
「きょうえいだいにし12ちょうめ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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Choroku no hen was an incident that occurred on December 27, 1457 during the Muromachi period when former retainers of the Akamatsu family attacked angu (emperor's temporary palace) of Gonancho (Second Southern Court), made a surprise assault on the brothers of Sonshuo and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor (the latter was a seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians" of the Southern Court), and took away Shinji (the sacred jewel).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because of the relaxation layer 13 formed therein, the first aluminum film 12 will not be affected by crystals in the first aluminum film 12 as a base, and crystal growth is carried out with a small grain size as indicated in a diagram 8. - 特許庁


Fig. 1-3-21 shows the impact of crude oil and raw material price hikes on SME earnings based on two surveys conducted in January and December 2008. - 経済産業省


When a write access request caused in a 1st processing system 12 is supplied to an access arbitration circuit 20 and an access to a memory 16 is allowed, alarm information of the 1st processing system 12 is written in a 1st memory area 16A and a 2nd memory area 16B of the memory 16. - 特許庁



The distance c between the resonant coils 12 and 14 is detected, and the distance a between the feed coil 10 and the resonant coil 12 on the feed side and the distance b between the receiving coil 16 and the resonant coil 14 on the reception side are adjusted to be variable so that feed efficiency may be maximum, according to this distance c. - 特許庁



The demand consisted of the removal of 12 'evil subjects trying to disturb the world in agreement with Yukiie and Yoshitsune' such as TAIRA no Chikamune and TAKASHINA no Yasutsune, governmental management by the Imperial Court by 10 giso kugyo (Noble Council) (Kanezane KUJO, Sanesada TOKUDAIJI, Sanefusa SANJO, FUJIWARA no Muneie, Tadachika NAKAYAMA, FUJIWARA no Saneie, MINAMOTO no Michichika, Tsunefusa YOSHIDA, FUJIWARA no Masanaga, and FUJIWARA no Kanemitsu), and the Imperial edict of inspection to Kanezane (the item of December six of "Azuma Kagami" [The Mirror of the East], the item of December 27 of "Gyokuyo" [Diary of Kanezane KUJO]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, a characteristic expression use trend extracting part 24 extracts a second message group different from the first message group from the message groups included in the log file designated by the log file designating part 12, and evaluates the influence of the first message group on the second message group. - 特許庁


The gas pulse wave fed to the air feed chamber 2 is adjusted to 40-65°C by an air conditioner 9, adjusted to the maximum passing flow speed of 0.4-0.7 m/sec by an air feed damper 11 and an exhaust damper 12, and adjusted to a frequency of 0.5-5 Hz by the pulse wave generating device 4. - 特許庁

平成 23 年 12 月 24 日に閣議決定された「日本再生の基本戦略」では、東日本大震災の影響等直面している問題を解決するために、平成 22 年に閣議決定された「新成長戦略」に盛り込まれた施策の再検証及び強化を図ることが宣言された。例文帳に追加

The “Basic Strategy for the Revitalization of Japan,” which was approved by the cabinet on December 24, 2011, declared that measures incorporated in theNew Growth Strategy” (approved by the Cabinet in 2010) shall be re-examined and strengthened to solve issues confronting Japan, including the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake. - 経済産業省



His innovative initiatives to establish Daijo kaidan, recognize monks who received Daijokai (the commandment of Mahayana Buddhism) as Tendai Sect monks and train them as Bosatsuso (priests of Mahayana Buddhism) by containing them in Mt. Hiei for 12 years deepened the confrontation between Nara Buddhism, which monopolized, due to vested interests, and Kaidan-in which were authorized to grant Shojokai (commandments of Theravada Buddhism) brought by Ganjin Wajo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As such, the “South-to-North Water Transferproject got underway in December 2002 to divert the water of the Yangtze River to northern areas, but it has been pointed out that in addition to technical issues, there are also issues of water quality, the negative impact on ecology, and the problem of relocating residents. - 経済産業省

2005 年12 月、ゴールドマン・サックス経済調査部が、50 年後の世界経済において、BRICs 各国ほど甚大ではないが、非常に大きな影響力をもたらす潜在性を秘めた国々としてとりあげたもの。例文帳に追加

