
「there could be」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(6ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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there could beの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 385


Note that you should ensure that all your files have been saved because even though normal exceptions should only cause the build to fail cleanly, some critical bugs (e.g.AWT-related deadlocks) in your app could cause the IDE to hang orcrash.In unforked mode there can also be some subtle problems if your app's classpath includes packages that overlap packages in NB's startup classpath.例文帳に追加

通常の例外では、構築がクリーンな形で失敗するだけですが、アプリケーションの重大なバグ (AWT 関係のデッドロックなど) によって IDE がハングアップあるいはクラッシュすることがあるため、必ずすべてのファイルを保存してください。 - NetBeans

He said that he was 150 years old, had traveled various places, and there was no place where he had not set his foot, but the beauty of this temple was like no other in man's world, and that something like this could not be found anywhere, however hard anyone searched; he put the palms of his hands together and uttered 'Namu' for a number of days. 例文帳に追加

その自ら言うところでは、齢は150歳で、もろもろの国を歴遊して、足の及ばない所はないが、この永寧寺の素晴らしさは閻浮にはまたと無いもの、たとえ仏国土を隅なく求めても見当たらないと言い、口に「南無」と唱えつつ、幾日も合掌し続けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The question of 'what the main theme in The Tale of Genji is' has been argued in various ways since the old times; the 'Mono no Aware' Japanese sentimental theory could be the most possible 'theme' to represent the overall work of "The Tale of Genji" in one word, but to date there is no decisive view that is widely accepted. 例文帳に追加

「源氏物語の主題が何であるのか」については古くから様々に論じられてきたが、『源氏物語』全体を一言で言い表すような「主題」については「もののあはれ」論がその位置に最も近いとは言えるものの、未だに広く承認された決定的な見解は存在しない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fumihiko GOMI's study could be said to have been developed from Yashiro's conclusion in his book: 'not only does it not lose its value as source material for the Kamakura period, but there is also no comparative work,' changing his study and conjecture more concretely. 例文帳に追加

五味文彦の研究は、八代がその著書の結びとした「鎌倉時代の根本資料として価値を失わざるのみならず、恐らくは之に比敵するものあらざるべし」という方向で、更に具体的に研究と推論を発展させたものといえるだろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a theory that Shizu no iwaya could be the one that was depicted in a Oishi no Suguri no Mahito's poem in Manyoshu (Volume 3-355) "Onamuchi and Sukunahikona lived in Shizu no iwaya; how many generations that have been passed by?" 例文帳に追加

静之窟が万葉集(巻3-355)に収められている生石村主真人(おいしのすぐりのまひと)の「大汝少彦名乃将座志都乃石室者幾代将経(おほなむちすくなひこのいましけむしつのいわやはいくよへにけむ)」の「志都乃石室」ではないかとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even at the time of Yoshimochi and Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, there could be seen many cases of the kamon ando (guarantee to a family) by the Muromachi dono (the Shogun), but after the Kakitsu Incident, it was mainly the emperor who first provided the ando authorization to the families, which was then followed by the shogun providing the ando authorization to keryo territories. 例文帳に追加

義持・足利義教の時代に入っても室町殿による家門安堵の例が多く見られるものの、嘉吉の変以後はもっぱら天皇が家門を安堵し、それを受けて室町殿が家領の安堵する形式がほとんどとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, having excavated the periphery of the present Kudara-ji Temple, nothing could be found; the old-roof tiles nor the trace of kanji (on state-sponsored temples), as evidence to prove that 'this' was the original Kudara-ji Temple, plus, this place is located far from Asuka, the center of the politics, therefore it is doubted that Kudara-daiji has been there since early time. 例文帳に追加

しかし、現・百済寺周辺からはその時代の古瓦は出土せず、官寺らしき寺跡もなく、当時の政治の中心であった飛鳥とも地理的に離れており、この地に「百済大寺」が所在したことは早くから疑問視されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There have only been a few historical materials introducing Yorimasa and Nakatsuna's behavior under the Taira administration, and one of them was a report written by Nakatsuna in 1168 saying that he could not afford to hire dancers for Gosechi-mai (dance performance as part of a harvest festival) to be held at the Imperial Court due to the poor rice harvest in Izu Province. 例文帳に追加

