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MID asの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

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Then, the price gradually declined, but still lingers around 1.6 times higher than before the floods (as of mid-May 2012) and tight supplies still exist (Figure 2-3-4-23).例文帳に追加

その後は、徐々に値を下げつつあるが、未だに洪水前の約1.6倍の価格に高止まっており(2012 年5 月中旬時点)、同製品の需給の逼迫感がなお残っている(第2-3-4-23 図参照)。 - 経済産業省

Japan maintained a "Full Set Type" industrial structure by itself as neighboring countries were developing ones and unable to construct an international specialization structure until mid. 1990s.例文帳に追加

我が国は、1990 年ごろまで近隣諸国が発展途上であることから、国際分業構造を構築できず、「フルセット型」の産業構造を自前で維持してきた。 - 経済産業省

About 70% of business sites secure core human resources mainly by training their own employees, while slightly less than 30% do so mainly through other means, such as hiring workers in mid-career.例文帳に追加

中核人材の確保のためには、企業内部の育成を主とする事業所が約7割であり、中途採用等他の方法を主とする事業所は3割弱にすぎない。 - 経済産業省

In 2001, DCD Ltd. was awarded a grant as an enterprise promoting more efficient distribution among small and mid-sized companies in the region, and began joint shipping on a trial basis in a mountainous area of the prefecture including the municipalities of Tsuwano, Muikaichi, Misato and Ohnan. 例文帳に追加

そこで、平成13 年地域中小企業物流効率化推進事業として補助金交付を受けることにより、『実験的事業・運営事業』中山間地域(津和野、六日市・美郷町、邑南町) で共同配送を開始した。 - 経済産業省


(ii) Consider and compile principles (Japanese version of the Stewardship code) for institutional investors to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities, such as promoting the mid to long-term growth of companies through dialogues. (Compile by end of the year) 例文帳に追加

(ⅱ)機関投資家が、対話を通じて企業の中長期的な成長を促すなど、受託者責任を果たすための原則(日本版スチュワードシップコード)について検討し、取りまとめる。 【年内に取りまとめ】 - 経済産業省


In addition to all these, various other methods are being discussed in order to implement the mid-term strategy, such as an integrated approach to fight pollution and global warming in developing countries; emissions trading; and economic incentives. 例文帳に追加

これらのほか、中期戦略を実現するため、例えば、途上国の公害対策と温暖化対策との一体的取組みのための協力方策や、排出量取引、経済的インセンティブなど、様々な手法の議論が行われています。 - 経済産業省

This bridge joins the opposite shores of the Mekong River, which previously could only be crossed by ferry, and is located at the mid-point of a distribution highway that traverses the Indonesian peninsula known as the East-West Corridor.例文帳に追加

これは、フェリー輸送に頼っていたメコン川の対岸同士をつなぐもので、東西回廊と呼ばれるインドシナ半島を横断する物流の大動脈(ハイウェイ)の中心に位置する。 - 経済産業省

From this it can be seen that from an employee size of 300 or more, down to an employee size of from 10 to 19, as the enterprise scale gets smaller, the number of new graduates decreases, and mid-career recruitments increase.例文帳に追加

従業員規模が300人以上の規模から10人以上19人以下の規模までは、規模が小さくなるほど新卒者が減少し、中途採用が多くなることが見て取れる。 - 経済産業省

When looked at in the mid- to long-term over the past ten years, it is readily apparent that Asia, mainly China and India, are significantly rising in status as both a consuming region and export location (Figure 1-1-1-8).例文帳に追加

中長期的にみても、過去10年間、アジアは、中国とインドを中心に、消費地・輸出先としての地位が著しく高まっていることがうかがえる(第1-1-1-8図)。 - 経済産業省


Nearly 70% of the plant managers appointed from among local staff were those who were employed locally as new graduates or in mid-career, while only slightly above 20% were people who had experience studying or working in Japan.例文帳に追加

