
「work people」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(9ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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work peopleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 808


Japan must learn other countriesbest practices with respect to their work styles, labor-related legal systems, customs, and business practices. The people are seeking a “society that supports flexible and diverse work stylesand asociety that provides people with the opportunity to try again as many times as they want. The Government must address head on the issues which need to be resolved. 例文帳に追加

諸外国の働き方や労働関連法制、慣習、実務などから虚心坦懐に学ぶべきものを取り入れ、国民が求める「柔軟で多様な働き方ができる社会」及び「何度でもチャレンジが可能な社会」を創り上げるために解決すべき課題に真正面から取り組む必要がある。 - 経済産業省

If younger people, older people, and women can work in society, the decrease of labor population would be limited to just 700,000 as compared to 4 million if left as it is. I believe that this is an important subject to work on, although the measures needed may be different.例文帳に追加

若者も高齢者も女性もみんなで働ければ、何もしなければ 400 万人減る労働力人口の減少を 70 万人程度に留めることができるということで、それぞれ対策の対応は違いますけれども、重点を置いて取り組むべき課題だと考えております。 - 厚生労働省

It is considered that, in these industries, the presence or absence of compulsory age retirement system and the age limit are related to the environment where elderly people can continue their work; it is important for us to promote the policy measures for improvement of employment environment, so that elderly people can continue work according to their willingness and abilities .例文帳に追加

こうした産業では、定年制の有無やその年齢が、高齢者が継続して働き続けられる環境に結びついていると考えられ、高齢者の意欲と能力に応じて働けるよう、雇用環境の整備等に係る施策の推進を進めることが重である。 - 厚生労働省

What is more, Ecchu fundoshi seem to be used habitually not only by the people who suffer from lumbago such as a rupture because they can be put on and taken off without lifting one leg nor bending down, or because undergarments can be exchanged without taking off shoes nor trousers, but also, for the practical purpose, by the people who work outdoors in the summer because they are absorbent, by the people who are restricted about the place or the time to change their clothes, and also by the people who, while working, are obliged to be seated for a long time. 例文帳に追加

また、片足を上げたり、屈んだりせずに着脱ができることや、靴やズボンを脱がずに下着を交換できることから、ヘルニアなどの腰痛に苦しむ人々に加えて、実用面でも、吸湿性が良いことから夏場に野外で作業をする人達や、着替えに場所や時間の制約がある人達の他に長時間着席を余儀なくされる業務を行う人達にも愛用されているようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Young Hello Work" is the name of the Japanese government's organization which provides employment services specifically to young people under 30 years old. It is often called "Yan-haro" (an abbreviated form of "YOUNG HELLO work").例文帳に追加

ヤングハローワークは30歳以下の若い人たちに仕事を紹介する国の機関です。しばしば「ヤンハロ」(「ヤングハローワーク」の省略形)と呼ばれます。 - Weblio英語基本例文集


On the other hand, most of the work consists of diaries, records and documents of Shogunal Mandokoro, Monchujo, and people related to these offices, and also of diaries of court nobles in Kyoto, and the compilation work was clumsy and barely revised. 例文帳に追加

その一方で、幕府政所、問注所、及び之に関係せる者等の日記、記録、文書、及び京都公家の日記などの資料よって編纂した部分が大部分を占め、その編纂も幼稚で余り斧削を加えていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A little while after his death, the international repuation of his work, especially in France, improved and his distinct movie style was considered novel, with many famous people from the movie industry starting to talk about their admiration of Ozu's work. 例文帳に追加

死後、しばらくしてからフランスを中心に国際的評価が高まり、その独特の映画スタイルが斬新なものとされ、著名な映画人たちが小津映画への敬愛を口にするようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was a devout believer in the Shin sect, and always said that 'business is Kusatsu's work' ('Kusatsu' was the parody of 'Bosatsu' [Bodhisattva]; he meant that business was not an original work Bodhisattva had to engage); and he believed that the key to the prosperity was in development of people's talents and sharing the profits. 例文帳に追加

真宗の信仰に厚く、「商売は苦薩の業」と説き、多数の人材を育て、産を分かつことを商売繁盛の本道としていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He performed missionary work in various areas of India from a base at Goa, went to Malacca in September 1545, continued missionary work in the Maluku Islands in January 1546, and converted many people to Christianity. 例文帳に追加

