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the Youngの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 5449


In the method for manufacturing the aromatic polyamide film by stretching a polymer sheet comprising aromatic polyamide containing a solvent in a longitudinal direction thereof, the Young's modulus of the polymer sheet before stretching is set to 0.05-5 GPa and the polymer sheet is heated to 70-250°C at the time of stretching.例文帳に追加

溶剤を含有する芳香族ポリアミドからなる重合体シートをフィルムの長手方向に延伸することにより芳香族ポリアミドフィルムを製造する方法において、延伸前の重合体シートのヤング率を0.05〜5GPaとし、かつ、延伸時に重合体シートを70〜250℃に加熱することにより芳香族ポリアミドフィルムを製造する。 - 特許庁

Moreover, MHLW is outsourcing projects related to developing the occupational awareness of the younger generation (locally coordinated programs for young people) and job placement services by establishing public employment security offices in the one-stop service centers upon request of the prefectures when the prefectures are building a one-step service center (established in 43 prefectures as of the end of FY2004).例文帳に追加

また、厚生労働省においては、都道府県がワンストップセンターを設置する場合(平成16年度末現在、43都道府県に設置)、若年者の職業意識啓発に関する事業(若年者地域連携事業)を委託することや、都道府県の要請に応じ、ワンストップサービスセンターに公共職業安定所を併設し職業紹介事業を行っている。 - 経済産業省

The ruling Labor Party is seen as having fulfilled its 1997 general election manifesto pledge of finding jobs for 250,000 young people, but some skepticism has been expressed by the Conservative Party and elsewhere on the grounds that the favorable economic conditions since 1998 would have provided work for the unemployed even without the New Deal policy.例文帳に追加

このような成果について、政権党である労働党は、「1997年の総選挙での『25万人の若年失業者に職を与える』という公約を実現した」と肯定的に評価しているが、保守党等からは、1998年以降はイギリス経済が比較的好調だったことからニューディール政策を実施しなくとも失業者の就業は可能だったのではないか、とのやや懐疑的な声も上がっている。 - 経済産業省

According to the 2001 National Action Plan for Employment submitted to the European Commission by the German government, a cumulative total of around 268,000 young people participated in the program in 1999 and 2000, improving the youth unemployment rate in former West Germany in 2000 (down 6.5 percent year-on-year). However, the deteriorating youth unemployment rate in former East Germany (up 13 percent year-on-year) indicates a regional disparity.例文帳に追加

ドイツ政府が欧州委員会に提出した2001年版の「国別行動計画」によれば、同プログラムには1999年と2000年の累計で約26万8,000人が参加したが、若年失業率(2000年)は旧西ドイツ地域で改善した(前年比6.5%減)一方で、旧東ドイツ地域では悪化する(前年比13.1%増)等、地域間で格差が生じている。 - 経済産業省


The consequent increase in young permanent employees at SMEs may be as a result of increase the ability and motivation of junior employees to enter business on their own account owing to the extensive development of human resources with experience of business management as a whole at SMEs and the reduced importance of the age element in the wage structure of SMEs.例文帳に追加

また、これにより中小企業の若年正社員が増加することは、中小企業で事業経営全体についての経験を積ませる人材育成が多いこと、中小企業の賃金制度に年功の要素が低いことから、結果として若手従業員の独立開業への能力と意欲を高める可能性があると考えられる。 - 経済産業省


(6) Amid social changes such as population decline, SMEs are capable of offering a diversity of employment opportunities, including self-employment, that meet the needs of the young, women, middle-aged and elderly, who are expected to play an increasing role in the labor market. By offering diverse forms of employment, they can also help meet demands arising from social and lifestyle changes, such as the demands of those who want to balance pregnancy, parenting and work, which will be important if society is to cope with the decrease in the birthrate and population decline.例文帳に追加

〔6〕人口減少等の社会の変化の中で、労働市場において活用が期待される若年者、女性、中高齢者のいずれについても、また、少子化・人口減少対策の上で重要な出産・育児と就業との両立など、社会やライフスタイルの変化による要請についても、中小企業は自営業の形態を含め、多様な就業機会を提供し得る。 - 経済産業省

The participants also concluded that the work of the Office should continue to develop more and better indicators of youth employment challenge, identify and share good practices at the national and I would suggest even at the local level and to prepare and provide tools for youth as appropriate country by country, to respond to the specific needs of their young citizens.例文帳に追加