平氏政権下での仲綱の動向としては仁安(日本)3年(1168年)、伊豆守だった仲綱が伊豆が不作なため朝廷に献じる五節舞の舞姫の費用を弁じることができない旨の請文が現存しており、頼政・仲綱の動向を知る数少ない史料になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 3, 1868, the Decree for the Restoration of Imperial Rule proclaimed the direct rule by the Emperor whereby abolishing Sekkan (regents and advisors) (however, later on, members of the Imperial Family could be appointed as Sekkan as prescribed by the Imperial House Act and there is an instance that when he was the Crown Prince, Emperor Showa became Regent to Emperor Taisho). 例文帳に追加

12月9日の王政復古の大号令により、天皇親政が宣言され、摂関は廃止された(ただし摂政は後に皇室典範の定めにより皇族が臨時に任命されることになり、実際昭和天皇が皇太子時代に大正天皇の摂政となった事例がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to an analysis of the Okehazama Incident in the Japanese history of warfare made by the Staff Headquarters of the Empire of Japan, based on the calculation that for every 10,000 koku the military service of 250 soldiers could be supported, it was estimated that Yoshimoto's territory produced a total crop yield of 1,000,000 koku and there were 25,000 soldiers in his army, but these were figures gained by padding each crop yield of the Suruga, Totomi and Mikawa provinces, which in reality were less productive, in addition to counting Owari Province as part of his territory. 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国参謀本部作成の日本戦史、桶狭間役の分析では、石高の低い駿河、遠江、三河が水増しされ、さらに尾張が領国に組み入れられ、100万石と推定され、1万石につき250人の兵役で、総兵力2万5千とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are various theories about it (as follows), but none is certain: he worried about being attacked and was anxious about his wife; they came to be on bad terms because Tomiko said, 'Asano committed hara-kiri, so why don't you do that too?'; or, because the new residence was small, he could not take a lot of maid-servants. 例文帳に追加

討ち入りを懸念して妻の身を案じたため、また、富子が「浅野も腹を切ったのだからあなたも切ったらどうです?」と言ったため不仲になった、新屋敷が狭くて大勢の女中を連れることができないため等、諸説があって定かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The number is less than the approximate 15,192 of Okubo Station (Kyoto Prefecture) and approximate 9,570 of Ogura Station (Kyoto Prefecture) on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line, which runs in the western part of Uji City, and there is doubt as to whether it could be referred to as a representative station of Uji City, but this station and Keihan Uji Station do function as gateways for sightseeing in Uji. 例文帳に追加

宇治市西部を走る近畿日本鉄道近鉄京都線の大久保駅(京都府)の約15,192人や、同小倉駅(京都府)の約9,570人より少なく、宇治市の代表駅と言えるかは疑問であるが、宇治観光の玄関口としては当駅や京阪宇治駅が機能している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, these buses do not constitute competitions with Shinkansen lines for routes connecting stations on Shinkansen lines, but indirectly get customers who could use Shinkansen lines (however, because there are too many differences between their fares and between the traveling times, it can be said that the trains or buses are selectively used based on customers' needs, rather than competing with each other directly). 例文帳に追加

このため、新幹線の駅を結ぶ競合でなくても新幹線の客を奪っているのである(ただ、運賃と所要時間が違いすぎるため、直接的な新幹線との競合というよりは、利用客のニーズの違いで使い分けられている感が大きい)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was an impression that MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka served under the main branch of the Fujiwara clan since the Anna Incident, but it could be interpreted from this that mercenary army that served all ranked ruling people was mobilized as needed by the emperor, minister, and kugyo (court noble). 例文帳に追加

