
「性質」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(150ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In this sense, although the FSA has three separate functions - namely planning institutional frameworks, inspection (which in this context includes the monitoring of market developments and market transactions in the broad sense), and supervision of business sectors under its jurisdiction, exchanges, certified public accountants and other relevant parties - there is a common logic to all these functions. Nonetheless, planning institutional frameworks, inspection and supervision are different in nature. Thus, it is also important to ensure that common knowledge and standards are shared with regard to each business sector, and that a consistent logic is maintained when individual cases of institutional and supervisory matters are handled.  - 金融庁

宣言は宣誓に基づくものとし,1の出願又は登録のみに言及しなければならず,標章をフィリピンで実際に使用している旨を宣言する出願人又は登録人の名称及び宛先を記載し,標章を付した商品を列挙しなければならない。また,製品の販売又はサービスの提供がされている販売店の名称及び正確な場所を記載し,出願又は登録に記載した標章がフィリピンで実際に使用されていることを示す十分な事実を引用し,かつ,当該使用の性質を明記する。宣言する者は,商品に実際に使用しているラベル5枚又は標章を目に見えるようにかつ読めるように印した容器の写真,及び所定の手数料の納付証明を添付する。 10例文帳に追加

The declaration shall be under oath, must refer to only one application or registration, must contain the name and address of the applicant or registrant declaring that the mark is in actual use in the Philippines, list the goods where the mark is attached; list the name or names and the exact location or locations of the outlet or outlets where the products are being sold or where the services are being rendered, recite sufficient facts to show that the mark described in the application or registration is being actually used in the Philippines and, specifying the nature of such use. The declarant shall attach five labels as actually used on the goods or the picture of the stamped or marked container visibly and legibly showing the mark as well as proof of payment of the prescribed fee. [As amended by Office Order No. 08 (2000)] - 特許庁

(3) 特許登録簿,特許証,又は特許出願若しくは特許出願手続において提出され若しくは特許に関連する手続中に提出された書類において,特許権者,特許出願人又はその他の関係人の側の錯誤又は怠慢により誤記が存在するときは,利害関係人から書面による請求がされ,かつ,所定の手数料が納付されたときは,本条の規定に従って訂正をすることができる。訂正がその請求に係る書類の意味又は範囲を実質的に変更することになる筈であり,これにより影響を受ける虞のある者に通知することなしにはその訂正をするべきでないと局長が認めるときは,局長は,訂正案件の性質について所定の方法で公告するよう命じなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a mistake exists in the register of patents, in any patent or application for patent or any document filed in pursuance of such an application, or in proceedings in connection with any patent, by reason of an error or an omission on the part of the patentee or of the applicant for the patent or of any other person concerned, a correction may be made in accordance with the provisions of this section upon a request in writing by any person interested and payment of the prescribed fee. If it appears to the Commissioner that the correction would materially alter the meaning or scope of the document to which the request relates and ought not to be made without notice to persons likely to be affected thereby, he shall require notice of the nature of the proposed correction to be advertised in the prescribed manner. - 特許庁

(1)商標登録は,次の場合に取り消すことができる。(a)登録手続の完了日後5年以内に,登録された商品又はサービスに関して,商標が所有者により又はその同意を得てシンガポールにおいて業として真正に使用されておらず,不使用の正当な理由がない場合 (b)当該使用が継続して5年間にわたって中断し,不使用の正当な理由がない場合 (c)所有者の作為又は不作為の結果,登録された製品又はサービスに関して,取引において普通名称になった場合 (d)登録された商品又はサービスに関して,所有者により又はその同意を得てなされた使用の結果,特に当該商品又はサービスの性質,品質又は原産地に関して公衆を誤認させる虞が生じた場合例文帳に追加

(1) The registration of a trade mark may be revoked on any of the following grounds: (a) that, within the period of 5 years following the date of completion of the registration procedure, it has not been put to genuine use in the course of trade in Singapore, by the proprietor or with his consent, in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered, and there are no proper reasons for non-use; (b) that such use has been suspended for an uninterrupted period of 5 years, and there are no proper reasons for non-use; (c) that, in consequence of acts or inactivity of the proprietor, it has become the common name in the trade for the product or service for which it is registered; (d) that, in consequence of the use made of it by the proprietor or with his consent in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered, it is liable to mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of those goods or services. - 特許庁


