
「governing」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(23ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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In these cases, Article 11, Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Act on the Application of Laws provide that, in regard to the formats of a consumer contract, where the governing law has been specified by the parties, the law which governs the place of the consumer's permanent residence shall govern the contract, so long as the consumer wishes to apply it. 例文帳に追加

そこで、通則法第11条第3項と第4項は、消費者契約の方式に関しては、準拠法の選択があった場合には、当該消費者が求める限りにおいて消費者の常居所地法のみが適用される旨を定めている。 - 経済産業省

1. Articles II, XVI and XVII shall not apply to laws, regulations or requirements governing the procurement by governmental agencies of services purchased for governmental purposes and not with a view to commercial resale or with a view to use in the supply of services for commercial sale.例文帳に追加

1. 第二条、第十六条及び第十七条の規定は、政府機関が政府用として購入するサービスの調達(商業的再販売を行うこと又は商業的販売のためのサービスの提供に利用することを目的として購入するものを除く。)を規律する法令及び要件については、適用しない。 - 経済産業省

Japan subsequently requested bilateral consultations with the US pursuant to Article XXII of GATT and Article 4 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes on the same day; consultations were held on April 11 and 12, 2002 with five other countries and regions, including the EU and South Korea.例文帳に追加

同日我が国は、GATT 第22条及び紛争解決了解第4条に基づく二国間協議(WTO紛争解決手続に基づく協議)を要請し、同年4月11、12日にEU、韓国等5か国・地域と共同で米国との協議を実施した。 - 経済産業省

The Governor in Council may make regulations (a) governing titles of designs; (b) respecting the form and contents of applications for registration of designs; (c) prescribing fees, or the manner of determining fees, to be paid for anything required or authorized to be done in the administration of this Act; (d) respecting the return of any fees paid under this Act; (e) respecting the registration of sets and of variants of a design; (f) respecting the making of requests for priority under section 29, including the information and documents that must be filed in support of a request and the period within which a request must be made and the information and documents must be filed; (g) governing the determination of the priority of applications under section 29 and generally governing the application of that section; and (h) prescribing anything else that is to be prescribed under this Act and generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act. 例文帳に追加

総督は,次に関する規則を制定することができる。 (a) 意匠の権原を規制すること (b) 意匠登録出願の様式及び内容に関すること (c) 本法律の運用上,なすことが要件とされるか又は許可される事柄について納付を要する手数料又は手数料の決定方式を規定すること (d) 本法律に基づいて納付された手数料の還付に関すること (e) 意匠の組物又は変形の登録に関すること (f) 優先権主張の確証として提出を要する情報及び書類,並びに主張し,かつ,当該情報及び書類の提出をするための所定の期間を含み,第29条に基づく優先権主張に関すること (g) 第29条に基づく諸出願の優先権の決定を規制すること,及び同条の適用を一般的に規制すること,並びに (h) 本法律に基づいて規定されるべきその他の事柄,並びに本法律の目的及び条項の履行について一般的に規定すること - 特許庁


(v) the Securities listed in Article 2, paragraph (1), item (xvii) of the Act which have the nature of share certificates: offers to sell and the solicitation of offers to buy said Securities (limited to those of which the Issuer is the relevant Issuer) by the Issuer thereof pursuant to the governing laws and regulations of a foreign state upon the establishment of such Issuer; 例文帳に追加

五 法第二条第一項第十七号に掲げる有価証券のうち株券の性質を有するもの 当該有価証券の発行者が所有する当該発行者の設立に当たって準拠した外国の法令に基づいて行う当該有価証券(当該発行者が発行者であるものに限る。)の売付けの申込み又はその買付けの申込みの勧誘 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 69-5 When a person that is registered as set forth in Article 69-2, paragraph (1) becomes as defined by any of the following items, the person as provided by said item shall provide notification of said fact to the prefectural governor where said person is registered or the prefectural governor governing the domicile of said person as provided in said item within thirty days from the date (in a case of being defined by item (i), on the day) that said fact is known: 例文帳に追加

