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They are the remnants of ceremonies conducted at the age of three, 'Kamioki (the ceremony of letting a child's hair grow)', at the year five, 'Hakamagi (ceremony fitting child with a hakama (Japanese skirt) for the first time)', and at the year of seven, 'Obitoki (the ceremony of fitting an ordinary obi to a child)' and 'Himootoshi (the ceremony of cutting cords to fit an ordinary obi for a child).' 例文帳に追加

3歳は髪を伸ばす「髪置(かみおき)」、5歳は初めて袴をつける「袴着(はかまぎ)」、7歳は、それまでの紐付きの着物に代わって、本仕立ての着物と丸帯という大人の装いをする「帯解(おびとき)・紐落(ひもおとし)」の名残りである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Within buke-kojitsu, there was practical kojitsu on kyuba (archery and horsemanship) and battle as well as kojitsu on ceremonies and manners for when in front of the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) or one's lord, and while the former became perfunctory due to changes in military tactics, the latter blended with kuge kojitsu and spawned the Ogasawara school and Ise school. 例文帳に追加

武家故実の中でも弓馬や軍陣における実践的な故実と幕府や主君の前における儀礼や作法などの故実が存在したが、戦法の変化によって前者は形式的なものになったのに対して、後者は公家故実とも融合して、室町時代に小笠原流や伊勢流が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since 1872, European clothes have become the formal attire and ceremonial dresses in the Imperial Court and the government, so now ikan is used by Shinto priests in shrines as formal attire, besides the imperial families and ceremonial staffs wear ikan as ceremonial attire in court rituals and ceremonies. 例文帳に追加

なお、明治5年に宮中や官界では正装・礼装を洋服に改めたため、現在では、宮中祭祀・儀式の際に諸皇族方や掌典職が祭服として着用するほかは、神社界の神職が正装として衣冠を着用する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Widely known as a railroad fanatic, he was so adored by railroad-related people and fanatics that he was often invited as a guest at the ribbon-cutting ceremonies of commemorative events such as the debuts of new-model cars and the launches of railroad companies' new lines. 例文帳に追加

また、大の鉄道ファンとしても知られ、鉄道各社の新型車両デビューや新路線開業などの数々の記念イベントのテープカットに来賓として頻繁に招待されるなど、鉄道関係者や鉄道ファンに大いに慕われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Today, hardly anyone wears the short furisode, which has the shortest sleeves of the three types of furisode; instead, it is the middle-length furisode that has become the most popular type of formal wear for ceremonies and the like, and the middle-length furisode is not necessarily seen as a step down in formality from the long furisode (indeed, the mid-length furisode has earned recognition as an even older, more venerable style). 例文帳に追加

現在では最も袖丈の短い小振袖はほとんど着用されないが、格式があれば中振袖でも第一礼装とし通用するとされ、一般的な大振袖より格が落ちるわけではない(むしろ古風と認識される)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reason of this notion comes from the idea of the way of tea defined by this school, insisting on the discipline of the mind and the emphasis on the daily life for reflecting the spirit of the way of tea; the founder of this school lamented the idea of SEN no Rikyu placing a great importance on the instruments used for tea ceremonies, thus it eliminated the formality of presenting and observing the tea instruments used for its temae. 例文帳に追加

その由来は、千利休の道具を第一とする考え方を憂い、道具の拝見を一切排除し精神を鍛錬することに重きをおき、日常生活にこそ茶の精神が生かされなければ意味がないということからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first half of the Heian period was an era of straight swords, during which the ornamental sword style which is the form of highest-rank sword mountings was established and adopted when attending ceremonies wearing sokutai (traditional ceremonial court dress), but such style was only allowed to the highest-ranked Kugyo (the top court officials). 例文帳に追加

平安時代も前半はまだ直刀の時代で、この時期に最高位の刀剣外装である飾剣様式が完成し、束帯姿で儀式に参列する時などに佩用されたが、上級の公卿にしか使用は許されないものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These swords were required in court ceremonies, and after the era of wanto (curved swords, Japanese swords in a strict sense), from the late Edo period through Meiji and Taisho periods to the early Showa period, they were created with slight changes added over the course, although much decreased in number. 例文帳に追加

