinki region of the Yayoi period, as the ancestors of the Imperial Family, and a theory stating that the dynasty of the ancestors of the Imperial Family was established in 4th century, has been presented, and has not been settled.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, right before and after the revision, many passengers seemed to be discontented due to the increased number of express and semi-express trains that started doubling back at Tenmabashi Station during the morning rush, and the decreased convenience at Kayashima Station and Kozenji Station owing to the discontinued semi-express during the daytime; so, on January 27, 2007, the timetable was again revised in order to cope with these problems (revision on the repartition of the shuttle trains that were doubling back at Tenmabashi Station and those that arrived at and departed from Yodoyabashi Station during the morning rush, the downgrading of express trains between 15:00 and 16:00 to semi-express, etc.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Residences of fudai daimyo (hereditary vassals to the Tokugawa clan) were built on the western outskirts of the interior castle moat between the Oote-mon and Wadakura-mon gates, an area south of the Sakurada-mon gate was designated the residence of the tozama daimyo (nonhereditary feudal lord), and Hatamoto and Gokenin (shogunal retainers) were housed on a hillside stretching between the outskirts of the western Hanzo-mon gate to Hitotsubashi-mon and Kandabashi-mon gates; choninchi (residential and commercial areas for townspeople) the reclaimed lands in Hibiya stretched between Tokiwa-bashi Bridge, Gofuku-bashi Bridge, Kaji-bashi Bridge, Sukiya-bashi Bridge, Sumida-gawa River and the Edo Bay.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, there were cases in which station names were distinguished through means of adding company names or some other words; in the case of Joshu Dentetsu in Gunma, 'Joshu' is added to Tomioka Station and the station name is made to 'Joshu Tomioka Station'; the reason for this naming lied in that if the provincial name of 'Kozuke' is added, there is a possibility of being confused with 'Ueno' (Taito-ward in Tokyo) or 'Ueno' of Ueno City; Japanese National Railways and East Japan Railway Company used neither 'Kozuke' nor 'Joshu,' following the examples cited above and made a new station name by adding the current prefecture name Gunma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Developing the Yamatai-koku Kingdom in Kyushu, by the Kyushu Dynasty Theory advocated by Takehiko FURUTA that the Kyushu Dynasty was established with the capital Dazaifu but was destroyed by the Yamato Administration triggered by the lost in 'Battle of Hakusukinoe' (Battle of Baekgang) in 663, most of the immemorial myth, the genealogy and the achievements of the Imperial Family in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki before later Emperor Tenchi and Emperor Tenmu seized the political power through the incident called Taika Reforms were fiction by plagiarism from the Kyushu Dynasty and until then, the Yamato Administration was not a unified dynasty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In recent years, more and more monouri not only advanced in appearance but also got equipped with enhanced cooking facilities on their bicycles or trailers towed by bicycles (though, monouri were already equipped with cooking facilities during the Edo period,) and from around 1926 to 1974, monouri were widely seen here and there in Japan by changing their items (Japanese style hotchpotch and sweets bread replaced sushi and soba); at present, however, monouri including those who sell tofu (bean curd), natto (fermented soybeans), and goldfish, the items which were already sold in the Edo period, are fading out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On December 21, 1196, chugu (Palace of the Empress) Ninshi KUJO was expelled from kokyu (empress's residence) and on the 23rd of the same month, kanpaku Kanezane KUJO was dismissed and was replaced by Motomichi KONOE; Takayosho ICHIJO, whose mother was the sister of Yoritomo, Bomon hime, was appointed as sangi, Kintsune SAIONJI, the husband of Bomon hime's daughter, was appointed as Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), and on the 24th of the same month, Jien, the head priest of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, was ordered to stay inside the residence, and FUJIWARA no Kanefusa, the Grand Minister, was reshuffled (both Jien and Kanefusa were both Kanezane's younger brother-uterine).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Financial Services Agency (FSA), together with the Bank of Japan (BOJ), has issued instructions concerning the implementation of measures to deal with the damage inflicted by Typhoon No. 12. The instructions were issued to financial institutions in Tottori Prefecture by the Chugoku Finance Bureau and the BOJ, to those in Mie Prefecture by the Tokai Finance Bureau and the BOJ and to those in Nara and Wakayama Prefectures by the Kinki Finance Bureau and the BOJ, so as to ensure appropriate responses to the disaster.  - 金融庁


