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Article 744 (1) Either of the parties, their relatives, or a public prosecutor may make a claim to the family court to rescind a marriage if it violates the provisions of Articles 731 to 736 inclusive; provided, however, that a public prosecutor may not claim this after the death of one of the parties. 例文帳に追加

第七百四十四条 第七百三十一条から第七百三十六条までの規定に違反した婚姻は、各当事者、その親族又は検察官から、その取消しを家庭裁判所に請求することができる。ただし、検察官は、当事者の一方が死亡した後は、これを請求することができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 817-2 (1) The family court may, on the application of a person to be an adoptive parent, make a ruling establishing an adoption which extinguishes the legal relationship between a child and his/her natural relatives (referred to in this subsection as 'special adoption'). 例文帳に追加

第八百十七条の二 家庭裁判所は、次条から第八百十七条の七までに定める要件があるときは、養親となる者の請求により、実方の血族との親族関係が終了する縁組(以下この款において「特別養子縁組」という。)を成立させることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 79 When the accused has been detained, his or her counsel shall be notified immediately. When no counsel has been appointed for the accused, notification shall be given to the person who has been specified by the accused from among his/her legal representative, curator, spouse, lineal relatives and siblings. 例文帳に追加

第七十九条 被告人を勾留したときは、直ちに弁護人にその旨を通知しなければならない。被告人に弁護人がないときは、被告人の法定代理人、保佐人、配偶者、直系の親族及び兄弟姉妹のうち被告人の指定する者一人にその旨を通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) A person who regularly performs, on behalf of, either solely or mainly, a single nonresident (including his/her relatives or other persons who have special relationships with the nonresident) an essential part of the receipt of an order, negotiation or any other act for concluding contracts for its business 例文帳に追加

三 もつぱら又は主として一の非居住者(その親族その他その非居住者と特殊の関係のある者を含む。)のために、常習的に、その事業に関し契約を締結するための注文の取得、協議その他の行為のうちの重要な部分をする者 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


They contain detailed descriptions of the operation of the temple, how the temple was controlled within the Kofuku-ji Temple, social trends in Yamato Province, the development of central politics in Kyoto, the actions of Kyokaku's relatives, including the Kujo family and the workings of Hongan-ji Temple, thus collectively they are a rare historical record relating to the politics, economy, society and religion of the Muromachi period. 例文帳に追加

興福寺内の寺務・寺領支配から大和国人衆の動向、京都の中央政界や親戚である九条家や本願寺の動きなどが詳細に記述されており、室町時代の政治・経済・社会・宗教に関する貴重な史料である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the inducement to the religion is rejected, then it may turn to a crime, which is first of all the forced affiliation to (or rejection of) the religion or donation to the organization by exertion of unlawful physical power, or which is blackmail with the excuse of payment for pain and suffering exploiting the weak point of the relatives opposing the religious belief, or the like. 例文帳に追加

入信を断った場合に、非合法な物理力の行使による信仰の強制(もしくは拒否)や団体への寄付は勿論、勧誘した側の信仰を反対する親類への弱みに付け込んだ慰謝料を口実とした恐喝等と言った犯罪に発展することもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The recipe for chicken nanban with tartar sauce mainly served today was invented by Teruyuki KAI who came from Nobeoka City and worked as an apprentice at 'London' in Nobeoka City and later participated in the 'Ogura group', which was managed by his relatives and deployed restaurants mainly around Miyazaki City. 例文帳に追加

現在の主流となっているタルタルソース・チキン南蛮を考案したのは、延岡の「ロンドン」で修行し、後に宮崎市を中心として親族が経営していた「おぐらグループ」に参画する、同じく延岡出身の甲斐照幸だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While both the Ise no Saigu and the Kamo no Saiin systems coexisted, Saiin near the capital was regarded more important than Ise no Saigu located far from the capital; successive Saiin Priestesses were rarely selected from female relatives of the Emperor, and most of their real mothers were highborn ladies. 例文帳に追加