また、参加者達は ILO が若年雇用問題に関してより多くの更に質の高い指標を整備し続け、国家レベルの成功例、ならびに私として付け加えさせていただければ、地方レベルでの成功例を集約・共有すること、各国で若者の特定のニーズに応える際に役に立つツールを供給していくべきだということで合意しました。 - 厚生労働省

The next focus is on the impact of globalization on the young in Korea, as the OECD pointed out in its advice to Korea. Dismissal is strictly restricted in Korea. Enterprises are reluctant to hire regular employees, and so the number of non-regular employees has been increasing. Further, due to these factors, duality in the labor market has been intensified.例文帳に追加

その次ですが、グローバル化に韓国の若者に及ぼした影響で、OECDが韓国に対していくつか助言を行いましたけれども、韓国においては解雇権に対する厳しい制限があること、正規従業員の雇用に消極的であること、また、非正規従業員が増えていること、さらにそれによって労働市場の二重性が深まっているということが指摘されました。 - 厚生労働省

The number of young people without work (the non-labor force population aged 15-34 and not engaged in household labour or education) was 620,000 in 2007, remaining almost the same as the previous year. This represents a decline of 20,000 from the peak at 640,000 in 2002-2005. Their share of the same-age population slightly fell in 2006 but rose again to about 2% in 2007.例文帳に追加

若年無業者(15~34歳で、非労働力人口のうち家事も通学もしていない者)の人数については、 2007年には62万人と前年と同水準で、ピークの64万人(2002(平成14)年~2005(平成17) 年)から2万人減となった。同年齢人口に対する比率は、2006(平成18)年にはやや減少したもの の2007年は再び増加し、約2%となっている。 - 厚生労働省


The competitionstarted in 1963,is held annually to attain the following objectives through skill competition of youngworkers across the country: 1)to give goals to young skilled workers,2)to offer the general public an opportunity tosee skilled work and appeal to ordinary citizens to understand the importance and necessity of skills, and 3)to raise the public awareness of skilled work.例文帳に追加

国内の青年技能者の技能レベルを競うことにより、青年技能者に努力目標を与えるとともに、技能を身近に触れる機会を提供するなど、広く一般国民に対して技能の重要性、必要性をアピールし、技能尊重気運の醸成を図ることを目的として 1963(昭和 38)年度から毎年実施している。 - 厚生労働省


"Do you know what kind of tree you just broke?" "No, I don't," I answered the detective. While looking through the open door, the detective shouted, "Hey, do you know what kind of tree he just broke?" "Um, looks like it's a yew plum pine," said the voice of a young woman. After straightening himself in his seat, the detective asked me one more time: "Do you know what kind of tree you just broke?"例文帳に追加

「お前が折った木の種類わかるか?」「いや知らない」刑事に問われ俺は答えた。刑事は開いたドアの方を見ながら「おい、こいつの折った木の種類わかるか?」と声を上げた。「えっと、槙らしいです」と若い女性の声。刑事は居住まいを正すと「お前が折った木の種類わかるか?」ともう一度聞いた。 - Tatoeba例文

It generally depends on a sponsor of the festival if these children should be called chigo or not, so sometimes they are not called chigo even though they look like chigo, for example, yaotome (eight shrine maidens), young boys in the Annual Festival of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, and musicians in the Hanamaki Festival in Hanamaki City, while children can be called chigo in spite of wearing no makeup, for example, the children wearing yukata (informal summer kimono) without makeup in the Yukata Festival in Himeji City. 例文帳に追加

ただ、稚児と呼ぶかどうかは祭りの主催者によって一定しない場合が多く、鶴岡八幡宮例大祭の八乙女・童子や花巻市の花巻まつりの囃子方の様に、見た目が稚児であっても稚児と呼ばない場合がある一方で、姫路市のゆかた祭りの様に、素顔にゆかた(袴無し)の場合でも稚児と呼ばれる場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The company received much attention in 2000s, and has been highly praised for the quality of its work, producing a wide variety of prime production works including those of the bishojo (beautiful young girl) genre such as "Air" and "Clannad", full-scale robot animation works such as the "Full Metal Panic!" series, school comedies such as "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" and gag stories such as "Lucky Star." 例文帳に追加

