
「elderly people」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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elderly peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 385


There is a vision that by increase of needs in the field of elderly people and adults, the world vaccine market will grow 3 times or more the current market after 10 years (Fig. 11). On the other hand, critical feeling against international bio terrorism, etc. increases and measures by vaccine have become to attract attention at a rapid rate for several years.例文帳に追加

高齢者、成人領域でのニーズの増加により、ワクチンの世界市場が今後 10 年で現在の 3 倍以上に成長するという見通しがある(図表 11)一方で、国際的なバイオテロ等に対する危機感も高まり、この数年で急速にワクチンによる対策が注目を集めるようになってきた。 - 厚生労働省

In rural areas, in particular, there is a big concern that ensuring services related to daily living will be difficult, because the population is decreasing. Providing medical, nursing and welfare services, etc. may become difficult in municipalities, due to the increase in the number of elderly, and a reduction in the number of people of the working generation engaged in the health care and long-term care fields.例文帳に追加

特に地方では、人口減少の中で、生活関連サービスの確保が困難になることが懸念され、基礎自治体レベルでは、高齢者の増加 と医療・介護等サービスに従事する現役世代の減少により、医療、介護、福祉等のサービス提供も難しくなるおそれがある。 - 厚生労働省

Looking at the changes in population structure in Japan, the ratio of elderly (proportion of people over65 years old to total population) reached 7% in 1970, meeting the United Nation's definition for an agingsociety. In the following 25 years, Japan's rate of aging accelerated sharply to 14%, a pace experienced byno other developed country.例文帳に追加

我が国の人口構造の変化をみると、高齢化については高齢化率(全人口に占める65歳以上人口割合)が1970年に7%となり国連が定義する高齢化社会に突入したのち、約25年間という先進国において類のない早さで1995年には14%まで上昇した。 - 厚生労働省


In order to support in-home living by elderly people who require long-term care, including those who need extensive care, "regular home visitation and as-needed visitation services" will be created to conduct short regular home visits and asneeded home visits, day or night, with close collaboration between home-visit long-term care and home-visit nursing.例文帳に追加

重度者を始めとした要介護高齢者の在宅生活を支えるため、日中・夜間を通じて、訪問介護と訪問看護が密接に連携しながら、短時間の定期巡回型訪問と随時の対応を行う「定期巡回・随時対応サービス」を創設する。 - 厚生労働省


The monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award is awarded by the Prime Minister to people of various generations involved in monodzukuri, including middle-aged people playing the central role in the manufacturing workplaces, elderly people preserving traditional and culturally important skills and young people set to support the future of the manufacturing industry, who are recognized for their outstanding skills, in order to ensure the continuation and further development of "monodzukuri," which has underpinned the development of Japanese industries and cultures and has greatly enriched the people‘s lives.例文帳に追加

ものづくり日本大賞は、我が国の産業・文化の発展を支え、豊かな国民生活の形成に大きく貢献してきた「ものづくり」を着実に継承し、更に発展させていくため、製造・生産現場の中核を担っている中堅人材や、伝統的・文化的な「技」を支えてきた熟練人材、今後を担う若年人材等、「ものづくり」に携わっている各世代の人材のうち、特に優秀と認められる人材等に対して内閣総理大臣賞等を授与するものである。 - 経済産業省

As I made yesterday's speech in English, my explanations may have been insufficient in some respects. We are now making final adjustments in preparation for the submission of our requests regarding the tax system related to securities investment at the end of August. Probably, our requests will include several items, such as the enhancement of the defined contribution pension scheme and the 401K plan. One major pillar will be the preferential treatment for elderly people that you mentioned -- a reduced tax rate applicable to investments made by elderly people or the introduction of a tax-free bracket -- and another pillar will be a special measure intended to foster small-lot investors through a preferential treatment, which may be called the Japanese version of the ISA (Individual Savings Account).I think that it is very important to not only provide preferential treatment for elderly people but also foster a broad base of ordinary investors. 例文帳に追加

