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East Asia has seen the emergence of not only numerous production hubs, but also steady progress with reforms toward the formation of R&D hubs.例文帳に追加

現在東アジア域内では、数多くの生産拠点が生まれてきているばかりか、研究開発拠点の形成に向けた改革も次々と進められつつある。 - 経済産業省

In an industrial cluster, local SMEs and venture companies form a human network with universities, research institutes, financial institutions, etc., and sow the seeds of innovation that will create a succession of new businesses and new industries.例文帳に追加

地域の中堅・中小企業、ベンチャー企業が大学、研究機関、金融機関等と人的なネットワークを形成し、新事業・新産業が次々と創出されるようなイノベーションの苗床を整備している。 - 経済産業省

It is hoped that these initiatives will lead to the development of new business and startups propelled bygreen innovation” from the SME sector. 例文帳に追加

このような新たな取組において、中小企業発のグリーン・イノベーション等が次々と起こること等により、新事業展開や創業が行われることが期待される。 - 経済産業省

In 2003, his professional alcohol measurer was adopted by a major bus service operator, and since then it has continued to spread through the transport industry, to taxis, trucks, and other transportation companies.例文帳に追加

2003年、業務用アルコール測定器は大手バス会社に採用され、その後、タクシー会社、トラック運送会社など、次々と運送業界に広がっていった。 - 経済産業省


Mr. Sugimoto saysAt first I thought that professional alcohol measurers were probably a niche market with only a limited number of customers, but I was surprised that a series of product ideas are being brought by all kinds of industry.”例文帳に追加

杉本社長は、「当初、業務用アルコール測定器は顧客の限られたニッチ市場だろう思っていましたが、各分野から次々と持ち込まれる商品化のアイディアに驚いています。」と話す。 - 経済産業省


Since the founding of the TSE Mothers market in 1999, stock exchanges have established new markets with relaxed standards for listing, which has simplified fundraising from markets through public stock offerings.例文帳に追加

1999年に東証マザーズが創設されて以来、各取引所が公開基準を緩和した新興市場を次々と設立し、株式公開による市場からの資金調達は以前より容易になった。 - 経済産業省

The industrial cluster plans inaugurated in 2001 create a network between regional second-tier enterprises, SMEs, universities, and public experimental and research institutes, etc., and have formed a nurturing ground for innovations that produce a series of new projects.例文帳に追加

平成13年度から開始した産業クラスター計画においては、地域の中堅・中小企業、大学、公的研究機関等がネットワークを形成し、新事業が次々と生み出されるようなイノベーションの苗床を整備している。 - 経済産業省

The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators, well dressed and ill--gentlemen, ostlers, and servant-maids--joined in a general shriek of "Fire!" 例文帳に追加

私の口から出た言葉は、群衆という群衆、紳士、馬番、女中、身なりのいいのも悪いのも、次々と飛び火し、皆が「火事だ!」と金切り声をあげるようになった。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『ボヘミアの醜聞』

The raisins and almonds and figs and apples and oranges and chocolates and sweets were now passed about the table and Aunt Julia invited all the guests to have either port or sherry. 例文帳に追加

今度はレーズンとアーモンドとイチジクとリンゴとオレンジとチョコレートとキャンディーがテーブルのあちこちへ次々と回され、ジュリア叔母は客全員にポートワインかシェリー酒はいかがと勧めた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』


Mrs. Kearney said nothing, but, as the mediocre items followed one another on the platform and the few people in the hall grew fewer and fewer, she began to regret that she had put herself to any expense for such a concert. 例文帳に追加

カーニー夫人は何も言わなかった、が、平凡な演目が次々と演壇に上がり、ホールの数少ない人々がますます少なくなると、そんなコンサートに少しでも散財したことを彼女は後悔し始めた。 - James Joyce『母親』