2000年代において、もっとも注目を集めたアニメーション制作会社の一つであり、元請制作では『AIR(ゲーム)』『CLANNAD(ゲーム)』のような美少女系をはじめ、『フルメタル・パニック!』シリーズのような本格ロボット物、『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』のような学園コメディー物、『らき☆すた』のようなギャグ作品に至るまで幅広くこなすなど、作品クオリティーには非常に高い定評がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the former Emperor Go-Komyo's adopted son, Prince Satohito (later called Emperor Reigen) was too young to succeed to the Imperial Throne, Prince Nagahito was soon enthroned as Emperor Gosai for the meantime; the Emperor ordered his Prince Arisugawa no miya Yukihito to take over Takamatsu no miya so that his original name as a court noble was changed to Arisugawa no miya (the name came from Prince Yoshihito's temporary palace in Arisugawa, Kyoto). 例文帳に追加

やがて良仁親王が後西天皇として即位することになるが、これは先代後光明天皇の養子・識仁親王(後の霊元天皇)が幼少であったための中継ぎであり、後西天皇は自分の皇子・有栖川宮幸仁親王に高松宮を継がせて、宮号を有栖川宮(幸仁親王の別荘所在地である京都・有栖川に由来)に改めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Emperor Shoko was weak and often in serious condition, he did not have any children to succeed as prince; moreover, Gokomatsu's second son Ogawanomiya died young, so there was the issue of who would succeed to the throne; however, after Retired Emperor Gokomatsu had a meeting with the fourth Shogun Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Sadafusa of Suko Ryu (a descendant of Emperor Suko) was appointed as a successor once he received the title of a Imperial Prince by the imperial order and became Gokomatsu's adopted child. 例文帳に追加

称光天皇は病弱でたびたび重態に陥り、皇子の誕生もなく、また後小松の次男小川宮も早世したため後継者問題が生じ、後小松上皇は4代将軍足利義持と協議、後継者として崇光流の伏見宮貞成親王が有力視され、一時は後小松の猶子として親王宣下された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Higashikuni Imperial Prince Naruhiko was known for often saying since he was young that he wished to leave his position in the Imperial Family, he also asked Emperor Showa to approve him ceasing to be a member of the Imperial Family, he made his intention clear just after he resigned as Prime Minister in 1945, he also mentioned to it to the media and asked other Imperial members to follow him, and once the Department of the Imperial Household had to make sudden announcement to deny it. 例文帳に追加

東久邇宮稔彦王は、若いころからしばしば皇族の身分を離れたいと発言してきたことで知られているが、1945年(昭和20年)に内閣総理大臣を辞任した直後にも、自らの臣籍降下を昭和天皇に願い出ており、さらにそのことをマスコミに語り、他の皇族も自分にならうことを求めたために、宮内省があわてて否定の声明を出す一幕もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Kiyomori's legitimate first son, Shigemori, had already died of illness and his second son, Motomori, had also died young, after Kiyomori's death, Kiyomori's third son, Munemori, became the head of the Taira clan; however, he was an ordinary person and was not as capable as Kiyomori, and he therefore could not control rebellions that occurred across the country and was always swayed by eccentric ideas of Goshirakawa, allowing the cloister government to regain power, and as a result, the Taira clan was gradually driven into a corner. 例文帳に追加

清盛の死後、嫡男の重盛はすでに病死し、次男の基盛も早世していたため、平氏の棟梁の座は三男の宗盛が継いだが、凡庸な宗盛は清盛のような器量もなく、全国各地で相次ぐ反乱に対処できず、後白河の奇謀に翻弄され院政勢力も勢力を盛り返すなど、平氏は次第に追いつめられていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1934, he formed a screenplay writing group that managed to establish a presence in the film world with other young filmmakers living in Kyoto's Narutaki area, including Shintaro MIMURA, Sadao YAMANAKA, Eisuke TAKIZAWA, and Fuji YAHIRO; under the combined pen-name 'Kinpachi KAJIWARA,' this group wrote the scenarios for 'Hyakuman ryo no ko' (The Million-Dollar Vase) and 'Soshun Kouchiyama,' both directed by Yamannaka, and for 'Taikoki' (Chronicle of Hideyoshi) and 'Miyamoto Musashi' (Musashi Miyamoto), both directed by Takizawa, and every one of these films written by the group became smash hits. 例文帳に追加

