
「this day」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(61ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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this dayの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 3084


That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about. 例文帳に追加

大変壮大な質問でございますけれども、私は政治家としては、いつか申し上げたと思いますけれども、金融というのは、特にサッチャー(元英国首相)、レーガン(元米国大統領)の時代から、新保守主義といいますか、金融が非常に発達して、特にITの発達とともに金融工学というのが発達しまして、アメリカの特に投資銀行というのは金融工学を活用して、非常に大きな利益を上げてくるというふうになってきたと思っておりまして、そして、そういった意味で非常に、私はやっぱり金融(機関)の検査する側も、この前も言ったが1000分の2秒で株を売ったり買ったりするというのですね、東京証券取引所では。この前、香港の方の証券取引所に行きましても、非常に1000分の1秒とか2秒とか、そういう世界なのですよ。そうすると、私は本職が医者でございますけれども、コンピューターで反応するだけですよ、ある意味でね。そしてなおかつ、昔は、証券取引所を経由しない取引も、実は今アメリカなどで非常に多いのですね。 - 金融庁

Many SMEs that would not have gone bankrupt under normal circumstances went bust, and the rapid credit contraction, credit crunch and credit withdrawal really damaged the economy. If you take this into account, a higher capital adequacy ratio is not necessarily desirable. At the end of the day, the economy consists of macro economies of regional communities. Furthermore, given that economies vary in substance from country to country, it is extremely important that an agreement was reached on the outline of Basel III-awaiting finalization at the Seoul Summit in November-as it is my understanding that Japan, Germany and France were able to significantly take the initiative in shaping the agreement. 例文帳に追加

たくさんの、普通であれば倒産しなくて済むような中小企業がたくさん倒産をするというようなことでありまして、急速にご存じのように信用収縮、貸し渋り貸しはがしによって、大変経済が本当に傷んだわけでございますから、そういったことを踏まえて、やはり自己資本に関しては、この自己資本比率が高ければ高いほどいいというものでもない。やはりグローバル、やはり経済の、その地域におけるそれぞれのマクロの経済があるわけでございます。また、国によって、色々と経済の実体も違いますから、そういったところで、私は非常にこの世界、今度バーゼル III が一応合意になりましたが、最終的にはまだ、ソウルサミットが11月にありますが、そういった意味で、やはり日本あるいはドイツ、フランスがかなりこれを主導的できたというふうに私は認識をさせていただいておりまして、そういったことが非常に大事なことでございます。 - 金融庁

A while back, I visited Osaka centering on the local finance bureau for the purpose of conducting a survey on the Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), etc. and assembled four organizations of SMEs, financial institutions and the like. Osaka is particularly noteworthy as part of the Kinki region-an economic block comprised of parts of Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto and Nara Prefectures. As the circulation of finance cuts across prefectural and national boundaries in this day and age, a scheme to create a special zone limited to just one prefecture seems to be somewhat incongruent with the principle of equality under the law, as I have explained previously. 例文帳に追加

やっぱり私は率直に言って一つの国で貸し手も借り手も県を越えて、この前も大阪の財務局を中心に中小企業金融円滑化法案の調査のために行かせていただいて、中小企業4団体、あるいは金融機関などにお集まりいただきましたけれども、特に大阪といえば近畿圏で、ご存じのように大阪・兵庫・京都・奈良の一部から成る一つの経済圏であり、一つの県だけの特区構想というのは、金融というのはまさに県・国境を越えて流通する時代ですから、そういった意味で、この前も言ったように、法の下における平等にも少し馴染まないというように思っております。 - 金融庁

I heard that 800 buses come to Sendai each day from the six Tohoku prefectures and Niigata. While Sendai has a population of one million, other cities have roughly 100,000 residents, reflecting the high level of concentration of people typical in regional cities. This trip gave me a strong realization that Sendai is the city of concentration in Miyagi prefecture or the Tohoku region, as is implied by the fact that Shopping Center Promotion Association representatives that I met were saying that there are very few vacant stores in Sendai, generally around a few percent (the percentage of closed stores). In contrast, however, I was told that the percentage of closed stores is roughly 18 percent on average in the prefecture’s southern part, excluding Sendai, and northern part and even as high as 25 percent in particularly suffering areas, which of course amounts to one in every four stores being vacant in shopping streets in those areas. They also said that, in Miyagi prefecture, Sendai has vibrant shopping streets but those in towns other than Sendai in the southern and northern parts (of the prefecture) are in a very grim state. 例文帳に追加

仙台は、私も知りませんでしたが、東北6県や新潟からも1日に800本バスが出るそうです。ですから、仙台市は人口100万(人)でございますけれども、他の都市は大体10万(人)ぐらいでして、非常に地方の都市は一極集中といいますか、仙台は、宮城県あるいは東北の一極集中ということも強く実感いたしまして、特に商店街(振興組合)連合会の方がおられましたけれども、仙台の商店街連合会の方は、空いた店というのは非常に少なく、大体数%と言っていました。ところが、特に仙台以外の県南と県北は大体平均18%ぐらい商店街が、ひどいところは25%ぐらい、商店街の4軒に1軒の商店街が空いているというふうな話も出ました。宮城県内でも常に仙台の中心部は活況を呈している商店街がありますが、特に県南と県北の仙台市以外の町の商店街は非常に厳しいという話も聞かせて頂きました。 - 金融庁


3. Trademarks and trade names not included in the preceding paragraph the grant of which has been published, or the last renewal of which has been applied for under the terms of the 1988 Law on Trademarks, but prior to the entry into force of Law 14/1999 on Fees and Public Prices for Services Provided by the Nuclear Safety Council, shall be subject, up to the first renewal made following the entry into force of this Law, to payment of the corresponding five-year fees, on pain of lapse. For these purposes, the expiry date of the second five-year term shall be the last day of the month in which the fifth anniversary of the filing date of the original registration application falls, and the corresponding payment shall be made within the three months preceding the expiry date or in the month following said date.例文帳に追加

(3) 前項に含まれない商標及び商号であって,その付与が公告されている,又はその最後の更新が1988年商標法の規定に基づいて出願されたが,原子核安全理事会により提供されるサービスについての手数料及び公定料金に関する法律(法律No.14/1999)の施行前であったものは,本法の施行後に行われた初回更新まで,対応する5年ごとの手数料の納付を条件とするが,失効の罰則付きとする。これらの目的で,第2回の5年の期間の納付期日は原登録出願の出願日の5周年月の末日とし,対応する納付は納付期日に先立つ3月以内又は当該期日の翌月に行うものとする。 - 特許庁


(1) Whenever it appears to any Magistrate upon written information on oath and after any enquiry which he may think necessary that there is reasonable cause to believe that in any dwelling house, shop, building or place there is being committed an offence against this Act, or any regulations made thereunder, he may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized officer or police officer named therein, by day or night and with or without assistance to enter the dwelling house, shop, building or place and there search for and seize or take copies of all books, accounts, documents or other articles which contain or are suspected to contain information as to any offence so suspected to have been committed or any other thing relating to the offence.例文帳に追加

(1)何れかの治安判事にとって,宣誓による書面情報を基にし,かつ,当人が必要と考える調査を行った後,何れかの住宅,店舗,建物又は場所において,本法又はそれに基づいて制定される規則に違反する行為が行われていると考えるときは,その治安判事は,授権公務員又は警察官を指定した令状を出し,その受権公務員又は警察官に,昼夜を問わず,補助を得て又は補助を得ないで,その住宅,店舗,建物又は場所に立ち入り,そこで前記のとおりに行われていると疑われる違法行為に関する情報を含んでいる又は含んでいると疑われるすべての帳簿,計算書,書類その他の物件,又はその違法行為に関するそれ以外の物品を捜索し,かつ,差し押さえ又は写しをとる権限を与えることができる。 - 特許庁

(ii) If the General Partner receives funds (“Other Profits”) in the form of dividends, interests, royalties, or other profits (excluding those included in Disposition Profits) in respect of Portfolio Securities and/or Portfolio Intellectual Property, the General Partner shall distribute the balance of Other Profits after the deduction of: (x) the sum of (a) costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required to receive such Other Profits and (b) expenses of Partnership, if any, due and payable at the time of the receipt of such Other Profits; and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article, on such date as the General Partner, in its discretion, designates within [_] months from the end of the business year in which the day of receipt of such funds falls. 例文帳に追加

② 無限責任組合員は、投資証券等及び/又は投資知的財産権に関して配当、利息、使用許諾料その他の収益に係る金銭(処分収益に含まれるものを除く。)(以下、「その他投資収益」という。)を受領したときは、かかる金銭を受領した日の属する事業年度の末日から[ ]ヶ月以内の無限責任組合員がその裁量により指定する日において、当該その他投資収益から、当該受領に要した諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)並びに当該受領の時において支払期限が到来している組合費用(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項の定めに従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額を控除した残額に相当する金銭を分配するものとする。 - 経済産業省

(1) In the case where a Member Commodity Exchange implements an Incorporation-Type Merger, if the Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger is a Member Commodity Exchange, the registration of dissolution shall be completed with regard to the Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger and the registration of the establishment shall be completed with regard to the Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger within two weeks from the latest of any of the following days at the location of the principal offices and within three weeks from such day at the secondary offices. With regard to the application of Article 20, paragraph 2 in this case, the phrase "referred to in the preceding paragraph" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "of establishment with regard to the Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger." 例文帳に追加

1 会員商品取引所が新設合併をする場合において、新設合併設立商品取引所が会員商品取引所であるときは、次の各号に掲げる日のいずれか遅い日から、その主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、その従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、新設合併消滅商品取引所については解散の登記をし、新設合併設立商品取引所については設立の登記をしなければならない。この場合における第二十条第二項の適用については、同項中「前項」とあるのは、「新設合併設立商品取引所についての設立」とする。 - 経済産業省

(ii) If a Commodity Exchange fails to open all or some of the Commodity Markets within three months from the day on which it became possible to open said Commodity Markets, if it has continuously suspended Futures Transactions (limited to those pertaining to transactions set forth in Article 2, paragraph 8, item 1 or 2 in the case of a Commodity Market pertaining to a Listed Commodity and limited to those pertaining to transactions set forth in item 3 of the same paragraph in the case of a Commodity Market pertaining to a Listed Commodity Index; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) on all or some of the Commodity Markets for three months or more or if Futures Transactions on all or some of the Commodity Markets no longer conform to the criteria set forth in Article 15, paragraph 1, item 1 or Article 80, paragraph 1, item 3, without a justifiable reasonRescission of the permission under Article 9, license under Article 78 or approval for an amendment of the articles of incorporation 例文帳に追加

二正当な理由がないのに商品市場を開設することができることとなつた日から三月以内に全部若しくは一部の商品市場を開設しないとき、引き続き三月以上全部若しくは一部の商品市場における先物取引(上場商品に係る商品市場にあつては第二条第八項第一号又は第二号に掲げる取引、上場商品指数に係る商品市場にあつては同項第三号に掲げる取引に係るものに限る。以下この号において同じ。)を停止したとき、又は全部若しくは一部の商品市場における先物取引が第十五条第一項第一号若しくは第八十条第一項第三号に掲げる基準に適合しなくなつたとき。第九条若しくは第七十八条の許可又は定款の変更の認可を取り消すこと。 - 経済産業省