(1)第27条に拘らず,次の場合は,登録商標の侵害にはならない。(a)ある者が次を使用する場合,すなわち, (i)自己の名称若しくは事業所の名称,又は (ii)自己の事業の前権利者の名称若しくは前権利者の事業所の名称 (b)自己が次を示すために標章を用いる場合,すなわち,(i)商品若しくはサービスの種類,品質,数量,用途,価格,原産地若しくはその他の性質,又は (ii)商品の製造時期若しくはサービスの提供時期,又は (c)自己が商品(特に付属品若しくは代替部品として)若しくはサービスの用途を示すため商標を用いる場合 かつ,当該使用が工業上又は商業上の事項における善良な慣行に従っている場合例文帳に追加

(1) Notwithstanding section 27, a person does not infringe a registered trade mark when- (a) he uses- (i) his name or the name of his place of business; or (ii) the name of his predecessor in business or the name of his predecessor’s place of business; (b) he uses a sign to indicate- (i) the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or other characteristic of goods or services; or (ii) the time of production of goods or of the rendering of services; or (c) he uses the trade mark to indicate the intended purpose of goods (in particular as accessories or spare parts) or services, and such use is in accordance with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters. - 特許庁


(1)第55条に拘らず,周知商標の所有者は,工業上又は商業上の事項における善良な慣行に従って何れかの者が,(a)次の名称,すなわち (i)自己 (ii)自己の事業所名 (iii)自己の事業の前任者名,又は (iv)自己の事業の前任者の事業所名で (b)次を示す標章,すなわち, (i)商品又はサービスの種類,品質,数量,用途,価格,原産地若しくはその他の性質を示す標章,又は (ii)商品の製造時期若しくはサービスの提供時期を示す標章,又は (c)商品(特に付属品若しくは代替部品として)若しくはサービスの用途を示すため商標を,シンガポールにおいて使用することを差止命令により禁止する権利を有さない。例文帳に追加

(1) Notwithstanding section 55, the proprietor of a well known trade mark shall not be entitled to restrain by injunction the use in Singapore, in accordance with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters, by any person of — (a) the name of(i) the person himself; (ii) the person’s place of business; (iii) the person’s predecessor in business; or (iv) the place of business of the person’s predecessor in business; (b) any sign to indicate(i) the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or other characteristic of goods or services; or (ii) the time of production of goods or of the rendering of services; or (c) the trade mark to indicate the intended purpose of goods (in particular as accessories or spare parts) or services. - 特許庁

次の場合は,標識は商標保護の対象から除外される。(a) 当該標識が識別性に欠けている場合,特に,当該標識が,専ら,取引において種類,品質,数量,意図した目的,価格,原産地,又は商品の生産若しくはサービスの提供の時期,又は商品若しくはサービスのその他の特徴を示すのに役立つことができ,又は現用の言語若しくは商慣習において慣行となった標識若しくは表示から成る場合(b) 当該標識が,専ら,商品自体の性質に起因する形状,技術的結果を得るために必要な形状又は商品に実質的な価値を与える形状から成る場合例文帳に追加

A sign shall be excluded from trademark protection if: (a) it is devoid of any distinctive character, in particular if it consists exclusively of signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or the time of production of the goods or of rendering of the service, or other characteristics of the goods or services, or which have become customary in the current language or in the practices of trade; (b) it consists exclusively of a shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves or which is necessary to obtain a technical result or which gives substantial value to the goods. - 特許庁

本類には,特に,次が含まれる。 -建築物,道路,橋梁,ダム又は送電線の建設に関連するサービス及び塗装工,配管工,暖房装置据え付け工又は屋根職人のサービスなど建設の分野を専門とする事業のサービス -建設計画書の検査などの建設サービスに付随するサービス -造船にかかるサービス -工具又は建築材料の賃貸借にかかるサービス -修理サービス,すなわち,摩損,損傷,悪化又は部分的破壊の後に物体を良好な状態に戻すサービス(欠陥が生じて原状に戻す必要がある建築物又はその他の物体の修復) -電気,家具,器具,工具等の分野の修理サービスなどさまざまな修理サービス -性質を変えることなく物体を原状で保存するための保守サービス(本類と第40類との間の相違については,第40類の注釈参照)例文帳に追加

This Class includes, in particular: services relating to the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, dams or transmission lines and services of undertakings specialising in the field of construction such as those of painters, plumbers, heating installers or roofers; services auxiliary to construction services like inspections of construction plans; services of shipbuilding; services consisting of hiring of tools or building materials; repair services, i.e., services which undertake to put any object into good condition after wear, damage, deterioration or partial destruction (restoration of an existing building or another object that has become imperfect and is to be restored to its original condition); various repair services such as those in the fields of electricity, furniture, instruments, tools, etc.; . services of maintenance for preserving an object in its original condition without changing any of its properties (for the difference between this Class and Class 40 see the Explanatory Note of Class 40).  - 特許庁