9年には三村伸太郎、山中貞雄、滝沢英輔、八尋不二ら京都の鳴滝に住んでいた若手映画人らと映画会社の垣根を超えた脚本執筆集団を結成し、「梶原金八」の合同筆名で山中監督「百万両の壺」「河内山宗俊」、滝沢監督「太閤記」「宮本武蔵」のシナリオを執筆し、それぞれヒットを飛ばした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His four children were as follows: Mitsuyoshi YAGYU (Jubei), the eldest son, well-known as a one-eyed swordsman; Tomonori YAGYU, who won Iemitsu's favor, and died young before his father; Munefuyu YAGYU, who succeeded to the post of sword instructor to the Shogun family in place of Mitsuyoshi who died soon after his father's death; Gisen RETSUDO, who became the first chief priest of Hotoku-ji Temple, a family temple of the Yagyu clan. 例文帳に追加

子には隻眼の剣士として有名な長男の柳生三厳(十兵衛)、家光の寵愛を受けたが父に先立って早世した柳生友矩、父の死後まもなく没した三厳に代わって将軍家師範役を継いだ柳生宗冬、菩提寺芳徳寺の第一世住持となった列堂義仙の4子が知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kokon chomon ju" (A collection of Tales Heard, Past and Present), when Yoshimura MIURA, who was dominating as an authority at that time, saw Tanetsuna, as a young man, take a seat for more valuable person than the one Yoshimura took in the room for samurais in the Shogun's palace and said sarcastictically, 'that dog from Shimousa Province would not know where to find a bed,' then Tanetsuna is said to have fought back saying 'that dog of the Miura family would eat a friend,' and criticized Yoshimura's betrayal at the Battle of Wada. 例文帳に追加

『古今著聞集』によると、年若い胤綱が将軍御所の侍の間で、当時権勢を振るっていた重鎮の三浦義村の上座に座り、義村が「下総の犬めは寝場所を知らぬな」と皮肉ると、胤綱は「三浦の犬は友を食らうぞ」と切り返し、和田合戦での義村の裏切りを批判したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 1st volume of "Kasshi Yawa" said, 'It has been said that, while Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was at the Shinpu-jo Castle, young individuals such as bakufu hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) in Edo frequently committed tsujigiri and citizens were mourning the situation. (snip) Although rumors of tsujigiri occurring were occasionally heard, there was no one to capture them and it appeared that there were less and less individuals who were skilled in martial arts. (snip) Those who were at a high official rank announced that everyone should keep in mind that they must capture those who committed tsujigiri so that tsujigiri would stop in the end.' 例文帳に追加

『甲子夜話』第1巻には、「神祖駿府御在城の内、江戸にて御旗本等の若者、頻りに辻切して人民の歎きに及ぶよし聞ゆ。(省略)所々辻切の風聞専ら聞え候、それを召捕候ほどの者なきは、武辺薄く成り行き候事と思召候。いづれも心掛辻切の者召捕へと御諚のよし申伝へしかば、其のまま辻切止みけるとぞ」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another theory mentioned in "Zoku nihonshoki" (A Sequel to the Chronicles of Japan) is that FUNYA no Kiyomi, grandson of Emperor Tenmu, built the temple while he was director for construction of the temple, in order to pray to Buddha for the happiness of Crown Prince Motoi, the only son between Emperor Shomu and Empress Komyo, who died young in 728. 例文帳に追加

別の説が『続日本紀』に書かれていて、そこには、聖武天皇と光明皇后の間に生まれた唯一の男子で皇太子となったが、神亀5年(728年)に夭逝した基王の菩提を弔うのを目的として、天武天皇の孫に当たる文室浄三が造山房司長官となって山房を建立した、というものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, 200 years before Shingen, Akiie KITABATAKE, who was a young court noble and busho (Japanese military commander) as well as Chinju-fu shogun (Commander-in-Chief of the Defense of the North) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), used the emblem of Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan on a flag when he raised an army at Mutsu Taga-jo Province (present Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture) in order to defeat Takauji ASHIKAGA, who took control of Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

実際は風林火山の旗印は信玄よりも200年早く、南北朝時代(日本)の若き公卿武将で鎮守府将軍であった北畠顕家が、京を制圧した足利尊氏を打倒するために陸奥多賀城(現在の宮城県多賀城市)で兵を挙げた時から使用していた陣旗であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Certified Public Accountants and Auditing Oversight Board (“the Board”) conducted inspections of the four largest audit firms (“the Big Four firms”), KPMG AZSA & Co.,Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young ShinNihon, and ChuoAoyama Pricewaterhouse Coopers during the period between October 2005 and June 2006. 例文帳に追加