これらは宮中の儀式に必要なもので、弯刀(わんとう反りのある刀、狭義の日本刀)時代に入ると、反りが付くようになるなど、若干の変化を加えながら、江戸時代末期から明治、大正、昭和初期に至るまで、少数ではあるが作られ続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These magemono went into a decline over time and replaced by 'oke' in 'yuioke' and 'ishigaki' in 'izutsu,' but they were used as lunchboxes, trays, and bowls for confectionary, flower arrangement and tea ceremonies, and are still produced in quite a volume today. 例文帳に追加

時代の経過とともに、これらの曲物は「桶」における「結桶」や「井筒」における「石垣」などの登場によって廃れていったが、江戸時代以降も弁当箱や膳、盆、菓子器、華器、茶道用器などに利用され、現在も少なからず生産されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a container with a lid and base on its side made by bending a thin lumber of Japanese cypress or Japanese falsecypress produced locally into a circular or oval form, and by sewing its joint with the bark of Japanese mountain cherry; it is used as a rice cooker, lunchbox, tool for tea ceremonies and soba (buckwheat noodle) dish, and seiro (wooden frame holder with reed base used to steam food over a pot). 例文帳に追加

地元で産出されるヒノキやサワラ(植物)の薄板を円形・楕円形に曲げ加工し、合わせ目を山桜の皮で綴じた側板に底や蓋を付けた器物で、日用品として飯器、弁当箱、茶道具、そば道具、せいろなどに用いられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, magic such as katatagae (fortune telling based upon directions) and monoimi (abstaining from contact with the unpure) that became common in the Onmyodo practice in the latter half of the 9th century and ceremonies such as Taizanfukun-sai originating from Taoism, whereas, sanmai (throwing rice), norito (shinto prayer) and uho (a method of incantation) derived from Koshindo. 例文帳に追加

例えば、9世紀後半以降に陰陽道の施術において多く見られるようになった方違え・物忌などの呪術や泰山府君祭などの祭祀は道教に由来するものであり、散米・祝詞・禹歩などは古神道に由来するものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Onmyodo, ignored by the samurai class during wartime, was adopted in rituals observed by the Shogunate and became one of the fields of study for yusoku kojitsu (a study on government posts, ceremonies, and costumes in accordance with precedent since ancient times) by shogunate bureaucrats under the Edo bakufu government in time of peace. 例文帳に追加

戦時の武家社会ではほとんど顧りみられることのなかった陰陽道も、太平の江戸幕政下では、将軍家の儀礼に取り入れられるようになったり、幕府官僚によって有職故実の研究対象の一分野とされるようになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taking over from his father who was banished to Izu Province and then moved to a temple in Hida Province, he became a monk scholar familiar with the various arts of Onmyo referring to himself using the Buddhist name of 'Ryukan' receiving a reduction of punishment for predicting an auspicious sign on the occasion that kokushi (provincial bureaucrat) of Hida Province presented shinme (horses presented to shrines or horses used for ceremonies held at shrines in Japan) in 702 and was allowed to go to the capital city (Shoku nihongi). 例文帳に追加

伊豆国へ流罪となり飛騨国の寺に移された父から引継ぎ陰陽諸道に通じた学僧となり法名「隆観」を名乗っていたが、大宝2年の飛騨国司の神馬献上にあたり、その祥瑞を得たとの理由で罪を減免され入京を許された(続日本紀)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In esoteric Buddhism, it sometimes refers to Vairocana and the other Buddhas, but in general it is a title for priests in a high position who should be an example for the other monks; in Japan in the Tendai and Shingon sects, it is a position given to noble monks, especially to those who conduct rites in ceremonies involving the emperor. 例文帳に追加

密教においては、大日如来等の諸仏を指すことがあるが、一般には衆僧の模範となるべき高位の僧侶の称号で、日本では天台宗および真言宗において高貴な身分の僧や、天皇の関わる儀式において修法を行う僧に特に与えられる職位である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to the order of merit, it is equivalent to the Third Order of Merit, while with regard to official ranks, Shoshiinojo (Upper Grade Fourth Rank) was equivalent to Nakatsukasasho (Inner Ministry) and Sangi (advisor), and Shoshiinoge (Lower Grade Fourth Rank) was equivalent to the posts of Kotaishinofu (one of the teachers of the crown prince) and Kyo (Minister) who was the head of the 8 Ministries - Ministry of Ministry of Administration (Shikibusho), Ministry of the Ceremonies (Jibusho), Ministry of Registration (Minbusho), Ministry of the Military (Hyobusho), Ministry of Justice (Gyobusho), Ministry of Finance (Okurasho), Minister of the Imperial Palace (Kunaikyo). 例文帳に追加

