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According to "Murasaki Shikibu Diary," when the author was writing the original text there existed certain lines of manuscript such as Sokobon (draft) and Seishobon (clean copy), and each of these was brought into circulation, which includes an unexpected case of Michinaga's taking the Sokobon (which the author had) without permission; therefore, the text of "The Tale of Genji" was passed down through a complicated process from the beginning.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, in the notes of the section of April 541 in Nihonshoki, there is a description on the order 'to choose one tradition and write other heresies when there were too many heresies to judge which ones were true and it is difficult to choose one because of too many old characters' about "Teio Honki" (The Chronicle of Emperors) after the notes on heresies about empresses and princes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It has been considered that this corresponds to the remarks from FUJIWARA no Teika and MINAMOTO no Mitsuyuki; both of them recognized that the sentences in those days were 'out of order, and it was hard to tell which one was correct,' but Teika said, 'I could not solve the questions,' while Mitsuyuki said, 'after investigation, I could solve the problems.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It consists of four parts: 'book of comparison,' which shows the differences among the texts of The Tale of Genji, 'book of index,' which consists of detailed word-and-phrase index based upon the result of the comparative study, 'book of research materials,' which is a collection of materials concerning The Tale of Genji such as old annotations, old genealogies, etc., and 'book of pictorial records,' which is a collection of pictorial records concerning The Tale of Genji such as Genji monogatari emaki (Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The Oshima-bon manuscript, as the original text of "Genji monogatari taisei," contain many notes in black or red ink and deleted characters with a line, which seem to have been done by several people during the term from maybe not long after it was first transcribed till probably the late Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As mentioned above, there are many problems from the view of an academic level of the present text study of The Tale of Genji, and the variorum is often criticized, but it was the best organized variorum among those of The Tale of Genji which can be used for the regular study even in the 21st century, although it was the earliest academic variorum of The Tale of Genji in history.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that this is because IKEDA got interested in 'the original book' which Murasaki Shikibu wrote after the completion of this work, which tentatively perfected the study of the Aobyoshi-bon and the Kawachi-bon, and the results of the work revealed the changes in the text of The Tale of Genji before the Aobyoshi-bon and the Kawachi-bon were made.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to Kikan IKEDA, an advocator of this term, 'it is wrong to call Beppon 'Beppon line' just like calling Aobyoshi-bon and Kawachi-bon 'Aobyoshi-bon line' and 'Kawachibon-line' respectively, and the name and characteristics of Beppon should be restudied, classified, and organized after the text study of The Tale of Genji is advanced and the distinction of Aobyoshi-bon and Kawachi-bon are revealed.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, of the characters in The Tale of Genji, the people whose (possible) real names are known are only FUJIWARA no Koremitsu and MINAMOTO no Yoshikiyo, lower-class servants of Hikaru Genji (some people include Tamakazura, too, in them), but in the tale, most of the characters including Hikaru Genji are known by their 'nicknames' which were derived from their official positions or the names of their related places such as their residences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is also thought that 'organizing' old genealogies by Sanetaka SANJONISHI was not a work thoroughly carried out from the beginning, but he just revised the text of Aobyoshi-bon manuscript (in the Sanjonishi group) which he had arranged in order to make the existing old genealogy of The Tale of Genji a reliable book.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It also gives us a hint as to when the following names came to be used such as 'Kumoi no Kari,' 'Ochiba no Miya,' 'Oborozukiyo,' 'Nokiba no Ogi,' 'Ukifune (The Tale of Genji),' 'Kashiwagi (The Tale of Genji),' 'Tamakazura (Naishi no Kami - Principal Handmaid) (The Tale of Genji),' 'Yugiri (The Tale of Genji),' 'Empress Akikonomu,' 'Kurohige,' 'Aoi no ue,' and so on, that do not appear in the text but were generated while people were reading "The Tale of Genji."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hideo ARAI, in his paper, 'A Little Thought on 'Ochimizu that Tsukuyomi Has'' (in 'Nihon Bungei Kenkyu' (Japanese Literary Studies), April, 1991) pointed out from the standpoint of folklore that several rituals that obtain 'wakamizu,' which expels evil atmosphere for the year, are performed on New Year's Day in various localities in Japan, and that 'Wakamizu wo sonau' (offering of wakamizu) performed on the first day of spring as an annual event during the Heian period is observed in records such as "The Engishiki" (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) "Nenchu gyoji hisho" (record of annual events) and issho (lost book) "舊記."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2001年 大学院教育学研究科生涯教育専攻(博士後期課程)を開設、通信制大学院に文学研究科国文学専攻・社会学研究科、社会学専攻を開設、国文学科を日本語日本文学科に改称、中国文学科を中国語中国文学科に改称、英文学科を英語英米文学科に改称例文帳に追加