伊勢斎宮・賀茂斎院の二つの斎王制度が両立していた間、都に近い斎院の方が遠い伊勢の斎宮よりも重んじられていたようで、歴代斎院は斎宮に比べて女王が少なく、また生母の出自も高い例が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, it became an established custom that the title of Jugo was given to the emperor's relatives such as to a lady who could not be ranked in the position of an empress because of her mean birth, even though she was the emperor's real mother, a maternal relative, the father of a nyogo (imperial consort), and so forth, with treatment equal to Jugo after being declared Jugo and Sangu by the emperor. 例文帳に追加

以後、天皇の生母でありながら、卑しい氏族であったことから后位につけなかった夫人、外戚、女御の父など天皇の縁戚に与えられるのが恒例となり、准后宣下ないし准三宮宣下として准后の待遇が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was conferred mainly on daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), powerful hatamoto, gosanke (three privileged branches of Tokugawa Family), gosankyo (three branches of Tokugawa family, which was established by the eighth shogun Yoshimune TOKUGAWA), the Honda clan serving as Karo (chief retainer) of the Fukui Domain ruled by Tokugawa's relatives of the highest rank or the Kaga Domain, and the Kikkawa clan, a branch family of the Choshu clan, at the time when the Kikkawa clan was allowed to found the Iwakuni Domain. 例文帳に追加

主に大名・有力旗本、ないし御三家・御三卿及び家門筆頭の福井藩の家老及び加賀藩の家老本多氏、長州藩の支族吉川氏が岩国藩として立藩を認められた際に叙せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, after the abdication the Retired Emperor Reizei lived to the age of 61, presumably due to not having too much stress that he had when in power; it was ironic that his relatives like Prince Morosada (the Emperor Kazan) or other princes and princesses, his brother Emperor Enyu and his Prince (Emperor) Ichijo, passed away before him. 例文帳に追加

もっとも退位後は在位時のプレッシャーがなくなったのか、61歳まで生きたが、師貞親王(花山天皇)をはじめとする皇子女や弟円融天皇、その皇子の一条天皇等多くの親族に先立たれたのは皮肉な事であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the statute, up to 4 emperors removed, relatives are still considered as members of the Imperial Family, those who are more than 5 emperors removed are not considered as members of the Imperial Family, however they still have the rank as emperor and receive the On I of the Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), those with more than 6 emperors removed are not allowed to have the rank of the emperor. (However the rank was changed in March 706.) 例文帳に追加

律令においては、4世王までは皇親となり、5世王は皇親とはならないものの王号を有し従五位下の蔭位を受け、6世王は王号を得られないものとされた(もっとも、慶雲3年2月の格で変更あり)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However the family was still succeeded by male descendants of Emperor Jinmu, the main condition for Imperial succession, and the five members of four Miyake married to the Princess of Emperor Meiji or Emperor Showa, these Imperial members are close relatives on female side of the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

しかし、皇位継承資格の第一条件である神武天皇の男系子孫であるという点では変わりがなく、また4宮家5名の皇族が明治天皇及び昭和天皇の皇女と婚姻しているため、これらの皇族は女系では天皇家と近親に当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However female Emperor means the Imperial members who succeed the Imperial blood line from these maternal relatives, and this does not concern whether the Emperor herself/himself is male or female, (Thus, there are both male and female emperors existing in the female lineage) so female Emperor and Emperor of the female lineage are basically two different words with different concepts. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、女系天皇とはその天皇自身の性別に関わらず母方から皇室の血統を受け継ぐという血筋についての言葉である(したがって女系の男性天皇・女系の女性天皇の両方があり得る)ため、両者は本質的に異なる概念である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Eiga monogatari" (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes) she was said to be a 'very beautiful Princess, as if she was shinning' and she had bright future having maternal relatives of the family eligible for regents, however after her maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Koremasa and her mother, Kaishi and her uncles as well, died unexpectedly one after another, she lost her powerful supervisor. 例文帳に追加

尊子内親王は『栄花物語』によれば「いみじう美しげに光るやう」な姫宮であったといい、摂関家嫡流を外戚に何不自由ない将来を約束されていたが、外祖父藤原伊尹や母懐子、そして叔父達までも次々と早世したために有力な後見を失ってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wearing Noshi meant a close relationship to the Emperor, originally Noshi was allowed for maternal relatives or a lecturer in the Imperial Household to wear, ("Kinpisho"), in the Medieval period there was no strict rules as to who were allowed to wear Noshi, most of the court nobles who held their position for a few years could wear Noshi. 例文帳に追加