現地人材から抜擢された工場長の7割弱は現地採用の生え抜きまたは中途採用者で、日本での留学・勤務経験者は2割強にとどまっている。 - 経済産業省


As for the relationship between China and Japan, Japan has been expanding imports of electrical machinery and general machinery from China since the mid 1990s, and the imports and exports have almost tied ever since the beginning of this century (Figure 2-1-3-7).例文帳に追加

我が国との関係でも、1990年代半ばに中国からの電気機械、一般機械の輸入が拡大しており、今世紀初頭以降ほぼ輸出入が拮抗している(第2-1-3-7図)。 - 経済産業省

As a result of the mid-term election in 2006, the Democratic Party, which is believed to be more conservative in its trade policies than the Republican Party, held a majority in the Congress, thereby making it difficult for the U.S. government to coordinate with the opinions of the Congress on trade negotiations.例文帳に追加

2006年の中間選挙において、与党共和党より保護主義的であるとされる民主党が議会の多数を占め、通商交渉に関する政府と議会の調整が困難となっている。 - 経済産業省

They participated in the management of Tohoku region and the Seii project by Shuntettu being Commander-in-Chief of the Defense as well as Seii Fukushi and Mukyo being the governor of Dewa Province in the late Nara Period, and they held their positions as middle ranked nobles until the mid Heian Period. 例文帳に追加

奈良時代末期には俊哲が陸奥鎮守将軍征夷副使などに任じ、武鏡は出羽国守となるなど、敬福以来東北地方の経営と征夷事業に関わり、平安時代中期まで中級貴族として存続した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Starting in the mid-Heian period, "Bunkoku" also appears in the term "ingu gobunkoku," which refers to the province-sized territories controlled by the Retired Emperors, the Cloistered Emperors, and the Imperial Family, as well as in the term "kanto gobunkoku," referring to the bloc of provinces MINAMOTO no Yoritomo controlled in the Kanto (eastern Japan); starting in the period of Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), "bunkoku" was additionally used to describe the provinces controlled as feudal domains by the shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords). 例文帳に追加

平安時代中期以降の太上天皇や法皇、皇族の所領となった院宮御分国、源頼朝の知行国である関東御分国、南北朝時代(日本)以降の守護大名の知行した領国などが当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, it will take the form of information supply and, as a type of support to be given for that purpose, Japanese financial institutions will partner with JETRO by, among other actions, sending their staff members to JETRO offices in Japan and Asian cities in order to assist mid-to-large companies and SMEs as well as their overseas subsidiaries, through information supply, consultation and other services. 例文帳に追加

具体的には情報提供、そのための支援としては、本邦金融機関がJETROの国内及びアジア拠点に職員を派遣する等により本邦金融機関とJETROが連携して、中堅・中小企業及びその他現地法人に情報提供・相談等の支援を行う。 - 金融庁

To provide a speaker member which is applicable to arbitrary speakers (such as woofer, mid-range speaker and tweeter, for example), and available as a full-range speaker and includes a diaphragm part and an edge part formed from the same base material as the diaphragm part.例文帳に追加

任意のスピーカー(例えば、低音用、中音用、高音用のスピーカ)に適用可能であり、全帯域(フルレンジ)スピーカーとして使用可能な、振動板部分と振動板部分と同一の基材で形成されるエッジ部分を有するスピーカー用部材を提供すること。 - 特許庁

For example, Kobe City created the Kobe Medical Industry Development (MID) Project in 1998 as a means of developing new industries and upgrading existing industries toward a full recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, as well as to build a medical care and welfare services supply system geared to Japan’s inverting age pyramid.例文帳に追加

例えば神戸市は、阪神・淡路大震災からの本格的復興のための新産業の創出・既存産業の高度化と少子高齢化に対応した医療・福祉関連サービス提供体制の構築を進めるため、1998年に神戸医療産業都市構想を立ち上げた。 - 経済産業省

The Li and Qi theory, on which opinions were divided since mid-Ming in terms of the direction of Qi monism, tentatively settled when Tai Shin (Dai Zhen) preached that 'law' was a reason (reason resulting from division) appearing as a result of movement of 'Qi,' and defined it as 'a crease' which socially accommodates human desires formed by Qi. 例文帳に追加