昨日は英語で講演しましたので、十分説明できていなかった点もあるかと思いますが、今まさにこの証券税制につきまして、8月末の要望に向けて最終的な調整を行っているところでありまして、おそらく、確定拠出型年金、401k制度の充実であったり、いくつかの項目が出てまいりますが、大きな柱としましては、今言いました高齢者の投資の税率の軽減なり、非課税の制度の導入の問題、それからもう一つは、小口投資家の育成のための優遇措置・特例措置、言ってみますと、日本版のISA(個人貯蓄口座制度)といったことが二つ目の柱になってくると、そういうふうに考えておりまして、単に高齢者優遇だけではなく、広く一般の投資家を育てていくということも非常に重要な観点だと、こんなふうに思っているところであります。 - 金融庁

Enka music had been supported by only middle-aged and elderly people and it became harder for singers with powerful voices and outstanding vocal ability, such as Saburo KITAJIMA, and unique singers with distinctive quality of voice and vocalization, such as Shinichi MORI, to display their talents as people had valued easy songs for amateurs to sing in karaoke, and thus enka music had less TV exposure. 例文帳に追加

演歌が中高年のみの支持に限定されてきたことや、素人がカラオケで歌いやすいことが尊ばれ、北島三郎のように圧倒的な声量や歌唱力を誇る歌手や、森進一のように独特な声質と歌唱法をもつ個性的な歌手が実力を発揮しにくくなり、テレビへの露出が減少した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a composition for treating filth capable of picking and removing the filth containing moisture such as excreta (fecal matter, urine or the like) of sick people, elderly people and pets or vomit and excreta (vomit) of a human being without being conscious of its shape and odor, and an apparatus for treating the filth filled with the composition.例文帳に追加

病人、老人、及びペット類の排泄物(糞、尿など)あるいは人間の吐瀉物(嘔吐物)等の水分を含有する汚物を、その形や臭いを気にすることなく、摘み上げて除去処理することが可能な、新しいタイプの汚物の処理用組成物及び該組成物を充填した処理用装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁


The pickle-containing dumplings are obtained by giving pickles biting means such as many notches and incisions, wrapping the pickles with dumpling dough made of rice powder or jelly and forming the shape to a dumpling-like state so as to make the pickles easily eatable even to elderly people and infants with weak teeth and let even people of modern times having diversified eating habits eat with interest.例文帳に追加

漬け物を、歯の弱い高齢者や幼児でも、食べやすく、また、多様化した食習慣を持つ現代人にも、興味を持って食べさせるため、漬け物に多数の切欠や切り込み等の噛み切り手段を施し、その漬け物を米粉等で作った団子生地又はゼリーで被包して、形状を団子状としたことを特徴とする漬け物入り団子を提供することにある - 特許庁


During the 1st stage covering the period from 2003 to 2006 the following main themes were set annually. These were “Human Resource Development for Social Welfare and Health Services” for 2003, “Development of Human Resources and Implications of Aging Societies” for 2004, “Health and Welfare Services for Children and People with Disabilitiesin 2005, and “Support to Vulnerable People (Children and Women)” for 2006. During the 2nd stage starting with 2007 when the 5th Meeting was held, it focussed onCommunity Services for the Elderlyunder the main theme ofCollaboration of Social Welfare and Health Services and the Development of Human Resources and CommunityDuring this year (2008), the 6th Meeting was held.例文帳に追加

第1ステージ(2003~2006年)では、人材育成、高齢化社会への対応、母子・障害者保健福祉、社会的弱者(児童・女性)支援をテーマとし、福祉と保健サービスの連携を軸に、中央政府と地方政府との連携、官民の役割分担、コミュニティー活動などについて議論を行ってきた。 - 厚生労働省

Moreover, efforts that focus on the health of elderly people need to be strengthened in order to delay the reduction in function accompanying old age, and the targets will be to control the increase in the number of people making use of nursing care insurance services and to prevent cognitive decline and locomotive syndrome, and also to maintain favorable nutritional status, to increase the amount of physical activity, and to promote social participation, such as work.例文帳に追加

さらに、高齢化に伴う機能の低下を遅らせるためには、高齢者の健康に焦点を当てた取組を強化する必要があり、介護保険サービス利用者の増加の抑制、認知機能低下及びロコモティブシンドローム(運動器症候群)の予防とともに、良好な栄養状態の維持、身体活動量の増加及び就業等の社会参加の促進を目標とする。 - 厚生労働省

