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第一条 この法律は、平成五年四月一日から施行する。ただし、第一条の規定(エネルギーの使用の合理化に関する法律目次の改正規定(「第四章 機械器具に係る措置(第十七条—第二十一条)」を「第四章 機械器具に係る措置(第十七条—第二十一条) 第四章の二 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構のエネルギーの使用の合理化の業務(第二十一条の二・第二十一条の三)」に改める部分に限る。)及び同法第四章の次に一章を加える改正規定を除く。)及び附則第八条の規定は、公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲で政令で定める日から施行する。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act shall come into effect as from April 1, 1993; provided, however, that the provision of Article 1 (excluding the provision to revise the table of contents of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy (limited to the part revising the phrase "Chapter IV Measures Pertaining to Machinery and Equipment (Articles 17 to 21)" to "Chapter IV Measures Pertaining to Machinery and Equipment Chapter IV-2 Business for Rational Use of Energy by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Article 21-2 and Article 21-3)") and the provision to revise the same Act by adding one chapter following Chapter IV) and the provision of Article 8 of the Supplementary Provisions shall come into effect as from the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the date of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 出願人は,特許付与に関する特許庁の通知が第38条(1)に基づいて公告される日まで,特許出願の範囲を超えることなく,当該出願を2以上の出願に分割することができ,この場合は,その各々について,元の出願の出願日及び優先日が維持される。本条,第27条,第28条(1),(5)及び(6),第30条,第31条並びに第32条の要件を各分割出願に適用する。出願人が,出願の分割に関する請求を特許庁が受領した日から3月以に分割特許出願に関して必要な書類及び資料を提出しなかった場合,又は国の手数料を納付しなかった場合は,分割出願は取り下げられたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Until the date when the notification of the Patent Office regarding the grant of patent is published, the applicant, in accordance with Section 38, Paragraph one of this Law, without exceeding the extent of the patent application, may divide it in two or more applications, maintaining the filing and priority date of the initial application for each of them. The requirements of this Section, Section 27, Section 28, Paragraphs one, five and six, Sections 30, 31 and 32 shall be applied to each divisional application. If the applicant fails to submit the necessary documents and materials which relate to the divisional patent application or to pay the State fee within a time period of three months from the date of the receipt of the request regarding the division of the application by the Patent Office, the divisional application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. - 特許庁


(i) The parts pertaining to the provisions of Article 151-3, paragraphs 2 to 4 inclusive, Article 151-5, and Article 151-7 among the provisions which add one Chapter after Chapter 4 of the Act Concerning the Registration of Immovables in Article 1 of this Act, the provisions revising the Contents of the Commercial Registration Act, the parts pertaining to the provisions of Article 113-2, Article 113-3, Article 113-4, paragraph 1, paragraph 4 and paragraph 5, and Article 113-5 among the provisions which add one Chapter after Chapter 3 of the same Act in Article 2 of this Act, and the provisions of Articles 8 to 10 inclusive of the Supplementary Provisions: the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding one year from the day of promulgation  - 経済産業省

第五十条 市町村が、災害その他の厚生労働省令で定める特別の事情があることにより、居宅サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。)、地域密着型サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。)若しくは施設サービス又は住宅改修に必要な費用を負担することが困難であると認めた要介護被保険者が受ける次の各号に掲げる介護給付について当該各号に定める規定を適用する場合においては、これらの規定中「百分の九十」とあるのは、「百分の九十を超え百分の百以下の範囲内において市町村が定めた割合」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 50 In a case when a Municipality applies the provisions as prescribed in the following items to a Long-Term Care Benefit as listed in said items received by an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care for whom it is deemed difficult to pay the necessary expenses for In-Home Service (including equivalent services), Community-Based Service (including equivalent services), Facility Service, or a Home Modification due to disaster or other special reason as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, the term "90 percent" in the referenced provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "the percentage determined by the Municipality within the range of more than 90 percent to 100 percent or less":  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第六十条 市町村が、災害その他の厚生労働省令で定める特別の事情があることにより、介護予防サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。)、地域密着型介護予防サービス(これに相当するサービスを含む。)又は住宅改修に必要な費用を負担することが困難であると認めた居宅要支援被保険者が受ける次の各号に掲げる予防給付について当該各号に定める規定を適用する場合においては、これらの規定中「百分の九十」とあるのは、「百分の九十を超え百分の百以下の範囲内において市町村が定めた割合」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 60 In a case when a Municipality applies provisions as prescribed in the following items to a prevention benefit listed in the said items that an Insured Person Requiring Support receives, for whom it is deemed to be difficult to pay necessary expenses for Preventive Long-Term Care Service (including equivalent services), Community-Based Service for Preventive Long-Term Care (including equivalent services), or Home Modification due to a disaster or other special reasons as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, the term "90 percent" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "the percentage provided by a Municipality within the range of more than 90 percent to 100 percent or less":  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 経済産業大臣は、前二項に定める場合のほか、特定の種類の若しくは特定の地域を仕向地とする貨物を輸出しようとする者又は特定の取引により貨物を輸出しようとする者に対し、国際収支の均衡の維持のため、外国貿易及び国民経済の健全な発展のため、我が国が締結した条約その他の国際約束を誠実に履行するため、国際平和のための国際的な努力に我が国として寄与するため、又は第十条第一項の閣議決定を実施するために必要な範囲で、政令で定めるところにより、承認を受ける義務を課することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) In addition to cases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, on a person who intends to export specific kinds of goods or to export goods to the specified regions or a person who intends to export goods through specified transaction the obligation to obtain approval, to the extent necessary to maintain equilibrium of the international balance of trade, to achieve the sound development of foreign trade and the national economy, to sincerely fulfill obligations under the treaties and other international agreements Japan has signed, to make Japan's contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace, or to implement a cabinet decision set forth in Article 10, paragraph 1.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項の規定に基づき商品取引所により取引資格を与えられた者は、同項に規定する目的の範囲内において、第百一条第一項から第四項まで、第百三条、第百四条第三項及び第四項、第百八条第一項、第百十三条から第百十五条まで、第百十八条、第百五十七条、第百五十九条第一項、第百六十条第一項、第百六十五条、第百七十九条並びに第百八十八条の規定の適用については、会員等とみなす。この場合において、第百十三条第一項(第百十四条及び第百八十八条において準用する場合を含む。)中「から脱退した」とあるのは「において取引をすることができる資格を喪失した」と、第百六十条第一項及び第百六十五条中「の除名」とあるのは「の取引をすることができる資格の取消し」とする。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who has been granted the trading qualification by a Commodity Exchange based on the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be a Member, etc. within the scope of the purpose prescribed in the same paragraph with regard to application of the provisions of Article 101, paragraphs (1) to (4) inclusive, Article 103, Article 104, paragraphs (3) and (4), Article 108, paragraph (1), Articles 113 to 115 inclusive, Article 118, Article 157, Article 159, paragraph (1), Article 160, paragraph (1), Article 165, Article 179 and Article 188. In this case, the phrase "withdrawn from" in Article 113, paragraph (1) (including the case of its application mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 114 and Article 188) shall be deemed to be replaced with "lost the qualification to carry out transactions on" and the phrase "expulsion of" in Article 160, paragraph (1) and Article 165 shall be deemed to be replaced with "rescission of the qualification to carry out transactions of."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五条 第一条の規定の施行の際現に旧消費生活用製品安全法第二条第二項の特定製品であって新消費生活用製品安全法第二条第二項の特定製品であるもの(以下「移行特定製品」という。)に付されている旧消費生活用製品安全法第七条若しくは第二十七条又は第三十二条の十の規定による表示は、第一条の規定の施行の日から起算して移行特定製品ごとに五年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める期間を経過する日までの間は、新消費生活用製品安全法第十三条の規定により付された表示とみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 5 (1) Any label placed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Article 27 or Article 32-10 of the Old Consumer Products Safety Act, to those Specified Products set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Old Consumer Products Safety Act that fall under the category of Specified Products as described in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the New Consumer Products Safety Act (hereinafter referred to as "specified products under transition") at the time of the enforcement of Article 1 shall be deemed to be a label placed pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the New Consumer Products Safety Act until the expiration of a period specified by Cabinet Order for the respective specified products under transition not to exceed five years from the date of enforcement of Article 1.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In any case, as I have said over and over again, loan repayment in the disaster areas is a matter that cannot be dealt with within the scope of private financial institutions' activities alone. The day before yesterday, the House of Councillors unanimously passed the bill to amend the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions. I am grateful for the passage, as this will strengthen the financial functions in a comprehensive manner and reassure depositors in the disaster areas. Although the Diet has undergone an upheaval, as the minister in charge, I am very grateful to the political parties and parliamentary groups in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors for passing this bill based on common sense for the sake of people in the disaster areas. Strengthening the financial functions and reassuring depositors is important in times like these.  - 金融庁