(3) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 46, paragraph 1 and Article 47, paragraph 1, item 1 of the New Act to a person who is deemed to have obtained a License under the New Act pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, "in the following cases (in the cases set forth in item 2 or item 3 for a Futures Commission Merchant who obtained a license for Second Class Business of Accepting Consignment of Commodity Transactions)" in Article 46, paragraph 1 of the New Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "in the cases set forth in item 2 or item 3," and "matters set forth in Article 43, paragraph 1, item 1, item 1-2 or item 3 (matters set forth in item 1 or item 3 of the same paragraph for a Futures Commission Merchant who obtained a license for Second Class Business of Accepting Consignment of Commodity Transactions)" in Article 47, paragraph 1, item 1 of the New Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "matters set forth in Article 43, paragraph 1, item 1 or item 3," during the period from the effective date of this Act to the day on which said person has his/her license renewed as prescribed in Article 41, paragraph 4 of the New Act. 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定により新法の許可を受けたものとみなされた者に対する新法第四十六条第一項及び新法第四十七条第一項第一号の規定の適用については、この法律の施行の日からその者が新法第四十一条第四項の許可の更新を受けるまでの間は、新法第四十六条第一項中「次に掲げる場合(第二種商品取引受託業の許可を受けた商品取引員にあつては、第二号又は第三号に掲げる場合)」とあるのは「第二号又は第三号に掲げる場合」と、新法第四十七条第一項第一号中「第四十三条第一項第一号、第一号の二又は第三号に掲げる事項(第二種商品取引受託業の許可を受けた商品取引員にあつては、同項第一号又は第三号に掲げる事項)」とあるのは「第四十三条第一項第一号又は第三号に掲げる事項」とする。 - 経済産業省


One day Bassanio came to Anthonio, and told him that he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage with a lady whom he dearly loved, whose father, that was lately dead, had left her sole heiress to a large estate; and that in her father's lifetime he used to visit at her house, when he thought he had observed this lady had sometimes from her eyes sent speechless messages, that seemed to say he would be no unwelcome suitor; but not having money to furnish himself with an appearance befitting the lover of so rich an heiress, he besought Anthonio to add to the many favours he had shewn him, by lending him three thousand ducats. 例文帳に追加

ある日、バサーニオはアントニオを訪ねてこう言った。ぼくは財産を取り戻そうと考えている。愛する女《ひと》と富裕な結婚をしようと思うんだ。彼女のお父さんが最近亡くなってね、大きな財産をその人がたった1人で相続したんだ。お父さんがご存命だったころ、ぼくは彼女の家をよく訪ねていたんだ。そのとき彼女がぼくにときどきその目から無言の秋波を送っていたように思えてね、ぼくのことがまんざらでもないという感じだった。だがぼくには、大きな遺産を受け継いだあの女《ひと》の相手としてふさわしい風采を整えるだけの金がないんだ。ぼくに対して親切にしてもらえるなら、3000ドュカート用立ててくれないか。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Article 42 (1) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation (excluding a nonresident having a residence in Japan or a foreign corporation having an office, place of business or any other business facility equivalent thereto in Japan) engaged in conducting, in Japan, the business prescribed in Article 161(ii) of the Income Tax Act (limited to a business that is mainly intended to provide the services of motion picture or theatre artistes , musicians and any other entertainers, or professional athletes (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (3) as the "provision of the services of entertainers, etc.")), which is exempt from income tax pursuant to the provisions of a convention prescribed in Article 162 of the said Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as a "tax convention") with respect to the consideration listed in Article 161(ii) of the said Act for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. (such nonresident or foreign corporation shall be limited to those to be exempt from income tax on condition that the nonresident or foreign corporation has no permanent establishments (meaning permanent establishments specified by the said tax convention; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) in Japan or that the consideration to be received by the nonresident or foreign corporation is not attributed to his/her or its permanent establishments located in Japan; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (3) as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc."), pays outside Japan to the person listed in any of the following items, pay, remuneration or consideration specified in the relevant item (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "remuneration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc."), from the consideration for which the tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. is exempt from income tax, the said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. shall, upon payment, collect income tax equivalent to the amount calculated by multiplying the amount of remuneration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. by a tax rate of 20 percent, and pay it to the State no later than the last day of the month following the month that includes the date of collection: 例文帳に追加

第四十二条 国内において所得税法第百六十一条第二号に規定する事業(映画若しくは演劇の俳優、音楽家その他の芸能人又は職業運動家の役務の提供(以下この項及び第三項において「芸能人等の役務提供」という。)を主たる内容とする事業に限る。)を行う非居住者又は外国法人(国内に居所を有し、又は国内に事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものを有するものを除く。)で、芸能人等の役務提供に係る同号に掲げる対価につき同法第百六十二条に規定する条約(以下この項において「租税条約」という。)の規定により所得税が免除されるもの(国内に恒久的施設(当該租税条約に定める恒久的施設をいう。以下この項において同じ。)を有しないこと又はその対価がその国内に有する恒久的施設に帰せられないことを要件として所得税が免除されるものに限る。以下この項及び第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が、国外においてその所得税を免除される対価のうちから次の各号に掲げる者に対して当該各号に定める給与若しくは報酬又は対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供報酬」という。)を支払うときは、当該免税芸能法人等は、その支払の際、当該芸能人等の役務提供報酬の額に百分の二十の税率を乗じて計算した金額の所得税を徴収し、その徴収の日の属する月の翌月末日までに、これを国に納付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) The provisions of Article 116(3), (4), (6), and (7) (Dissenting Shareholders' Share Purchase Demand), Article 117(2) to (6) inclusive (Determination of Price of Shares), Article 868(1) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 870 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Hearing of Statements), the main clause of Article 871 (Appending of a Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal), the main clause of Article 873 (Stay of Execution of the Judicial Decision of the Prior Instance), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rule) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Demands for the Purchase of Preferred Equity made by the Preferred Equity Members of a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, the phrase "act in any item of paragraph (1)" in Article 116(3) and (7) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "change to the Asset Securitization Plan," the phrases "the day when such act becomes effective," "of the shares provided for in each item of that paragraph," and "such act" in Article 116(3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the day of the Resolution for Changing the Plan set forth in Article 153(2) of the Asset Securitization Act," "thereof," and "changes to the Asset Securitization Plan," respectively, the phrases "of the shares" in Article 117(2) and (6) of the Companies Act and "for such shares" in paragraph (5) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "of the Preferred Equity," the term "share certificates" in Article 117(6) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Preferred Equity Securities," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

4 会社法第百十六条第三項、第四項、第六項及び第七項(反対株主の株式買取請求)、第百十七条第二項から第六項まで(株式の価格の決定等)、第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条本文(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十三条本文(原裁判の執行停止)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)並びに第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は、特定目的会社の優先出資社員による優先出資買取請求について準用する。この場合において、同法第百十六条第三項及び第七項中「第一項各号の行為」とあるのは「資産流動化計画の変更」と、同条第三項中「当該行為が効力を生ずる日」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百五十三条第二項に規定する計画変更決議の日」と、「同項各号に定める株式の」とあるのは「その」と、「当該行為を」とあるのは「当該資産流動化計画の変更を」と、同法第百十七条第二項、第五項及び第六項中「株式の」とあるのは「優先出資の」と、同項中「、株券」とあるのは「、優先出資証券」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Where a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, if the plan for the building is not in violation of the provisions of any Acts or any order or prefectural/municipal ordinance thereunder (if a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent in cases where a building official or designated confirmation and inspection body makes a confirmation pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (4) or Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act (including cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87, paragraph (1) of said Act) for the construction, major repair (meaning a major repair as set forth in Article 2, item (xiv) of said Act), major remodeling (meaning major remodeling as set forth in Article 2, item (xv) of said Act) of a building set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (i) or item (ii) of said Act or for a change of intended purpose of such building, or makes a confirmation for the construction of a building as set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) of said Act, the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning the building standards specified by Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of said Act as applied by replacing the relevant terms and phrases pursuant to the provision of Article 6-3, paragraph (1) of said Act shall be excluded), the fire chief or fire station chief shall give consent within three days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in the case falling under Article 6, paragraph (1), item (iv) of said Act or within seven days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in other cases, and give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect. In this case, the fire chief or fire station chief, when he/she finds any grounds on which he/she cannot give consent, shall give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect by such time limit. 例文帳に追加

2 消防長又は消防署長は、前項の規定によつて同意を求められた場合において、当該建築物の計画が法律又はこれに基づく命令若しくは条例の規定(建築基準法第六条第四項又は第六条の二第一項(同法第八十七条第一項の規定によりこれらの規定を準用する場合を含む。)の規定により建築主事又は指定確認検査機関が同法第六条の三第一項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる建築物の建築、大規模の修繕(同法第二条第十四号の大規模の修繕をいう。)、大規模の模様替(同法第二条第十五号の大規模の模様替をいう。)若しくは用途の変更又は同項第三号に掲げる建築物の建築について確認する場合において同意を求められたときは、同項の規定により読み替えて適用される同法第六条第一項の政令で定める建築基準法令の規定を除く。)で建築物の防火に関するものに違反しないものであるときは、同法第六条第一項第四号に係る場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から三日以内に、その他の場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から七日以内に同意を与えて、その旨を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。この場合において、消防長又は消防署長は、同意することができない事由があると認めるときは、これらの期限内に、その事由を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 63 (1) With respect to the permission or the approval on business commencement for a designated fishery, the provisions of paragraph (1), Article 34 (Restrictions or Conditions of Fishery Right), Article 35 (Notification of Absence from Work), paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Article 37, paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (6) through paragraph (10) and paragraph (13) through paragraph (15) of Article 39 (Rescission of Fishery Right) and Article 12 (Measures for Fishery Employees) of the Aquatic Resources Conservation Act (Act No. 313 of 1951) shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, "the Governor concerned" shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister"; "when granting a license, if he/she finds it necessary for ... other public interest" in paragraph (1), Article 34, with "when he/she finds it necessary for ...other public interest"; "fisheries adjustment" in paragraph (1), Article 39, with "the protection of reproduction of aquatic animals and plants, fisheries adjustment"; "the prefectural government concerned" in paragraph (6), paragraph (10) and paragraph (13) of the same Article, with "the national government"; "the Governor concerned, after he/she hears the opinions of the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission concerned" in paragraph (8) of the same Article, with "the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister"; "paragraph (10), paragraph (2), Article 34 (Consultation with the Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission) and paragraph (4), Article 37 (Hearing of Opinions)" in paragraph (14) of the same Article, with "paragraph (10)"; "the disposition for nonpayment of local tax" in paragraph (15) of the same Article, with "the disposition for nonpayment of national tax"; "paragraph (5), Article 10" in Article 12 of the same Act, with "paragraph (1), Article 39 of the Fisheries Act applied mutatis mutandis in Article 63 of the same Act"; and "the day of the public notice of paragraph (4) of the same Article," with "the day when the permission is rescinded." 例文帳に追加