勲等では、勲三等に相当し、官位相当では正四位上は中務省、参議に相当し、正四位下は皇太子傅及び八省の長官である卿(式部省、治部省、民部省、兵部省、刑部省、大蔵省、宮内卿)の職がこの位にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, Kyokumu Oshikoji family, Kanmu Mibu family and Suino Hirata family became responsible for various clerical and administrative jobs relating to ceremonies under the instruction of bugyo and shikiji (the head of office) while commanding the jigekanjin of Gekikata (Secretaries' Office), Kangata (one of government office) and Kurodogata respectively ('Kinchu Shosei Shoshi to Sahonokoto' (manners in political affairs and officers of the Imperial Court)). 例文帳に追加

その結果、局務押小路家が外記方、官務壬生家が官方、そして出納平田家が蔵人方の地下官人を統率して奉行・職事の指示に従って傘下の地下官人を率いて儀式のために必要な事務・雑務を行うことになった(「禁中諸政諸司等作法事」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is known that kuni no miyatsuko were involved in various affairs: the kuni no miyatsuko in Togoku took charge of managing Bemin (the people controlled by the authority through various classifications) and Miyake (lands directly held by the Yamato Kingdom); the one in Izumo conducted religious ceremonies to govern the territory by religion; and the one in Ki got involved in foreign affairs. 例文帳に追加

国造には、東国の国造のように部民や屯倉の管理なども行っていたり、出雲の国造のように神祇を祀り、祭祀により領内を統治することなども行っていたり、紀国造などのように外交に従事したりしたことなどが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A hall for holding ceremonies such as Denpo Kanjo (the ceremony in which esoteric secrets are transmitted from master to disciple) and Goshichinichi Mishiho (a ceremony from the 8th to 14th of the new year, to pray for the peace and safety of the Emperor), there are no statues of Buddhas inside. 例文帳に追加

伝法灌頂(密教の奥義を師匠から弟子へ伝える儀式)、後七日御修法(ごしちにちのみしほ:正月の8日から14日までの間に、天皇の安泰を祈願する儀式)などの儀式を執り行うための堂で、内部には仏像は安置されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The temple's Shaka-do Hall houses a "one jo, six shaku" (approximately 480 cm) tall statue of Shaka Nyorai and statues of Kannon Bosatsu, Enmei Bosatsu and Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu; the Hokke Sanmai-do Hall houses a statue of Fugen Bosatsu; the Jougyou Sanmai-do Hall houses a statue of Amida Nyorai; and the temple would put on lavish ceremonies for Emperor Enyu. 例文帳に追加

寺域の釈迦堂には本尊金色丈六釈迦如来、薬師如来、観音菩薩、延命菩薩、如意輪菩薩、法華三昧堂には普賢菩薩、常行三昧堂には阿弥陀如来が安置され、円融天皇をむかえて豪華な法要がいとなまれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Heijokyo (the ancient capital of Heijokyo), the Takamikura is at the Daigokuden (the Council Hall in the Imperial Palace) of the Heijo Palace, in Heian kyo, it is at Daigokuden and Horakuden Hall of the Outer Palace Precincts, and later located at Shishinden (the Hall for State Ceremonies) of the Imperial Palace, where the Emperor sits for a state ceremony like he does at an enthronement ceremony, the Choga ceremony (New Years ceremony), the ceremony of Bankaku Inken (the ceremony to see a delegate from overseas), etc. 例文帳に追加

平城京では平城宮の大極殿に、平安京では大内裏の大極殿、豊楽殿、のちに内裏の紫宸殿に安置され、即位・朝賀・蕃客引見(外国使節に謁見)など大礼の際に天皇が着座した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dairi was located on the north side of 'Chodoin' which was the central government of the palace, surrounded by tsuijibei (a roofed mud-wall), and the inner palace was located on the north side and Shishinden (the Hall for State Ceremonies) which was the emperor's state affairs office (Seimusho) and Seiryoden which was the center of daily life were located on the south side inside the dairi. 例文帳に追加