そこを拠点にインド各地で宣教し、1545年9月マラッカに、さらに1546年1月にはモルッカに赴き宣教活動を続け、多くの人々をキリスト教に改宗させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Toake said, "I'd like to thank the people I work with, my co-stars and everyone who has seen my work. I'm very surprised to receive the award." 例文帳に追加

十朱さんは「一緒に働いている人や共演者,作品をご覧いただいた方すべてに,お礼を申し上げたい。受章して本当に驚いています。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To secure the safety and achieve early return to work by minimizing damage of a robot and an environment when the robot comes into contact with the environment in the robot moving to work in the environment where people and obstacles exist.例文帳に追加

人や障害物の存在する環境で移動して作業を行うロボットにおいて、環境との接触時にロボットおよび環境の被害を最小限として安全を確保し、かつ早期の作業復帰を図る。 - 特許庁

Even producers who work in central roles are allowed to work from home if they so desire, and people who want three days off a week are allowed that flexibility. In this way, the individual decides his or her own working style.例文帳に追加

プロデューサー人材として中心となって働いている人でも、家で仕事がしたい人の場合は、在宅での業務を認めたり、週3回休みを希望する場合はそれを認めるなど、個人によってワークスタイルを決めている。 - 経済産業省

Given that people choose their place of work based on a number of factors, it is important that enterprises accurately judge what employed persons seek from their places of work, and consider what they can offer other than simply wages.例文帳に追加

勤務先を決める要因が1つでない以上、就業者がどういったことを求めて勤務先を決めるかを適切に判断し、自社では賃金以外にも何を提供できるかを考えることが重要になってくる。 - 経済産業省

For people looking for jobs that are more conducive to balancing work and parenting, therefore, the proportion of women in management positions could serve as one indicator of whether a workplace offers an environment that is conducive to balancing work and parenting.例文帳に追加

したがって、仕事と育児の両立を重視して仕事を探している者にとっては、管理職比率に占める女性の割合の高さなどが、仕事と育児を両立しやすい職場かどうかの1つの指標になりうる。 - 経済産業省

It indicates that more people are interested in whether the content of the work itself is appropriate for their ability and aptitude, and whether they are satisfied with the social implications of the work itself (Figure 24).例文帳に追加

仕事の中身そのものが自分の能力・適性に合っているか、仕事の社会的意義に自分が納得できるかといった点に近年は関心が高まってきていると考えられる(第24図) - 厚生労働省

In order that people willing to work can work well throughout their career and choose working styles from various options, it is important to give them opportunities to develop their abilities based on their willingness and actual performance例文帳に追加

就業意欲のある労働者が職業生涯にわたりいきいきと働くことができ、また、多様な働き方の選択が可能となるためには、その意欲と就業実態に応じて、能力開発機会が得られることが重要である - 厚生労働省

Japan can make the pace of decline in its labour force slower than that in the total population if it creates an environment where everyone -youth, women and older people alike -can work based on their personal skills and willingness to work.例文帳に追加

若者、女性、高齢者など全ての人が意欲と能力に応じて働くことのできる環境を整えることによって、総人口の減少率よりも労働力人口の減少率を一定程度抑えることが可能。 - 厚生労働省

Economic, labour, and educational groups, local communities, government, and so onmust work closely together so that young people can understand the meaning of work and increasetheir ambition and skills.例文帳に追加

第3節 女性の意識と就業促進に向けた課題女性が職業をもつことについて「子供ができても働き続ける方が良い」という就業継続型への支持が男女ともに多くなっている。 - 厚生労働省

To help people balance work and life, all members of society should play their roles as defined by the Work-Life Balance Charter and take action according to the Action Guidelines to Promote Work-Life Balance.例文帳に追加

仕事と生活の調和の実現を図るため、「仕事と生活の調和(ワーク・ライフ・バランス)憲章」に明示された役割に沿って、社会全体として、それぞれの関係者が「仕事と生活の調和推進のための行動指針」に定める具体的取組みを推進していくこととしている。 - 厚生労働省