直衣での参内は天皇との私的なつながりを持つことを意味し、外戚や侍読等には優先的に許されるのが本来であったが(『禁秘抄』)、中世には基準が曖昧化して、公卿である程度年数を経たものが許された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On September 3, 1710, the Kaninnomiya family was founded by the proposal of Hakuseki ARAI insisting that close blood relatives of Emperor should ascend to the throne, but there was an anxiety at that time that imperial line might become extinct since Miyake (house of an imperial prince) such as the Fushiminomiya, Arisugawanomiya and Katsuranomiya families had not close blood relations with Emperor. 例文帳に追加

当時、既にあった宮家(伏見宮・有栖川宮・桂宮)は何れも天皇とは遠縁であり、皇統の断絶を危惧するも即位となれば天皇の近親者が相応しいとの考えから宝永7年(1710年)8月10日、新井白石の建議により創設された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides his closest relatives, Asobibe were those who seclude themselves in the death of an Emperor; they had roles of going into the funeral parlor in pairs and served for the dead Emperor; the one with the sword and the shield were called Negi, and the one with the sword and provide sake and women were called Yohi or Yoshi, and performed ceremonies so that the spirit of the dead (the spirit of kyorei) would not do harm. 例文帳に追加

遊部は、天皇の喪に籠もる一番近い肉親以外で、殯宮に入り、崩御した天皇に2人1組で仕える役で、刀と矛を持つのが禰義(ねぎ)、刀と酒食を持つのが余比(よひ、よし)と言い、死者の魂(凶癘魂:きょうれいのたましい)が荒振らないように鎮魂の儀式を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The decree banning the wearing of swords was issued in March 1876, and after the Kinroku-kosai Shosho Jorei (regulation for the security of the Kinroku government) was established in August, many of the Shigakko party, which came from the warrior class, and their relatives (who were made to be warriors for generations by the Conscription Ordinance) were indignant that the prerogatives of the warrior class, that is, being able to wear a sword and the Chigyochi fief were taken from them. 例文帳に追加

明治9年3月に廃刀令が出、8月に金禄公債証書条例が制定されると、士族とその子弟で構成される私学校党の多くは、徴兵令で代々の武人であることを奪われたことに続き、帯刀と知行地という士族最後の特権をも奪われたことに憤慨した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Shigemori was the first and real son of TAIRA no Kiyomori, he was not the son of the legal wife TAIRA no Tokiko who gave birth to TAIRA no Munemori and TAIRA no Tokuko, and therefore, he lacked any powerful support from his maternal relatives; since his wife was Keishi, a sister of FUJIWARA no Narichika, he became somehow isolated within the clan after the Narichika fell from power. 例文帳に追加

嫡男ではあったが正妻の平時子の子である平宗盛や平徳子とは母が異なり有力な外戚の庇護はなく、室が藤原成親の妹・経子であったため、成親失脚後は一門のなかでは孤立気味であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Shigeko became Nyogo (court lady), queen mother and Nyoin (a woman who received "Ingo (a title of respect given to close female relatives of the Emperor or a woman of comparable standing)), Munemori always served Shigeko consistently as Keishi, Kotaigo-gu Gon-taifu or Nyoin-Betto (the attendant to Nyoin) respectively and took her younger sister, Kiyoko (Naishi no suke (vice minister of Naishi no tsukasa) to Emperor Takakura; called Chunagon-sanmi) as his wife. 例文帳に追加

滋子が女御・皇太后・女院になった際には、家司・皇太后宮権大夫・女院別当となるなど一貫して滋子の側に仕え、妻に滋子の妹・清子(高倉天皇の典侍、中納言三位)を迎えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Masakado at first fought against his uncles, it tends to be viewed as "intra-clan conflict of the Bando-Heishi," but because Kunika, Yoshikane and Yoshimasa all had taken as wife daughters of MINAMOTO no Mamoru, whereas Masakado's father, Yoshimasa, had not, it is also said that it was "a conflict between MINAMOTO no Mamoru and his relatives, and Masakado." 例文帳に追加