公認会計士・監査審査会(以下「審査会」という。)は、平成17年10月から平成18年6月までの間に、あずさ監査法人、監査法人トーマツ、新日本監査法人及び中央青山監査法人の4大監査法人に対する検査を実施し、これらの結果に基づき、平成18年6月30日にそれぞれの法人に業務改善指示を求める勧告を金融庁長官に対して行った。 - 金融庁

In the shaft structure employed for a power transmission component, the shaft structure comprises a shaft member 10 formed into a hollow shape, and central portion members 11, 14 fitted into the hollow inside portion of the shaft member 10 and made up of a substance with a Young's modulus relatively larger than that of the shaft member 10.例文帳に追加

動力伝達要素に用いられる軸構造において、前記軸構造は、中空状に形成されたシャフト部材10と、そのシャフト部材10の中空状の内部に嵌入され、前記シャフト部材10よりも相対的にヤング率の大きな物質により構成された中央部部材11,14とからなることによる。 - 特許庁

the cured product of the adhesive has a Young's modulus of at least 1.0E+5 Pa but is less than 1.0E+7 Pa as an exponential expression, in a temperature range where the cured product of the adhesive reaches, due to heat generation during the operation.例文帳に追加

あるいは、光源と、前記光源からの光が照射される光学素子と、前記光学素子を接着剤硬化物を介して支持する支持部材と、を備え、前記接着剤硬化物のヤング率が、稼働時の発熱により達する温度域において、指数表現で1.0E+5Pa以上〜1.0E+7Pa未満の範囲にある光学装置とする。 - 特許庁

The high-resolution stress application stage can determine the relationship between the applied stress and photoelastic phase difference signal intensity as a calibration curve for a material under measurement having high Young's modulus such as a glass material by incorporating a spring or other elastic bodies into a stress application mechanism to apply stress onto the stress application stage for applying stress onto the material under measurement.例文帳に追加

被測定材料に応力を付加する応力付加ステージに対し、応力を付加する機構にバネ又はその他の弾性体を介在させて応力を付加することで、ガラス材料のようなヤング率が高い被測定材料に対して、付加応力と光弾性位相差信号強度の関係を検量線として求めることができる高分解機能な応力付加ステージを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a Shogi (Japanese chess) game machine and a card, capable of attracting the young generation's interest in the Shogi game and being utilized as communication tools in the present age by enhancing the reality of a conventional Shogi game machine having strong two-dimensional properties and improving the functionality of a conventional data-containing card having strong ornamental properties in other applications than a game machine.例文帳に追加

二次元的要素が強い従来の将棋ゲーム機のリアルティを高め、ゲーム機以外では観賞用要素の強いデーター入カードの機能性を高めることで、若年層の将棋に対する関心を高め、現代のコミュニケーションツールとしても活用のできる将棋ゲーム機及びカードを提供する。 - 特許庁

The electrooptical device includes a first sealing layer for covering end parts of a pair of plate members, positioned outside an electrooptical layer in plan view of the pair of plate members, and a peripheral edge in plane view of the plate members; and a second sealing layer for covering at least a part of the first sealing layer and having a Young's modulus higher than that of the first sealing layer.例文帳に追加

一対の前記板材の平面視で、前記電気光学層の外側に位置する一対の前記板材の端部、および前記板材の平面視で周縁を覆う第1封止層と、前記第1封止層の少なくとも一部を覆う、前記第1封止層よりもヤング率が高い第2封止層と、を備えた。 - 特許庁

In the solid oxide electrolyte 30, a first electrolyte layer 32 made of zirconia (ZrO_2) is formed on the side coming in contact with the second electrode 40, and a second electrolyte layer 34 made of zirconia (ZrO_2) and silica (SiO_2) having Young's modulus lower than that of zirconia is formed on the side coming in contact with the first electrode 20.例文帳に追加

固体酸化物電解質30において、第2の電極40に接する側には、ジルコニア(ZrO_2)からなる第1の電解質層32が形成されており、第1の電極20に接する側には、ジルコニア(ZrO_2)とジルコニアよりもヤング率が低いシリカ(SiO_2)とからなる第2の電解質層34が形成されている。 - 特許庁