Therefore the devoted followers of Jodo Shinshu choose not to use the word "tariki" in such contexts like 'you depend on the other people too much', or 'it is due to the work of sun, rain, wind, air or other nature', because the true meaning of "tariki" is not the influence of people or nature but Amidabutsu, though this misusage is pervasive now. 例文帳に追加

「他人まかせ」や「太陽の働きや雨や風や空気、そのほかの自然の働き」という意味での使用は、本来の意味の誤用から転じ一般化したものであり、敬虔な浄土真宗信者(門徒)は、後者の表現を嫌悪・忌避する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In October 1662, as the Shogun Ietsuna TOKUGAWA's will, Gaho Hayashi was ordered to complete the chronological record of history, and in August 1663 the Shogunate approved the project by hosho (a document for informing lower-rank people of the decision of upper people such as an emperor or shogun) with signatures of roju (senior councillors of the Tokugawa shogunate), and the edit work started at the residence of Hayashi in Shinobugaoka. 例文帳に追加

寛文2年(1663年)10月、将軍徳川家綱の上意として林鵞峯に編年録の完成を命じられ、翌寛文3年8月に幕府老中の連署奉書で幕府の許可がおり、忍岡の林邸での編纂が開始される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although until 1960s, more than half of the new adults were working youths who had already entered the business world, in and after 1970s, the proportion of students to the total number new adults has been increasing even now due to an increase in the number of people going to university (university advancement rate) and decrease in the number of people finding work after finishing junior high school or high school. 例文帳に追加

1960年代までは、新成人は半数以上が既に社会に出ている勤労青少年だったが、1970年代以降、大学進学者(進学率)の増加や中卒・高卒就職者の減少から、新成人全体に占める在学者の割合も年々増加しており、現在に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Such situation is influenced by the aging of active toji people and the current trend in which the regions which used to produce toji groups due to their poverty are now transformed into the community which enables people to make enough income only by farming or fishing, without going to another place for work anymore. 例文帳に追加

こうした背景には、現役の杜氏の高齢化とともに、以前は貧しい寒村であるがゆえに杜氏集団を輩出してきた地方が、農業や漁業だけでも暮らしていける社会になり、出稼ぎに行く必要がなくなったという時代的趨勢がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 2001, a controversy erupted over the Toyosato Elementary School building (constructed in 1937) in Toyosato-cho, Inugami-gun County, Shiga Prefecture, which was designed by Vories; the dispute arose between the faction, consisting of the town government and the PTA, who wanted to demolish the building and then reconstruct it, and a group consisting of regular citizens (local people like graduates of the school and people connected with construction work) who wanted the school building to be preserved. 例文帳に追加

2001年、ヴォーリズ建築である滋賀県犬上郡豊郷町豊郷町立豊郷小学校校舎(1937年建設)を巡り、取り壊して改築しようとした町・PTAと、同校舎を残そうと願う一般の人々(卒業生など地元住民、建築関係者)の間で激しい対立が生じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Burakumin (modern-day descendants of Japan's feudal outcast group) was then registered as commoners based on the Lowly People Liberation Law, they were registered as new commoners, Eta (one group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (people whose work usually involved handling human bodies or animal carcasses)), Hinin (one group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (often ex-convicts or vagrants)), etc., in the family register of certain areas, leaving a strong sense of discrimination (a part of which was also registered in the family register or the social status registration of 1886). 例文帳に追加

このとき被差別部落民は賎民解放令に基づき、平民として編入されたが、一部地域の戸籍には新平民や、穢多、非人等と記載されたり等、差別は色濃く残った(一部は明治19年式戸籍や身分登記簿にも登載された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The administration department for patent-related work that handles the call shall, upon request of the parties, carry out mediation concerning the amount of compensation for the patent right infringement. If mediation fails, the parties may take legal action before the people's court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. 例文帳に追加

処理を行う特許事務管理部門は、当事者の請求に基づき、特許権侵害の賠償金額について調停を行うことができ、調停が成立しなかった場合、当事者は、『中華人民共和国民事訴訟法』に基づいて人民法院に訴訟を提起することができる。 - 特許庁