また、将門が当初は伯父らと争っているため、「坂東平氏一族の争い」と見られがちだが、国香・良兼・良正は源護の娘を娶っており、将門の父の良将とは違うことから、「源護・源護の縁者と将門の争い」ではないかとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even though Kenshi was frowned upon by her relatives for her lavishness, she underwent a purification of her body and a formal Buddhist service just before her death as Michinaga clung to her and mourned 'Where are you going, leaving behind old parents? Please let me accompany you" for the death of his second daughter following that of his youngest daughter Kishi.' 例文帳に追加

華美を好むあまりに身内の眉をひそめさせることもあった妍子だが、亡くなる間際に身を清め、正式な受戒を済ませての潔い臨終であり、道長は末娘嬉子に続く次女の死に「老いた父母を置いてどこへ行かれるのか、私達も供をさせてくれ」と泣いて取り縋ったと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the Southern House of the Fujiwara clan where Tadamori was born already lost their former influence as a result of FUJIWARA no Nakamaro's War and so on while instead the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara Clan became the mainstream, because the latter were maternal relatives of Emperor Kanmu, Tadamori's grandfather, FUJIWARA no Kosemaro's rank was Sangi (Councilor) and his father, FUJIWARA no Matanari was Goinojo (Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Awa no kami (Governor of Awa Province) at best. 例文帳に追加

彼が生まれた時は南家は既に藤原仲麻呂の乱等でかつての勢いを失い、代わりに藤原式家が桓武天皇の外戚として主流に立っていたことなどから、祖父の藤原巨勢麻呂は参議・父の藤原真作は従五位上阿波守止まりであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masako, who eavesdropped through a shoji on the secret conference of the Hojo clan to subjugate Yoriie on his sickbed and Yoshikazu, informed Tokimasa of the plot. Tokimasa called Yoshikazu to his residence and killed him in order to preempt the plan. Then he attacked the residence of Ichiman, destroying the relatives of the Hiki clan and Ichiman was also burned to death' (Azuma Kagami on the section under September 2nd (October 15 of the current calendar)). 例文帳に追加

「病床の頼家と能員による北条氏討伐の密議を障子の影で立ち聞きしていた政子が時政に報告し、先手を打った時政は自邸に能員を呼び出して殺害、一幡の屋敷を攻め、比企一族を滅ぼし一幡も焼死した」(9月2日条)としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although killing powerful relatives and vassals happened generally when daimyo in the Sengoku period tried to centralized the power; however, unlike the cases of Nobunaga ODA or Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, Nobutora failed to comb out his vassals and that is why Nobutora is regarded negatively. 例文帳に追加

しかし有力な親族・家臣の殺害は、戦国大名が中央集権化をはかる際に広く行われたことであり、織田信長や豊臣秀吉などの場合と違い家臣の整理に最終的には失敗したため否定的な評価につながったという面がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As to shoryo (territory), Nagainosho in Musashi Province which had been shoryo of Yoshimori WADA was granted to Kagemori at the Battle of WADA, and the Adachi clan whose relatives had lived in the Musashi district since the end of the Heian period formed the firm basis in the districts of Musashi, Kozuke and Dewa Provinces after around the time of Kagemori's appointment to Akitajo no suke. 例文帳に追加

所領に関しては和田合戦で和田義盛の所領であった武蔵国長井荘を拝領し、平安時代末期から武蔵方面に縁族を有していた安達氏は、秋田城介任官の頃から武蔵・上野国・出羽国方面に強固な基盤を築いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He took part in the Thirteen Days' Collapse in Nagota, which occurred in the ninth month of 1580; he led a group of more than 30 relatives, including Kohichiro FUKUI, into the mountains of Narutaki village and the area near Hasshoji village and killed Ujitomi YAMANA and his vassal Genzo SHINOMIYA, who were on the side of the losing Nanjo clan. 例文帳に追加

天正8年(1580年)8月にあった長和田の十三日崩れに参加して敗れた南条氏方の山名氏豊とその従者・四宮源蔵を鳴滝村の山中または八葉寺村付近において福井興七郎ら一族30余人を率いて殺害した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When she gave birth to Tsurumatsu, she contributed a portrait of her parents to Jimyo-in Temple at Koya-san Mountain, and when Hideyori was born she erected Yogen-in Temple (Yogen-in was Ingo [a title given to a Buddhist] for Nagamasa AZAI, and Kaiki (founder) was Seihaku, a monk from the Toyotomi family) to mourn for the bodies of her parents and other relatives. 例文帳に追加