下記の商標は登録を受けることができない。 ―企業の商品又は役務と他の企業の商品又は役務とを区別することができない不明確な商標 ―国家の道徳風俗と公共秩序に反する標章 ―特に商品又は役務の原産地、性質又は特徴について、公衆又は商業界に混同・誤認を生じさせる標章 ―国家、政府間の国際組織又は国際公約に基づいて設立した組織の紋章、旗又は記章、国家の特有文化又は歴史遺跡、ある国家の名称又は略称と同一、類似又はそれを構成要素とする標章、並びに、国家又は国際組織のコントロールと証明に関る公的な標識又は品質証明を含む標章(当該国家又は組織の承諾を得ているものを除く) ―商品又は役務の商標又は商号で、広く知られているものと同一又は類似の標章例文帳に追加

A trademark cannot be registered if: An unclear trademark which is incapable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises is submitted; A mark is contrary to the national cultural morality and the public order. A mark is likely to mislead the public or trade circles, in particular as regards the geographical origin, nature or characteristics of the goods or services. - 特許庁


原告の当該商標と商標がほぼ同一である,若しくは誤認混同を生じるほど類似しており,被告人による登録商標の使用によって生ずる登録商標の登録所有者又は登録使用者であるとの詐称通用に対する訴訟において,次の点について裁判所の心証を得た場合,損害賠償は被告 人に対して認容されないものとする。 (a) 当該商標の使用を開始した当時において,被告人は原告の当該商標が使用されていたことに気付いておらず,またそれを確認する合理的手段を有していなかったこと,及び (b) 原告の商標の存在及び性質を認識し,直ちに,原告により使用されていた商品について当該商標の使用を停止したこと。例文帳に追加

In an action for passing off arising out of the use by the defendant of a registered trade mark of which he is the registered proprietor or a registered user, being a trade mark substantially identical with, or deceptively similar to, the trade mark of the plaintiff, damages shall not be awarded against the defendant if he satisfies the court - (a) that at the time he commenced to use the trade mark he was unaware and had no reasonable means of ascertaining that the trade mark of the plaintiff was in use; and (b) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the plaintiff’s trade mark he immediately ceased to use the trade mark in relation to goods in relation to which it was used by the plaintiff. - 特許庁


第142条 庁がした誤りの訂正 庁の責任により登録において重大な誤りが生じたことが庁の記録により明らかであるときは,庁は,その誤りの事実及び性質を記載した証明書を無料で発行しかつ記録するものとし,その印刷した写を登録の印刷した写に添付するものとする。訂正された登録は,その後において原本の登録証と同一の効力を有するものとし,又は総務・会計・人材開発業務局の局長の裁量により新しい登録証を無料で発行することができる。規則に定める規定に従って発行された訂正証明書及び同書が添付された登録は,当該証明書及びその発行が本法により認められていたものとして同一の効力を有する。例文帳に追加

Sec.142 Correction of Mistakes Made by the Office Whenever a material mistake in a registration incurred through the fault of the Office is clearly disclosed by the records of the Office, a certificate stating the fact and nature of such mistake shall be issued without charge, recorded and a printed copy thereof shall be attached to each printed copy of the registration. Such corrected registration shall thereafter have the same effect as the original certificate; or in the discretion of the Director of the Administrative, Financial and Human Resource Development Service Bureau a new certificate of registration may be issued without charge. All certificates of correction heretofore issued in accordance with the Regulations and the registration to which they are attached shall have the same force and effect as if such certificates and their issuance had been authorized by this Act. - 特許庁


The antifouling sheet 1 has a surface (Rsf) having fouling removal ease almost equal to or more than that of at least a single sheet of a PET resin and a single sheet of a PE-based resin, and has higher non-adhesiveness of fouling than that of at least a single sheet of a PET resin or a single sheet of a PE-based resin. - 特許庁


The cooking appliances (1) includes: an austenitic or ferritic stainless steel bowl intended to accommodate food and provided with a lower wall having an outer face; a ferritic stainless steel cup added on the outer face and fastened to the bowl, the cup forming a bottom (7) by which the cooking appliance is intended to rest on a cooking plate; and patterns (8) engraved in the bottom (7). - 特許庁