第六十九条の五 第六十九条の二第一項の登録を受けている者が次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなった場合には、当該各号に定める者は、その日(第一号の場合にあっては、その事実を知った日)から三十日以内に、その旨を当該登録をしている都道府県知事又は当該各号に定める者の住所地を管轄する都道府県知事に届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) A labor union, etc. that operates the labor supply businesses shall, with respect to the labor supply businesses, keep the books and records pursuant to the procedures and forms determined by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, prepare business reports and submit the same to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare through the director of the Prefectural Labor Bureau governing the location of the principal place of business. 例文帳に追加

7 労働者供給事業を行う労働組合等は、労働者供給事業に関し、厚生労働大臣の定める手続及び様式に従い帳簿書類を備え付けるとともに、報告書を作成し、これを主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する都道府県労働局長を経て、厚生労働大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The authority concerning the acceptance of the notification as provided by Article 32-8, paragraph 1 of the Act (including the cases where such provision is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4 of the Act, Article 33-3, paragraph 2 of the Act and Article 33-4, paragraph 2 of the Act): the director of the Prefectural Labor Bureau governing the location of the principal place of business of the person operating the applicable employment placement businesses 例文帳に追加

二 法第三十二条の八第一項(法第三十三条第四項、法第三十三条の三第二項及び法第三十三条の四第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による届出の受理に関する権限 当該職業紹介事業を行う者の主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する都道府県労働局長 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 34 Where the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, or the Minister of the Environment obtains knowledge, etc. of the properties, etc. of a chemical substance based on this Act, in order to contribute to measures based on another Act concerning said chemical substance, he/she shall notify. the Ministers governing the offices responsible for the enforcement of said other Act of the details of said knowledge, etc where needed. 例文帳に追加

第三十四条 厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣又は環境大臣は、この法律に基づいて化学物質の性状等に関する知見等を得た場合において、当該化学物質に関する他の法律に基づく措置に資するため、必要に応じ、当該他の法律の施行に関する事務を所掌する大臣に対し、当該知見等の内容を通知するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Many shuto were from aristocracy of the middle and low classes, as well as samurai families and shokan (an officer governing shoen (manor)), some of whom were skilled in martial arts, and as a result they made up a large share of Sohei (priest soldiers); however, the component of the shuto was different among temples, so that in Enryaku-ji Temple the shuto was made up of the priests of higher aristocratic origin, and others who were excluded from shuto organized 'doshu' separately. 例文帳に追加

中下級の貴族や武家・荘官などの出身者が多かったため、武術などの心得を持つものもあり、武装化して僧兵を構成したのもこの身分が中心であった(ただし、延暦寺では衆徒をより上級貴族出身が占め、このクラスや衆徒から放逐された者達が別に「堂衆」を組織するなど、寺院ごとに組織のあり方に違いがあった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Due to the fact that the rank could not be raised within the job classification of hogi according to the general rule governing 'suitable court rank,' basic to the ritsuryo system, a measure was taken to raise the court rank by appointing the incumbent to an additional post of senior Shitokan as 'Gon no shoku' (a temporary position) when raising the rank of a scholar monk hogi while remaining in the priesthood. 例文帳に追加

ただ、基本的には還俗しない学僧方技の位階を上げる場合には、律令制度の基本である「官位相当」の原則によって方技の職制のままでは位階を上げることが出来ないため、「権職(ごんのしょく)」(定員外配置)によって四等官上位職を兼務させることで位階を上げる方法がとられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kokujin is a general term used for the shokan (an officer governing shoen), gunji (district chief), goji (hamlet chief), and hoshi (chief of imperial fief) ranks who became managers of shoen (manor in medieval Japan) and kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) under the late dynasty state system established in the middle of the Heian period, and the feudal lords in the province who belong to the family tree of the jito since the Kamakura period who often originated from there, and is a term used for documentation at that time. 例文帳に追加

国人は、平安時代中期に成立した後期王朝国家体制の下で荘園と国衙領の管理者となった荘官・郡司・郷司・保司の階層や、そこに出自することの多かった鎌倉時代以降の地頭の系譜を引く在国の領主の一般的呼称で、同時代的に使われた資料用語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As kishinchikei-shoen (donated manors) and shiki (the right of Shoen clerks in a Shoen) were established in the 11th century, within kuge-ryo (territory owned by court nobles), the high-ranked nobles of the Imperial Family and Sekkan-ke (the line of regents and advisers) received land donated by zaichi-ryoshu (resident landholders), concentrated their honke-shiki and ryoke-shiki (economical right as patron and proprietor), and collected nengu and kuji (land tax and public duties) from the land by setting and making use of a domestic governing system such as Keishi (household superindendent) and Mandokoro (an office set up in the houses of powerful aristocrats in the Heian Period for the administration of their vast property estates). 例文帳に追加