なお、鶴松を産んだときに高野山・持明院へ父母の肖像画をおさめ、秀頼を産んだときに父母ら血縁の菩提を弔うために、養源院(養源院とは浅井長政の院号であり、開基は一族の成伯)を建立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is quite natural to think that before the downfall of Narimasa SASSA (and thus, before the seppuku of Nobutaka), the Sassa clan, whose original fief was close to that of Nobutaka's mother's family, tried to become maternal relatives of the Oda clan, in opposition to Hideyoshi, by form a marriage bond with Nobutaka, with whom the Sassa clan had a territorial relationship and whose mother's social status was also high. 例文帳に追加

当時は佐々成政の没落前(ことによると、信孝の切腹前)でもあることから、信高生母の一族と本領が近い佐々氏が秀吉との対抗上地縁があり、生母の身分も高い信高と縁組して織田家の外戚となろうとしたと考えると自然であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He served as 地役 of each construction for Nagaoka-kyo (the ancient capital of Nagaoka) in 784 and Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto) in 793 and made a significant contribution to governmental management of Emperor Kanmu, for example, having taken a large role in funeral ceremonies and mourning events of close blood relatives of Emperor Kanmu, such as Emperor Konin, TAKANO no Niigasa, FUJIWARA no Tabiko and FUJIWARA no Otomuro. 例文帳に追加

同3年に長岡京、同12年に平安京のそれぞれ造営の相地役を務め、また光仁天皇、高野新笠、藤原旅子、藤原乙牟漏といった桓武天皇近親者の葬儀、喪事にも大きな役割を果たすなど、桓武天皇の政権運営に当たって貢献するところ大であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are some customs, although this may not be the case in some areas depending on which school to follow, being practiced throughout the Kinki region such as chanting of the goeika of the Saigoku Sanjusankasho by the family and relatives of the deceased every night until the memorial service for the forty-ninth day, and by all participants in Buddhist rites during the Obon festival. 例文帳に追加

西国三十三箇所の御詠歌は、宗派にもよるが近畿地方一円で死者を弔うために葬儀から四十九日法要まで親族によって毎夜唱えらたり、お盆の仏事において参加者全員で合唱する習慣などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the traditional sense of the regency, only an infant emperor's maternal grandfather and his relatives had the right to take the post of regent, and then the post of chancellor or court noble, but after the cloistered government was formed, it was officially recognized that the posts of regent and chancellor were to be passed down from generation to generation only within Yorimichi's line in the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan. 例文帳に追加

古典的理解での摂関政治では、幼帝の外祖父とその血縁者のみが摂政、後に関白や公卿の権利を持っていたが、院政の成立後には藤原北家頼通流にのみ摂政・関白職が世襲されることが公認される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The vassal groups of the Takeda clan included shinsekishu (a group of relatives) which mainly included siblings and children, and the husbands of daughters of shugo, and those who were in the shoke lineages whose origin was Kai-Genji (the Minamoto clan) similarly to the Takeda clan, such as the Itagaki and the Amari clans, were positioned as Gofudaishu (hereditary daimyo) and kunishu who mainly acted as chief retainers of the Takeda clan. 例文帳に追加

武田氏の家臣団には、守護の兄弟子女、或いは女婿を中心とするご親類衆があるが、板垣氏や甘利氏など、同じ甲斐源氏を祖に持つ庶流の家柄にあるものは、主に武田氏の家老を務める御譜代衆、国衆として位置づけられていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, the Fujiwara clan and the Minamoto clan, the relatives of the Emperor, almost created a monopoly of the Giseikan (a legislative organ), and it is worthy to note that the direct descent of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan achieved the position of Sessho Kanpaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor) in the late ninth century, which made them receive and deal with the political discretion of the Emperor; and they were also successful in making the position hereditary. 例文帳に追加

