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For example, where the contents of a license agreement are clearly presented on the online screen, (e.g.) the Agreement Button and the Purchase Button are plainly visible and are arranged distinctively from other buttons used for downloading; the screen is configured in such a way that if the contractual text is too long to be displayed on a single screen, the Agreement Button cannot be clicked unless consumers scroll through the entire text. Under such circumstances, if the consumer clicks the Purchase Button after clicking the Agreement Button, the license agreement is formed, and the consumer can demand no refund. 例文帳に追加

例えば、オンライン画面上のライセンス契約内容の明示の方法として、同意ボタンや購入ボタンは十分に目立つものとし、単にダウンロードを進めるためのその他のボタンとは異なるように配したり、仮に契約条項が長大で1画面に表示しきれない場合は、最後までスクロールしないと同意ボタンをクリックできないような構造とした場合において、同意ボタンをクリックした後に購入ボタンをクリックした場合は、ライセンス契約の成立が認められ、ユーザーは返金を求めることはできないと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

A judicial precedent also states, "The registration of a domain name is granted by private contract (the contents of which are the Registration Regulations) between an internet user and JPNIC (which handled the registration of domain names in the past), a domain name registration agency. The registrant of a domain name uses the domain name by virtue of the contract with JPNIC, and any right the registrant has to the domain name is a contractual one to be asserted against the JPNIC"(Judgment of Tokyo District Court, November. 29, 2001). 例文帳に追加

裁判例においても「ドメイン名登録は、インターネット利用者とドメイン名登録機関であるJPNIC(注:当時は JPNICが登録業務を行っていた。)との間で登録規則をその内容(契約約款)とする私的な契約により付与されるものであり、ドメイン名登録者はJPNICに対する債権契約上の権利としてドメイン名を使用するものであって、ドメイン名について登録者が有する権利はJPNICに対する債権的な権利にすぎない」(東京地裁平成13年11月29日判決)とされている。 - 経済産業省

(2) If the competent minister discovers that the contents of a written application for the permission under Article 9, a license under Article 78 or the approval under Article 155, paragraph 1 or Article 156, paragraph 1 or the documents attached thereto include a false entry regarding an important matter or lack a statement regarding an important fact, he/she may rescind said permission, license or approval or issue an order to change the part pertaining to said mportant matter with respect to the articles of incorporation, market rules, brokerage contract rules, dispute resolution rules or market transactions surveillance committee rules. 例文帳に追加

2 主務大臣は、第九条若しくは第七十八条の許可若しくは第百五十五条第一項若しくは第百五十六条第一項の認可の申請書又はこれらの書面の添付書類の記載事項のうちに、重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は重要な事実の記載が欠けていることを発見したときは、当該許可若しくは認可を取り消し、又は定款、業務規程、受託契約準則、紛争処理規程若しくは市場取引監視委員会規程について当該重要事項に係る部分の変更を命ずることができる。 - 経済産業省

The termpersonal information database, etc.means an assembly of information which includes personal information and is systematically arranged in such a way that specific personal information can be retrieved by a computer, or such an assembly of information, which is not processed by a computer and in a condition where others can easily retrieve, as a medical record and a cumulative guidance record in which personal information processed on paper is organized and classified according to certain rules (for example, the order of the Japanese syllabary, etc.), and has a table of contents, an index, or a code, etc. in order for the easy retrieval of specific personal information. 例文帳に追加

「個人情報データベース等」とは、特定の個人情報をコンピュータを用いて検索することができるように体系的に構成した、個人情報を含む情報の集合物、又はコンピュータを用いていない場合であっても、カルテや指導要録等、紙面で処理した個人情報を一定の規則(例えば、五十音順等)に従って整理・分類し、特定の個人情報を容易に検索することができるよう、目次、索引、符号等を付し、他人によっても容易に検索可能な状態に置いているものをいう。 - 経済産業省


(3) When a Member, etc. or an Intermediary seeks to receive approval pertaining to the conclusion of a contract (including a change to a contract) set forth in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act, he/she shall submit a written application for approval including the following matters to the competent minister: (i) trade name or name of a Bank, etc. which is the counterparty of the contract he/she intends to conclude; (ii) contents of said contract; (iii) in the case where collateral is offered for said contract, matters concerning said collateral; (iv) name or trade name of a Commodity Exchange to which he/she intends to give notification. 例文帳に追加

3 会員等又は取次者は、法第百三条第七項の契約の締結(契約の変更を含む。)に係る 承認を受けようとするときは、次に掲げる事項を記載した承認申請書を主務大臣に提出 しなければならない。 一締結をしようとする契約の相手方である銀行等の商号又は名称 二当該契約の内容 三当該契約につき担保を供する場合にあっては、当該担保に関する事項 四届出をしようとする商品取引所の名称又は商号 - 経済産業省


(4) When the competent minister finds that the application for approval set forth in the preceding paragraph meets the following requirements, he/she shall grant the approval set forth in the same paragraph: (i) the contents of the contract pertaining to the application meet the requirements listed in respective items of paragraph 2; (ii) a Bank, etc. which is the counterparty of said contract has the funds and credit necessary to carry out said contract; (iii) in light of the status of the business and property of the applicant, it is recognized that the conclusion of said contract does not cause any problem for the protection of customers. 例文帳に追加

4 主務大臣は、前項の承認の申請が次に掲げる要件に適合していると認めるときは、同 項の承認をしなければならない。一申請に係る契約の内容が第二項各号に掲げる要件に適合するものであること。 二当該契約の相手方である銀行等が当該契約を履行するのに必要な資力及び信用を有 すること。三承認申請者の業務又は財産の状況に照らし、当該契約を締結することが委託者の保 護上問題がないと認められること。 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 123, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) contents of an entity conversion plan; (ii) matters concerning estimates of the performance of the liabilities of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion (which means an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion prescribed in Article 122, paragraph 3 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter); (iii) when there has been a change to the matters listed in the preceding two items after the principal office filed a written or Electromagnetic Record set forth in Article 123, paragraph 1 of the Act pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百二十三条第一項に規定する主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。一組織変更計画の内容 二組織変更後株式会社商品取引所(法第百二十二条第三項に規定する組織変更後株式 会社商品取引所をいう。以下同じ。)の債務の履行の見込みに関する事項 三法第百二十三条第一項の規定により同項の書面又は電磁的記録を主たる事務所に備 え置いた日後、前二号に掲げる事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

(a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business - 84 - year (for a Member Commodity Exchange, the final business year in the case where approval under Article 68 of the Act was received for Settlement Related Documents, etc. prescribed in Article 66, paragraph 1 of the Act pertaining to the respective business years, and for an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the final business year prescribed in Article 2, item 24 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; 例文帳に追加

イ最終事業年度(会員商品取引所にあっては各事業年度に係る法第六十六条第一項 に規定する決算関係書類等につき法第六十八条の承認を受けた場合における当該 各事業年度のうち最も遅いものとし、株式会社商品取引所にあっては会社法第二 条第二十四号に規定する最終事業年度とする。以下同じ。)に係る財産目録、貸借 対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成された損益計算書の内容 - 経済産業省

(b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. (which means extraordinary accounting documents, etc. set forth in Article 2, paragraph 3, item 13 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in (c)) as an extraordinary closing day (which means an extraordinary closing day prescribed in Article 441, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; 例文帳に追加

ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日。ハにおいて同じ。)後の日を臨時決算日(会社法第四百 四十一条第一項に規定する臨時決算日をいう。以下同じ。)(二以上の臨時決算日 がある場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等(会社法施行規則 第二条第三項第十三号の臨時計算書類等をいう。以下同じ。)があるときは、当該 臨時計算書類等の内容 - 経済産業省


