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Wiktionary英語版での「unafraidly」の意味 |
unafraidly (comparative more unafraidly, superlative most unafraidly)
- In an unafraid manner.
- 1916, Grace Livingston Hill, The Finding of Jasper Holt, Philadelphia, Pa.; London: J. B. Lippincott Company, page 142:
- 1920 April 25, “Personal Cleanliness”, in Dayton Daily News, volume VI, number 5, Dayton, Ohio, society section, page 5:
- His topic was personal hygiene, and he unafraidly told the sex he was addressing that as a sex they had many virtues, but included among them was not the cleanliness of body that man is noted for.
- 1922 September 10, Dayton Daily News[1], volume XXXVII, number 20, Dayton, Ohio:
- It is told with the consecutive details in orderly array, and through it all there is the idea implanted in Miss Verinder’s breast that scandal is a thing abhorred by the English of good family, hence she hides the details unafraidly loves through the many years lest an open attachment should ruin his fame.
- 1924 November 22, “Recalling Hanna’s Day”, in The Atlanta Constitution, volume LVII, number 163, Atlanta, Ga., page eight:
- This is a party government, and by all means party responsibility should always be placed where it belongs—directly and unafraidly upon the shoulders of the controlling party.
- 1925 December 22, “Advertising That Harms!”, in The Atlanta Constitution, volume LVIII, number 192, Atlanta, Ga., page eight:
- 1926 March, “To Chocorua”, in The Founders’ Four-Folder, volume 2, number 6, the American Youth Foundation, page twenty-two:
- You are a wise counselor, unafraidly eyeing the future with the steady consciousness of safe moorings and well-beaten trails.
- 1928 November 3, “Sure—But”, in The Tampa Daily Times, thirty-fourth year, number 228, Tampa, Fla., page four-A:
- Coming down to the particular portion of the south known as Florida, it can unafraidly be said that the republican party, as exemplified in the last two national administrations, has not been its friend.
- 1935 March 6, “Society, Club, And Church Women’s Groups Have Many Pre-Lenten Affairs”, in The News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, Mich., page four:
- It is a tale of birth, death, love, hate, mating—(treated unafraidly by both the author of the book かつ last night’s lecturer in his polished review)—of overbearing lords, of days of early American slavery, of economic conditions of early and later America, of the simpering dames of Napoleon’s period, and the passionate women of the luxurious and seductive age of the Roman Empire.
- 1948 August 30, Gracie Allen, “Snoring is Symbol Of Democracy—Loud, Long and Free”, in Telegram-Tribune, 80th year, number 5, San Luis Obispo, Caif., page eight:
- I used to think husbands snored maliciously, but now I feel that snoring is a true symbol of democracy. When I hear clear, strong snores unafraidly shaking the walls, I say to myself: “There is an American whose spirit is not shackled by dictatorship and secret police, who sleeps the loud, happy sleep of the brave and the free.”
- 1959 December 19, Dick Anderson, “Week Before Christmas”, in The Evansville Press, fifty-fourth year, number 147, Evansville, Ind., page 4:
- It has been a long, long time since “we” (Evansville high school basketball) could walk unafraidly among the state’s net giants.
- 1965, Far Eastern University Faculty Journal, page 35:
- 1965, Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the Interamerican Society of Psychology, page 366:
- By the way, other executives and employees of his company had already interestedly and unafraidly expressed their reactions by participating in the study.
- 1965, The Illustrated Weekly of India, page 7:
- We need large-hearted, large-minded men and women at the United Nations, with vision not obscured by diplomat’s blinkers, men and women who can see the truth and act upon it unafraidly.
- 1977 November 29, “Another publication shores up America’s magazine-rich fame”, in Messenger-Inquirer, volume 103, number 334, Owensboro, Ky., page 4A:
- The subjects which Human Nature unafraidly proposes to cover already have been staked out by Psychology Today, Natural History, Human Behavior and, to a lesser degree, Scientific American and Smithsonian.
- 1992, Indian Management: Journal of the All India Management Association, page 49:
- Sloka 6.23 Nirvinna - Unafraidly cheerful.
- 1996, Unitas, page 135:
- If she is writing about husbands, lovers, mothers, fathers, children, other women … or directly about her inner world, to describe internal landscapes, writing her mind, her body, her senses, unafraidly, seeing in poetry an honest means of expressing her own private experiences, expressing the best way she can, from that burning in her groins to that kind of burning in her soul.
- 2000, J. Neil Carmelo Garcia, The Sorrows of Water, Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, →ISBN:
- Here is love poetry as I want it written, wish it to be written—love expressed haltingly, unafraidly, body and soul, love as sacrament and curse, a touching of pain’s raw nerves, each poem a homespun net of pain, love breathless, soundless, words withering inside the mouth, textural feel all over, sheer fluid texture, the joys however of unbodied love, bursting in all colors and details, the secret ecstasies of physical need and release, love overwhelming in whatever guise, contrasts finely juxtaposed and resolved: prayer and profanity, pardon and obloquy, predator and penitent…
- 2021, Dennis Collins, Crystals: Your Beginners Guide to Crystals and Healing Stones: The Ultimate and Unique Manual for Learning How to Use Gemstone in Manifesting Ritual, →ISBN:
- I listen to my argument being read through the court reader, me walking unafraidly and moving towards the Bar, and beginning my debate with a certain manner as I answer the court's inquiries with a sense of balance and maintaining my balance throughout and yet getting at the end of the day, being bombarded by difficult questions; completing the court's requirements and shaping them in my head how I speech; the tone of my speech; my expressions and so on.
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