第六十三条 指定漁業の許可又は起業の認可に関しては、第三十四条第一項(漁業権の制限又は条件)、第三十五条(休業の届出)、第三十七条第一項及び第二項、第三十九条第一項、第二項、第六項から第十項まで及び第十三項から第十五項まで(漁業権の取消し)並びに水産資源保護法(昭和二十六年法律第三百十三号)第十二条(漁業従事者に対する措置)の規定を準用する。この場合において、「都道府県知事」とあるのは「農林水産大臣」と、第三十四条第一項中「公益上必要があると認めるときは、免許をするにあたり、」とあるのは「公益上必要があると認めるときは、」と、第三十九条第一項中「漁業調整」とあるのは「水産動植物の繁殖保護、漁業調整」と、同条第六項、第十項及び第十三項中「都道府県」とあるのは「国」と、同条第八項中「都道府県知事が海区漁業調整委員会の意見を聴いて」とあるのは「農林水産大臣が」と、同条第十四項中「第十項、第三十四条第二項(海区漁業調整委員会への諮問)並びに第三十七条第四項(意見の聴取)」とあるのは「第十項」と、同条第十五項中「地方税の滞納処分」とあるのは「国税滞納処分」と、同法第十二条中「第十条第五項」とあるのは「漁業法第六十三条において準用する同法第三十九条第一項」と、「同条第四項の告示の日」とあるのは「その許可の取消しの日」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 41 (1) A Municipality, when an Insured Person that receives long-term care at his or her home (herein referred to as "Insured In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care") among persons who have obtained a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care (herein referred to as "Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care") receives from a person designated by prefectural governor (hereinafter referred to as "Designated In-Home Service Provider") an In-Home Service provided by an appointed provider that performs In-Home Service Business pertaining to said specification (herein referred to as "Designated In-Home Service"), shall pay an Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service to said Insured In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care regarding expenses required for said Designated In-Home Service (except for expenses required for purchase of Specified Equipment Covered by Public Aid, and excluding the expenses necessary to provide meals, residence, and other expenses as determined by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as necessary for daily life with regard to the expenses required for Outpatient Day Long-Term Care, Outpatient Rehabilitation, a Short-Term Admission for Daily Life Long-Term Care, Short-Term Admission for Recuperation, and Daily Life Long-Term Care Admitted to a Specified Facility; the same shall apply hereinafter in this Act), however, provided that this provision shall not apply to a case when said Insured In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care is specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (1) and the Person receives In-Home Service other than the type pertaining to said specification. 例文帳に追加

第四十一条 市町村は、要介護認定を受けた被保険者(以下「要介護被保険者」という。)のうち居宅において介護を受けるもの(以下「居宅要介護被保険者」という。)が、都道府県知事が指定する者(以下「指定居宅サービス事業者」という。)から当該指定に係る居宅サービス事業を行う事業所により行われる居宅サービス(以下「指定居宅サービス」という。)を受けたときは、当該居宅要介護被保険者に対し、当該指定居宅サービスに要した費用(特定福祉用具の購入に要した費用を除き、通所介護、通所リハビリテーション、短期入所生活介護、短期入所療養介護及び特定施設入居者生活介護に要した費用については、食事の提供に要する費用、滞在に要する費用その他の日常生活に要する費用として厚生労働省令で定める費用を除く。以下この条において同じ。)について、居宅介護サービス費を支給する。ただし、当該居宅要介護被保険者が、第三十七条第一項の規定による指定を受けている場合において、当該指定に係る種類以外の居宅サービスを受けたときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) a person who has been punished by a fine (including a punishment under laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to this) for violating provisions of this Act, the Secured Debenture Trust Act, the Act on Concurrent Operation of Trust Business by a Financial Institution, the Commodity Exchange Act, the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act, the Act on Regulation of Receiving of Capital Subscription, Deposits, and Interest Rates, etc., the Installment Sales Act, the Act on Assumption of Entrustment, etc. of Futures Trading in Foreign Commodities Market, the Act on Controls, etc. on Money Lending, the Act on Deposit, etc. Transaction Agreement of Specified Commodities, etc., the Act on Regulation of Business Pertaining to Commodity Investment, the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act, the Act on the Securitization of Assets, the Act on Issuance, etc. of Bonds for Financial Corporations' Loan Business, the Trust Business Act, or other Acts specified by a Cabinet Order, or laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to these Acts, and for whom five years have not passed since the day when the execution of the punishment terminated or he/she became free from the execution of the punishment; or 例文帳に追加

二 この法律、担保付社債信託法、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律、商品取引所法、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律、宅地建物取引業法、出資の受入れ、預り金及び金利等の取締りに関する法律、割賦販売法、海外商品市場における先物取引の受託等に関する法律、貸金業の規制等に関する法律、特定商品等の預託等取引契約に関する法律、商品投資に係る事業の規制に関する法律、不動産特定共同事業法、資産の流動化に関する法律、金融業者の貸付業務のための社債の発行等に関する法律、信託業法その他政令で定める法律又はこれらに相当する外国の法令の規定に違反し、罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、その刑の執行を終わり、又はその刑の執行を受けることがなくなつた日から五年を経過しない者 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) With regard to a Futures Commission Merchant who has received a license under Article 41, paragraph (1) of the Commodity Exchange Act at the time of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, in the case where the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act after the revision (in the case where a person has received a license under the same paragraph with regard to Listed Commodities on two or more Commodity Markets, the total of the amount prescribed in the same Article with regard to these Listed Commodities on the Commodity Markets) exceeds the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act prior to the revision (in the case where a person has received a license under the same paragraph with regard to Listed Commodities on two or more Commodity Markets, the total of the amount prescribed in the same Article with regard to these Listed Commodities on the Commodity Markets), the standard amount prescribed in Article 49, paragraph (1) of the same Act for said Futures Commission Merchant shall be the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act prior to the revision, for one year from the day of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act after the revision. 例文帳に追加

2 この政令の施行の際現に商品取引所法第四十一条第一項の許可を受けている商品取引員について、改正後の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額(その者が二以上の商品市場における上場商品について同項の許可を受けている場合にあつては、これらの商品市場における上場商品について同条に定める額を合算した額)が改正前の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額(その者が二以上の商品市場における上場商品について同項の許可を受けている場合にあつては、これらの商品市場における上場商品について同条に定める額を合算した額)を超えている場合には、当該商品取引員の同法第四十九条第一項に規定する基準額は、この政令の施行の日から一年間は、改正後の商品取引所法施行令第五条の規定にかかわらず、改正前の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(15) With regard to book-entry transfer national government bonds that a nonresident or foreign corporation has acquired before the last day of the accounting period for interest thereon, which satisfy the following requirements (in the case where the said nonresident or foreign corporation has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds through the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. (in the case where entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds have been made through a qualified foreign intermediary: the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in the preceding paragraph that is related to the said qualified foreign intermediary pertaining to the said book-entry transfer national government bonds; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) through which the person who held the said book-entry transfer national government bonds before acquisition (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "previous holder") made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds, the requirements listed in item (i) and (ii) shall apply) (such national government bonds hereinafter referred to as "national government bonds eligible for aggregation"), the nonresident's or foreign corporation's holding period pertaining to the said national government bonds eligible for aggregation shall include the previous holder's holding period pertaining to the said national government bonds eligible for aggregation: 例文帳に追加

15 非居住者又は外国法人がその利子の計算期間の中途において取得をした振替国債で次に掲げる要件(当該非居住者又は外国法人が当該振替国債の振替記載等を受けた特定振替機関等(当該振替国債が適格外国仲介業者から振替記載等を受けたものである場合には、当該振替国債に係る当該適格外国仲介業者の前項に規定する特定振替機関等。以下この項において同じ。)が当該振替国債につきその取得前の所有者(以下この項において「前所有者」という。)が振替記載等を受けた特定振替機関等である場合には、第一号及び第二号に掲げる要件)を満たしているもの(以下この項において「通算対象国債」という。)については、その者の当該通算対象国債に係る所有期間には当該通算対象国債の前所有者の当該通算対象国債に係る所有期間を含むものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(16) With regard to book-entry transfer local government bonds that a nonresident or foreign corporation has acquired before the last day of the accounting period for interest thereon, which satisfy the following requirements (in the case where the said nonresident or foreign corporation has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer local government bonds through the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. (in the case where entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer local government bonds have been made through a qualified foreign intermediary: the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in paragraph (14) that is related to the said qualified foreign intermediary pertaining to the said book-entry transfer local government bonds; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) through which the person who held the said book-entry transfer local government bonds before acquisition (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "previous holder") made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer local government bonds, the requirements listed in item (i) and (ii) shall apply) (such local government bonds hereinafter referred to as "local government bonds eligible for aggregation"), the nonresident's or foreign corporation's holding period pertaining to the said local government bonds eligible for aggregation shall include the previous holder's holding period pertaining to the said local government bonds eligible for aggregation: 例文帳に追加

16 非居住者又は外国法人がその利子の計算期間の中途において取得をした振替地方債で次に掲げる要件(当該非居住者又は外国法人が当該振替地方債の振替記載等を受けた特定振替機関等(当該振替地方債が適格外国仲介業者から振替記載等を受けたものである場合には、当該振替地方債に係る当該適格外国仲介業者の第十四項に規定する特定振替機関等。以下この項において同じ。)が当該振替地方債につきその取得前の所有者(以下この項において「前所有者」という。)が振替記載等を受けた特定振替機関等である場合には、第一号及び第二号に掲げる要件)を満たしているもの(以下この項において「通算対象地方債」という。)については、その者の当該通算対象地方債に係る所有期間には当該通算対象地方債の前所有者の当該通算対象地方債に係る所有期間を含むものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 7 Where a financial institution prescribed in paragraph (3) of Article 21 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of 1949) has received deposits or borrowings during the period from April 1, 1998, to March 31, 2008, from a foreign corporation that has been certified, pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, as falling under the category of nonresident prescribed in the said paragraph , and settled such deposits or borrowings in a special international financial transactions account prescribed in the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "special international financial transactions account"), income tax shall not be imposed with respect to any interest on the deposits or borrowings to be paid to the said foreign corporation; provided, however, that where any event has occurred that is in violation of the provision of a Cabinet Order established pursuant to the provision of Article 21(4) of the said Act, which pertains to the matters concerning the settlement of a special international financial transactions account, the provision of the main clause of this Article shall not apply to such interest pertaining to the accounting period that includes the day on which such event has occurred. 例文帳に追加

第七条 外国為替及び外国貿易法(昭和二十四年法律第二百二十八号)第二十一条第三項に規定する金融機関が、平成十年四月一日から平成二十年三月三十一日までの間に、外国法人で同項に規定する非居住者であることにつき財務省令で定めるところにより証明がされたものから預入を受け、又は借り入れる預金又は借入金で同項に規定する特別国際金融取引勘定(以下この条において「特別国際金融取引勘定」という。)において経理したものにつき、当該外国法人に対して支払う利子については、所得税を課さない。ただし、同法第二十一条第四項の規定に基づき定められた政令の規定のうち特別国際金融取引勘定の経理に関する事項に係るものに違反する事実が生じた場合の当該利子で当該事実が生じた日の属する計算期間に係るものについては、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The amount obtained as a result of an adjustment for the amount of loss prescribed in Article 40-4(2)(ii) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by calculating the amount of income pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), (2) or (3) with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of adjusted income" in this paragraph and paragraph (7)) and then deducting therefrom the amount equivalent to the sum of the loss incurred in business years that commenced within seven years preceding the first day of the relevant business year (excluding a business year that commenced before April 1, 1978 and a business year during which the company did not fall under the category of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (including a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 66-6(1) or Article 68-90(1) of the Act)) (such loss shall exclude the amount deducted in the business years preceding the said relevant business year pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph) (where the said sum of the loss exceeds the amount of adjusted income for the relevant business year, the said amount of adjusted income). 例文帳に追加

