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he hadの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12055


He demonstrated great ability in reconstructing the domain's financial situation that had deteriorated as a result of factors such as 100,000 ryo borrowed from the Edo Bakufu to pay the funeral expenses of his father and elder brother, taxes imposed on borrowing money from vassals, the suspension of domain bills, and relief costs for natural disasters that caused great damage throughout the domain. 例文帳に追加

2人の兄と父の葬儀費用や江戸幕府から借用していた10万両の返済、家中への差上金の賦課、藩札の停止、藩内各地で甚大な被害を発生させていた災害の復旧費などで悪化していた藩財政の再建に手腕を発揮する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is suggested that what claimed his life, along with his bad teeth that weakened his stamina and heart failure from beriberi, were the conflicts in diagnosis between doctors (traditional Chinese medicine doctors, such as Takashina, diagnosed him with beriberi but western medical doctors, such as those from the bakufu, insisted he had rheumatism). 例文帳に追加

その虫歯が家茂の体力を弱め、脚気衝心、さらには医師間の診断内容の相違(高階ら漢方の典医は脚気との診断を下したが、西洋医の幕府奥医師たちはこれをリウマチだとして譲らなかった)も加わり、家茂の命を奪ったのではないか、と指摘している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And Naomasa, who had now become Taishin (great feudal lord), blatantly said, "I managed to become Taishin because I served as well as a fine horse, even though you treated me like a fool, calling me brat or something, when the lord gave me that famous horse. It was you who were blind," when he met Shigetsugu. 例文帳に追加

そして、大身になった直政は重次と顔を合わせた時、「昔、殿が名馬を下さった時に子倅だの何だのと馬鹿になされましたが、このような大身になれたのは、名馬に違わぬ働きをしたからでございます。目が暗かったのは本多殿の方でありましたな」と言い放った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When he was adopted, Hikoemon KODA accompanied him as Denyaku (an adviser assigned directly by the shogun) and samurai who had been Nobunaga's vassals such as Taroemon OKAMOTO, Sensai SAKA, Gonemon MIYAKE, Nuinosuke SAKAGUCHI, Sanemon YAMASHITA, Kichizaemon SUEMATSU, TACHIKI and KAWAMURA came to serve Nobutaka. 例文帳に追加

養子入りに際しては幸田彦右衛門が傳役として付けられ、信長家臣から岡本太郎右衛門、坂仙斎、三宅権右衛門、坂口縫殿助、山下三右衛門、末松吉左衛門、立木、河村以下の侍が信孝付きとして付けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshikage welcomed Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, a younger brother of Yoshiteru, to Ichijodani, Echizen Province and protected him, but since he wasn't interested in the operation of advancing to the capital (Kyoto City) as Yoshiaki had hoped, Yoshiaki left Echizen Province for Nobunaga ODA who was building on the momentum of having Mino Province under control. 例文帳に追加

義景は義輝の弟・足利義昭(義秋)を越前一乗谷に迎えて保護したが、義昭が望む上洛戦には冷淡であったため、義昭は、美濃国を支配下において勢いに乗る織田信長を頼って越前から去ってしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At present, an image of a wimpy well-bred boy who was small in statute had gone around, but it has been passed on that, in fact, he was an extraordinary hulk who was 197cm high and weighed approximately 161kg (Image-wise, this is a body frame similar to the present sumo wrestler, Takanonami.) 例文帳に追加

現在、一部で小柄で文弱なお坊ちゃまの少年というイメージが出回っているが、実際は身長6尺5寸(約197cm)、体重43貫(約161kg)の並外れた巨漢であったと伝わる(イメージ的には、現代の大相撲力士・貴ノ浪とほぼ同格の体格である)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, as his grandfather Hakusen had died of disease the previous year at Tsuchiyama-juku Station on the Tokaido road, his grandmother was particularly delighted with Ogai's birth, looking at him as reincarnation of his grandfather, and it is said that later, whenever he safely came back to Japan from his study abroad or the front she would shed silent tears. 例文帳に追加