そのうち、天皇のミウチである藤原氏と源氏が議政官(公卿)をほぼ独占し始め、特に藤原北家嫡流は9世紀後半に天皇の政治決定権を受任・代行しうる摂政・関白の地位を獲得し、その地位を世襲することに成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also during the Ming and Ching dynasty, the government-owned land of the previous dynasty, the confiscated fields (the confiscated shoens of the previous dynasty affiliates) and the denuded lands during war-torn eras and so on were given to the imperial court, the shoo (princes who didn't receive any proclamation to be an Imperial Prince), the relatives who did a distinguished military service, the bureaucrats and so on as shoden (field within a manor) and shoen and so on. 例文帳に追加

明清期においても、前王朝の官有地や没官地(前王朝関係者の荘園を接収したもの)、戦乱のおりの荒廃地などを宮廷や諸王、勲戚、官僚などに荘田・荘園などとして与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Daigaku-besso was the system in which a clan as a whole ensured financial aids for schooling and the livelihood of students (their relatives) and assisted them in advancing into bureaucracy, so it resulted in a 'disparity' between people from clans that, having Daigaku-besso, could offer a stable learning environment and people from other clans that could not. 例文帳に追加

大学別曹は一族単位で学生の学資・生活を保障してその官界進出を助ける制度であったから、安定した勉学環境を得た大学別曹を持つ氏族出身者とそれ以外の氏族との間で「格差」が生み出されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The other adopted son Takakuni, however, conspired with his two relatives, Masakata HOSOKAWA, the bungunshugo (a provincial constable of a specially given province in gun unit) of Settsu Province, Hisaharu HOSOKAWA, the shugo of Awaji Province and Yoshitaka HATAKEYAMA, the shugo of Kawachi Province; amongst the four of them, they agreed to make Sumimoto the successor of the Hosokawa clan (the Keicho family). 例文帳に追加

しかしもう一人の養子・高国は、一族の摂津国分郡守護細川政賢や淡路国守護細川尚春、河内国守護畠山義堯と語らい、細川氏(京兆家)の後継者を澄元とすることで合意をみた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the late medieval period an idea came about that 'kagaku' was consequently upheld even when it was inherited, not by relatives, but by pupils who were committed to the doctrine with a view to giving priority to the inheritance of 'kagaku' itself, as represented as follows ("Fushikaden" [The Flowering Spirit] Besshi Kuden [a separate secret teaching] written by Zeami). 例文帳に追加

中世後期に入ると、下記(世阿弥『風姿花伝』別紙口伝)に代表されるように「家学」そのものの継承を優先として血縁者ではなくても教えに忠実な門人が継ぐ場合でも結果的には「家学」は守られるという考え方も生じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ie seido was a family system, which was introduced to the Civil Codes established in 1898 (hereunder referred as Old Civil Codes), under the system, a small group consisting of relatives and living in a house is considered as a family and a family has a family head who was given an authority to lead a family. 例文帳に追加

家制度(いえせいど)とは、に制定された民法(以降、旧民法という)において採用された家族制度であり、親族関係のある者のうち更に狭い範囲の者を、戸主と家族として一つの家に属させ、戸主に家の統率権限を与えていた制度である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also working for Ninsokuyoseba were Yoriki (police sergeant), who was sent by the town magistrate's office as Mokudai (Deputy), Doshin (police constable), and Yoseba Sahainin (the kind of sponsor who guarantees the characters of the criminals who were chosen out of the exemplary criminals and whose relatives were living away from Edo), doctors, teachers of Shin school (popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings in the Edo period), boatmen and others. 例文帳に追加

配下には町奉行所から目代として派遣された与力、同心、寄場差配人(模範的な人足の中から選抜された身寄が遠国にいる人足の身元を引き受ける保証人の類)、医師、心学の教師、船頭等が所属していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following measures that Ieyasu TOKUGAWA carried out were somewhat similar to jikata-naoshi: the redistribution of shoryo (his vassals' territories) after his move to the Kanto region; and the extensive increase and transfer of territories in favor of Shinpan (Tokugawa's relatives), fudai daimyo (hereditary vassals to the Tokugawa family) and hatamoto who served on his side that took place after the Battle of Sekigahara and Osaka no Jin (The Siege of Osaka). 例文帳に追加