5 法第四十条の四第二項第二号に規定する欠損の金額に係る調整を加えた金額は、特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、第一項若しくは第二項又は第三項の規定により算出される所得の金額(以下この項及び第七項において「調整所得金額」という。)から当該各事業年度開始の日前七年以内に開始した事業年度(昭和五十三年四月一日前に開始した事業年度及び特定外国子会社等(法第六十六条の六第一項又は第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。)に該当しなかつた事業年度を除く。)において生じた欠損金額(この項の規定により当該各事業年度前の事業年度において控除されたものを除く。)の合計額(当該合計額が当該各事業年度の調整所得金額を超える場合には、当該調整所得金額)に相当する金額を控除した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The amount obtained as a result of an adjustment for the amount of a loss prescribed in Article 66-6(2)(ii) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by calculating the amount of income, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of adjusted income" in this paragraph and paragraph (7)) and then deducting therefrom the amount equivalent to the sum of the loss incurred in business years that commenced within seven years before the first day of the relevant business year (excluding business years that commenced before April 1, 1978 and business years during which the company did not fall under the category of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (including specified foreign subsidiary companies, etc. prescribed in Article 40-4(1) or Article 68-90(1) of the Act)) (such loss shall exclude the amount deducted in business years preceding the said relevant business year pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph or Article 39-115(5)) (where the said sum of the loss exceeds the amount of adjusted income for the relevant business year, the said amount of adjusted income). 例文帳に追加

5 法第六十六条の六第二項第二号に規定する欠損の金額に係る調整を加えた金額は、特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、第一項若しくは第二項又は第三項の規定により算出される所得の金額(以下この項及び第七項において「調整所得金額」という。)から当該各事業年度開始の日前七年以内に開始した事業年度(昭和五十三年四月一日前に開始した事業年度及び特定外国子会社等(法第四十条の四第一項又は第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。)に該当しなかつた事業年度を除く。)において生じた欠損金額(この項又は第三十九条の百十五第五項の規定により当該各事業年度前の事業年度において控除されたものを除く。)の合計額(当該合計額が当該各事業年度の調整所得金額を超える場合には、当該調整所得金額)に相当する金額を控除した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The amount obtained as a result of an adjustment for the amount of a loss prescribed in Article 66-9-6(2)(iii) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by calculating the amount of income, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, with regard to the income of a specified foreign corporation in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of adjusted income" in this paragraph) and then deducting therefrom the amount equivalent to the sum of the loss incurred in business years that commenced within seven years preceding the first day of the relevant business year (excluding a business year that commenced before October 1, 2007 and a business year during which the corporation did not fall under the category of a specified foreign corporation (including a specified foreign corporation prescribed in Article 40-10(1) or Article 68-93-6(1) of the Act)) (such loss shall exclude the amount deducted in business years preceding the said relevant business year pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph or Article 39-120-9(2)) (where the said sum of the loss exceeds the amount of adjusted income for the relevant business year, the said amount of adjusted income). 例文帳に追加

2 法第六十六条の九の六第二項第三号に規定する欠損の金額に係る調整を加えた金額は、特定外国法人の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、前項の規定により計算した金額(以下この項において「調整所得金額」という。)から当該各事業年度開始の日前七年以内に開始した事業年度(平成十九年十月一日前に開始した事業年度及び特定外国法人(法第四十条の十第一項又は第六十八条の九十三の六第一項に規定する特定外国法人を含む。)に該当しなかつた事業年度を除く。)において生じた欠損金額(この項又は第三十九条の百二十の九第二項の規定により当該各事業年度前の事業年度において控除されたものを除く。)の合計額(当該合計額が当該各事業年度の調整所得金額を超える場合には、当該調整所得金額)に相当する金額を控除した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(10) The gross profit margin prescribed in Article 68-88(6)(i) of the Act or any other ratio specified by a Cabinet Order as a ratio equivalent thereto shall be the ratio of the amount of gross profits gained by a corporation which is engaged in the same type of business and whose size and other details are similar as prescribed in the said item through the said business for a business year including the day on which a foreign affiliated transaction set forth in the said item was conducted or for any other period equivalent thereto (such amount of gross profits shall mean the amount obtained by deducting the sum of the costs of inventory assets for the relevant business year or any other period equivalent thereto (where the said business is other than that pertaining to the sale of inventory assets, the sum of equivalent costs or expenses; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of gross costs" in this paragraph) from the total revenue arising from the sale of the said inventory assets (where the said business is other than that pertaining to the sale of inventory assets, the total revenue pertaining to the said business; hereinafter referred to as the "amount of gross revenue" in this paragraph)) against the amount of gross revenue or gross costs. 例文帳に追加

10 法第六十八条の八十八第六項第一号に規定する売上総利益率又はこれに準ずる割合として政令で定める割合は、同号に規定する同種の事業を営む法人で事業規模その他の事業の内容が類似するものの同号の国外関連取引が行われた日を含む事業年度又はこれに準ずる期間内の当該事業に係る売上総利益の額(当該事業年度又はこれに準ずる期間内の棚卸資産の販売による収入金額の合計額(当該事業が棚卸資産の販売に係る事業以外の事業である場合には、当該事業に係る収入金額の合計額。以下この項において「総収入金額」という。)から当該棚卸資産の原価の額の合計額(当該事業が棚卸資産の販売に係る事業以外の事業である場合には、これに準ずる原価の額又は費用の額の合計額。以下この項において「総原価の額」という。)を控除した金額をいう。)の総収入金額又は総原価の額に対する割合とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The amount obtained as a result of an adjustment for the amount of a loss prescribed in Article 68-90(2)(ii) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by calculating the amount of income, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of adjusted income" in this paragraph and paragraph (7)) and then deducting therefrom the amount equivalent to the sum of the loss incurred in business years that commenced within seven years before the first day of the relevant business year (excluding business years during which the company did not fall under the category of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. (including specified foreign subsidiary companies, etc. prescribed in Article 40-4(1) or Article 66-6(1) of the Act)) (such loss shall exclude the amount deducted in business years preceding the said relevant business year pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph or Article 39-15(5)) (where the said sum of the loss exceeds the amount of adjusted income for the relevant business year, the said amount of adjusted income). 例文帳に追加

5 法第六十八条の九十第二項第二号に規定する欠損の金額に係る調整を加えた金額は、特定外国子会社等の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、第一項若しくは第二項又は第三項の規定により算出される所得の金額(以下この項及び第七項において「調整所得金額」という。)から当該各事業年度開始の日前七年以内に開始した事業年度(特定外国子会社等(法第四十条の四第一項又は第六十六条の六第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等を含む。)に該当しなかつた事業年度を除く。)において生じた欠損金額(この項又は第三十九条の十五第五項の規定により当該各事業年度前の事業年度において控除されたものを除く。)の合計額(当該合計額が当該各事業年度の調整所得金額を超える場合には、当該調整所得金額)に相当する金額を控除した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The amount obtained as a result of an adjustment for the amount of a loss prescribed in Article 68-93-6(2)(iii) of the Act shall be the amount obtained by calculating the amount of income pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph with regard to the income of a specified foreign corporation in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year (hereinafter referred to as the "amount of adjusted income" in this paragraph) and then deducting therefrom the amount equivalent to the sum of the loss incurred in business years that commenced within seven years preceding the first day of the relevant business year (excluding a business year that commenced before October 1, 2007 and a business year during which the corporation did not fall under the category of a specified foreign corporation (including a specified foreign corporation prescribed in Article 40-10(1) or Article 66-9-6(1) of the Act)) (such loss shall exclude the amount deducted in business years preceding the said relevant business year pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph or Article 39-20-9(2)) (where the said sum of the loss exceeds the amount of adjusted income for the relevant business year, the said amount of adjusted income). 例文帳に追加

2 法第六十八条の九十三の六第二項第三号に規定する欠損の金額に係る調整を加えた金額は、特定外国法人の各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、前項の規定により計算した金額(以下この項において「調整所得金額」という。)から当該各事業年度開始の日前七年以内に開始した事業年度(平成十九年十月一日前に開始した事業年度及び特定外国法人(法第四十条の十第一項又は第六十六条の九の六第一項に規定する特定外国法人を含む。)に該当しなかつた事業年度を除く。)において生じた欠損金額(この項又は第三十九条の二十の九第二項の規定により当該各事業年度前の事業年度において控除されたものを除く。)の合計額(当該合計額が当該各事業年度の調整所得金額を超える場合には、当該調整所得金額)に相当する金額を控除した金額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When the obligee effecting a seizure fails to make an offer or to provide a guarantee, as provided in each of the following items for the cases set forth respectively therein, within one week from the day of receipt of a notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, by deciding, where there is no preferential claim, a price that exceeds the estimated amount of procedural expenses, or where there is a preferential claim, a price that is not less than the total of the estimated amount of procedural expenses and that of the preferential claim (such a price shall hereinafter be referred to as the "obligee's offered price" in this paragraph), the execution court shall rescind the procedure of a compulsory auction pertaining to the petition filed by the obligee effecting a seizure; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the obligee effecting a seizure has proved, within said period, that none of the items of the preceding paragraph apply, or that in the case set forth in item (ii) of said paragraph, the minimum purchase price of the real property exceeds the estimated amount of procedural expenses and that the consent has been obtained from the persons who have the preferential claim (excluding a person who is expected to be able to receive full performance of his/her preferential claim at the minimum purchase price) for the sale of the real property: 例文帳に追加

2 差押債権者が、前項の規定による通知を受けた日から一週間以内に、優先債権がない場合にあつては手続費用の見込額を超える額、優先債権がある場合にあつては手続費用及び優先債権の見込額の合計額以上の額(以下この項において「申出額」という。)を定めて、次の各号に掲げる区分に応じ、それぞれ当該各号に定める申出及び保証の提供をしないときは、執行裁判所は、差押債権者の申立てに係る強制競売の手続を取り消さなければならない。ただし、差押債権者が、その期間内に、前項各号のいずれにも該当しないことを証明したとき、又は同項第二号に該当する場合であつて不動産の買受可能価額が手続費用の見込額を超える場合において、不動産の売却について優先債権を有する者(買受可能価額で自己の優先債権の全部の弁済を受けることができる見込みがある者を除く。)の同意を得たことを証明したときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 2 (1) A Bank, etc. (meaning a Bank, etc. as defined by Article 4(5) of the Banking Act after the revision by Article 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "New Banking Act"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) which, at the time when this Act comes into effect, holds shares (limited to voting shares) or equity (hereinafter shares or equity are collectively referred to as "Shares, etc.") of which the number or amount exceeds fifty hundredths of the total number of the issued shares (limited to voting shares) or the total amount of contribution (hereinafter the total number of issued shares and the total amount of contribution are collectively referred to as "Issued Shares, etc.") of a company falling under any of the categories listed in Article 16-4(1)(ii) of the New Banking Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 17 of the Long-Term Credit Bank Act after the revision by Article 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "New Long-Term Credit Bank Act") or Article 11 of the Foreign Exchange Bank Act after the revision by Article 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "New Foreign Exchange Bank Act"); the same shall apply in the following paragraph) shall notify to that effect to the Minister of Finance within three months from the day when the Act comes into effect (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). 例文帳に追加