また前年、祖父の白仙が東海道の土山宿で病死したため、とくに祖母は鴎外を白仙の生まれ変わりといって喜び、後年、鴎外が留学と出征から無事帰国するたびに、はらはらと涙を落としたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soon after Tsunayoshi was inaugurated as shogun, he summoned the parties involved in the Echizen Matsudaira family feud, Mimasaka OGURI and Okura NAGAMI, and although the dispute had already been settled during the rule of the fourth shogun, Ietsuna, and Tsunayoshi reversed Ietsuna's verdict. 例文帳に追加

将軍職に就いて、まだ日も浅い頃、4代将軍家綱の治世に決着がついていた越前松平家のお家騒動について、当事者の小栗美作と永見大蔵を呼び寄せた上で綱吉自身が家綱の決定を覆す採決をした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunayoshi had no male child either, but because Tsunayoshi's son-in-law Tsunanori TOKUGAWA was among the leading candidates as heir, he changed his name to Ienobu as heir to the shogun after Tsunanori's death and took residence in the western citadel of Edo-jo Castle in December 31, 1704, at age 43. 例文帳に追加

綱吉にも世嗣がいなかったが、綱吉娘婿の徳川綱教も後継候補だったため、綱教の死後、将軍世嗣として「家宣」と改名して江戸城西の丸に入ったのは宝永元年12月5日(旧暦)(1704年12月31日)、家宣が43歳の時だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said that he had an autocratic personality and didn't care about others' feelings, and the records about his behaviors as the autocratic monarch remained, such as stealing his vassal's wife (the wife of Chikazane ICHIMADA), divorcing her over Christianity, and indulging in drinking, which caused rebellions of his vassals and family. 例文帳に追加

他人の気持ちを考えない横暴な性格と伝えられており、家臣の妻(一萬田親実の妻)を略奪したり、キリスト教をめぐって妻と離婚したり、酒色に耽るなど横暴な君主としての記録も残っており、それが家臣や一族の反乱を引き起こした要因となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It can be said that this biggest failure of Yoritomo, who had always been a severe politician, was caused by his feeling as a father or showed his limit that he could not put away a hope to become a maternal relative by making his daughter an empress as a descendant of nobles living in the capital. 例文帳に追加

それまで常に冷徹な政治家であった頼朝の、この最大の失策は父親としての思いからとも、娘を天皇の后に立て自らが外戚になるという、中央貴族の末裔としての意識を捨てきれなかった頼朝の限界とも言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Fuhito, like his father, had a close relationship with the Omi Imperial Court, he, not having taken any side during the Jinshin War (a war over succession to the imperial throne between the Prince Otomo and the Prince Oama) because of his age (13th year), did not receive any punishment from the Omi Imperial Court (the Prince Otomo) or any reward from the opposing the Tenmu Imperial Court (the Prince Oama). 例文帳に追加

父の生前の関係から、近江朝に近い立場にいたが、壬申の乱の時は、数えで13歳であったために何の関与もせず、近江朝に対する処罰の対象にも天武天皇朝に対する功績の対象にも入らなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He assumed a post of roju (member of shogun's council of elders) in 1610 and became an influential political person under the second shogun, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, and conflicted with a father and son of Masanobu HONDA and Masazumi HONDA who were senior vassals of Ieyasu in the dual political system where Ieyasu, Ogosho (retired shogun), still had an influential power in Sunpu. 例文帳に追加

慶長15年(1610年)には老中に就任し、第2代将軍・徳川秀忠の政権の有力者となり、大御所となった家康が駿府で影響力を行使する二元政治の中、家康重臣である本多正信・本多正純父子と対立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the claim that Nobumori ran away without helping his ally at the Battle of Mikatagahara, the circumstantial judgment of Ieyasu, who decided to fight in an open field under those circumstances, was more at fault (TOKUGAWA's army had enough forces for besiegement if ODA's reinforcements were counted, so there was a high probability of not losing the battle if he decided to be besieged). 例文帳に追加

