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However after Emperor Konoe succeeded to the throne, and also just before and after Tokushi officially became the Empress, there were some curse incidents (the Hie Shrine Curse Incidents, the Hirota Shrine Curse Incident) continuously happening, and there was a rumor that Taikenmonin, whose son lost his Imperial succession, had something to do with them. 例文帳に追加

ところが、近衛天皇即位・得子の皇后冊立と相前後して得子を標的にしたと考えられる呪詛事件(日吉社呪詛事件・広田社巫呪詛事件)が相次いで発覚し、息子が皇位を失った待賢門院が裏で糸を引いているという風説が流されるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, the reigning name is something given by the Emperor to an Imperial Prince to be used only by that Imperial Prince; the consort of the Imperial Princes or his children and so on would not use the title for themselves (for example, Imperial Princess Mako and Imperial Prince Tomohito have not been given reigning titles). 例文帳に追加

なお、宮号は天皇がその親王に賜るものであって、その親王のみがこれを称するものであり、当該親王の妃や子女等が自らの宮号としてこれを称することはない(たとえば、眞子内親王や寬仁親王は宮号を賜っていない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Soto had already died 17 years before the Kinchu tea ceremony was held, so if he had something to do with giving Rikyu the name, it would be "Rikyu Soeki" that Soto gave to Rikyu, and Rikyu only used the first name "Soeki" when he was young, and later on may have used the last name "Rikyu" on occasions when he entered the imperial palace. 例文帳に追加

しかし宗套は禁中茶会の17年前に示寂しており、彼が関わったとすれば利休が宗套から与えられたのは「利休宗易」の名であり、若年時は諱の「宗易」を使用し、後に宮中参内に際して字の「利休」を居士号としたと考えるのが自然であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Knowing that he could not compete with Yoshitsune with quick work, Noritsune prepared to die, threw away his long sword, took off his helmet of armor, drew himself up to his full length, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Anyone who has self-confidence, come here and capture Noritsune alive. I have something to say to Yoritomo in Kamakura." 例文帳に追加

早業ではかなわないと思った教経は、今はこれまでと覚悟を決め、その場で太刀を捨て、兜も脱ぎ棄てて、仁王立ちし「さあ、われと思わんものは組んで来てこの教経を生け捕りにせよ。鎌倉の頼朝に言いたいことがある」と大音声をあげた - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At KONDO's suggestion, HIJIKATA told Kuwajiro that KONDO had entrusted to him something so important but also so terrible that he wanted Kuwajiro to share responsibility for it, that thing being IMAI's life; and if anything happened to IMAI, both HIJIKATA and Kuwajiro would have to commit seppuku. 例文帳に追加

そこで近藤に意を含められた土方が「自分は近藤から大切な預かり物をしたが大変な物なので大石にも共同責任を負ってほしい、その預かり物とは今井の命であり、今井に万一があれば土方・大石両名は切腹せねばならぬ」と釘を刺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was deliberate in counsel and prompt in action, which may have seemed indecisive to his father Josui; it is said Josui warned Nagamasa by telling him something like, "I have been told by Takakage KOBAYAKAWA to be cautious, because I make decisions too quickly, but you need to be careful because you are the opposite." 例文帳に追加

熟慮断行の気性であったようであり、父如水はそれを優柔不断のように見えたのか長政に「自分はかつて小早川隆景に物事の決断が早すぎるので慎重にしたほうがよいと言われたが、おまえはその逆だから注意しろ」との意味の言葉をかけたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Fukuojiden", the autobiography written in his later years, he describes that the townsmen abhorred the students of Tekijuku in dirty clothes as 'The townsmen seem to abhor eta or something, which is not surprising by thinking that the students appear as such to them.' 例文帳に追加