特許法第 41条に規定される特許出願等に基づく優先権(いわゆる「国優先権」。以下、本章において「優先権」ともいう。)制度とは、すでに出願した自己の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願(以下「先の出願」という。)の発明を含めて包括的な発明として優先権を主張して特許出願(以下「後の出願」という。)をする場合には、その包括的な特許出願に係る発明のうち、先の出願の出願当初の明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面(以下「明細書等」という。)に記載されている発明について、新規性、進歩性等の判断に関し出願の時を先の出願の時とするという優先的な取扱いを認めるものである。例文帳に追加

In the priority system based on a patent application prescribed by the provision of Patent Act Article 41 (so-called, “internal priority”. Hereinafter referred to aspriorityin this chapter), in cases where the patent application claiming priority is filed as a comprehensive invention (hereinafter referred to aslater application”) containing the invention of its own patent application or application for utility model registration that has been already filed (hereinafter referred to asearlier application”), for inventions stated in the description, scope of claims or drawings (hereinafter referred to asdescription etc.”) of the earlier application among the later application, prioritized treatment to deem the later application to have been filed at the time when the earlier application was filed, in the case of the application of Article 29 etc.  - 特許庁



(2) Upon the request of the owner of the patent, the Corporation shall cancel the compulsory licence - (a) if the ground for the grant of the compulsory licence no longer exists; (b) if the beneficiary of the compulsory licence has, within the time limit fixed in the decision granting the licence, neither begun the working of the patented invention in Malaysia nor made serious preparations towards such working; (c) if the beneficiary of the compulsory licence does not respect the scope of the licence as fixed in the decision granting the licence; (d) if the beneficiary of the compulsory licence is in arrears of the payment due, according to the decision granting the licence. - 特許庁

3 第一項の規定に基づき商品取引所により取引資格を与えられた者は、同項に規定する目的の範囲内において、第百一条第一項から第四項まで、第百三条、第百四条第三項及び第四項、第百八条第一項、第百十三条から第百十五条まで、第百十八条、第百五十七条、第百五十九条第一項、第百六十条第一項、第百六十五条、第百七十九条並びに第百八十八条の規定の適用については、会員等とみなす。この場合において、第百十三条第一項(第百十四条及び第百八十八条において準用する場合を含む。)中「から脱退した」とあるのは「において取引をすることができる資格を喪失した」と、第百六十条第一項及び第百六十五条中「の除名」とあるのは「の取引をすることができる資格の取消し」とする。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who has been granted the trading qualification by a Commodity Exchange based on the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be a Member, etc. within the scope of the purpose prescribed in the same paragraph with regard to application of the provisions of Article 101, paragraphs 1 to 4 inclusive, Article 103, Article 104, paragraphs 3 and 4, Article 108, paragraph 1, Articles 113 to 115 inclusive, Article 118, Article 157, Article 159, paragraph 1, Article 160, paragraph 1, Article 165, Article 179 and Article 188. In this case, the phrase "withdrawn from" in Article 113, paragraph 1 (including the case of its application mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 114 and Article 188) shall be deemed to be replaced with "lost the qualification to carry out transactions on" and the phrase "expulsion of" in Article 160, paragraph 1 and Article 165 shall be deemed to be replaced with "rescission of the qualification to carry out transactions of."  - 経済産業省

(2A) 本条の適用上,商品又はサービスについて登録されたか又は登録される予定の商標に関して「識別性を有する」とは,当該商標が,その所有者が業として関係しているか又は関係する可能性のある商品若しくはサービスを,一般的に,又は当該の登録されたか若しくは登録される予定の商標の場合は,その登録の範囲内における使用に関係する条件,補正,修正又は制限に従うことを条件として,当該関係が存在しない他の商品又はサービスから識別する能力を有していることを意味する。[法律A881による挿入][法律A1078による改正]例文帳に追加

(2A) For the purposes of this section, “distinctive”, in relation to the trade mark registered or proposed to be registered in respect of goods or services, means the trade mark must be capable of distinguishing goods or services with which the proprietor of the trade mark is or may be connected in the course of trade from goods or services in the case of which no such connection subsists, either generally or, where the trade mark is registered or proposed to be registered, subject to conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations, in relation to use within the extent of the registration. [Ins. Act A881] [Am. Act A1078] - 特許庁

第五十六条 第五十条の二第八項の規定は、金融商品取引業者等が解散し、若しくは金融商品取引業等を廃止した場合又は第五十二条第一項、第五十二条の二第一項、第五十三条第三項若しくは第五十四条の規定により第二十九条若しくは第三十三条の二の登録を取り消された場合における当該金融商品取引業者等であつた者について準用する。この場合において、当該金融商品取引業者等であつた者は、顧客取引を結了する目的の範囲内において、なお金融商品取引業者等とみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 56 (1) The provision of Article 50-2 (8) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a person who was a Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. in cases where said Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. has dissolved or abolished Financial Instruments Business, etc., or had its registration under Article 29 or Article 33-2 rescinded under the provisions of Article 52(1), Article 52-2(1), Article 53(3), or Article 54. In this case, a person who was the Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. shall be deemed to be a Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. within the scope of the purpose to complete Customer Transactions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 事業協同組合又は事業協同小組合の作成する計画に基づき工場又は事業場(以下「工場等」という。)を集団して設置する組合員の利用に供する当該事業協同組合又は事業協同小組合の事業をその工場等の設置に相当の期間を要する一部の組合員がその間に利用することが困難であるため、当該事業の運営に支障が生ずる場合における当該事業 当該計画に基づく工場等の設置が完了した日のうち最も早いものを含む事業年度終了の日から起算して三年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める期間例文帳に追加

(i) Businesses of the business cooperative or the minor business cooperative to be provided for the utilize of partner who will collectively establish factories or workplaces (hereinafter referred to as "factories, etc.") based on a plan prepared by the business cooperative or the minor business cooperative, in the case where the administration of said Businesses will be hindered due to some partner who require a considerable period of time for establishing said factories, etc. finding it difficult to utilize the Businesses during that time-The period specified by a Cabinet Order not exceeding three years from the final day of the business year containing the earliest of the dates of termination of the establishment of factories, etc. based on said plan  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