三方ヶ原の戦で味方を見殺しにした点についてはむしろあの状況で野戦に打って出た家康の状況判断に非がある(徳川軍は織田の援軍を含めれば籠城に必要な兵力をそろえていたため、籠城すれば敗戦とならなかった可能性が高い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also tried to restore the relationship with Russia, as Russia had still maintained its influence in Northern Manchuria, by importing the rails of the South Manchuria Railways from Russia, and by setting up a meeting between Hirobumi ITO and Russian political executives, (but this meeting was not realized because Ito was assassinated in Harbin). 例文帳に追加

また北満州に勢力を未だ確保していたロシアとの関係修復にも尽力し、満鉄のレールをロシアから輸入したり伊藤博文とロシア側要路者との会談も企図している(ただしこの会談は伊藤がハルビンで暗殺されたために実現しなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyasu had a strong armed group, called Kikyo ikki (uprising) from the Toki family and always made military contributions and supported for Takauji ASHIKAGA, the Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") during the Kanno Disturbance, so he was awarded Shugoshiki (post of provincial constable) of Owari Province in 1352. 例文帳に追加

頼康は「桔梗一揆」と呼ばれる土岐氏一族の強力な武士団を有しており、観応の擾乱では征夷大将軍足利尊氏を常に支持して武功があり、その功績によって観応2年(1352年)に尾張国守護職を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April, 1880, in the forth Aikokusha meeting, a resolution to appeal the government to establish the National Diet had passed, and Kenkichi KATAOKA and he submitted a petition asking for an establishment of the National Diet to Daijokan (Grand Council of State) and Genroin (the Chamber of Elders), on behalf of more than 87000 signatures from all over the country, but it was turned down. 例文帳に追加

明治13年(1880年)4月第4回愛国社大会は国会開設を政府に訴えることを決議し、片岡健吉とともに、全国から集まった8万7000名余りの署名を代表して太政官と元老院(日本)に国会開設の請願を提出したが、却下される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was to be killed as the heir of an enemy warlord, but then allowed to survive because his mother came to remarry KIYOHARA no Takesada, the first son of warlord KIYOHARA no Takenori who had destroyed the Abe clan, and Kiyohira, as her child, was also adopted by KIYOHARA no Takesada. 例文帳に追加

敵将の嫡男であったので本来は処刑される運命にあったが、母が安倍氏を滅ぼした敵将である清原武則の長男清原武貞に再嫁することになって危うく難をのがれ、連れ子の清衡も清原武貞の養子となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of OKUBO, when OKUMA and ITO held the reins of government, GO was finally reevaluated and held the position of Okura no taifu (senior assistant minister of the Ministry of Treasury; afterwards, it was renamed Vice-Minister of Finance); however, the reason why he stayed in governmental official responsible for practical works was said to be because his misfortunate times under the Okubo administration had a lingering effect. 例文帳に追加

大久保の没後、大隈や伊藤が政権の中枢に立つようになると漸く再評価されて大蔵大輔(後に初代大蔵次官と改称)を務めたが、実務官僚の地位に留まった背景には大久保政権下の不遇時代が尾を引いたからと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In December 7, 1905, Iwao triumphantly returned to his residence at Aoyama (Harajuku) in Tokyo at last, and Kashiwa, his son, asked him 'what was the most difficult thing during the war as the commander in chief?'; he replied that 'I had to pretend not knowing but I knew, to make young soldiers not worry.' 例文帳に追加

明治38年(1905年)12月7日にようやく東京青山(原宿)の私邸に凱旋帰国した大山に対し、息子の柏が「戦争中、総司令官として一番苦しかったことは何か」と問うたのに対し、「若い者を心配させまいとして、知っていることも知らん顔をしなければならなかった」ことを挙げている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that his father gave the family estate to Ujiyasu, who was his fifth son, instead of Ujiyasu's older brothers who had all reached adulthood, because the father thought the government would possibly not be apt to confiscate the family estate from the little child Ujisaki even if he was defeated to death in the battle. 例文帳に追加