In the case of an actual infringement of software patent rights, assuming the exercise of rights is approved, there would be a large range of difference in the level of advantages conferred on the patent holder and on the whole of society and the disadvantages incurred by the rights infringer and by the whole of society. This difference would depend on such factors as: X) the method of exercising rights (injunction claims, compensatory damages claims, restitution of unjust enrichment claims, claims for the recovery of confidence, etc.) Y) the target object of the exercise of rights (usage, status of use, nature of the software where the proprietary technology subject to such exercise of right is employed) Z) the status of use and feasibility of the patent (the existence or extent of the patent holder's profit) The advantages and disadvantages resulting from permitting or preventing such exercise of rights will be weighed upon consideration of these factors.  - 経済産業省


The Tokyo High Court judgment of March 31, 2005 upheld the original decision ruling that the service provider had infringed the right to make the copyrighted work transmittable and that there is a concrete and realistic risk that that automatic public transmission services will, by nature, trigger certain types of copyright infringements by its users, which would be foreseeable for the service provider operating such service, who consequently induces such infringements. Moreover, where the service provider may procure certain economic benefits from operating such service, the service provider will be held responsible for the infringement, because such provider has caused damages from actions which are under his/her own control. In this case, it is natural that such service provider should be held liable for such infringement, in other words he/she would himself/herself be regarded as the infringer.  - 経済産業省


Tokyo District Court judgment dated June 14, 2005 (p.135 of Hanrei Jiho No. 1917) states that, "However, the actual method of use of self-identifying information is diverse varies, for analysis of whether or not it should constitute an infringement of rights and remedies thereto, the interests of both parties must be specifically balanced in view of the conflicting interests such as the freedom of expression and commercial activities, and so emphasis should not be placed too much on the predominance of moral rights. More specifically, the contents and nature, the purpose and method of use of self-identifying information, and the significance of damages incurred by the individuals there from should be comprehensively examined." This case argues that, for determining whether or not the publicity rights have been infringed, such publicity rights should be specifically balanced with a broader range of rights, not limited to the freedom of expression, while the King Crimson Case focused solely on the "freedom of expression" as the only conflicting interest.  - 経済産業省

二補償対象債権に係る委託者資産が証券取引所(外国において設立されている類似の 性質を有するものを含む。以下この条において同じ。)に上場されている有価証券で ある場合委託者保護基金が法第三百五条第一項の規定による公告をした日の証券 取引所における最終価格(当該最終価格がないときは、証券業協会(証券取引法第 二条第十三号 に規定する証券業協会をいう。)が発表する当該公告をした日の気配 相場又は、その日前における直近の日の当該証券取引所における最終価格のうち、 委託者保護基金が指定するもの)に基づき算出した金額例文帳に追加

(ii) in cases where a customer’s assets pertaining to Claims Subject to Compensation are Securities listed on a Securities Exchange (including similar markets established in foreign states; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article): the amount calculated using the closing prices of such Securities on the Securities Exchange on the date that the Consignor Protection Fund published a public notice prescribed in the provisions of Article 305, paragraph 1 of the Act (if said closing prices do not exist, indicative price quotations published by the Securities Dealers’ Association [which means a Securities Dealers’ Association prescribed in Article 2, item 13 of the Securities Exchange Act] on the date of said public notice, or the closing prices of the said Securities Exchange on the nearest date prior to the date of said public notice, whichever is specified by the Consignor Protection Fund);  - 経済産業省