晩年の自伝である『福翁自伝』において、市中の人々が身なりの汚い適塾の塾生を避ける様子について「何か穢多でも出て来て夫れを穢(きた)ながるやうだ、如何も仕方がない往来の人から見て穢多のやうに思ふ筈だ」と記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And Naomasa, who had now become Taishin (great feudal lord), blatantly said, "I managed to become Taishin because I served as well as a fine horse, even though you treated me like a fool, calling me brat or something, when the lord gave me that famous horse. It was you who were blind," when he met Shigetsugu. 例文帳に追加

そして、大身になった直政は重次と顔を合わせた時、「昔、殿が名馬を下さった時に子倅だの何だのと馬鹿になされましたが、このような大身になれたのは、名馬に違わぬ働きをしたからでございます。目が暗かったのは本多殿の方でありましたな」と言い放った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Morimasa was transferred, Nagamasa ASANO taunted him by saying that 'I don't understand why someone like you, who was called 'Oni Genba', didn't commit suicide upon defeat', and Morimasa replied, 'when MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was defeated by Kagechika OBA, he survived by hiding himself in a cave of a tree and achieved something great later', and people around him got impressed by that. 例文帳に追加

引き渡されたとき、浅野長政に「鬼玄蕃とも言われたあなたが、なぜ敗れて自害しなかったのか」と愚弄されたが、「源頼朝公は大庭景親に敗れたとき、木の洞に隠れて逃げ延び、後に大事を成したではないか」と言い返し、周囲をうならせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When his subordinates asked him to take a bath, his excuse was "military soldiers had to be prepared every minute for the enemy in the battlefield," "soldiers could not be ready to fight if something happened during bathing," and "we did not come all way here to the battlefield to take a bath." 例文帳に追加

部下や同僚が入浴し身体を清潔にする様に何度となく勧めたが「軍人たるもの戦場においてはいつ何時でも敵に対処出来る様にしなければならない(入浴している間に異変があった時対処出来ない)」「風呂に入る為にこれ程遠い戦場まで来たのではない」と言って断っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kageyoshi, who later served MINAMOTO no Yoritomo as a gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate), claimed while recounting this incident at a banquet that although Tametomo was a peerless master of the bow, in that instance his aim had probably been thrown off because he was using a bow taller than his height from horseback, something he was not accustomed to. 例文帳に追加

後に源頼朝に仕えて御家人になった景義は酒宴でこの合戦について、為朝は無双の弓矢の達者だが、身の丈よりも大きい弓を使い馬上での扱いに慣れずに狙いを誤ったのだろうと語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Tadataka was commonly famous as 'consultant of tenka (the world),' the anecdotes that he came to castle riding on 'o-darai' (large basin) under the prohibition from using koshi (litter) by hatamoto rank or below, or that he remonstrated with shogun Iemitsu whenever something happened, were the fiction in kodan storytelling or koshaku narration in the later period. 例文帳に追加

俗に「天下のご意見番」として名高い忠教であるが、旗本以下の輿が禁止された際に「大だらい」に乗って登城したという逸話や将軍・家光にことあるごとに諫言したなどの逸話は後世の講談や講釈の中での創作である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By this book, something like 'an imperial rescript regarding loyalty to the Emperor that was handed over to Katamori MATSUDAIRA from the Emperor of Komei' was going to be exposed for the first time, but Goro MIURA who had been stupefied looking at this before publishing gave thirty thousands yen, an unheard-of amount in those days, to the Matsudaira Family as hush money. 例文帳に追加

この本で初めて「孝明天皇より松平容保に渡された勤王の詔勅」なる物が明らかにされ、出版前にこれを見て驚いた三浦梧楼が口止め料として松平家に3万円という当時としては前代未聞の大金を渡している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A drinker and pleasure-seeker, he spent money as soon as he earned, as if saying "money is not something you keep overnight"; in his later years he seems to have had only one kimono to wear, thus he had to ask publishers to lend him a kimono for doing "nakami" to sketch Kabuki actors appeared on stage. 例文帳に追加