第二条 この法律の施行の際現に一の銀行等(第一条の規定による改正後の銀行法(以下「新銀行法」という。)第四条第五項に規定する銀行等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が新銀行法第十六条の四第一項第二号(第二条の規定による改正後の長期信用銀行法(以下「新長期信用銀行法」という。)第十七条又は第三条の規定による改正後の外国為替銀行法(以下「新外国為替銀行法」という。)第十一条において準用する場合を含む。次項において同じ。)に掲げる会社の発行済株式(議決権のあるものに限る。)の総数又は出資の総額(以下「発行済株式等」という。)の百分の五十を超える数又は額の株式(議決権のあるものに限る。)又は持分(以下「株式等」という。)を所有しているものは、当該銀行等は、この法律の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)から起算して三月以内にその旨を大蔵大臣に届け出なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) If the General Partner makes a distribution in kind pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Article, the General Partner shall request the Partners who are entitled to such distribution in kind to elect to either (A) receive the Portfolio Securities to be distributed in kind or (B) request to the General Partner the disposition of all or part of such Portfolio Securities and to receive the proceeds of such disposition, no later than [_] days prior to the Reference Date. With respect to any Partners who communicate their intention to receive the proceeds of disposition in accordance with (B) within [_] days from such request, the General Partner shall deliver such disposition proceeds by the date of the distribution in kind after the disposition of the Portfolio Securities at such time and price as the General Partners determines in its discretion (provided that, as a general rule, such price shall be the closing price (or an equivalent price) on any day during the period from the date such communication has been made through the date of distribution in kind). In any other case, the General Partner shall distribute the Portfolio Securities in kind. The expenses incurred in connection with the General Partner’s disposition of Portfolio Securities pursuant to this paragraph shall be borne by the Partners who desire such disposition. 例文帳に追加

5. 無限責任組合員は、本条第3 項に基づき現物による分配を行う場合、現物分配基準日の少なくとも[ ]日前までに、当該現物分配の対象である組合員に対し、(A)分配の対象となる投資証券等を現物で受け取る方法、又は(B)当該投資証券等の全部若しくは一部の処分を無限責任組合員に依頼し、当該処分に係る処分代金を受け取る方法のいずれかを選択するよう申し出るものとする。無限責任組合員は、かかる申出から[ ]日以内に(B)の方法による処分代金の受領を希望する旨の連絡があった組合員については、無限責任組合員がその裁量により判断する時期及び価格(但し、当該連絡のあった日から現物分配を行う日までの任意の日における最終価格又はこれに準ずる価格を原則とする。)によって当該投資証券等を処分の上、現物分配を行う日にその処分代金を交付するものとし、その他の場合については、当該投資証券等の現物を交付するものとする。本項に基づく無限責任組合員による投資証券等の処分に関して発生した費用は処分を希望した組合員が負担する。 - 経済産業省

(2) In the case where a Member, etc. or an Intermediary (which means a Member, etc. or an Intermediary prescribed in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) seeks to conclude a contract set forth in Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act with a Bank, etc., he/she shall ensure that the contents thereof meet the following requirements: (i) on receipt of an instruction from a Commodity Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 9, the amount of the clearing margin pertaining to said instruction will be deposited with said Commodity Exchange for said Member, etc. or Intermediary; (ii) it is prohibited to set off debts of a Bank, etc. or claims for said Member, etc. or Intermediary based on said contract; (iii) the contract is valid for the period of three months or longer; (iv) a Member, etc. or an Intermediary may not cancel the contract or change the contents of the contract, except when he/she had received approval from the competent minister and a Commodity Exchange (limited to a Commodity Exchange which received a notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 7 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) in advance; (v) a Member, etc. or an Intermediary shall notify the termination of the contract to a Commodity Exchange by one month prior to the day of termination. 例文帳に追加

2 会員等又は取次者(法第百三条第七項に規定する会員等又は取次者をいう。以下この 条において同じ。)は、銀行等と法第百三条第七項の契約を締結しようとする場合には、 その内容を次に掲げる要件に適合するものとしなければならない。 一法第百三条第九項の規定による商品取引所の指示を受けたときは、当該会員等又は 取次者のために当該指示に係る額の取引証拠金が遅滞なく当該商品取引所に預託され るものであること。 二当該契約に基づく銀行等の債務と当該会員等又は取次者に対する債権を相殺するこ とを禁止するものであること。三三月以上の期間にわたって有効な契約であること。四会員等又は取次者は、あらかじめ主務大臣及び商品取引所(法第百三条第七項の規 定による届出を受けた商品取引所に限る。以下この条において同じ。)の承認を受け た場合を除き、契約の解除又は契約の内容の変更をすることができないものであるこ と。 五会員等又は取次者は、契約が終了する日の一月前までに、その旨を商品取引所に通 知をするものとすること。 - 経済産業省

With regard to a Futures Commission Merchant who has received a license under Article 41, paragraph 1 of the Commodity Exchange Act at the time of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, in the case where the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act after the revision (in the case where a person has received a license under the same paragraph with regard to Listed Commodities on two or more Commodity Markets, the total of the amount prescribed in the same Article with regard to these Listed Commodities on the Commodity Markets) exceeds the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act prior to the revision (in the case where a person has received a license under the same paragraph with regard to Listed Commodities on two or more Commodity Markets, the total of the amount prescribed in the same Article with regard to these Listed Commodities on the Commodity Markets), the standard amount prescribed in Article 49, paragraph 1 of the same Act for said Futures Commission Merchant shall be the amount prescribed in Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act prior to the revision, for one year from the day of the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 of the Order for Enforcement of the Commodity Exchange Act after the revision. 例文帳に追加

この政令の施行の際現に商品取引所法第四十一条第一項の許可を受けている商品取引員について、改正後の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額(その者が二以上の商品市場における上場商品について同項の許可を受けている場合にあつては、これらの商品市場における上場商品について同条に定める額を合算した額)が改正前の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額(その者が二以上の商品市場における上場商品について同項の許可を受けている場合にあつては、これらの商品市場における上場商品について同条に定める額を合算した額)を超えている場合には、当該商品取引員の同法第四十九条第一項に規定する基準額は、この政令の施行の日から一年間は、改正後の商品取引所法施行令第五条の規定にかかわらず、改正前の商品取引所法施行令第五条に定める額とする。 - 経済産業省

Article 189 When the Director of Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry notifies a disposition pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 21 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) or Article 36, paragraph (3) of Article 45 or paragraph (3) of Article 50), Article 52, Article 55, paragraph (1) of Article 83 or Article 184, gives a notice pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 25, paragraph (2) of Article 40, paragraph (3) of Article 47 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) of Article 64-ii or paragraph (5) of Article 66), paragraph (1) of Article 57, paragraph (2) of Article 91, paragraph (2) of Article 101 or paragraph (3) of Article 106, gives an order pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 37, paragraph (1) of Article 38, paragraph (1) of Article 39, paragraph (1) of Article 48, paragraph (1) of Article 49, Article 182 or Article 183, or delivers transcripts of the written decision pursuant to the provision of paragraph (5) of Article 47 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) of Article 64-ii or paragraph (5) of Article 66) or paragraph (2) of Article 94, he/she shall post the description of such notice, such order and the transcripts of such written decision at the posting area of the offices of municipality or any facility equivalent to the above in the location of the address mentioned in the written application or mining registry in the case of mining applicant, holder of mining right or mortgagee or at the posting area of the offices of municipality or any facility equivalent to the above in the location of the digging application area in the case of land owner, if the other party or the location thereof is unknown, and publish such posting and the gist thereof in an official gazette. In this case, such notice, such order and the transcripts of such written decision shall be deemed to have reached the other party on the day 14 days after the day of commencement of posting or the day of publication in an official gazette, whichever is later. 例文帳に追加

第百八十九条 経済産業局長は、第二十一条第一項(第三十六条第二項、第四十五条第三項又は第五十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、第五十二条、第五十五条、第八十三条第一項若しくは第百八十四条の規定による処分の通知、第二十五条第一項、第四十条第二項、第四十七条第三項(第六十四条の二第二項又は第六十六条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)、第五十七条第一項、第九十一条第二項、第百一条第二項若しくは第百六条第三項の規定による通知、第三十七条第一項、第三十八条第一項、第三十九条第一項、第四十八条第一項、第四十九条第一項、第百八十二条若しくは第百八十三条の規定による命令又は第四十七条第五項(第六十四条の二第二項又は第六十六条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)若しくは第九十四条第二項の規定による決定書の謄本の交付をする場合において、相手方が知れないとき、又はその所在が不分明なときは、鉱業出願人、鉱業権者若しくは抵当権者にあつては願書若しくは鉱業原簿に記載された住所の所在地の、土地の所有者にあつては採掘出願地の所在地の市役所、町村役場又はこれに準ずるものの掲示場に、その通知若しくは命令又は決定書の謄本の内容を掲示するとともに、その掲示をした旨及びその要旨を官報に掲載しなければならない。この場合においては、掲示を始めた日又は官報に掲載した日のいずれか遅い日から十四日を経過した日に、その通知若しくは命令又は決定書の謄本は、相手方に到達したものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 68-93-6 (1) Where, between a specially-related shareholder, etc. (meaning a person who falls under the category of specified shareholder, etc. as well as an individual and a corporation having a special relationship therewith as specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Subsection) and a specially-related domestic corporation, there is a special relationship (meaning a relationship specified by a Cabinet Order as a relationship whereby the said specially-related shareholder, etc. indirectly holds shares or capital contributions that account for 80 percent or more of the total number or total amount of issued shares of or capital contributions to the said specially-related domestic corporation (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the corporation; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "issued shares, etc."), and a foreign corporation specified by a Cabinet Order as acting as an intermediary between the said specially-related shareholder, etc. and the said specially-related domestic corporation by way of the holding of the issued shares, etc. (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as an "affiliated foreign corporation"), which falls under the category of affiliated foreign corporation specified by a Cabinet Order as a corporation whose tax burden to be imposed on its income earned in a state or territory where its head office or principal office is located is significantly lower than a tax burden to be imposed on the income of a corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as a "specified foreign corporation"), in each business year beginning on or after October 1, 2007, retains as part of the amount of undistributed income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, any amount that is adjusted, with respect to the said amount of undistributed income, based on the tax amount pertaining to the said amount of undistributed income and the amount of dividend of surplus, etc. (meaning dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act) (such adjusted amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "eligible retained income"), the amount equivalent to the part of eligible retained income which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign corporation held by the consolidated corporation that is the said specially-related shareholder, etc. through direct and/or indirect ownership, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim prescribed in Article 66-9-6(1) vested in such shares or capital contributions (such part of eligible retained income hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as "individually taxable retained income") shall be deemed to be the amount of profit of the consolidated corporation that is the said specially-related shareholder, etc., and included in its gross profit in the calculation of the amount of its consolidated income for the consolidated business year that includes the day on which two months have elapsed since the day following the last day of the relevant business year. 例文帳に追加