In December 2005, the Goldmansachs economic research group addressed these countries as nations with a latent potential capable of giving impact to the world's economy in 50 years time, although they are not as much generous as BRICs nations. - 経済産業省


The specular reflection type optical modulator 12 converts picture information to video information synchronously with the color wheel 3 to enlarge and projects a picture free from color shading on the screen by a projection lens 13. - 特許庁


The longevity medicine system, a new health care system for the elderly aged 75 and older, is aimed at creating a mechanism through which elderly health care burdens are shared between the working generation and the elderly themselves and providing "health care to support people's lives." After reviewing the system's implementation status since April 2008, the government and ruling parties' council approved the document titled "Reducing Burdens for the Smooth Operation of Elderly Health Care" in June 12, 2008. - 厚生労働省

エアベアリング9によりスライダをプラテン上に浮上させ、次元方向に移動させる平面モータにおいて、 プラテンにエアベアリング9に影響しない程度の大きさで設けられたメンテナンス穴aと、 このメンテナンス穴aを通してスライダのエアベアリング面aの清掃を行うメンテナンス部8と、 を備えたことを特徴とする平面モータ。例文帳に追加

The planar motor in which the slider 12 is levitated on the platen 11 by the air bearing 19 and is moved in a two-dimensional direction includes a maintenance hole 11a provided on the platen 11 so as to have a size not influencing the air bearing 19 and a maintenance portion 18 for cleaning the air bearing surface 12a of the slider 12 through the maintenance hole 11a. - 特許庁


A charger 12 provided on the electric car includes a second resonance coil 31 for receiving the AC power transmitted from the first resonance coil 24; an ASK demodulator 34 for demodulating the received AC power and extracting the control signal; and a rectifier 33 for rectifying the received AC power and supplying DC power, obtained by rectifying the AC power to a battery 35. - 特許庁


Back to the subject of capital control, on which you have observed that Japan's arguments were accepted. In terms of any impacts on Japanese financial institutions, how do you see the current proposal in comparison to the one made last December, considering that megabanks have increased their capital to a very large extent since then - do you expect a more or less reduced degree of negative impacts to come out of the current one?  - 金融庁


This invention configures a portable terminal apparatus comprising: a 1st controller 11 which outputs a PICT signal; and a 2nd controller 12 which synthesizes the PICT signal from the 1st controller 11 and a video signal whose gradation specified by a video signal of a content and input to an image display part 15 is modulated, and which outputs the synthesis to the image display part 15. - 特許庁

第十二条 国は、第八条第四項及び第九条第二項に規定する結果並びに第一種指定化学物質の安全性の評価に関する内外の動向を勘案して、環境の状況の把握に関する調査のうち第一種指定化学物質に係るもの及び第一種指定化学物質による人の健康又は動植物の生息若しくは生育への影響に関する科学的知見を得るための調査を総合的かつ効果的に行うとともに、その成果を公表するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12 The State shall comprehensively and effectively carry out research to gain understanding of the status of the environment as it pertains to Class I Designated Chemical Substance, and research to gain scientific knowledge about the influences of Class I Designated Chemical Substances on human health and inhabitation of animals and plants, by taking into consideration the results prescribed in Article 8, paragraph 4 and Article 9, paragraph 2 as well as the domestic and overseas trends of safety assessment of Class I Designated Chemical Substances, and shall make the results public.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

その後、2005年12月6日の一般理事会において、「決定」の内容をTRIPS 協定第31条の及び同付属書並びに付属書補遺に反映する協定改正議定書が、2003年8月30日の一般理事会議長声明の再読み上げと併せて採択された。例文帳に追加

Since then, at the meeting of the General Council held on December 6, 2005, an amendment that reflected the content of the decisions was incorporated into Article 31.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. Its annex and the appendix to the Article were adopted with the recalling of the Chairman’s statement of August 30, 2003. - 経済産業省


The second period 'Kan Pro' eventually disbanded on August 6, 1937 after releasing its final production on July 29, 1937 called "Gozonji Kuramatengu Senryo Koban," passing all 110 of its staff members to Shinko Kinema Kyoto Studio where Masaichi NAGATA worked as department head.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