11世紀に寄進地系荘園及び職の体系が確立されると、公家領においては天皇家や摂関家などの上級貴族層が在地領主などからの寄進を受けて本家職や領家職などを集中させ、家司・政所などの家政組織を運営して、現地から年貢・公事などを徴収していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After MINAMOTO no Yoritomo died, an administrative system was created by the Hojo clan to fill the role of Shogunal advisor to the Imperial Court; they also arranged the system so that even if Yoritomo's bloodline died out, the Kamakura bakufu system could continue, and to serve as the bakufu's legal basis created the Goseibei Shikimoku (Formulary of Adjudications), the first set of laws governing the warrior class, which was to became the legal foundation of medieval society in Japan. 例文帳に追加

源頼朝の死後、将軍の輔弼制度として北条氏による執政制度も創設され、たとえ頼朝の血統が絶えても鎌倉幕府体制は永続するように制度整備がなされ、その裏打ちとして御成敗式目という初の武家法が制定され、その後の中世社会の基本法典となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kendan is the term to mean to rule and to hold a trial, and addressing domestic policies, diplomacies, and governing territories and rural communities were closely connected to holding a trial because security, government, and criminal justice, even the military, were not separated in medieval Japan (according to "Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam:" Japanese-Portuguese dictionary, published 1603 - 1604), kendan was described as a post to rule and hold a trial). 例文帳に追加

検断とは、統治すること・裁判することを意味する用語であり、中世日本では治安行政と刑事司法、さらに軍事までもが未分化だったため、領地・村落内の内政、外交を行い、統治することが裁判を行うことと密接につながっていた(日葡辞書によると、検断は統治・裁判を行う役職、とある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theoris on the origin of the ingubunkokusei system describes: One that it started when kanmotsu (tribute goods paid as taxes or tithes) and choyo (taxes in tribute and labor under the ritsuryo system) collected within Awaji Province were used to feed Imperial Prince Oi who had been deported to the province and called Awaji Haitei (deposed Emperor of Awaji); another theory argues that the system began when denso (a rice field tax) and rice collected within Yamato Province was used to feed Retired Emperor Heizei who had confined himself in Heijo-Kyo; a third theory states that the system was established along with shinno nintoku (provinces whose governing posts were reserved as sinecures for imperial princes) system that was introduced later on. 例文帳に追加

その由来については淡路国に流された淡路廃帝大炊親王(淳仁天皇)のために同国の官物・庸調が廃帝の生活に充てられ、平城京に籠った平城上皇のために大和国の田租・地子イネが生活に充てられたもの、更にその後導入された親王任国を制度の嚆矢とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It asserted that it was the kokujin-ryoshu, who had been raised from the classes of jito (manager and lord of manor) or shokan (an officer governing manor) to the local lord, that directly ruled the farmers class in those days, and that it was the kokujin-ryoshu, who, by becoming low-level bureaucrat of the shugo daimyo (Japanese feudal lords), supported their military power and came to define the movement of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and the shugo daimyo. 例文帳に追加

当時、農民層を直接支配していたのは、地頭・荘官などの階層から在地の領主として成長していった国人領主層であり、彼らが守護大名の被官となることでその軍事力を支え、室町幕府や守護大名の動向を規定していったとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When shoen (manor in medieval Japan) was established and officially authorized by obtaining Kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi (provincial governors) or Gunji (local magistrates) for transfer of the ownership of private property), its boundaries with other lands like koryo (public lands) were confirmed in the presence of an envoy dispatched by Imperial court (either Dajokan Benkan kyoku (Oversight Department: division of the Dajokan responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices) or Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs)) (kanshi), an envoy dispatched by Kokushi (kokushi) and shokan (an officer governing shoen). 例文帳に追加