When the chairman of a major bank with nationwide operation came to me after being re-elected at a general shareholders' meeting, he told me about an increase in the amount of deposits at his bank's Sendai branch. When I asked the reason for that, he explained that earthquake insurance claims totaling around 1,200 billion yen have been paid out and expressed his appreciation for the quick response made by the General Insurance Association of Japan and non-life insurance companies.  - 金融庁


The drawing shows the positional relationship between the lower end of the side portion and the bottom of the storage (S) and the originally attached description describes that the edge on the back of the side portion is caught on the surface of the bedclothes when the serving plate is placed on the surface of the bedclothes, which clearly tell that the positional level of the lower end of the side portion is nearly the same as that of the bottom of the storage (S) and, as a result, that the serving plate prevents beverage containers from tumbling. Thus, it is obvious to a person skilled in the art who contacts the originally attached description, etc. that the serving plate stabilizes beverage containers in the storage (S).  - 特許庁

ともかく、ドアは搾乳パーラーの後側にのみ設置可能である。よって、当業者が当該実施例から出発したとしても、桶を後側のドアに設置することは困難である。引用文献4は、牛が長時間滞在できる(つまり、搾乳する間のみならず)支柱を設けた(stanchion stool)の中で牛を飼育するシステムに関するものであると理解できる。方で、請求項に係る搾乳装置は、牛が搾乳されるために入り搾乳過程が終了すると出る搾乳パーラーを有する、牛の搾乳装置である。例文帳に追加

It has also to be noted that document D4 has to be understood as concerning a system for managing cows in a stanchion stool in which the cow may stay for a longer time, ie not only during the milking process, while the claimed milking device has to be construed as a device for milking cows having a milking parlour which the cow enters in order to be milked and leaves when the milking process has terminated.  - 特許庁


A belt 9 tension clutch 10 is stretched between an output shaft 7 and an input shaft 8 provided along the fore-and-aft direction between the torque converter 4 and the transmission case 6. - 特許庁


In a communication system that carries out communication between a plurality of communication devices and a plurality of switching hubs connected to a general-purpose network, the switching hub has an IP address common to the other switching hub in a subnet consisting of at least one of the plurality of communication devices and the other switching hubs, and transmits interior information thereof to an originator of a multicast packet when receiving the preliminarily set multicast packet. - 特許庁


In this manner, the wireless communication system can accommodate an IC card that uses a new encryption method more easily relative to a conventional wireless communication system only by adding the module to the roadside device 30 and the roadside device 40 (because the roadside devices are generally smaller in number in comparison to the onboard devices in the operation of the system, and lesser in demand for space efficiency and cost reduction). - 特許庁


When a master has been replaced with the own device, the present invention uses Paxos as a majority protocol for assuring the constant presence of one master, and confirms an effective session by means of queue information replicated previously in a database storing a queue and information of the queue and a reconnection request from a client, replicates a halfway state of operation to the queue, and if the master is not changed, replicates data. - 特許庁


The present invention uses Paxos as a majority protocol for assuring the constant presence of one master to determine whether or not the own device is a master and if the master is replaced, confirms an effective session by means of queue information replicated previously in a database storing a queue and information of the queue and a reconnection request from a client, replicates a halfway state of operation to the queue, and if the master is not replaced, replicates data. - 特許庁


The lower end portion 41a of a backrest frame 40 is pivotally fitted to the movable beams, the backrest frame is backward tiltably supported by the movable beams through a third gas spring 47. - 特許庁


This electronic voting method includes the first step for specifying the first subject information by a basic resident register card, the second step for specifying the second subject information by biometric information, and a step for comparing the first subject information with the second subject information specified in the first step and the second step to determine authentication for the subject when conformed, and for permitting the voting from an electronic voting terminal. - 特許庁