酒と遊びが大好きで、画料が入っても宵越しの金は持たないとばかりにすぐ使ってしまい、晩年は着物一枚で過ごし舞台に出る役者をスケッチする「中見」の際には版元から着物を貸してもらうほどだったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some Shinto rituals, unlike those of Shrine Shinto, actually developed into occupations, including such ancient practices as entertainment and show business, farming, forestry, and fishing but also extending to blacksmithing, iron smelting, sake brewing, public works, and construction; it was said of such jobs that in the act of working itself was something divine. 例文帳に追加

また、神社神道に対し生業(職業)としての神事があり、古くからの芸能・興行や農業・林業・水産業に限らず、鍛冶・多々良場(製鉄)や醸造・酒造や土木・建築といったように働く行為(いそしみ)自体に神が宿るとし神聖視してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Takeo MATSUMURA (1884 - 1969), it was taboo to see a woman give birth in the form of her original province, because it reflected the folkways in which the period of monoimi (avoiding something regarding as ominous) when the woman worshiped a god from a different tribe from the god of the husband was jugon (purifying misfortune with charms) for the husband, and social sanction was imposed when this was violated. 例文帳に追加

松村武雄(1884-1969)によれば、女が本国人の姿で出産し、これを見ることが禁忌であるのは女が夫の神と異なる部族の神を祀る物忌みの期間が夫にとって呪禁であり、これを犯せば社会的制裁を受けるという習俗の反映である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the time of the regent Tokimune HOJO, Japan was twice invaded by the Mongols, and although the Kamakura bakufu managed to repel both invasions, it was an international conflict and thus there was no enemy land to confiscate and award to their soldiers, leaving them unable to provide suitable rewards, something that only strengthened malcontent among the warrior class. 例文帳に追加

執権北条時宗の代に2度に渡る元寇があり、鎌倉幕府はこれを撃退したが、他国との戦役であり新たに領土を得たわけではなかったため、十分な恩賞を与えることができず、これもまた武士たちの不満を強めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a wide shift in the zuryo of each province, and chigyokoku of Taira clan increased to thirty-two from seventeen provinces prior to the coup d'état; 'Japan Akitsu-shima (literally, "Land of Dragonflies") has only sixty-six provinces, and Heike (Taira family) chigyokoku became thirty-something provinces, already half the size of a country' ("The Tale of the Heike"). 例文帳に追加

諸国の受領の大幅な交替も行われ、平氏の知行国はクーデター前の17ヶ国から32ヶ国になり、「日本秋津島は僅かに66ヶ国、平家知行の国三十余ヶ国、既に半国に及べり」(『平家物語』)という状態となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The front running historian specialized in medieval history immediately after World War II considered 'bushi' as 'bushidan' when studying 'bushi' since bushidan formed the basis of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and paired it with the form of medieval estate control as something crucial for the 'formation of the medieval era.' 例文帳に追加

戦後初期の第一線の中世史の研究者が「武士」を問題とするとき、その対象は鎌倉幕府成立の基盤としてとらえられた「武士団」であり、それが中世的な在地支配の形態とセットで、「中世の成立」と不可分なものとして研究されてきた経緯がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also OE no Hiromoto who became an adopted son of Nakahara clan to study Myohodo, was likely to have something to do with the establishment of Myohodo and Bukeho (the low system of samurai society) because he participated deeply in the establishment of the Kamakura bakufu and influenced "Goseibaishikimoku (the law of samurai regime)" of the legal book "Saiban Shiyosho. " 例文帳に追加

また、当初中原氏の養子に入り明法道を学んだ大江広元が鎌倉幕府創設に深く関与し、また『裁判至要抄』の『御成敗式目』への影響が指摘されるなど、明法道と武家法の成立にも少なからず関係があったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoritomo's moshijo (a document format for communicating something from a lower person to an upper person) that Yasusada had brought stated that 'The estate of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples that the Taira clan embezzled will be returned to the main shrine,' 'The estate of ingu (retired emperor, retired emperor who became a priest, imperial lady, grand empress dowager, empress dowager, empress consorts and crown prince) families that the Taira clan embezzled will be returned to the honshu (proprietor or guarantor of the manor),' and that 'Those who surrender will not be subject to execution by decapitation.' 例文帳に追加