荘園の成立時において、公験を得て正式に承認を受けると、朝廷(太政官弁官局または民部省)から派遣された使者(官使)及び国司から派遣された使者(国使)、荘官3者の立会のもとで荘園と公領などそれ以外の土地との境界を確認した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shoen was often placed under the complicated control system due to repeated donations; the honjo (proprietor or guarantor of a private estate) originally referred to the individuals who held the shomuken, and those who were in the position to hold the shomuken could administer various authorities against the local power within shoen, such as shokan (an officer governing shoen) and shomin (people of the manor), by personally going to the shoen himself or by sending a zassho (a person in charge of miscellaneous tasks) there. 例文帳に追加

荘園は度重なる寄進によって重層的な支配構造となっていたが、実際に直接あるいは雑掌などを派遣して、荘園内の在地勢力(荘官及び荘民)に対して諸権限を行使しえたのは荘務権を持っている職の体系であり、本来本所とは荘務権を持つ職を指した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, there are the other theories, such as the argument on the governing structure of the powerful family by Toshio KURODA and his allies, which states that the center of the nation state was the Imperial Court and influential families such as kuge, families that own and reside in temples and samurai families complemented each other and formed the nation state, and the theory of the east state founded by Shinichi SATO and his allies, which says that, instead of the above, the nation state was established in fact in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) against Imperial Court in Saigoku (western part of Japan (especially Kyushu, but ranging as far east as Kinki)). 例文帳に追加

しかし、あくまで国家の中心は朝廷であり、公家、寺家、そして武家の権門が相互補完しながら国家を形成していたとする黒田俊雄らの権門体制論、そうではなく西国の朝廷に対して東国に事実上の国家を樹立したとする佐藤進一らの東国国家論がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The establishment of these Ritsuryo codes brought about the formation of fully centralized governing system, which centered on the emperor and set a bureaucratic organization of Japanese government-regulated organization or facility, etc. (Nikan of Dajokan [Grand Council of State] and Jingikan [department of worship], and Hassho [eight ministries and agencies] of Nakatsukasasho [Ministry of Central Affairs], Shikubusho [Ministry of Ceremonial], Jibusho [the Ministry of Civil Administration], Minbusho [Ministry of Popular Affairs], Okurasho [Ministry of the Treasure], Gyobusho [Ministry of Justice], Kunaisho [Ministry of the Sovereign's Household] and Hyobusho [Ministry of Military]), as the bone structure. 例文帳に追加

この律令の制定によって、天皇を中心とし、日本の官制(太政官・神祇官の二官、中務省・式部省・治部省・民部省・大蔵省・刑部省・宮内省・兵部省の八省)の官僚機構を骨格に据えた本格的な中央集権統治体制が成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The government consulted foreign advisors and, referring to the legislation systems of the advisors' home coutries, established a governing policy based on the premise that the Constitution should be in force in Gaichi which were included in Japan's territories (Southern Sakhalin, Taiwan, and Korea) and should not be in force in Gaichi which were not included in Japan's territories (the Kwantung Leased Territory and the South Sea Islands). 例文帳に追加

当時の政府は、外国人顧問から聴いた母国の植民地法制を参考にしつつ、日本の領域(国家)たる外地(南樺太、台湾、朝鮮)には憲法の効力が及ぶのに対し、日本の領土ではない外地(関東州、南洋群島)には憲法の効力が及ばないという考え方を前提にして、統治方針を決めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 'Explanation for the sake of pro-Japan' by Kim Wansop (2002), the author highly evaluated the Isshinkai's movement, comparing their movment with a concentration of three revolutionary powers consisted of peasants who tried to reject the oppression of Joseon Dynasty Government (Togaku-to => Shinpo-kai), the group consisted of revolutionary intellectuals from governing class aimed at modernization of Korea (Ishin-kai) and Japan which tried to secure the 'aggressive protection' by supporting the modernization of Korea. 例文帳に追加

金完燮の『親日派のための弁明』(2002)では、一進会の運動を、李氏朝鮮政府の圧政をはねのけようとする農民階級(東学党→進歩会)と、支配階級出身で朝鮮の近代化をめざす改革派知識人グループ(維新会)、そして朝鮮近代化を支援することで「攻撃的な防御」を確保しようとする日本、の3つの改革勢力が結集されたものとして高く評価している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also Nitobe pointed out that Bushido was not based on Japanese tradition because it became outdated soon and was an ideology of governing class that consisted only a small percent of the population, but "Bushido" of Nitobe which reinterpreted the inheritance of Japanese tradition built an image of Japanese samurai in abroad with 'Hagakure' of Jocho YAMAMOTO. 例文帳に追加

