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Nankai Railway operated between Namba Station and Wakayama City Station, and Tobu Railway operated between Kitasenju Station and Kuki Station, and both were considered for the buyout at one time, but as there were Kansai Railway in Wakayama district and the lines operated by Nippon Railway in Northern Kanto district which were both the buyout candidates, they were excluded from the buyout due to budgetary constraints.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1985 during the Iran-Iraq War, when Iraq proclaimed indiscriminate attacks to any aircraft flew over Iran, the Japanese people in Iran were stuck in a crisis because the rescue by Self-Defense Force was not made according to the principle that the overseas dispatch of Self-Defense Force troops is prohibited, and Japan Airlines did not fly JAL international airplanes because of a union issue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This system had various problems, however, including that of pardons granted too frequently; of temples Kanei-ji and Zojo-ji that were supposedly apolitical were allowed to recommend pardons; of recommendations that only the family of a convict were allowed to ask for (thus it was hardly possible for convicts who had no relatives); and of obscure criteria for granting a pardon because the conference chamber discussed the propriety of each case separately.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Once kankai (audit) had been done at Shuzeiryo (Bureau of Taxation) of Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs) to make sure there was no digital inconsistency, unpaid or deficit compared to the related material, Minbusho issued and handed over the hensho (a document as receipts, but also as proof of delivery or transport when presented goods and paid money to government office) to Shozeichoshi, or if there was any problem, shozeicho was sent back along with shozei henkyakucho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Domei Club was an in-house faction that was formed on November 20, 1892, when the Rito (pro-government) lawmakers who were disappointed by the hanbatsu (domain clique) government defected from the Minto (anti-hanbatsu government political parties), while the Doshi Club was an in-house faction that was formed on December 5, 1893 by some members of the Liberal Party (in the Meiji period) who had left the party after protesting against the fact that despite improper acts perpetrated by Toru HOSHI, the speaker of the Lower House who was a member of the party, the party leadership maintained their stance in defending the speaker.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



And in the matter over the Korean Peninsula rocked by the Tonghak Uprising and others, he advocated hard line toward Qing with a vice chief of staff Soroku KAWAKAMI, and started the Sino-Japanese War, gaining favorable neutrality from the United Kingdom and the Russian Empire, which caused that Japan carried on the war advantageously from the beginning to the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This shows that towns and villages of the times had a strong sense of autonomy enough to eliminate interference of outside as much as possible, on the other hand, in the logic of the settlement out of court based on the autonomous function of community, feudal authories considered the conflict between people was supposed to be settled in the community, and that governors (kogi) were only taking a position that could give a right of appeal to people as a 'benefit'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the global financial market turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage problem, some people have argued that there are signs of a bottoming-out of the market for securitization products as well as the stock market. At the same time, my understanding is that the effects of the turmoil are still persisting.  - 金融庁


There was a media report that Aozora Bank will revise its earnings projection downward and slip into the red in the fiscal first half ending in September. Do you have any factual information regarding this? Also, in light of the impact of the subprime mortgage problem, which is seen as a factor behind Aozora Bank's losses, how do you assess the state of Japan's financial system?  - 金融庁



I think that tension remains in the global financial markets, as the market turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage problem is still continuing, mainly in the United States and Europe.  - 金融庁



Some people argue that the approval has decreased because of financial institutions' reluctance to mediate for guarantee, which has led to curbs on loans, and that this situation has been aggravated by the responsibility-sharing system that was introduced last October. What does the FSA, which I think has jurisdiction over credit guarantee associations, think of this argument?  - 金融庁


As for Japan’s financial sector, as I have been saying, Japanese financial institutions have limited exposures to subprime-related products and similar high-risk products compared with major U.S. and European financial institutions, so we do not expect that this problem will have a serious, direct impact on Japan’s financial system.  - 金融庁