五男である氏泰に家督を譲ったのは、当時成人していた四男までの息子より、幼少の氏泰に譲っておけば、仮に自身が敗死してもその後、幕府から咎められて取り潰される可能性は低いであろうと考えたためだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Motouji died in 1367, and a year later when Noriaki proceeded to the capital, the Musashi hei ikki Riot led by Naoshige KAWAGOE took place; Noriaki dealt with the riot in a very political way, i.e., he helped Tomofusa UESUGI of Inukake-Uesugi family, who had taken over Kanto Kanrei, take off to Kawagoe-jo Castle for suppression having young Ujimitsu ASHIKAGA as a nominal leader. 例文帳に追加

1367年に基氏が死去、翌年、憲顕が上洛した隙に蜂起した河越直重らの武蔵平一揆武蔵平一揆の乱に対しては政治工作で対抗、関東管領を継いだ犬懸上杉家上杉朝房が幼少の足利氏満を擁して川越城に出陣し鎮圧するのを助けた(1368年)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Uesugi Nenpu" (Uesugi's chronological record), it was a marriage ordered by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun): 'On April 7, 1658, Hyobu CHISAKA told (Tsunakatsu) that he had been ordered to marry Sanhime to Kozuke no Suke KIRA by Masayuki HOSHINA in front of the assembled company such as the roju (senior councilor) Tadakiyo SAKAI, Nobutsuna MATSUDAIRA and Tadaaki ABE. 例文帳に追加

『上杉年譜』は「万治元年3月5日、柳営において老中酒井忠清・松平信綱・阿部忠秋列座のなか、保科正之から三姫を吉良上野介へ嫁がせるべき旨を命じられたことを千坂兵部が(綱勝に)言上した」と幕命による婚儀と記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kira clan was related to the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi clan by old marriage connections, and he had two sons and four daughters (the eldest son Tsunanori UESUGI, the second son Saburo KIRA, the eldest daughter Tsuruhime, the second daughter Furihime, the third daughter Akurihime, and the fourth daughter Kikuhime) (however, the second son Saburo and the second daughter Furihime died young). 例文帳に追加

また、吉良氏が古くからの婚姻関係によって扇谷上杉氏の血を引いており、二男四女(長男上杉綱憲、次男吉良三郎、長女鶴姫、次女振姫、三女阿久利姫、四女菊姫)に恵まれた(ただし次男・三郎と次女・振姫は夭折)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to 'A Record by Okado,' which was written by Shigetomo OKADO, a metsuke who had examined ASANO, KIRA answered, 'I haven't done anything to deserve his enmity, and takumi-no-kami (the head of the Bureau of Skilled Artisans) seems to have just become insane; besides, I'm so old that I don't remember why he could have hard feelings against me.' 例文帳に追加

浅野を取り調べた目付多門重共の「多門筆記」によると、吉良は「拙者何の恨うけ候覚えこれ無く、全く内匠頭乱心と相見へ申し候。且つ老体の事ゆえ何を恨み申し候や万々覚えこれ無き由」と答えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1905, he founded 'Kokka Shakaito,' or the National Socialist Party, with Teikichi SHIBA, Daihachiro NAKAMURA and others, and in the party's manifesto, they said that the members of the Imperial Family in ancient times had virtually practiced socialism, and that "We must stop wasting government expenses using appropriate assistance from the Imperial family." 例文帳に追加