第六十八条の九十三の六 特殊関係株主等(特定株主等に該当する者並びにこれらの者と政令で定める特殊の関係のある個人及び法人をいう。以下この款において同じ。)と特殊関係内国法人との間に特定関係(当該特殊関係株主等が当該特殊関係内国法人の発行済株式又は出資(自己が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。以下この項において「発行済株式等」という。)の総数又は総額の百分の八十以上の数又は金額の株式又は出資を間接に保有する関係として政令で定める関係をいう。)がある場合において、当該特殊関係株主等と特殊関係内国法人との間に発行済株式等の保有を通じて介在するものとして政令で定める外国法人(以下この款において「外国関係法人」という。)のうち、本店又は主たる事務所の所在する国又は地域におけるその所得に対して課される税の負担が本邦における法人の所得に対して課される税の負担に比して著しく低いものとして政令で定める外国関係法人に該当するもの(以下この款において「特定外国法人」という。)が、平成十九年十月一日以後に開始する各事業年度において、その未処分所得の金額から留保したものとして、政令で定めるところにより、当該未処分所得の金額につき当該未処分所得の金額に係る税額及び剰余金の配当等(法人税法第二十三条第一項第一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配をいう。)の額に関する調整を加えた金額(以下この条において「適用対象留保金額」という。)を有するときは、その適用対象留保金額のうち当該特殊関係株主等である連結法人の有する当該特定外国法人の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応するものとしてその株式又は出資の第六十六条の九の六第一項に規定する請求権の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(以下この款において「個別課税対象留保金額」という。)に相当する金額は、当該特殊関係株主等である連結法人の収益の額とみなして当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含む当該連結法人の各連結事業年度の連結所得の金額の計算上、益金の額に算入する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 40-11 (1) Where an event listed in item (i) or item (ii) has occurred with regard to a specified foreign corporation related to a resident who is subject to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article with respect to its income tax for the relevant year and each year before the relevant year, or where an event listed in item (iii) has occurred with regard to an affiliated foreign corporation (limited to an affiliated foreign corporation that has received, from the said specified foreign corporation, payment of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such payment shall include the delivery listed in item (ii) of the amount specified in the said item (ii)), which is specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) that is related to the said resident, if the amount prescribed in each item contains any amount calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as being appropriated from the taxable retained income pertaining to the resident (such amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "taxed amount of dividend, etc."), the amount equivalent to the taxed amount of dividend, etc. shall, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, be deducted when calculating the amount of dividend income pertaining to the amount of dividend of surplus, etc. to be received by the resident from the specified foreign corporation or foreign affiliated corporation for the year that includes the day on which the relevant event has occurred (including any amount that shall be deemed to be dividend of surplus, etc. from the said specified foreign corporation or the said affiliated foreign corporation pursuant to the provision of Article 25(1) of the Income Tax Act; hereinafter referred to in this Article and the next Article as the "amount of dividend, etc." ) or calculating the amount of miscellaneous income pertaining to the taxable retained income to be included in the resident's gross income pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article: 例文帳に追加

第四十条の十一 その年分以前の各年分の所得税について前条第一項の規定の適用を受ける居住者に係る特定外国法人につき第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる事実が生じた場合又は当該居住者に係る外国関係法人(当該特定外国法人から法人税法第二十三条第一項第一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の支払(第二号に定める金額の同号に掲げる交付を含む。)を受けた外国関係法人のうち政令で定めるものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)につき第三号に掲げる事実が生じた場合において、これらの号に規定する金額のうちに、その者に係る課税対象留保金額から充てられたものとして政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(以下この条において「課税済配当等の額」という。)が含まれているときは、その課税済配当等の額に相当する金額は、政令で定めるところにより、その者のこれらの事実の生じた日の属する年分の特定外国法人又は外国関係法人から受ける剰余金の配当等の額(所得税法第二十五条第一項の規定により当該特定外国法人又は当該外国関係法人からの剰余金の配当等とみなされるものの金額を含む。以下この条及び次条において「配当等の額」という。)に係る配当所得の金額又は前条第一項の規定によりその総収入金額に算入されることとなる課税対象留保金額に係る雑所得の金額の計算上控除する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 119 (1) The provisions of Article 462(2) and (3) (Liability Related to Dividends of Surplus) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the liability of the directors of a Specific Purpose Company pursuant to Article 117 of this Act, Article 463 (Restrictions on Remedy Over Against Shareholders) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the members of a Specific Purpose Company, Article 464 (Liability Where Shares Are Acquired in Response to Demand for Purchase) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the liability of the director of a Specific Purpose Company who has responded to a request under Article 153 of this Act and Article 465(2) (Liability in Cases of Damage) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the liability of the director of a Specific Purpose Company under the preceding Article. In this case, the term "Executing Persons" in Article 462(2) and (3) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "director prescribed in that Article," the phrase "the Distributable Amount as at the time of the act listed in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article" in Article 462(3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount provided in Article 114(1) or Article 115(3) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrases "the acts listed in each item of Article 461(1)," "the total book value of the Monies, Etc.," and "the Distributable Amount as at the day when such act takes effect" in Article 463(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the distribution of profits or Payment of Interim Dividends under the provisions of Article 114 of the Asset Securitization Act," "the amount of Dividends or the amount of Distribution," and "the amount prescribed in paragraph (1) of that Article or Article 115(3) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "the book value of the Monies, etc." in Article 463(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of Cash Dividends or the amount of Cash Distributions," the phrase "the Distributable Amount as at the day when such payment is made" in Article 464(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount set forth in Article 114(1) of the Asset Securitization Act pertaining to the business year that contains such payment (in cases where the business year immediately preceding such business year is not the most recent business year, the business year immediately preceding such business year)," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第百十九条 会社法第四百六十二条第二項及び第三項(剰余金の配当等に関する責任)の規定は第百十七条の規定による特定目的会社の取締役の責任について、同法第四百六十三条(株主に対する求償権の制限等)の規定は特定目的会社の社員について、同法第四百六十四条(買取請求に応じて株式を取得した場合の責任)の規定は第百五十三条の規定による請求に応じた特定目的会社の取締役の責任について、同法第四百六十五条第二項(欠損が生じた場合の責任)の規定は前条の規定による特定目的会社の取締役の責任について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第四百六十二条第二項及び第三項中「業務執行者」とあるのは「同条に規定する取締役」と、同項中「前条第一項各号に掲げる行為の時における分配可能額」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百十四条第一項又は第百十五条第三項に規定する額」と、同法第四百六十三条第一項中「第四百六十一条第一項各号に掲げる行為」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百十四条の規定による利益の配当又は中間配当」と、「金銭等の帳簿価額の総額」とあるのは「配当金の額又は分配金の額」と、「当該行為がその効力を生じた日における分配可能額」とあるのは「同条第一項又は資産流動化法第百十五条第三項に規定する額」と、同条第二項中「金銭等の帳簿価額」とあるのは「配当金の額又は分配金の額」と、同法第四百六十四条第一項中「当該支払の日における分配可能額」とあるのは「当該支払が属する事業年度(その事業年度の直前の事業年度が最終事業年度でないときは、その事業年度の直前の事業年度)に係る資産流動化法第百十四条第一項の額」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Articles 7, 9(1) and 10(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Semiannual Securities Reports and Extraordinary Reports, and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Semiannual Securities Report and Extraordinary Report thereof contain fake statements on important matters or lack statements of important matters or of important matters necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, the part "the statement set forth in Article 5(1) or in other documents required under Article 5(6)" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Semiannual Securities Report (meaning a Semiannual Securities Report set forth in Article 24-5(1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5(3)); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9(1), Article 10(1) and Article 22) or an Extraordinary Report (meaning an Extraordinary Report set forth in Article 24-5(4); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9(1), Article 10(1) and Article 22)"; the part "during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4(1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect," in Article 7 shall be deemed to be deleted; the term "the person making the notification" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report"; the term "the amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an amendment report"; the terms "the person submitting them" and "the amendment" in Article 9(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" in Article 10(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report"; the part "submit the amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4(1) or (2)" in Article 10(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to submit an amendment report"; the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Semiannual Securities Report or Extraordinary Report, or amendment reports therefor"; and the term "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-5(5)". 例文帳に追加

5 第七条、第九条第一項及び第十条第一項の規定は半期報告書及び臨時報告書について、第二十二条の規定は半期報告書及び臨時報告書並びにこれらの訂正報告書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けている場合について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第七条中「第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の日以後当該届出がその効力を生ずることとなる日前において、第五条第一項及び第六項の規定による届出書類」とあるのは「半期報告書(第二十四条の五第一項(同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する半期報告書をいう。以下この条、第九条第一項、第十条第一項及び第二十二条において同じ。)又は臨時報告書(第二十四条の五第四項に規定する臨時報告書をいう。以下この条、第九条第一項、第十条第一項及び第二十二条において同じ。)」と、「届出者」とあるのは「半期報告書又は臨時報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第九条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「半期報告書又は臨時報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第十条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「半期報告書又は臨時報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書の提出を命じ、必要があると認めるときは、第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の効力の停止」とあるのは「訂正報告書の提出」と、第二十二条第一項中「有価証券届出書の届出者が発行者である有価証券を募集又は売出しによらないで取得した者」とあるのは「半期報告書又は臨時報告書若しくはこれらの訂正報告書の提出者が発行者である有価証券を取得した者」と、同条第二項中「前項」とあるのは「第二十四条の五第五項において準用する前項」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 2 The provisions of Article 9-8, paragraph (4) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act after the revision by the provisions of Article 2 (hereinafter referred to as "Cooperatives Act after the revision" in this Article and the following Article) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 9-9, paragraph (5) of the Cooperatives Act after the revision and the provisions of Article 3, item (ii) (limited to the portions pertaining to the activities set forth in Article 9-8, paragraph (2), item (x) of the Cooperatives Act after the revision as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 9-9, paragraph (5) of the Cooperatives Act after the revision) of the Act on Financial Businesses by Cooperatives after the revision by the provisions of Article 4 (referred to as the "Cooperative Financial Business Act after the revision" in the following Article) shall apply to a loan of funds (including discounting of bills; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to non-partner provided, on or after the day of enforcement of this Act (hereinafter referred to as "enforcement date"), by a federation of cooperatives engaged in the activities set forth in Article 9-9, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Cooperatives Act after the revision, and with regard to loans prescribed in Article 4, item (i) of the Act on Financial Businesses by Cooperatives prior to the revision by the provisions of Article 4 (referred to as the "Cooperative Financial Business Act prior to the revision" in the following Article), a loan of funds secured on deposits from the State, local public entities and other not-for-profit juridical persons, and a loan of funds to partner of member credit cooperatives, provided by said federation of cooperatives prior to the enforcement date, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable. 例文帳に追加

第二条 第三条の規定による改正後の中小企業等協同組合法(以下この条及び次条において「改正後の協同組合法」という。)第九条の九第五項において準用する改正後の協同組合法第九条の八第四項の規定及び第四条の規定による改正後の協同組合による金融事業に関する法律(次条において「改正後の協同組合金融事業法」という。)第三条第二号の規定(改正後の協同組合法第九条の九第五項において準用する改正後の協同組合法第九条の八第二項第十号の事業に係る部分に限る。)は、この法律の施行の日(以下「施行日」という。)以後に改正後の協同組合法第九条の九第一項第一号の事業を行う協同組合連合会が行う会員以外の者に対する資金の貸付け(手形の割引を含む。以下この条において同じ。)について適用し、施行日前に当該協同組合連合会が行つた第四条の規定による改正前の協同組合による金融事業に関する法律(次条において「改正前の協同組合金融事業法」という。)第四条第一号に規定する貸付け及び国、地方公共団体その他営利を目的としない法人に対する預金を担保とする資金の貸付け並びに会員である信用協同組合の組合員に対する資金の貸付けについては、なお従前の例による。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(8) The provisions of Article 828(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) and (2) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Actions Seeking Invalidation of Acts Concerning the Organization of a Company), Article 834 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Defendant), Article 835(1) (Jurisdiction over and Transfer of an Action), Article 836(1) and (3) (Order to Provide Security), Articles 837 to 840 inclusive (Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments, etc.; Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment; Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation, Revocation or Rescission; Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of New Share Issue), Article 846 (Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated), and Article 937(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)(b)) (Commissioning of Registration by a Judicial Decision) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action seeking invalidation of issuance of Specified Equity by a Specific Purpose Company after the formation thereof, and the provisions of Article 868(1) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), the main clause of Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Immediate Appeal), the main clause of Article 873 (Stay of Execution of the Judicial Decision of the Prior Instance), Articles 875 to 877 inclusive (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act; Supreme Court Rules; Mandatory Consolidation of Hearings, etc.) and Article 878(1) (Effects of a Judicial Decision) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a petition under Article 840(2) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph. In this case, the phrase "within six months from the day on which the share issue became effective (or, for a Stock Company which is not a Public Company, within one year from the day on which the share issue became effective)" in Article 828(1)(ii) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "within one year," the term "Shareholder, etc." in paragraph (2)(ii) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "member, director, company auditor, or liquidator," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

