
「elderly people」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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elderly peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 385


Found out is the structure and control of a wheel for a barrier-free moving device for extending the scope of action of elderly people and lower limb handicapped people reducing the chances of walking out worrying slipping and falling on a hardened snow road and frozen road in winter and liable to fall gloomy, and assisting wheelchair users in positively joining society.例文帳に追加

冬期の圧雪路、凍結路における滑り転倒を恐れて出歩く機会を少なくして憂鬱に陥り易い高齢者や下肢障害者の行動範囲を広げ、車いす利用者の積極的な社会参加を支援する為のバリアフリーな移動装置用車輪の構造と制御を見出した。 - 特許庁

To make the device to be easily used by various types of people including children, adults, elderly people and persons who are not familiar with the system or feel uneasiness while using the system and to change output information in accordance with the needs of the user so that the system becomes easy to be used in accordance with the frequency of utilization and the degree of familiarity.例文帳に追加

対話システムを利用する子供や大人、老人など、システムにすぐに馴染めない人や使いにくさを感じる人など、いろいろなタイプ人でも使い易いようにすること、また、使用頻度や慣れに応じて使い易くなるようにユーザに合わせた出力情報の変更が可能なこと。 - 特許庁

To provide an information display system by which everyone such as people unfamiliar with computer and elderly persons can view a message sent externally using a simple operation at a place crowded with many people, such as a public place, while enjoying a television broadcast program of a television receiver or a video reproduction image.例文帳に追加

本発明は、公共の場所など人の多く集まる場所で、TV受信機のテレビ放送またはビデオの再生画像を楽しみながら、コンピュータ音痴な人やお年寄りなどだれでも、簡単な操作で、外部から発信されるメッセージ等を見ることができるようにしたものである。 - 特許庁

The Internet phone system is provided in which a phone is used in place of an entry device such as a keyboard for various Internet controllers, the phone is provided with a simple device so as to allow even elderly people, housewives, and handicapped people to enjoy the Internet in a sense of phone and TV remote control.例文帳に追加

そこで、各種インターネット制御装置のキーボード等入力装置の変わりに電話機を用い、電話機に簡潔な機構を付加し、高齢者、主婦、ハンディキャップのある方でも、電話操作感覚・TVのリモコン操作感覚でインターネットを楽しめるようにするインターネット電話装置。 - 特許庁


To construct a system for automatically retrieving/displaying contents desired by a user even without performing special operations by young children, elderly people who have a sense of difficulty to operations of electronic equipment and people who think of poor at the electronic equipment itself.例文帳に追加

幼い子どもや電子機器の操作に苦手意識を持つ高齢者ならびに電子機器そのものが苦手と思っている人々が、特別な操作を行わなくても、利用者が望むコンテンツを自動的に検索・表示するシステムを構築する。 - 特許庁


Specific methods of doing so include the use of young people newly entering the labor market, making use of women who have yet to enter the labor market, such as women who are presently full-time housewives, and using elderly people who still want to work but do not have the opportunity to do so. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、新規に労働市場に参入する若年者の活用、現在専業主婦等の形で労働市場に参入していない女性労働力の活用、まだ働く意欲があるのにチャンスを与えられていない高齢者の活用、といった方法が考えられる。 - 経済産業省

With regard to the accessible design (the design of products that are easy for elderly people and people with disabilities to use) products, the Accessible Design Foundation of Japan, which is an industry group, is at the center of ongoing endeavors in the field of international standardization activities, such as discussions concerning the overall picture with regard to international standards, the formulation of draft standards and the proposal of new standards.例文帳に追加

共用品のアクセシブルデザイン(高齢者や障害者にも利用しやすい製品設計)については、業界団体である共用品推進機構が中心となって国際規格の全体像の検討、規格案作成、新規提案等の国際標準化活動を継続的に実施している。 - 経済産業省