The East Asia Free Trade Area (EAFTA) initiative ofASEAN+3”, which consists of ASEAN 10 countries and the three countries of Japan, China and South Korea, has been under study by the joint expert group since 2005, while the Comprehensive Economic Partnership for East Asia (CEPEA) initiative ofASEAN+6” (Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand), proposed by Japan in 2006, has been studied by experts from the private sector since 2007. The final reports on these two proposals were submitted to economic ministers and top leaders in 2009, and it was agreed that they would launch intergovernmental discussions on the contents of the reports.例文帳に追加

2005 年から共同専門家研究を開始したASEAN10か国に日中韓3 か国を加えた「ASEAN + 3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構想と、2006 年に我が国が提案し、2007 年から民間研究を開始した「ASEAN + 6」(日、中、韓、インド、豪州、NZ)によるCEPEA 構想の2 つの構想については、2009 年に経済閣僚及び首脳に研究の最終報告書が提出され、報告内容について政府間の議論を開始することが合意された。 - 経済産業省


Regarding promotion and strengthening of international competitiveness of media content industries, building anIntellectual Property-Based Countryis one issue incorporated in the government’s Intellectual Property Strategic Program, and efforts by government and industry are progressing. The environment for media content industries is rapidly changing, with advances by other countries in each media content sector (especially progress in Asia: China, South Korea, etc.), diversification of contents distribution routes accompanying the move to broadband Internet, etc. Considering these changes, it is necessary to improve and accelerate efforts for promotion of Japan’s media content industries.例文帳に追加

コンテンツ産業の振興、国際競争力の強化については、「知的財産立国」へ向けた課題の一つとして政府の「知的財産推進計画」等に盛り込まれ、政府や産業界による取組が進められているが、各コンテンツ分野における諸外国の取組の進展(とりわけ、アジアにおける中国や韓国等の躍進)や、インターネットのブロードバンド化に伴うコンテンツ流通経路の多様化等、コンテンツ産業を取り巻く環境が急速に変化していることを踏まえると、我が国コンテンツ産業の振興に向けた取組を充実、加速させる必要がある。 - 経済産業省

In response to this, explanatory meetings were held at 18 locations across Japan to widely communicate the contents of the revised Unfair Competition Prevention Act. In addition, the working group on the management of business secrets under the subcommittee on how to protect information technology of the Industrial Structure Council‘s Intellectual Property Policy Committee held several rounds of debate from August 2009, and the working group worked out a proposal for the revision of the guideline for the management of business secrets in March 2010 in order to provide further support to efforts to ensure the appropriate management of business secrets that is a prerequisite for legal protection.例文帳に追加

これを受け、改正不正競争防止法の内容を周知すべく、全国18か所において説明会を開催するとともに、2009年8月より産業構造審議会知的財産政策部会「技術情報の保護等の在り方に関する小委員会営業秘密の管理に関するワーキンググループ」において議論を重ね、法的保護を受けるために必要な企業の適切な営業秘密の管理に向けたアプローチを更に支援するため、2010 年3月に産業構造審議会WGにおいて営業秘密管理指針の改訂案の取りまとめがなされた。 - 経済産業省

Unfortunately, the “soft powerof Japan has not generated business overseas. Japanese content is excellent; however, content has not been established as an industry. A survey on sales from the Japanese contentssector shows that the percentage of overseas sales is only 2% of its entire sales, which is only one-tenth of that of the United States, whose overseas sales represent approximately 20% of the total. (Extracted from speech by Prime Minister Taro Aso, “Toward new growth”)例文帳に追加

「残念ながらこうしたソフトパワーというものは、海外でのビジネスにはつながっていないんです。日本のコンテンツというものは大したものなんですが、コンテンツが産業になっていないんです。コンテンツ産業の売上げというものを調べてみると、海外での売上げは全売上高のたったの2%です。米国などは約20%売りますから、これで10分の1です。」(2008年4月9日 麻生総理大臣スピーチ「新たな成長に向けて」より抜粋) - 経済産業省

A person who intends to provide matters prescribed in the following provisions by an Electromagnetic Device (which means the Electromagnetic Device prescribed in Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) (such person shall be referred to as a "Provider" in the following paragraph) shall inform the other party to whom said matters are to be provided of the type and contents of the Electromagnetic Device which he/she intends to use and gain such party's consent in writing or by an Electromagnetic Device, in advance, pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry: 例文帳に追加

次に掲げる規定に規定する事項を電磁的方法(法第十二条第四項 に規定する電磁的方法をいう。以下同じ )により提供しようとする者(次項において「提供者」という )は、主務省令で定めるところにより、あらかじめ、当該事項の提供の相手方に対し、その用いる電磁的方法の種類及び内容を示し、書面又は電磁的方法による承諾を得なければならない。 - 経済産業省

However, licensee of reactor operation may use the nuclear installation without passing a pre-service inspection in the case where the reactor is used for test purposes, or in the case where there is a special reason for having to use a completed part of the nuclear installation, to which the licensee need to obtain approval of the Minister of METI on the period and method of that use, or in the case where the Minister of METI issues an instruction to allow that the nuclear installation may be used without undergoing a pre-service inspection, recognizing that there is no problem from the viewpoint of the conditions about the place of installment of the nuclear installation or the contents of the construction.例文帳に追加

ただし、原子炉本体を試験のために使用する場合又は原子炉施設の完成した部分を使用しなければならない特別の理由がある場合であって、その使用の期間及び方法について経済産業大臣の承認を受け、そのとおりに使用する場合、あるいは、原子炉施設の設置の場所の状況又は工事の内容により、経済産業大臣が支障がないと認めて検査を受けないで使用することができる旨を指示した場合には、使用前検査に合格することなく原子炉施設を使用することができる。 - 経済産業省

Furthermore, the Survey on SME Business Conditions, which surveyed about 19,000 SMEs, including enterprises with capital of less than ¥20 million that were not covered by the BOJ Tankan, indicated that the SMEsBusiness conditions DI continued to decline for 12 consecutive quarters, from April-June 2006 to January-March 2009. The Business conditions DI in the period of October- December 2008 had been the worst since revising the survey contents in 1994, until a new record was made in January-March 2009.例文帳に追加

また、「中小企業景況調査」は、日銀短観の調査対象となっていない資本金2千万円未満の企業を含めた、約1万9千の中小企業を対象とした調査であるが、同調査の中小企業の業況判断DIは、2006年4-6月期から2009年1-3月期までの12四半期連続で悪化を続け、2008年10-12月期に現行の調査内容となった1994年以降で最悪の値となり、2009年1-3月期も最悪の値を更新した。 - 経済産業省

In terms of the employment of manufacturers by business organization, employment in the "manufacturing" division decreased throughout 2000s while that in "R&D," "services," and "international business," etc. was on an upward trend. Amid a gathering momentum of business activities overseas, it is found that, in the manufacturing industry as well, a shift of domestic employment from "manufacturing" to "R&D" and "services," etc. is becoming important, showing that changes of domestic functions and elements with the progress of overseas development have an impact on the contents of employment.例文帳に追加

製造業の雇用を事業組織別にみると、2000 年代を通じて、「製造」が減少する一方、「研究開発」や「サービス」、「国際事業」等において拡大する傾向があり、海外での事業活動展開が活発化する中、製造業においても、国内の雇用を「製造」から「研究開発」や「サービス」等にシフトさせていくことが重要となっていることが伺われる。これまでみてきた海外展開に伴う国内の機能や要素に関する変化が雇用内容にも影響を与えていることが見て取れる。 - 経済産業省

In FY2009, in order to ensure that the content of training in the water supply sector conducted in Japan and overseas under the auspices of Official Development Assistance (ODA) is implemented more effectively, as a basis for review of training contents, the training implemented in Japan, and the issue-specific training implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in particular were focused on.In addition to organizing and setting out information on training and lecture materials, future challenges were identified and these were cited in the report that was compiled.例文帳に追加