内裏は、宮城の中央政庁である「朝堂院」の北側に位置し、周囲を築地塀に囲まれ、その内部は北側に後宮、南側に天皇の政務所である紫宸殿や日常生活の中心地である清涼殿などがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, although the original manuscript for Ribuoki (also pronounced Rihioki), the diary of Imperial Prince Shigeakira, has not survived and no copies are presently known to exist, extracts from it that appear in later diaries and documents suggest that it included detailed reports on conferences held at the Imperial Court, providing a valuable historical record of the ceremonies and rituals practiced at the Imperial Court at that time. 例文帳に追加

なお親王の日記『吏部王記』は原本も写本も現存しないが、後世の日記や書物に引用された逸文から見て、朝議に関する詳細な記録を書き留めたものであったらしく、当時の朝廷の儀式・典礼に関する貴重な史料である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the reigns of Emperors Junna and Ninmyo in the Tencho and Showa periods, a royal court culture was in full bloom with academics flourishing as well as court ceremonies that would be practiced in later ages, all supported by the income from Chokushiden. 例文帳に追加

天長・承和期の淳和天皇と仁明天皇の治世は、学問が興隆し、後世の故実ともなった宮廷儀式が確立するなど、王朝文化が花開いた時期であるが、これらは勅旨田収入に支えられたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sometime before this operation, when Emperor Jinmu was to preside at a ritual to serve Takamimusubi as if this god were visible, the Emperor appointed Michinoomi to serve as Saishu (master of religious ceremonies) of the ritual and conferred the name 'Izuhime' (Princess Izu); (although Michinoomi was a man, he was given a female name, probably because there still remained at that time a tradition that it was a female's task to celebrate the god.) 例文帳に追加

その前に、神武天皇自らタカミムスビを顕斎するときにその斎主に任じられ「厳媛(いづひめ)」の号を授けられた(道臣命は男性であるが、女性の名をつけたのは、神を祀るのは女性の役目であったことの名残とみられる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides his closest relatives, Asobibe were those who seclude themselves in the death of an Emperor; they had roles of going into the funeral parlor in pairs and served for the dead Emperor; the one with the sword and the shield were called Negi, and the one with the sword and provide sake and women were called Yohi or Yoshi, and performed ceremonies so that the spirit of the dead (the spirit of kyorei) would not do harm. 例文帳に追加

遊部は、天皇の喪に籠もる一番近い肉親以外で、殯宮に入り、崩御した天皇に2人1組で仕える役で、刀と矛を持つのが禰義(ねぎ)、刀と酒食を持つのが余比(よひ、よし)と言い、死者の魂(凶癘魂:きょうれいのたましい)が荒振らないように鎮魂の儀式を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the record of funeral ceremonies of Enko-in Temple, Joki KAISEN's compliment on Sanjo no kata's personality is recorded as 'She is very beautiful and a person of strong faith in Buddha, warm-hearted and genial like the spring sun encompassing those around her. In addition, she lived a happy married life with Shingen.' 例文帳に追加

円光院の葬儀記録には、快川紹喜の三条の方の人柄を称賛する「大変にお美しく、仏への信仰が篤く、周りにいる人々を包み込む、春の陽光のように温かくておだやかなお人柄で、信玄さまとの夫婦仲も、むつまじいご様子でした」と記された記録が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He served as 地役 of each construction for Nagaoka-kyo (the ancient capital of Nagaoka) in 784 and Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto) in 793 and made a significant contribution to governmental management of Emperor Kanmu, for example, having taken a large role in funeral ceremonies and mourning events of close blood relatives of Emperor Kanmu, such as Emperor Konin, TAKANO no Niigasa, FUJIWARA no Tabiko and FUJIWARA no Otomuro. 例文帳に追加

同3年に長岡京、同12年に平安京のそれぞれ造営の相地役を務め、また光仁天皇、高野新笠、藤原旅子、藤原乙牟漏といった桓武天皇近親者の葬儀、喪事にも大きな役割を果たすなど、桓武天皇の政権運営に当たって貢献するところ大であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In traditional Koshinto, ceremonies and gyoho (ascetic practices) that had been passed down from Hakke Shinto branch of Imperial Shinto, one of whose head students was Atsutane HIRATA; but other gyoho and religious groups were handed down, not from the Hakke branch but from Izumo Shinto, Kannagi Shinto, Kukami Shinto, or Shugendo (a type of mountain asceticism). 例文帳に追加