At present, nursing care facilities for elderly people and hospitals in Sweden, Italy, France and the United States, as well as Japan, are studying robot therapy using the Paro. Reports have said the Paro would have good effects on people with Alzheimer disease and other patients.例文帳に追加

現在も、国内の様々な施設だけでなく、スウェーデン、イタリア、フランス、アメリカの高齢者向け施設や病院などで、パロによるロボット・セラピーの研究が行われ、アルツハイマーをはじめ数々の症状への良好な効果が示されている。 - 経済産業省

Assuming that 100% of potential working elderly people (currently not in employment but wish to get a job) took a job, the estimated potential labor force and potential added value created are approximately 2.17 million people and about 8 trillion yen (about 1.6%against GDP), respectively.例文帳に追加

我が国の高齢者の潜在的有業者(無業者のうち、就業意欲を有する者)が100%就業したと仮定して、潜在労働力と潜在的な付加価値創出額を試算すると、約217万人、約8兆円(対GDP比約1.6%)という結果になる。 - 経済産業省


Although social security's primary role is a safety net for people's living, it is also effective in supporting personal consumption and creating effective demand and employment opportunities. In addition, since social security also plays the role of redistributing income among different regions, it actually supports people's livelihood in areas with a high elderly population.例文帳に追加

社会保障には、暮らしを支えるセーフティネットという本来目的のほか、個人消費を支え、有効需要や雇用機会を創出するという効果があり、また、実態として、地域間の所得再分配の効果を持ち、高齢者の多い地域の生活を支えている。 - 厚生労働省


At this ninth meeting over the next four days, participants from ASEAN countries and Japan will exchange information on and discuss ways of developing the capacity of health and welfare service providers. We are also aiming at promoting the employability of the socially vulnerable people such as the elderly and the disabled who receive welfare services, through setting human resource development in health and welfare services as the main theme.例文帳に追加

本年の会合は本日から、4日間、保健と福祉の人材育成(human resource development in health and welfare services)をメインテーマとして、保健及び福祉サービスを提供する人材の能力向上(increasing the ability of socially vulnerable people)について、ASEAN各国及び日本での情報の共有、情報交換、議論を行います。 - 厚生労働省

The Gini coefficients of the elderly are relatively high compared with other age brackets. Since the population of the elderly, an age group with wider income disparities than other age brackets, is expected to increase, the government should continue to promote measures to secure the economic base of older people, such as a sustainable pension system that provides peace of mind.例文帳に追加

高齢者のジ二係数は、他の年齢階級に比べて高い水準となっており、今後、所得格差が他の年齢階級に比べて高い水準となっている高齢者の増大に伴い、引き続き、持続可能で安心できる年金制度など、高齢期の経済的基盤を確保するための施策を推進していく必要がある。 - 厚生労働省

(The baby boomer generation reached age 65 for the first time in 2012; however, the reduction of labour force is alleviated thanks to the increased labour force participation rate of the persons aged 65 to 69) From April 2006, the enterprises which have a compulsory age retirement system at the age less than 65 are required to take, under the amended Elderly Persons Employment Stabilization Act, one of the following measures to secure employment of elderly people: (1) increase of the retirement age; (2) introduction of continuous employment system, and (3) abolishment of the age retirement system .例文帳に追加

高年齢者雇用安定法の改正により、2006年4 月から、65歳未満の定年を定めている事業主は高年高齢者雇用確保措置として、①定年の引上げ、②継続雇用制度の導入、③定年の定めの廃止のいずれかを講じなければならないとする等の対策が取られ、その後6 年が経過して2012年に団塊の世代(1947年~49年生まれ)が65歳に到達した。 - 厚生労働省

There was some initial concern that the elderly staying at nursing homes would exhibit intolerance toward the employment of foreign care workers. But in reality residents are energized by their new means of communication with foreigners, and these care workers exhibit superior abilities in, for example, "physical contact with other people," which is something that Japanese people feel uncomfortable with. In effect, people have said that these care workers have livened up the atmosphere of the nursing homes and are the saviors of these locations.例文帳に追加