康定が伝えた頼朝の申状は、「平家横領の神社仏寺領の本社への返還」「平家横領の院宮諸家領の本主への返還」「降伏者は斬罪にしない」と言うものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, ISAYAMA no Fumitsugu was appointed as daigaku no suke (Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education) in 812 during his service as kiden hakase, but he was granted for the first time the kabane (hereditary title) of muraji (one of the ancient Japanese hereditary titles denoting rank and political standing) six months before that, and from this we can assume that he had entered the daigakuryo as hakucho (ordinary people or something similar) and had the position of a professor there. 例文帳に追加

また、弘仁3年(812年)に紀伝博士在任のまま大学助に任命された勇山文継は、その半年前に初めて連の姓を受けていることから、白丁(庶民あるいはそれに近い身分)のまま大学寮に入ってその教官の地位に就いていたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of Genko, Japanese people were scared by the attacks of the Mongol and Goryeo army, saying, 'moko kokuri no oni ga kuru' (the devils of the Mongol and Goryeo will come), which phrase later came to represent something scary, and thus a tradition spread to the whole country to scare children by saying 'mukuri kokuri, oni ga kuru' to make them behave themselves. 例文帳に追加

その後の日本では、元寇の時、蒙古・高麗軍が日本を襲ったことを、「蒙古高句麗の鬼が来る」といって怖れたことから、転じて恐ろしいものの代表として子供の躾けなどで、「むくりこくり、鬼が来る」とおどす風習などとなり全国に広がった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of the first century, when dotaku grew in size, the crown was changed to something more decorative and thinner, which possibly means the purpose was changed from "hearing" a sound to "exhibiting" them on the ground or floors of shrines (there is another theory described as below, though). 例文帳に追加

1世紀末頃には大型化が進み、鈕が薄手の装飾的な物への変化が見られることから、(後述のように異論はあるが、)音を出して「聞く」目的から地面か祭殿の床に置かれて「見せる」目的へと変化したのではないかと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rinji (the Emperor's command), inzen (a decree from the retired Emperor), kansenji (a government edict) and kudashibumi (document issued by a superior or office) issued by the Imperial Court, government official and bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and moshijo (a document format for communicating something from a lower person to an upper person) to which gedaiando (an approval of landowner written in the margin of the document submitted) was written in, were used in place of kugen, and 'kugen' began to refer to all of those. 例文帳に追加

朝廷や官司・幕府が発給した綸旨・院宣・官宣旨・下文や外題安堵を加えた申状などが公験の替わりに用いられ、それらを指して「公験」と呼ぶようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The village is originally a space separated from the outside world by placing something that drives out evil spirits on the access road, and the village members live under the same condition by earning a living through supply of resources required for everyday life, as well as by holding meetings and jointly organizing rites, festivals and annual events for maintenance of order under the unified will. 例文帳に追加

村は本来道切りなどにより外部と区別される空間で、村の成員は生業を行い生活に必要な資源を供給する環境を共有し、寄合を行い祭礼や年中行事を共同で行うことにより統一された意思のもと秩序維持を行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The method of searching was like this; determining the marching route according to the stoies of the survivors and the marching plans, making people walk forward along that route in a 30 meters wide line (about 30 people in one line) stabbing a 10 meter long stick into the snow, and digging up the places where something strange was felt. 例文帳に追加