また、新渡戸は武士道が速やかに廃れたこと、人口の数パーセントを占める支配階級の理念でしかないことから、日本人の伝統に根ざしたものではないとも指摘しているが、日本人の伝統として受け継いだ内容を再解釈した新渡戸の『武士道』は山本常朝の「葉隠」とともに、海外における日本の侍のイメージを決定づけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not clear, despite the various theories, about its connection to gunto (rice stored in a county) that used to belong to kori (provincial administrative organization), and the relation to miyake (a governing system in Yamato sovereignty [the ancient Japan sovereignty]) that was older than the first, but it can be considered that land tax, suiko and hyoto (rice in kori) stored in miyake and Kuninomiyatsuko-ryo (territory of the heads of local governments) were integrated or separated into taizei and gunto in the process of reorganization after the Taika Reforms. 例文帳に追加

以前には評に所属していた見られる郡稲との関係やそれ以前から続く屯倉との関連性については様々な学説が出ており、屯倉や国造領に納められていた租税や出挙、評稲などが大化改新以後に再編される過程で大税と郡稲に統合・分離したと考えられるということ以外には不明である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(iii) in case that under the governing law, etc. of the jurisdiction the Firm needs to obtain permission, consent or approval (hereinafter referred to as the “permission, etc.”) in order to submit such information and that the Firm is unable to submit the required information due to the Firm’s failure in obtaining the permission, etc., a statement which describes: (a) measures taken by the Firm for obtaining the permission, etc. and (b) the reason why the permission, etc. was not obtained even after the above measures were taken. 例文帳に追加

③ 提出を求められている事項の記載について当該法令等により第三者の許可、同意又は承認(以下「許可等」という。)を要する場合において、当該許可等が得られなかったことにより当該事項が記載できない場合にあっては、外国監査法人等が当該許可等を得るために講じた措置及び当該措置を講じてもなお当該許可等を得られなかった理由 - 金融庁

I am a Diet member from the People's New Party (PNP) and not from the DPJ, but am committed to firmly sticking to the three-party pact on the "super manifest" for the coalition government. We formed the coalition on the basis of a thorough understanding of the politician-led governing approach. As a politician, and also as a Minister, I am intensely conscious of the weightiness of the politician-led approach. 例文帳に追加

私は民主党ではございません、国民新党でございますが、連立政権でのスーパーマニフェストは、きちっと3党合意を守りますけれども、しかし政治主導ということはきちっと理解して、連立政権を組んでいるわけでございますから、政治家として政治主導の重たさというのは十分所管大臣として、拳拳服膺(けんけんふくよう)してかみしめております。 - 金融庁

Also, is it ensured, for example, that under the rules governing the Board of Directors, decisions on matters concerning business consultation and guidance and other finance facilitation, legal compliance, customer protection and risk management that would seriously affect the financial institution’s corporate management are treated as the exclusive prerogatives of the Board of Directors and judgment as to whether or not specific cases meet the criteria ofseriously affectis not left to the representative directors? 例文帳に追加

また、例えば、取締役会規則において、経営相談・経営指導等をはじめとした金融円滑化、法令等遵守、顧客保護等及びリスク管理に関する事項のうち、当該金融機関の経営にとって重大な影響があるものを取締役会の専決事項とした上、重大性の判断を代表取締役に委ねない等の態勢となっているか。 - 金融庁

Ministers appreciated that participation in the enhanced framework had now been approved by the governing bodies of a majority of multilateral institutions, although they recognized that successful implementation of the Initiative will depend upon the timely availability of adequate financing to meet their full debt relief costs. 例文帳に追加

大臣達は、現在、過半の多国間機関の意思決定機関により、拡充された枠組みへの参加が承認されたことを評価した。しかし、大臣達は、イニシアティブ実施の成功はそれら機関の全ての債務救済コストに見合う適切な資金手当てが時機を得て確保されていることに依存することを認識した。 - 財務省

The provisions for the use of trademarks, within the meaning of Article 23 of this Law, shall be deemed to be complied with as to a collective mark, if that mark is being used in any of the ways provided for in Article 23 and pursuant to the regulations governing the use of the collective mark, by at least one of the persons entitled to use it.例文帳に追加