このように明代中期以後、気一元論の方向性で諸説紛々たる様相を見せている理気論はその後、戴震が「理」を「気」が動いた結果として現れる条理(分理)とし、気によって形成された人間の欲望を社会的に調停する「すじめ」と定義するにいたって一応の決着を見ることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the late 1970's, manzai became popular through the TV shows on the Fuji television channel, namely "Kao Meijin Gekijo" and "THE MANZAI," and some mid-career and young manzai-shi including duos of Yasushi YOKOYAMA and Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA, Kausu and Botan NAKATA, Comedy No.1, Two-Beat, Sento and Ruisu HOSHI, The Bonchi, Norio NISHIKAWA and Yoshio KAMIGATA, Shinsuke and Ryusuke as well as BB achieved significant popularity. 例文帳に追加

1970年代後半にはフジテレビの番組『花王名人劇場』、『THEMANZAI』からマンザイブームが起こり、横山やすし・西川きよし、中田カウス・ボタン、コメディNo.1、ツービート、星セント・ルイス、ザ・ぼんち、西川のりお・上方よしお、紳助・竜介、BB(漫才)などの中堅や若手漫才師が人気を集めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even amongst these, three types of instrument are prevalent: the flute (high and medium pitched transverse bamboo flutes, Noh flutes etc), traditional drums (mid-range 'Taiko' drums keeping beat as well as other large drums, fan drums and carried drums etc), and gongs, (made of metal, percussion instruments with a high register). 例文帳に追加

その中でも笛(篠笛・能管・龍笛など)、和太鼓(中音の打楽器を担当する締太鼓や、低音の打楽器を担当する大太鼓や大胴、そのほか大拍子、団扇太鼓、担ぎ太鼓など)、鉦(摺鉦・当たり鉦、高音の打楽器を担当する)の3種が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are no records indicating that cultivation of buckwheat which was referred to as 'sobamugi' (buckwheat) ("Honzowamyo" (dictionary of medical plants) and "Wamyoruiju-sho" - Kango-Japanese Dictionary in mid Heian period) or Kuromugi (buckwheat) ("Wamyoruiju-sho") was active in those days (and, additionally, buckwheat was defined as a type of wheat in "Wamyoruiju-sho"). 例文帳に追加

当時「曾波牟岐(蕎麦/そばむぎ)」(『本草和名』・『和名類聚抄』)あるいは「久呂無木(くろむぎ)」(『和名類聚抄』)と呼ばれていたソバが積極的に栽培されたとする記録は見られない(なお、『和名類聚抄』では、蕎麦(そばむぎ)をムギの1種として紹介している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, there is an episode in "Kokon Chomon ju" (A Collection of Tales Heard, Past and Present) written in the Kamakura period, that Domyo (the nephew of FUJIWARA no Michinaga), who was a priest as well as a poet in the mid Heian period, composed waka poetry expressing his honest amazement at being served the humble buckwheat dish which seemed inappropriate to be on the table in front of a mountain man. 例文帳に追加

更に鎌倉時代に書かれた『古今著聞集』には、平安時代中期の僧・歌人である道命(藤原道長の甥)が、山の住人より蕎麦料理を振舞われて食膳にも据えかねる蕎麦料理が出されたことに対する素直な驚きを示す和歌を詠んだという逸話を記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, hardly anyone wears the short furisode, which has the shortest sleeves of the three types of furisode; instead, it is the middle-length furisode that has become the most popular type of formal wear for ceremonies and the like, and the middle-length furisode is not necessarily seen as a step down in formality from the long furisode (indeed, the mid-length furisode has earned recognition as an even older, more venerable style). 例文帳に追加