捜索は、生存者の証言と行軍計画を参照して行軍ルートを割出し、そのルートを重点として、横幅30m(およそ30人一列)になって、其々が所持する長さ10m程の竹棒を雪中に突き刺しながら前進し、少しでも違和感がある手応えを感知するとその下を掘削する方法が採られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The KOTOKUI family formed a lord-and-vassal relationship with the Kofuku-ji Temple, and backed by the temple's influence, controlled all things concerning the Onmyodo-Rekido of Nanto including Nichiji Kanjin (a way of divining something according to the time and day) to the shrines and temples as well as supervision of the Onmyoji (a master of Yin yang) and the Shomonji (a group of itinerant performers whose work encompassed both non-performance activities and religious rituals).例文帳に追加

以後、幸徳井家は興福寺と事実上の主従関係を結び、その力を背景に南都社寺への日時勘申を初め、陰陽師・声聞師の監督など南都に関する陰陽道・暦道に関する全てを取り仕切った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

14. In line with the phase shift of the environment from the "public sector" to "private sector," and with the exit from "emergency reaction against the non-performing loan problem," the inspection methodologies must also shift themselves into something that contributes to providing the "private sector," i.e., financial institutions themselves, with incentives toward voluntary improvement in management. 例文帳に追加

14. 金融検査を巡る情勢が、「官」から「民」へ、そして「不良債権問題への緊急対応」からの脱却へ、と局面転換する中にあって、検査のあり方も、「民」、即ち、金融機関自身による自主的な経営改善の動機付け(インセンティブ)に資するようなものに転換していかなければならない。 - 金融庁

Regarding the revision of articles of incorporation related to the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, will the FSA, in short, request regional banks to revise their articles of incorporation some time before general shareholders meetings this year or request all of them to make revisions simultaneously or do something along those lines? 例文帳に追加

先ほどの金融機能強化法の定款変更の件ですが、分かりやすく言って、地域銀行に今年の株主総会に向けて定款変更を求めるのか、ある種一斉的な形になるかもしれないがそのようなものを求めるのかどうかという点ではどうでしょうか。 - 金融庁

If something is to go ahead under a private-sector initiative and we are to make some requests, it would be in cases where there is concern from the viewpoint of the stability of the entire financial system and the protection of users and investors. 例文帳に追加

民間当事者のイニシアティブで仮に何かが進められるということであれば、そのことについて我々当局が何か注文をつけるというのは、全体の金融システムの安定や利用者・投資家保護といった観点から見たときに何か懸念があるケースだと思います。 - 金融庁

Former Minister Watanabe established his own advisory group called the Financial Markets Strategy Team and put forward a variety of recommendations. Do you have any plan to establish your own advisory group or something like that? 例文帳に追加

渡辺前大臣は私的懇談会として、「金融市場戦略チーム」というチームを独自に立ち上げて、いろいろな提言等もされてきたのですけれど、現時点で、大臣はそういった私的懇談会のようなものを新たに立ち上げるお考え・意思のようなものはあるのでしょうか。 - 金融庁

Although the Nikkei article mentioned something like allowing the use of book value when the holding category is changed, I was told that the fact is that the revision is intended to enable a change in the category of securities to which market value is applied to "long-term holding" if the securities are to be held for the long term. 例文帳に追加

つまり保有区分を変える時には簿価から云々と、こういうことでしたけれども、あれはその時点での時価から長期保有なら長期保有に変えることが出来るということだそうでして、そこはそれが事実だということのようであります。 - 金融庁

It is difficult to understand that a person who served as president (of the Liberal Democratic Party) would now make such remarks about something that was decided through intra-party procedures and procedures in the House of Representatives with the support of lawmakers, including him. 例文帳に追加

反対したとか欠席したというんだったら話は別ですけれども、党内手続あるいは衆議院での手続含めて粛々と、あの方も含めて決められたことを、総裁までやられた方が今頃ああいうふうにおっしゃるというのはちょっと理解に苦しむなと思いますね。 - 金融庁

The bill is not drafted by it. Also, the bill, by its nature, is not something to be decided only by the FSA or any other government organization. That working group is not the decision-making body. It is not the decision-making body. Basically, we will debate this matter and have its outcome reflected in the bill. 例文帳に追加