Accordingly, when applying this Guideline, it should be noted that even in cases where all evaluation points are not observed to the letter, the situation shall not be judged inappropriate insofar as there is no concern from the viewpoint of ensuring the financial soundness and the operational appropriateness of group financial institutions, and due consideration shall be paid so that the Guideline shall not be applied in a mechanical and uniform fashion.  - 金融庁


When conducting the supervision of financial conglomerates, it is necessary for the departments with authorities to supervise a management company and group financial companies to appropriately exchange information and try to share the presence of risks and an awareness of problems as a group which cannot be identified with the supervision of single businesses.  - 金融庁


Therefore, in international deliberations on how to improve regulation and supervision of the banking sector, it is crucial to: (i) take a broader perspective to include further enhancement of risk management by financial institutions; (ii) design capital adequacy regulation to properly reflect the different levels of risks associated with the diversity of business of various financial institutions; and (iii) have grasp of the quantitative impact of the regulatory reform package  - 金融庁


The FSA intends to establish relations with financial firms and other parties in the markets that allow frank exchange of views and to enhance dialogue by making use of various opportunities. This will contribute to improving the transparency and predictability of regulatory actions from the viewpoint of financial firms and others. It will also help the FSA understand the developments in markets and in the financial sector in a prompt manner. Furthermore, the dialogue will facilitate cooperation between the public and private sectors in the search for solutions to problems faced by the financial system and by financial firms.  - 金融庁


As the subprime mortgage problem demonstrates, financial and capital markets are increasingly integrated across borders. It is therefore essential that the FSA be able to analyze and comprehend the impact of developments in the global economy and financial and capital markets on the management of financial firms and the stability of the entire financial system, and take necessary supervisory response in a timely manner.  - 金融庁


In the questionnaire concerning the field tests, the FSA asked qualitative questions about the key points of risk management methods used by insurance companies according to the risk type and about their internal models (only in cases where an internal model is voluntarily used for risk measurement) in addition to questions about practical problems identified during the trial calculation  - 金融庁


MSCBs and similar instruments can be issued following a board resolution.In addition to the risk of shareholder rights being undermined as a result of the dilution of control or transfer of control, another problem has been raised because one of the inherent characteristics of such instruments as MSCB is that they provide incentives for the holders to convert them into shares and sell them, and in the process they could impair the price formation functionality of the secondary market.  - 金融庁


In particular, the approaches taken by the CA, which is a civil law, and the FIEA, which regulates from the market rule perspective, differ widely in terms of the applicable scope, effects and enforcement methods, and therefore, careful substantive assessment of each of the issues from this perspective is required in determining the optimal way to deal with each issue.  - 金融庁


In case of hedge funds in form of investment trust and discretionary investment, securities companies and registered financial institutions who solicit and distribute hedge funds and investment trust managers and authorized investment advisors who conduct investment management of hedge funds shall comply with the numerous codes of conducts under the laws and related regulations.The FSA shall take appropriate measures if it finds any problems by way of the inspection and supervision of the companies and personnel.  - 金融庁


However, a certain amount of time will be required for the complete normalization of the market, since it is necessary to address the aforementioned issues properly from medium and long-term perspectives in order to dispel investor anxieties and normalize market functions, including securing confidence in the value of subprime mortgage-related products and recovering trust in credit rating agencies.  - 金融庁

大手格付会社の多くは国際的に活動しており、格付けは世界中の金融商品に広く付与されていることを踏まえれば、格付会社については、 わが国のみが単独で対応するよりも、まずは、IOSCO 等の国際機関において、基本行動規範が利益相反等の問題に適切に対応するものとなっていたかなどにつき、十分な検証が必要である。例文帳に追加

In view of the fact that many of the major credit rating agencies are operating internationally, and ratings are issued for a wide range of financial instruments around the world, it is necessary for international forums such as the IOSCO to conduct thorough verifications first as to whether the Code of Conduct was structured appropriately to address such issues as the conflict of interest, rather than for Japan to solely address the issue of credit rating agencies.  - 金融庁