By this, Yashotara (Yashodhara), Shaka's ex-wife, Bhadraa-Kapilaanii, ex-wife of Daikasho (Mahakasyapa), and Sama (Ksemaa) who was the princess of Bimbisara, Sister Uppalavanna and others became priestesses one after another and established a priestess group. 例文帳に追加

これにより釈迦の元妻である耶輸陀羅(やしょたら、ヤソーダラー)、大迦葉のかつての妻である妙賢(バドラー・カピラーニ)、ビンビサーラ王の妃であった差摩(さま、ケーマ)、蓮華色比丘尼(ウッパラヴァンナー)など次々と出家し尼僧集団が形成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kongocho-kyo (Diamond Peak Sutra) is a general term for assorted 'Kongocho-kyo' texts that were compiled one after another by a group called "Shoe Kongocho-kyo" (sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgrahaṃ nāma mahānasūtraṃ, or "Mahayana Sutra Named as a Collection of All the Truth of Nyorai," abbreviated as "Shinjitsu Sho-gyo"). 例文帳に追加

「金剛頂経」(こんごうちょうきょう)は、『初会金剛頂経』(sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgrahaṃnāmamahāyānasūtraṃ『一切如来の真実を集めたものと名付ける大乗経典』略して『真実摂経』ともいう)を編纂したグループが次々と生み出していった「金剛頂経」系テキストの総称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is an oral story in an old commentary ("Genchu saihisho") that it was the death of Hikaru Genji that was written about in this chapter, and that the chapter was sealed and burned by the order of the emperor at that time because people who read it became tired of life and entered into Buddhist priesthood one after another. 例文帳に追加

古注(『原中最秘抄』)にはこの巻には光源氏の死が描かれており、これを読んだ者たちが世をはかなんで次々と出家してしまったため時の天皇の命により内容を封印してしまった、焚書処分にしたとする伝承が記録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Nagayoshi MIYOSHI was alive the Matsunaga clan obediently followed their lord, but made accusations against him, pursued political rivals one after another, and after Nagayoshi's death achieved a partially independent position themselves as feudal daimyo centered around Yamato Province, were granted rank and status equal to that of their employer by the court and Shogunate, and eventually surpassed them. 例文帳に追加

松永氏は三好長慶存命中は従順に主君に従っていたが、主君に讒言し、政敵を次々と追い、長慶の死後、自身も大和国を中心とした戦国大名として半独立的地位を得、朝廷や幕府より主家と並ぶ位階や格式を与えられ、やがて主家を凌ぐようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During that time, it was burned because of the attack on Nara by the Taira family in 1180 and a peasants' uprising in 1451, but two able Inju, Kyogaku and Jinson appeared successively during the Muromachi period, who had trade guilds throughout Nara in control to flourish to a great extent. 例文帳に追加

その間、治承4年(1180年)の平家による奈良攻撃、宝徳3年(1451年)の土一揆によって焼失したが、室町時代には経覚・尋尊という2人の実力のある院主が相次いで登場して奈良一帯の座を次々と支配下に収めて大いに栄えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, this cannot be denied; in case that the Female-line Emperor is approved, dynasty changes one after another, prescribed earlier in accordance with the principle; dynasty change in male-line succession, and the relationship with present imperial household is getting thinner year by year. 例文帳に追加

実際、女系を認めた場合男系で継承する王朝交代の原則に従い前述した通り次々と王朝が交代していくこととなり現皇室との関係は年を追って薄れていくことになり、あながち否定することもできない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Eiga monogatari" (A Tale of Flowering Fortunes) she was said to be a 'very beautiful Princess, as if she was shinning' and she had bright future having maternal relatives of the family eligible for regents, however after her maternal grandfather, FUJIWARA no Koremasa and her mother, Kaishi and her uncles as well, died unexpectedly one after another, she lost her powerful supervisor. 例文帳に追加