明治38年8月には、斯波貞吉、中村大八郎らと「国家社会党」を創立し、その宣言書には、古代における我国の皇室が或る意味における社会主義の実行者であると説き、「我国民は宜しく皇室の力に依りて官費の専横を抑制すべし」と論じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An incident showing Sanetomo's favor of Shigetane was written in "Azuma Kagami" (the Mirror of the East) that in November, 1206, Sanetomo sent a waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables) to Shigetane to urge him to return to Kamakura, because he had gone to To estate in Shimousa Province (currently Tonosho-machi Town in Chiba Prefecture) and stayed there for a long time. 例文帳に追加

実朝の重胤の寵愛振りを示す出来事として『吾妻鏡』では建永元年(1206年)11月に、重胤が下総国の東荘(現在の千葉県東庄町)に帰ってしまい、なかなか帰ってこないので重胤に和歌を送って帰国を促した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Shinsengumi's promotion to Shogun's retainer was determined in July 1867, he decided to break away from the Shinsengumi with other members including Shimenosuke SANO, Tsukasa IBARAKI and Juro TOMIKAWA who had strongly believed the idea of Sonno Joi (reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners), and asked them to join Goryo-eji (guards of Imperial mausoleums) formed by Ito who also separated from the Shinsengumi, however his request was turned down. 例文帳に追加

慶応3年6月に新選組の幕臣取り立てが決定すると、尊皇攘夷思想の強かった佐野七五三之助・茨木司・富川十郎らと共に脱退を決意して、伊東らが新選組と分離して結成していた御陵衛士への入隊を希望するが拒否されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 760, Nakamaro became Taishi (Grand Minister) and also Asakari, who was the Mutsu Chinju Shogun, was praised for his performance in Mutsu Province (He had constructed Okachinoki Castle without a blow by converting the Araemishi people to the Imperial system) and was given the position of Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade). 例文帳に追加

天平宝字4年(760年)仲麻呂は太師(太政大臣)となり、陸奥守兼鎮守将軍であった朝狩も陸奥国での功績(荒蝦夷を導いて天皇に順化させ、無血で雄勝城を完成させた)が認められ、従四位下に叙される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He had children including Mitsutsune WAKEBE (the first son), Chosen (澄) MITSUBUCHI (the second son), Choei (澄盈) MITSUBUCHI (the third son), Seyakuin Soken (施薬) (the fourth son), Yoshinaga CHUJO (the fifth son), Nagaaki () WAKEBE (the sixth), a daughter (lawful wife of Katafusa MATSUDAIRA of Echizen), a daughter (wife of Genju (玄寿) KADOKURA), a daughter (wife of Hideyuki () NAGAOKA), and a daughter (wife of Tadahide () TSUNEKAWA). 例文帳に追加

子に分部光庸(長男)、三淵澄鮮(次男)、三淵澄盈(三男)、施薬院宗顕(四男)、中條康永(五男)、分部命誠(六男)、娘(越前松平堅房正室)、娘(角倉玄寿室)、娘(長岡栄之室)、娘(恒川忠栄室)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ornamental pieces he made were mainly mitokoromono (three attachments for a Japanese sword) i. e., kozuka (hilt of a small sword or the small sword itself), kogai (a metal rod attached to a sword sheath), and menuki (a hilt ornament); there were many pieces that had thick relief engraving on the underdrawing painted by painters, such as Motonobu KANO; the patterns, such as a dragon or a lion, drawn by such painters were engraved on the metal, such as gold or copper. 例文帳に追加

作品は、小柄(こづか)、笄(こうがい)、目貫(めぬき)の三所物(みところもの)が主で、金や赤銅の地金(じがね)に龍・獅子などの文様を絵師狩野元信の下絵により高肉彫で表したものが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, the "Nihon Ryoiki" includes many narratives about lay priests known as shido-so (individuals calling themselves priests without gaining approval from the provincial authorities), and Kyokai himself had a wife and children and owned a horse, thus living a life as part layman and part priest, and therefore, one theory has it that at some later stage as a shido-so he entered the Buddhist priesthood. 例文帳に追加

