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このため、個別の知財産の保護と産業全体の研究開発競争のバランスをどう図るかが今後の重要な課題である。これに関係する具体な課題として、医薬品業界から、1994 年の日米合意に基づく「利用関係の裁定実施権の制限」の見直しが指摘されているが、諸外国との国際協調等の観点から、今後も慎重に検討すべきこととされている。例文帳に追加

Accordingly, how to balance the protection of individual intellectual property and the competition of research and development in the whole industry is the critical issue for the future. As a concrete issue related to this, revision ofrestriction on arbitrary license of use-relations” based on the agreement between Japan and the United States in 1994 was pointed out by the pharmaceutical industry, and it is indicated that careful consideration should continue to be given from the perspective of international cooperation, etc. with foreign countries. - 厚生労働省


As for matters that should be reviewed, I think there are several things on which the FSA itself must carry out reform or make improvements, such as reform of the financial inspection in relation to the facilitation of financing for SMEs, and monitoring of international risks. Could you express your frank opinions in this regard now that you have overseen the FSA’s activities for the past two months?  - 金融庁


Standards and conformity assessment systems, such as industrial standards and safety/environment regulations, may become trade barriers if they are excessive or abused. This agreement aims to prevent such systems from becoming unnecessary trade barriers by securing their transparency and harmonization with international standards (see Chapter 10 "Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems"). - 経済産業省


This incident had been assumed in the past to have occurred under the strong influence mainly of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement and the Matsukata deflation, however, in recent years, in addition to the above, there has been an increased need of studies considering then comparison to other sericulture areas, the influence of the above-mentioned international environments, comparison with other sericulture regions and the above-mentioned international environments influence, the ethnological situation peculiar to Chichibu district.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While Japan's financial system is stable compared with the systems of the United States and Europe, stresses in the global financial markets are continuing to grow, as shown by the recent wild price swings in the stock market, and this has apparently had adverse effects on the real economy on a global scale.  - 金融庁



Therefore, I do not think at all that the decision I have made at this time will make it difficult for Japanese companies to raise funds in international capital markets. Now that a Copernican change has occurred, the FSA needs to change its existing policies accordingly. As I happened to be the minister in charge, I have exercised my political initiative to make a change of course.  - 金融庁


I understand that this is a timely, extremely important question. On September 12, a meeting was held in Basel, Switzerland to examine global minimum capital standards and its phased implementation. From Japan, the FSA Commissioner attended the meeting.  - 金融庁


International financial regulatory reform will help improve the soundness of the financial system in the medium and long run. On the other hand, it will be extremely important to sufficiently reflect the differences in the actual state of the financial system from country to country and pay due consideration to the impact of reform on the real economy.  - 金融庁


We look forward to the report by the IEA, IEF and OPEC on practical steps G20 countries could take to increase transparency in international gas and coal markets, as well as the IOSCO report on progress on the implementation of the principles for the PRAs and the assessment by IOSCO in cooperation with the IEA, IEF and OPEC of the impact of these principles on physical markets. - 財務省



Ministers welcomed the continued cooperation between the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) and the IMF and strongly recommend both the FSF and the IMF, according to their respective roles, to help reinforce the compliance of poorly regulated offshore financial centers with internationally agreed standards and to improve their cooperation practices.  - 財務省



To this end, we support the development of and a greater use of available technologies, well-known practices and techniques such as soil fertility enhancement, minimum tillage and agroforestry, and call upon international organizations to provide a report on science-based options to improve the efficiency of water use in agriculture including in ways particularly suitable for small farms.  - 財務省


Bearing in mind the importance of the G20 being both representative and effective as the premier forum for our international economic cooperation, we reached a broad consensus on a set of principles for non-member invitations to Summits, including that we will invite no more than five non-member invitees, of which at least two will be countries in Africa.  - 財務省