To provide a design assisting sheet for houses of elderly/handicapped people which can suppress variation of the completeness based on the capacity of a person in charge of designing by realizing the efficiency of design work of the houses of the elderly/handicapped people, and a design method.例文帳に追加

高齢者・身体障害者住宅の設計業務の効率化を図り、設計担当者の能力に基づく完成度のバラツキを抑えることができる高齢者・身体障害者住宅の設計支援シート及び設計方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

Under People-to-people Connectivity, we will endorse the target of 1 million intra-APEC university-level students per year by 2020, as well as support further work that will enhance the mobility of students, researchers, and education providers, and the network of existing bilateral agreements例文帳に追加

人と人との連結性としては,我々は,2020年までにAPEC域内の大学レベルの留学生を年間100万人とする目標を承認するとともに,学生,研究者及び教育機関の移動を向上する更なる取組,並びに既存の二国間合意のネットワークを支援する。 - 経済産業省

For instance, people have pride in belonging to a large enterprise that naturally creates a feeling of attachment. However, in the case of SMEs it is not possible for people to have confidence in their company or abilities at the time they enter the enterprise. There are also many cases where there is no apparent attachment to the work at the time a person enters the enterprise.例文帳に追加

例えば、大企業では属する企業に対するプライドもあり、自然と愛着をもっているが、中小企業の場合は、入社の時点では自分の会社や技術に自信をもてず、また仕事に対する執着も入社時点では見られない場合も多い。 - 経済産業省

Venture capitals should endeavor to enhance their system of inner incentives for the purpose of calling in people with experience and skills, such as those who have themselves founded a start-up. They should also work to train their own people to be capitalists. 例文帳に追加

ベンチャーキャピタル各社は、ベンチャー企業創業経験者等の経験と才能を有する人材をベンチャーキャピタル業界に呼び込むために、内部インセンティブシステムの拡充等に取り組むとともに、社内キャピタリスト人材の人材育成に取り組んでいく必要がある。 - 経済産業省

Specific methods of doing so include the use of young people newly entering the labor market, making use of women who have yet to enter the labor market, such as women who are presently full-time housewives, and using elderly people who still want to work but do not have the opportunity to do so. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、新規に労働市場に参入する若年者の活用、現在専業主婦等の形で労働市場に参入していない女性労働力の活用、まだ働く意欲があるのにチャンスを与えられていない高齢者の活用、といった方法が考えられる。 - 経済産業省

In this chapter, then, we focus on two key points in considering the role of SMEs in creating a society that makes it easier to have and raise children. These are 1) the stabilization of younger people’s employment and incomes, and 2) the establishment of conditions that enable people to balance work and parenting.例文帳に追加

そこで、本章では「子どもを産み育てやすい社会」に向けた中小企業の役割について論じるに当たり、 〔1〕若年者の雇用・収入の安定化 〔2〕仕事と育児の両立の実現の2点に焦点を当てていくこととする。 - 経済産業省

To issue a work permit in Germany, public job placement offices86 conduct a four-week labor market test to ensure that the job vacancies cannot be filled by Germans or people from other EU member countries and that the employment conditions of the German people will not be adversely affected.例文帳に追加

ドイツの労働許可では、労働市場テストとして、公共職業安定所86が4週間、ドイツ人やEU加盟国出身者で求人が充足できないことや、ドイツ人の雇用条件等を悪化させるおそれがないこと等について審査している。 - 経済産業省

I would like to invite you to discuss about the role which the young people themselves, the government, employers and employees, international organizations, etc. should play, and search for direction towards solution of the youth employment problem to create a society where young people can actively work and fulfill their aspirations through raising their employability.例文帳に追加

このディスカッションでは、エンプロイアビリティを向上させることを通じて若者がいきいきと働き開花する社会を創造していくために、若者自身、政府、労使、国際機関などが果たすべき役割について議論し、若年雇用問題の解決に向けて方向性を模索していただきたいと思います。 - 厚生労働省

What the impact of increasing part-time, contract, temporary work is having on young people, how the fact that 93% of job opportunities for young people are now found in the informal economy will impact youth and their employment today and in the future.例文帳に追加

パートタイム、契約雇用、派遣社員の増加が若者に及ぼしている影響、また若者にとって雇用機会の 93%がインフォーマル経済下であるという事実が現在及び将来の41彼らの雇用に与える影響がどのようなものなのか。 - 厚生労働省