In doing so, the FSA’s stance will be to focus on incentives aimed at business improvement:for example, in cases where an insurance company to which the FSA has issued a business improvement order, is deemed to have taken sufficient improvement measures against the problem that led to the issue of the order, the insurance company will not be required to submit a report based on that order or will only be required to submit a simplified version of said report.  - 金融庁


However, at each of the firms, deficiencies were identified in the review of CPAs’ training,partly because some certified public accountants personally lacked recognition of the importance of training, and partly because the review by each audit firm was not sufficient due to the recognition that fulfilling the required training programs by the JICPA was basically a personal matter.At more than one firm, cases were found where a partner had not acquired the minimum credits required by law.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, however, automated controls may pose certain problems. For example, in the case of an unauthorized change to a program or unauthorized use of a program, such unauthorized change or use may not be discovered in a timely manner because only people with a good understanding of the program can deal with it. The taking of appropriate access control measures should therefore be considered.  - 金融庁


Moreover, from the perspective of strengthening their function of guaranteeing the fulfillment of transactions, CCPs are being required to strengthen their financial base, such as their equity capital.(ii) sufficiently monitoring the status of transactions, thereby improving the market transparency; In accordance with the increased awareness, the progress is being made internationally aimed at building infrastructures for the purpose of realizing mandatory CCP clearing of OTC derivative transactions and achieving improvements in market transparency, as well as legislating the regulatory frameworks postulating the infrastructure building.  - 金融庁


Accordingly, when applying this Guideline, it is necessary to bear in mind that even if a Financial Instruments Business Operator does not literally meet the requirements of all evaluation points, the case shall not be judged inappropriate insofar as there is no problem from the viewpoint of protecting public interests and investors; it is necessary to avoid applying the Guideline in a mechanical and uniform fashion.  - 金融庁


Against the background of the increasing diversity and complexity of the business operations of securities companies, etc., as market players, such as principal investments, M&A advisory services, proposals for fund-raising through complex schemes and trading of securitization products, the number of incidents involving potential conflicts of interest and ethical problems related to their business operations is increasing.  - 金融庁


That the decision to apply the additional quantitative easing policy was made at their two-day meeting is for sure something that all of you already well know. The focal point of this policy, which does involve a variety of old, familiar issues, rests with, among other things, a decision to buy 50 trillion yen worth of U.S. government bonds or whether or not to maintain policy interest rates between 0% and 0.25%.  - 金融庁


Considering the severe economic and financial conditions that exist now and the apprehension about possible downturns in the future, coupled with the problem of double taxation of dividends and other issues, the FSA is requesting an extension of the reduced securities tax rate in our 2011 fiscal year tax reform proposals. We are committed to continuing to work hard so as to gain support from those concerned with this matter.  - 金融庁


Could you tell me how you evaluate the impact of the subprime mortgage problem on Japan’s financial markets and on the management of Japanese financial institutions, including indirect effects such as decline of prices in the market? Also, does the Financial Services Agency (FSA) have in mind any measures to revitalize the market?  - 金融庁


I have another question regarding this case. A financial institution called BNP Paribas, which has undertaken the issuance of the Urban Corporation CB, and which has thus been in a position to know more detailed information than ordinary investors, has converted the bonds into shares and used the shares for its own stock trading. Do you think that such trading is illegal or ethically problematic?  - 金融庁


For example, we must consider how to deal with excessive leveraging and how to precisely identify where risks reside and minimize them.  - 金融庁


As I come from Hokkaido, I have first-hand knowledge of the strong helplessness that stems from the problems of increasing costs and financial institutionscurbs on loans to regional SMEs in particular. Frankly speaking, I feel that money, which should serve as the economic lifeblood or lubricant, is not circulating.  - 金融庁


The response to the current situation in Europe that has been caused by the Greek problem has been discussed at a series of meetings of euro-zone and EU Ministers of Finance and meetings between German Chancellor Merkel and French President Sarkozy, as you know, and I strongly hope that progress will be made in the response.  - 金融庁