伝統的な古神道では平田篤胤ほかが学頭を務めた皇室神道の伯家神道から受け継いた儀礼や行法がみられるが、この系統ではない出雲神道、巫部神道、九鬼神道、修験道に由来する行法や教団も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Kegare increased even in ordinary daily lives, Kegare was thought to attach to people's body from death, plagues, child birth, period and crimes, and persons with Kegare were prohibited to be involved in ritual ceremonies, conduct Chosan (a visit of a government official to the imperial court) and enter mountains to hunt, char-grill lumbers, etc. 例文帳に追加

穢れは普通に生活しているだけでも蓄積されていくが、死・疫病・出産・月経、また犯罪によって身体につくとされ、穢れた状態の人は祭事に携ることや、宮廷においては朝参、狩猟者・炭焼などでは山に入ることなど、共同体への参加が禁じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shrines to enshrine such Kami were a temporary place where Kami descended from Iwakura (dwelling place of a god, usually in reference to a large rock) or Kinsokuchi (tabooed land,) and ritual ceremonies were performed, but gradually, Haiden (a hall of worship) was built as a substitute for Kinsokuchi and Honden (a main shrine) was built to let Kami reside there. 例文帳に追加

それら神々を祀る神社は、神を磐座や禁足地より降臨させ祭り事を執り行う臨時のものであったが、次第に禁足地に対して拝殿が、そして神そのものが常駐するという本殿が造営されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Altar types used in Buddhism include a permanent altar called a shumidan which enshrines an image of the Buddha; a household altar referred to as butsudan; a temporary altar for funerals and religious ceremonies; an altar called a chuindan which is kept until the Buddhist memorial service held 49 days after a person's death; and an altar called a shoryudana (or bondana) which is used in the Bon festival (the festival of the dead). 例文帳に追加

仏教における祭壇の形態的には常設の祭壇として仏像を安置するための須弥壇、家庭内に設置する仏壇、仮設の祭壇として葬祭用の祭壇、四十九日まで設置される中陰壇、盆に設置される精霊棚(盆棚)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokusei' (acts of Virtuous Government), also called 'Shinsei' (new system), are social policies that the Emperor initiated upon ascending to the throne or when the name of the era was changed because of natural disasters, etc. and were based on the theory of correlation between heaven and man and entailed activities to save the poor, "Shinryo-kogyo" (conducting ceremonies and securing property for revenue) and court case processing. 例文帳に追加

「徳政(とくせい)」とは天人相関思想に基づき、代替わり或いは災害などに伴い改元が行われた際に天皇が行う貧民救済活動や神領興行(儀式遂行とその財源たる所領等の保障)、訴訟処理などの社会政策のことであり、「新制」とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Edo bakufu, however, the 'sokushu' (initiation fees) that Koke (government position in charge of rituals and ceremonies) received from Daimyo when teaching manners can be considered to be a type of reisen officially recognized by the bakufu; in fact, it is possible to assume that the fight between Naganori ASANO and Yoshihisa KIRA in the first scene of the "Chusingura" (The treasury of Loyal Retainers) was over the nature of the 'sokushu.' 例文帳に追加

その江戸幕府においても高家が大名に礼儀作法を伝授する際に受け取る「束脩」などは一種の幕府公認の礼銭であり、かの『忠臣蔵』の最初の場面である浅野長矩と吉良義央の遣り取りも実は「束脩」の性質を巡るトラブルと考える事も可能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the peak period of Fujiwara-kyo (the Fujiwara Palace; the ancient capital of Fujiwara), the center of political and general affairs had gradually shifted from the chodoin to the kanga (government office) around them, and by the time of Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto), the scale of the chodoin had been reduced; as such, the chodoin came to be used mainly for rituals and ceremonies of the Imperial Court such as Choga (New Year's greetings or well-wishes offered by retainers to the Emperor), enthronement and a banquet. 例文帳に追加

藤原京の頃を頂点として、次第に政事庶務の中心が朝堂院から周辺官衙に移っていき、平安京の頃にはその規模は縮小され、朝賀や即位、饗宴など、主に朝廷の盛典、儀礼に用いられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Actually, however, the katanagari edict developed as a means to deliver or confiscate swords and short swords, while arms used for religious ceremonies and muskets for getting rid of noxious beasts were still allowed, leaving a great deal of weapons in the villages even after the execution of the katanagari edict. 例文帳に追加