「オーストラリア」とは、地理的意味で用いる場合には、次の(i)から(vi)までに掲げる海外地域以外の海外地域を除くものとし、次の(i)から(vi)までに掲げる海外地域のみを含むオーストラリアの領域の外側に隣接する区域であって、排他的経済水域並びに大陸棚における海底及びその下の天然資源の探査又は開発に関するオーストラリアの法令が国際法に適合する範囲で効力を有する区域を含む。(i)ノーフォーク島地域(ii)クリスマス島地域 (iii)ココス(キーリング)諸島地域(iv)アシュモア及びカーティア諸島地域 (v)ハード島及びマクドナルド諸島地域 (vi)さんご海諸島地域例文帳に追加

the termAustralia”, when used in a geographical sense, excludes all external territories other than: (i) the Territory of Norfolk Island; (ii) the Territory of Christmas Island; (iii) the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands; (iv) the Territory of Ashmore and CartierIslands; (v) the Territory of Heard Island and McDonaldIs lands; and (vi) the Coral Sea Islands Territory, and includes any area adjacent to the territorial limits of Australia (including only the Territories specified in this subparagraph) in respect of which there is for the time being in force, consistently with international law, a law of Australia dealing with the exploration for or exploitation of any of the natural resources of the exclusive economic zone and the seabed and subsoil of the continental shelf;  - 財務省


If any such translation referred to in subsection (2) results in a European patent or application conferring a narrower protection than that conferred by the language of the proceedings referred to in subsection (1), the proprietor of or applicant for the patent may file a corrected translation with the Office and, if he pays the prescribed fee within the prescribed period, the Office shall publish it; provided that the proprietor of the patent or the applicant shall not be entitled to bring proceedings in respect of an act which infringed the patent or application as correctly translated, but not as originally translated, unless before the doing of the act the corrected translation has been published by the Office or the proprietor or applicant has sent the corrected translation by post or delivered it to the person alleged to have done that act.  - 特許庁


Further, the Ni is preferred to have convex parts of an average height within the range of 0.5 to 25% of a grain size of the base material particulates for making the outermost Au layer protrude, and the anisotropic conductive material uses the conductive particulates. - 特許庁

13 国際原子力機関の指定する者は、前項の規定による立入検査のほか、文部科学大臣の指定するその職員(政令で定める場合にあつては、文部科学大臣の指定するその職員及び外務大臣の指定するその職員。第十八項において同じ。)の立会いの下に、追加議定書で定める範囲内において、国際規制物資使用者等の事務所又は工場若しくは事業所その他の場所であつて国際原子力機関が指定するものに立ち入り、帳簿、書類その他必要な物件を検査し、又は試験のため必要な最小限度の量に限り、核原料物質、核燃料物質その他の必要な試料を収去することができる。例文帳に追加

(13) A person designated by the International Atomic Energy Agency may, in addition to the on-site inspection prescribed in the preceding paragraph, and under the attendance of an official designated by the Minister of MEXT (in cases specified by Cabinet Order, an official designated by the Minister of MEXT and official designated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs; hereinafter the same shall apply in Article 18), enter the office, factory, place of activity of any international controlled material user, or any other location designated by the International Atomic Energy Agency and inspect books, documents and any other necessary property, or request the submission of nuclear source material, nuclear fuel material or any other necessary samples, limited to the minimum amount necessary for examination, within the scope prescribed in additional protocols.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


One is that it is necessary to respond to this emergency situation in the way decided recently by the ASBJ (Accounting Standards Board of Japan), and this will, in principle, be done within the scope of the existing rules, although a revision may become necessary. In addition, there is growing global doubt as to the appropriateness of the status quo, as Prime Minister Aso said yesterday. Radical revisions of the existing rules, including those regarding securitization products and fair-value accounting, are necessary for properly evaluating derivatives products and leveraged products in a manner suited to the 21st century era of computerization and globalization.  - 金融庁

二 第一条中電気事業法目次の改正規定、第六章の改正規定並びに第百六条、第百七条、第百十二条の二、第百十七条の三、第百十七条の四及び第百十九条の二の改正規定並びに第三条の規定並びに附則第十七条、第十八条、第十九条第一項、第二十条から第三十八条まで、第四十一条、第四十三条、第四十五条、第四十六条、第四十八条、第五十一条及び第五十五条から第五十七条までの規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(ii) The provisions in Article 1 to revise the table of contents of the Electricity Business Act, revise Chapter 6 of the Electricity Business Act, revise Article 106, Article 107, Article 112-2, Article 117-3, Article 117-4, and Article 119-2 of the Electricity Business Act, the provision of Article 3, and the provisions of Article 17, Article 18, Article 19, paragraph 1, Articles 20 to 38, Article 41, Article 43, Article 45, Article 46, Article 48, Article 51, and Articles 55 to 57 of the Supplementary Provisions: the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the date of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The spark plug for internal-combustion engine comprises a first grounding electrode 5 to form a first discharge gap A with the top face of a central electrode 4 and second grounding electrodes 6 and 7 to form a second discharge gap with the side face of the central electrode 4. - 特許庁

第二十四条の三 公認会計士は、大会社等の七会計期間(事業年度その他これらに準ずる期間をいう。以下同じ。)の範囲で政令で定める連続する会計期間(当該連続する会計期間に準ずるものとして閣府令で定める会計期間にあつては、当該会計期間。以下この項、第三十四条の十一の三及び第三十四条の十一の四第一項において「連続会計期間」という。)のすべての会計期間に係る財務書類について監査関連業務を行つた場合には、当該連続会計期間の翌会計期間以後の政令で定める会計期間に係る当該大会社等の財務書類について監査関連業務を行つてはならない。ただし、当該公認会計士(監査法人の社員である者を除く。)が当該連続会計期間の翌会計期間以後の会計期間に係る当該大会社等の財務書類について監査関連業務を行うことにつき、閣府令で定めるやむを得ない事情があると認められる場合において、閣府令で定めるところにより、会計期間ごとに閣総理大臣の承認を得たときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 24-3 (1) In a case where a certified public accountant has provided audit-related services concerning financial documents pertaining to all accounting periods (business years or other periods equivalent thereto; the same shall apply hereinafter) of consecutive accounting periods as specified by Cabinet Order (in the case of accounting periods as categorized by Cabinet Office Ordinance as those equivalent to said consecutive accounting periods, said accounting periods; hereinafter referred to as the "consecutive accounting periods") not exceeding seven accounting periods of a large company, etc., the certified public accountant shall not provide audit-related services concerning the financial documents of said large company, etc. pertaining to an accounting period specified by Cabinet Order which comes in or after the accounting period following said consecutive accounting periods; provided, however, that this shall not apply when an unavoidable circumstance as specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance is found for the provision of audit-related services by said certified public accountant (excluding one who is a partner of an audit corporation) concerning the financial documents of said large company, etc. in or after the accounting period following said consecutive accounting periods and where the approval of the Prime Minster has been gained for each accounting period pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As market movements depend on the investment activities of market players based on their own judgment, I would like to refrain from making any definitive comments with regard to the level of stock prices and the causes of and the backgrounds to the price movements from the standpoint of an administrative authority. I understand that market players have cited a variety of factors, including a drop in U.S. stock prices late last week, profit-taking triggered by the yen's uptrend and lower-than-expected GDP growth, and stock price movements in Asian markets. While we would like to refrain from making any definitive comments, we will keep a close watch on future stock market movements.  - 金融庁

(7) (1)から(3)までを適用除外して,特許権者による又はその明示の同意を得た種畜又はその他の形態の動物繁殖材料の農業者に対する販売又はその他の形態の商業化は,当該農業者が,当該特許を受けた家畜を農業目的で用いることに対する許可を意味する。これには,自らの活動を推進する目的での当該動物又はその他の動物繁殖材料の使用が含まれるが,商業的繁殖活動の枠組での又はその目的での販売には及ばない。当該農業者が受ける適用除外の範囲及び条件については,特定法律の規定が適用される。例文帳に追加