源満仲は、安和の変などの印象から、藤原氏本流に臣従していたイメージが強いが、天皇を始めとして臣、公卿などに必要に応じて起用されていた、つまり支配階級全体に奉仕する傭兵部隊としての色彩がここから感じられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also known that Michinaga NIJO, the son of Yoshizane, died at Nijo Tomikojidono residence according to the entry which records his death on December 29, 1259 in "Tsunemitsukyo-ki" (The Record of Lord Tsunemitsu) ('Today at dawn, Michinaga Nijo was said to have passed away at the Nijo Tomikoji residence; as I could not be there as I was taken in a battle'). 例文帳に追加

また良実の子二条道良が死去したのが、二条富小路殿であったことも『経光卿記』正元(日本)元年11月8日条の死去記事(「今暁(二条道良)令薨去給云々、坐二条富小路亭、已為陣中、旁無便宜」)に明記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the beginning, there were many opinions expressed from the inside of the Meiji Government that the proclamation of Kaiho Rei could be action to directly connect with negation of Emperor system and would conflict with Emperor system, and thus, Buraku emancipation policy, of course, and presence of Kaiho Rei also were intolerable matters for Meiji Government. 例文帳に追加

当初から解放令の公布は天皇制の否定に直結しかねない行為であり天皇制と矛盾する、といった意見が明治政府内から数多く出ており、明治政府としては部落解放政策は勿論の事、解放令の存在も到底認めがたい物でしかなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The contents consisted of Buke shohatto (laws for the samurai families), osadamegaki (regulations by the bakufu), military orders and various other regulations concerning military services, kinban (regular duty), arms, processions, passing checking stations, the dress code system, and falconry, and frequently enquired questions and answers for them were also explained there using the enquiry format for Roju (senior councilor) or Metsuke (inspector) (the book could also be used for Shosatsurei (Epistolary Etiquette)). 例文帳に追加

武家諸法度・御定書・軍令・軍役・勤番・武具・行列・関所通行・服制・鷹狩などに関する諸規定から成り、しばしば発生する疑問やそれに関する回答について老中や目付に対する伺書の書式を用いて解説している(書札礼の役目も兼ねる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding expected losses related to the exposures to Lehman Brothers following the company's bankruptcy, as I already told you, we have not recognized anything to suggest that there could be an immediately serious impact on the management of individual financial institutions. 例文帳に追加

先ほども申し上げており繰り返しになりますけれども、リーマン・ブラザーズの破綻に伴うエクスポージャーから生じる損失見込み等々に関しては、これが直ちに各金融機関の経営に深刻な影響を与えるような要素となっているという問題は把握していないということでございます。 - 金融庁

Accordingly, given that they have not been confirmed as falling under the category of hedge funds which could entail systemic risk (based on a fact-finding survey by the FSA), at present, there seems to be no need to change the regulation to make them subject to registration (see Note). 例文帳に追加

従って、システミック・リスクを招く可能性のあるヘッジ・ファンドに該当するものは確認されていない(当庁の実態調査による)ことから、現時点において、届出対象から登録対象に変更する必要はないものと考えられる(注)。 - 金融庁

Given that no collective investment schemes for professionals, which are subject to a notification system, has been confirmed at present as falling under the category of hedge funds which could entail systemic risk, there seems to be no need to change the regulation to make them subject to registration 例文帳に追加

届出制に基づくプロ向け集団投資スキームは、実態として、システミック・リスクを招く可能性のあるヘッジ・ファンドに該当するものが確認されていないことから、現時点において、届出対象から登録対象に変更する必要はないものと考えられる - 金融庁

(ii) When the qualifications of employees and officers are examined in a comprehensive manner in relation to the following criteria regarding organized crime groups, their members and financial crimes, whether there is the risk that public confidence in the Financial Instruments Business Operator could be damaged because of the inclusion among its staff of officers and employees with inappropriate qualifications. 例文帳に追加

暴力団又は暴力団員との関係その他の事情として、以下の事項を総合的に勘案した結果、役員又は使用人のうちに、業務運営に不適切な資質を有する者があることにより、金融商品取引業の信用を失墜させるおそれがあると認められることはないか。 - 金融庁