当初は、彼らの就労に対して介護施設入居者の老人がアレルギーを示すのではないかと危惧されていたが、実際には、外国人との新しいコミュニケーションによって入居者に活力が与えられたり、彼らは日本人が苦手な「他者とのスキンシップ」等の面で優れた能力を発揮したりする等、介護現場に明るい雰囲気がもたらされ現場の救いになっているとの声もある。 - 経済産業省

The realities of the social security system differ from region to region, for example, with respect to the share of people who need social security benefits, the types of benefits received, the number of people paying social insurance premiums, and the amount of such payments. Therefore, the social security system plays the role of redistributing income among different regions and supports people's livelihood in areas with a high elderly population.例文帳に追加

社会保障制度は、実態として、地域により、社会保障制度の給付を必要とする人々の割合や利用されている給付の内容、さらには社会保険料を支払う人の数や金額も異なるため、地域間の所得再分配の効果を持ち、高齢者の多い地域の生活を支えている。 - 厚生労働省

Meanwhile, when the LDP adopted measures to enable elderly people to remain healthy and continue working, Mr. Yosano, who is now the minister for economic and fiscal policy, proposed that a tax-free treatment, rather than the reduced tax rate of 10%, should be applied to the investment income of elderly people, if I remember correctly. We intend to reach a conclusion by the end of August after considering what measure will be the most effective and realistic with due consideration of a proposal like this. 例文帳に追加

それから、今、与謝野大臣は経済財政担当大臣でありますが、党によりまして「健康現役社会」のとりまとめを行った時は、確か、私の記憶が確かでしたら、軽減税率10%につきまして、高齢者につきましては10%ではなくて非課税という案も出されているようでありまして、そういったことも含めて、どういった案が一番効果があり、また、現実的なのか、こういうことも含めて8月末までに取りまとめを行っていきたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

- Sheet Music: Seihin YAMAUCHI (1890 - 1986) transcribed melodies in 1912 that were sung to him by elderly people into sheet music (Western 5 stave format), and amongst these transcriptions there are at least 3 styles of Uzagaku compiled into Yamauchi's "Research into Ancient Chants & Secret Pieces of the Ryukyu Kingdom (Ryukyu-ocho Koyo Hikyoku no kenkyu)" of 1964. 例文帳に追加

・楽譜:山内盛彬(やまうちせいひん1890-1986)が、1912年に古老が口で歌った旋律を聞き取って採譜した楽譜(五線譜)の中に、御座楽の曲が3種類ほどあり、山内の『琉球王朝古謡秘曲の研究』(1964)に収録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There used be a problem that the amount of food was too much for small eaters such as elderly people and women, but these days ryokan meals are lighter than they used to be, and more and more ryokan are improving quality while reducing the size of dishes. 例文帳に追加

食事の量が多すぎて女性や高齢者など小食の人が食べきれないという問題もあり、そのような宿泊客への配慮から、かつてに比べて食事の量が少なめになっており、また、量を少なめにしながら質を向上させているところが増えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under laws, the pension system has three tiers: the first tier is basic pension, the second is employee pension and the third is corporate pension. Although this is an area where self-help efforts should be made in principle, elderly people depend on the pension system, so the government is involved to some degree. 例文帳に追加

だけど、こういう年金なんていうのは、法律によって、高齢者の方々が老後を頼んで、1段目は基礎年金、2段目は厚生年金、3段目は企業年金といって、基本的に自己努力の分野ですけれども、それでも国がある程度やっているわけです。 - 金融庁

A town official said, "It'll be nice to enjoy the fresh green of beech trees along the new route up to Komagatake and follow the old route on the way down and stop off at Tanashiro Marshland. From Kodake, there is a panoramic view of the Shirakami Range. The new routes are especially recommended for elderly people." 例文帳に追加

町の職員は「駒ケ岳まで新ルートに沿ってブナの新緑を楽しみ,下りで前のルートをたどって田(た)苗(な)代(しろ)湿原に立ち寄るのもよい。小岳からは白神山地を一望できる。新ルートは特に高齢者にお薦めできる。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