団体標章に関しては,第23条の意味における商標使用に関する規定は,その標章がそれを使用する権利を有する者の少なくとも1により,第23条に定めた方法の何れかによって,及びその団体標章の使用規約に従って使用されている場合は,遵守されているものとみなす。 - 特許庁

When the registered owner of a registered certification trade mark allows another person (approved user) to use the certification trade mark in relation to goods or services in respect of which it is registered, the approved user has a right to use the certification trade mark in relation to those goods or services in accordance with the rules governing the use of the certification trade mark. 例文帳に追加

登録証明商標の登録所有者が,他の者(「承認使用者」)に証明商標の登録に係わる商品又はサービスに関して証明商標を使用することを許可したときは,承認使用者は,当該証明商標の使用を規制する規約に従い,前記の商品又はサービスに関して当該証明商標を使用する権利を有する。 - 特許庁

(4) (a) For the purpose of paragraph 9 of the Second Schedule to the Act, the regulations governing the use of the mark shall be open to public inspection on and from the date of publication of the application in the Journal in accordance with section 43(1) and the period during which opposition may be given, or observations made, under the provisions of that paragraph shall be three months from the said date of publication.例文帳に追加

(4) (a) 本法附則2第9号の適用上,標章の使用を管理する規則は,第43条(1)による公報上の出願公告日以後,公衆の閲覧に供されるものとし,また,当該号の規定に基づき異議申立ができ又は意見書を提出することができる期間は,当該公告日後3月とする。 - 特許庁

(9) In issues not regulated in paragraphs (1) to (8), the provisions of Chapter VII shall apply mutatis mutandis to general provisions governing procedures concerning plant variety protection, except that in plant variety protection matters the party to the procedure is not entitled to communicate with the Hungarian Patent Office, and the Hungarian Patent Office shall not to be obliged to communicate with the party by electronic means in writing.例文帳に追加

(9) (1)から(8)までに規定していない問題においては,植物品種保護に関する手続を規制する一般規定に対して第VII章の規定を準用する。ただし,植物品種保護事項において,手続の当事者は,ハンガリー特許庁と電子的手段による通信をする権原を有さず,また,ハンガリー特許庁は,当事者と電子的手段による通信をする義務を負わない。 - 特許庁

(a) it shall participate in the activity of the governing and other bodies of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the European Patent Organisation, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, the Community Plant Variety Office, of the Council for TRIPS of the World Trade Organization as well as, on the basis of a general or ad hoc authorization of the minister responsible for the subject matter, of other international organisations;例文帳に追加

(a) 世界知的所有権機関,欧州特許機構,欧州共同体商標意匠庁,共同体植物品種庁の管理その他の組織,及び世界貿易機関TRIPS理事会,並びに当該問題担当大臣の一般的又は随時の許可に基づいて,その他の国際組織の活動に参加すること - 特許庁

A certification mark shall not be registered unless the regulations governing the use of the mark comply with paragraph 6 of this Schedule and any further requirements imposed by rules; and are not contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; and the applicant is competent to certify the goods or services for which the mark is to be registered. 例文帳に追加

証明標章は,次のことを満たさない限り,登録されない。標章の使用を管理する規定が,本附則第6項及び規則により更なる要件を満たしていること,又,公の秩序又は一般に容認された道徳原理に反していないこと,また出願人が,標章が登録されるべき商品又はサービスを証明する能力を有すること。 - 特許庁

After publication of the collective mark and of the regulations governing use thereof, the owner of an earlier trademark, of a well-known trademark or of an earlier right of personal portrayal or right to a name, a protected geographical indication, a protected design or a copyright or any other concerned person may form with OSIM opposition to the registration of the collective mark, within the time limit laid down in Article 19 paragraph (1).例文帳に追加

団体標章及びその使用規約の公告後,先の商標,周知商標,先の個人の肖像権若しくは名称権,保護された地理的表示,保護された意匠若しくは著作権の所有者,又はその他の関係人は,第19条(1)に規定する期限内に団体標章の登録に対してOSIMに異議申立することができる。 - 特許庁

(1) In accordance with the provisions of the Law Governing Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction, any interested party shall be entitled to lodge a contentious administrative appeal against the grant of a patent without having been obliged to submit comments on the report on the state of the art or to state opposition during the grant procedure with prior examination.例文帳に追加