The alloy unstable in a β phase at ordinary temperature is cold worked to generate a martensite phase and is thereafter subjected to heat treatment of 150 to 350°C, and thereby the high strength, low Young's modulus titanium alloy composed of the fine β phase generated by reverse transformation and the fine α phase deposited within the β phase is obtained.例文帳に追加

常温においてβ相が不安定な合金では冷間加工を施すことよりマルテンサイト相を生成させた後に150〜350℃の熱処理を施すことで、逆変態で生成した微細β相と、該β相内に析出した微細α相とから構成される高強度、低ヤング率チタン合金を得る。 - 特許庁

The tape 2 consists of a tape with a pressure sensitive adhesive obtained by coating the surface of a polymer film which has such transparency that light transmittance is80%, whose thickness is 10 to 100μm and whose Young's modulus is ≥1Gpa with a pressure sensitive adhesive, and is stuck by pressing the pressure sensitive adhesive side to the surface of the lens 1.例文帳に追加

この接着テープ2は、光透過率が80%以上の透明性を有し、厚さが10〜100μmであり、ヤング率が1Gpa以上であるポリマーフィルム表面に粘着剤がコートされている粘着剤付テープから成り立っており、粘着剤側を被加工レンズ1表面に押し付けることにより貼り付ける。 - 特許庁

The flat optical fiber cord 10 is constituted by surrounding the coated optical fibers 11 of the ribbon longitudinally with a plurality of tensile-strength fibers 13 and covering their outer circumference with a sheath 14 made of resin, and at least one ribbon body 15 having a larger Young's modulus than the sheath is inserted into opposite long-diameter-directional side walls A, A^, of the sheath.例文帳に追加

光ファイバテープ心線11の周囲を複数本の抗張力繊維13で縦添えして取り囲み、さらにその外周を樹脂から成るシース14で覆った平型光ファイバコード10であって、シースの対向する長径方向側壁内部A,A’に、このシースよりもヤング率の大きいテープ体15がそれぞれ挿入してあること。 - 特許庁

In the polypropylene, the degree of crystallization is40%, and MFR at 230°C×2.16 Kgf is ≥5; in the polypropylene-based elastomer, a storage elastic modulus at 100°C is 1-10 MPa, and a Young's modulus is15 MPa; and 25-50 pts.wt. of the polypropylene-based elastomer is added to 100 pts.wt. of the polypropylene.例文帳に追加

ポリプロピレンは、結晶化度が40%以上、230℃×2.16KgfにおけるMFRが5以上であり、ポリプロピレン系エラストマーは、100℃における貯蔵弾性率が1〜10MPaであり、ヤング率が15MPa以下であり、ポリプロピレン100重量部に対して25〜50重量部添加されたものである。 - 特許庁

To provide a double tube-type pile head structure which has an outer pipe inserted into a head of a steel pipe pile, increases horizontal strength by filling a substance with a high Young's modulus between the steel pipe pile and the outer pipe and integrating the head of the steel pipe pile and the outer pipe to each other, and can withstand even a compressive force and a pulling force.例文帳に追加

鋼管杭の頭部に外管を挿入した二重管式杭頭構造において、鋼管杭と外管の間に高ヤング率の物質を充填して鋼管杭の頭部と外管を一体化して水平耐力を向上するとともに、圧縮力と引抜力にも強い二重管式杭頭構造を提供すること。 - 特許庁

A coefficient of linear expansion and a coefficient of humidity expansion of the first resin layer 50a are selected, and a deformed natural surface resulting from humidity change is set so as to exist in the second thin film layer 60a being a thin film layer having a thin film in which a product of the Young's modulus of film material and a film thickness is the largest among the thin film layers.例文帳に追加

そして、第1樹脂層50aの線膨張係数および湿度膨張係数を選択して、温度変化によって生じる変形の中立面が、上記薄膜層のうち膜材料のヤング率と膜厚との積が最も大きな薄膜を有する薄膜層である第2薄膜層60aに存在するように設定されている。 - 特許庁

The flat optical fiber cord 10 is constituted by surrounding the coated optical fibers 11 of the ribbon longitudinally with a plurality of tensile-strength fibers 13 and covering their outer circumference with a sheath 14 made of resin, and at least one ribbon body 15 having a larger Young's modulus than the sheath is inserted into a short-diameter-directional side wall of the sheath.例文帳に追加