4 第百七十八条の規定により読み替えて適用する会社法第五百条(債務の弁済の制限)の規定並びに同法第四百七十六条(清算株式会社の能力)、第二編第九章第一節第二款(清算株式会社の機関)、第四百九十二条(財産目録等の作成等)、同節第四款(第五百条を除く。)(債務の弁済等)、第五百八条(帳簿資料の保存)、同章第二節(第五百十条、第五百十一条及び第五百十四条を除く。)(特別清算)、第七編第三章第一節(総則)及び第三節(特別清算の手続に関する特則)並びに第九百三十八条第一項から第五項まで(特別清算に関する裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は、その性質上許されないものを除き、第一項の規定による免許特定法人及び引受社員の財産についての清算について準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The provision of Article 500 (Restrictions on Performance of Obligations) of the Companies Act as applied with relevant changes in interpretation pursuant to the provision of Article 178, and the provisions of Article 476 (Capacity of Liquidating Stock Companies), Part II, Chapter IX, Section 1, Subsection 2 (Structures for Liquidating Stock Companies), Article 492 (Preparation of Inventory of Property), Part II, Chapter IX, Section 1, Subsection 4 (excluding Article 500) (Performance of Obligations), Article 508 (Retention of Accounting Materials), Part II, Chapter IX, Section 2 (excluding Articles 510, 511 and 514) (Special Liquidations), Part VII, Chapter III, Sections 1 (General Provisions) and 3 (Special Provisions on Special Liquidation Procedure) and Article 938, paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive (Commissioned Registration by Judgment Concerning Special Liquidations) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the liquidation of the property of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person and its Underwriting Members under paragraph (1), unless their specific characters forbid such application. In this case, any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十五条 保護観察所の長は、法務省令で定めるところにより、保護観察対象者について、被害者等(当該保護観察対象者が刑若しくは保護処分を言い渡される理由となった犯罪若しくは刑罰法令に触れる行為により害を被った者(以下この項において「被害者」という。)又はその法定代理人若しくは被害者が死亡した場合若しくはその心身に重大な故障がある場合におけるその配偶者、直系の親族若しくは兄弟姉妹をいう。以下この条において同じ。)から、被害に関する心情、被害者等の置かれている状況又は保護観察対象者の生活若しくは行動に関する意見(以下この条において「心情等」という。)の伝達の申出があったときは、当該心情等を聴取し、当該保護観察対象者に伝達するものとする。ただし、その伝達をすることが当該保護観察対象者の改善更生を妨げるおそれがあり、又は当該被害に係る事件の性質、保護観察の実施状況その他の事情を考慮して相当でないと認めるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 65 (1) The director of the probation office shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, hear the sentiments of the victims (including the victims' current situation and their opinion toward their offenders' life or behavior, hereinafter referred to as 'feelings'), whenever victims ask this of him/her, in the course of the relevant probationer's supervision period, and communicate such feelings to the probationers. The director of the probation office, however, has the discretion not to communicate the feelings to the probationers when he/she finds that there is a reasonable possibility that the communication may hinder the probationers from rehabilitation or it is not appropriate in light of the nature of the case or further administration of their supervision. The term 'victims' in this paragraph, includes their statutory agents or in the case of the victim's death or their suffering from a severe mental or physical disorder, their spouse, lineal relatives or siblings.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十四条の三十五 外国の法令に準拠し、外国において、他人の求めに応じ報酬を得て、財務書類の監査又は証明をすることを業とする者は、金融商品取引法第二条第一項第十七号に掲げる有価証券で同項第九号に掲げる有価証券の性質を有するものその他の政令で定める有価証券の発行者その他内閣府令で定める者が同法の規定により提出する財務書類(以下「外国会社等財務書類」という。)について第二条第一項の業務に相当すると認められる業務を行うときは、あらかじめ、内閣府令で定めるところにより、内閣総理大臣に届け出なければならない。ただし、外国会社等財務書類について同項の業務に相当すると認められる業務を行う者に対する監督を行う外国の行政機関その他これに準ずるものの適切な監督を受けると認められる者として内閣府令で定めるものについては、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 34-35 (1) A person who makes it his/her practice to audit or attest financial documents for fees at the request of others in a foreign state in compliance with the laws and regulations of the foreign state, when intending to provide services that are found to correspond to the services prescribed in Article 2(1) concerning financial documents to be submitted by an issuer of securities listed in Article 2(1)(xvii) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act that have the nature of securities listed in Item (ix) of the same paragraph or any other securities specified by Cabinet Order or to be submitted by any other person specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of the same Act (such financial documents shall be hereinafter referred to as "financial documents of a foreign company, etc."), shall notify the Prime Minister in advance pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a person who is specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as one who is deemed to receive appropriate supervision of the administrative agency of the foreign state that supervises persons who provide services that are found to correspond to those set forth in the same paragraph concerning financial documents of the foreign company, etc. or an organization equivalent to such administrative agency.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五条の二 裁判所は、第三条第一項第一号又は第二号に掲げる少年に係る保護事件について、第二十一条の決定があつた後、最高裁判所規則の定めるところにより当該保護事件の被害者等(被害者又はその法定代理人若しくは被害者が死亡した場合若しくはその心身に重大な故障がある場合におけるその配偶者、直系の親族若しくは兄弟姉妹をいう。以下同じ。)又は被害者等から委託を受けた弁護士から、その保管する当該保護事件の記録(家庭裁判所が専ら当該少年の保護の必要性を判断するために収集したもの及び家庭裁判所調査官が家庭裁判所による当該少年の保護の必要性の判断に資するよう作成し又は収集したものを除く。)の閲覧又は謄写の申出があるときは、閲覧又は謄写を求める理由が正当でないと認める場合及び少年の健全な育成に対する影響、事件の性質、調査又は審判の状況その他の事情を考慮して閲覧又は謄写をさせることが相当でないと認める場合を除き、申出をした者にその閲覧又は謄写をさせるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 5-2 (1) When there is a request from the victim, etc. (which means the victim, his or her legal representative or his or her spouse, lineal relative or sibling if the victim has died or suffers serious physical or mental conditions; the same shall apply hereinafter) of a juvenile protection case as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) or (ii) or from the attorney at law appointed by the victim, etc. for inspection or copying of the records on the juvenile protection case (except those collected by the family court exclusively for its determination on need for protection of the Juvenile and those created or collected by family court probation officer that contribute to the family court's determination on the need for protection of the Juvenile) retained by the court pursuant to the Rules of the Supreme Court after the ruling prescribed by Article 21 has been made, the court shall authorize the applicant to inspect or copy the records, except when the court finds the request of inspection or copying has been filed on unjustifiable grounds or the court finds it inappropriate to permit inspection or copying in light of the impact on the sound development of the Juvenile, the nature of the case, the status of investigation, hearing, or other circumstances.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The Office shall revoke the trade mark in a proceeding started at the request of a third person - if the trade mark has not been properly used within the continuous period of 5 years for goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered, and there are no proper reasons for non-use; the use which commenced or which was resumed following 5 years of non-use of the trade mark within three months preceding the filing of the request for revocation shall be disregarded where the preparations for the commencement or the resumption of the use occurred only after the proprietor becomes aware that a request for revocation of the trade mark might be filed; if by the consequence of acts or inactivity of the proprietor the trade mark has become the common name in the trade for products or services for which it is registered; if the trade mark after the date of its registration in consequence of the use made of it by the proprietor or with his consent in respect of the goods or services for which it is registered, the trade mark is liable to mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of those goods or services.  - 特許庁