Regarding the subprime loan problem that occurred recently in the United States and Europe, we do not think it will have a serious impact on Japan's financial system under the present circumstances. In response to this market turbulence, however, we will pay due attention to the status of risk management by financial institutions and the conditions of financial markets from a wide range of standpoints, while cooperating with other authorities in Japan and abroad.  - 金融庁


While I believe that efforts to facilitate financing by financial institutions have been basically taking root as a result of those measures, some problems have also been pointed out.  - 金融庁

まず、我が国金融システムを巡る状況について申し上げます。 このところ、欧州の財政・金融問題を巡る不確実性が再び高まっているほか、世界経済の成長率が低下していること等を背景に、市場にリスク回避の動きが生じ、金融・資本市場では不安定な動きが見られております。例文帳に追加

First, I will explain the current situation surrounding Japan's financial system. Recently, there have been moves to avert risks, causing instability in the financial and capital markets, against the backdrop of the growing uncertainty over the European fiscal and financial problems, and the slowdown in the growth rate of the global economy.  - 金融庁

マーケットの動向に対する所見ですけれども、ギリシャの再選挙は間もなくまいります。 スペインの財政金融問題に対する懸念を背景に、市場では株価の下落やユーロ安、それから欧州周縁国債の利回り上昇など、リスク回避の動きが生じているとの見方が多いということです。例文帳に追加

As for my view on market developments, the Greek re-election will be held soon. The view is prevalent that against the backdrop of concerns over the Spanish fiscal and financial problems, there are moves to avert risks in the market, as shown by stock price declines, the euro’s drop and a rise in the yields on government bonds issued by peripheral European countries.  - 金融庁


The situation is such that in the area for low-income families where I live, we see around 20 signboards around a nearby elementary school. It is not clear how the FSA, together with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, intends to deal with this as a problem of the money lending business.  - 金融庁


I should make myself clear about this. As my comments could have a major impact on the corporate bond market as well as on corporate bonds held in other countries, I would like to refrain from answering your hypothetical question, although we are keeping a careful watch. I am sure that this bill will be passed.  - 金融庁


There is already such a guideline for loans to SMEs. Loans to individuals include housing loans and business loans to self-employed individuals. In shopping districts, there are many self-employed people operating retail stores.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about underground financing. The other day, a so-called gold coin lender was raided by the police for the first time. It is said that behind the growth of new underground financial schemes, including the cashing of credit shopping quotas, which previously emerged as a major issue, is the use of such schemes by people subjected to the restriction on the total loan amount.  - 金融庁


In any case, there are the dollar-based economy, the euro-zone economy, and the Asian economy, which is growing most strongly. European summit meetings have frequently been held to appropriately deal with the European debt crisis. As the euro-zone economy is one of the three major economic zones, the FSA will closely monitor the situation while paying attention to the debate within the EU.  - 金融庁


We expect that as an effort to resolve the European debt problem, this agreement will help to stabilize the market.  - 金融庁


Regarding international financial regulatory reform, it is necessary to implement various actions to strengthen the financial system, including ensuring the soundness of financial institutions and developing financial infrastructure, through international cooperation based on the lessons of the financial crisis that followed the Lehman shock.  - 金融庁


I believe that most Japanese companies have a high level of discipline and integrity, and are acting in an honest and conscientious manner. In order to ensure market fairness and transparency, I believe that it is very important that Japanese listed companies fully exercise governance in an appropriate manner.  - 金融庁


Depending on circumstances, will you consider the possibility of seeking revision of both exchanges' rules and the FIEA's provisions regarding information to be disclosed in securities reports?  - 金融庁



It is troubling to see investors, both domestic and foreign, question the fairness and transparency of the Japanese financial markets because of this case.In order to ensure market fairness and transparency, the FSA has been making ceaseless efforts to upgrade its financial market system through successive amendments to the FIEA. If points to be improved are found as a result of the investigation of this case, we will take appropriate actions.  - 金融庁


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