(1) 係争に関する行政管轄を司る法律の規定に従い,関係当事者は,技術水準に関する報告書について意見書を提出することなく又は事前審査による特許を付与する手続中に異議申立を行うことなく,当該特許の付与に対し係争に関する行政上の提訴をする権利を付与される。 - 特許庁

In the event of an attachment in respect of a patent, the writ of attachment shall be entered in the patent register and the provisions contained in the Dutch Code of Civil Procedure (Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering) governing an attachment under a warrant of execution and a prejudgment attachment of real property shall apply mutatis mutandis, subject to the condition that the writ of attachment contains a description of the patent instead of the nature and location of the real property.例文帳に追加

特許に関する差押が生ずる場合は,差押令状が特許登録簿に記入されるものとし,また不動産についての執行令状に基づく差押及び判決前差押に適用するオランダ民事訴訟法典の規定が,差押令状が不動産の性質及び場所の代わりに特許についての記述を含むことを条件として準用される。 - 特許庁

Articles 508, 509, 513(1), 514(2) and (3), 515 to 519, and 521 to 529 of the Dutch Code of Civil Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis, on the understanding that the relevant provisions contained in those Articles governing mortgages and mortgagees apply in respect of the pledges on the patent and the pledgees.例文帳に追加

オランダ民事訴訟法典第508条,第509条,第513条(1),第514条(2)及び(3),第515条から第519条まで並びに第521条から第529条までが準用されるものとするが,その場合は,それらの条文の譲渡抵当及び譲渡抵当権者に関する規定が,特許に関する質権及び質権者に適用されると理解される。 - 特許庁

If the collective mark consists of an indication of geographical origin, the regulations governing use of the mark must provide that any person whose goods or services originate in the geographical area concerned and fulfill the conditions for use set out in the said regulations shall be authorized to become a member of the association and shall be admitted to the group of persons who have authority to use the mark. 例文帳に追加

団体標章が地理的起源の表示からなる場合は,その標章の使用を規律する定款には,当該地理的領域に源を発する商品若しくはサービスを提供する者でかつ同定款に定める使用条件を満たす者が,当該団体の構成員となる権限を有し,かつ当該標章使用の権限を有する者の集団の資格を認められる旨を定めなければならない。 - 特許庁

The application of a collective mark shall be accompanied by regulations rendering information on the name, place of business, purpose and representation of the association, on the circle of persons authorized to use the collective mark, the conditions governing such use, the withdrawal of the right of use in case of misuse of the collective mark, and on the rights and obligations of the members where the collective mark is infringed. 例文帳に追加

団体標章の出願には,団体に関する名称,事業所所在地,目的及び代表行為,団体標章を使用することができる者の範囲,使用条件,団体標章を不正使用した場合における使用の権利の喪失,並びに団体標章が侵害された場合における関係当事者の権利及び義務に関する情報を提供する規約を添付しなければならない。 - 特許庁

167.2. (a) An application for registration of a collective mark shall designate the mark as a collective mark and shall be accompanied by a copy of the agreement, if any, governing the use of the collective mark. (b) The registered owner of a collective mark shall notify the Director of any changes made in respect of the agreement referred to in paragraph (a).例文帳に追加

167.2(a)団体標章登録出願にあっては,当該標章を団体標章として指定し,当該団体標章の使用について定めた協定がある場合は,その協定の写1通を添付する。 (b)団体標章の権利者は,(a)にいう協定を変更する場合は,その変更について局長に通知する。 - 特許庁

(c) Within five days from receipt of a notice of opposition from the other applicant or any of them if there be more than one other applicant, the Director of Trademarks shall endorse all the files of the allowed application and the application of the opposing applicant or applicants to the Bureau of Legal Affairs for prosecution in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations governing oppositions.例文帳に追加

(c)商標局長は,他の出願人又は複数の出願人がいる場合はそのうちの何れかからの異議申立の受領後5日以内に,異議申立に適用される本規則の規定に基づく手続遂行のために,許可された出願及び異議申立出願人の出願のすべてのファイルを法務局に引き渡す。 - 特許庁