For example, for evacuees living in shelters after earthquake-related disasters, special consideration needs to be given to the elderly, people with mental or physical disabilities, patients of chronic diseases, pregnant women, and infants and toddlers.I believe this also applies to fragile and conflict-affected situations. 例文帳に追加

震災・津波発生後の避難生活では、高齢者、心身に障害を抱える人々、慢性疾患の患者、妊娠中の女性や乳幼児等への特段の配慮が求められますが、これは紛争・脆弱地域にも当てはまるのではないでしょうか。 - 財務省

At an accounts register or the like, a cart is a little approached down into a register platform, the stopper 3 is unlatched, and the basket can be pulled sliding down onto the register platform, so that it is no longer necessary to lift the basket of heavy weight with full items of commodities bought, which is very convenient for elderly people.例文帳に追加

会計レジ等に於いては、カートをレジ台に少し進入させストッパー3を外しカゴを引き滑らせてレジ台に移すことができ、買い物で重くなったカゴを持ち上げる必要もなく高齢者にとって大変便利である。 - 特許庁

To overcome the problem that the shape of the conventional plastic bag used as a shopping bag and a garbage bag has at positions of the opening edges opposing to each other, as tying straps, the strap-like projecting pieces made of a material the same as a material of the body; however, the projecting pieces are short and slippery and, therefore, difficult to tie for weak-handed children and elderly people.例文帳に追加

従来のレジ袋やゴミ袋に使われているポリ袋の形状は、開口縁部の対抗位置に本体の素材と同素材の帯状の突片が結び帯として付いているが、短く、滑りやすいため、力の弱い子供や老人たちでは結びにくい。 - 特許庁

To provide a folding shower chair with which a seating person or a care-giver do not need to bend over and which can be locked/unlocked with a single hand and with small force, and easily operated by even elderly or physically weak people.例文帳に追加

本発明は、着座者または介助者は、狭い浴室内であっても腰をかがめることなく、片手でかつ小さな力でロックまたはアンロックを行なうことが出来、高齢者や病弱者であっても操作を非常に容易に行なうことを可能とすることを課題とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a battery charger for a portable communication terminal with a voice support function which inform even a visually impaired person who can use only voice calls among the functions of a portable communication terminal P, or an elderly people or a junior who is not good at the operation of a terminal, of the content of e-mail.例文帳に追加

携帯通信端末Pの機能のうち音声通話しか使えない視力障害者や端末の操作の苦手な高齢者や年少者にも電子メールの内容を周知させることができる音声広報機能付き携帯通信端末用の充電器を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a display condition determining device and a transaction confirming system which display transaction details in a native language of a user even when a mode is a foreign language mode which displays the transaction details in a foreign language, and particularly, which are effective in measures against a damage of a fraud of a repayment money of elderly people.例文帳に追加

取引内容を外国語で表示する外国語モードによる取引きであっても、取引内容を利用者の母国語で表示することが可能であり、特に、高齢者による還付金詐欺被害の対策として有効な、表示条件判定装置および取引確認システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a care support system and apparatus capable of simply and surely confirming the safety of elderly people at home or the like who need no full-time care but require care on emergency and quickly and surely dispatching care personnel on emergency.例文帳に追加

24時間介護は必要ではないが、緊急時には介護支援が必要な在宅高齢者などの安否確認を簡単に確実に行い、緊急時には、すばやく確実に介護者を出向かせることを可能とする介護支援システム及び装置を得ること。 - 特許庁

To obtain spectacles for an elderly people in which a myopia correction lens is made light in weight except in a part somewhat lower than its optical axis, the spectacles being made much lighter in weight by increasing an amount of glass which can be removed from the material of the lens by making the lens closer to an eyeball.例文帳に追加