(7) By way of derogation from paragraphs (1) to (3), the sale or other form of commercialization of breeding stock or other animal reproductive material to a farmer by the patentee or with his express consent implies authorization for the farmer to use the patented livestock for agricultural purpose. This includes the use of the animal or other animal reproductive material for the purposes of pursuing his activity but it shall not extend to sale within the framework or for the purpose of a commercial reproduction activity. The extent and conditions of derogation to which the farmer is entitled shall be governed by the provisions of specific legislation. - 特許庁

平均粒子径が50nm〜10μmの範囲にあり且つ粒子径のCv値が10%以下である第一微粒子が媒質中に分散してなる微粒子分散体であって、 前記分散体中における前記第一微粒子の配列構造が、アモルファス構造であり且つ下記条件(A)及び(B):[条件(A)] 前記分散体の走査型電子顕微鏡写真に基いて下記式:g(r)={1/〈ρ〉}×{dn/da}[式中、g(r)は動径分布関数を示し、〈ρ〉は平面の平均粒子密度を示し、dnは任意の第一微粒子からの距離rの円と距離r+drの円との間の領域中に存在する第一微粒子の数を示し、daは前記領域の面積(2πr・dr)を示す。例文帳に追加

The fine particle dispersion is obtained by dispersing primary fine particles, having the average particle diameter in a range of 50 nm to 10 μm and a Cv value of the particle diameter of 10% or less, in a medium. - 特許庁

第一条 この法律は、公布の日から起算して九月をこえない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。ただし、第六十七条第三項、第八十二条第二項、第八十五条第三項、第八十八条、第九十二条第二項、第九十八条第一項、第百六条第四項、第百九条、第百十条、第百十一条、第百十三条、第百十六条第三項及び第百十七条の改正規定並びに附則第七条第一項から第六項まで及び附則第十二条の規定は昭和三十七年十月一日から、附則第七条第七項の規定は公布の日から施行する。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act shall be enforced from the date prescribed in a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding nine months from the day of promulgation; provided that the revision provisions of paragraph (3), Article 67, paragraph (2), Article 82, paragraph (3), Article 85, Article 88, paragraph (2), Article 92, paragraph (1), Article 98, paragraph (4), Article 106, Article 109, Article 110, Article 111, Article 113, paragraph (3), Article 116 and Article 117, and the provisions of paragraph (1) through paragraph (6), Article 7, Supplementary Provisions and Article 12, Supplementary Provisions shall be enforced from October 1, 1962, and the provision of paragraph (7), Article 7, Supplementary Provisions shall be enforced from the day of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This image forming apparatus includes: a positively charged single layer type electrophotographic photoreceptor having a photosensitive layer containing at least binder resin, a charge generating agent, a hole transport agent, an electron transport agent, and an optical absorption agent; a charging means; an exposure means; a developing means; a transfer means; a fixing means; and a static elimination means. - 特許庁

一 第三章(第一節第一款及び第三款、第三十条、第三十一条、第三十三条、第三十七条から第三十九条まで、第四十八条(準用通則法第三条、第八条第一項、第十一条、第十六条及び第十七条を準用する部分に限る。)並びに第五十一条を除く。)、第四章(第五十四条第四号及び第五十五条を除く。)並びに附則第十一条から第十五条まで、第十七条(法務省設置法(平成十一年法律第九十三号)第四条第三十号の改正規定を除く。)、第十八条及び第十九条の規定 公布の日から起算して二年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(i) The provisions of Chapter III (excluding Subsection 1 and Subsection 3 of Section 1, Article 30, Article 31, Article 33, Articles 37 to 39 inclusive, Article 48 [limited to the parts where Article 3, Article 8, paragraph (1), Article 11, Article 16 and Article 17 of the Act on the General Rules as applied mutatis mutandis are applied mutatis mutandis] and Article 51) and Chapter IV (excluding Article 54, item (iv) and Article 55) of this Act and Articles 11 to 15 inclusive, Article 17 (excluding the provisions revising Article 4, item (xxx) of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Justice [Act No. 93 of 1999]), Article 18 and Article 19: a date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding two years from the day of promulgation  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十八条の十 前条第一項の規定により商標登録出願とみなされた領域指定(以下この章において「国際商標登録出願」という。)に係る登録商標(以下この条において「国際登録に基づく登録商標」という。)がその商標登録前の登録商標(国際登録に基づく登録商標を除く。以下この条において「国登録に基づく登録商標」という。)と同一であり、かつ、国際登録に基づく登録商標に係る指定商品又は指定役務が国登録に基づく登録商標に係る指定商品又は指定役務と重複している場合であつて、国際登録に基づく登録商標に係る商標権者と国登録に基づく登録商標に係る商標権者が同一であるときは、国際商標登録出願はその重複している範囲については、国登録に基づく登録商標に係る商標登録出願の日にされていたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 68-10 (1) Where a registered trademark (hereinafter in this article referred to as a "registered trademark based on international registration") pertaining to the request for territorial extension which is deemed to have been an application for trademark registration pursuant to Article 68-9(1) (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as an "international application for trademark registration") is identical with the registered trademark prior to the trademark registration (except registered trademarks based on international registration, hereinafter referred to in this article as a "registered trademark based on national registration") and the designated goods or designated services pertaining to the registered trademark based on international registration overlap with the designated goods or designated services based on national registration, and further the holder of trademark right of the registered trademark based on international registration is identical with the holder of trademark right of the registered trademark based on national registration, the international application for trademark registration shall be deemed to have been filed on the date of filing of the application for trademark registration pertaining to the registered trademark based on national registration to the extent of the scope which is overlapping.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百八十条の二 第七条第一項第五号(外国法人の課税所得の範囲)、第百七十八条(外国法人に係る所得税の課税標準)及び第百七十九条(外国法人に係る所得税の税率)の規定は、外国法人である信託会社(金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律により同法第一条第一項(兼営の認可)に規定する信託業務を営む同項に規定する金融機関を含む。次項において「外国信託会社」という。)が、その引き受けた第百七十六条第一項(信託財産に係る利子等の課税の特例)に規定する証券投資信託の信託財産に属する同項に規定する公社債等につき第百六十一条第四号(同号ロを除く。)又は第五号(国源泉所得)に掲げる国源泉所得の支払をする者の備え付ける帳簿に、当該公社債等が当該信託財産に属する旨その他財務省令で定める事項の登載を受けている場合には、当該公社債等についてその登載を受けている期間に支払われる当該国源泉所得については、適用しない。例文帳に追加

Article 180-2 (1) Where a trust company that is a foreign corporation (including a financial institution prescribed in Article 1(1) of the Act on Additional Operation etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions (Approval of Additional Operation) that is engaged in trust business prescribed in the said paragraph; hereinafter referred to as a "foreign trust company" in the next paragraph) has caused the person who pays domestic source income listed in Article 161(iv) (excluding (b)) or (v) (Domestic Source Income) with respect to the government or company bonds, etc. prescribed in Article 176(1) (Special Provisions for Taxation on Interest, etc. on Trust Property) that are included in the trust property under a securities investment trust prescribed in the said paragraph for which the trust company has accepted the position of trustee, to record, in the books that the person keeps, the fact that the said government or company bonds, etc. are included in the said trust property as well as other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, the provisions of Article 7(1)(v) (Scope of Taxable Income of Foreign Corporations), Article 178 (Tax Base of Income Tax in the case of Foreign Corporations), and Article 179 (Tax Rate for Income Tax in the case of Foreign Corporations) shall not apply to the said domestic source income from the said government or company bond, etc. to be paid during the period when the recordation of the said matters regarding the government or company bonds, etc. remains in the books.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This invention discloses the liquid crystal display module comprising: a liquid crystal display element holding a liquid crystal cell between a pair of polarizing plates; an optical sheet lapped on the back side of this liquid crystal display element; and a surface light source of back-light lapped on the back side of this optical sheet. - 特許庁