The first priority is to eliminate the situation where people are forced to choose between work and family life of marriage, child bearing, and rearing. This will allow people to marry and bear and rear children as they desire and help mitigate the decline in the total population and the labour force population arising from the falling birth rate.例文帳に追加

○ まず、国民の希望する結婚や出産・子育てを実現するとともに、少子化の進行による総人口・労働力人口の減少を緩和するためにも、就労と結婚・出産・子育ての二者択一構造を解消することが必要 になっている。 - 厚生労働省

Young people who became NEET (young people not in education, employment or housekeeping) due to various reasons regardless of their desireto work, are a loss for society not only that they lose connection with society, butbecause they have no vocational independence.例文帳に追加

潜在的な就労希望を持ちながら、多様な事情からニート(就労・通学・家事のいずれもしていない状態)になっている若者については、職業的自立がなされず、社会とのつながりを失うばかりでなく、社会にとっても損失である。 - 厚生労働省

In the employment conditions of young people, although the number of part-time workers have been decreasing for five years in a row, that of elder part-time workers (from 25 years old to 34 years old) still has been increasing, and young people who could not work as regular employees during the so-calledemployment ice age” are in a situation where they will reach their mid-thirties例文帳に追加

しかし、若者の雇用情勢については、フリーター数が5年連続して減少しているものの、年長フリーター(25〜34歳)などは依然として多く、いわゆる就職氷河期に正社員となれなかった若者も30歳代半ばを迎える状況となっている。 - 厚生労働省

In order to inform young people of the attractiveness of manufacturing/production while they are in school, we will promote comprehensive action toward the young people, including increase of awareness and providing of practical guidance under the "Monozukuri Meister" scheme (" Production Master" project (tentative name)), encouraging them to work in manufacturing fields; this includes encouragement to take ability examinations.例文帳に追加

若者に対して、在学段階からものづくりの魅力を伝えるため、「ものづくりマイスター」による若者への意識啓発・実技指導などの総合的な取組(「目指せマイスター」プロジェクト(仮称))を推進し、技能検定受検などのものづくり分野への誘導を図る。 - 厚生労働省

The plan calls for closer coordination among education, employment and industrial policies to strengthen comprehensive measures for human resources by FY2006, with the government working hand-in-hand with the private sector, for the purpose of reversing the rising trend of unemployment among young people by inducing the motivation to work among young people and facilitating vocational independence of every single motivated young people.例文帳に追加

平成18年度までに、若年者の働く意欲を喚起しつつ、すべてのやる気のある若年者の職業的自立を促進し、もって若年失業者等の増加傾向を転換させることを目的として、教育・雇用・産業政策の連携を強化し、官民一体となった総合的な人材対策を強化することとしている。 - 経済産業省

Although the Japanese society have been facing an economic crisis while a lot of people have been losing their occupations, from the perspective of ①the security for the income for the economical foundation of independent living, there is the social welfare policy like the public assistance and others as the safety nets which support the independence of the people, such as the employment policy, which is a last resort for those who are in great difficulty, including the employment insurance in order to enable people to take a work例文帳に追加

我が国社会が経済的危機に直面し、多くの人が職を失う中で①自立した生活の経済的基盤となる所得の保障の観点から人々の自立を支えるセーフティネットとしては、人々が就労できるようにする雇用保険を含んだ雇用施策と生活に困窮した場合の最後のよりどころとなる生活保護などの福祉施策がある。 - 厚生労働省

The model Japan should pursue varies according to the commentator. However, it can be suggested that Japan should become a land in which the people of the world want to live, work, study and play, and in which Japanese people are happy to have been born and where they can work with a high level of satisfaction.例文帳に追加

日本が目指すべき姿は論者により様々であろうが、世界中の人々から、日本に住みたい、日本で働きたい、日本で勉強したい、日本で遊びたい、と思われるような国になること、そして日本に住んでいる人々にとって、日本に生まれてよかった、日本で働けてよかった、と満足を実感できるような国となることが挙げられるのではないだろうか。 - 経済産業省