昨年後半の輸出動向は、タイの洪水によるHDD の供給不足の影響の他にも、生産循環の中での調整局面の継続や、欧州債務危機等による世界景気の動向、タブレット端末等との競争状況などに左右され、一概には判断が難しいが、昨年12 月には前年同月比で▲ 1.3%とマイナスを記録している(第2-3-4-26 図参照)。例文帳に追加

Although the export trend of the last half of 2011 is difficult to assess since it is affected by various factors in addition to the impact of supply shortage of HDDs due to Thai floods, such as the continuation of adjustment aspect in the production cycle, the global economy, such as the European debt crisis situation, and competition with tablet devices, etc., it registered 1.3% in December 2011compared to the same month a year ago (Figure 2-3-4-26). - 経済産業省


The image of the weld zone when it is illuminated more intensely than the light emission intensity of a molten pool 1 with the second harmonic short pulse laser beams 3 and the optical cutting image 39 on the surface of a base material 12 with fan beams 32 of the fundamental harmonic short pulse laser beams 31 are simultaneously picked up by the camera 4. - 特許庁


The second device is constituted in such a way that the upper side edge of an effective imaging area 14a on the detector is determined and that the X-ray 30b at the lowest position of the symmetrically collimated beam 30 to arrive at the detector determines the lower side edge of the effective imaging area and constitutes a lower boundary which is decided by the selective adjustment of the first collimator 12. - 特許庁


A first support 10 having a magnetic layer 10a on one surface, and a second support 12 having a magnetic layer 12a on one surface are stuck to each other with the other surfaces having no magnetic layers faced oppositely, and the magnetic layers 10a, 12a contain magnetic particles having CuAu type or Cu_3Au type ferromagnetic ordered alloy phases. - 特許庁


It propagates, in a second sensor part 12, ultrasonic waves S_3 and S_4 through the fluid W in the respective passages 14a and 15a of dead end parts 14 and 15 and obtains signal strengths of reflected waves S_31, S_32, S_41 and S_42 reflected on inner wall surfaces 14b, 14c, 15b and 15c. - 特許庁


This head protection airbag element 12 having a body 12A roll-folded toward an outside of a vehicle and a folding part 12B folded like bellows and positioned above the vehicle of the body 12 under a deploying condition is deployed like a curtain inside the compartment under supply of expansion gas at the time of side collision or roll-over. - 特許庁


In the white light emitting diode; a GaN-based LED layer 12 is provided on one surface of a substrate 10, a cathode electrode 12a and an anode electrode 12b are provided to the GaN-based LED layer 12, and a phosphor-contained layer 14 and a reflecting mirror 16 are sequentially provided on the other surface of the substrate 10. - 特許庁


Saicho's earnest desire was to establish the building of Daijo-Kaidan (Mahayana ordination center) and those who received Mahayana precepts were admitted as the bodhisattva priest of Tendai sect and they secluded themselves at Mt. Hiei and underwent ascetic training there for twelve years, and due to this scheme he came into conflict with vested interests of Nanto Buddhism which dominated Kaidan-in of the commandment of Theravada Buddhism brought by Ganjin (Jianzhen) (688 – 763) in Ritsu sect.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This fuel gas container loading structure is provided with the fuel gas containers 10, the fuel gas supplying equipment 12, 13 and 14 to adjust the supply of the fuel gas from the fuel gas containers and a support frame 11 on which the fuel gas containers and the fuel gas supplying equipment are mounted and to be fixed on mounting bases 100a, 100b of the vehicle. - 特許庁


The device is provided with a first collimator 12 which is arranged along a beam route, which is adjustable in a vertical direction and also can be moved to symmetrically collimate the beam and a second collimator device 24 which is arranged between the first collimator 12 and a detector 14 and which restricts an X-ray at the highest position of the symmetrically collimated beam 30 to arrive at the detector to a previously fixed upper boundary 26a. - 特許庁