現在では最も袖丈の短い小振袖はほとんど着用されないが、格式があれば中振袖でも第一礼装とし通用するとされ、一般的な大振袖より格が落ちるわけではない(むしろ古風と認識される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Ihon Shimeisho," a commentary of Genji Monogatari (The tale of the Minamoto clan) from the mid Kamakura Period, its length was about Kosode (a kimono with short sleeves worn as underclothing by the upper classes) (in other words, the length is close to one's height), made in threefold (with nakabe, a lining cloth attached between the outer material), and a hitoemon (a single design, diamond shaped design such as ones used on a single layered kimono) pattern is used on the lining. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代中期の源氏物語注釈書『異本紫明抄』によると小袖ほどの丈(つまり身長すれすれくらい)で、三重(中倍のある)の仕立てで、裏には単文(ひとえもん。単衣につかうような菱文)の綾を用いるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Gyogen (1717-1787), who served as monzeki (priest prince) during the mid Edo period and was the son of Kanpaku (chief advisor to the Emperor) Sukezane KUJO, attained the rank of Daisojo (high priest) but returned to secular life in 1743 when Tanemoto KUJO died at a young age and served as Kanpaku and Daijo Daijin (Chancellor of the Realm) under the name Naozane KUJO. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代中期の門跡であった堯厳(1717-1787)は、関白九条輔実の子で、大僧正に至ったが、九条稙基が夭折したことを受けて寛保3年(1743年)還俗し、九条尚実と名乗って関白、太政大臣の位に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The purpose of dispatching envoys and presenting tribute seems to have been to develop a political diplomacy with the other powers in the mid-western part of Japanese archipelago and Korean peninsula with the help of the prestige of the Southern Dynasty, as well as absorbing the civilization and caulture of the Chinese continent. 例文帳に追加

使いを遣わして貢物を献じた目的として、中国大陸の文明・文化を摂取すると共に、南朝の威光を借りることによって、当時の日本列島中西部の他の諸勢力、朝鮮半島諸国との政治外交を進めるものがあったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite having formed a powerful force at the Imperial Court, after 3 generations, hardly any of this line were high-ranking aristocrats, and they had no choice but to make a meager living as mid- or low-ranking aristocrats or to take jobs as provincial administrators, becoming indigenized warriors. 例文帳に追加

朝廷において一大勢力を形成した嵯峨源氏も、3代目以降で上級貴族であり続けた例はほとんどなく、中下級の貴族として細々と生きるか、受領として地方に赴任し、その地に土着して武士となり新境地を開くしかなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, Tokaido Shinkansen is operated between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka at almost the same frequency of commuter trains, with as many as ten trains operated per hour during the morning and evening rush hours; mid- and long-distance trains connecting large cities with this passenger transportation volume and frequency cannot be seen so far anywhere in the world. 例文帳に追加

また東海道新幹線の東京-新大阪間は、通勤列車なみの頻度で運行され、朝夕には毎時10本もの列車が走っているが、これだけの輸送量・頻度で中長距離の都市間を結ぶ鉄道も、現在のところ世界では他に例がない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A child of Takamochi, TAIRA no Yoshimasa (or Yoshimochi) who had territories in Sakura Domain, Shimousa Province and whose son Masakado served the Imperial Court in Kyoto as a mid-ranking official, also became a follower of FUJIWARA no Tadahira of the Fujiwara sekkan-ke (the family of regents) in order to improve his standing as a government official. 例文帳に追加

高望の子のひとり平良将(良持とも)は下総国佐倉市に所領を持ち、その子の将門は京都に上って朝廷に中級官人として出仕し、同時に官人としての地位を有利にするために摂関家藤原忠平の従者ともなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to make historical ends meet, the dispatch of troops to the Korean Peninsula, which led to the legend of sankan-seibatsu (the conquest of three countries in old Korea), was said to have taken place in the mid fourth century (presumably in 369, calculated by adding two rounds of the Oriental zodiac [120 years] to the year of 249 as stated in Nihonshoki) and this area was considered as the directly controlled land of the king of Wa (Japan) ever since. 例文帳に追加