何れの所有者も,使用の排他権に基づいて,業として次の行為をする何人に対しても訴訟を提起する権利を有する。 (a) 限定された区域の原産でない生産品に関して,保護されている地理的表示又は混同を生じさせる虞がある名称を使用すること (b) 生産品の一覧に含まれていないが,生産品に類似しており,したがって保護されている地理的表示の評判を不当に利用するか又は侵害する生産品に関して,保護されている地理的表示を使用すること (c) 生産品の真の原産地が表示されている場合であっても,又は保護されている名称が翻訳されているか若しくは種々の付加物を伴っている場合であっても,如何なる方法によるかを問わず,保護されている地理的表示を模倣するか又は再現すること (d) 生産品の出所,原産地,性質又は本質的な特徴に関して何らかの虚偽の又は誤認を生じさせる表示を使用すること。当該表示が何に(例えば当該生産品に係る包装,広告材料又は書類に)表示されているかを問わない。 (e) 生産品の真の原産地に関して,公衆に誤認を生じさせる虞があるその他の行為をすること例文帳に追加

On the basis of the exclusive right of use, any of the holders shall be entitled to bring an action against any person who, in the course of trade: (a) uses the protected geographical indication or a denomination liable to create confusion with respect to products not originating in the defined geographical area; (b) uses the protected geographical indication with respect to products not included in the list of products, but similar to those and therefore takes unfair advantage of or infringes the repute of the protected geographical indication; (c) imitates or evokes in any manner whatsoever the protected geographical indication, even if the true origin of the product is indicated or if the protected name is translated or accompanied by various additions; (d) uses any false or misleading indication as to the provenance, origin, nature or essential characteristics of the product, no matter where it is indicated (e.g. on the packaging, advertising material or documents relating to the product concerned); (e) performs any other act liable to mislead the public as to the true origin of the product. - 特許庁

168.3特に,如何なる場合においても不正競争に対する保護の範囲を制限することなく,次に該当する者は,不正競争の罪を犯したものとみなす。 (a)自己の販売する商品の商品自体,その商品を入れる容器の包装紙又はそれらに付す図案若しくは語その他の外観上の特徴に,当該商品が実際の製造者若しくは販売者以外の者の商品であると購入者に思わせるように影響する虞がある他の製造者若しくは販売者の商品の概略の外観を与え,又はそのような目的をもって公衆を欺瞞し,かつ,他人からその者の正当な取引を詐取し,後の販売者から当該商品を詐取し,若しくは販売店から当該商品の販売に携わる販売者を詐取するような外観を自己の商品に与える者 (b)ある特定のサ-ビスを提供している他人のそのサ-ビスを自己が提供しているものと公衆に誤って信用させることを意図した術策,策略その他の手段を用いる者 (c)取引の場において虚偽の陳述をし,又は他人の商品,事業若しくはサ-ビスの信用を傷付けることを意図するような性質の善意に反するその他の行為を行う者例文帳に追加