ただ、実際には、刀や脇差の上納と没収が名目上で展開されたのみで、祭祀に用いる武具や害獣駆除のための鉄砲などは所持を許可されるなど、刀狩の展開後も農村には大量の武器が存在したままだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor Shomu, who was a deep believer in Buddhism, wanted to settle social unease based on the ideology of Chingokokka (keeping the nation tranquil by the reciting of Buddhist prayers and other Buddhist ceremonies) and issued in 741 an Imperial edict establishing Kokubunji (state-supported provincial temples) and, in 743, an Imperial edict for construction of Rushana daibutsu (a large statue of Buddha). 例文帳に追加

かねてより厚く仏教を信仰していた聖武天皇は鎮護国家の思想により、社会の動揺をしずめようと考え、741年(天平13年)に国分寺建立の詔、743年(天平15年)には盧舎那大仏造立の詔を発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wakakugeshu hatto', which was compiled to rectify the young court nobles' morals, promoted the restoration of the imperial events and ceremonies and also tightened the control of the court nobles, turned out to complement 'Kinchu narabini kuge shohatto' although the bakufu merely indirectly took part in the enactment of 'Wakakugeshu hatto.' 例文帳に追加

この制定には幕府は間接的な関与しか行わなかったが、青年公家の風紀の粛正を目的とし、朝廷行事の復興の促進とともに公家の統制を一層進める事となり、禁中並公家諸法度を補完するものとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With having authority over foreign affairs, family registers (related to the family names), and the whole field of ceremonies, Jibu-sho also managed lawsuits over troubles related to the family names, engaged in several affairs and lawsuits relating to marriage and family registers, supervised monks and nuns and Buddhist rites, administered Gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music), watched imperial mausoleums, and entertained overseas envoys. 例文帳に追加

外事・戸籍(姓名関係)・儀礼全般を管轄し姓氏に関する訴訟や、結婚、戸籍関係の管理および訴訟、僧尼、仏事に対する監督、雅楽の監督、山陵の監督、および外国からの使節の接待などを職掌としていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To avoid having imperial family members involved in political conflict, although they participated in ceremonies, they did not routinely attend the Diet and their appearance in the Diet was extremely rare in the history of the Imperial Diet. 例文帳に追加

ただし、皇族が政争に巻き込まれることは好ましくないという考えから、皇族は議会で催される式典などに参列することはあっても、議員として日常的に議会内に立ち入ることは無く、登院は帝国議会史上、極めて稀であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the time of the ninth lord of the domain, Ienaga UEMURA, the consigned shogunal demesne increased to nearly 66,000 koku, which made the total landholdings approximately 100,000 koku including his own territory, and Ienaga took part in the shogunate government serving in the positions such as Sojaban (an official in charge of the ceremonies), Jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines), Wakadoshiyori (junior councilor), Shisseikaku (Rojukaku: a councilor who acted as roju [senior councilor] but whose hereditary stipend was less than the minimum for roju) and so on. 例文帳に追加

第9代藩主・植村家長の時代には預かり地が6万6000石近くにまでなり、所領と合わせて約10万石となった家長は、奏者番や寺社奉行、若年寄、執政格などを歴任するなど幕政に参与した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the era of Emperor Uda, the emperor's daily whereabouts were fixed in the Seiryoden; therefore, shoden was indispensable for enabling those of suitable rank to participate in ceremonies and public duties or deal with the emperor's personal affairs in their capacity as an attendant and carry out duties such as taking the night watch or waiting on the emperor at table. 例文帳に追加

宇多天皇の頃より、天皇の日常の居所が清涼殿に定着化され、儀式や公事への参加あるいは天皇に近侍して身辺の雑用や宿直・陪膳などの職務を行うためには昇殿は欠かせないものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Hikobae (Essays on Study of Historical Artefacts of Nobutomo BAN), volume 20, he writes, "Emperor GoDaigo's 'Nicchu Gyoji' (book on the ceremonies of the court) states "the daily rituals of shokon have been established " where shokon refers to a shokon no matsuri performed by a onmyo-ji, not a chinkon no matsuri," making a clear distinction between the two types of rituals. 例文帳に追加