In the case where an equation governing the temporal development of the vector field only rotates each vector in simulation of the vector field, the time required for simulation is shortened by automatically calculating a time step of always rotating the vector by only a rotation angle preliminarily given in each calculation step.例文帳に追加

ベクトル場のシミュレーションにおいて、その時間発展を支配する方程式が各ベクトルの回転のみを行うものである場合、各計算ステップにおいてあらかじめ与えられた回転角度だけ常に回転するような時間ステップを自動的に計算することでシミュレーションに要する時間の短縮を図る。 - 特許庁

An electronic control unit 12 for governing control of such an automatic transmission simplifies the shift control by computing transmission torque capacity before the shift of the engaging elements released in shifting, and selecting a control pattern of the shift control in response to the magnitude of the computed transmission torque capacity.例文帳に追加

こうした自動変速機の制御を司る電子制御ユニット12は、変速に際して解放される係合要素の変速前の伝達トルク容量を演算するとともに、その演算された伝達トルク容量の大きさに応じて変速制御の制御パターンを選択することで、変速制御の簡易化を図っている。 - 特許庁

This hair spring structural body 30a of the speed governing mechanism 2a of the movement 1a has the hair spring body 40 made of a carbon nano-fiber, and a substantially rigid hair spring mounting part 60a integrally formed with the body 40, connected to one end part 34 of the body 40, and made of a carbon nano-fiber.例文帳に追加

ムーブメント1aの調速機構2aのヒゲぜんまい構造体30aは、カーボンナノファイバー製のヒゲぜんまい本体40と、この本体40と一体的に成形されて本体40の一端部34に結合され実質的に剛性でカーボンナノファイバー製のヒゲぜんまい取付部60aとを有する。 - 特許庁

Self-excited vibration is generated by properly setting pressure of a supply system 10 reaching an oil jet from an oil pump 1 to a time constant and characteristic frequency of a pressure governing valve 12, and oil is fed while maintaining the maximum oil feeding pressure by timely changing oil feeding pressure in the case of feeding lubricating oil to be supplied from the capacity type oil pump 1 by the oil jet.例文帳に追加

容積型のオイルポンプ1から供給される潤滑油をオイルジェットにより給油する場合に、オイルポンプ1からオイルジェットに至る供給系10の圧力を調圧弁12の時定数及び固有心同数などを適切に設定して自励振動を生じさせ、これにより給油圧力を時間的に変化させ最高給油圧力を維持したまま給油する。 - 特許庁

When an intercept bypass valve and a steam governing valve are changed over, in a plant to apply a medium pressure turbine starting, a pressure setting value of the control to control a low pressure turbine bypass valve 9 is detected by a load transmitter 19, and a circuit to change the pressure setting value to a prescribed pressure by a function generator 20 is provided.例文帳に追加

中圧タービン起動を採用するプラントにおいて、インターセプトバイパス弁6と蒸気加減弁3の切替時において、低圧タービンバイパス弁9を制御する制御の圧力設定値を、負荷発信器19により検出し、関数発生器20により規定圧力まで変化させる回路を設けることを特徴とする低圧タービンバイパス制御装置。 - 特許庁

A solenoid valve 4 of a gas feeding pipe 5 is opened during a period since an intake valve 2 starts to open until a crank angle becomes 360 degrees, and closed to stop feeding of fuel gas when the fuel gas amount determined by governing at that time is fed from a jet port 5a of the gas feeding pipe 5 into an inlet port 1.例文帳に追加

ガス供給管5の電磁弁4は、吸気弁2が開き始めてからクランク角度が360度になるまでの間に開かれ、その時のガバニングで定められた燃料ガス量がガス供給管5の噴出口5aから給気ポート1に供給されると閉じられて燃料ガスの供給を停止する。 - 特許庁


A system comprising a coil section 1, in which two or three solenoid coils are arranged so that each coil axis may mutually intersect perpendicularly, a current controlling section 2 for governing the magnitude and polarity of a current supplied to each coil, an operation panel 3 for sending a control signal to a current controlling section, and a direct-current power supply device 4, is provided.例文帳に追加

2個又は3個のソレノイドコイルをそれぞれのコイル軸線が互いに直交するように配置したコイル部1と、各コイルに供給する電流の大きさと極性を制御する電流制御部2、電流制御部に制御信号を送る操作盤3及び直流電源装置4から構成されるシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁


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