平成 21 年度においては、政府開発援助(ODA)により国内外で行われる水道分野の研修の内容をより効果的なものとするために、研修内容の検討の足がかりとして、本邦にて実施されている研修、特にJICA課題別研修に着目して、研修講義資料等の情報の整理を行うとともに、今後の課題の抽出を行い報告書にとりまとめた(水道分野の研修に関する検討報告書、平成 21 年度厚生労働省水道分野の国際協力検討事業・水道国際協力検討委員会、平成22年3 月:以下参考文献2)。 - 厚生労働省

Area of cooperation is human resources development in development committee for promoting sound management of water supply business which contributes to human health from the aspect of Water Safety Plans. Contents of cooperation are to carry out human resource development project for staffs from the water supply related department in respective committee in collaboration with counterparts from health and education sectors.例文帳に追加

両都市の給水区域内のパイロット地域にて、両都市の水道(飲料水供給)担当部署に対して安全な飲料水供給を行うための人材育成プロジェクトを行う。以下、プロジェクトはパイロット地域を設定した給水区域に対して行うものとする。 本プロジェクトは施設整備の進捗に合わせて行われるため、それぞれの都市において、施設整備の進展とともに別個に進めるものとする。但し、それぞれのプロジェクトの進捗状況に関する情報、経験などを相互に共有するものとする。 - 厚生労働省

Article 6 (1) In the case where a Fisheries Cooperative Association that has prepared an authorized Aquaculture Area Improvement Plan intends to issue a resolution on a change (excluding a change to a matter relevant to the qualification of any person having the right to operate a fishery provided in paragraph (1) of Article 8 of the Fishery Act; the same shall apply in paragraph (4)) to the Fishery Right Exercise Rule or Piscary Exercise Rule (referring to the Fishery Right Exercise Rule or Piscary Exercise Rule of the same paragraph) at a general meeting (including a sectional meeting of the general meeting and a representatives' meeting) in conformance with the contents of Article 4, paragraph (2), item (iii), in order to make the members of the association comply with the contents of the authorized Aquaculture Area Improvement Plan, the Fisheries Cooperative Association shall not be required to issue a resolution pursuant to the provisions of Article 50 of the Aquatic Industry Cooperative Association Act (Act No. 242 of 1948) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (6) of Article 52 of the same Act; the same shall apply elsewhere in this paragraph) or paragraph (6) of Article 51-2 of the same Act, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 50 or paragraph (6) of Article 51-2 of the same Act, if the consent in writing of not fewer than two-thirds of the members having the right to operate the fishery covered by said fishery right or common of piscary (hereinafter referred to as "the specific members") is obtained pursuant to ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 例文帳に追加

第六条 認定漁場改善計画を作成した漁業協同組合が、認定漁場改善計画の内容を遵守させるために、総会(総会の部会及び総代会を含む。)で、第四条第二項第三号に掲げる事項の内容に適合するように行う漁業権行使規則又は入漁権行使規則(漁業法第八条第一項の漁業権行使規則又は入漁権行使規則をいう。)の変更(同項に規定する漁業を営む権利を有する者の資格に関する事項の変更を除く。第四項において同じ。)の議決を行おうとする場合において、当該漁業権又は入漁権の内容たる漁業を営む権利を有する組合員(以下「特定組合員」という。)の三分の二以上の書面による同意を農林水産省令で定めるところにより得ているときは、水産業協同組合法(昭和二十三年法律第二百四十二号)第五十条(同法第五十二条第六項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)又は第五十一条の二第六項の規定にかかわらず、同法第五十条又は第五十一条の二第六項の規定による議決によることを要しないものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) In the case where a Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations which has prepared an authorized Aquaculture Area Improvement Plan intends to issue a resolution on a change to a Fishery Right Exercise Rule or a Piscary Exercise Rule as provided in paragraph (1) of this Article at a general meeting (including a representatives' meeting), to conform to the contents of the matter provided in Article 4, paragraph (2), item (iii) of this Act in order to make the members of the Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations comply with the contents of the authorized Aquaculture Area Improvement Plan, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 50 of the Aquatic Industry Cooperative Association Act (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 52, paragraph (6) of the same Act which is then applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 92, paragraph (3) of the same Act; hereinafter the same shall apply elsewhere in this paragraph) applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 92 of the same Act, the Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations shall not be required to issue a resolution pursuant to the provisions of Article 50 of the same Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 92 of the same Act, if the consent of all of the member Fisheries Cooperative Associations respectively, directly or indirectly consisting of the specific members (hereinafter referred to as "Specific Members' Associations") is obtained pursuant to ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 例文帳に追加

4 認定漁場改善計画を作成した漁業協同組合連合会が、認定漁場改善計画の内容を遵守させるために、総会(総代会を含む。)で、第四条第二項第三号に掲げる事項の内容に適合するように行う第一項に規定する漁業権行使規則又は入漁権行使規則の変更の議決を行おうとする場合において、特定組合員を直接又は間接の構成員とする会員たる漁業協同組合(以下「特定組合員所属組合」という。)のすべての同意を農林水産省令で定めるところにより得ているときは、水産業協同組合法第九十二条第三項において準用する同法第五十条(同法第九十二条第三項において準用する同法第五十二条第六項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定にかかわらず、同法第九十二条第三項において準用する同法第五十条の規定による議決によることを要しないものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Where a consumer can enter into a contract with a business entity by following the procedure displayed on its website, if he makes an unintentional offer (for example, where he mistakenly sends an offer although he has no actual intention to make an offer) or if he makes an offer in which the contents do not correspond to his actual intentions (for example, where he acted without revising his first offer where the first offer does not correspond with his actual intention, and where he intended to make a change), then he can assert the invalidity of the offer which was not intended or which is different from his actual intention. The proviso to Article 95 of the Civil Code is not applicable except where the business entity has taken measures to give the consumer an opportunity to confirm his intention to make the offer and to confirm the contents of the offer or where the consumer voluntarily waives such opportunity (Article 3 of the Electronic Contract Law). 例文帳に追加

消費者がウェブ画面を通じて事業者が画面上に表示する手続に従って当該事業者との契約の申込みを行う際、意図しない申込み(例えば、全く申込みを行う意思がないにもかかわらず、操作を誤って申込みを行ってしまったような場合)や意図 と異なる内容の申込み(例えば、操作を誤って申込みの内容を入力してしまったにもかかわらず、それを訂正しないままに内心の意思と異なる内容の申込みであると表示から推断される表示行為を行ってしまったような場合)を行った場合は、事業者が消費者に対して申込みを行う意思や申込みの内容について確認を求める措置を講じた場合及び消費者自らが申込みを行う意思や申込みの内容についての確認の機会が不要である旨の意思を表明をした場合を除き、民法第95条ただし書の規定は適用されず、消費者は、意図しない契約の申込みや意図と異なる申込みの意思表示を無効とすることができる(電子契約法第3条)。 - 経済産業省

(2) In the case where a Member, etc. or an Intermediary (which means a Member, etc. or an Intermediary prescribed in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) seeks to conclude a contract set forth in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act with a Bank, etc., he/she shall ensure that the contents thereof meet the following requirements: (i) on receipt of an instruction from a Commodity Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 9, the amount of the clearing margin pertaining to said instruction will be deposited with said Commodity Exchange for said Member, etc. or Intermediary; (ii) it is prohibited to set off debts of a Bank, etc. or claims for said Member, etc. or Intermediary based on said contract; (iii) the contract is valid for the period of three months or longer; (iv) a Member, etc. or an Intermediary may not cancel the contract or change the contents of the contract, except when he/she had received approval from the competent minister and a Commodity Exchange (limited to a Commodity Exchange which received a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) in advance; (v) a Member, etc. or an Intermediary shall notify the termination of the contract to a Commodity Exchange by one month prior to the day of termination. 例文帳に追加