(ii) When the qualifications of employees and officers are examined in a comprehensive manner in relation to the following criteria regarding organized crime groups, their members and financial crimes, whether there is the risk that public confidence in the financial instruments business could be damaged because of the inclusion of officers and employees with inappropriate qualifications among its staff. 例文帳に追加

② 暴力団又は暴力団員との関係その他の事情として、以下の事項を総合的に勘案した結果、役員又は使用人のうちに、業務運営に不適切な資質を有する者があることにより、金融商品取引業の信用を失墜させるおそれがあると認められることはないか。 - 金融庁

B. Whether, as a result of examining the following matters in a comprehensive manner, there is a risk that public confidence in the authorized transaction-at-exchange operator could be damaged because of the inclusion of persons with inappropriate qualifications for managing transaction-at-exchange operations among its officers or employees who conduct transaction-at-exchange operations. 例文帳に追加

ロ.以下の事項を総合的に勘案した結果、役員又は取引所取引業務を行う使用人のうちに、取引所取引業務の運営に不適切な資質を有する者があることにより、取引所取引許可業者の信用を失墜させるおそれがあると認められることはないか。 - 金融庁

(iv) When the qualifications of employees and officers are examined in a comprehensive manner in relation to the following criteria regarding organized crime members and financial crimes, whether there is the risk that public confidence in the securities finance company could be damaged because of the inclusion of officers and employees with inappropriate qualifications among its staff. 例文帳に追加

④ 暴力団員との関係その他の事情として、以下の事項を総合的に勘案した結果、役員又は使用人のうちに、業務運営に不適切な資質を有する者があることにより、証券金融会社としての社会的信用を損なうおそれがあると認められることはないか。 - 金融庁

You say that there is little possibility that the capital of financial institutions, including major banks, could be eroded significantly. In any case, what do you think of the possibility of the management conditions of Japanese financial institutions, including major banks, deteriorating as a result of this bankruptcy? 例文帳に追加

大手行も含めまして、自己資本が著しく毀損する事態となる可能性というのは少ないということですけれども、いずれにしても、経営悪化というか、そういう可能性というものについて、大手も含めまして、今回の影響をどのように見ていらっしゃいますでしょうか。 - 金融庁

It happened only yesterday, so it is difficult to predict how much it will hurt their management. At least, I can say that we have not detected any incident, item or data suggesting that there could be a serious impact on their management. 例文帳に追加

昨日の今日でありますから、この事態でどこまで経営に悪影響が出るか、ということについてはなかなか予測をし難い部分はありますが、少なくとも経営に重大な影響を与える、こういう事象であったりとか、事項であったりとか、数値というものは確認しておりません。 - 金融庁

There have been various types of minister for financial services, such as Mr. Kamei, Mr. Jimi, and Mr. Takenaka. Could you tell me what kind of minister you would like to be? Also, tell me about your specific objectives, if you have any. 例文帳に追加

これまで金融担当大臣では、亀井さんですとか自見さんですとか、過去には竹中さんと様々なタイプの大臣がおられましたけれども、どのような大臣像を目指されるかというのを教えていただけますか。あと、具体的な目標があれば教えてください。 - 金融庁

Third, I hear that there is a widely spreading view in some corners that mandatory application of IFRS could be introduced for the business year ending 31 March 2015 (i.e., BY2014), at the earliest, but I would like to clarify that mandatory application would not take place from the business year ending March 2015, at the very least. 例文帳に追加

3番目でございますが、一部で早ければ2015年3月期、すなわち2014年度にもIFRSの強制適用を行うのではないかと喧伝されているやに聞くわけでございますが、少なくとも2015年3月期についての強制適用は考えておりません。 - 金融庁

As a result, there is a widely spreading view in some corners that mandatory application of IFRS could be introduced for the business year ending March 31, 2015 (i.e., BY2014), at the earliest. Therefore, I am stating that we are not thinking of introducing mandatory application, at least for the business year ending March 31, 2015. 例文帳に追加