徳川家康の関東地方移封後に伴う天正19年(1591年)の所領の再配分と関ヶ原の戦いと大坂の陣の両戦後に行った親藩・譜代大名及び旗本に対する広範囲のな加増・転封についても地方直としての側面もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the presence of the family head, relatives of the son who was to be adopted, and one who was able to function as the family head, Ometsuke (chief inspector of the Edo shogunate) made the confirmation for daimyo families, and for Hatamoto (a direct retainer of the shogun family) or Gokennin (also a direct retainer of the shogun family but ranked lower than Hatamoto), kashira (head) or shihai of the Hatamoto or Gokenin group (when no kashira or shihai was available, it was carried out by Metsuke [inspector of foot soldiers] officer) made the confirmation. 例文帳に追加

大名家の場合には大目付が、旗本・御家人の場合には所属する頭・支配(不在の場合には目付が代行)が、当主及び養子予定者の親族遠類及び当主の同役などが立ち会った上で確認が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A person liable to supply information may refuse to give information in response to questions the answering of which would make him or one of the relatives specified in Section 383(1), Nos. 1 to 3, of the Code of Civil Procedure liable to prosecution or proceedings under the Law on Administrative Offenses. 例文帳に追加

情報を提供する責を負う者は,自己,又は民事訴訟法第383条(1)1から3までに規定された親族の1人に対して行政反則法に基づく起訴又は訴訟手続の責を負わせることとなるような質問に応じて情報を与えることを拒否することができる。 - 特許庁

The database 4 stores a list of relatives 8 of each supporting member 7 and a temple 6 in which a relative of the insurance contractor 9 joins as a supporting member is retrieved on the basis of an input to the database 4 by the insurance contractor 9.例文帳に追加

データベース4が、各檀信徒7の親族8のリストを格納し、データベース4への保険契約者9の入力に基づいて、この保険契約者9がいずれの寺院6に加盟している檀信徒7の親族8であるかが検索されるようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide a method for sorting out familial relationship of an ancestor and extracting candidates for successors by law out of the relatives without the need for knowledge of laws, and to provide procedures and information required for identifying successors by law out of the candidates.例文帳に追加

法律的な知識を必要とすることなく、被相続人の親族関係を整理し、親族の中から法定相続人となる候補者を抽出する方法を提供し、あわせて候補者から法定相続人を特定するために必要な手続きや情報を提供する。 - 特許庁

To enable parents or relatives of a marriageable person to act as a proxy with his or her consent and to be provided with information and opportunities for seeking for his or her partner to find his or her good partner, when he or she is engaged, or the like, to be not able to receive sufficient information and service by himself or herself.例文帳に追加

本人の時間の都合等、本人だけでは十分な情報やサービスを受けられない場合、身近な両親や親類が本人の同意を得て代理人となり、本人に代わって代理人がパートナー探しのための情報や機会の提供を受け、良縁(パートナー)を探すことを可能とする。 - 特許庁

To quickly notify the relevant people such as family and relatives of an aged person who lives alone or officer at a control center of the emergency state such as sudden illness, injury, or disaster occurring in the home of aged person who lives alone, with no complicated operation required, at a low running cost.例文帳に追加

複雑な操作を必要とすることなく、ランニングコストが低く、高齢単独生活者宅で発生した急病、負傷、災害等の緊急事態を高齢単独生活者の家族、親戚等の関係者、管理センタの係員等に速やかに通知することができるようにする。 - 特許庁

Instead, more property resolutions such as property solutions for temperature property solution are further performed by determining the power detected by the built-in monitor, then calculation of real power output and property of other transmitter is performed by using known relatives.例文帳に追加

代わりに、対温度特性解明等のさらなる特性解明が、内蔵モニタによって検出されたパワーを決定することにより実行され、その後、既知の相関を用いて、実際のパワー出力および他の送信器特性の計算が実行される。 - 特許庁


To provide a folded paper for funeral enabling relatives to express the inclination of praying for the soul of the dead, write down its own feeling to the dead thereon as occasion demand, and fold this farewell message without being put under circumferential scrutiny.例文帳に追加

死者の冥福を願う親族の気持を形にして現わすことができるとともに、必要に応じて死者に対する各自の思いを送り言葉として綴ることができ、且つその送り言葉を、周囲の目に触れることなく折り込むことができる葬儀用折り紙を提供する。 - 特許庁


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