また霊異記には私度僧(国の許可を得ず僧を称したもの)の説話が多いことや彼自身も妻子や馬を持つなど半僧半俗の生活を営んでいたことから、私度僧もしくはある時期までは私度僧で遅くに得度を受けたとする説が出されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since Hironori's innocence was proved later, Yoshioki spared no pains to repair relations with the Naito family: for example, he took a Hironori's daughter for his lawful wife, and let Okimori NAITO, a son of Hiroharu NAITO who had succeeded as the head of the Naito family after Hironori's death, marry to another Hironori's daughter. 例文帳に追加

のちに弘矩が無実であることが判明したため、義興は弘矩の娘を正室に迎えるとともに、弘矩の死後家督を継いだ弘春の嫡子興盛に弘矩の娘をめあわさせるなど、弘矩の名誉回復と内藤氏との関係修復に腐心した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Subsequently among people in the political and business world, an idea of having Karigane to play games was arranged, and on March, 1920, as the auspices of Moritatsu HOSOKAWA, he played a match with 13 uchikake (intermissions) against Shuya, who had been ranked as a meijin (Go) in 1914, and the match was finished on January 30, the following year, resulting in Karigane's win (sente or initiative move) by 6 moku (points). 例文帳に追加

その後政財界有力者の間で雁金に打たせようという相談がまとまり、1920年3月、細川護立の催しで、1914年に名人(囲碁)就位していた秀哉と対戦、13回打掛けで翌年1月30日終局、雁金(先)6目勝。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Umako had died, his son SOGA no Emishi became a minister and led the imperial court; at the same time, Marise enlarged his political power as a member of a powerful family originated from the same Soga clan as Emishi; therefore, gradually he came into serious antagonism with Emishi not only in the Soga clan but also in the imperial court. 例文帳に追加

馬子の死後は、子の蘇我蝦夷が大臣を継いで朝政を主導するが、摩理勢も蘇我氏族内の有力一門として発言力を保ち、蘇我氏内部においても朝廷政治においても蝦夷の対抗勢力となり、次第に対立を深めていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He moved from Kyoto to Edo, together with a Chinese medicine doctor Tomohisa HASEGAWA, a Chinese medicine doctor Tomoharu KIMURA who was later adopted into Tomohisa by the marriage with his daughter and became a doctor of the Ogino Yamanaka Domain in 1853, and Eijiro TAKAHASHI who was later adopted into the Yamagishi family which had been running Kagaya (the master was known as Kagakyu), a wholesaler of glass and eyeglasses in Toriabura-cho, Nihonbashi. 例文帳に追加

漢方医長谷川友尚、漢方医木村友春(後に長谷川友尚の娘と結婚、友尚の養子となり、その後、嘉永6年(1853年)荻野山中藩医となる)、高橋栄次郎(後に日本橋通油町の硝子・眼鏡問屋加賀屋(加賀久)を営む山岸家の養子となる)とともに、京都から上京。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Mitsuhira, who lived in Kyoto, had even his home confiscated and retired to seclusion at Mt. Koya-zan; Akihide was ordered by Yoshinori to travel to the capital, and as he arrived at Owari with his 9-year-old grandchild was stopped by the provincial governor Kageyu ODA and forced to commit suicide at Tokimune's dojo. 例文帳に追加

その上、京都にいた満平は邸宅まで没収され高野山へ遁世し、詮秀は義教から上洛を命ぜられたため、9歳の孫を連れて尾張まで来たところを守護代・織田勘解由に止められ、時宗の道場で自害させられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1568, Terutora attacked Matsukura-jo Castle (Ecchu Province) and Moriyama-jo Castle (Ecchu Province) to suppress an uprising of the Ikko sect followers in Ecchu Province caused by Yasutane SHIINA who contracted with Shingen TAKEDA, but he returned to Echigo Province in June 1568 due to a rebellion caused by his senior vassal, Shigenaga HONJO, who had also contracted with Shingen. 例文帳に追加