2 会員等又は取次者(法第百三条第七項に規定する会員等又は取次者をいう。以下この 条において同じ。)は、銀行等と法第百三条第七項の契約を締結しようとする場合には、 その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。 一法第百三条第九項の規定による商品取引所の指示を受けたときは、当該会員等又は 取次者のために当該指示に係る額の取引証拠金が遅滞なく当該商品取引所に預託され るものであること。 二当該契約に基づく銀行等の債務と当該会員等又は取次者に対する債権を相殺するこ とを禁止するものであること。三三月以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。四会員等又は取次者は、あらかじめ主務大臣及び商品取引所(法第百三条第七項の規 定による届出を受けた商品取引所に限る。以下この条において同じ。)の承認を受け た場合を除き、契約の解除又は契約の内容の変更をすることができないものであるこ と。 五会員等又は取次者は、契約が終了する日の一月前までに、その旨を商品取引所に通 知をするものとすること。 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 130, paragraph 1, item 4 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) the total number of shares of stock which an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion can issue (in the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock, including the total number of the respective types of classified shares of stock that can be issued at the time of entity conversion); (ii) when the matters listed in the respective items of Article 107, paragraph 1 of the Company Act are specified as being the contents of Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion issued by an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion (excluding the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock), the contents of said shares of stock; (iii) when it is determined that an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion (limited to the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock) shall issue Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion with different contents with regard to the matters listed in the respective items of Article 108, paragraph 1 of the Company Act, the contents of the respective types of shares of stock (in the case where there are the provisions of the articles of incorporation set forth in paragraph 3 of the same Article with regard to a certain type of shares of stock, and when the contents of said type of shares of stock are not specified by an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion pursuant to said articles of incorporation, the outline of the contents of said type of shares of stock); (iv) when there are provisions of the articles of incorporation with regard to the number of shares per unit, said number of shares per unit (in the case where an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion is a company issuing classified shares of stock, the number of respective shares per unit); (v) when the articles of incorporation of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion have the following provisions, said provisions: (a) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 139, paragraph 1, Article 140, paragraph 5, or Article 145, item 1 or item 2 of the Company Act; (b) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 164, paragraph 1 of the Company Act; (c) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 167, paragraph 3 of the Company Act; (d) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 168, paragraph 1, or Article 169, paragraph 2 of the Company Act; (e) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 174 of the Company Act; (f) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 347 of the Company Act; (g) the provisions of the articles of incorporation prescribed in Article 26, item 1 or item 2 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Company Act; (vi) when there are provisions of the articles of incorporation to appoint an administrator of the shareholder register, the name and the address and the business office of that person; (vii) the matters specified by the articles of incorporation (excluding the matters listed in Article 203, paragraphs 1, items 1 to 3 inclusive of the Company Act and in the preceding items), and whose notification was requested by a person, who seeks to file an application to subscribe for the Shares of Stock Issued upon Entity Conversion to said Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion. 例文帳に追加

法第百三十条第一項第四号に規定する主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。一組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が発行することができる株式の総数(組織変更後株 式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合にあっては、各種類の組織変更時発 行株式の発行可能種類株式総数を含む。)二組織変更後株式会社商品取引所(組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会 社である場合を除く。)が発行する組織変更時発行株式の内容として会社法第百七条 第一項各号に掲げる事項を定めているときは、当該株式の内容 三組織変更後株式会社商品取引所(組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会 社である場合に限る。)が会社法第百八条第一項各号に掲げる事項につき内容の異な る組織変更時発行株式を発行することとしているときは、各種類の株式の内容(ある 種類の株式につき同条第三項の定款の定めがある場合において、当該定款の定めによ り組織変更後株式会社商品取引所が当該種類の株式の内容を定めていないときは、当 該種類の株式の内容の要綱) 四単元株式数についての定款の定めがあるときは、その単元株式数(組織変更後株式 会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合にあっては、各種類の株式の単元株式 数)五組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の定款に次に掲げる定めがあるときは、その規定 イ会社法第百三十九条第一項、第百四十条第五項又は第百四十五条第一号若しくは 第二号に規定する定款の定め ロ会社法第百六十四条第一項に規定する定款の定め ハ会社法第百六十七条第三項に規定する定款の定め ニ会社法第百六十八条第一項又は第百六十九条第二項に規定する定款の定め ホ会社法第百七十四条に規定する定款の定め ヘ会社法第三百四十七条に規定する定款の定め ト会社法施行規則第二十六条第一号又は第二号に規定する定款の定め 六株主名簿管理人を置く旨の定款の定めがあるときは、その氏名又は名称及び住所並 びに営業所 七定款に定められた事項(会社法第二百三条第一項第一号から第三号まで及び前各号 に掲げる事項を除く。)であって、当該組織変更後株式会社商品取引所に対して組織 - 77 - 変更時発行株式の引受けの申込みをしようとする者が当該者に対して通知することを 請求した事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is an Incorporated Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7 of the Act; (ii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the - 94 - establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. as deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied - 95 - mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の三第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、新設合併設立商品取引所が株式 会社商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商 品取引所の成立の日)後の日を臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある場合にあ っては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時計算書類 等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項 の会員総会の日の十日前の日後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日まで の間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終 事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。) 三 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、当該 新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担 その他の当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が 生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存する こととなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に 限る。) 五新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に 変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows, in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger is a Member Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in the respective items of Article 56-2 (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger: (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business - 84 - year (for a Member Commodity Exchange, the final business year in the case where approval under Article 68 of the Act was received for Settlement Related Documents, etc. prescribed in Article 66, paragraph 1 of the Act pertaining to the respective business years, and for an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the final business year prescribed in Article 2, item 24 of the Company Act; the same shall apply hereinafter), and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the sharing of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger - 85 - (excluding Member Commodity Exchanges which clear the account pursuant to the provisions of Article 475 (excluding item 1 and item 3) of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act) (hereinafter such Member Commodity Exchange shall be referred to as a "Clearing Member Commodity Exchange"), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144, paragraph 5 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (v) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、吸収合併存続商品取引所が会員商品 取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一 第五十六条の二各号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合にあっては、 当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二吸収合併存続会員商品取引所についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度(会員商品取引所にあっては各事業年度に係る法第六十六条第一項 に規定する決算関係書類等につき法第六十八条の承認を受けた場合における当該 各事業年度のうち最も遅いものとし、株式会社商品取引所にあっては会社法第二 条第二十四号に規定する最終事業年度とする。以下同じ。)に係る財産目録、貸借 対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成された損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続会員商 品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸 収合併存続会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたとき は、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の 効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあって は、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。) 三吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(法第七十七条第一項において準用する会社法第四百 七十五条(第一号及び第三号を除く。)の規定により清算をする会員商品取引所(以 下「清算会員商品取引所」という。)を除く。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事 業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な 財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状 況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会 員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度 が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象 の内容に限る。)四吸収合併が効力を生ずる日以後における吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の債務(法第 百四十四条第五項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収合併につ いて異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行の見込 みに関する事項 五法第百四十四条第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に変 更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-2 paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in the respective items of Article 56-2 (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof);(ii) the following matters concerning the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an - 89 - Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in item 4), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 1 of the Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144-2, paragraph 3 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type - 90 - Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when changes have taken place to the matters listed in the preceding items during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-2, paragraph 2 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の二第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げるものとする。 一 第五十六条の二各号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場合にあっては、 当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)についての次に掲げ る事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商 品取引所の成立の日。第四号において同じ。)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務 の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与 える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日 の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存す ることとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の 内容に限る。)三 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条第一 項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四吸収合併存続会員商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場 合にあっては、吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重 大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響 を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日 の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存するこ ととなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。) 五吸収合併が効力を生じた日以後における吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の債務(法第 百四十四条の二第三項において準用する法第百二十四条第一項の規定により吸収合 併について異議を述べることができる債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行 の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の二第二項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生じた 日までの間に、前各号に掲げる事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is a Member Commodity Exchange: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in respective items of Article 57; (ii) the following matters concerning another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; the same shall apply in this item): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business - 92 - year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) has prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (iv) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final - 93 - business year); (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の三第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、新設合併設立商品取引所が会員 商品取引所である場合にあっては、次に掲げる事項とする。一第五十七条各号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関する事項 二他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度が ない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な 財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の 財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四 条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立 の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新 たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。) 三 他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条 第一項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照 表 四当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下この号におい て同じ。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、当該 新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担 その他の当該新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が 生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後 新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存すること となる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。) 五新設合併設立会員商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立会員商品取 引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履行の 見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会の日の十日前の日後、前各号に掲げる事項に 変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 142, item 2 and item 3 of the Act (in the case where there are no such provisions, the fact thereof); (ii) the following matters concerning a Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges): (a) an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year and the contents of a profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet; (b) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger; the same shall apply in item 4), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iii) a balance sheet which the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (limited to a Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act; (a) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (b) when the final business year does not exist at the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger; (v) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (limited to liabilities to be borne for creditors who may state objections against the Absorption-Type Merger pursuant to the provisions of Article 144-10, paragraph 1 of the Act) of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger on and after the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect; (vi) when there have been changes to the matters listed in the preceding items during the period between the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-5, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の五第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げるものとする。一法第百四十二条第二号及び第三号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該定めがない場 - 97 - 合にあっては、当該定めがないこと)の相当性に関する事項 二 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所を除く。)についての次に掲げ る事項 イ最終事業年度に係る財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表とともに作成され た損益計算書の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商 品取引所の成立の日。第四号において同じ。)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務 の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与 える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日 のいずれか早い日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が 存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事 象の内容に限る。) 三 吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が法第七十七条第一 項において準用する会社法第四百九十二条第一項の規定により作成した貸借対照表 四吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所において次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併存続株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当 該吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生 じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早 い日後吸収合併の効力が生じた日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することと なる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限 る。)ロ吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度がないときは、吸収合併 存続株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表 五吸収合併の効力が生ずる日以後における吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の債務 (法第百四十四条の十第一項の規定により吸収合併について異議を述べることができ る債権者に対して負担する債務に限る。)の履行の見込みに関する事項 六法第百四十四条の五第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後吸収合併の効力が生 じた日までの間に、前各号に掲げる事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