近視矯正用のレンズを光軸のやや下側から下を除き、軽量化を図った老眼鏡において、レンズを一層眼球へ接近させることによって、レンズの素材から除去できるガラスの量を多くして一層の軽量化を図ることである。 - 特許庁

To provide a system whereby a battery charging operation is surely carried out even when a child or an elderly person possesses a mobile type slave unit and to provide a system whereby a sure contact can be obtained from the mobile unit for a response to an important and particular instruction such as tracing of missing people even when the residual capacity of battery is decreased.例文帳に追加

モバイルタイプの子機を子供や老人が持っている場合でも確実な電池充電操作を行うためのシステム、および電池残量が低下しても、行方不明時の捜索等の重要な特定の指示に対する応答ではモバイル機器からの確実な連絡が得られるシステムが望まれる。 - 特許庁

To provide an inexpensive consonant processing device, an inexpensive speech information transmission device, and a consonant processing method which are capable of transmitting speech information almost in real time, in which signal processing is easy, and in which even the elderly or the people with hearing difficulty can distinguish a consonant even in the environment full of noise.例文帳に追加

本発明は、アルタイムに近い音声情報伝達が行え、信号処理が簡単で、騒音の多い環境でも、高齢者や聴覚障害者でも子音が聞き取り易く、安価な子音加工装置と音声情報伝達装置及び子音加工方法を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To develop a handrail which can be easily gripped by a slight hand power of users, and is resistant to slippage, so that elderly persons suffering from degraded gripping power, handicapped persons, children, or even ordinary people feel safe at the time of walking a sidewalk, or at the time of ascending/descending a slope or steps, in order to overcome easy slippage of a conventional handrail.例文帳に追加

従来の手すりは手が滑るので、手の握力が衰えた高齢者、障害者や子供、或いは一般の人でも歩道の歩行やスロープ、階段の上り下りを安心してできるように、軽い手の力で握りやすく、手が滑りにくいようにした手すりを開発することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a structure for clothes for nursing capable of easily detaching in lying state of a wearer without paining to the wearer such as a sick person or a bedridden elderly people or the like and reducing labor of a caregiver detaching the clothes.例文帳に追加

被着者が寝たままの状態においても容易に着脱でき、病人や寝たきりの高齢者等の被着者に苦痛を与えることなく、また、衣類を着脱させる介護者の労力を軽減することができる介護用衣服の構造を提供する。 - 特許庁

The remedying implement 1 for the incontinence or thamuria for the elderly people is composed by housing a steam heat generation part 2 inside a housing body 3 provided with an at least partially air permeable first surface 3A facing the skin surface of a user and a second surface 3B facing it and turned outward.例文帳に追加

使用者の肌面に対向し且つ少なくとも一部が通気性を有する第1の面3Aと、それに対向し且つ外方を向く第2の面3Bとを有する収容体3内に蒸気温熱発生部2が収容されてなる高齢者用の尿失禁又は頻尿の改善具1である。 - 特許庁

To provide a bag for packing bananas that can be manufactured at low cost while allowing consumers including frail elderly people or children to easily open the bag, and that is prevented from being unexpectedly opened or damaged by vibrations, impacts, or pressures during transportation.例文帳に追加

バナナの包装を非力な高齢者や子供などを含む消費者等が開封しやすいようにする一方、輸送時には振動や衝撃・圧迫などが加えられても誤って開封したり破損したりしにくく、かつ低コストで製造できるバナナの包装用袋体を提供することである。 - 特許庁

The gismo such as a fork 1 for a physically handicapped persons, an elderly people, and a small children is formed by securing a wire material 6 formed by wrapping a wire core material 4 consisting of a material which bends under pressure and keeps bent when releasing the pressure with a flexible material 5 by coupling to a gismo such as a fork.例文帳に追加

圧力で曲がり、その圧力を解放するとその状態を維持する材料よりなる線状芯材4を可撓性材料5でくるんでなる線材6を、フぉーク等小道具に連結固定して、身体障害者用、高齢者用または幼児用のフォーク1等小道具を形成する。 - 特許庁