法案はそこでつくりませんよ。また、性格もこれはこの省庁だけではない。どこも同じです。決定機関じゃないから。決定機関じゃないです、あれは。だから、それは状況を見ないと、議論をして、こうだということを法案に反映していくということです、基本的には。 - 金融庁

Olympus has announced its intention to file a lawsuit against five former and current corporate auditors, alleging their responsibility in the window-dressing case. How do you feel about that? The committee found that the auditing firm bears no responsibility. Don't you feel that something is wrong with that finding? 例文帳に追加

オリンパスが歴代の監査役5人に責任があるというふうに発表して提訴する方針なのですが、これについての感想と、あと監査法人に責任はないというふうにされているのですけれども、これについて違和感がないか教えてください。 - 金融庁

The themes on which we will ask for deliberation by the Financial System Council are something that I should tell the council's members first at the general meeting of the council to be held this evening, so, I would like to refrain from making comments for now. 例文帳に追加

金融審議会においてどんなテーマを検討してもらうかについては、本日夕刻、金融審議会総会を開催して、先ず、審議会委員の皆様に対してお話しすべき内容であるのでコメントは差し控えさせて頂きたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

If they say they have difficulty competing with something like government guarantee (for the postal savings system), the solution would be, from an objective perspective, to raise the ceiling on the payoff scheme 例文帳に追加

「自分たちだけ、(ゆうちょの)政府保証的なものを相手に戦争するのは大変だ」ということをおっしゃるのなら、そういうメガバンクに対抗できるような信用力という面では、客観的には、ペイオフの限度額を上げてあげるということになるわけです - 金融庁

At a press conference held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on Jan. 26, Kidman said, "If we receive blessings in our life, we must find a way to give something back to society. I hope this will be a life-long commitment for me." 例文帳に追加

1月26日にニューヨーク市の国連本部で行われた記者会見で,キッドマンさんは「人生で恩恵を受けたら,社会に何か還元する方法を見つけなければならない。この活動が生涯を通じたものになればと思う。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In an interview held on the field immediately after the game, Saito said, "People have often told me that I've got something special. And now I know what I've got. I'm lucky to have such great teammates." 例文帳に追加

試合直後に球場で行われたインタビューで,斎藤投手は「いろいろな人から自分は何か特別なものを持っているとよく言われてきました。そして今,自分が何を持っているのかわかりました。こんなにすばらしい仲間を持って,僕は幸せです。」と語った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Clerical errors in any document relating to an application, other than a specification, a drawing or a document effecting a transfer or a change of name, which are due to the fact that something other than what was obviously intended was written, may be corrected by the applicant. 例文帳に追加

明細書,図面又は移転若しくは名義の変更の効力を生じる書類を除き,出願に関する書類上で明白に意図された事項以外のものが記載されたことにより生じた何らかの書類における誤記は,出願人がこれを訂正することができる。 - 特許庁

The category of an invention for which a patent is sought is unclear, or something that falls in neither products nor processes is stated in a claim (see Part I: Chapter 1, (3)). 例文帳に追加

特許を受けようとする発明の属するカテゴリー(物の発明、方法の発明、物を生産する方法の発明)が不明確であるため、又は、いずれのカテゴリーともいえないものが記載されているために、発明が不明確となる場合(第Ⅰ部第1章2.2.2.3⑶参照)。 - 特許庁

(3) The provisions of Part 5 of Book 1 of the Civil Code [Burgerliches Gesetzbuch] shall apply mutatis mutandis to the period of limitation, subject to the proviso that the period of limitation shall commence at the earliest one year after the grant of the patent. Should the obligated person have gained something due to the infringement and at the cost of the entitled person, Section 852 of the Civil Code shall apply mutatis mutandis. 例文帳に追加