永禄11年(1568年)、越中の一向一揆と椎名康胤が武田信玄と通じたため、越中を制圧するために松倉城(越中国)・守山城(越中国)を攻撃したが、5月に信玄と通じた重臣の本庄繁長の謀反のため越後に戻った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to directly govern places formerly owned by Baekje or Goguryeo, Prefecture (prefectural capital was present-day Naju City, South Cholla Province) was established in the southwestern part of Baekje in the same way that he had established Prefecture (prefectural capital was Fuyu County, South Chungcheong Province now) in the old capital Sabi, Baekje. 例文帳に追加

百済・高句麗の故地を直接統治していくことについて、百済の旧都泗沘に所夫里州(州治は現在の忠清南道扶余郡)を置いたように、百済の南西部には発羅州(州治は現在の全羅南道羅州市)を置いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanesuke, a son of TAIRA no Hidemoto who was Daigen (inspector at the third highest rank of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo period) in Dazai-fu (local government office in Kyushu region) and who had a family lineage in the Taira family, was conferred Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), governed a land in Kanzaki, Hizen Province, and called himself Kanzaki; his son Kaneshige occupied Takae-go, Satsuma County, and Akunein, both of which he held a position of inshi (official of the In no cho, or Retired Emperor's Office). 例文帳に追加

平家の流れをくむ大宰大監平秀基の子の兼輔は、従五位下に任じ肥前国神崎の庄を領し、神崎氏を名のり、その子の兼重は薩摩郡高江郷と莫祢院を併領し、両院の院司職を兼ねる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiko, on one hand, devoted himself to dissemination of Nichiren's teachings that he had been taught directly by word of mouth, and on the other hand, greatly contributed to development of his temples by inviting Tanesada CHIBA, who was the former employer of Nichijo and was a potential successor to head of the Chiba clan, to an office of Zoku betto (lay administrator) for the purposes of increasing branch temples in number based on Tanesada's donation of plentiful landholdings in Sendasho, Shimousa Province, and stabilizing the finance of his temples. 例文帳に追加

日高は日蓮面授の弟子としてその教えを広める事に力を尽くす一方、日常の旧主であり、千葉氏当主の継承権のある千葉胤貞を俗別当に迎えて下総国千田荘の多くの土地の寄進を受けて末寺の拡大と寺院財政の安定化を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A historical fact was written in the article of 1575, and it states that he gave henki to Tokichiro, who called himself Motoyoshi then, and had him call himself Hideyoshi; The fact was also told by Hideyoshi himself in the article of 1582 (17th and 18th volumes of "Kogen Bukan" [literally, the Directories of Bakufu Officialdom of the Minamoto Clan of Omi Province; and this book relates the time of the last four generations of the Sasaki Rokkaku clan in the form of a diary]). 例文帳に追加

また当時元吉と名乗っていた藤吉郎に偏諱を与えて秀吉と名乗らせた事跡が天正三年の項目に書かれ、天正十年の項目では秀吉の口から語られている(『江源武鑑』巻十七、巻十八)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is unknown whether the tradition is correct or not, however, if true, the completion of the Mikomotoshima Lighthouse was in 1870 and Seisuke OGAWA's works at the age of 34, 36, and 37 were not identified because he had been working to build the lighthouse. 例文帳に追加

この伝承の可否は確認できないが、伝承を信じるならば、神子元島灯台の完成は明治3年(1870年)であり、現在、小川清助の34歳、36歳、37歳の作品が確認されていないのは、灯台建造に携わっていたためとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1868, while marching his troops as the counselor of Tosando-Road spearhead government-general of the new government, he changed his family name back to Itagaki, the one his ancestors had proclaimed, as February 14, the day they arrived in Ogaki in Mino Province just before seizing Kofu Castle in a shogunal demesne, coincidently marked the 320th anniversary of the death of Nobukata ITAGAKI. 例文帳に追加