2001: The school installed the Graduate School of Education, Lifelong Education Program (Ph.D.) and opened the Graduate School of Literature, Japanese Literature Program and the Sociology Program within the Graduate School of the Correspondence School of the Correspondence Division; additionally, the Department of Japanese Literature renamed as the Department of Japanese Language and Literature, the Department of Chinese Literature was renamed as the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and the Department of English Literature was renamed as the Department of English Language, British and American Literature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Xavier, who saw the importance of spreading Christianity in China that greatly influenced Japanese culture in order to spread missionary work in Japan, made Father Balthazar GAGO as his substitute in Japan, and arrived at Shangchuan Island (this was the landing port of the Portuguese ship) to enter China in April 1552.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Chapter 5 of "Jindaiki (Records of the Period of Gods)" in "Nihon Shoki" gives a short description of Tsukuyomi, stating that Izanagi gave birth to the god of the brilliant moon next to the sun and sent him (or her) to the heavens to work with the sun as a ruling god, while in Document 1 of Section 1 that follows, Izanagi no mikoto is said to have given birth to Ohirume no mikoto by holding a masokagami (bronze mirror) in her left hand and Tsukuyomi no mikoto by holding the same mirror in her right hand.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although at base Shinto is a primitive religion, it has existed in Japanese culture for thousands of years and now has very deep roots, becoming sublimated to the point that up until the Meiji period, most professions held as sacred the principle of hard work, just as expressed in the Norito (Shinto prayer), and even apart from the official rituals of Shrine Shinto, there are many work-related ceremonies even today that originally came from Shinto rituals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He is referred to as Kumanokusubi no mikoto in Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters), while Nihonshoki calls him Kumanokusuhi in the main text, Kumanooshihomi in the first "alternative writing," Kumanokusuhi in the second "alternative writing," Kumanooshihomi or Kumanooshikuma in the third "alternative writing," and Kumano okuma in the third "alternative writing" of the alternative chapter (the Chapter of Iwato gakure, the hiding of Amaterasu Omikami in the heavenly rock cave).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the study of history and Japanese literature, it is assumed that the Watarai clan, the Shinto priests of the outer Ise-jingu Shrine, wrote the books so as to raise the status of the outer shrine up to or higher than the Naiku (inner shrine - enshrined deity: Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess), insisting that its enshrined deity Toyoukebime was equivalent to Ame no Minakanushi no Kami (one of the gods in Japanese mythology) and Kuninotokotachi no mikoto and was the universal godhead superior to Amaterasu Omikami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But the new Shogun, Yoshihisa, died of illness while still young, and his retired father Yoshimasa devoted his remaining years to construction projects at Jisho-ji Temple, notably the building known as Ginkaku (the Silver Pavilion), focusing his attention entirely on the world of artistic endeavor (and indeed, Yoshimasa's patronage of the arts became the foundation of the flourishing artistic culture of the Higashiyama area, and no one can deny he had a profound influence on later developments in Japanese culture.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although there is no record directly identifying the compilers, the names of persons cited as having participated in the compilation of the extraordinary volumes include FUJIWARA no Tokihira, Sadaijin (minister of the left), serving as the editor-in-chief, FUJIWARA no Sadakuni (Dainagon (chief councilor of state) and Ukone no Taisho or the Chief of Ukonefu, (Guard Department)), Kiyotsura MIYOSHI, Monjo-hakase (teacher of Chinese poetry and history under the Ritsuryo system), Haruyuki OKURA (Minbutaifu, executive officer of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) and FUJIWARA no Yoshitsune, (Myoho-hakase, teacher of the law under the Ritsuryo system), and the staff which compiled the main volumes of Engikyaku are assumed to have consisted mainly of the same persons.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Nara period, the biography of the FUJIWARA three generations began with FUJIWARA no Kamatari, "Kaden" (Family history) and "Shotokutaishi Denryaku" (Biography of Shotokutaishi) were written, and in the Heian period MIYAKO no Yoshika (the compiler of an authentic history "Nihon Montoku Tenno Jitsuroku" [Fifth of the six official national history books]) wrote "Dojo Hoshi Den" (Biography of Dojohoshi), Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI wrote "FUJIWARA no Yasunori den" (Biography of FUJIWARA no Yasunori) and "Enchin Osho Den" (Biography of Enchin), and KI no Haseo wrote "Tsunesada Shinno Den" (Biography of Imperial Prince Tsunesada).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to Ichiro NITTA (legal expert), the part which wrote about the precedents since the time of Yoritomo and the morals of samurai society and especially most of the part which opposed to Ritsuryo law and kugeho were not included in the articles, but were only mentioned in the forms of details and exceptions, while most of the matters not related to bakufu in the articles were based on the kugeho in the early Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was originally used by government officials equal or superior to Sakan to submit a report personally to their superiors, and it was created in a format in which a Chinese character "cho" (牒) was written at the beginning, the main text was concluded with a phrase "tsutsushimite chosu," (謹牒) the date and Isho (rank and name in a row) were written in the last line and a character "cho" (牒) was inserted below Isho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the request for deletion or examination has been submitted by any other persons than the proprietor of the utility model, the Patent Authority shall, before deciding to maintain the utility model registration as amended, notify the parties to that effect and ask the proprietor of the utility model to submit his observations within 2 months, if he does not agree to the text on the basis of which the Patent Authority intends to maintain the utility model registration.  - 特許庁


