
「for many years」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(9ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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for many yearsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 490


In some agreements, such as in the Singapore-New Zealand FTA, tariffs for all items are immediately eliminated upon the entry into force thereof. The shortest period for tariff elimination is set at the immediate elimination thereof (as is the case in many such agreements), the longest period for tariff elimination is ten (10) years (the permitted upper limitation under Article XXIV of GATT), and additional medium-term elimination periods are set at, for example, three (3), five (5) or seven (7) years.例文帳に追加

協定関税の撤廃期間については、シンガポールNZ 協定のように全品目について協定発効時に関税を即時撤廃するような例もあるが、多くの場合は、最短で即時撤廃、最長でGATT 第24条で許容される10年間での関税撤廃とし、さらに3年、5年、7年等の中間的な関税撤廃期間を設けることが多い。 - 経済産業省

Therefore, while controlling people's consumption with sumptuary decrees, Yoshimune implemented many rice-related reforms, such as development of new rice fields for increasing the rice harvest, adoption of "Jomen ho" (the taxation system whose rate was determined by calculating the average rice harvest over the past 5, 10, or 20 years) for stabilizing the income of the Edo bakufu, issuance of "Agemai-rei" (the decree ordering 'daimyo' to pay 100 koku rice for every 10 thousand koku it had), and permission for Dojima Rice Exchange, so Yoshimune was given a nickname of "Rice Shogun." 例文帳に追加

そのため吉宗は、倹約令で消費を抑える一方、新田開発による米増産、定免法採用による収入の安定、上米令、堂島米会所の公認など、米に関する改革を多く行ったため、「米将軍」の異名を取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequent to the timetable revision of April 16, 2006, many changes have been made as follows: some of the K-Ltd. Express (K-tokkyu) trains operated on the weekday mornings were changed to limited express trains, the section express trains during the daytime restarted the operation for the first time after 26 years, and the trains terminating at Tenmabashi during the daytime were also revived for the first time after 43 years among others; however, the connecting way, in which a faster train makes a connection with a less rapid train waiting at Hirakatashi Station, Tanbabashi Station and Sanjo Station, has not undergone a change. 例文帳に追加

2006年4月16日に実施された京阪線のダイヤ改正では、平日の場合、朝のK特急の一部が特急に変更され、区間急行が26年ぶりに昼間時に運転されるようになったほか、43年ぶりに昼間時の天満橋止まりが復活するなど、大幅な変更があったが、枚方市・丹波橋・三条での緩急連絡は従来通りである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Evaluating his achievement for contribution to the film industry for many years and for the development of Japanese culture, the Japanese government on March 11, 2008 decided to award him the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star as well as Shoshii (Senior Fourth Rank) retroactively to February 13, 2008 when he died. 例文帳に追加

2008年(平成20年)3月11日、日本政府は閣議に於いて市川に対し、彼の長年の映画界への貢献及び日本文化の発展に尽くした功績を評価し、逝去した2008年2月13日に遡って正四位に叙すると共に、旭日重光章を授与することを決定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a main beam for constituting a propeller blade for a wind power generator capable of reducing its weight when the size of the blade is greatly increased and preventing occurrence of breakage and crack even after use for many years and having excellent durability by a simple configuration.例文帳に追加

ブレードが非常に大型化した場合の軽量化を図ることができ、長年使用しても破損や亀裂が生じないようにすることができて、耐久性に優れた風力発電機用のプロペラブレードを構成するための主桁を簡単な構成によって提供すること。 - 特許庁


Products manufactured using these regional resources accounted for less than 10% of gross sales for many of these companies, so these products still account for a small percentage of sales. However, sales volume has increased steadily over the past five years, prompting expectations that results from the utilization of regional resources will emerge in the future例文帳に追加

当該地域資源を活用した商品が総売上高に占める割合は10%未満である企業が多く、販売割合はまだ低い状況であるが、5年前と比較すると販売量は着実に増えており、地域資源の活用による成果が今後現れてくることが期待しうる状況である。 - 経済産業省

Article 45 (1) Persons who have been engaged in judicial affairs for many years, or who possesses the knowledge and experience necessary for performing the duties of a judge of Summary Court may be appointed as judges of Summary Court by the Selection Committee of the Summary Court through the selection process even if they do not fall within the categories of persons prescribed in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article. 例文帳に追加