By correcting the particle size distribution of the organic particles and the ratio of the binder, a diffusion effect can be optimized. - 特許庁

第四十八条の四 外国語でされた国際実用新案登録出願(以下「外国語実用新案登録出願」という。)の出願人は、条約第二条(xi)の優先日(以下「優先日」という。)から二年六月(以下「国書面提出期間」という。)以に、前条第一項に規定する国際出願日(以下「国際出願日」という。)における条約第三条(2)に規定する明細書、請求の範囲、図面(図面の中の説明に限る。)及び要約の日本語による翻訳文を、特許庁長官に提出しなければならない。ただし、国書面提出期間の満了前二月から満了の日までの間に次条第一項に規定する書面を提出した外国語実用新案登録出願(当該書面の提出の日以前に当該翻訳文を提出したものを除く。)にあつては、当該書面の提出の日から二月(以下「翻訳文提出特例期間」という。)以に、当該翻訳文を提出することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 48-4 (1) An applicant of an International Utility Model Registration Application filed in a foreign language (hereinafter referred to as a "Utility Model Registration Application in a Foreign Language" shall submit to the Commissioner of the Patent Office Japanese translations of the description, scope of claims, drawings (the descriptive text in such drawings only), and the abstract, as provided in Article 3(2) of the Treaty, as of the international application date as provided in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "International Application Date") within the period from the priority date under Article 2 (xi) of the Treaty (hereinafter referred to as "Priority Date") to two years and six months (hereinafter referred to as "Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents") therefrom; provided, however, that the applicant of a Utility Model Registration Application in a Foreign Language who has submitted the document under paragraph (1) of the following Article during the period from two months before the expiration of the Time Limit for the Submission of National Documents to the expiry date thereof (excluding the case where the said translations have been submitted prior to the submission of the said documents) may submit the said translations within two months from the date of submission of the said document (hereinafter referred to as "Special Time Limit for the Submission of Translations").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 少人数向け勧誘(有価証券発行勧誘等のうち次の各号に掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める場合に該当するもの(政令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。以下この項において同じ。)又はこれに係る有価証券の有価証券交付勧誘等で第四条第一項本文の規定の適用を受けないもの(次項において「少人数向け勧誘等」という。)を行う者は、当該有価証券の有価証券発行勧誘等が次の各号に掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める場合に該当することにより当該有価証券発行勧誘等に関し第四条第一項の規定による届出が行われていないことその他の閣府令で定める事項を、その相手方に対して告知しなければならない。ただし、当該有価証券に関して開示が行われている場合及び発行価額の総額が一億円を超えない範囲閣府令で定める金額未満である少人数向け勧誘に係る有価証券について行う場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(3) A person shall, when he/she makes a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors (meaning a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. which falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or makes a Solicitation for Delivery of Existing Securities, etc. which is for Securities to which a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors was made and is exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4(1) (collectively referred to as "Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc." in the following paragraph), notify the solicited persons of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, including the fact that the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. made for the Securities falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items and therefore the notification under Article 4(1) has not been made for the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc. is made for the Securities of which the total issue price was or is less than the amount designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 第一条中保険業法第五十九条第一項の改正規定(「「同法第百三十条第三項」とあるのは「保険業法第四十八条第二項」と、「法務省令」とあるのは「閣府令」と、」を「「電子公告(同法第百六十六条第六項の電子公告をいう。以下同じ。)に準ずるものとして法務省令」とあるのは「電磁的方法(保険業法第四十八条第二項の電磁的方法をいう。)であつて閣府令」と、」に改める部分に限る。)、同法第二百五十八条第二項の改正規定、同法第二百七十条の四第九項の改正規定(「第百五十五条第一号中「第百三十五条第一項」の下に「(第二百七十二条の二十九において準用する場合を含む。)」を加える部分及び「(第二百十条第一項」の下に「及び第二百七十二条の二十九」を加える部分を除く。)及び同法第二百七十一条の四第一項の改正規定並びに同法附則第一条の二の十三の改正規定(同条に一項を加える部分に限る。) 公布の日から起算して三月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(i) In Article 1, The provision revising Article 59, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act (limited to the segment replacing the term "the term "Article 130, paragraph (3) of that Act" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 48, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act" and the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" shall be deemed to be replaced with "Cabinet Office Ordinance"" with "the term "by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as electronic public notice (referring to the electronic public notice set forth in Article 66, paragraph (6) of the Insurance Business Act; the same shall apply hereinafter)" shall be deemed to be replaced with "electromagnetic means (referring to the electromagnetic means set forth in Article 48, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act) by a Cabinet Office Ordinance""), the provision revising Article 258, paragraph (2) of that Act, the provision revising Article 270-4, paragraph (9) of that Act (excluding the segment adding the term "(including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 272-29)" after the term "Article 135, paragraph (1)" and adding the term "and Article 272-29" after the term "(Article 210, paragraph (1)" in Article 155, item (i)) and the provision revising Article 271-4, paragraph (1) of that Act, and the provision revising Article 1-2-13 of the Supplementary Provisions to that Act (limited to the segment adding a paragraph to that Article): the date to be specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from the day of promulgation; and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 国において頒布することを目的とする商業用レコード(以下この項において「国頒布目的商業用レコード」という。)を自ら発行し、又は他の者に発行させている著作権者又は著作隣接権者が、当該国頒布目的商業用レコードと同一の商業用レコードであつて、専ら国外において頒布することを目的とするもの(以下この項において「国外頒布目的商業用レコード」という。)を国外において自ら発行し、又は他の者に発行させている場合において、情を知つて、当該国外頒布目的商業用レコードを国において頒布する目的をもつて輸入する行為又は当該国外頒布目的商業用レコードを国において頒布し、若しくは国において頒布する目的をもつて所持する行為は、当該国外頒布目的商業用レコードが国で頒布されることにより当該国頒布目的商業用レコードの発行により当該著作権者又は著作隣接権者の得ることが見込まれる利益が不当に害されることとなる場合に限り、それらの著作権又は著作隣接権を侵害する行為とみなす。ただし、国において最初に発行された日から起算して七年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める期間を経過した国頒布目的商業用レコードと同一の国外頒布目的商業用レコードを輸入する行為又は当該国外頒布目的商業用レコードを国において頒布し、若しくは国において頒布する目的をもつて所持する行為については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the copyright holder or the holder of neighboring rights, who publishes by himself or who causes others to publish a commercial phonogram intended for distribution within this country (in this paragraph referred to below as "a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution"), publishes by himself or causes others to publish, outside this country, a commercial phonogram that is the same as said commercial phonogram for domestic distribution and [yet] which is intended for distribution exclusively outside this country (in this paragraph referred to below as "a commercial phonogram for overseas distribution"), [(a)] the act of importing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution for the purpose of distribution within this country, [(b)] the act of distributing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution within this country, and [(c)] the act of possessing such commercial phonogram for overseas distribution for the purpose of distributing the same within this country, in each case, by a person who knows that such commercial phonogram is for distribution outside this country, are deemed to constitute acts of infringement of the copyright or neighboring rights in such commercial phonogram, if and to the extent that such distribution, within this country, of such phonograms for overseas distribution is likely to unreasonably adversely affect the profits that could be expected to be obtained by the copyright holder or the holder of neighboring rights by publishing a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to: the act of importing a commercial phonogram for overseas distribution that is the same as a commercial phonogram for domestic distribution with respect to which the period fixed by Cabinet Order (which period shall be seven years or less) from the date of its first publication has lapsed; or the act of distributing, or possessing for the purpose of distributing, within this country, said commercial phonogram for overseas distribution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百三十九条 この法律の施行の際現に存する保険契約者保護基金であって、この法律の施行の際現に資金援助等事業(旧保険業法第二百五十九条第一項に規定する資金援助等事業をいう。次条において同じ。)を行っているものについては、旧保険業法は、この法律の施行後も、当該資金援助等事業が終了するまでの間、当該資金援助等事業の実施に必要な範囲内において、なおその効力を有する。この場合において、旧保険業法第二編第十章第二節(第二百六十七条第五項、第二百六十九条第二項及び第二百七十条第三項を除く。)中「大蔵大臣」とあるのは「閣総理大臣及び財務大臣」と、「大蔵省令」とあるのは「閣府令・財務省令」と、旧保険業法第二百五十九条第一項第三号中「禁治産者」とあるのは「成年被後見人」と、「準禁治産者」とあるのは「被保佐人」と、旧保険業法第二百六十七条第五項、第二百六十九条第二項及び第二百七十条第三項中「大蔵大臣」とあるのは「財務大臣」とするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 139 With regard to any Policyholders Protection Fund in existence at the time when this Act enters into force that carries on the Business of Financial Assistance, etc. (referring to the Business of Financial Assistance, etc. prescribed in Article 259, paragraph (1) of the Former Insurance Business Act; the same shall apply in the following Article) at the time when this Act enters into force, the Former Insurance Business Act shall remain in force even after this Act enters into force until the Business of Financial Assistance, etc. is completed, within the limit necessary for executing the Business of Financial Assistance, etc. In this case, the terms "Minister of Finance" and "Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance" in Part II, Chapter X, Section 2 (excluding Article 267, paragraph (5), Article 269, paragraph (2) and Article 270, paragraph (3)) of the Former Insurance Business Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance" and "Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance," respectively; and the terms "incompetent" and "quasi-incompetent" in Article 259, paragraph (1), item (iii) of the Former Insurance Business Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "adult ward" and "person under curatorship," respectively; any necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十三条の十四 外国で既に発行された有価証券(政令で定めるものを除く。)その他これに準ずるものとして政令で定める有価証券の売付けの申込み又はその買付けの申込みの勧誘で、第四条第一項本文の規定の適用を受けないもの(以下この条において「海外発行証券の少人数向け勧誘」という。)は、当該有価証券がその買付者から多数の者に譲渡されるおそれを少なくするために必要な条件として政令で定める条件が当該有価証券の売付けに付されることを明らかにして、しなければならない。ただし、当該有価証券に関して開示が行われている場合、当該有価証券の売付けの総額が一億円を超えない範囲閣府令で定める金額未満である場合その他当該有価証券の売付けに当該条件を付さなくても公益又は投資者保護に欠けることがないものとして閣府令で定める要件を満たす場合については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 23-14 (1) With regard to Securities already-issued in a foreign State (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order) or Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those equivalent to such Securities, among solicitations of an application to sell or purchase such Securities, those exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4(1) (hereinafter referred to as "Solicitation for Small Number of Investors for Foreign Securities)" in this Article) shall be made by clearly indicating that the conditions specified by a Cabinet Order as those necessary to reduce the likelihood that the Securities will be transferred from any person who purchased them to a large number of persons are imposed on sales of the Securities; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in order to qualify sales of Securities as those which will not impair the public interest or protection of investors even if such conditions are not imposed thereon, including the requirement that the total amount of the sales of the Securities must be less than the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen, are satisfied.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 厚生労働大臣は、毎会計年度において、徴収保険料額並びに雇用保険法第六十六条第一項、第二項及び第五項並びに第六十七条の規定による国庫の負担額の合計額と同法の規定による失業等給付の額(以下この項において「失業等給付額」という。)との差額を当該会計年度末における労働保険特別会計の雇用勘定の積立金(第七項において「積立金」という。)に加減した額が、当該会計年度における失業等給付額の二倍に相当する額を超え、又は当該失業等給付額に相当する額を下るに至つた場合において、必要があると認めるときは、労働政策審議会の意見を聴いて、一年以の期間を定め、雇用保険率を千分の十五・五から千分の二十三・五まで(前項ただし書に規定する事業(同項第三号に掲げる事業を除く。)については千分の十七・五から千分の二十五・五まで、同号に掲げる事業については千分の十八・五から千分の二十六・五まで)の範囲内において変更することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may modify the employment insurance rate, after consulting the Labor Policy Council and by setting a definite term of one year or less, within the scope of fifteen point five one-thousandth (15.5/1000) to twenty-three point five one-thousandth (23.5/1000) inclusive (or seventeen point five one-thousandth (17.5/1000) to twenty-five point five one-thousandth (25.5/1000) inclusive in case of the businesses prescribed in the proviso to the preceding paragraph (excluding the businesses listed in item (iii) of the same paragraph), or eighteen point five one-thousandth (18.5/1000) to twenty-six point five one-thousandth (26.5/1000) inclusive in case of the businesses listed in the same item) if, in every fiscal year, the amount obtained by increasing or decreasing the reserve fund of the employment account under the labor insurance special account (in paragraph (7) referred to as the "reserve fund") at the end of such fiscal year, by the difference between the aggregate of the amount of the collected insurance premiums and the amount of the state contributions prescribed by Article 66, paragraphs (1), (2) and (5) and Article 67 of the Employment Insurance Act, and the amount of the benefits for unemployment, etc. paid pursuant to the provisions of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of benefits for unemployment, etc." in this paragraph) comes to exceed the amount equal to twice of the amount of benefits for unemployment, etc. for such fiscal year, or fall below the amount equal to such amount of benefits for unemployment, etc., and the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds it necessary.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十九条 意匠登録出願に係る意匠を知らないで自らその意匠若しくはこれに類似する意匠の創作をし、又は意匠登録出願に係る意匠を知らないでその意匠若しくはこれに類似する意匠の創作をした者から知得して、意匠登録出願の際(第九条の二の規定により、又は第十七条の三第一項(第五十条第一項(第五十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により、その意匠登録出願が手続補正書を提出した時にしたものとみなされたときは、もとの意匠登録出願の際又は手続補正書を提出した際)現に日本国においてその意匠又はこれに類似する意匠の実施である事業をしている者又はその事業の準備をしている者は、その実施又は準備をしている意匠及び事業の目的の範囲内において、その意匠登録出願に係る意匠権について通常実施権を有する。例文帳に追加