Red, green and blue illuminating light beams, emitted from light-emitting diodes 12 R, 12G and 12R, are radiated to picture display light bulbs 11R, 11G and 11B through relay lenses and field lenses and are spatially modulated in intensity and are composited by a composite prism 10 and are enlarged and projected on a screen 17 by a projection lens 15. - 特許庁


Relating to this device, the light intensity of the optical signal branched is detected by an acoustooptical tunable filter(AOTF) part 10 to be outputted while changing a frequency of an RF signal generated by an RF signal generation means 14 by a maximum value discrimination means 12. - 特許庁


Then, the setting value of the size and position or the like for display of the signal on the slave screen is recorded and preserved in a random access memory RAM 13, and the setting value is fed through the central processing unit 11 to the OSD 12 which generates a graph so as to be reduced or magnified corresponding to the magnification or reduction of the image on the slave screen. - 特許庁


The floating amount measuring unit 12 measure the interference intensity of optical interference fringes for a measuring area set in a position in the optical interference fringes generated between the first surface 22a of the disk and the magnetic head 3, and measures the floating amount h of the magnetic head based on a relation between the wavelength of an illumination light and the interference intensity. - 特許庁


Since the SME Financing Facilitation Act came into force last December, the FSA has been closely watching the status of its implementation as well as any effect and impacts from it, and I have visited Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kitakyushu and Fukuoka and Sendai to hear actual voices from SME business groups and financial institutions in the respective regions a number of times. Our findings from those actions show that the business and financing conditions of SMEs still remain severe and, given the uncertainty about the future, there will likely be a constant level of demand for lending term changes and other arrangements.  - 金融庁


The production method of the conjugated diene polymer comprises polymerizing a diene compound by using a catalyst prepared from (A) an yttrium compound, (B) an ionic compound comprising a noncoordinating anion and a cation, (C) an organometallic compound of an element selected from the Groups 2, 12 and 13 of the Periodic table and (D) a sulfur-containing compound. - 特許庁

中国海関総署、韓国関税庁及び日本財務省関税局(以下「3か国税関」という)は、近接した重要な隣国として、中国、韓国及び日本は東アジア地域に大きな影響力を有し、また、3か国間の経済・貿易関係が継続的に発展し、3か国のパートナーシップは益々緊密になってきたことを認め、2008年に起こった金融危機からの回復の兆しが世界のいくつかの地域においては見え始めたものの、経済の安定は一様ではなく、経済成長は緩慢であろうことを認識し、グローバリゼーション及び地域的経済統合の持続的な発展とともに、3か国税関間の協力関係の強化が、地域における貿易の円滑化及び貿易の発展を促進する、より安全な環境を作り出すことの助けとなることを確信し、2008年 12月 13日、日本の福岡での日中韓首脳会議において締結された「日中韓3か国の協力を促進する行動計画」に留意し、2007年 4月に日本の東京で開催された第回日中韓関税局長長官会議及び 2008年 11月に韓国の済州島で開催された第回日中韓関税局長長官会議での総意に従い、次の行動計画に合意した。例文帳に追加

The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, the Korea Customs Service of the Republic of Korea, and the Customs and Tariff Bureau of Ministry of Finance, Japan (hereinafter referred to as the Three Customs),Acknowledging that as close and important neighbors, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan have significant influence in the East Asian region, and that the economic and trade relations among the three countries have witnessed continuous development and the tripartite partnership is increasingly close;Recognizing that a sign of recovery from financial crisis which broke out in 2008 is beginning to be seen in some parts of the world, but stabilization is uneven and economic growth is expected to be sluggish;Convinced that with the constant development of globalization and regional economic integration, enhanced cooperation among the Three Customs would help to create a safer environment to promote trade facilitation and development of trade in the region;Having regard to theAction Plan for Promoting Trilateral Cooperation among the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea” which was concluded in Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit in Fukuoka, Japan on 13 December 2008;Pursuant to the consensuses reached at the first Tripartite Customs HeadsMeeting held in Tokyo, Japan in April 2007 and the second Tripartite Customs HeadsMeeting held in Jeju, the Republic of Korea in November 2008;Have agreed upon the following Action Plan: - 財務省