第四十五条 多年司法事務にたずさわり、その他簡易裁判所判事の職務に必要な学識経験のある者は、前条第一項に掲げる者に該当しないときでも、簡易裁判所判事選考委員会の選考を経て、簡易裁判所判事に任命されることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Because the annual manufacturing number of "Classic Pants" of the said company has held a constant production since the start of sales, that there has been a constant demand for many years can be supposed to be the evidence that new "fundoshi" fanciers have been produced as well as the group of purchasers for replacement. 例文帳に追加

同社の「クラシックパンツ」の年間製造枚数は販売以来ほぼ一定の生産枚数を保っていることから、年月を経ても一定の需要があることは、買い換え層以外にも新たな「褌」愛好家が生まれている証左であると推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many people come from all parts of Japan to pray for good luck, victory, business success and a safe year for the family, including in recent years, Konosuke MATSUSHITA, founder of Panasonic corporation and referred to as "the God of Business," who respected this Shrine deeply. 例文帳に追加

また現代では、松下電器産業の創業者でもあり「経営の神様」とも称された松下幸之助が深く信仰したほか、厄除開運、必勝、商売繁盛、家内安全などの御利益を願って全国から参拝者が足を運ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For the Hankyu Railway, the new station was the first built in three decades since Yamada Station (Osaka Prefecture) (1973) and the station was restored for the first time in fifty-five years after the abandonment of Mozume Station; some trains running on the Kyoto Line were decorated as a memorial to the opening, while as many as nine types of Lagare cards were issued to commemorate the event, including limited types of cards available only from the automatic ticket machine. 例文帳に追加

阪急電鉄では、山田駅(大阪府)(1973年)以来30年ぶりの新駅開業、また物集女駅廃止から55年ぶりの駅復活とあって、京都線の一部車両には開業記念装飾が施され、また自動券売機限定も含めて9種もの開業記念ラガールカードが発行された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This is a question for Mr. Sato. You have engaged in financial administration for many years, since before the Financial Supervisory Agency was established. Could you tell us how you feel about the period and about particularly memorable events? 例文帳に追加

佐藤前長官にお聞きします。金融監督庁発足時からのメンバーのお一人として、それ以前も含め、長年、金融行政に携わってこられたことと思います。この間のご感想ですとか、印象深い出来事などをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

Professor Takanishi said, "This robot can be used in many ways. For example, within a few years, we want to make the robot useful for people with walking disabilities. The robot will be able to carry them to places that wheelchairs can't." 例文帳に追加

高西教授は,「このロボットはさまざまな形で利用できる。例えば,数年以内に,このロボットを歩行が困難な人のために役立てたいと考えている。このロボットによって車いすでは行けない場所まで行けるようになるだろう。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

To provide a new guard rail technology which can alleviate a collision force by elastic deformation, can maintain high durability for many years even in a natural environment, and can effectively save labor for maintenance inspection and maintenance cost.例文帳に追加

弾性変形によって衝突力を緩衝できると共に、自然環境下にあっても永年に亘って高い耐久性を維持可能であり、保守点検の労力および維持経費を効果的に節減できる新たなガードレール技術を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide packing for a door stop causing no noise such as separation sound or rubbing sound when opening a door while satisfying soundproofness, airtightness, etc. and moreover causing no secular change such as forming a clearance between the packing and the door stop owing to the load of use for many years.例文帳に追加

防音性、気密性などを満足しつつ、開戸時に剥離音や擦れ音のような雑音が発生せず、しかも長年の使用による負荷に対して戸当たりとの隙間を生ずるような経年変化を発生することもない戸当たり用のパッキンを開発する。 - 特許庁

To obtain a heterodisperse chelating resin suitable for removal of absorption of a metal compound and having high stability at high capacity, to ensure that the resin can be used for many years with the associated repeated regeneration, and without any use of toxicologically questionable starting materials.例文帳に追加

繰り返し再生しながらそして毒性的に疑問がある出発物質を使用しないで、多年の間、樹脂を確実に使用できるようにするために、高容量で高い安定性を有する、金属化合物の吸着除去に適したヘテロ分散性キレート樹脂の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a tombstone capable of offering memorial services or thinking of the deeds for a number of the deceased and also capable of conveying their deeds to the future generations for many years by using a small space in adequite response to an extreme shortage of the graveyards and changes in social consciousness toward the memorial services.例文帳に追加