そのため三韓征伐のモデルとなった朝鮮半島への出兵を4世紀半ば(神功皇后49年(249年)を干支2巡繰り上げたものと見て369年と推定する)とし、以降、当地域は倭王の直轄地であったとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Semi-tubular flower stands 11b are formed, without a joint, on the front surface 11c of the mid pedestal 11 from the upper end to the lower end of the front surface 11c so as to be adjacent to the right and left ends of the incense stand 11a so as to protrude to the front of the front surface 11c.例文帳に追加

中台11の前面11cには、香立て11aの左右両端に隣接して前面11cの上端位置から下端位置にかけて、半円筒形の花立て11bが前面11c前方へ突出して継ぎ目なしに一体で形成されている。 - 特許庁

An exterior film 2a is torn in mid-course by notches 2f for tearing so as to be able to divide into two parts and interior films 2b and 2c located on the inside of laver 1 and cylindrically rolled are divided in the middle in longitudinal direction of sheet to constitute a bag-like sheet body 2 as a constitution in which edges are superposed.例文帳に追加

外装フィルム2aを、引き裂き用ノッチ2f,2fを付与して中途で引き裂いて二分できる構成とし、海苔1の内側にきて円筒巻きする内装フィルム2b,2cを、シート長尺方向の中程で分断していて端縁同士が重なる構成として袋状シート本体2を構成する。 - 特許庁

Among the effects of appointing locals as plant managers that were cited by many companies were those related to improvement in morale at the factory-floor level, such as facilitating smooth labor-employment relations, fostering mid-level employees qualified to serve in posts supervising other employees, and improving worker motivation.例文帳に追加

工場長に現地人材を配置した効果としては、「円滑な労使関係の構築が可能」「班長や職長を担うような中堅従業員が育つようになった」「従業員の意欲が高まった」など、現場の士気向上につながるものが多い。 - 経済産業省

(ii) In the case where there is a loss carried forward as prescribed in Article 44, paragraph (2) of the Act on General Rules (including the case where there are neither reserve funds as prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article nor a loss carried forward as prescribed in paragraph (2) of the said Article): The total reimbursement of loans that was made during said period for the mid-term target (in the first period for the mid-term target after the establishment of NEDO, excluding the amount reimbursed from the 2003 business year up to the 2005 business year). 例文帳に追加

二 通則法第四十四条第二項の規定による繰越欠損金がある場合(同条第一項の規定による積立金及び同条第二項の規定による繰越欠損金のいずれもない場合を含む。) 貸付金の償還金で当該中期目標の期間中に償還されたものの合計額(機構の成立後最初の中期目標の期間にあっては、平成十五事業年度から平成十七事業年度までに償還された金額を除く。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 18 (1) Admission capacity shall be specified by school regulations by faculty, with a department or course as a unit. In this case, when adopting a day/evening course system as prescribed in Article 26, the admission capacity for said system shall be clearly specified; when establishing faculties, departments or other organizations in foreign countries as prescribed in Article 43, the admission capacity for said organizations shall be clearly specified; and when fixing admission capacity for mid-course entry admission, the admission capacity for ordinary admission and for mid-course entry admission shall be clearly specified. 例文帳に追加

第十八条 収容定員は、学科又は課程を単位とし、学部ごとに学則で定めるものとする。この場合において、第二十六条の規定による昼夜開講制を実施するときはこれに係る収容定員を、第四十三条の規定により外国に学部、学科その他の組織を設けるときはこれに係る収容定員を、編入学定員を設けるときは入学定員及び編入学定員を、それぞれ明示するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 40 (1) The Minister of Justice shall set out the objectives (hereinafter referred to as the Mid-term Objectives) for the operation of business which the JLSC should achieve during a period of not less than three years and not more than five years, direct the objectives to the JLSC and make the objectives public. This shall apply similarly when the objectives are revised. 例文帳に追加

第四十条 法務大臣は、三年以上五年以下の期間において支援センターが達成すべき業務運営に関する目標(以下「中期目標」という。)を定め、これを支援センターに指示するとともに、公表しなければならない。これを変更したときも、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Although an ancient document mentions that Yasutsuna from the border area between Izumo and Hoki who made 'Doji-giri' sword lived in the early 9th century, as seen in his existing work, it is widely believed that he didn't live in those days, but rather in the mid Heian period at the end of 10th century. 例文帳に追加