Article 29 A person who, without knowledge of a design in an application for design registration, created a design identical or similar to the said design, or a person who, without knowledge of a design in an application for design registration, learned of the design from a person who created a design identical or similar to the said design, and has been working the design or a design similar thereto or preparing for the working of the design or a design similar thereto in Japan at the time of the filing of the application for design registration (where the application for design registration is deemed to have been filed at the time of submission of the written amendment of proceedings under Article 9-2 or 17-3(1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50(1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 57(1)), at the time of filing the original application or the written amendment of proceedings), shall have a non-exclusive license on the design right, only to the extent of the design and the purpose of such business worked or prepared.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

において,ある特許(以下「第2特許」という)により保護される発明が,先の出願に基づいて付与された又は先の優先権を有する他の特許(以下「第1特許」という)を侵害することなく実施することができない場合は,第2特許の所有者がその発明を実施するために必要とする範囲で,次の条件に従うことを条件として,第2特許の所有者に強制ライセンスを許諾することができる。 (a)第2特許に係わる発明が,第1特許と連関して相当な経済的重要性を有する重要な技術の進歩を生じさせること (b)第1特許の所有者が,合理的な条件で第2特許に係わる発明を使用するクロスライセンスを受ける権利を与えられること (c)第1特許について付与されたライセンスは,第2特許とともに譲渡する場合を除いて,譲渡することができないこと (d)IP法第95条(合理的な商業上の条件でライセンスを得る要件),第96条(半導体技術に係わる特許の強制ライセンス許諾),第98条(申請の様式及び容),第99条(審理の通知)並びに第100条(強制ライセンスの条件)の条件によること例文帳に追加