The SAW resonator for achieving the above object is provided with a pair of reflectors 14 (14a, 14b) disposed on a piezoelectric substrate 12, a pair of IDTs 16 (16a, 16b) consisting of interdigital transducers 18 (18a, 18b, 18c and 18d) provided in parallel between the pair of reflectors 14. - 特許庁


The video display for displaying an input video signal inputs a video signal to a frequency component analyzing device 12, a frequency analyzing device extracts a frequency in each frequency band about video information for one scene of an image, and an image quality control circuit 14 in the video display controls the image quality of the image on the basis of the frequency. - 特許庁


Many issues under Article 6 on evidence are, inter alia, intimately linked to the issue of public notice under Article 12, with respect to the various stages in an investigation Too often, investigations rely on inaccurate, misleading and unrepresentative data. In particular, when using constructed values and samples, rigorous standards and methods should be applied. In this context, we have previously pointed to the need for investigating authorities to actively seek correct, relevant, representative and statistically valid data and information as well as giving interested parties full opportunity to present their facts and views during the course of an investigation. Likewise, there is a particular need for improved standards and procedures for public notices and explanations of determinations. Such procedures should provide the public and any interested party with all facts, methods and assessments, including a detailed description on how the exact results relating to dumping and injury determination have been derived at, in order to allow independent scrutiny.  - 経済産業省

(5) 第86条(3)及び(6)の適用上,出願又は出願の補正書の英語翻訳文が要求される場合において,当該翻訳文には, (a) (i) 出願人が登録官に対し,(1)に定める期間の満了よりも早期に手続を開始することを明確に請求しており,かつ (ii) 出願が特許協力条約に従って公開されていない場合, を除いて,当該請求及び要約を含めないものとし, (b) 特許協力条約に基づく規則の第49規則5(d)に従った様式による図面中の字句部分を含めるものとし, (c) 特許協力条約に基づく規則の第37規則2に基づいて国際調査機関が原出願に記載された名称とは異なる名称を設定した場合は,当該新名称の代わりに旧名称を含めるものとし,かつ (d) 説明の一部を形成する配列一覧に含まれる字句部分については,当該字句部分が特許協力条約に基づく規則の第12規則1(d)を遵守し,かつ,当該説明が同規則の第5規則2(b)を遵守する場合は,これを除外することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) For the purposes of section 86(3) and (6), where an English translation of the application or any amendment of the application is required, the translation -- (a) shall exclude the request and abstract unless -- (i) the applicant expressly requests the Registrar to proceed earlier than the expiry of the period prescribed in paragraph (1); and (ii) the application has not been published in accordance with the Patent Co-operation Treaty; (b) shall include any textual matter in the drawings in a form which complies with rule 49.5(d) of the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty; (c) where a title has been established by the International Searching Authority under rule 37.2 of the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty which differs from the title included in the application as originally filed, shall include the former title in place of the latter; and (d) may exclude any textual matter contained in a sequence listing forming part of the description if such textual matter complies with rule 12.1(d) of the Regulations under the Patent Co-operation Treaty and the description complies with rule 5.2(b) of those Regulations. - 特許庁

第31条 優先権 条約,協定又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に類似の特典を与える外国において同一の発明について先に出願をした者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国での出願をした日に出願をしたものとみなす。ただし, (a)当該出願において優先権を明示して主張し, (b)最先の外国での出願がなされた日から12月以内に出願し,かつ (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国での出願の認証謄本を英語での翻訳文とともに提出することを条件とする。例文帳に追加

Sec.31 Right of Priority An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines. - 特許庁



As I informed you when I met with US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Governor of the People's Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan and other governors of central banks in August 2010, financial institutionsespecially banks engaged in international operations—will certainly become more stable if they have more capital. In Japan, however, both public and private sectors had a very bitter experience during the financial crisis 12 years ago. Looking back, even sustainable companies that would otherwise have been sound were forced into bankruptcy due to the widespread credit crunch and credit withdrawal resulting from financial institutions seeking to secure capital temporarily, and the damage incurred was particularly extensive among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the time, the Nikkei Average looked as though it was about to fall below 7,000 yen, so Japan's argument based on such experience has been reflected in the G20 Summit declarations to date and the agreement announced at the recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision.  - 金融庁


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