The matters specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act shall be as follows: (i) matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 6 and item 7; (ii) when all or part of the Incorporated Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger issue the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock, matters concerning the appropriateness of the provisions on matters listed in Article 143, paragraph 1, item 8 and item 9 of the Act (including the provisions that specify that the number and the amount of the money of the rights to subscribe for new shares of stock of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger which are to be issued to the holders of the rights to subscribe for the whole or part of new shares of stock shall be zero); (iii) the following matters concerning another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations and Clearing Member Commodity Exchanges; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) accounting documents or an inventory of property and a balance sheet pertaining to the final business year, and the contents of profit and loss statement prepared along with said balance sheet (in the case where the final - 106 - business year does not exist, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger); (b) when there are extraordinary accounting documents, etc. deeming a day after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of another Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) as an extraordinary closing day (in the case where there are two or more extraordinary closing days, the last one), the contents of said extraordinary accounting documents, etc.; (c) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said other Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (iv) a balance sheet which another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (limited to a clearing corporation or Clearing Member Commodity Exchange) has prepared pursuant to the provisions of - 107 - Article 492, paragraph 1 of the Company Act (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act); (v) the following matters concerning said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger (excluding clearing corporations; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item): (a) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between the earliest day among those listed in the respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act and the day of the establishment of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); (b) when the final business year does not exist at said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger, a balance sheet as on the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vi) matters concerning estimates of the performance of liabilities (excluding liabilities inherited from another Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger) of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger on and after the day of the establishment of said Incorporated Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger; (vii) when there were changes to the matters listed in the preceding items after the earliest day among those listed in respective items of Article 144-12, paragraph 1 of the Act, said new matters. 例文帳に追加

法第百四十四条の十二第一項の主務省令で定める事項は、次に掲げる事項とする。 一法第百四十三条第一項第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項についての定めの相当性に関 する事項 二新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の全部又は一部が新株予約権を発行しているとき は、法第百四十三条第一項第八号及び第九号に掲げる事項についての定め(当該事項 についての定めとして、全部又は一部の新株予約権の新株予約権者に対して交付する 新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の新株予約権の数及び金銭の額を零と定めた場合に おける当該定めを含む。)の相当性に関する事項 三他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社及び清算会員商品取引所を除く。以下 この号において同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ最終事業年度に係る計算書類等又は財産目録、貸借対照表及び当該貸借対照表と ともに作成された損益計算書(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合 併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表)の内容 ロ最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅株 式会社商品取引所の成立の日)後の日を臨時決算日(二以上の臨時決算日がある 場合にあっては、最も遅いもの)とする臨時計算書類等があるときは、当該臨時 計算書類等の内容 ハ他の新設合併消滅商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年度がない 場合にあっては、他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な財産の処 分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該他の新設合併消滅商品取引所の財産の状況に 重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条の十二第一 項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の 日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新た な最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事業の内容に限る。)四 他の新設合併消滅商品取引所(清算株式会社又は清算会員商品取引所に限る。)が 会社法第四百九十二条第一項(法第七十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。) の規定により作成した貸借対照表 五当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所(清算株式会社を除く。以下この号において 同じ。)についての次に掲げる事項 イ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度の末日(最終事業年 度がない場合にあっては、当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日)後 に重要な財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品 取引所の財産の状況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第 百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の成立の日までの間に新たな最終事業年度が存することとなる場合 にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象の内容に限る。)ロ当該新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所において最終事業年度がないときは、当該 新設合併消滅株式会社商品取引所の成立の日における貸借対照表 六新設合併設立株式会社商品取引所の成立の日以後における当該新設合併設立株式会 社商品取引所の債務(他の新設合併消滅商品取引所から承継する債務を除く。)の履 行の見込みに関する事項 七法第百四十四条の十二第一項各号に掲げる日のいずれか早い日後、前各号に掲げる 事項に変更が生じたときは、変更後の当該事項 - 経済産業省

Prior art shall consist of: (a) Everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral disclosure, by use, or in any other way, before the filing date or the priority date of the application claiming the invention. Prior use which is not present in the Philippines, even if widespread in a foreign country, cannot form part of the prior art if such prior use is not disclosed in printed documents or in any tangible form. (b) The whole contents of an application for a patent, utility model, or industrial design registration, published under Sec. 44 of IP CODE, filed or effective in the Philippines, with a filing or priority date that is earlier than the filing or priority date of the application: Provided, That the application which has validly claimed the filing date of an earlier application under Section 31 of IP CODE, shall be prior art with effect as of the filing date of such earlier application: Provided further, That the applicant or the inventor identified in both applications are not one and the same, (Sec. 24, IP CODE): Where two or more applications are independently filed with respect to the same invention, and the later applications are filed before the first application or earlier application is published, the whole contents of the first or earliest filed application published in accordance with Sec. 44, IP CODE on or after the filing date or priority date of the later filed application shall be novelty destroying with respect to the later filed application.例文帳に追加

先行技術は,次のものからなる。 (a)書面又は口頭による開示により,実施により,又はその他の方法で,発明を主張する出願の出願日又は優先日の前に公衆の利用に供されているすべてのもの。フィリピンにおけるものでない先使用は,外国で普及していても,当該先使用が印刷文書又は有形の形式で開示されていない場合は,先行技術の一部を構成することができない。 (b)IP法第44条に基づき公開され,フィリピンにおいて出願され又は効力を有し,かつ,当該出願の出願日又は優先日より前の出願日又は優先日を有する特許出願,実用新案登録又は意匠登録の全内容。ただし,IP法第31条に基づいて先の出願の出願日を正当に主張する出願は,当該先の出願日において有効な先行技術であるものとし,かつ,双方の出願の出願人 又は発明者が同一でないことを条件とする。(IP法第24条) 2以上の出願が同一の発明に関して独立して出願され,後の出願が最先の出願又は先の出願が公開される前に出願された場合は,後の出願の出願日又は優先日以後にIP法第44条に基づき公開された先の又は最先の出願の全内容は,後の出願の新規性を損なうものとする。 - 特許庁