To provide a stick for comfort and safety to facilitate elderly people in positively going out for physical exercise or mountaineering by giving it functions of illumination for walking at night, and charging, generating and storing electricity for emergency call of a cellular phone at a place where no power supply is available.例文帳に追加

本発明は、夜間移動用照明、電源のないところでの携帯電話の緊急発信用の充電、発電、逐電機能を持たせて、高齢者の運動を促進し、積極的に散歩や登山などに出かけられるような安心安全のための杖を提供するものである。 - 特許庁

To provide an elderly people-friendly fan heater capable of taking in and out a kerosene cassette tank from a fan heater body with less effort by providing a cover for taking in and out the kerosene cassette tank on a back face or a side face independently from a top cover disposed on a top section of the fan heater body.例文帳に追加

ファンヒーター本体の上部に有する上蓋とは別に、背面若しくは側面に灯油カセットタンクを出し入れするための蓋を設け、力を掛けずにファンヒーター本体より灯油カセットタンクを出し入れすることが出来るように工夫した、お年よりに優しいファンヒーターを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a gymnasium unit and usage of gymnasium unit, allowing elderly people and so on to easily take several kinds of exercises suitable for training the physical function with a deep interest, and easily constructed indoors without extremely making a large-scale institution.例文帳に追加

高齢者等の身体機能訓練に適した数種類の運動を興味深く容易に行わせるようにされており、しかも、極端な大掛かりな施設とすることになしに、屋内などにも容易に施工できるようにしたジムユニット及びその使用方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a video transfer device suitable for a watching system, for transferring appropriate video data to an appropriate reporting destination when a possibility of abnormal change is detected from video data from many video cameras for watching installed in a nursing facility or the like where many elderly people live as residents.例文帳に追加

居住者として多数の高齢者が生活する介護施設等に設置された多数の見守り用映像カメラからの映像データを、異変の可能性を検知した場合に適切な通報先へ適切な映像データを転送する、見守りシステムに好適な映像転送装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Declining birthrates and the aging of society will bring about a contraction in demand, influenced by the people’s concerns about the future. There are also concerns that the economy will lose its vitality as a result of the decline in the productive population, coupled with a rise in the elderly population, which decreases productivity and tax revenues and increases social insurance premiums5.例文帳に追加

少子・高齢化は、国民の先行き不安から需要の萎縮をもたらすとともに、生産年齢人口の減少は、老年人口の増大と相まって、生産の低下、租税収入の減少、社会保険料の負担増等から、経済の活力を失わせることが懸念されている5)。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, there exists in Japan elderly people that are not employed despite their strong will to work, as well as women who are leaving behind their career and exiting the labor market due to childbirth and child care. As a country, Japan cannot be said to be utilizing the "human resources" it is endowed with to their full potential.例文帳に追加

他方、我が国においては、高い就業意欲のあるものの就業していない高齢者や、出産・育児のためそれまでのキャリアを離れ労働市場から退出する女性が存在し、一国レベルにおいて賦存する「人材」を最大限活用しているとは言えない状況にある。 - 経済産業省

The council's concept of "full employment" differs from the idealized, high-profile concept of "full employment." It is a policy concept of advancing social integration through work by giving various job opportunities to the elderly, women, people that are socially vulnerable, and others that have fallen out the labor force so that they may join the labor market.例文帳に追加

フル就業という考え方は、「完全雇用」とは考え方が異なり、高齢者や女性、社会的弱者等非労働力化している人々を、広く仕事の機会を与えることによって労働市場に参入できるようにし、仕事を通じて社会的統合を進めていくという政策理念である。 - 経済産業省

Furthermore, in response to early retirement, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health raised the age at which people may receive pension benefits from age 58 to 60 in order to encourage the elderly to remain working as long as possible, and also amended the systems related to pensions by cutting down the unemployment insurance benefits, etc.例文帳に追加