8 会社法第八百二十八条第一項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)及び第二項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(会社の組織に関する行為の無効の訴え)、第八百三十四条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(被告)、第八百三十五条第一項(訴えの管轄及び移送)、第八百三十六条第一項及び第三項(担保提供命令)、第八百三十七条から第八百四十条まで(弁論等の必要的併合、認容判決の効力が及ぶ者の範囲、無効又は取消しの判決の効力、新株発行の無効判決の効力)、第八百四十六条(原告が敗訴した場合の損害賠償責任)並びに第九百三十七条第一項(第一号ロに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は特定目的会社の成立後における特定出資の発行の無効の訴えについて、同法第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十一条本文(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十三条本文(原裁判の執行停止)、第八百七十五条から第八百七十七条まで(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外、最高裁判所規則、審問等の必要的併合)及び第八百七十八条第一項(裁判の効力)の規定はこの項において準用する同法第八百四十条第二項の申立てについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第八百二十八条第一項第二号中「六箇月以内(公開会社でない株式会社にあっては、株式の発行の効力が生じた日から一年以内)」とあるのは「一年以内」と、同条第二項第二号中「株主等」とあるのは「社員、取締役、監査役又は清算人」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) The provisions of Article 828(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) and (2) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Actions Seeking Invalidation of Acts Concerning the Organization of a Company), Article 834 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Defendant), Article 835(1) (Jurisdiction over and Transfer of an Action), Article 836(1) and (3) (Order to Provide Security), Articles 837 to 840 inclusive (Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments, etc.; Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment; Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation, Revocation or Rescission; Effects of a Judgment of Invalidation of New Share Issue), Article 846 (Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated), and Article 937(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)(b)) (Commissioning of Registration by a Judicial Decision) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action seeking invalidation of issuance of Preferred Equity by a Specific Purpose Company, and the provisions of Article 868(1) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), the main clause of Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii)) (Immediate Appeal), the main clause of Article 873 (Stay of Execution of the Judicial Decision of the Prior Instance), Articles 875 to 877 inclusive (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act; Supreme Court Rules; Mandatory Consolidation of Hearings, etc.), and Article 878(1) (Effects of a Judicial Decision) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a petition under Article 840(2) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this paragraph. In this case, the phrase "within six months from the day on which the share issue became effective (or, for a Stock Company which is not a Public Company, within one year from the day on which the share issue became effective)" in Article 828(1)(ii) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "within one year," the term "Shareholder, etc." in paragraph 2(ii) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "member, director, company auditor, or liquidator," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

6 会社法第八百二十八条第一項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)及び第二項(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(会社の組織に関する行為の無効の訴え)、第八百三十四条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(被告)、第八百三十五条第一項(訴えの管轄及び移送)、第八百三十六条第一項及び第三項(担保提供命令)、第八百三十七条から第八百四十条まで(弁論等の必要的併合、認容判決の効力が及ぶ者の範囲、無効又は取消しの判決の効力、新株発行の無効判決の効力)、第八百四十六条(原告が敗訴した場合の損害賠償責任)並びに第九百三十七条第一項(第一号ロに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は特定目的会社の優先出資の発行の無効の訴えについて、同法第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十一条本文(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十三条本文(原裁判の執行停止)、第八百七十五条から第八百七十七条まで(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外、最高裁判所規則、審問等の必要的併合)及び第八百七十八条第一項(裁判の効力)の規定はこの項において準用する同法第八百四十条第二項の申立てについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第八百二十八条第一項第二号中「六箇月以内(公開会社でない株式会社にあっては、株式の発行の効力が生じた日から一年以内)」とあるのは「一年以内」と、同条第二項第二号中「株主等」とあるのは「社員、取締役、監査役又は清算人」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) Articles 7, 9(1) and 10(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Quarterly Securities Reports, and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Quarterly Securities Report and amendment report thereof contain fake statements on important matters or lack statements of important matters to be stated or of important matters necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, the part "the statement set forth in Article 5(1) or in other documents required under Article 5(6)" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Quarterly Securities Report (meaning a Quarterly Securities Report set forth in Article 24-4-7(1) or (2) (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7(3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9(1), Article 11(1) and Article 22)"; the part "during the period on or after the day on which the notification was made under Article 4(1) or (2) but before the day on which the notification is to take effect," in Article 7 shall be deemed to be deleted; the term "the person making the notification" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report"; the term "the amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "an amendment report"; the terms "the person submitting them" and "the amendment " in Article 9(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the term "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" in Article 10(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report"; the part "submit the amendment and may, when it is found necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4(1) or (2)" in Article 10(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "to submit an amendment report"; the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Quarterly Securities Report and amendment reports"; the term "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-4-7(4)"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

4 第七条、第九条第一項及び第十条第一項の規定は四半期報告書について、第二十二条の規定は四半期報告書及びその訂正報告書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けている場合について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第七条中「第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の日以後当該届出がその効力を生ずることとなる日前において、第五条第一項及び第六項の規定による届出書類」とあるのは「四半期報告書(第二十四条の四の七第一項又は第二項(これらの規定を同条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による四半期報告書をいう。以下この条、第九条第一項、第十条第一項及び第二十二条において同じ。)」と、「届出者」とあるのは「四半期報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第九条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「四半期報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第十条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「四半期報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書の提出を命じ、必要があると認めるときは、第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の効力の停止」とあるのは「訂正報告書の提出」と、第二十二条第一項中「有価証券届出書の届出者が発行者である有価証券を募集又は売出しによらないで取得した者」とあるのは「四半期報告書又はその訂正報告書の提出者が発行者である有価証券を取得した者」と、同条第二項中「前項」とあるのは「第二十四条の四の七第四項において準用する前項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Article 7, Article 9(1) and Article 10(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a report submitted under the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as a "Share Buyback Report"), and Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a Share Buyback Report contains any fake statement on important matters or lacks a statement an important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding. In this case, the part "a statement set forth in Article 5(1) or in other documents required under Article 5(6), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of such statement or such other documents for the public interest or protection of investors, during the period on or after the day when the notification was made under Article 4(1) or (2) but before the day when the notification is to take effect" and the terms "the person making the notification" and "an amendment" in Article 7 shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Share Buyback Report (meaning report to be submitted under Article 24-6(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, Article 9(1), Article 10(1) and Article 22), or there occurs any other circumstance provided for by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as that which requires amendment of a Share Buyback Report for the public interest or protection of investors," "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting them" and "an amendment" in Article 9(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "an amendment report," respectively; the terms "the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement" and "to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4(1) or (2)" in Article 10(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person submitting the Share Buyback Report" and "to submit an amendment report," respectively; the term "persons specified in Article 21(1)(i) and (iii)" and the part "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement not through Public Offering or Secondary Distribution" in Article 22(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "person who, at the time of submission of the Share Buyback Report, is an Officer of the company having submitted the Share Buyback Report" and "persons who have acquired the Securities issued by the person submitting the Share Buyback Report," respectively; the terms "Article 21(2)(i) and (ii)" and "the preceding paragraph" in Article 22(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 21(2)(i)" and "the preceding paragraph as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 24-6(2)," respectively. 例文帳に追加

2 第七条、第九条第一項及び第十条第一項の規定は前項に規定する報告書(以下「自己株券買付状況報告書」という。)について、第二十二条の規定は自己株券買付状況報告書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けている場合について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第七条中「第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の日以後当該届出がその効力を生ずることとなる日前において、第五条第一項及び第六項の規定による届出書類」とあるのは「自己株券買付状況報告書(第二十四条の六第一項に規定する報告書をいう。以下この条、第九条第一項、第十条第一項及び第二十二条において同じ。)」と、「届出者」とあるのは「自己株券買付状況報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第九条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「自己株券買付状況報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書」とあるのは「訂正報告書」と、第十条第一項中「届出者」とあるのは「自己株券買付状況報告書の提出者」と、「訂正届出書の提出を命じ、必要があると認めるときは、第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の効力の停止」とあるのは「訂正報告書の提出」と、第二十二条第一項中「第二十一条第一項第一号及び第三号に掲げる者」とあるのは「当該自己株券買付状況報告書を提出した会社のその提出の時における役員」と、「有価証券届出書の届出者が発行者である有価証券を募集又は売出しによらないで取得した者」とあるのは「自己株券買付状況報告書の提出者が発行者である有価証券を取得した者」と、同条第二項中「第二十一条第二項第一号及び第二号」とあるのは「第二十一条第二項第一号」と、「前項」とあるのは「第二十四条の六第二項において準用する前項」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 271-5 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 271-3, paragraph (1), A Written Notice of Holding the Bank's Voting Rights pertaining to voting rights held by a Bank, Financial Instruments Business Operator (limited to one that conducts Securities-Related Business), trust company, or any other person specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance who has notified the Prime Minister of a Reference date, where the purpose of holding such voting rights is not for controlling the business activities of the Insurance Company or Insurance Holding Company that has issued the shares relating to that voting rights (excluding the case where the Proportion of Voting Rights Held has exceeded the number specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and any case specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance by taking into consideration the manner in which they are held and other circumstances; hereinafter referred to as "Voting Rights Subject to Special Provisions" in this Act) shall be submitted to the Prime Minister by stating matters that relate to the status of holding that voting rights as of the Reference Date on which the Proportion of Voting Rights Held exceeded five hundredths for the first time and that are specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, by the fifteenth day of the month following the month containing said Reference Date, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance. 例文帳に追加

第二百七十一条の五 銀行、金融商品取引業者(有価証券関連業を行う者に限る。)、信託会社その他の内閣府令で定める者のうち基準日を内閣総理大臣に届け出た者が保有する議決権で当該議決権に係る株式の発行者である保険会社又は保険持株会社の事業活動を支配することを保有の目的としないもの(議決権保有割合が内閣府令で定める数を超えた場合及び保有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定める場合を除く。以下この条において「特例対象議決権」という。)に係る保険議決権保有届出書は、第二百七十一条の三第一項の規定にかかわらず、議決権保有割合が初めて百分の五を超える数となった基準日における当該議決権の保有状況に関する事項であって、内閣府令で定めるものを記載したものを、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該基準日の属する月の翌月十五日までに、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 6 (1) When officials at the rank of assistant director or higher at the headquarters receive a give of money, article, or other property benefits, or an entertainment or a treat (hereinafter referred to as "gifts, etc.") from business operators, etc., or when they receive the payment of a reward provided for in the National Public Service Ethics Code as the reward for a personal service offered, based on a relationship between the business operators, etc. and the duties of officials (limited to cases where they were officials at the rank of assistant director or higher at the headquarters when they received the gifts, etc. or the payment of the reward, and limited to cases where a profit received through the gifts, etc. or a value of the reward received in payment exceeds 5,000 yen per case), the officials shall submit a report of gifts, etc., describing the following items to the heads of each ministry and agency, etc. (this refers to the heads of each ministry and agency and the heads of the specified incorporated administrative agencies; the same shall apply hereinafter) or to a person who is delegated by them within 14 days from the first day of the quarter following the current quarter, with quarters being divided as January through March, April through June, July through September and October through December (hereinafter referred to as "quarter"). 例文帳に追加