Agenda: “New products for the Japanese marketPlace: Room 8 / Time and date: 9:00-11:00 a.m. January XXth 20XX Present: Tom Bridge, Jake Evans, Erica Martin, Luke Hernandez, Beth Cooper, Hillary Lopez, Laura Miyata Absent: Andrew Collins, Ben Perry Guest: Max Smith, the Product Development Manager and Daniel Norton, the Manufacturing Division Manager Chair: Tom BridgeMr. Smith proposed three new products for the Japanese market. #1: Waterproof and dustproof headphones: Used at the beach or in the bathroom. #2 Humidity-free headphones: Used for humid Japanese summers. #3:Anti-germ headphones: Used by people who like cleanliness. ◆Our consensus: We gave the green light to # 2 †Please check the details of the contents of the discussion on the attached minutes.例文帳に追加

議題:『日本市場に向けた新製品』 場所:8号室/日時20XX年1月XX日 午前9時~11時 出席:トム・ブリッジ、ジェイク・エバンス、エリカ・マーティン、ルーク・ヘルナンデス、べス・クーパー、ヒラリー・ロペス、ローラ・ミヤタ 欠席:アンドリュー・コリンズ、ベン・ペリー ゲスト:製品開発部部長マックス・スミス、製造部部長ダニエル・ノートン 議長:トム・ブリッジ ◆スミス氏が日本市場向けの3つの新製品を提案しました。 1.防水防塵ヘッドフォン:浜辺や浴室で 2.湿気フリーヘッドフォン:日本の湿気の多い夏に 3.抗菌ヘッドフォン:清潔好きの人々に ◆総意: 2に対してゴーサイン †話し合いの詳細内容は添付した議事録をご覧ください。 - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

(v) transactions listed in Article 2, paragraph (21), item (iv) of the Act, and Exchange-Traded Derivatives Transactions in a Foreign Market similar to transactions listed in that item: the issues of the Financial Indicators or Financial Instruments pertaining to the calculation of the amount of money to be paid from one party to the other party and the method of the calculation of said amount of money, the issues of the Financial Indicators or Financial Instruments pertaining to the calculation of the amount of money to be received by one party from the other party and the method of the calculation of said amount of money, the term of a transaction or any other matters to properly indicate the contents of said transaction, the amount agreed upon by the parties as the principal, and the date of delivery; 例文帳に追加

五 法第二条第二十一項第四号に掲げる取引及び外国市場デリバティブ取引であって同号に掲げる取引と類似の取引 当事者の一方が相手方に支払うこととなる金銭の額の計算に係る金融指標又は金融商品の銘柄及び当該金銭の額の計算方法並びに当事者の一方が相手方から受け取ることとなる金銭の額の計算に係る金融指標又は金融商品の銘柄及び当該金銭の額の計算方法、取引期間その他の当該取引の内容を適確に示すための事項、当事者が元本として定めた金額並びに受渡日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 240-7 (1) From two weeks prior to the date the resolution shall be made as set forth in Article 240-5, paragraph (1) (in the case of Foreign Insurance Companies, etc., the date the decision was made concerning the Modification of Contract Conditions) until the date of issue of the public notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 240-13, paragraph (1), the Insurance Company shall keep a document or electromagnetic records describing or recording the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, such as the reason why the Modification of Contract Conditions is inevitable, the details of the Modification of Contract Conditions, a forecast of the business and property situation after the Modification of Contract Conditions is effected, matters regarding funding and the handling of debts against creditors apart from Insurance Policyholders, etc., and matters regarding management responsibility (in cases where there is a policy pursuant to the provisions of Article 240-5, paragraph (4), including the contents of the policy), at the company's business offices and other offices (in the case of Foreign Insurance Companies, etc., branch offices, etc. pursuant to the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (1)). 例文帳に追加

第二百四十条の七 保険会社は、第二百四十条の五第一項の決議を行うべき日の二週間前(外国保険会社等にあっては、契約条件の変更についての決定を行った日)から第二百四十条の十三第一項の規定による公告の日まで、契約条件の変更がやむを得ない理由、契約条件の変更の内容、契約条件の変更後の業務及び財産の状況の予測、基金及び保険契約者等以外の債権者に対する債務の取扱いに関する事項、経営責任に関する事項その他の内閣府令で定める事項(第二百四十条の五第四項に規定する方針がある場合にあっては、その方針の内容を含む。)を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録を各営業所又は各事務所(外国保険会社等にあっては、第百八十五条第一項に規定する支店等)に備え置かなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In the case where a proposal has been made pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the governor of the relevant prefecture shall take such measures as placing restrictions on gathering or catching the relevant aquatic animals or plants or any other appropriate measures pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 34 of the Fishery Act (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis to paragraph (1) of Article 63 of the same Act), paragraph (3) or (4) of Article 34, paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 65, or paragraph (1) of Article 66 of the Fishery Act, or paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 4 of the Aquatic Resource Protection Act, considering the contents of the proposal, if he/she finds it necessary for coordination in the fishing industry, protection and culture of aquatic resources, and other factors in the public interest. 例文帳に追加

2 農林水産大臣又は都道府県の知事は、前項の規定による申出があった場合において、漁業調整、水産資源の保護培養その他公益のために必要があると認めるときは、その申出の内容を勘案して、漁業法第三十四条第一項(同法第六十三条第一項において読み替えて準用する場合を含む。)、第三項若しくは第四項、第六十五条第一項若しくは第二項若しくは第六十六条第一項又は水産資源保護法第四条第一項若しくは第二項の規定による水産動植物の採捕の制限等の措置その他の適切な措置を講ずるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 3-2 A court may, in cases of making use for preparing a judgment document or in other cases where it finds it to be necessary, if a party has an electromagnetic record (meaning a record prepared in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which is used in information processing by computers; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) recording the contents of information stated in a document that he/she has submitted or intends to submit to the court, request said party to provide the information recorded in said electromagnetic record by an electromagnetic means (meaning a method using an electronic data processing system or a method using other information communications technology) which the court specifies. 例文帳に追加

第三条の二 裁判所は、判決書の作成に用いる場合その他必要があると認める場合において、当事者が裁判所に提出した書面又は提出しようとする書面に記載した情報の内容を記録した電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によっては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であって、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)を有しているときは、その当事者に対し、当該電磁的記録に記録された情報を電磁的方法(電子情報処理組織を使用する方法その他の情報通信の技術を利用する方法をいう。)であって裁判所の定めるものにより裁判所に提供することを求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 7 (1) A person who has made a notification as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1), or paragraph (2) of the preceding Article (excluding a notification concerning minor changes specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry set forth in the proviso to paragraph (4) of the same Article; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall hold a briefing session to disseminate the contents of said notification and attached documents as set forth in Article 5, paragraph (2) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of the preceding Article) (such notification and attached documents shall be referred to as the "notification, etc." in paragraph (4)) (hereinafter such briefing session shall be referred to as a "briefing session" in this Article), in the municipality where the large-scale retail store pertaining to said notification is located (hereinafter simply referred to as the "municipality"), within two months from the date of said notification, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. 例文帳に追加