極端な墓地不足や供養に対する社会概念の変化に的確に対応し、小スペースで非常に多数の故人を供養し或いは偲ぶことを可能にすると共に、非常に多数の故人の事跡を後世に長期に亘って伝えることができる墓碑を提供する。 - 特許庁

When corporations or trade associations are fined or penalized for anti-competition violations or sued for damages, such corporations or trade associations not only suffer a financial loss but damage to their reputation they have made efforts to build over many years.例文帳に追加

企業や事業者団体が、競争法違反として、制裁金や罰金を課されたり、損害賠償訴訟を提起された場合、企業は財産的な損失を被るだけではなく、企業の長年の努力により築いた社会的評価を著しく損なうことになる。 - 経済産業省

Other than energy resources, a comparison of resources used as the main materials in Japan's industry over the past five years (January 2003 to January 2008) reveals uranium used in nuclear power plants, for example, has risen 8.62x, and the price for many other resources has risen by over 2x (see Table 3-2-1).例文帳に追加

エネルギー資源以外にも、我が国産業の主要資材となっている各資源について、この5年間の変化(2003年1月と2008年1月の価格)を比較すると、例えば、原子力発電に使用されるウランの8.62倍を始めとして、多くの資源の価格が2倍以上の急激な価格高騰を示している(第3-2-1表)。 - 経済産業省

As for his year of birth, "Mizu Kagami (The Water Mirror)" and "Ichidai Yoki" (summary chronicle of each reign) reported that he was born in 761, but in this case, Imperial Princess Inoe gave birth to him when she was 45 years old, this is questionable, so that many historians believe that the correct year of birth is 751. 例文帳に追加

生年については『水鏡』・『一代要記』の年齢記事によれば天平宝字5年となるが、この場合母親の井上内親王が45歳の時の子となってしまい年齢が不自然であるとして、正しい生年を天平勝宝3年(751年)とする歴史学者が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The four years it took for subjugation in the Ishiyama War was never too long when we consider that a forcible attack could not be carried out because the enemy owned many guns, that stratagems were ineffective on the army of Hongan-ji Temple, and that the enemy could carry army provisions into Hongan-ji Temple from the sea, which could not be blockaded. 例文帳に追加

石山合戦の際に討伐に4年もかかった件については相手に鉄砲が多く力攻めが無理であり調略のきかない本願寺勢であること、海上封鎖ができず海から本願寺に兵糧を運びこめたことを考えれば致し方ないといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But he was struck down by illness to die on March 25, 1525 at the age of 59 in the unstable conditions such as an estrangement of his vassal Kageharu NAGAO, and struggles with the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi family Tomooki UESUGI, the Gohojo clan of Sagami Province Ujitsuna HOJO and the Takeda clan of Kai Province Nobutora TAKEDA for many years. 例文帳に追加

しかし家臣長尾景春の離反、扇谷上杉家の上杉朝興や相模国後北条氏の北条氏綱、甲斐国武田氏の武田信虎などとの長年の抗争による不安定な情況の中、病に倒れ、大永5年(1525年)3月25日、59歳で死去する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This news shocked the people as an unprecedented event in the court noble society, because the head of one of Sekkan-ke (the families which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor; line of regents and advisers), which had gripped the absolute power in the Imperial Court for many years, was sent as Imperial envoys to call up SANJO, descended from the Seiga family (ranked second in the court noble families), which had no political influence until then. 例文帳に追加

これは長年朝廷の全権を握っていた摂関家が勅使となり、政治的に非力であった清華家出身の三条を出仕させるという公家社会始まって以来の出来事として衝撃を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many employees and workers used to be working hard to support the accurate train schedules before, and thus addressing the problem locally even for disruptions in the time schedule; however, due to reduction and rationalization of personnel and unification of instructions, it is getting more difficult to implement finely-tuned operation management in recent years. 例文帳に追加

-以前は、列車の正確な運行を支えるため、多くの社員・職員が努力していたほか、ダイヤが乱れた場合でも、局所的な対応で間に合う場合も多かったが、近年は要員の削減や合理化、指令の一元化などにより、きめ細かな運転整理が難しくなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For many years the government had been explaining that the works by the preventive measure and the renovation on Watarase-gawa River which was completed 1927 (see below) had solved the mining pollution, however, in the Environmental White Paper of 1993, they admitted that the then measures had been not enough to solve the fundamental issues. 例文帳に追加