尊子内親王は『栄花物語』によれば「いみじう美しげに光るやう」な姫宮であったといい、摂関家嫡流を外戚に何不自由ない将来を約束されていたが、外祖父藤原伊尹や母懐子、そして叔父達までも次々と早世したために有力な後見を失ってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Together with ENOMOTO Toshizo participated in military meetings of Ouetsu Reppan Domei (Northern Alliance) and was recommended to become General of Domei Army; however, Ouetsu Reppan Domei soon collapsed, and after the clans forming the Domei Army surrended one after another to the army of the new government, Toshizo decided to fight until the end, so long as there is a place where he can fight. 例文帳に追加

榎本とともに奥羽越列藩同盟の軍議に参加し、同盟軍総督に推薦されたが、まもなく奥羽越列藩同盟が崩壊、同盟藩が次々と新政府軍に屈服した後は、戦う地がある限りどこまでも戦うことを決意。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshitsune, who escaped from persecution, was protected by the anti-Kamakura nobles as well as priests of temples and shrines, hid in the vicinity of Kyoto, but the next year, in May 1186, his uncle Yukiie was defeated and killed by the Kamakura side in Izumi Province, and other family members and vassals, who were hidden in various places in the country, were discovered and killed one by one. 例文帳に追加

逃れた義経は反鎌倉の貴族、寺院勢力に匿われ京都周辺に潜伏するが、翌年の文治2年(1186年)5月に和泉国で叔父・行家が鎌倉方に討ち取られ、各地に潜伏していた郎党達も次々と発見され殺害される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While members of the family, such as the little Emperor Antoku, TAIRA no Tokiko and TAIRA no Tokuko threw themselves into the swift flow of Danno-ura strait one after another, Munemori, the leader of the family, also tried to drown himself, but while he was swimming about, he was taken up with his son, TAIRA no Kiyomune (There is speculation that it was a voluntary surrender). 例文帳に追加

幼い安徳天皇、平時子、平徳子ら一門の者達が次々と壇ノ浦の急流に身を投げる中、棟梁である宗盛も入水するが、死にきれずに泳ぎ回っていたところを、息子の平清宗とともに引き上げられる(自発的な降伏という説もあり)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, Josui began to capture various castles belonging to the feudal lords that had joined the West including Naomori KUMAGAI's Aki-jo Castle, Kazunao KAKIMI's Tomiki-jo Castle, Kazuyoshi OTA's Usuki-jo Castle, Takamasa MORI's Tsunomure-jo Castle and Hinokuma-jo Castle, Katsunobu MORI's Kokura-jo Castle, Nobutomo () MORI's Kawaradake-jo Castle one after the other. 例文帳に追加

その後、如水は西軍に属した熊谷直盛の安岐城、垣見一直の富来城、太田一吉の臼杵城、毛利高政の角牟礼城と日隈城、毛利勝信の小倉城、毛利信友の香春岳城などを次々と落としていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, Nagayoshi diligently worked for the Hosokawa clan as their main retainer; after he defeated such enemies as the forces of Nagamasa KIZAWA and Naganori YUSA one after another, he finally rose to the most powerful main retainer position in the Hosokawa clan, who was actually Tenkabito (person becoming the ruler of the country), after the Onin no ran (Rebellion of Onin). 例文帳に追加

その後、長慶は細川氏の重臣として忠実に働き、木沢長政や遊佐長教らの敵勢力を次々と打ち破っていき、応仁の乱収束後に事実上の天下人であった細川氏の最有力重臣にまでのし上がった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A bright spot in the tragedy for Goshirakawa was that the Taira clan fled taking Antoku along, and, after securing political initiative by appointing In no kinshin to official posts and Zuryo (the head of the provincial governors) which had been occupied by the Taira clan, Goshirakawa made Shinomiya (Takakura's fourth imperial prince, Takashige, later the Emperor Gotoba), who stayed in the capital, the emperor. 例文帳に追加