それを私が、それで一部で早ければ2015年3月期、すなわち2014年度にもIFRSの強制適用が行われるのではないかと、一部喧伝されていますので、ですから、私は少なくとも2015年3月期についての強制適用を考えておりませんということを申し上げておるわけです。 - 金融庁

So, General MacArthur's occupation forces created independent administrative commissions. Throughout the occupation, there was a Radio Regulatory Commission in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and members of the Commission could not be dismissed even by the Prime Minister or the Minister for Posts and Telecommunications. 例文帳に追加

ですから、マッカーサーは、要するに占領軍として独立行政委員会をつくりました。占領中ずっと郵政省に電波監理委員会というのがございまして、そこは電波監理委員という一遍なれば、総理大臣といえども、郵政大臣といえどもそこを罷免させることはできなかったのです。 - 金融庁

So, not only near the end of the fiscal year but also now, we must prevent companies that could be saved from bankruptcy from going bankruptalthough I think that there are various reasons for bankruptcyas I think that the current situation is extraordinary 例文帳に追加

ですから年度末はもちろんですけれども、今も倒産には色々な理由があると思いますけれども、とにかく倒れなくていいところが倒れるようなことがあってはならない、それはやっぱり今の異常な状況だからだろうと思います - 金融庁

Although the global economy is showing some signs of recovery, there still seem to be risks that could disrupt the world economy and financial markets, such as high unemployment rates and increasing fiscal deficits in developed countries, as well as a surge of capital inflows to emerging market countries.Thus, we should remain cautious about future prospects. 例文帳に追加

世界経済は回復を続けていますが、先進各国における高水準の失業率や財政赤字の拡大、及び新興市場国への資本流入の増大等、世界経済や金融市場を不安定化させるリスクが見られ、引き続き慎重な見通しを持つべきです。 - 財務省

Although unrestricted capital movements can be a driving force for growth of the world economy through the efficient distribution of resources, if capital accounts are liberalized too hastily in the absence of macroeconomic stability and a solid domestic financial system, there are risks that it could increase an economy's vulnerability. 例文帳に追加

自由な資本の移動は資源の効率的な配分を通じて世界経済の成長の原動力となる一方、マクロ経済や国内金融システムの安定を欠いたままに拙速に資本勘定の自由化を進める場合、経済の脆弱性を高めるリスクがあります。 - 財務省

You define as default a failure to meet a financial obligation on the due date and situations where debt is exchanged on terms less favourable than contained in the original issue, and in you latest report saythere is the risk that, even if reform is pushed through and sustainable growth is restored, it could be too late to avoid default”.例文帳に追加

貴社はデフォルトを「約定日に金融債務を履行しないこと、及び当初よりも不利な債券の交換」と定義し、最近発表のレポートでは「改革が実施され持続的成長が回復してもデフォルトを回避するには遅すぎるかもしれない」としている。 - 財務省

The Commissioner must allow the evidence to be filed only if-- (a)the Commissioner considers that there are genuine and exceptional circumstances that justify filing the evidence; or (b)the evidence could not have been filed earlier.例文帳に追加

局長は,次の場合にのみ当該証拠の提出を許可しなければならない。(a) 当該証拠の提出を正当化する真正かつ例外的な事情が存在すると認めた場合,又は (b) 当該証拠がそれより早くには提出できなかったであろう場合 - 特許庁

The predetermined period allows for a timing skew that could occur with the LSI tester; once the circuit element is determined by the logic simulation to have no problems, there is no possibility that it will later be determined as being faulty by the LSI tester under the influence of the timing skew.例文帳に追加

所定期間は、LSIテスタで生じるタイミングスキューを考慮した期間であり、論理シミュレーションにおいて問題なしと判定された場合には、後にLSIテスタで、タイミングスキューの影響により異常と判定されることはない。 - 特許庁

If there is error in the received data, however, an inter-terminal communication section 12 requests the data that could be received correctly, to another mobile terminal through multicast using inter-terminal communication, and in response to the request, data transmitted by multicast are received from the other mobile terminal and stored in the storage section 14.例文帳に追加