光ファイバテープ心線11の周囲を複数本の抗張力繊維13で縦添えして取り囲み、さらにその外周を樹脂から成るシース14で覆った平型光ファイバコード10であって、シースの短径方向側壁内部Aに、このシースよりもヤング率の大きいテープ体15が少なくとも1枚挿入してあること。 - 特許庁

To provide a tray for table setting surely preventing lateral slipping of dishes in carrying, extremely easily held by being well fitted to the hands even in a case of a person with the small hands or a weak grip, preventing the falling of the tray itself and adopting a highly usable universal design for a young child to the elderly.例文帳に追加

運搬時における食器の横滑りを確実に防止し、かつ、手の小さい者や握力の弱い者であっても手に馴染んで非常に持ち易く、トレイ自体の落下を防止することもでき、しかも、幼児から高齢者に至るまで使い勝手の良いユニバーサルデザインを採用した配膳用トレイを提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a formula feed which is useful for livestock, is liked by young livestock such as calves and piggies, can thereby be used as a creep feed, can increase the intake of the feed, and can improve the efficiency of the feed, and can increase the effects of appetite improvement, feeding, diarrhea prevention and diarrhea treatment, even when fed to general livestock.例文帳に追加

子牛や子豚などの幼畜が好み、その餌付け用として使用でき、またその飼料摂取量を増大させ、かつ飼料効率を向上させることができ、さらに家畜一般に給与しても、食欲改善や栄養補給、下痢の防止や治療などの効果を上げることができる新規な家畜用配合飼料とその給与方法の提供。 - 特許庁

For the ceramic capacitor, which is formed by forming outer electrodes at the ends of a dielectric block in which inner electrodes are formed, the outer electrodes are adhered to the wiring board via a conductive resin adhesive agent, and the outer electrodes are formed of a material which exhibits Young's modulus of 0.1-20.0 N/m2.例文帳に追加

内部に内部電極を形成した誘電体ブロックの端面に外部電極を形成してなるセラミックコンデンサにおいて、前記外部電極が導電性樹脂接着剤を介して配線基板に接着されるものであり、前記外部電極のヤング率が0.1〜20.0N/m^2の材料を用いることを特徴とするセラミックコンデンサである。 - 特許庁

The ceramic board, for use in the equipment of manufacturing semiconductor, is equipped with a reinforcement body composed of a metal or a conductive ceramic; the inside or on the surface of the ceramic-base board which is 200 mm or larger in diameter, is less than 8 mm in thickness; and its Young's modulus is 250 to 450 GPa, at in 25 to 800°C.例文帳に追加

直径200mm以上、厚さ8mm未満のセラミック基板であって、その25〜800℃までの温度範囲におけるヤング率が250〜450GPaであるセラミック基板の内部または表面に金属または導電性セラミックからなる補強体を設けてなる半導体製造装置用セラミック板。 - 特許庁

Among the reasons for the large number of new clothing retailers and many stores registering solid growth in City A are the locating of a music hall and fashion building for young people in the city center shopping district, and the provision of finely divided store space lining back streets that have been developed to suit these facilities (such as by laying colored paving), creating an environment in which boutiques cluster (Fig. 2-3-62).例文帳に追加

A市で衣服小売店の入居が多く、好業績店が多い背景としては、中心市街地内での音楽ホール、若者向けファッションビルの新規立地と、それに対応したカラー舗装等のハード整備など景観整備を実施した裏通りに面して小割りの店舗スペースが設けられ、ブティックが集積する立地環境が整えられてきたことなどが挙げられる(第2-3-62図)。 - 経済産業省

On this point, important areas for action regarding SMEs include (1) improving the rates of employment of women and the elderly, (2) encouraging the continued employment of women during pregnancy and parenting, and (3) developing the economic infrastructure for cultivating the next generation of workers through expanding better job opportunities for young people.9)例文帳に追加

この点で、中小企業に関しては、〔1〕女性と高齢者の就業率を向上させること、〔2〕出産・育児期にある女性の就業継続を図ること、〔3〕若い世代の良好な就業機会の拡大を通じ、その次世代育成のための経済基盤を向上させること、等の対応が重要となっていくと考えられる9。 - 経済産業省