後白河にとって平氏が安徳を連れて逃げていったのは不幸中の幸いであり、平氏の占めていた官職・受領のポストに次々と院近臣を送り込んで政治の主導権を確立すると、8月20日、都に残っていた四宮(高倉の第四皇子・尊成、後鳥羽天皇)を践祚させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this, Otsugu broke one after another the records of promotion in the past, for example, Otsugu was promoted to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) at the age of 24 and, two days later, Otsugu was further promoted by virtually four ranks to Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) to be Emonfu (details are separately described) and Otsugu at a young age of 29 was promoted to Sangi which was the same rank as his father's. 例文帳に追加

その後24歳で正五位下に昇進したわずか2日後には従四位下へと事実上4階級昇進して衛門府となるなど、これまでの出世の記録を次々と破る結果を残し(詳しくは別記)、延暦21年には29歳の若さで父・百川と同じ参議に昇進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He successively worked on screenplays for major projects including "Mahiru no Ankoku" (Darkness at Noon), "Harikomi" (Stakeout), "Zero no Shoten" (Zero Focus), "Seppuku" (Harakiri), "Kiri no Hata" (Flag in the Mist), "Joi-Uchi" (Samurai Rebellion), "Shiroi Kyoto" (The White Tower), "Nihon no Ichiban Nagai Hi" (Japan's Longest Day), and "Nihon Chinbotsu" (Japan Sinks); and was highly praised for his ability to write logical and solid pieces. 例文帳に追加

代表作に挙げられる『真昼の暗黒』、『張込み』、『ゼロの焦点』、『切腹』、『霧の旗』、『上意討ち』、『白い巨塔(映画)』、『日本のいちばん長い日』、『日本沈没』などの大作の脚本を次々と手がけ、論理的で確固とした構成力が高い評価を得る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Siege of Odawara to suppress the Go-Hojo ('Go' means 'Late') clan (in 1590), Toshiie invaded Kozuke Province as a Commander in Chief of the north provinces forces with Kagekatsu UESUGI and Masayuki SANADA, and captured Kozuke Matsuida-jo Castle which was the northernmost key position for the Hojo clan, and then defeated the other castles one after another as well. 例文帳に追加

(1590年)の後北条氏制圧のための小田原の役では北国勢の総指揮として上杉景勝、真田昌幸と共に上野に入り、北条氏の北端要所の上野松井田城を攻略、他の諸城も次々と攻略した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of the Battle of Sekigahara in which Mitsunari raised armies against Ieyasu, Kiyomasa stayed in Kyushu and defeated the powers of the Western Camp in Kyushu one after another, together with Yoshitaka KURODA giving the Eastern Camp of Ieyasu support, including the schemed surrenders of Uto-jo Castle of Yukinaga and Yanagawa-jo Castle of Muneshige TACHIBANA. 例文帳に追加

慶長5年(1600年)に三成が家康に対して挙兵した関ヶ原の戦いでは九州に留まり、黒田孝高と共に家康ら東軍に協力して行長の宇土城、立花宗茂の柳川城などを開城、調略し、九州の西軍勢力を次々と破った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because some domains joined the alliance out of sympathy or for opportunity, and others joined it because of pressure from large domains or from coercion by the former Shogunate forces, they were not closely united; accordingly, one domain after another defected from the alliance as the situation worsened. 例文帳に追加

両藩への同情や日和見的に雰囲気から参加した藩だけでなく、大藩の圧力や旧幕府軍の恫喝を受けて参加した藩もあり、結束が固いとは言い難く、戦況が劣勢になるにつれ次々と同盟から脱落していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The dismissal of close vassals of the cloistered emperor, the arrest and confiscation of estates started, and close vassals of cloistered emperor, Yasunari OE, who had the title of Kebiishi, lit his own palace on fire and committed suicide, FUJIWARA no Kanemori, who was the Shirakawa-dono kuraazukari, had his wrists cut off, and Tameyuki, who was the former governor of Bingo Province, and Tameyasu, who was the former governor of Kazusa Province, were assassinated and pushed into the ocean. 例文帳に追加