一方、受信したデータに誤りがあれば、端末間通信部12により、端末間通信を用いたマルチキャストで、正しく受信できなかったデータを他の携帯端末に要求し、該要求に応じて他の携帯端末からマルチキャストで送信されるデータを受信して記憶部14に記憶させる。 - 特許庁

In addition, even if there was any difference in treatment between the foreign investor and domestic investor, it could be justified if it wasshown that it is based on reasonable policy decisions and not intended to favor domestic investors over foreign investors.”例文帳に追加

その上で、外国投資家と国内投資家の異なる取り扱いがあっても、「外国資本家に対する国内資本家の優遇を意図するものではなく、合理的な政策判断に基づくものであることが示される場合」には正当化されうると述べた。 - 経済産業省

Although Figure 2.4.1, which shows the trends in international balance of payments in the countries and regions, indicates that there are some differences by country and region, countries and regions could generally be classified into the following broad categories: (1) countries and regions which experienced the Asian crisis (Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia), and (2) all other countries and regions (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore).例文帳に追加

第2-4-1図は、各国・地域の国際収支の推移であるが、これを見ると、国・地域により多少の相違はあるものの、おおむね、①アジア危機経験国・地域(韓国、タイ、マレーシア、フィリピン、インドネシア)、②それ以外の国・地域(中国、台湾、香港、シンガポール)に大別できる。 - 経済産業省

The factories and coalmines that supported Japan's modernization are an industrial heritage that could be cited as a resource unique to the community. However, while in the West there is a wide awareness of the value of an industrial heritage, with many tourists gathering in these locations, this kind of use is just beginning to happen in Japan.例文帳に追加

地域独特の資源として、日本の近代化を支えた工場や炭鉱などの産業遺産が挙げられるが、欧州では産業遺産の価値が広く認識され、多くの観光客を集めているのに対して、わが国ではこれらの活用は端緒についたところである。 - 経済産業省

15) In Fig. 3-2-12, the reason the percentage of SMEs that "decide on prices by negotiating with their main customers and coming to a mutual agreement" is higher the larger the SME is in terms of the number of employees could be because there is a higher percentage of SMEs with larger numbers of employees that conduct business transactions directly with large enterprises.例文帳に追加

15 同図において、従業員規模が大きくなるほど「主要販売先と話し合い、双方が合意して決定する」の割合が高くなっているのは、従業員規模が大きい中小企業の方が、大企業と直接取引をしている割合が高いことが原因として考えられる。 - 経済産業省

There is no labor union at Mitsu Seiki; however, the organization has an awareness of "fully transparent management" and management personnel make personal efforts to engage in communication with employees. It could be said that Mitsu Seiki's high employee retention rate, with only one or two people leaving annually, is also an essential element in attaining its development of employees with high levels of technical prowess.例文帳に追加

同社には労働組合はないが、「ガラス張りの経営」を意識し、経営陣自ら従業員とのコミュニケーションに努めており、退職者が毎年1・2名程度しか発生せず従業員の定着率が高いことも高い技術力を持った従業員の育成の要素であると言える。 - 経済産業省

The background of the recovery was a fact that there was no severe blocked economy like one found in the 1930s because each country/ region acted with a focus on the international cooperation. It could be said that the WTO system continued to fulfill the function to prevent countries/ regions from movement toward the introduction of protectionism.例文帳に追加

背景としては、各国が国際協調を大前提として行動した結果、世界各国・地域において、1930 年代のような激しいブロック経済化が見られなかったことが大きい。WTO 体制は、引き続き各国による保護主義的措置の導入に向けた動きに対する歯止めとして機能したと言えよう。 - 経済産業省

Whether or not this has an impact on how the young today view the future, plan their careers, or whether it will affect decisions on marriage and parenthood, is not clear as there is not much research or studies done on this and is an area where perhaps more could be done to help policy makers.例文帳に追加

こうしたことが、若者の未来に対する見方やキャリアの計画、結婚についての意思決定に影響を与えているかどうかということについては、十分な調査や研究がなされておらず、はっきりしたことは言えません。しかしながら、政策立案者にとっては研究されていくべき領域でしょう。 - 厚生労働省