Targets will be established in relation to maintaining ideal body weight and appropriate diet, which are priority life stage issuesand include targets relating to the health of the next generation and of elderly people, and also with regard to reduction in salt content of food and nutritional and dietary control at specified food service facilities (facilities that provide meals to specified people in large numbers on a continuous basis. The same applies hereinafter.), in orderto provide social environment for health promotion.例文帳に追加

目標は、次世代の健康や高齢者の健康に関する目標を含め、ライフステージの重点課題となる適正体重の維持や適切な食事等に関するものに加え、社会環境の整備を促すため、食品中の食塩含有量等の低減、特定給食施設(特定かつ多数の者に対して継続的に食事を供給する施設をいう。以下同じ。)での栄養・食事管理について設定する。 - 厚生労働省

Our party is a group of people who believe that market fundamentalism is excessive in light of Japan’s history and cultural environment. Basically, the founding spirit of the Peoples New Party is to oppose excessive deregulation, and excessive market fundamentalism, as well as the reduction of tax grants to local governments, cuts in public works and the creation of a separate medical care system for elderly people that are intended to realize an excessively small government and budget. That is not only the founding spirit of the Peoples New Party but also the fundamental spirit of the three-party agreement reached at that time. 例文帳に追加

これに対して我々は、市場原理主義というのは、やはり日本の歴史、風土を考えて、それは行き過ぎだと基本的に考えた人たちの集まりですし、過度の規制緩和、過度の市場原理主義、あるいは過度の小さい政府、小さい予算を組むということで、地方交付税、公共事業をどんどん切り裂いたり、高齢者の方々の医療費も後期高齢者医療制度にしたり、「それはちょっとやり過ぎではないか」というのが基本的に国民新党の立党の精神ですから、何もそれは国民新党だけではなくて、当時の3党合意の基本的精神でもございます。 - 金融庁

Regarding economic stimulus, the FSA has recently worked out a plan for preferential tax treatment of securities investment, and the plan comprises two pillars, namely preferential treatment for elderly people (tax exemption for investment by the elderly) and preferential treatment for small-lot investors (tax exemption for long-term investment by small-lot investors), which would lead to tax reduction of an estimated 136 billion yen, as I understand it. Amid the rumors about possible issuance of deficit-covering government bonds, how do you plan to cope with the fiscal problem of a revenue decline caused by the preferential tax treatment for securities investment, and how do you intend to resolve the issue of fiscal discipline? 例文帳に追加

景気対策に関連してなのですが、今般、金融庁で証券優遇税制をまとめられましたが、高齢者(高齢者投資非課税制度)、小口(小口の継続的長期投資非課税制度)の2本柱で1,360億円ほどの減税効果があると試算されているようですが、赤字国債もささやかれる中で、財政の問題として証券を優遇することへの減収、それと実際の財政規律をどのように解決していこうというお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

I expect that the tax revision will mostly converge with the policy mission. The preferential treatment for elderly people that you asked me about is partly based on the idea that the breakdown by age group of the 1,500 trillion yen of financial assets held by individuals should be taken into consideration. 例文帳に追加

全体で見ると、その政策課題といわば収斂(しゅうれん)していく部分が大きいのかなという意識を持っているのですが、いまお尋ねの高齢者にとっての優遇措置といったような部分は、今申し上げた我が国の個人金融資産1,500兆円、これがどのような構成になっているか、内訳なども踏まえていくという趣旨も含まれているということでございます。 - 金融庁

To provide a means which wipes away a dark public image of use of hearing aids when mainly an elderly woman uses hearing aids, enables also wearing of general-purpose earrings such as pierced earrings without piercing her earlobes daringly, makes the bodies of the hearing aids inconspicuous as much as possible, and prevents people from having sense of incongruity from the viewpoint of fashionability, too.例文帳に追加

主に女性高齢者が補聴器を使用するに当たり、その暗いイメージを払拭し、あえて耳朶に穴空け手術を施すことなく、ピアス等の汎用品イヤリングの装着も可能にし、且つ補聴器本体を出来るだけ目立たなくさせ、ファッション性の観点からも違和感がないようにする手段の一つとして考える。 - 特許庁