次々と院近臣の逮捕・所領の没収が始まり、院に伺候していた検非違使・大江康業は自邸に火を放ち自害、白河殿倉預の藤原兼盛は手首を切られ、備後前司・為行、上総前司・為保は殺害されて海へ突き落とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But beginning in the era of the Tang dynasty, the task of compiling histories became an affair of the state; the Tang state proceeded to compile several histories one after another, including the "Book of Jin", the "Book of Liang", the "Book of Zhou", and the "Book of Sui", and pairing these new histories with a selection of histories in biographical annal format that had already been written such as the Shiji, the Book of Han, and the Annals of the Three Kingdoms, declared the combined set the official histories. 例文帳に追加

唐に至って、歴史書を編纂する事業は国家の事業となり、『晋書』『梁書』『陳書』『周書』『隋書』などが次々と編纂され、これまでの紀伝体の史書のうち史記や漢書、三国志などとあわせて「正史」とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Empress was also keenly aware of this atmosphere, and purges to the Imperial family were done one after another as follows: the dethroned Emperor Junnin's mysterious death, the sudden execution of the Prince Wake, sudden abridgment of register of the Imperial family from Imperial Princess Fuwa who was a younger paternal half-sister of the Empress; accordingly, the subject of the succession to the Imperial Throne became virtually a taboo. 例文帳に追加

天皇もこの空気を敏感に察しており、淡路に流された廃帝(淳仁天皇)の謎の死、和気王の突然の処刑、天皇の異母妹である不破内親王の皇籍剥奪など皇族に対する粛清が次々と行われていき、皇位継承問題は事実上のタブーとなっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, not only did the family suffer Yorisada's squandering during his lifetime, but also the businesses it had launched after his death in 1954 to pay off the debt made by him failed one after another, and furthermore, a scandal took place in the family; thus, during the post-war period, the Kishu family fell victim to the burning curiosity of the mass media. 例文帳に追加

しかし、頼貞の生前の散財に加え、頼貞が1954年に没した後に借金返済のために遺族が興した事業は次々と失敗に終わり、更に家庭内のスキャンダルも重なったため、戦後はマスコミの格好の餌食となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshimoto invaded Mikawa Province later to subordinate the weakening Matsudaira clan and carried out a westing policy successfully, he fought against the Oda clan in Owari Province who was eager to gain Mikawa in the 'Anjo War,' the 'Battle of Azuki-zaka' and so on, and excluded the Oda clan from Mikawa. 例文帳に追加

その後は三河国に進出し、弱体化した松平氏を従属させるなど西進政策が次々と実を結ぶ一方、三河に食指を伸ばす尾張国の織田氏と「安城合戦」「小豆坂の戦い」などを戦い、三河から織田氏を締め出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Asia has vigorous direct investment targeted on domestic demand, like many Japanese plants for consumer goods such as motorcycles, cosmetics, and beverages, being newly constructed in Indonesia, Vietnam, and so on, as I saw in my first business trip to Asian economies right after assuming my current post of Vice Minister last August. 例文帳に追加

私自身、昨年8月に財務官に着任し、すぐにアジア各国を回ったが、例えば、インドネシア、ベトナムで日本資本による新しいオートバイ工場や化粧品、飲料などの消費財工場が次々と建設されているなど、内需に焦点を置いた直接投資が活発だ。 - 財務省

A dispenser type analyzer 3A, wherein reagent emitting nozzles are specialized at every reagents and pipetter type analyzers 3B, 3C successively distributing reagents corresponding to analytical items by pipetting nozzles are arranged along a main feed line 20.例文帳に追加

試薬吐出ノズルが試薬毎に専用化されているディスペンサ方式の分析装置3A及び次々と分析項目に応じた試薬をピペッティングノズルで分注するピペッタ方式の分析装置3B,3Cを主搬送ライン20に沿って配置する。 - 特許庁

In radio communication between automobiles, even if the automobiles are separated from each other, information is relayed with a storage device 13 in the other car such as an oncoming car as a primary storage medium, communication data are sequentially propagated between the automobiles and communicated.例文帳に追加