Although there are many people in consumer-oriented services that continue to work because they feel the work is rewarding and/or enjoyable, some people leave because they feel that their career within the enterprise is not clear and does not tie into personal development or realization of abilities. It can be inferred that this ties into a higher leaving rate than that for corporate-oriented services.例文帳に追加

対消費者向けサービスにおいては、仕事に対してやりがいや楽しみを感じて仕事を続けている者が多い一方、企業内でのキャリアパスが明確ではなく、自身の成長や能力発揮につながらないと感じて離職が生じ、対事業者向けサービスよりも高い離職率につながっている状況がうかがえる。 - 経済産業省

The Takamune branch of the Taira clan was a family line to work as officials for practical matters, but a large number of benkan who were in charge of office work of the Dajokan (Great Minister of the Council of State) were mainly from another line, offspring of TAIRA no Tokinori, and people from the line to which Tokitada belonged worked mainly as keishi (officials of the agency of imperial family, noble, etc.) of In (retired emperors) and Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents. 例文帳に追加

高棟流平氏は実務官人の家系だったが、太政官の事務を処理する弁官を輩出していたのは別系統の平時範の子孫であり、時忠の系統は主に院や摂関家の家司として活動していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because shrines require people who continue to work after retirement to wear a dark-green or blue hakama (skirt-like trousers) or of a color specified by the shrine, many of them distinguish female employees depending on their jobs; they treat the women who offer religious services as miko and those who do desk work as general workers. 例文帳に追加

定年以降に神社に勤務する場合は、神社指定の制服や松葉色・紺色などの袴を履くなどして服装で区分され、また職掌の上でも神事に奉仕する女性職員を巫女、それ以外の事務作業などを行うのが一般女性職員と区分される事が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This work must be finished quickly. Although I have not received a report on specifics, I hope that the work will be accelerated. As the people in the disaster areas are having a hard time, I, as the head of the FSA, hope that this will be finished as soon as possible. 例文帳に追加

これも急がなければいけませんから、まだ具体的な内容については報告を受けておりませんけれども、より早く取りまとめていただきたい。被災地の方は困っておられますから、できるだけ早くやっていただきたいということを、金融庁を預かる人間としてもお願いしたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

To provide a light dot type indicator which can call people's attention like "DANGER, GLASS" even under a dark environment by being freely attachably and detachably attached to glass surfaces and the like of buildings under construction work and is adequately usable even for the buildings after the completion of the work.例文帳に追加

建築工事中の建物のガラス面などに着脱自在に取り付けて、暗い環境下でも「ガラス危険」等の注意を喚起することができるとともに、工事完了後の建物にも好適に使用することができる美観を備えた光点式表示器の提供を目的とする。 - 特許庁

Questionnaires regarding consciousness and work styles of employees are collected, a management status of an organization is diagnosed based on the questionnaires, directionality of improvement/innovation is indicated and the community of people to be interested in specific knowledge and with close work styles is automatically generated.例文帳に追加

従業員の意識や働き方等に関するアンケートを集め、そのアンケートに基づき、組織の経営状況を診断し、改善・改革の方向性を示すと共に、特定の知識に興味を持つ人々やワークスタイルの近い人々のコミュニティを自動生成する。 - 特許庁

Under the current system, people staying in Japan with the "dependent" status of residence are given comprehensive permission to engage in activities outside of the previously granted status of residence, enabling them to work a maximum of 28 hours a week, excluding work at adult entertainment businesses.例文帳に追加

なお、現行制度では、「家族滞在」の在留資格をもって在留する者が、風俗営業が営まれている営業所において行う活動等を除き、週28時間以内の就労活動を行うことについて、包括的に資格外活動を許可している。 - 経済産業省


Survey respondents were people from 20 to 39 years of age who in response to the question "How do you think you will be evaluated in 5 to 10 years at your current place of work?" answered "Will be an employee performing core work that cannot be performed by any other employee."例文帳に追加

キーパーソン候補者を対象に行ったインターネットアンケート。調査対象者は、「あなたは現在の勤務先において、5~10年後、次の中のどのように評価されていると思いますか。」という問に対して「コアとなる業務を担い、他の社員では代替が利かない人材」と答えた方、20~39歳。 - 経済産業省


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