To obtain a nutritional composition for improving bone metabolism/protein metabolism, which can supply nutrients necessary for improving protein metabolism effective for preventing decubital ulcer or bone metabolism effective for preventing or treating osteoporosis, to subjects with low dietary intake, such as elderly weak people confined to beds whose caloric intake is low.例文帳に追加

寝たきりの高齢虚弱者のように食物摂取量の低下している対象者に対して、少ないカロリー摂取であっても、褥創の予防に必要なたんぱく質代謝、並びに骨粗鬆症の予防や治療に有益な骨代謝を改善するのに必要な栄養素を補給することができる骨代謝・たんぱく質代謝改善用栄養組成物を提供することである。 - 特許庁

Major tasks in 2012 for the Chinese government include a wide range of measures: to increase income of low- and middle-income groups through change in the structure of income distribution(policies such as tax reduction) for enhanced purchasing power; to expand services concerning people's livelihoods such as care for the elderly, health care and insurance, culture, and tourism; and to encourage environment-conscious products.例文帳に追加

2012 年の政府の主要課題の中でも、所得分配の構造調整(減税政策等)を通じて中・低所得者の増収を図り購買力を高めることや、高齢者対策、医療・保険、文化、観光等の民生サービスの拡大、環境調和型商品の奨励など幅広い対策が予定されている。 - 経済産業省

If the decline of the population of productive age up to around 2025 is taken as a given,4) then in order to maintain the medium to long-term growth potential of Japan as a whole, it is important to improve the labor force participation rate by increasing employment of the elderly, women and younger people, and to increase total factor productivity (TFP) by effectively utilizing capital, technology, information, human resources, and other resources.5), 6)例文帳に追加

人口減少との関係で日本全体の中長期的な潜在成長力の維持を考えると、2025年頃までについては生産年齢人口の減少を所与と捉えた上で4、高齢者、女性、若年者の活用により労働力率等を向上させること、資本、技術、情報、人材等の有効活用により全要素生産性(TFP)を向上させること等が重要になる。5 6 - 経済産業省

As described in Part III, Chapter 2, the employment of people who have reached mandatory retirement age needs to be encouraged through reemployment. At the same time, however, vigorous startup activity among the elderly should have a role to play in maintaining social vitality and metabolism in Japan’s aged society of the future by generating new business in society. 例文帳に追加

第3部第2章で述べるように、定年を迎えた高齢者に対し再雇用等の形態で就業参加を図っていくことも必要であるが、今後の高齢社会における社会の活力・新陳代謝という観点からは、高齢者の活発な創業活動により、社会に新たなビジネスが生まれていくことが望まれよう。 - 経済産業省

To this end, the government should implement programs to further invigorate Silver Human Resources Centers and activities at elderly club and those to encourage local residents to play an active role in community activities to contribute to education, environmental conservation, and disaster and crime prevention. It is also important to promote programs to foster regional culture, arts, and sports and those to improve local communities in a way that provides people with more opportunities to participate in cultural and other activities.例文帳に追加

このため、シルバー人材センター事業や老人クラブ活動の一層の活性化、教育・環境・防災・防犯 等の地域貢献活動への地域住民の積極的参画等の取組みを進めていくとともに、地域における文化芸術・スポーツの振興やそうした機会を広げるまちづくり等を推進することも重要である。 - 厚生労働省

Looking at the increase or decrease of workers in and after 2005 by medium industrial category, we can see thatthe number of workers increased in the industries of social insurance, social welfare, and nursing care, includingwelfare for the elderly people, and medical and other health services including hospitals; on the other hand, thenumber of workers drastically decreased in the construction industry which is considered to be affected by thereduction of public works, and the employment and worker dispatching services, agriculture, and wholesale trade .例文帳に追加

2005年以降の就業者の増減を産業中分類別にみると、老人福祉・介護事業などの社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業や病院等の医療業で就業者数が増えた一方、大きく減少したのは、公共事業の見直し等の影響を受けたと考えられる建設業をはじめ、職業紹介・労働者派遣業、農業、卸売業などである。 - 厚生労働省

(Changes in Population and Population Structure)Looking at the changes in population structure in Japan, the ratio of elderly (proportion of people over 65 years old to total population) reached 7% in 1970, meeting the United Nation's definition for an agingsociety. In the following 25 years, Japan's rate of aging accelerated sharply to 14%, a pace experienced byno other developed country.例文帳に追加