168.3. In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of protection against unfair competition, the following shall be deemed guilty of unfair competition: (a) Any person, who is selling his goods and gives them the general appearance of goods of another manufacturer or dealer, either as to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the packages in which they are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or in any other feature of their appearance, which would be likely to influence purchasers to believe that the goods offered are those of a manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer or dealer, or who otherwise clothes the goods with such appearance as shall deceive the public and defraud another of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent of any vendor engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose; (b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other means calculated to induce the false belief that such person is offering the services of another who has identified such services in the mind of the public; or (c) Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of trade or who shall commit any other act contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to discredit the goods, business or services of another. - 特許庁

第188条 図書館における写真複製 188.1177.6の規定に拘らず,営利活動をしない図書館又は公文書館は,次の場合は,著作権を有する著作者の許諾を得ることなく,写真複製により,当該著作物の1個の複製物を製作することができる。 (a)当該著作物が,その破損しやすい性質又は珍奇性のため,原形式で使用のために貸与することができないものである場合 (b)当該著作物が複数の部分で公正された著作物に含まれる独立した論文又はその他公表さ れた著作物の短い部分であり,それを提供するために複製が必要であって,複製することが研究又は学習のためにその貸出を要求する者にとって,それらを含む書物又は小冊子を貸し出すに代えて適切である場合 (c)複製物の作成が,保存するためのものであり,複製物が失われ,破損され,若しくは使用に耐えなくされて必要である場合に複製物と取り替えるため,又は他の同様な図書館若しくは公文書館の永久的収集において,失われ,破損され,若しくは使用に耐えなくされた複製物と取り替えるためのものであり,かつ,発行者から複製物を入手することができない場合例文帳に追加

Sec.188 Reprographic Reproduction by Libraries 188.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 177.6, any library or archive whose activities are not for profit may, without the authorization of the author of copyright owner, make a single copy of the work by reprographic reproduction: (a) Where the work by reason of its fragile character or rarity cannot be lent to user in its original form; (b) Where the works are isolated articles contained in composite works or brief portions of other published works and the reproduction is necessary to supply them; when this is considered expedient, to person requesting their loan for purposes of research or study instead of lending the volumes or booklets which contain them; and (c) Where the making of such a copy is in order to preserve and, if necessary in the event that it is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable, replace a copy, or to replace, in the permanent collection of another similar library or archive, a copy which has been lost, destroyed or rendered unusable and copies are not available with the publisher. - 特許庁

次のものは,登録することができない:, 第9条(1)の意味での標章ではない標識 , 識別性を欠く標章 , 登録出願される商品又はサービスに関し,ブルガリア共和国における現行の言語又は確立された商慣行において慣習的となっている標識又は表示のみをもって構成される標章 , 標章であって,商品又はサービスに関する種類,品質,数量,用途,価額,原産地,商品生産の時期若しくは方法又はサービスの提供方法,又はその他の特徴を示す標識のみによって構成されるもの , 商品自体の性質に起因する形状 , 技術的効果を得るために必要な商品の形状 , 商品に対し実質的価値を与える形状 , 公の秩序及び承認された倫理基準に反する標章 , 商品又はサービスの内容,品質又は原産地について消費者に誤認させる虞がある標章 , 標章であって,パリ条約締約国の紋章,旗章若しくは他の記章又はそれらの模倣,並びに国際政府間機関の紋章,旗章その他の記章,完全な若しくは略式の公式名称によって構成されるか又はそれらを含むもの , 公的な管理及び保証のための標識及び証印から構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章であって,その標識及び証印が同一又は類似の商品を示すために使用されている場合 , 文化省によって指定されている,ブルガリア共和国の歴史的及び文化的記念物の名称又は表示によって構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章例文帳に追加

The following shall not be registered: signs which are not marks within the meaning of Article 9(1) , marks which are devoid of any distinctive character; marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications that have become customary in the current language or in the established practices of the trade in the Republic of Bulgaria with respect to the goods or services filed for registration; marks which consist exclusively of signs designating the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or process of production of the goods or the manner of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves; the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result; the shape which gives substantial value to the goods; marks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; marks which may deceive the consumers as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services; marks which consist of or include escutcheons, flags or other emblems of States party to the Paris Convention, or imitations thereof, as well as escutcheons, flags or other emblems or the full or abbreviated official names of international intergovernmental organizations; marks which consist of or include official control and warranty signs and stamps where such signs and stamps are used to mark identical or similar goods; marks which consist of or include the name or a representation of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as specified by the Ministry of Culture;  - 特許庁