自動車同士で無線通信する際に、双方の自動車同士が離れていても、対向車等の他車内の蓄積装置13を一次的な記憶媒体として情報を中継し、通信データを自動車間で次々と伝搬させて通信する。 - 特許庁

Further, since the character patterns 11 showing the same character are arranged along the flow of pachinko balls, the character patterns are successively fallen in the visual field by following the pachinko ball rolling on the game board 2.例文帳に追加

さらに、パチンコ球の流れに沿って、同一のキャラクタを表示した複数のキャラクタ図柄11が配列されているので、遊技盤2の上を転動するパチンコ球の行方を追うことで、その視野内に複数のキャラクタ図柄11が次々と収まることになる。 - 特許庁

To provide a system for reading out a plurality of storage phosphor panels which are used for the individual usage of radiation and consecutively exposed to X-rays so as to avoid requirement for exchanging radiation transmission filters when the exposed storage phosphor panels are scanned.例文帳に追加

露光された貯蔵燐光体パネルを走査するときに放射線透過フィルターの変換が要求されないように別個の放射線用途のために使用され次々とX線に露光される複数の貯蔵燐光パネルを読み出すシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a pointer display device for rapidly and accurately calculating face direction from images inputted one after another by accurately determining and registering the three-dimensional configurations of the characteristic points of the face, and utilizing the general inverse matrix of the registered configuration matrix.例文帳に追加

顔の特徴点の3次元形状を正確に求め、予め登録しておき、登録した形状行列の一般逆行列を利用することにより、次々と入力される画像から顔向きを高速かつ正確に計算するポインター表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

During restoration, when the main file is searched from the data parts 148-1 to 148-N, while the current tracking state of the pickup part of a CD-RW drive is maintained, subsequently appearing waveform files are continuously restored.例文帳に追加

リストア時においては、データ部148−1〜148−Nの中から主ファイルが検索されると、CD−RWドライブのピックアップ部の現在のトラッキング状態を維持したまま、引き続いて現れる波形ファイルを次々と連続的にリストアできる。 - 特許庁

To simplify a user's job when many kinds of printing requests coexist in one printing job, when types of printing are rapidly changed depending on pages or when printings job in which a plurality of kinds of printing requests coexist is successively executed.例文帳に追加

1つの印刷ジョブに多種類の印刷の要求が混在している場合、印刷の種類がページによりめまぐるしく変わる場合、あるいは、複数種類の印刷の要求が混在している印刷ジョブを次々と実行する場合などに、ユーザの行う作業を簡易化できるようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide a sequin sewing method that can produce colorful merchandise as designed at an extremely low cost even if using one kind of sequin connecting bodies by forming the surface colors of sequins sewn one after another to one side of cloth with sewing thread, to look multicolored.例文帳に追加

1種類のシークイン連結体を用いるものであっても、布の一面に対して次々と縫糸で縫付けられるシークインの表面の色が多色に見えるようにすることにより極めて安価な費用でもって、設計通りのカラフルな商品の製作ができるようにしたシークインの縫付け方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To prevent reduction in assembling efficiency, and to maintain productivity, without arranging a buffer for compensating for a component discharged as a defective one, in an assembling device successively producing assemblies by assembling a plurality of components successively input.例文帳に追加

順次投入される複数種類の部品を組み立てて組立品を次々と生産する組立装置において、不良部品として排出された部品を補うためのバッファを設けることなく、組立効率の低下防止と生産性の維持を実現する。 - 特許庁

To provide a data communication apparatus which achieve a high guaranteed value for a request source which has to guarantee the worst value of a transfer rate in a bus separating a request command from a response corresponding to the request command and can successively issue request commands without waiting for a response to each request command.例文帳に追加

要求コマンドと、それに対する応答とが分離されていて、要求コマンドに対する応答を待つことなく、次々と要求コマンドを発行可能なバスにおいて、転送レートの最悪値を保証する必要のある要求源に対し、高い保証値を達成するデータ通信装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