(人口と人口構造の変化)我が国の人口構造の変化をみると、高齢化については高齢化率(全人口に占める65歳以上人口割合)が1970年に7%となり国連が定義する高齢化社会に突入したのち、約25年間という先進国において類のない早さで1995年には14%まで上昇した。 - 厚生労働省

Tax measures related to securities investment tend to invite accusations of, and fuel concern about, a preferential treatment of the wealthy. In reality, however, 70% of the people investing in stocks, stock investment trusts and other similar financial products have an annual income of less than 5 million yen. Also, households with an annual income of less than 5 million yen have been increasing their investments recently. In this sense, expanding the class of small-lot investors and supporting elderly people, for whom dividend income is becoming increasingly important as a "second pension plan," will be two major pillars. 例文帳に追加

証券税制につきましては、どうしても「金持ち優遇にあたらないか」というご批判なりご懸念が出るところでありますが、実際問題で申し上げると、株式、それから投資信託等の投資家、これは7割が年収500万円未満の方であり、特に最近で申し上げると、投資を増やしているのも同じ年収500万円未満の世帯ということになってきますので、そういった意味も含めて、小口の投資家を増やしていく、それから、「第二の年金」として配当所得等が特に重要になっている高齢者への対策を取る、これが二つの大きな柱ということになってまいります。 - 金融庁

Efforts are being made to encourage business operators to offer elderly persons some form of work such as subsidy for raising the retirement age (to subsidize small and medium-size business operators who have raised the retirement age to 65, introduced the continued employment system for people aged 70 or older who are willing to work, or abolished the retirement age system), subsidy for trial employment of middle and old aged people (by supporting business operators that hire middle-aged persons aged 45 or older on a trial basis (monthly payment of 40,000 yen per person with 3 months of benefit term at maximum )), subsidy to develop the employment of specific job seekers (to subsidize some part of their wages to business operators who hire elderly persons introduced by the job placement officeHello Workas continued hired workers).例文帳に追加

定年引上げ等奨励金(65歳以上への定年引上げ、希望者全員を対象とする70歳以上までの継続雇用制度の導入又は定年の定めの廃止等を実施した中小企業事業主等に対して助成する)、中高年トライアル雇用奨励金(中高年齢者(45歳以上)を試行的に受け入れて雇用する事業主に対して、試行雇用奨励金を支給(1人当たり月額4万円・支給期間最長3か月)する)、特定求職者雇用開発助成金(高齢者等をハローワーク等の紹介により、継続して雇用する労働者として雇い入れる事業主に対して賃金相当額の一部を助成する)等を積極的に活用することにより、事業主による高年齢者の雇用の場の確保を進めている。 - 厚生労働省

Under the tax revision last year, investors earning profits of 5 million yen or more from the sale of stocks or receiving stock dividends of one million yen or more are already required to make a tax declaration, thus bearing the burden of following paperwork procedures. This time, elderly people are also expected to be required to apply for a tax refund in order to benefit from tax exemption. Do you have any solution in mind that would simplify the tax system from the viewpoint of easing the burden of paperwork? 例文帳に追加

すでに今回の要望よりも前の去年の税制改正ですでに譲渡益500万円、配当100万円以上の投資家については申告義務が課されるということで、そこですでに事務負担があるということに加えて、今度の高齢者向けについても非課税部分は還付申告が必要になるということの見通しのようですけれども、申告事務負担を軽減するという意味で簡素化について何か解決策についてお考えがあるかお聞かせ下さい。 - 金融庁

I would like to ask you about the tax system, which is an issue of strong interest for market players and the financial industry. In early August, Prime Minister Taro Aso, who was then secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, proposed the introduction of tax exemption for small-lot securities investors. The FSA (Financial Services Agency) included the establishment of a tax exempt account scheme similar to the ISA (Individual Savings Account) system of Britain, and tax exemption for dividends received by elderly people in its list of requests for the fiscal 2009 tax revision, which was submitted to the Ministry of Finance at the end of August. 例文帳に追加