「童子切」の作者である雲伯国境の安綱は古伝書には時代を9世紀初めの大同年間(806年頃)とするが、現存作品を見る限りそこまで時代は上がらず、平安中期、10世紀末頃と見るのが刀剣史では通説となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Yokyu (Western-style archery) adopts "Mediterranean style (figure.1)" in which a string is held with the forefinger, mid finger and annular finger.) The Torikake of Menggu style is seen commonly in regions where Tankyu is used such as Turkey, Mongolia, China, and Korea, and in the Menggu style of shooting an arrow is often set on the right side of the bow. 例文帳に追加

(洋弓は人指し指から薬指を使って弦を保持する『地中海式(図Fig.1)』を採る)蒙古式の取り掛けはトルコ・モンゴル・中国・朝鮮など短弓を使用する地域にも共通して見られ、また蒙古式を採る射法では多く矢を弓の右側に番える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After around the mid-Muromachi period, the popularity of tatami mats rapidly began to spread and were bedded in small rooms such as shoin (zashiki of Shoin-zukuri or living and study room), but in a large room like kaisho, tatami mats were used in oimawashi (where the long side of tatami is set against the wall), leaving a wood floor in the center. 例文帳に追加

室町時代の中期頃から畳が急速に普及し始め、書院(書院造りの座敷、又は居間兼書斎)などの小室には畳を敷きつめるようになったが、会所などの大広間では、周囲に畳を追回しに敷いて、中央は板敷を残していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many heavyweights who led the popularization of taekwondo of mid and late part of the 1940s, such as Master Yi Wong Gwok, the founder of Seitokan, mastered karate in Japan (mainly Shotokan-ryu karate, since, from the name 'Seitokan' the influence of Shotokan is obvious). 例文帳に追加

青涛館創立者の李元国(イ・ウォングク)翁など1940年代中後半にテコンドーを広めるのに先頭に立った多くの元老たちが日本でカラテ(主に松涛館流、これは青涛館の命名にもその影響が見て取れる)を修練した人々である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One theory says that uniforms became lax in and after the mid Heian period and there were examples of 'ikan no sokutai' and 'noshi no sokutai' where ikan or noshi was used as an alternative of sokutai, and the particle 'no' was omitted from the former phrase, which was misused and then became established. 例文帳に追加

一説には平安中期以降、服制が曖昧になり、衣冠や直衣を束帯の代用とした「衣冠の束帯」「直衣の束帯」という例があり、前者の語から接助詞の「の」が省かれて誤用され、定着してしまった結果であるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was no fixed melody since it was originally sung by ordinary people, but fu (musical notes, note symbols) were chosen several times after it was introduced to the court as Outa (song), and incorporated into gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music), and two kinds of senpo, Japanese seven-tone gagaku scale (corresponding to: so, la, ti. do, re, mi, fa) ritsu and ryo were established in the mid Heian period. 例文帳に追加

元々一般庶民で歌われていたものであることから、特に旋律は定まっていなかったが、大歌として宮廷に取り入れられ、雅楽に組み込まれてから何度か符の選定が行われ、平安時代中期には律・呂という2種類の旋法が定まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The word "jito," which began to be used around the mid-Heian period as a word meaning "boundaries" or "territories," came to mean influential people that ruled territories, officials that managed manors, or local government officials (variously called "gunji," "goji" or "hoshi") that managed imperial territories on the ground. 例文帳に追加

地頭は元々、平安時代中期頃から、土地のほとり、すなわち「現地」を意味する語として使用され始めたが、そのうち、現地で領地を支配する有力者、又は荘園を現地管理する荘官職、公領を現地管理する郡司、郷司、保司職を表すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the mid Heian period, Kurododokoro came to handle matters concerning all domestic governing institution of the Imperial Family which were called '-sho' or '-dokoro' such as Naijudokoro (Royal Pages Office), Mikushige-dono (the place handling clothes in the Imperial palace), Shinmotsudokoro (Serving Office), Outadokoro (an organization that provided the education and management for ancient Japanese music, Uta, and traditional instruments), Gakusho (chamber of music), Tsukumodokoro (a palace office responsible for making accessories and furnishings), Goshodokoro (an office to maintain books in the Imperial Court), Ippon-goshodokoro, Uchi no goshodokoro (the place that kept Emperor's books), Edokoro (Imperial office treating about pictures) and so on. 例文帳に追加