慶応4年(1868年)新政府東山道先鋒総督府参謀として進軍していた退助は、天領(旧幕府領)の甲府城に掌握を目前に、美濃国大垣に着いた2月14日が、板垣信方の没後320年にあたるため、先祖の旧姓とする板垣姓に改姓した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Informed that Prince Mochihito had taken refuge in Nara and that it was uncertain whether he was dead or alive, TAIRA no Shigehira and Koremori attempted to invade Nanto, or Nara, but Tadakiyo stopped them, saying, 'thought is needed as to heading for Nanto in the evening: the young never know the details of military operations,' according to "Sankaiki," a diary of Tadachika NAKAYAMA. 例文帳に追加

以仁王の生死は不明で奈良に逃げ込んだという情報も流れたことから、平重衡・維盛は南都に攻め込もうとするが、忠清は「晩に臨みて南都に着くの条、思慮あるべし、若き人々は軍陣の子細を知らず」(『山槐記』)と制止した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the twelfth month of 1209, an incident occurred in which he had a dispute with TACHIBANA no Kiminari, a gokenin (shogunal retainer) who was staying at an lodging directly opposite his own, over his wife; this dispute threatened to escalate into a duel, but the issue was resolved with the help of a mediator, Tokifusa HOJO who was sent by order of the Seii taishogun (literally, the "great general who subdues the barbarians") MINAMOTO no Sanetomo.例文帳に追加

承元3年(1209年)12月、宿所を相対する御家人橘公業と妻女を巡った争論から合戦へと発展しかけ、征夷大将軍源実朝の命によって駆け付けた北条時房の仲介により事を収めるという騒ぎがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, from 1199 to about 1204, Tomonari fortified a mountain castle to replace the Gozenbara-jo Castle, a Hirajiro (a castle built on flatland), which was a castle of a daimyo (feudal lord) of Shionoya clan of the time and named it Kawasaki Castle, so it is considered that he had already succeeded to Shionoya clan at that time. 例文帳に追加

しかし、正治元年(1199年)から建仁4年(1204年)頃にかけて、朝業は当時塩谷氏が拠城としていた平城の御前原城に替わる山城を築城して川崎城としていることから、この頃には塩谷氏を継いでいたと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Two years later, in 1883, since Soseki had to study English to prepare for the entrance examination of Daigaku Yobimon (later, daiichi kotogakko), he entered Eigakujuku Seiritsugakusha (which has no connection with present Seiritsugakuen senior high school) at Surugadai in Kanda and distinguished himself. 例文帳に追加

2年後の明治16年(1883年)、大学予備門(のちの第一高等学校(旧制))を受験するには英語が必須であったため神田駿河台の英学塾成立学舎(現在の成立学園高等学校とは無関係)に入学し、頭角をあらわした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aizan, who later achieved great success as a journalist and historian, realized that what his grandfather had said was due to his anxiety for his grandson and agonized over his own attitude, so he displayed portraits of three generations, Yoshitsugu, Yukitaka and Akitsune YAMAJI, and admonished younger people that they should see their acheivement as a model to be followed. 例文帳に追加

後にジャーナリスト・歴史家として大成した愛山はこの時の祖父の言が、孫の将来を憂慮した言葉であったと気づいて悔やみ、家に山路徳風・諧孝、そして彰常の3代の肖像画を掲げて子弟に祖父らの業績を鑑にする様に諭したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since Sadanobu KANO, head of the Kano family, did not have a child when he fell into critical condition in 1623, Naganobu KANO and Yoshinobu KANO, two major figures in the family, had discussions in which they decided to adopt Yasunobu, then 10 years old, as Sadanobu's child and have him take over the Soryo family (the head family). 例文帳に追加

元和9年(1623年)危篤に陥った宗家当主の狩野貞信には子供がいなかったため、一門の重鎮に当たる狩野長信と狩野吉信の話し合いの結果、当時10歳であった安信を貞信の養子として惣領家を嗣ぐことが決められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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