引き続き、税制につきましてお伺いさせて頂きたいのですけれども、市場参加者、金融界からの注目の関心の高いテーマであるのですが、麻生太郎新総理大臣が自由民主党の幹事長でありました8月の初めに少額貯蓄非課税制度、マル優の証券版の導入を唱えたことに呼応して、金融庁が8月の末に財務省に対して提示した来年度2009年度の税制改正要望で、いわゆる英国の個人の貯蓄口座、「ISA制度」に似た非課税口座制度を設けるとか、高齢者を対象にした配当金の非課税制度を盛り込みました。 - 金融庁

At the cabinet meeting, relevant ministers reported on white papers concerning elderly people, tourism, land and other matters, as well as on activities related to the abduction of Japanese nationals by North Korea. It was also reported that Japan will supply power generators to Myanmar, where the electricity supply situation is very severe. 例文帳に追加

その前に謹んでお詫び申し上げることがございます。寛仁親王殿下、正しくお呼びしていなかったことを心からお詫び申し上げて、ここで謹んで訂正申し上げます。 閣議では、高齢者白書や観光白書、土地白書等の説明がございました。 それから、北朝鮮の拉致の問題について、取り組んできた報告、それについての報告等がございました。 あと、ミャンマーの電力事情が非常に悪いということで、発電機等の供与をするということの報告がございました。 - 金融庁

Depending on the situation, moving on to a different type of business might be another way to go. Whichever region I visited, I heard about a very high level of need for nursing care facilities. People commented that there are needs in their region in the areas of nursing care, medical care and also the environment. They added, however, that the low pay associated with the nursing-care insurance, as you know, poses as a major hurdle. With effort, it is feasible for regions to provide nursing-care functions in the form of facilities designed for five or six residents, such as group homes, rather than large intensive care homes for the elderly or other similar facilities that were common in the past. 例文帳に追加

それからまた、場合によっては業種転換をするとか、それから今、地方に行きましても非常に介護施設のニーズが高いということは、どこでも聞きました。介護、医療、それから環境に関しても、地方でニーズがあると言っていました。ただし、介護の場合はご存じのように介護保険の人件費が安いですから、それが非常にネックになっていると。今介護でも昔のように大型の特別養護老人ホームだとかというのではなくて、グループホームとか、5~6人に入って頂くような施設を、今一生懸命地方でもやっていけるわけです。 - 金融庁

As described above, independent action by SMEs to secure through the labor market diverse human resources in various forms-including women and the elderly-and action by people to engage in business balancing work with their own private lives, including through selfemployment, should, given appropriate policy support, enable social demands to be balanced by helping to tackle the decline in the birthrate and contributing to economic growth under conditions of population decline.例文帳に追加

以上で述べたように、中小企業が、労働市場の機能を活用しつつ、女性や高齢者を含め多様な形態で多様な人材を確保しようとする自主的な動き、及び人々が自営業形態を含めて自らの生活と両立する形で事業を営もうとする動きは、適切な政策的支援を講じて行くことにより、少子化対策及び人口減少経済の中での成長力の確保という社会的要請と両立し得ると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Since social security is a sector of public measures, its coordination with other public measures is essential from the viewpoint of people-oriented policy administration. Greater coordination should be pursued between education and labor measures (e.g., providing hands-on work experience and internship programs for students) and between housing and welfare measures (e.g., establishing long-term care service centers at large urban apartment complexes and providing houses for rent for the elderly).例文帳に追加

社会保障は公共政策の一分野であり、国民本位の行政を実施する観点から、社会保障以外の公共政策との連携が重要となっており、今後とも、教育現場における職場体験やインターンシップなど教育施策と労働施策等の連携、都市部の大規模団地を活用した介護サービスの拠点の整備や高齢者向け賃貸住宅の供給など住宅施策と福祉施策の連携を図っていくことが必要である。 - 厚生労働省

During 5 years since 2005, the medium industrial category in which the number of the employed increased the most was the industry of "social insurance, social welfare, and care services" (such as welfare and care services for the elderly people), followed by "industries unable to classify," "medical and other health services," "postal activities," "manufacture of general-purpose machinery" and "food take out and delivery services .The number of the employed decreased the most in "construction" followed by "employment and worker dispatching services," "agriculture," "wholesale trade," "postal services" and "manufacture of textile mill products ." (Increasing professional and engineering workers) Looking at the long-term transition of the employment composition by occupation, the ratio of "professional and engineering workers" increased from 6 .6% in 1970 to 14 .5% in 2010, and the ratio of "clerical workers" increased from 14 .0% in 1970 to 18 .4% in 2010 (Figure 16) .(Decrease in public capital formation which greatly affected regional employment) By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the gross prefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number of workers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of public capital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i .e .例文帳に追加