Since an intricate tractor mechanism is not required and print on a continuous form P2 having a large number of holes h made at a constant interval on the opposite sides can be realized by a simple structure using a conventional bar code printer having no tractor mechanism on condition that a page description language is mounted, a printer which can serve as a line printer and a bar code printer can be provided. - 特許庁


To prevent an image formation apparatus from missing any request when a request is issued from a client device to an image formation apparatus during its shift to a power saving mode from which the image formation apparatus is restorable only by a predetermined start request, and to suppress the traffic of a network. - 特許庁


For the same possible section of steel materials of each floor, spans with a triangular frame are erected on opposite sides of all main frames along a span direction, and for a trapezoidal frame shape of each floor, brace parts are collectively arranged in a peripheral region, so that the frame structure ensures consideration of elimination of hindrance to building space structure. - 特許庁


The first electric detecting switch 8 and the second electric detecting switch 13 are provided, and a positioning of the flattened films is performed at the location wherein both of the first electric detecting switch 8 and the second electric detecting switch 13 operate. - 特許庁


The former is compressed with a conventional compression ratio and the latter is compressed with a compression ratio far lower than the conventional one, thus the input of the compressor relating to cooling load occupying most part, can be reduced by one compressor. - 特許庁


To provide a duplex laminator which can reduce application costs while adding convenience corresponding to various ID cards, minimizing the occurrence of a waste laminated film, and contributing to environmental protection. - 特許庁


The structure of this second invention is composed of the terminal base to which the connecting board and a clip-shaped connecting part to hold and connect the base part of the crimp terminal. - 特許庁


The change in the two directions detected by each unit displacement gauge 20 being linked in the link case can be measured on the continuous line. - 特許庁


An air supply mechanism 13 supplies air to the bottom faces of paper sheets stacked on a feed tray 24, and a device for taking out paper sheets has a suction belt 1, a roller 3, a vacuum suction chamber 6, and a baseplate 7 supporting both the roller 3 and the vacuum suction chamber 6. - 特許庁


In this electron beam application device, the sample holding mechanism to hold the sample by applying a negative voltage to the sample has a support pedestal where the negative voltage is applied and which supports the sample from its lower part and a pressing part to press the sample from its upper part while the negative voltage is applied to the sample, and the pressing part is formed along the fringe part of the sample. - 特許庁


In the method for producing yeast essence comprising homogenizer treatment of the suspension of the yeast cell bodies, the following homogenization valve is used. - 特許庁


The method is provided for failing over from a dual active mode of first and second controllers to a single active mode of the first controller by relying on previously mirrored cache data by the second controller; reinitializing the second controller; and failing back to the dual active mode by copying cached data directly from the first controller to the second controller. - 特許庁


In such a compressor system, in place of at least one of the two-casing type synthesis gas compressor and two-casing type ammonia refrigeration compressor, a single-casing type compressor is adopted and the synthesis gas compressor and ammonia refrigeration compressor are driven by a single driver [S/T(steam turbine)]. - 特許庁


When the pachinko card is reinserted in the card reading/writing device, the card recognition information written on the pachinko card is read, and when the read card recognition information coincides with the written card recognition information, it is judged that the reinserted pachinko card is valid. - 特許庁


According to this tool, since a pressing treatment at a predetermined pressure or more can be left as a trace, completion of operation and recording of operation can be performed at once. - 特許庁


To provide a vehicle allocation control method for an automatic carrying system for carrying, between a plurality of stations, products to be carried by a plurality of carrying vehicles traveling in the same direction on a loop-like track mutually connecting the stations, while improving the carrying efficiency by rationally dispatching a carrying vehicle with an available loading capacity for products, and an automatic carrying system using the vehicle dispatch control method. - 特許庁



The camera device which can record images has a setting means capable of optionally setting a specified area within the range of the imaging picture plane of the one camera and an imaging means of imaging a desired point to be displayed in the specified area and is characterized in that the imaging means images the point by specified areas under optionally set imaging conditions and imaging data are recorded by the specified areas. - 特許庁


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