Any natural or legal person exercising the profession of industrial property attorney who is guilty either of an infringement of the rules under this Title or the texts adopted for its application, or of acts contrary to probity, honor or scruples, even if outside his professional sphere, may incur one of the following disciplinary measures: warning, reprimand, suspension or striking off.  - 特許庁


If the application complies with the requirements, and no objections have been found to the grant of a patent, and it has been established that the applicant approves the text in which the patent may be granted, the Patent Authority shall send a notification to the applicant to the effect that the patent may be granted against payment of the prescribed fee for publication of the patent specification.  - 特許庁

(9) 特許願書,説明書,クレーム及び要約はタイプ又は印刷とする。グラフィック記号及び文字,並びに化学式又は数式は,必要に応じて手書でも良いものとする。タイプされた本文は1.5行のスペース(行間)を使用する。文章の総ての文字の大きさは0.21cm以下ではないものとし,黒色インクで消せないものとする。例文帳に追加

9. The application requesting the patent, the description, the claims and the abstract shall be typed or printed. Only graphic symbols and characters and chemical or mathematical formulae may be written in by hand or drawn, if necessary. Typed text shall use a line spacing of 1½. All text shall be in characters, the capital letters of which will not be less than 0.21 cm high, black in colour and indelible. - 特許庁


In this way, information can be searched for or information on the WEB can be accessed only with the e-mail from the cellular phone, without using the WEB screen (browser) of the cellular phone. - 特許庁


An email inspection device receives designation of emails to be inspected among emails in a transmission pending state from a user, displays an inspection screen for inspecting the designated emails, and when all texts of the emails designated to be inspected are displayed on the inspection screen, then receives an inspection result for the emails. - 特許庁


The e-mail can be used as an entrance of all programs by converting the contents of the e-mail transmitted from the user according to a predetermined law, returning it to the user and enabling the user to start a browser and other programs from the text of the returned e-mail. - 特許庁


When a profile image of a business card corresponding to the sender of received electronic mail is previously registered on a terminal, the profile image is automatically attached to the received mail to enable a user to view the corresponding profile image together with the mail text when browsing the mail. - 特許庁


To substantially reduce the number of pages of a manual for a product and to obtain a nonverbal multilingual manual by tabulating figures for a contents part of the manual, making the tabulated figures have an optical data storage function, and incorporating a text of the manual in a display-oral reading device or obtaining it by communication means. - 特許庁


An e-mail terminal apparatus receives an inquiry e-mail including an inquiry part and an answer choice part in a text and described in a free format under restriction that the answer choice part is described by a predetermined answer choice format started from a predetermined command character string and the inquiry part does not include the command character string. - 特許庁


The system for performing the auto scroll may include an auto scroll determination part to determine whether a page is to perform the auto scroll, an auto scroll performing part to perform the auto scroll on the page so that the content of a main text of the page is focused, and a page providing part to display and provide the auto-scrolled page. - 特許庁


A mobile phone 10 includes: a mail function section 11 for executing an electronic mail function; a touch detection section 12 for detecting a user's touch on a touch panel provided in the mobile phone itself; and a message determination section 13 for determining a message to be input as text of electronic mail in accordance with the rhythm of the detected user's touch. - 特許庁