産業中分類別に、2005年からの5 年間で最も就業者数が増えたのは老人福祉・介護事業などの「社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業」であり、以下「分類不能の産業」「医療業」「郵便業」「はん用機械器具製造業」「持ち帰り・配達飲食サービス業」と続く 。 - 厚生労働省

People employed by enterprises have thus generally grown more risk averse in recent years. Regarding the relationship between the decline in the prospective entry rate and recent changes in the labor market such as those described in Chapter 2, attention may be drawn to the following: (1) the seniority-based pay systems found primarily at large enterprises up to the 1990s were recognized as having become entrenched as "Japanesestyle employment practices," and the future wages expected by people rose; (2) the negative effects of the deflationary economy in the 1990s first manifested themselves in the form of an increase in bankruptcies and exits among small enterprises such as the selfemployed, and there was a conspicuous decrease in the incomes and a conspicuous increase in the risks of selfemployment expected by people; (3) as full-fledged employment adjustment did not really impact on employees of large enterprises until the latter half of the 1990s, it took considerable time for future expected wages to fall; and (4) the instability of income after mandatory retirement even with "Japanese-style employment practices" has long been recognized, enterprises restructured their middle-aged and older workers in the 1990s, conditions in the elderly reemployment market remained severe, and wages of employees in their fifties underwent adjustment from a comparatively early stage, creating the possibility that for the middle-aged and elderly, the opportunity cost of entry compared with changing jobs has fallen, in addition to which people in this age group were comparatively less affected by the effects of the collapse of the bubble, such as the decline in home prices.例文帳に追加

このように、近年、企業に雇用される人々の意識が一般的にはリスク回避的になり、開業希望率が減少していることと、第2章で述べたような、近年の労働市場の変化等との関係については、〔1〕1990年代まで大企業を中心とする年功賃金制が「日本的雇用慣行」として定着していると認識され、人々の予想する将来賃金が上昇してきたこと、〔2〕1990年代のデフレ経済の悪影響がまず自営業等の小規模な企業から破産・廃業の増加等の形で現れ、人々の予想する自営業の所得が顕著に低下しリスクが顕著に増加したこと、〔3〕大企業の被雇用者に本格的な雇用調整が及んだのは1990年代後半であったことから、将来の予想賃金が低下するにはかなり時間がかかったこと、〔4〕定年退職後の収入については、「日本的雇用慣行」の下でも不安定性があることが早くから認識され、また、1990年代に企業が中高齢層のリストラを進め高齢者の転職市場は厳しい状況が続き、50歳代の賃金については大企業でも比較的早くから調整が進んだことから、中高齢者にとっては転職と比較して開業することの機会費用が下がった可能性があること、また、この年代の人々はバブル崩壊による持ち家価格の低下等の影響を被ることが比較的少なかったこと等が指摘できる。 - 経済産業省


A breakdown by asset type shows that cash and deposits account for a very large portion, 52% of these assets, while the ratio of stocks and investment trusts remain low, around 9%. One notable thing when we look at these assets by type of asset holder is that the size of the younger generations' investment in stock investment trusts, as well as the size of their overall financial assets, is small. This underscores the importance of encouraging the buildup of financial assets for the future from a long-term perspective. Another notable thing is that elderly people account for 70% of the people investing in stock investment trusts. As family interest income has decreased in recent years while dividend income has increased, financial investment is becoming increasingly important as a "second pension plan." 例文帳に追加

また、この個人金融資産の保有者という観点から見てみますと、一つは若年層による株式投資信託の保有が少額で、金融資産残高も少ないということがございますので、長期的な観点から将来のための資産形成を促すということの重要性、それからもう一つ、高齢者による株式投資信託の割合の保有割合が全体の7割を占めるということで、更に近年、家計の利子所得が減少する一方で配当所得が増加するといったこともあり、いわば「第二の年金」としての重要性も高まっているという状況があろうかと思います。 - 金融庁


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