第六条 本省課長補佐級以上の職員は、事業者等から、金銭、物品その他の財産上の利益の供与若しくは供応接待(以下「贈与等」という。)を受けたとき又は事業者等と職員の職務との関係に基づいて提供する人的役務に対する報酬として国家公務員倫理規程で定める報酬の支払を受けたとき(当該贈与等を受けた時又は当該報酬の支払を受けた時において本省課長補佐級以上の職員であった場合に限り、かつ、当該贈与等により受けた利益又は当該支払を受けた報酬の価額が一件につき五千円を超える場合に限る。)は、一月から三月まで、四月から六月まで、七月から九月まで及び十月から十二月までの各区分による期間(以下「四半期」という。)ごとに、次に掲げる事項を記載した贈与等報告書を、当該四半期の翌四半期の初日から十四日以内に、各省各庁の長等(各省各庁の長及び特定独立行政法人の長をいう。以下同じ。)又はその委任を受けた者に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(v) a juridical person for which the renewal of a registration under Article 7(3), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of the following Article, has been refused pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) of that Article, whose license under paragraph (1) has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 59(1), whose registration under paragraph (1) of the following Article has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 60(1), whose registration under Article 67(1) has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 82(1), whose license under Article 3 of the Secured Bonds Trust Act has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of that Act, or whose authorization under Article 1(1) of the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions has been rescinded pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of that Act, or whose license, registration, or authorization of the same kind (including permission or any other administrative disposition similar to said license, registration, or authorization) which has been obtained in the state in which its head office is located has been rescinded or to whom renewal of said license, registration, or authorization has been refused pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations of that state that are equivalent to this Act, the Secured Bonds Trust Act, or the Act on Provision, etc. of Trust Business by Financial Institutions, and for whom five years have yet to elapse since the date of rescission (where a renewal has been refused, the day on which the disposition of refusal to renew was made); 例文帳に追加

五 次条第六項の規定により同条第二項において準用する第七条第三項の登録の更新を拒否され、第五十九条第一項の規定により第一項の免許を取り消され、第六十条第一項の規定により次条第一項の登録を取り消され、第八十二条第一項の規定により第六十七条第一項の登録を取り消され、担保付社債信託法第十二条の規定により同法第三条の免許を取り消され、若しくは金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第十条の規定により同法第一条第一項の認可を取り消され、又はその本店の所在する国において受けている同種類の免許、登録若しくは認可(当該免許、登録若しくは認可に類する許可その他の行政処分を含む。)をこの法律、担保付社債信託法若しくは金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律に相当する当該国の法令の規定により取り消され、若しくは当該免許、登録若しくは認可の更新を拒否され、その取消しの日(更新の拒否の場合にあっては、当該更新の拒否の処分がなされた日)から五年を経過しない法人 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 136 The provisions of Articles 129 to 133 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to the letters an unsentenced person sends or receives. In this case, the term "Article 127" in paragraph (1) of Article 129 shall be read as "Article 135" ; the phrase "hindering adequate pursuance of correctional treatment for the sentenced person" in item (vi) of said paragraph shall be read as "causing destruction of evidence" ; the phrase "inclusive" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be read as "inclusive or item (vi)" ; the phrase "the number of letters" in paragraph (1) of Article 130 shall be read as "the number of letters (except those for a defense counsel, etc.)" ; the phrase "four per month" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be read as "one per day" ; the phrase "Article 128 or 129" in paragraph (1) of Article 132 shall be read as "Article 129" ; the phrase "any of the items of paragraph (1) under Article 54" in item (ii) of paragraph (5) and paragraph (7) of said Article shall be read as "item (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1) under Article 54" ; and the phrase "paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (6) of said Article shall be read as "paragraph (1) (except for item (iii)) of Article 54." 例文帳に追加

第百三十六条 第百二十九条から第百三十三条までの規定は、未決拘禁者が発受する信書について準用する。この場合において、第百二十九条第一項中「第百二十七条」とあるのは「第百三十五条」と、同項第六号中「受刑者の矯正処遇の適切な実施に支障」とあるのは「罪証の隠滅の結果」と、同条第二項中「第三号まで」とあるのは「第三号まで又は第六号」と、第百三十条第一項中「申請する信書」とあるのは「申請する信書(弁護人等に対して発するものを除く。)」と、同条第二項中「一月につき四通」とあるのは「一日につき一通」と、第百三十二条第一項中「第百二十八条、第百二十九条」とあるのは「第百二十九条」と、同条第五項第二号及び第七項中「第五十四条第一項各号」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項第一号又は第二号」と、同条第六項中「第五十四条第一項」とあるのは「第五十四条第一項(第三号を除く。)」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 465 (1) In cases where a Stock Company carries out the acts listed in any of the following items, if the sum of the amounts listed in item (iii), (iv) and (vi) of Article 461(2) when approval under Article 438(2) (or, in cases provided for in the first sentence of Article 439, approval under Article 436(3)) is obtained with respect to the Financial Statements for the business year that contains the day on which such act is carried out (or, if the business year immediately preceding such business year is not the Most Recent Business Year, the business year immediately preceding such business year) exceeds the amount listed in item (i) of that paragraph, the Executing Persons who performed duties in relation to the acts listed in each such item shall be jointly and severally liable to such Stock Company for payment of such excess amount (or, in cases where such excess amount exceeds the amount listed in each such item, the amount listed in each such item).; provided, however, that this shall not apply in cases where such Executing Persons prove that they did not fail to exercise due care with respect to the performance of their duties: 例文帳に追加

第四百六十五条 株式会社が次の各号に掲げる行為をした場合において、当該行為をした日の属する事業年度(その事業年度の直前の事業年度が最終事業年度でないときは、その事業年度の直前の事業年度)に係る計算書類につき第四百三十八条第二項の承認(第四百三十九条前段に規定する場合にあっては、第四百三十六条第三項の承認)を受けた時における第四百六十一条第二項第三号、第四号及び第六号に掲げる額の合計額が同項第一号に掲げる額を超えるときは、当該各号に掲げる行為に関する職務を行った業務執行者は、当該株式会社に対し、連帯して、その超過額(当該超過額が当該各号に定める額を超える場合にあっては、当該各号に定める額)を支払う義務を負う。ただし、当該業務執行者がその職務を行うについて注意を怠らなかったことを証明した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 11 (1) In cases where a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statements on important matters, when the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors, he/she may, with regard to said Securities Registration Statement, or other statements submitted under Article 5(1), Shelf Registration Statements submitted under Article 23-3(1) or Shelf Registration Supplements submitted under Article 23-8(1) by the person who submitted said Securities Registration Statement during the period within one year from the day when the person submitted said Securities Registration Statement, order the suspension of effect of the notification or of the Shelf Registration pertaining to the Shelf Registration Statement or the Shelf Registration Supplements, or extend the period stipulated in Article 8(1) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 23-5(1)), for the period that he/she considers appropriate for the public interest or protection of investors. In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13(1) of the Administrative Procedure Act. 例文帳に追加

第十一条 内閣総理大臣は、有価証券届出書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載がある場合において、公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、当該有価証券届出書又はその届出者がこれを提出した日から一年以内に提出する第五条第一項に規定する届出書若しくは第二十三条の三第一項に規定する発行登録書若しくは第二十三条の八第一項に規定する発行登録追補書類について、届出者に対し、公益又は投資者保護のため相当と認められる期間、その届出の効力若しくは当該発行登録書若しくは当該発行登録追補書類に係る発行登録の効力の停止を命じ、又は第八条第一項(第二十三条の五第一項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する期間を延長することができる。この場合においては、行政手続法第十三条第一項の規定による意見陳述のための手続の区分にかかわらず、聴聞を行わなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) This Act shall come into effect as from a date prescribed by Cabinet Order no later than March 31, 2002; provided, however, the following provisions shall come into effect as from the day of promulgation. Those provisions of Article 2 that amend the following: paragraph (1) of Article 36-4 of the Self Defense Forces Act ("SDF Act"); "Article 36-4" of the SDF Act to read as "Article 36-8" of the SDF Act; "Article 36-3" of the SDF Act to be "Article 36-7" of the SDF Act; the SDF Act by deleting the heading preceding Article 36-2 of the SDF Act; Article 36-2; "Article 36-2" of the SDF to be "Article 36-6" of the SDF Act; the SDF Act by adding a heading to precede Article 36-6; and the SDF Act by adding four Articles after Article 36. The provisions of Article 3 (excluding parts that amend the following: paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the Act on Remuneration, etc. of Ministry of Defense Personnel; paragraph (1) of Article 22 of such Act; Articles 24-4 and 24-5 of such Act; "Article 24-5" of such Act to be "Article 24-6"; such Act by adding one Article after Article 24-4; and Article 28-3 of such Act). The provisions of Article 4. The provisions of paragraphs (3) through (5) of the Supplementary Provisions. 例文帳に追加

1 この法律は、平成十四年三月三十一日までの間において政令で定める日から施行する。ただし、第二条中自衛隊法第三十六条の四第一項の改正規定、同条を同法第三十六条の八とする改正規定、同法第三十六条の三を同法第三十六条の七とする改正規定、同法第三十六条の二の前の見出しを削る改正規定、同条の改正規定、同条を同法第三十六条の六とし、同条の前に見出しを付する改正規定及び同法第三十六条の次に四条を加える改正規定並びに第三条(防衛庁の職員の給与等に関する法律第三条第一項、第二十二条第一項、第二十四条の四及び第二十四条の五の改正規定、同条を同法第二十四条の六とする改正規定、同法第二十四条の四の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同法第二十八条の三の改正規定に係る部分を除く。)、第四条及び附則第三項から第五項までの規定は、公布の日から施行する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) Where the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business have received a notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1, when he/she finds it necessary to examine whether or not the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. pertaining to the notification falls under the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. that is likely to cause any of the following situations (limited to the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. with a non-resident whose state is a member state of a multilateral treaty or other international agreement on the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc., which is specified by Cabinet Order and to which Japan has acceded (hereinafter referred to as the "Treaty, etc." in this paragraph), and which is free from the obligations pursuant to the Treaty, etc. in regard to removal of restrictions on the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc., and the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. with a non-resident whose state is a state other than member states to the Treaty, etc. which would be free from the obligations if the state was a member state of the Treaty, etc. (referred to as the "Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. pertaining to National Security, etc." in paragraphs 4 and 5)), he/she may extend the period in which the Conclusion of a Technology Introduction Contract, etc. pertaining to the notification shall not be conducted up to four months from the day of acceptance of the notification. 例文帳に追加

3 財務大臣及び事業所管大臣は、第一項の規定による届出があつた場合において、当該届出に係る技術導入契約の締結等が次に掲げるいずれかの事態を生ずるおそれがある技術導入契約の締結等(我が国が加盟する技術導入契約の締結等に関する多数国間の条約その他の国際約束で政令で定めるもの(以下この項において「条約等」という。)の加盟国の非居住者との間でされる技術導入契約の締結等で技術導入契約の締結等に関する制限の除去について当該条約等に基づく義務がないもの及び当該条約等の加盟国以外の国の非居住者との間でされる技術導入契約の締結等でその国が当該条約等の加盟国であるものとした場合に当該義務がないこととなるものに限る。次項及び第五項において「国の安全等に係る技術導入契約の締結等」という。)に該当しないかどうかを審査する必要があると認めるときは、当該届出に係る技術導入契約の締結等をしてはならない期間を、当該届出を受理した日から起算して四月間に限り、延長することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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