In an allocation process in a predetermined order of allocating shot images with respect to templates set in the order of pages of the body page sheets, the allocation control unit 30 makes an allocation process of the expanded-size shot images temporarily wait until a template where expanded-size image frames are present is set when no expanded-size image frame is present in the set templates. - 特許庁


An adhesive is applied on a substrate 8 as a liquid film 9, and the body 1 of a book prepared by laminating papers 2 and clamping them are approached and separated relatively to the substrate 8 for a plurality of times so as to correctly opposing the back to the substrate 8, and on every time when this approaching and separating operation is repeated, the back is pushed on the film 9. - 特許庁


It is determined whether substance of the file is attached, or information such as a URL, for sharing the file is described in a text, etc., or attached to the mail to upload the substance of the file to a server according to a destination of the mail, namely, an mail address, and according to this determination result, mail creation (including file attachment and uploading of the file) processing is executed. - 特許庁


The character input device comprises: a character selection section 30 that selects a character; an input detection section 50 that continuously detects an input position with input means; and a character decoration section 40 that continuously perform a decoration process on the character selected by the character selection section 30 based on a movement direction and a movement amount of the input position continuously detected by the input detection section 50. - 特許庁


As text information of a document stored temporarily in a print document temporarily holding means 25 is transmitted in response to a transmission instruction from a portable telephone 3, a user can edit contents of the object document by editing the text (text information) of reply e-mail without preparing special software for editing the object document. - 特許庁


For solving the problem, this mail creation support method includes: when a mail address, or header information, is input, searching personnel information indicating information of affiliation with the mail address used as a key; specifying a notation rule corresponding to the personnel information; and specifying a destination (a name of the destination) in the text according to the personnel information and the notation rule. - 特許庁


A processing unit 11 for management once receiving first mail containing signature information, certificate information, and text information from an external communication line reads open key information included in the certification information including address information on the transmission origin of the first transmission information out of a storage device 12 for management, and verifies the signature information by using the read-out open key information. - 特許庁


The mail data of received mail are processed by a character string emphasis part 11, a character string regarding a retrieved schedule is emphasized and displayed in the received mail body display picture, and an icon addition part 12 adds an icon for alarm display to the title of electronic mail to be warned of at schedule alarm time in a received mail title display picture. - 特許庁


The FAX server 1c is provided with a group 3 (G3) facsimile communication function and an electronic mail communication function, receives electronic mail containing the text of electronic mail describing facsimile transmitting instruction information and an attached file composed of facsimile picture data from the client 1a and performs facsimile transmitting of the picture data to a G3FAX based on the transmitting instruction information. - 特許庁


When received e-mail has the attached file and storage of the attached file is set, a mail server part provided in a network server stores the attached file as a printing job in the printing server part, and sets an access right to the stored attached file in a text of the e-mail (steps 100, 104, 108 and 110). - 特許庁


For that purpose, the e-mail originating device has a table in which, for example, a keyword is associated with a plurality of subject elements corresponding to it, selects one subject element according to prescribed conditions from among the plurality of subject elements corresponding to the keyword in the table and inserts the subject element into the subject column of e-mail when the keyword is detected in the text. - 特許庁


The information communication terminal includes a determining means for determining whether or not the entire text of the selected received mail is placed within an area used for a preview display, in the preview display, and an updating means for marking information showing whether or not the received mail has been already read when the entire text is determined to be able to be placed within the area. - 特許庁


The telegram 1 with prize is configured by adding prize retrieval information 7 comprising either a prize number 8 with which a gift is hit or secondary identification information 9 including a prize number for portable telephone reading to a portion of a telegram pasteboard 1a on which a delivery destination 24, a telegram text column 2 and a sender 22 are written. - 特許庁


A mobile phone 200 has a speech data transmission unit 208 for transmitting speech data to a speech recognizer which performs speech recognition processing by using a language model, and a mail processing unit 205 for transmitting a mail text of normal transmission mail to the language model creation device which creates the language model as the mail for language model creation. - 特許庁



The information processing apparatus stores learning information related to relevance between the sentence including the comma and the function of the comma generated, based on a sample sentence attached with an identifier showing the function inside the sentence of the comma to the comma included in the sentence, and executes the predetermined processing to the input sentence by use of the stored learning information. - 特許庁


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