政府は長年、この予防令による工事と、後述する渡良瀬川の改修工事(1927年竣工)で鉱毒問題は解決したとしてきたが、1993年、『環境白書』で、当時の対策が不十分で、根本的な解決とはならなかったことを認めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Maizuru-nishi Port (west port) was initially designated for the repatriation, later the designation was changed to Taira-sanbashi Bridge at Maizuru-higashi Port (east port) in 1947 when the repatriation from the Soviet Union started, and many repatriates arrived at Taira-sanbashi Bridge during the following thirteen years. 例文帳に追加

舞鶴港では当初は舞鶴西港が引揚げ港に指定されたが、ソ連地域からの引揚げが開始された1947年(昭和22年)には舞鶴東港の平桟橋へ変更され、その後13年にわたって多くの引揚者が祖国への一歩を平桟橋に記した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to the application of IFRS in Japan, “Opinion on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Japan (Interim Report)” was released by the Business Accounting Council in June 2009, and voluntary application of IFRS had been made possible for the business years ending on or after 31 March 2010. However, there have been many changes in the circumstances both domestically and abroad since then. 例文帳に追加

我が国における国際会計基準(IFRS)の適用に関しては、2009年6月に、企業会計審議会より「我が国における国際会計基準の取扱いについて(中間報告)」が示され、2010年3月期以降任意適用が認められたが、その後、国内外で様々な状況変化が生じている。 - 金融庁

In view of significant changes in the world economy that have taken place over many years, including the remarkable growth of emerging market economies, the IMF needs to update its governance structure so that it better reflects the current realities of the world economy.This is essential for maintaining the legitimacy of the IMF in the international community. 例文帳に追加

今日、新興市場国経済の著しい台頭など世界経済が大きく変化する中、IMFがそのガバナンス構造をこの変化を適切に対応させ、世界経済の実勢を反映するものとすることが、IMFが国際社会における正統性を維持するため不可欠であります。 - 財務省

To provide a proper space for protection against earthquakes particularly against severe ones as actually occurring in the past resulting in great damages and many victims from collapsed houses and also against severe earthquakes as forecasted in Japan and foreign countries in the near future within several years to several decades.例文帳に追加

日本や外国に於ては地震に依る被害、特に強震時に一般住宅が倒壊して多大の犠牲が出ることは過去に於ても実例があり、近未来に於ても数年〜数十年の中に強震の来襲があることが予測されているなか、適切な対応を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a triple ventilation system allowing a structural skeleton to hold yield strength for many years without causing dew condensation in the structural skeleton, accelerating heat release in an attic space in summer, and performing efficient indoor air-conditioning with ventilation.例文帳に追加

構造躯体内に結露を発生させることがなく構造躯体の永年耐力保持を図ることができ、かつ、夏期の小屋裏排熱を促し、換気を伴った室内の空調を効率よく行えるようにした三重換気システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

Thus, even if the piano is used for many years, the pedal rods 12a and 12c and the plungers 13a and 13c are held at their initial attitudes at all times, and the support shaft parts 16a and 16c which play the role of the conventional spring pins are also held at their initial attitudes at all times.例文帳に追加

従って、長年ピアノを使用したとしても、突上棒12a、12c及びプランジャ13a、13cは常に当初の姿勢が保持され、また従来のスプリングピンの役割を果たす支持軸部16a、16cも常に当初の姿勢が保持される。 - 特許庁

To provide an indication board made from pottery endowed with appreciation value which can maintain its quality for many years, and is excellent in a design and originality corresponding to a residence, etc. without spoiling a scenery, while enabling the effective utilization of an industrial waste to be intended by using a china clay and colored common bottles.例文帳に追加

長年にわたって品質の維持が可能で景観を損なうことなく住宅等に対応する意匠性、独創性に優れ、新しい発想により、陶土と色つきの雑瓶を利用することにより産業廃棄物の有効利用を図り、鑑賞価値を持たせた陶器製表示板を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a flexible handrail which is capable of moving smoothly by expansion and contraction even after exposure to rainwater or after a use for many years, which is also capable of efficiently preventing damage during an earthquake, preventing an opening from being widened, preventing the generation of noise or rattling due to a strong wind, and being easily installed.例文帳に追加