第七条 第五条第一項又は前条第二項の規定による届出(同条第四項ただし書の経済産業省令で定める軽微な変更に係る届出を除く。以下同じ。)をした者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、当該届出をした日から二月以内に、当該届出に係る大規模小売店舗の所在地の属する市町村(以下単に「市町村」という。)内において、当該届出及び第五条第二項(前条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の添付書類(第四項において「届出等」という。)の内容を周知させるための説明会(以下この条において「説明会」という。)を開催しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 9 (1) When a prefecture finds that the contents of a notification or report under the provision of paragraph (7) of the preceding Article do not properly reflect the opinions that the prefecture had presented as prescribed in paragraph (4) of the same Article, and when it finds that it is difficult to prevent the occurrence of a situation that may have extremely harmful effects on the living environment of the surrounding area of the large-scale retail store pertaining to said notification or report, the prefecture may, while having heard the opinions of the municipality and considered the guidelines, recommend that the person who has made a notification as prescribed in Article 5, paragraph (1) or Article 6, paragraph (2) take the necessary measures, by attaching the reason therefor, only within two months from the day on which said notification or report was made. 例文帳に追加

第九条 都道府県は、前条第七項の規定による届出又は通知の内容が、同条第四項の規定により都道府県が述べた意見を適正に反映しておらず、当該届出又は通知に係る大規模小売店舗の周辺の地域の生活環境に著しい悪影響を及ぼす事態の発生を回避することが困難であると認めるときは、市町村の意見を聴き、及び指針を勘案しつつ、当該届出又は通知がなされた日から二月以内に限り、理由を付して、第五条第一項又は第六条第二項の規定による届出をした者に対し、必要な措置をとるべきことを勧告することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), where a stock company, as provided for by Article 444 of the Companies Act, has prepared consolidated financial statements (meaning consolidated financial statements prescribed in paragraph (1) of said Article) for the most recent business year with regard to the stock company itself and another juridical person, and reported the contents thereof at an annual shareholders meeting of the stock company, if a rehabilitation case, etc. is pending against the stock company, a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings against such other juridical person may also be filed with the district court before which the rehabilitation case, etc. against the stock company is pending, and if a rehabilitation case, etc. is pending against such other juridical person, a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings against the stock company may also be filed with the district court before which the rehabilitation case, etc. against such other juridical person is pending. 例文帳に追加

5 第一項及び第二項の規定にかかわらず、株式会社が最終事業年度について会社法第四百四十四条の規定により当該株式会社及び他の法人に係る連結計算書類(同条第一項に規定する連結計算書類をいう。)を作成し、かつ、当該株式会社の定時株主総会においてその内容が報告された場合には、当該株式会社について再生事件等が係属しているときにおける当該他の法人についての再生手続開始の申立ては、当該株式会社の再生事件等が係属している地方裁判所にもすることができ、当該他の法人について再生事件等が係属しているときにおける当該株式会社についての再生手続開始の申立ては、当該他の法人の再生事件等が係属している地方裁判所にもすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Registration of a disposition under the provisions of Article 64(1) or Article 79(1) prescribed in the preceding paragraph: The name and address of a trustee or provisional administrator, if permission set forth in the proviso to Article 70(1) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 83(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) is granted for independent performance of duties by each trustee or provisional administrator, a statement to that effect, and if permission set forth in the proviso of Article 70(1) is granted for division of duties among trustees or provisional administrators, a statement to that effect and the contents of the duties assigned to each trustee or provisional administrator 例文帳に追加

二 前項に規定する第六十四条第一項又は第七十九条第一項の規定による処分の登記 管財人又は保全管理人の氏名又は名称及び住所、管財人又は保全管理人がそれぞれ単独にその職務を行うことについて第七十条第一項ただし書(第八十三条第一項において準用する場合を含む。以下この号において同じ。)の許可があったときはその旨並びに管財人又は保全管理人が職務を分掌することについて第七十条第一項ただし書の許可があったときはその旨及び各管財人又は各保全管理人が分掌する職務の内容 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) In the case where a final and binding judgment etc. (hereinafter referred to as final judgment and those with the same effect, but excluding those listed in (a) to (c) below) has been given against the other qualified consumer organization with respect to the lawsuit etc. (hereinafter referred to as proceedings of lawsuit and petition for settlement, conciliation and arbitration) in connection with the demand for injunction and the contents of the demand and the business operator, etc. being the opposite party of the demand are the same with those of lawsuits, etc.; provided, however, this shall not apply to cases where certification as a qualified consumer organization provided in para. (1) of the following article has been rescinded with respect to said lawsuit, etc. relating to the said final and binding judgment for the reasons provided in item (iv) of para. (1) of Article 34, or it has been found that any of the reasons provided in item (iv) of para. (1) of the same article existed pursuant to para. (3) of the same article. 例文帳に追加

二 他の適格消費者団体を当事者とする差止請求に係る訴訟等(訴訟並びに和解の申立てに係る手続、調停及び仲裁をいう。以下同じ。)につき、既に確定判決等(確定判決及びこれと同一の効力を有するものをいい、次のイからハまでに掲げるものを除く 。以下同じ。)が存する場合において、請求の内容及び相手方である事業者等が同一である場合。ただし、当該他の適格消費者団体について、当該確定判決等に係る訴訟等の手続に関し、次条第一項の認定が第三十四条第一項第四号に掲げる事由により取り消され、又は同条第三項の規定により同条第一項第四号に掲げる事由があった旨の認定がされたときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In addition to what is provided for in the preceding paragraph, if, with respect to a collective agreement entered into by a split company and a labor union, a labor contract entered into by a worker who is a member of the labor union concerned and the split company concerned is succeeded to by the successor company, etc., then notwithstanding the provisions of Article 759, paragraph 1, Article 761, paragraph 1, Article 764, paragraph 1 or Article 766, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, a collective agreement with the same contents as the collective agreement concerned (except the portion involved in the mutual agreement prescribed in the preceding paragraph) shall be deemed entered into by the successor company, etc. concerned and the labor union concerned on the day when the split concerned becomes effective. 例文帳に追加

3 前項に定めるもののほか、分割会社と労働組合との間で締結されている労働協約については、当該労働組合の組合員である労働者と当該分割会社との間で締結されている労働契約が承継会社等に承継されるときは、会社法第七百五十九条第一項、第七百六十一条第一項、第七百六十四条第一項又は第七百六十六条第一項の規定にかかわらず、当該分割の効力が生じた日に、当該承継会社等と当該労働組合との間で当該労働協約(前項に規定する合意に係る部分を除く。)と同一の内容の労働協約が締結されたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) When a Protection Order is issued, and it is known that the petitioner has sought counseling or has requested assistance or protection from the personnel at a Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Center and the Written Petition includes matters listed in Article 12, paragraph 1, item 5 (a) to (d) pertaining to the said fact, the clerk of the court shall promptly notify the gist and contents of the protection order to the chief of the Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Center whose name is entered in the said Written Petition (in cases where the names of more than two Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Centers are entered in the Written Petition, the last one entered where the petitioner sought counseling or asked for assistance or protection from the personnel). 例文帳に追加

4 保護命令を発した場合において、申立人が配偶者暴力相談支援センターの職員に対し相談し、又は援助若しくは保護を求めた事実があり、かつ、申立書に当該事実に係る第十二条第一項第五号イからニまでに掲げる事項の記載があるときは、裁判所書記官は、速やかに、保護命令を発した旨及びその内容を、当該申立書に名称が記載された配偶者暴力相談支援センター(当該申立書に名称が記載された配偶者暴力相談支援センターが二以上ある場合にあっては、申立人がその職員に対し相談し、又は援助若しくは保護を求めた日時が最も遅い配偶者暴力相談支援センター)の長に通知するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), where a stock company, as provided for by Article 444 of the Companies Act, has prepared consolidated financial statements (meaning consolidated financial statements prescribed in paragraph (1) of said Article) for the most recent business year with regard to the stock company itself and another juridical person, and reported the contents thereof at an annual shareholders meeting of the stock company, if a bankruptcy case, etc. is pending against the stock company, a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against such other juridical person may also be filed with the district court before which the bankruptcy case, etc. against the stock company is pending, and if a bankruptcy case, etc. is pending against such other juridical person, a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against the stock company may also be filed with the district court before which the bankruptcy case, etc. against such other juridical person is pending. 例文帳に追加