さらに、社会保健省は、高齢者により長く職業生活を送ることを促すため、早期引退による年金の受給年齢を58歳から60歳に引き上げ、失業保険の切下げ等の年金関連制度の改正も行った。 - 経済産業省

With regard to policies related to the promotion of employment of the elderly, the FINPAW was succeeded by two new programs called the VETO (national program designed to develop the work skills of each individual) and Nosto (vocational training program for people between ages 30 and 54 who have low educational backgrounds).例文帳に追加

FINPAW終了後、高齢者の就業促進に関連する施策は、「VETO」(仕事に関する個人の能力を開発するための全国プログラム)と「Nosto」(30歳から54歳の低学歴者に対する職業訓練プログラム)という新しい2つのプログラムに引き継がれている。 - 経済産業省

The New Deal policy was designed to provide job training and get people into jobs, and initially targeted unemployed youth and the long-term unemployed. Subsequently, however, the scope was gradually widened to include disabled persons, single parents, partners of the unemployed, and the elderly (Fig. 3.1.14).例文帳に追加

ニューディール政策とは、職業訓練・就業促進を目的とする政策で、最初は若年失業者や長期失業者を対象に開始されたが、その後、対象範囲を障害者、一人親、失業者の無収入の配偶者、高齢者に順次拡大してきた(第3―1―14表)。 - 経済産業省

Accordingly, it is important that economic policy, including SME policy, include measures to expand employment opportunities for older people with the desire and ability to work and so counter the decline in the labor force population, and to develop the environment for maximum use to be made of the abilities and experienced accumulated by the elderly.例文帳に追加

したがって、中小企業政策を含む経済政策の中では、働く意欲と能力のある高齢者の就業機会を拡大し、労働力人口の減少を下支えするとともに、高齢者がこれまで蓄積してきた能力・経験ができるだけ活用される環境整備を図ることが重要である。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, the proportion of elderly in the total population will continue to increase due to the total population going into decline in 2005, reaching 22.5% in 2010 and 27.8% in 2020. Japan is therefore projected to become an extremely aged society, with approximately one in four people being aged 65 or over. 例文帳に追加

一方で、総人口が2005年から減少に転じたことから高齢化率は上昇を続け、2010年には22.5%、2020年には27.8%に達し、国民の約4人に1人が65歳以上の高齢者という極めて高齢化の進んだ社会の到来が見込まれている。 - 経済産業省

In addition, local residents have expected the small and medium-sized shops that comprise shopping districts to provide services to address various community needs, such as product deliveries, looking in on elderly people living alone, and child care support, in addition to providing goods.例文帳に追加

また、地域住民は地域の商店街を構成している中小店に対し、物販の提供に加え、商品の宅配、一人暮らし高齢者見回りサービス、子育て支援サービス等の地域の多様なニーズに応えるサービスの提供を期待している。 - 経済産業省

The average household budget of workers' households is in the black, while elderly non-working households maintain their livelihood partly by dipping into financial assets. This fact indicates a lifestyle in which people secure income by working as long as they can work and, after retirement, live mainly on their pensions, while using their savings (Charts 2-3-3 and 2-3-5).例文帳に追加

勤労者世帯の家計収支は平均で見ると黒字だが、高齢無職世帯では一部金融資産の取り崩しで対応しており、働ける期間は働くことによって所得を確保し、引退後は年金を中心に貯蓄もいかしながら 生活するという姿がうかがえる(図表2-3-3、図表2-3-5)。 - 厚生労働省


As keynote presentations by collaborative organizations, the ASEAN Secretariat introduced disaster management and disaster responses focusing on the socially vulnerable people in ASEAN, and the WHO/WPRO reported on the impact of disaster on the elderly and disabled as well as disaster management aimed at enhancing cooperation.例文帳に追加

協力機関の講演として、ASEAN事務局からは、ASEANで取り組む防災対策枠組みと弱者に焦点を当てた対応を紹介し、WHO/WPROからは、特に高齢者と障害者への災害の影響と連携強化のための災害対策について報告しました。 - 厚生労働省


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