本発明は雨水や長年の使用でもスムーズに伸縮移動して、地震時には損傷するのを効率よく阻止し、かつ開口部が広くなるのを防止することができるとともに、強風でもガタつき、騒音を発生するのを阻止することができる、設置が容易な伸縮手摺を得るにある。 - 特許庁

To clean an overage existing unit bath after its use for many years, reduce its floor level difference at the entrance door to a unit bath space, decrease the height of its door sill, and replace an old door as required thereby making the unit bath more easily usable by the physically handicapped and aged persons.例文帳に追加

本発明は、既存のユニットバスの長年の使用による老朽化を綺麗にし、それに合わせドア入り口の段差を低くし、更に、ドアを載せるドア枠の高さも低くすると共にドア部分を交換して身障者や高齢者が利用し易いユニットバスを提供するものである。 - 特許庁

After working as a salesperson and writer at a major travel magazine for 10 years, Sozai Hiroba Director Junko Yokota opened a consulting business in 2005 helping Japanese inns in the prefecture to attract customers and increase customer satisfaction. Yokota says, “At that time, many of the head chefs came from outside the prefecture, so they lacked knowledge about local ingredients, and it was difficult to source local foods.” 例文帳に追加

同法人の横田純子理事長は、大手旅行情報誌で営業兼ライターとして10 年間勤務した後、2005 年に独立し、県内の旅館に対して、集客や顧客満足度を高めるためのコンサルティングを始めた。 - 経済産業省

In practice, even enterprises that have continued in business for many years tend not to remain in the same line of business. Rather, they change in size, form and industry according to constantly changing markets and other conditions, adapting their business and management to suit the environment.例文帳に追加

実際、長期にわたって存続する企業であっても、同じ事業内容で続くわけではなく、常に変化する市場等の状況に応じて、企業規模や業種・業態等を変化させる、いわば自らの経営のあり方を適合させる動きがみられる。 - 経済産業省

There are many companies affiliated to Mazda Motor Corporation in Hiroshima Prefecture; in order to respond to the increasing use of electronics in motor vehicles in recent years, the Hiroshima Industrial Promotion Organization has established the Hiroshima Center for the Advancement of Car Electronics, through which it has been undertaking research and development.例文帳に追加

広島県にはマツダ(株)の関連企業が集積しているが、近年は、自動車のカーエレクトロニクス化に対応すべく、(財)ひろしま産業振興機構が「ひろしまカーエレクトロニクス推進センター」を設置し、研究開発等に取り組んできた。 - 経済産業省

According to JBIC (2009),the most attractive country or region for business expansion from a medium-term perspective (approximately three years), was China, while India ranked second and Vietnam ranked third. From among the developed countries, the U.S. came in seventh, but it is obvious that many Japanese-owned companies, in general, find emerging economies as targets which are more attractive than developed countries.例文帳に追加

JBIC(2009)によると、中期的(今後3年程度)に有望な事業展開先国・地域の第1位は中国、第2位はインド、第3位はベトナムの順番となっており、先進国では第7位に米国が入っているものの、全体的に先進国よりも新興国を有望な事業先と見なしている企業が多い。 - 経済産業省

As noted by two of the co-sponsors of the statutory provision, conflict minerals legislation was first considered in 2008, the Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision was over a year old at the time of the letter, and many issuers have been working with various groups in developing supply chain tracing for years.例文帳に追加

同条項の共同提案者2名が述べたように、紛争鉱物に関する立法は最初2008年に検討されて、紛争鉱物法律規定は書簡の時点で1年以上経過しており、多くの発行人は様々なグループと協力して長年にわたり、サプライチェーンのトレース法を開発してきている。 - 経済産業省

(The Ability of the Elderly to Work)Looking at perceived expectations for roles of the currently-employed elderly, although many of theelderly perceive themselves as expected to utilize the skills they have cultivated in society over the years,such as provision of leadership and advice to younger employees, provision of specialized knowledge andexpertise, and frontline work utilizing experience and personal networks.例文帳に追加

また、問題として、「評価結果に対する本人の納得が得られない」と回答した企業の割合が高いが、このような問題が発生する原因の一つとして、企業が今、労働者にどのような能力、成果を求めているかを明示していないという問題があると考えられる。 - 厚生労働省