5 第一項及び第二項の規定にかかわらず、株式会社が最終事業年度について会社法第四百四十四条の規定により当該株式会社及び他の法人に係る連結計算書類(同条第一項に規定する連結計算書類をいう。)を作成し、かつ、当該株式会社の定時株主総会においてその内容が報告された場合には、当該株式会社について破産事件等が係属しているときにおける当該他の法人についての破産手続開始の申立ては、当該株式会社の破産事件等が係属している地方裁判所にもすることができ、当該他の法人について破産事件等が係属しているときにおける当該株式会社についての破産手続開始の申立ては、当該他の法人の破産事件等が係属している地方裁判所にもすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph (1), with regard to either letters a detainee sends to or receives from a national or local government agency and whose contents include the matters under the authority of the agency and letters a detainee sends to or receives from an attorney who discharges the duty prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the Attorney Act (Act No. 205 of 1949) with regard to the detainee, the prisoners of war camp commander shall not suppress their sending or receiving, or remove or erase the concerned part of them for the reasons that all or a part of letter pertaining to matters concerned fall under item (v) of paragraph (1). 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定にかかわらず、被収容者が国又は地方公共団体の機関に対して発する信書であってその機関の権限に属する事項を含むもの及び被収容者が弁護士との間で発受する信書であってその被収容者に係る弁護士法(昭和二十四年法律第二百五号)第三条第一項に規定する弁護士の職務に属する事項を含むものについては、これらの事項に係る部分の全部又は一部が第一項第五号に該当することを理由としては、その発信若しくは受信を差し止め、又はその該当箇所を削除し、若しくは抹消することができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 782 (1) Each of the Stock Companies listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as an "Absorbed Stock Company, etc." in this Division) shall, from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the day on which the Absorption-type Merger, Absorption-type Company Split or Share Exchange (hereinafter referred to as an "Absorption-type Merger, etc." in this Section) becomes effective (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Day" in this Section) (or, in the case of a Stock Company Absorbed in Absorption-type Merger, until the Effective Day), keep documents or Electromagnetic Records that state or record the contents of the matters specified respectively in those items (hereinafter referred to as the "Absorption-type Merger Agreement, etc." in this Section) and other matters prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice at its head office: 例文帳に追加

第七百八十二条 次の各号に掲げる株式会社(以下この目において「消滅株式会社等」という。)は、吸収合併契約等備置開始日から吸収合併、吸収分割又は株式交換(以下この節において「吸収合併等」という。)がその効力を生ずる日(以下この節において「効力発生日」という。)後六箇月を経過する日(吸収合併消滅株式会社にあっては、効力発生日)までの間、当該各号に定めるもの(以下この節において「吸収合併契約等」という。)の内容その他法務省令で定める事項を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録をその本店に備え置かなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 803 (1) Each of the Stock Companies listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as a "Consolidated Stock Company, etc." in this Division) shall, from the day on which the Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc. began to be kept until the day on which six months have elapsed from the day of formation of the Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger, the Company Incorporated through Incorporation-type Company Split, or the Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated through Share Transfer (hereinafter referred to as an "Incorporated Company" in this Division) (or, for a Stock Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger, the day of formation of the Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger), keep documents or Electromagnetic Records that state or record the contents of what are specified respectively in those items (hereinafter referred to as the "Consolidation-type Merger Agreement, etc." in this Section) and other matters prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice at its head office: 例文帳に追加

第八百三条 次の各号に掲げる株式会社(以下この目において「消滅株式会社等」という。)は、新設合併契約等備置開始日から新設合併設立会社、新設分割設立会又は株式移転設立完全親会社(以下この目において「設立会社」という。)の成立の日後六箇月を経過する日(新設合併消滅株式会社にあっては、新設合併設立会社の成立の日)までの間、当該各号に定めるもの(以下この節において「新設合併契約等」という。)の内容その他法務省令で定める事項を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録をその本店に備え置かなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) To create programs for persons with disabilities or guardians of children with disabilities given grant decision as described in paragraph 1 of Article 19 (hereinafter referred to as "persons with disabilities, or others given grant decision"), which stipulate the types of disability welfare services used, the contents of those services, the persons in charge thereof, and other matters prescribed in the ordinances of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (referred to as "service utilization programs" below in this item), and which are created in response to requests from the persons with disabilities, or others given grant decision, and with consideration of their physical and mental status, their environment, their interest with respect to utilizing welfare services, and other factors so that they can use the welfare services appropriately; and also to conduct liaisons and coordination with the designated welfare service business operators for persons with disabilities specified in paragraph 2 of Article 29, and other parties or persons, and provide other conveniences to help ensure that the disability welfare services based on such service utilization programs are provided. 例文帳に追加

二 第十九条第一項の規定により同項に規定する支給決定を受けた障害者又は障害児の保護者(以下「支給決定障害者等」という。)が障害福祉サービスを適切に利用することができるよう、当該支給決定障害者等の依頼を受けて、当該支給決定に係る障害者等の心身の状況、その置かれている環境、障害福祉サービスの利用に関する意向その他の事情を勘案し、利用する障害福祉サービスの種類及び内容、これを担当する者その他の厚生労働省令で定める事項を定めた計画(以下この号において「サービス利用計画」という。)を作成するとともに、当該サービス利用計画に基づく障害福祉サービスの提供が確保されるよう、第二十九条第二項に規定する指定障害福祉サービス事業者等その他の者との連絡調整その他の便宜を供与すること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 73 (1) A prefectural governor may occasionally examine contents of medical examination of designated medical payment institutes for services and supports for persons with disabilities, designated welfare service business operators for persons with disabilities conducting medical treatment, or appropriate places of business or appropriate facilities conducting appropriate medical treatment (hereinafter referred to as "institutes bearing public expenses") or Grant of Medical Expenses for services and supports for persons with disabilities; Medical Care Treatment Expenses; and Appropriate Medical Care Treatment Expenses (referred to as "Grant of Medical Expenses for Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities, etc" below in this Article and in Article 75); and may decide the amount of medical care for services and supports for persons with disabilities, etc. which medical institutes bearing public expenses can demand pursuant to the provision of paragraph 5 of Article 58 (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 70). 例文帳に追加

第七十三条 都道府県知事は、指定自立支援医療機関、療養介護医療を行う指定障害福祉サービス事業者等又は基準該当療養介護医療を行う基準該当事業所若しくは基準該当施設(以下この条において「公費負担医療機関」という。)の診療内容並びに自立支援医療費、療養介護医療費及び基準該当療養介護医療費(以下この条及び第七十五条において「自立支援医療費等」という。)の請求を随時審査し、かつ、公費負担医療機関が第五十八条第五項(第七十条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定によって請求することができる自立支援医療費等の額を決定することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 51 When the contents of books and other business-related documents set forth in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article are recorded by an Electromagnetic Means (which means a method such as an electronic method or a magnetic method that cannot be recognized by human perception; the same shall apply in Article 114), and said record is preserved so as to be displayed promptly on a computer or through other equipment as needed, said preservation of record may substitute for the preservation of books and other business-related documents set forth in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article. In this case, a Member, etc. shall take the necessary measures for preventing the loss of and damage to said record. 例文帳に追加

第五十一条 前条第二項の帳簿その他業務に関する書類の内容が、電磁的方法(電子的方法、磁気的方法その他の人の知覚によって認識することができない方法をいう。第百十四条において同じ。)により記録され、当該記録が必要に応じ電子計算機その他の機器を用いて直ちに表示されることができるようにして保存されるときは、当該記録の保存をもって前条第三項に規定する帳簿その他業務に関する書類の保存に代えることができる。この場合において、会員等は、当該記録が滅失し、又はき損することを防止するために必要な措置を講じなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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