伴信友はまた「比古婆衣」第20巻で「後醍醐天皇日中行事に、日毎せうこんの御祭、今は定まれる事なり、とあるせうこんは招魂にて、こは鎮魂にはあらず、陰陽家にて別に招魂祭とて為る方なるべし」と述べて、招魂祭と鎮魂祭との区別を明確にしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently, this custom of jifuku went out of fashion, except only the ceremonies of Oroku (allocations of cloth to imperial princesses without proclamation) held on January 8, the next day of Aouma-no-Sechie (the seasonal court banquet appreciating an auspicious white or light gray horse, held on January 7 every year) and on the day of snake in the middle of November, the next day of the Niiname-sai festival (a ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly harvested rice to the deity). 例文帳に追加

のちにこのことはすたれ、わずかに白馬の節会の翌日正月8日、新嘗祭の翌日11月中巳日に女王禄(3文字をオウロクとよむのが慣習)という式がおこなわれるにすぎなくなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Paying attention to the record of the Emperor Keiko where it says that the Saekibe 'sawai-da' (made noise), it is also said that 'Saekibe was engaged in the work of magical ceremonies such as shouting out to drive away evil spirits and powers and to intimidate the opposition', and that the Saekibe is 'Sawagube' (the Shinabe that made noise). 例文帳に追加

別に上記景行天皇紀に「騒い」だとあることに着目し、「大声を発して邪霊や邪力を追いはらったり、相手を威嚇するといった呪術的儀礼に従事」するのが彼らの職掌で、佐伯部は「サハグ部」であるとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Heian period, as ritualization's growing in the Imperial Court, the management of annual events that took place in every season such as Sechie (seasonal court banquets) and jimoku (appointment ceremonies) began to occupy the most of the government affairs, at the same time, consultation such as Jin no sadame (ancient cabinet council) and suit began to be integrated into it. 例文帳に追加

平安時代以後、朝廷のおける儀式化が進み、朝廷における節会や除目などの四季折々に行われる年中行事の運営が朝廷における政務の主たる部分を占めるようになっていき、それに、陣定などの評定や訴訟が組み合わせられていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the background of court nobles' creation of the books on the study of ancient courtly traditions and etiquette such as 'Kuji Gojuban Utaawase' by Yoshimoto NIJO and 'Kuji kongen (the Rules of Court, a book on court rules of ceremonies and etiquettes written in the Muromachi period)' by Kaneyoshi ICHIJO, there was their purpose to get back the power of the Imperial Court by restoring kuji, but after Onin War, kuji came to remain in name only. 例文帳に追加

二条良基の『公事五十番歌合』や一条兼良の『公事根源』の公家による有職故実書作成の背景には公事復興による朝廷の権威回復の意図を有していたが、応仁の乱以後は公事の全くの名目化した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The present Imperial House Code as established after the World War II does not prescribe the place (e.g., Kyoto) for Ceremonies of Enthronement, and in 1990 for the first time in history, the Ceremony of Enthronement of the current Emperor was held at Seiden in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. 例文帳に追加

また、第二次世界大戦後制定された現在の皇室典範では京都で行うというような場所の規定は特になく、平成2年(1990年)今上天皇の即位にあたり、史上初めて即位の礼が東京の皇居正殿で行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This room is used for various purposes: as an antechamber where guests paying a courtesy visit are first ushered into, as a place where dinner party guests first meet state or official guests, as a venue for the signing ceremonies of treaties, and for holding interviews with state or official guests. 例文帳に追加

この部屋は、表敬訪問のために訪れた来客が最初に案内される控えの間として使用されたり、晩餐会の招待客が国・公賓に謁見したり、条約・協定の調印式や国・公賓とのインタビュー等に使用されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Samurai-dokoro in the big 146-m-wide residence of Kamakura shogun was the place where gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate) gathered to hold ceremonies or banquets, but it is also considered that shogun and gokenin sometimes sat face to face there as a ritual characteristic to the samurai society. 例文帳に追加

十八間という巨大建築であった鎌倉将軍邸の侍所は御家人が参集して儀式や宴を行う会場であるが、武家社会固有の儀礼としてときには将軍と御家人が対座することもあったとみられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Kyo-yashiki residences played a role in purchasing high-level artifacts of each domain, collecting the knowledge/information on ceremonies and rites, promoting the sale of the products of their own domains and financial dealings like borrowing from merchants, and so on which were close to the role of the Kurayashiki (Warehouse-residence) in Osaka. 例文帳に追加

このため、各藩の高度な工芸品などの調達や儀式典礼に関する知識・情報の収集、自藩の産物の売り込みや商人からの借財などの金融取引など、大坂の蔵屋敷に近い役割を果たしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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