Regarding Mitsuhide's relationship with the Senshu area: a Buddhist memorial service was held for him until 1943 that involved hanging protective lanterns in Joroku Cemetery in Otori Minami-cho-3chome, Nishi Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, and a service for expressing thanks to him for promising Tokuseirei was held for many years in Toyonaka, Izumi Otsu City, Osaka Prefecture, which is now disappearing. 例文帳に追加

光秀と泉州地域との関連では、大阪府堺市西区(堺市)鳳南町3丁にある「丈六墓地」では、昭和18年頃まで加護灯篭を掲げ、光秀追善供養を、大阪府泉大津市豊中では、徳政令を約束した光秀に謝恩を表す供養を長年行なっていたが、現在では消滅している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The international community has for the past several years been working on a framework for more orderly resolution of financial crises. Following Ms. Krueger's proposal for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism (SDRM), the work on a crisis resolution framework has attracted increased attention and interest from many quarters, including from market participants. Although the proposed mechanism is unlikely to be introduced within the next few years, I think it is appropriate to continue to examine it, particularly since it would complement the informal mechanisms described below. 例文帳に追加

国際社会は、近年、このようなより秩序ある危機の解決の枠組み作りに向けた取組みを進めてきましたが、特にクルーガー副専務理事が昨年末に国家債務再編メカニズムに関する提案を行って以降、今後の危機解決のあり方がどのようにものになるのかという点について、市場参加者を含め注目と関心が一層高まっています。今後は、これまでの取組みに基づき実際の危機における秩序だった解決という成果を結実させるために行動することが重要です。 - 財務省

However, owing to the continued development of universities for many years combined with the population of 18-yearolds going into decline, it is now possible for all who wish to enter university to in fact do so, and underlying the deterioration in the employment conditions of university graduates appears to be the change in the balance of supply and demand for graduates.例文帳に追加

しかし、長年にわたって大学の整備が続けられる一方、18歳人口は減少に転じていることから、大学に入学を希望する者が全員入学できる状況が実現しようとしており、大卒者の就業状況の悪化の背景には、このような大卒人材の需給バランスの変化もあるものと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

There are some taxi companies that hire people who have a right to take a Class II driver license (who took Class I driver license three years ago or before) as aspiring drivers and have them obtain a Class II driver license (many of the major taxi companies in Tokyo run a driving school as a group company, which can offer training to obtain a Class II driver license), but the people are usually tied to the company for a few years (most of the time, the aspiring drivers are supposed to agree to a contract saying "if he/she quits the company before the training period is over, he/she must pay back the cost for obtaining the license." before they were employed, but this is not legally binding). 例文帳に追加

二種免許の取得資格がある者(普通第一種運転免許を3年以上取得している者)を教習生として雇い、二種免許を取得させる事業者もあるが(都内の大手タクシー会社では、グループに自動車教習所を持っている場合が多く、ここで二種免許取得のための教習が可能)、その場合数年(おおむね1~2年)の拘束期間が発生する(この期間を終える前に退職した場合、取得費用を返還しなければならないという契約で雇用されている場合が多い。ただし、法的な拘束力はない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a recession like this, what matters the most is to give consideration to the cash flows of financial institutions. I believe that core business should not be neglected due to having to spend many hours writing documents. As Japan has experienced ongoing peace for 65 years and economic stagnation for 20 years, the bureaucracy tends to become document-oriented. At the informal gathering with Cabinet ministers, I reported my instructions to reduce documents to be submitted by 20% to properly rectify this. I also suggested that other ministries and agencies do the same. 例文帳に追加

こんな不況の中、金融機関の資金繰りをきちっと考えるということが、一番原理原則です。とかく書類を書く時間が長くて、本業がおろそかになるとは言いませんけれども、本末転倒的に書類を書くというのはどうかと思います。やっぱり65年も平和が続いて停滞の20年といって、官僚機構というのはそうなりがちなのです。そのことをきちっと改めるためにも、私は20%書類を減らしなさいということを、閣僚懇で言わせていただきまして、ほかの省庁もそれを見習っていただいたらどうかということを言っておきました。 - 金融庁