If the invention protected by a patent, hereafter referred to as the “second patent”, within the country cannot be worked without infringing another patent, hereafter referred to as the “first patent”, granted on a prior application or benefiting from an earlier priority, a compulsory license may be granted to the owner of the second patent to the extent necessary for the working of his invention, subject to the following conditions: (a) The invention claimed in the second patent involves an important technical advance of considerable economic significance in relation to the first patent; (b) The owner of the first patent shall be entitled to a cross-license on reasonable terms to use the invention claimed in the second patent; (c) The use authorized in respect of the first patent shall be non-assignable except with the assignment of the second patent; and (d) The terms and conditions of Section 95 (Requirement to obtain a license on reasonable commercial terms), Section 96 (Compulsory Licensing of patents involving semi-conductor technology), Section 98 (Form and Contents of Petition), Section 99 (Notice of Hearing), and Section 100 (Terms and Conditions of Compulsory License) of the IP Code. - 特許庁

第二十九条 市町村は、支給決定障害者等が、支給決定の有効期間において、都道府県知事が指定する障害福祉サービス事業を行う者(以下「指定障害福祉サービス事業者」という。)若しくは障害者支援施設(以下「指定障害者支援施設」という。)から当該指定に係る障害福祉サービス(以下「指定障害福祉サービス」という。)を受けたとき、又はのぞみの園から施設障害福祉サービスを受けたときは、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、当該支給決定障害者等に対し、当該指定障害福祉サービス又は施設障害福祉サービス(支給量の範囲のものに限る。以下「指定障害福祉サービス等」という。)に要した費用(食事の提供に要する費用、居住若しくは滞在に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用又は創作的活動若しくは生産活動に要する費用のうち厚生労働省令で定める費用(以下「特定費用」という。)を除く。)について、介護給付費又は訓練等給付費を支給する。例文帳に追加

Article 29 (1) When persons with disabilities given grant decision, etc. received welfare service for persons with disabilities pertaining to designated service during valid period for grant decision from the welfare service business operators for persons with disabilities who are designated by a prefectural governor (hereinafter referred to as "designated welfare service business for persons with disabilities") or the support facilities for persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as "designated support facilities for persons with disabilities"), or when they are provided with in-facility welfare service for persons with disabilities from Nozominosono, a municipality shall grant nursing care payment or payment for training etc. to such persons with disabilities given grant decision pursuant to the provision of Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare concerning expenses which needed for such designated welfare service or designated in-facility welfare service for persons with disabilities (limited within payment amount; hereinafter referred to as "designated welfare service for persons with disabilities, or others") (except the expenses prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of expenses for meals, residence and stay and other expenses for daily life, or expenses for creative or productive activities (hereinafter referred to as "specified expenses").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第十条第一項の改正規定、第十一条第一項及び第十二条第一項の改正規定、第十五条第三項の次に一項を加える改正規定(第二十五条の二第一項各号の措置の統括管理に係る部分を除く。)、第二十五条の次に一条を加える改正規定(第二十五条の二第二項に係る部分に限る。)、第三十条の次に一条を加える改正規定(第三十条の二第五項に係る部分に限る。)、第百二十条第一号の改正規定(「第十五条第一項若しくは第三項」を「第十五条第一項、第三項若しくは第四項」に改める部分(第十五条第四項については、第二十五条の二第一項各号の措置の統括管理に係る部分を除く。)及び「第十八条第一項」の下に「、第二十五条の二第二項(第三十条の二第五項において準用する場合を含む。)」を加える部分に限る。)並びに次条第二項の規定 公布の日から起算して二年を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日<昭五五政令第二九六号により昭和五七年六月一日>例文帳に追加

(ii) Revised provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 10, revised provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 11 and paragraph (1) of Article 12, revised provisions which add one paragraph next to paragraph (3) of Article 15 (excluding the parts relating to overall control for measures in each item of paragraph (1) of Article 25-2), revised provisions which add one article after Article 25 (limited to the parts relating to paragraph (2) of Article 25-2), revised provisions which add one article after Article 30 (limited to the parts relating to paragraph (5) of Article 30-2), revised provisions of item (i) of Article 120 (limited to amendment of "paragraph (1) or (3) of Article 15" reading as "paragraph (1), (3), or (4) of Article 15" (concerning paragraph (4) of Article 15, excluding the parts relating to overall control for measures in each item of paragraph (1) of Article 25-2), the addition of "paragraph (2) of Article 25-2 (including the case where the same provisions are applied mutatis mutandis in paragraph (5) of Article 30-2", under "paragraph (1) of Article 18"), and provisions of paragraph (2) of the next Article. The date to be fixed by Cabinet Order within the scope not exceeding two years from the date of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

9 国は、当分の間、都道府県(第八十四条の二第一項の規定により、都道府県が処理することとされている第七十四条第一項の事務を指定都市等が処理する場合にあつては、当該指定都市等を含む。以下この項及び附則第十二項から第十四項までにおいて同じ。)に対し、第七十五条第二項の規定により国がその費用について補助することができる保護施設の修理、改造又は拡張で日本電信電話株式会社の株式の売払収入の活用による社会資本の整備の促進に関する特別措置法(昭和六十二年法律第八十六号)第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、都道府県以外の保護施設の設置者に対し当該都道府県が補助する費用に充てる資金について、予算の範囲内において、第七十五条第二項の規定(この規定による国の補助の割合について、この規定と異なる定めをした法令の規定がある場合には、当該異なる定めをした法令の規定を含む。以下同じ。)により国が補助することができる金額に相当する金額を無利子で貸し付けることができる。例文帳に追加