平安時代中期になると内豎所・御匣殿・進物所・大歌所・楽所・作物所・御書所・一本御書所・内御書所・画所など「所」といわれる天皇家の家政機関一切をも取り扱うようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rinji ("綸旨" in Chinese characters) originally stood for "Ringen no Mune" ("綸言" in Chinese characters), and meant the Emperor's intention itself; however, in and after the mid Heian period, Rinji came to mean hosho (a document for informing lower rank people of the decision of upper people such as an emperor or shogun) which contained elements of an official document created and issued by Kurodo based on an imperial decree given orally by the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

綸旨とは本来は「綸言の旨」の略であり、天皇の意そのものを指していたが、平安時代中期以後は天皇の口宣を元にして蔵人が作成・発給した公文書の要素を持った奉書を指すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Important policies had been decided by the council since 1225 when the hyojoshu was set up in the Kamakura bakufu, and in the late thirteenth century, hyojohajime began as a New Year ceremony convened with a regent, rensho (assistant to regents), and other subordinates on a day of mid-January every year. 例文帳に追加

嘉禄元年(1225年)、鎌倉幕府に評定衆が設置されて以来、重要な政務は評定によって決定されたが、13世紀後期に年始の行事の一環として毎年1月中旬の1日に執権・連署以下を召集して評定始を行うようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as the production of commercial crops became widely spread during the mid-Edo period, baino-sei was carried out even in suburban villages where rice can be produced, to which the Edo bakufu virtually took an acquiescence policy. 例文帳に追加

だが、江戸時代中期以後商品作物の生産が広まってくると都市周辺部の農村など本来は米の生産が可能な地域においてもなし崩しに買納制が行われていき、江戸幕府さえもが事実上の黙認政策を採らざるを得なくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the mid 9th century to the 10th century, the conventional administration based on the ritsuryo system (such as henko-sei, the organization of the citizens, and handen-sei, the ritsuryo land-allotment system) faced its organizational limit, and the central government promoted a nation-wide reform of the system to reflect the actual social situations in order to maintain the level of the tax revenue. 例文帳に追加

9世紀中期~10世紀頃になると、従来の律令制(編戸制・班田制など)による統治に限界が見られるようになり、中央政府は租税収入を確保するため、社会の実情に即した国制改革を進めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, there was a change in the government official appointment system; the system called 'Dokyo' was introduced (in the mid-ninth century for the Kidendo department and after the late ninth century for the Kidendo, Myobodo [study of Codes], and Sando [study of mathematics] departments), whereby Daigaku-ryo students, by the recommendation of professors, were appointed as government officials of the jo (inspector [third highest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo period]) and sakan (secretary) ranks without examination. 例文帳に追加

一方において任官制度にも変化が生じ、「道挙」と呼ばれる在学中の学生が教官の推薦によって無試験で判官・主典級官職に任官される制度(紀伝道では9世紀中期、紀伝道・明法道・算道では9世紀末期以後)が導入された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, these days, it has been accepted that people after the mid Heian period might have thought up an imaginary book called the "Konin Gishiki" after the two Gishiki "Jogan Gishiki" and "Engi Gishiki" based on the idea that the ' Gishiki should have been compiled for the three generations as the Kyakushiki had been, because "Jogan Gishiki" and "Engi Gishiki" had already been compiled.' 例文帳に追加

そのため、今日では平安時代中期以後の人が「『貞観儀式』・『延喜儀式』があったのだから、格式と同様に儀式も三代揃っていたであろう」という考えから、両儀式を参考にして『弘仁儀式』と呼ばれる架空の書物を想定したと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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