商標登録は,次に掲げる理由の何れかを基にして取り消すことができる。商標登録に係る取消申請日の1月前までに,商標がそのときの所有者によりその登録に係る商品又はサービスについてニュージーランドにおいて業として真正の使用がされなかった期間が,実際の登録日後,連続して3年以上経過していること(3)に定める場合を除き,商標の使用が中断なく3年間停止していること所有者の行為又は無為の結果,商標がその登録に係る商品又はサービスについて一般公衆に使用される普通名称になっていること 次に掲げる事情があること,すなわち,それに係る物品若しくは物質が以前は特許に基づいて製造されていたか,又はそれに係るサービスが以前は特許方法であったこと,及び特許の満了から2年以上の期間が経過していること,及びそれに係る文言が物品,物質又はサービスについての単なる実用的な名称又は説明であること商標登録に係る商品又はサービスについての所有者による又は所有者の同意を得た商標の使用の結果,商標が例えば,その商品又はサービスの性質,品質又は原産地等に関して公衆に誤認又は混同を生じさせる虞があること例文帳に追加

The registration of a trade mark may be revoked on any of the following grounds: that, up to the date 1 month before the date of the application for the revocation of the registration of the trade mark, a continuous period of 3 years or more elapsed following the actual date of registration during which the trade mark was not put to genuine use in the course of trade in New Zealand, by any owner for the time being, in relation to the goods or services in respect of which it is registered: except as provided in subsection (3), that the use of the trade mark has been suspended for an uninterrupted period of 3 years: that, in consequence of acts or inactivity of the owner, the trade mark has become a common name in general public use for a product or service in respect of which it is registered: that the article or substance was formerly manufactured under a patent or the service was formerly a patented process; and a period of 2 years or more has elapsed since the expiry of the patent; and the word is or the words are the only practicable name or description of the article, substance, or service: that, in consequence of the trade mark's use by the owner or with the owner's consent in relation to the goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered, the trade mark is likely to deceive or confuse the public, for instance as to the nature, quality, or geographical origin of those goods or services. - 特許庁


第172条 文学的及び美術的著作物 172.1文学的及び美術的著作物(以下「著作物」という)とは,文学及び美術の領域において創作の時から保護される独創的な知的創作物をいい,特に次のものを含む。 (a)書籍,小冊子,論文その他の文書 (b)定期刊行物及び新聞 (c)口頭で行うために準備された講演,説教,演説及び学術論文(書面その他の形式にされるか否かを問わない) (d)書簡 (e)演劇用又は楽劇用の作品;舞踊の作品又は無言劇の演芸 (f)楽曲(歌詞を伴うか否かを問わない) (g)素描,絵画,建築,彫刻,版画,石版画その他の美術作品の著作物;美術作品のための模型又は下絵 (h)製造物品のための独創的な装飾的下絵又は模型(意匠として登録することができるものであるか否かを問わない)及び応用美術のその他の著作物 (i)地理学,地形学,建築学又は科学に関する図解,地図,図面,略図及び模型 (j)科学的又は技術的性質の図面又は模型 (k)写真の著作物(写真に類似する方法により製作された著作物を含む);幻灯スライド (l)視聴覚著作物及び映画の著作物(映画に類似する方法又は視聴覚記録物を製作する方法により製作された著作物を含む) (m)絵画入りの図解及び広告 (n)コンピュータ・プログラム (o)その他の文学的,学術的,科学的及び美術的著作物例文帳に追加

Sec.172 Literary and Artistic Works 172.1. Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to asworks”, are original intellectual creations in the literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation and shall include in particular: (a) Books, pamphlets, articles and other writings; (b) Periodicals and newspapers; (c) Lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for oral delivery, whether or not reduced in writing or other material form; (d) Letters; (e) Dramatic or dramatico-musical compositions; choreographic works or entertainment in dumb shows; (f) Musical compositions, with or without words; (g) Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography or other works of art; models or designs for works of art; (h) Original ornamental designs or models for articles of manufacture, whether or not registrable as an industrial design, and other works of applied art; (i) Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, charts and three-dimensional works relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; (j) Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character; (k) Photographic works including works produced by a process analogous to photography; lantern slides; (l) Audiovisual works and cinematographic works and works produced by a process analogous to cinematography or any process for making audio-visual recordings; (m) Pictorial illustrations and advertisements; (n) Computer programs; and (o) Other literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic works. - 特許庁


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