(9) For the time being, the State may, within the scope of the budget, provide a loan without interest of an amount equivalent to the amount that the State may subsidize pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (2) (in the case where any law or ordinance stipulates otherwise with regard to the proportion of subsidy by the State under these provisions, they shall include the provisions of said law or ordinance that stipulates otherwise; the same shall apply hereinafter) to a prefecture (in the case where the affairs under Article 74, paragraph (1), which are to be processed by a prefecture, are to be processed by a designated city, etc., pursuant to the provisions of Article 84-2, paragraph (1), this shall include said designated city, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and paragraphs (12) to (14) of the Supplementary Provisions) for the funds to be allocated to the expenses subsidized by said prefecture for the establisher of a public assistance facility other than said prefecture, with regard to a repair, renovation or expansion of a public assistance facility of which expenses may be subsidized by the State pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (2) and which falls under Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development Through Use of Proceeds from Sale of the Stock of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Act No. 86 of 1987).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十条 同意基本計画(第五条第二項第四号に掲げる事項が定められているものに限る。)において定められた同項第三号に規定する区域(以下「同意企業立地重点促進区域」という。)の存する市町村は、同意企業立地重点促進区域における製造業等(工場立地法第二条第三項に規定する製造業等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に係る工場又は事業場の緑地(同法第四条第一項第一号に規定する緑地をいう。以下この条において同じ。)及び環境施設(同法第四条第一項第一号に規定する環境施設をいう。以下この条において同じ。)のそれぞれの面積の敷地面積に対する割合に関する事項(以下この条において「緑地面積率等」という。)について、条例で、次項の基準の範囲内において、同法第四条第一項の規定により公表され、又は同法第四条の二第一項の規定により定められた準則に代えて適用すべき準則を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) Municipalities having a zone prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (2), item (iii) that is designated in the agreed basic plan (limited to one that provides for matters listed in Article 5, paragraph (2), item (iv)) (hereinafter such zone shall be referred to as the "agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities") may establish applicable rules, in lieu of rules that have been publicized as prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Factory Location Act or rules that have been established as prescribed in Article 4-2, paragraph (1) of the same Act, in Municipal Ordinances, within the scope of the standards set forth in the following paragraph, with regard to matters concerning the ratio against the total site area of factories or workplaces pertaining to manufacturing industries, etc. (meaning manufacturing industries, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the same Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of respective areas of green spaces (meaning green spaces prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and environmental facilities (meaning environmental facilities prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (1), item (i) of the same Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) therein (hereinafter such matters shall be referred to as "green space-area ratios etc." in this Article) in the agreed zone for intensively promoting the establishment of new business facilities.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 政府は、生命保険契約者保護機構がその会員(平成十五年四月一日から平成十八年三月三十一日までに第二百四十二条第一項に規定する管理を命ずる処分を受けたものその他政令で定めるものに限る。附則第一条の二の十五第二項において「特別会員」という。)に係る資金援助その他の業務に要した費用を第二百六十五条の三十三第一項の規定により当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員が納付する負担金のみで賄うとしたならば、当該生命保険契約者保護機構の会員の財務の状況を著しく悪化させることにより保険業に対する信頼性の維持が困難となり、ひいては国民生活又は金融市場に不測の混乱を生じさせるおそれがあると認める場合(当該費用の合計額が政令で定める額を超えた場合に限る。)には、予算で定める金額の範囲内において、当該生命保険契約者保護機構に対し、当該費用(特定業務に要したものに限る。)の全部又は一部に相当する金額を補助することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The Government may, when it finds that if the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation was to cover the costs of Financial Assistance and other activities pertaining to its members (limited to those subject to the disposition ordering administration under Article 242, paragraph (1) between 1 April 2003 and 31 March 2006 and any other members to be specified by a Cabinet Order; referred to as "Special Members" in Article 1-2-15, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions) solely with the assessments paid by the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation pursuant to the provision of Article 265-33, paragraph (1), the financial conditions of the members of the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation would deteriorate significantly, making it difficult to maintain the credibility of the insurance industry and hence posing the risk of causing unexpected disruptions in the lives of the citizenry and the financial market (limited to the cases where the total amount of such costs exceeds the amount to be specified by a Cabinet Order), provide assistance to the Life Insurance Policyholders Protection Corporation in an amount corresponding to the whole or part of such costs (limited to those required for the Specified Activities) within the amount prescribed by the budget.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 この法律は、平成二年十月一日から起算して三月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日から施行する。ただし、第五十四条の二の改正規定、第九十二条の次に一条を加える改正規定、第九十七条の二の改正規定(同条第二項の改正規定、同条第三項の改正規定中「売買取引」を「取引」に改める部分及び同条第五項の改正規定中「政令で」を「主務省令で」に改める部分を除く。)、第九十七条の三第二項の改正規定、第九十七条の四の改正規定、第九十七条の十一第三項の改正規定(「弁済契約において定める額」を「契約弁済額」に改める部分に限る。)、第百四十六条の改正規定(「第五十二条第三項」の下に「、第五十四条の二第二項」を加える部分に限る。)、第百六十一条第一号の改正規定、第百六十四条の改正規定(同条第二号の次に一号を加える部分に限る。)及び第百六十六条第一号及び第二号の改正規定(「第五十二条第三項」の下に「、第五十四条の二第二項」を加える部分に限る。)は、平成三年四月一日から施行する。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act shall come into force as from the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from October 1, 1990; provided, however, that the provisions revising Article 54-2, the provisions which add one Article after Article 92, the provisions revising Article 97-2 (excluding the provisions revising paragraph (2) of the same Article, the part which revises "buying and selling transactions" in the provisions revising paragraph (3) of the same Article to "transactions" and the part which revises "by a Cabinet Order" in the provisions revising paragraph (5) of the same Article to "by an ordinance of the competent ministry"), the provisions revising Article 97-3, paragraph (2), the provisions revising Article 97-4, the provisions revising Article 97-11, paragraph (3) (limited to the part which revises "the amount as specified in the payment contract" to "the contracted payment amount"), the provisions revising Article 146 (limited to the part which adds "Article 54-2, paragraph (2)" under "Article 52, paragraph (3)"), the provisions revising Article 161, item (i), the provisions revising Article 164 (limited to the part which adds one item after item (ii) of the same Article), and the provisions revising Article 166, item (i) and item (ii) (limited to the part which adds "Article 54-2, paragraph (2)" under "Article 52, paragraph (3)") shall come into force as from April 1, 1991.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This Act shall come into force as from the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three months from October 1, 1990; provided, however, that the provisions revising Article 54-2, the provisions which add one Article after Article 92, the provisions revising Article 97-2 (excluding the provisions revising paragraph 2 of the same Article, the part which revises "buying and selling transactions" in the provisions revising paragraph 3 of the same Article to "transactions" and the part which revises "by a Cabinet Order" in the provisions revising paragraph 5 of the same Article to "by an ordinance of the competent ministry"), the provisions revising Article 97-3, paragraph 2, the provisions revising Article 97-4, the provisions revising Article 97-11, paragraph 3 (limited to the part which revises "the amount as specified in the payment contract" to "the contracted payment amount"), the provisions revising Article 146 (limited to the part which adds "Article 54-2, paragraph 2" under "Article 52, paragraph 3"), the provisions revising Article 161, item 1, the provisions revising Article 164 (limited to the part which adds one item after item 2 of the same Article), and the provisions revising Article 166, item 1 and item 2 (limited to the part which adds "Article 54-2, paragraph 2" under "Article 52, paragraph 3") shall come into force as from April 1, 1991.  - 経済産業省


三 第二条の規定(証券取引法第二十七条の二十三の改正規定(「第二十七条の二十五第一項」の下に「及び第二十七条の二十六」を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十四の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十五の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十六の改正規定(「株券等の発行者である会社の事業活動を支配する」を「株券等の発行者の事業活動に重大な変更を加え、又は重大な影響を及ぼす行為として政令で定めるもの(第四項及び第五項において「重要提案行為等」という。)を行う」に改める部分及び同条に三項を加える部分を除く。)、同法第二十七条の二十七の改正規定及び同法第二十七条の三十の二の改正規定(「第二十七条の十第二項」を「第二十七条の十第八項及び第十二項」に改める部分及び「第二十七条の十第一項」の下に「若しくは第十一項」を加える部分を除く。)を除く。)並びに附則第七条、第八条及び第十二条の規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日例文帳に追加

(iii) Provision of Article 2 (excluding revised provision in Article 27-23 of the Securities and Exchange Act (excluding the segment that adds "and Article 27-26" under "Article 27-25, paragraph (1)"); revised provision in Article 27-24 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-25 of the same Act; revised provision in Article 27-26 of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "control business activities of a company, an issuer of share certificates etc." to "perform what is specified by a Cabinet Order as acts that make a significant change in and have a significant impact on business activities of an issuer of share certificate, etc., (referred to as an "Important Proposed Act, etc." in paragraphs (4) and (5)) and the segment which adds paragraph (3) in the same Article"; revised provision in Article 27-27 of the same Act and revised provision in Article 27-30, item (ii) of the same Act (excluding the segment which revises "Article 27-10, paragraph (2)" to "Article 27-10, paragraphs (8) and (12)" and the segment that adds "or (11)" under "Article 27-10, paragraph (1)"); and provisions of Article 7, Article 8 and Article 12 of the Supplementary Provisions: the date specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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