There are several theories about his place of birth, and it is said that it was Okawara, Shinano Province (present-day Oshika-mura, Nagano Prefecture), where his father, Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, maintained a foothold for many years, or Iinoya, Totomi Province (present-day Iinoya, Inasa-cho, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture), where his father stayed for a while after being washed up on the shore of Enshu, and following that, there are several theories about his mother, assuming her to be a woman of the Chiku clan, or a daughter of Michimasa II (ancestor of Naomasa II, a senior vassal of Ieyaku TOKUGAWA). 例文帳に追加

出生地については諸説あり、父宗良親王が長年拠点とした信濃国大河原(現、長野県大鹿村)や、遠州に漂着後しばらく滞在した遠江国井伊谷(現、静岡県浜松市引佐町井伊谷)であったとされ、それに付随して母も知久氏の女や井伊道政(徳川家康の重臣井伊直政の祖)の娘と諸説ある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This Nobuyasu's incident has many unclear points including Tokuhime, who is believed to be the source of accusation, begging Ieyasu for a permission to go to see Nobunaga in the Azuchi Castle for the sake of Nobuyasu's defense (Ieyasu TOKUGAWA theory by Sohachi YAMAOKA), and in recent years there is a theory which suggests the discord between Ieyasu and Nobuyasu to be the cause. 例文帳に追加

事件の発端となったはずの徳姫自身が信康弁明の為に安土に居る信長に会いに行くと家康に頼み込んだりするなど(山岡荘八著徳川家康(山岡荘八)による説)、信康切腹事件に関しては不可解な点が多く、近年では家康と信康の対立が原因との説も出されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Three kanmon written by daihanji (judge) SANUKI no Naganao, Myobo hakase 長道 and Sadaishi (senior recorder of the left) in the so-called 'Zengai Jiken'(described in the article of December 6, 846 of "Shoku Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan Continued)), in which benkan Yoshio TOMONO accused all of his five fellow benkan of violating Soni ryo (Regulations for Monks and Nuns) in their customary public administration which had been implemented for many years, are well known. 例文帳に追加

また、『続日本後紀』承和(日本)13年11月14日(旧暦)(壬子/846年12月6日)条に引載されたいわゆる「善愷事件」(弁官伴善男が、弁官局で長年行われてきた慣例上の行政処理を僧尼令違反であるとして同僚弁官5名全員を告発した事件)における大判事讃岐永直・明法博士御輔長道・左大史川枯勝成による3通の勘文が知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A three-dimensional structure of a shape of flower formed only by cutting and bending a piece of paper applying paper folding and paper cutting existing in Japan for many years and having a dish-like recess for dropping the perfume or aroma essence in the center part is made, so as to produce an aromatic device which is simple and has beautiful appearance suited to the mood of the user.例文帳に追加

日本に古くからある折り紙と切り紙を応用し、1枚の紙を切って曲げるだけで形成される立体的な花形状で、中心部に香水やアロマエッセンスを垂らす皿状のへこみを持つ構造体とすることで、その時の気分に合わせ、手軽で見た目も美しい芳香器とすることができる。 - 特許庁

To provide an oily ink composition using an organic solvent which prevents the corrosion of a nozzle plate, which has been a quality problem for many years, improves the storage stability of ink, secures the reliability of a printer including stable ink discharge after being left to stand for a long time, and can be used outdoors.例文帳に追加

有機溶媒を用いた油性インク組成物において、長年の品質課題であったノズルプレートの腐食を防止すると共に、インクの保存安定性の改善もはかり、長期間の放置後でも安定したインク吐出が得られるなどのプリンタ信頼性を確保できる、屋外の使用の環境に堪えられる油性インク組成物を提供する。 - 特許庁


To provide a partition wall between lightweight steel frames, capable of driving a stud through accurately irrespective of the presence of a thick elastic buffer material between an upper part runner and an upper end of the stud, forming a wall substrate for forming a wall face satisfactorily, and preventing the occurrence of creaking sound (scratching sound) due to elastic deformation of the elastic buffer material for many years.例文帳に追加

上部ランナーとスタッド上端部の間に厚みのある弾性緩衝材を介在させるにもかかわらず、スタッドの通りが正確で、壁面を成立させるための壁下地を形成でき、弾性緩衝材の弾性変形によって、軋み音(擦過音)の発生を長年月にわたって防止できるようにした軽量鉄骨間仕切り壁を提供する。 - 特許庁


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