A plurality of main capacitors 54A, 54B and 54C are provided and electric power is sequentially supplied to an electronic flash part 52 from the plurality of main capacitors 54A, 54B and 54C, then the electronic flash light is successively flashed in the midst of photographing for one frame.例文帳に追加

複数のメインコンデンサ54A、54B、54Cを備え、複数のメインコンデンサ54A、54B、54Cからストロボ発光部52に順次電力を供給することにより、1コマの撮影中にストロボ光を次々と発光させる。 - 特許庁

Audience A throws a ball B at a prescribed height or more to audience A in the surroundings and a performer M on a stage SG, so that the sky rockets 1a are sequentially displayed just like a fireworks event, thereby boosting the mood at the site and taste a sense of unity between the audience and the performer.例文帳に追加

観客Aが周囲にいる観客AやステージSGにいる演者MにボールBを所定高さ以上となるように放り投げることで、次々と花火大会のように打ち上げ花火1aが上がることで、場の雰囲気を盛り上げることができ、観客Aや演者とを一体感を得ることができる。 - 特許庁

A pointer is made to overlap an icon for window selection and control provided in a task bar, windows overlapping on the screen are made dynamically active one by one by the operation of a pointing device button, and a target window is confirmed and selected leaving the window unchanged as a screen image (steps 205, 212 and 213).例文帳に追加

タスクバーに設けたウィンドウ選択および制御用アイコンにポインタを重ね、ポインティングデバイスのボタンの操作によって、画面上の重なり合ったウィンドウを次々と動的にアクティブにし、目的とするウィンドウを画面イメージのまま確認、選択する(ステップ205,212,213)。 - 特許庁

The flower decoration with the plurality of artificial flowers 8 connected with the metal wire 3 is provided by forming the artificial flowers 8 one after another by a procedure of tying the plurality of gem stones with the metal wire itself into a predetermined shape at an intended position of the single metal wire 3.例文帳に追加

1本の金属線材3の所望箇所に当該金属線材自体で複数の珠1、2を所定形状に締結して造花8を形成するという手順で次々と造花8を形成することにより、複数の造花8が金属線材3で連結された花飾りを得る。 - 特許庁

When a user turns a dial provided in an input part 14 to successively vary the indices, a control part 6 reads out corresponding parameter sets from one to another from the storage part 12, sets them in a transmission/reception circuit 4 and in an image forming part 8, and then an image obtained based on the parameter set is displayed on a display part 10.例文帳に追加

ユーザが入力部14に設けられるダイヤルを回してインデックスを連続的に変化させると、制御部6が記憶部12から次々と対応するパラメータセットを読み出して送受信回路4、画像形成部8に設定し、それに基づいた断層画像が表示部10に表示される。 - 特許庁


With this method, negatively charged bacteria which are mixed in the condensed water are sequentially collected by allowing the bacteria to be electrophoresed to the sides of the materials 11, 12 which emit a positively charged metal ions and drop to a low potential, the free activities of the bacteria are thus suppressed, and the bacteria are inactivated and deadened in due course.例文帳に追加

これにより、結露水中に混入した、マイナスの電荷を帯びている菌が、プラス金属イオンを放出して低電位となる金属材11、12側に電気泳動して次々と集められ、菌の自由な活動が抑制されて不活化され、やがて死滅してしまう。 - 特許庁


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原書:A Scandal in Bohemia
訳者名:大久保ゆう (c)2001
Ver.2.21 (2003/9/10)
このファイルはフリーウェアです。著作者に無断で複製、再配布できます。作者に対する「メール、苦情、質問、指摘、叱咤激励、その他諸々」はここ(zlc-chap-i@geocities.co.jp)まで。もしくは、「掲示板」まで。ホームページ「The Baker Street Bakery」にこのファイルの最新版があります。
原題:”The Dead”

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Copyright(C)2005 coderati
原題:”A Mother”

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