In regard to the use of vacant units of emergency provisional housings, relevant prefectures were notified that they could be made available to, such as, the support staff sent from other local governments and volunteers working as requested or commissioned by local governments, until someone requested to move in there. (January 23, 2012)例文帳に追加

建設された応急仮設住宅の空き住戸の活用について、入居希望者が現れるまでの期間に限り、他の自治体からの応援職員、地元自治体等からの要請や委託を受けて活動しているボランティア等の宿泊利用を可能とする旨、関係各県あて通知(平成24年1月23日) - 厚生労働省

I have here made the experiment in a very rough way; but I assure you that if I were to make it carefully, devoting a day to it, instead of five minutes, we should get all the proper amount of charcoal left in the spoon, or in the place where the potassium was burned, so that there could be no doubt as to the result. 例文帳に追加

ここではかなり乱暴に実験してますけれど、もしこの実験を慎重にやって、5分ですませるんじゃなくて丸一日かけたら、スプーンとか、あるいはカリウムを燃やした場所にかなりの炭が残ることになって、結果は疑問の余地がなくなることは断言しておきます。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

The new theory has been strongly supported generally for its clear logic; however, in terms of art history, they are taking a drawing style which is seen in the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period, that could not be a drawing in the period of Northern and Southern Courts, and it is repeatedly claimed that there is no positive evidence to consider that these three portraits were done in the period of Northern and Southern Courts; there has been a significant gap between these theories and the controversy has not yet been concluded. 例文帳に追加

一般的には、論理の明解さから新説を支持する意見が多いとされるが、美術史の立場からは、三像の画風が平安後期-鎌倉初期のものであり、様式から見て南北朝期のものとは言い難く、三像の成立を南北朝期まで下らせる積極的理由のないことが繰り返し強調されるなど、両者間の断絶は大きく、論争の終結はまだ見込まれていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi's father, Yaemon was said to be a 'Hyakusyo', but it is a later way to see 'Hyakusyo' as a farmer and there is an opinion that his main business was 'Ashigaru' (conscripted foot-soldiers) of ODA clan (there is an another opinion that Hideyoshi was a peddler of needles before serving warlords and had a origin of merchant class, judging from his different ideas which a farmer could not hit). 例文帳に追加

秀吉の父・弥右衛門は百姓であったとされるが、百姓=農民とするのは後代の用例であり、弥右衛門の主たる生業は織田家の足軽だったとする説もある(一説には百姓では思いつかないような発想などから秀吉は武家へ仕官以前は針の行商人で商人出身であったという説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The claim (subsections (1) and (2)) may not be made if the employer, with due regard to the circumstances of the case, cannot be expected to work the invention at all or to a greater extent than he has done or could be expected to do had there been no transfer or other alienation. 例文帳に追加

発明に係わる諸般の事情を考慮した場合,使用者が発明を実施することが全く期待できないか,又は現に行っている実施の程度若しくは譲渡その他の処分がなければ行ったと期待される実施の程度を上回って実施することが期待できないときは,当該請求((1)及び(2))を行うことはできない。 - 特許庁


In theProposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/87/EC so as to improve and expand the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system of the Communityannounced in January 2008, there is a statement that reads as follows:an effective carbon equalization system could be introduced with a view to putting installations from the Community which are at a significant risk of carbon leakage and those from third countries on a comparable footing.Such a system could apply requirements to importers that would be no less favorable than those applicable to installations within the EU, for example by requiring the surrender of allowances.例文帳に追加

2008年1月に公表された「共同体の温室効果ガス排出量取引制度の改善と拡大に関する2003/87/EC指令を修正する欧州議会及び欧州理事会指令案」においても、「炭素リーケージの重大な危険にさらされている共同体の施設と第三国の施設を同等の基盤に置くための、効率的な炭素均等化制度が導入されうる。例えば、EU域内よりも有利な輸入者には排出枠の提出を求めることなどが考えられる」との記述がある。 - 経済産業省


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