(3) 民法第1巻第5部の規定は,出訴期限について適用されるが,ただし,その出訴期限が早くとも特許付与後 1年に開始することを条件とする。義務者が権利侵害により,かつ,権利者の犠牲において何かを利得している場合は,民法第 852条が準用される。 - 特許庁

Something polluted with volatile organochlorine compounds are brought into contact with transition metal acid ions (e.g., tungstate or titanate ions), hydrogen peroxide and, optionally, ammonium ions to decompose the volatile organochlorine compounds in a short time.例文帳に追加

揮発性有機塩素化合物を含有する汚染物に、タングステン酸イオンやチタン酸イオン等の遷移金属酸イオンと過酸化水素、及び必要に応じてアンモニウムイオンを接触させることにより、上記揮発性有機塩素化合物を短時間で分解する。 - 特許庁

When the gas nozzles 7a have something wrong, the changeover valve 22 is switched to introduce the silane gas into the chamber 2 from the material gas supply line 20 via a second branch line 24, a second silane gas supply ring 8, and a plurality of gas nozzles 8a.例文帳に追加

そして、ガスノズル7aに不具合が生じた場合、切り替えバルブ22を切り替えて、原料ガス供給ライン20から第2分岐ライン24、第2のシランガス供給リング8および複数のガスノズル8aを介して、シランガスをチャンバ2内へ導入する。 - 特許庁

To enhance enjoyment in games during a time period until a frequency of winning the lotteries corresponding to probability variation states reaches an upper limit, by adding something extra to performances during this time period while imparting a lot of variations to the performances during this time period.例文帳に追加

確率変動状態に対応する当選の回数が上限の回数に到達するまでの演出に豊富なバリエーションを持たせつつ、その間の演出に別の付加価値を持たせて上限回数に到達するまでのゲーム性を向上する。 - 特許庁

To provide a business model which provides a support for constantly monitoring and keeping economic situations of a contractor since the conventional life insurance economically helps the contractor when something occurs and normal economic situation management is performed by the individual contractor.例文帳に追加

従来の生命保険は、何か起きたときに経済的に助けてくれるシステムであり、通常の経済状態管理は契約者個人によるものだったが、この発明は契約者の経済状態を常に監視し保つためのサポートを提供するビジネスモデルである。 - 特許庁

To solve the following problems: lid-attached containers such as a normal teakettle or teapot used in a general family imparting interest or pleasure having a characteristic in time of use are few; and lids or containers themselves each capable of transmitting a message or representing something are not many.例文帳に追加

一般家庭で使用されている通常の湯沸しやティーポットなど蓋付き容器は、使用に際して特色の有る面白さや楽しさを感じさせるものは少なく、そして又、蓋や容器自体がメッセージを発信したり、あるいは何かを表現したり出来るものはあまり無い。 - 特許庁

To solve a problem that, when an imaging apparatus is held in a bag or the like, if a power supply switch is kept being pressed by something in the bag, power is kept being supplied to the imaging apparatus irrespective of user's intention, consequently, power is wastefully consumed in the conventional apparatus.例文帳に追加

従来の撮像装置では、カバンの中などに撮像装置を収容している場合に、電源スイッチがカバンの中の物によって押され続けると、使用者の意志にかかわらず撮像装置に電力が供給され続けてしまい、無駄な電力が消費される。 - 特許庁


To provide the structure of a bus-bar insulating cover in a distribution board for a residence which visually and physically suppresses the unnecessary operation of a power-voltage switching actuator, in a distribution switching device mounted in the distribution board for the residence for supplying power to a distribution circuit, and which prevents unexpected electric accidents and damages of apparatuses before something happens.例文帳に追加

住宅用分電盤に配設されて分岐回路に電源の供給を行う分岐開閉器における電源電圧切替操作部の不要な操作を視覚的、物理的に抑制し、思わぬ電気事故や機器の損壊を未然に防止する住宅用分電盤の母線絶縁カバーの構造を提供する。 - 特許庁


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