This chapter begins in Section 1 with an analysis of the relationship between these changes in general and employment at SMEs. This is followed in Section 2 by an analysis of the labor market and employment conditions of the young and elderly in the context of demographic change, and then an analysis based on this on how SMEs recruit and develop the human resources that they need.例文帳に追加

本章では、日本の労働市場のこれまでの変化について、第1節で全般的な変化と中小企業の雇用等との関係について分析し、次いで、第2節で人口動態等の変化を受けた若年と高齢者の労働市場と就業状況等について分析した後、これらを踏まえて中小企業に必要な人材の確保と育成について分析する。 - 経済産業省

Naturally, the Japanese population fluctuates according to year of birth, and so this may have an effect depending on generation. Even if one considers trends by age group in the labor force population over the same period (Fig. 3-3-31), however, it can be seen that while the labor force population of elderly age groups is increasing, the labor force population of young and middle-aged groups is not falling substantially.例文帳に追加

もちろん、我が国の人口は出生年により変動が有るため、世代によってはこの影響を受けることもあり得るだろうが、同期間の労働力人口の年齢階級別推移を見ても(第3-3-31図)、高齢者層の労働力人口が増加していることが分かる一方で、若・中年層の労働力人口は大幅には減少していない。 - 経済産業省

In view of these relations, in order to tackle the various issues concerning SMEs and human resources, it is important that the Government and society as a whole work to increase recognition of the value of work and strengthen the work ethic so that the provision of diverse and attractive employment opportunities by SMEs is better understood by young people and their parents' generation in particular.例文帳に追加

これらを踏まえ、中小企業と人材に関連する諸課題に取り組んでいく上では、中小企業が多様で魅力的な就業機会を提供していることが、特に若年者とその親の年代に一層理解されるよう、政府を始め社会全体で取り組み、勤労の価値についての認識と勤労意欲が社会全体に高まるようにしていくことが重要である。 - 経済産業省

The National Skills Competition is held annually to give young engineers nonbinding target by holding skill level competition for youth engineers aged 23 or younger at home, to offer the opportunity to get familiar with skills, and to aim at making an appeal to the general public about the importance and necessity of skills as well as raising the public awareness of skilled work. 例文帳に追加

技能五輪全国大会は、国内の23歳以下の青年技能者の技能レベルを競うことにより、青年技能者に努力目標を与えるとともに、技能を身近に触れる機会を提供するなど、広く国民一般に対して技能の重要性、必要性をアピールし、技能尊重気運の醸成を図ることを目的として毎年開催している。 - 経済産業省

In recent years, however, a rise in the number of people who do not find employment immediately after graduating or who leave their jobs soon after being employed has resulted in a deepening employment problem among the young in the form of rising youth unemployment rates and growth in the numbers offreeters” (which is what job-hopping part-time workers have been dubbed in Japan) and “NEETs,” and a serious look needs to be taken at the use of younger people, including freeters.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、近年、学卒後すぐに職に就かない者や就職してもすぐに離職してしまう者の増加により、若年者失業率の上昇、フリーター・ニートの増加といった、若年層の雇用問題が深刻化しており、フリーターを含めた若年者の活用について真剣に考える必要がある。 - 経済産業省

Over the past five years, the number of people who took this test with regard to the types of jobs vital to manufacturing industries has increased, particularly among specialized senior high school students. More and more young people are expected to strive to acquire skills if the national technical skills test is promoted, for example by recommending that students take the test.例文帳に追加

製造業における中心的な検定職種に係る過去4年間の受検者数の推移をみると、専門高校生などを中心に増加してきており、今後とも、技能検定の受検勧奨等を通じた普及拡大を図っていくことにより技能習得に取り組む若者が増えていくことが期待される。 - 経済産業省


Nursery centers whose objective is tocare for infants and young children who need childcare” are expected to increase the number of children they admit and to resolve the issues of children on a waiting list. In addition, such centers are expected to respond to the wide variety of needs for education and childcare adequately and flexibly. In the future, the role ofcertified children centers” will become significant as they offer education, nursing and care for pre-school children in a unified manner.例文帳に追加

また、「保育に欠けるその乳児又は幼児を保育すること」を目的とする保育所については、待機児童の解消に向けた受入児童数の増加に加え、多様化する教育・保育に関するニーズに適切かつ柔軟に対応することが求められていることから、今後は、就学前の子どもに対する教育・保育・子育て支援を一体的に提供する「認定こども園」の役割が期待される。 - 経済産業省


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