It continues to be essential for the IMF to improve its financial instruments and to put in place an effective precautionary framework to cope with capital account crises, both ex ante and ex post.It is both legitimate and appropriate for the IMF to express its commitment to provide, as needed, sufficient emergency financing to countries that still have some vulnerabilities despite their sound economic policies, in order to help them maintain market confidence.  - 財務省

この点について、我々は、G10 中央銀行の支払決済システム委員会や他の適切な当局が、実効性及び国際支払システムの進展、さらにはこのような支払い情報に関するプライバシー保護を勘案しつつ、技術問題を探り、この問題に対してとり得る具体措置を検討することが有益であると考える。例文帳に追加

In this respect, we believe that it would be useful if the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the G10 central banks and other appropriate agencies could explore the technical aspects of this issues and consider possible concrete measures, taking into account the efficiency and evolution of the international payments system as well as privacy concerns regarding the information.  - 財務省

(3) 公の又は公に認められた国際博覧会における展示品に組み込まれた工業所有権の主題は、展示日から付与された保護証書の内容の公開日までの期間、暫定な法保護を享受するものとする。ただし、工業所有権の主題に係る保護の出願が博覧会で展示された日から6 月以内に特許庁に提出される場合に限る。例文帳に追加

(3) The industrial property subject matter incorporated in an exhibit displayed at an official or officially recognized international exhibition shall enjoy provisional legal protection during the period between the date of its display and the date of publication of the particulars of the granted title of protection, provided that an application for the protection of the industrial property subject matter has been filed with Kazpatent within six months following the date of its display at the exhibition. - 特許庁

(a) スロバキア共和国が締約国である国際条約の締約国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国である他国(以下「同盟国」という)の船舶の船上での,又はそのような船舶の船体,機械,船具,装備若しくは付属品に係る実施で,当該船舶がスロバキア共和国の領域内に一時又は偶発に入ったときのもの。ただし,発明の実施が専ら当該船舶の必要によるものである場合に限る。例文帳に追加

(a) on board vessels of other states party to the international convention or party to the World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to asUnion countries”) binding for the Slovak Republic, in the body of vessel, machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, if these vessels temporarily or accidentally enter the territory of the Slovak Republic provided the invention is used exclusively for the needs of the vessel, - 特許庁


Reproducing or imitating, in whole or in part and in a way that may induce to error or confusion, coats of arms, escutcheons, or national, foreign or international official badges, without the necessary authorization, in a mark, title of establishment, trade name, insignia or advertising sign, or using such reproductions or imitations for economic purposes.  - 特許庁


To be specific, after verifying that geographic characteristics such as country size, distance from other countries, degree of sharing of borders and differences between inland and coastal countries are determinants to trade (including both international trade and domestic trade), the geographic characteristics were estimated as the explanatory variable of income per worker (logarithm) in 1985 in 150 countries using the foreign dependency rate, population (logarithm) and land area (logarithm). - 経済産業省


Based on this belief, Japan is carrying out the following measures tailored to the conditions in each country: (1) recommending the construction of energy conservation and environmental systems, (2) supporting the development of international projects by Japan's energy companies in the fields of energy conservation, the environment, and promotion of new energy, and (3) actively supporting the use of nuclear power based on the major premise that safety is assured. - 経済産業省


With these efforts aimed at tourism industry promotion in other countries, Japan is also focusing its attention on the diverse significance of the tourism industry, including its direct effect of improving the balance on service, the strong economic ripple effect and the promotion of international mutual understanding, and is establishing a position aimed at actively working to promote its tourism industry. - 経済産業省

我が国で男女共同参画が国際に遅れている理由として、「仕事と家事・育児・介護等との両立支援制度がない、足りない」がもっとも多く(コラム第40-5 図)、就業意欲のある女性の雇用維持と再雇用促進のため、ワークライフバランスの積極推進や、子育てサービスの充実等により、継続就業を支援することが重要であるといえる。例文帳に追加

The reasons that Japan is internationally behind in male and female participating life's tasks together is; "Lack or insufficient in support system for Work and Housework, Raising children, Looking after elderly" are the most (see column Figure 40-5), supporting continuous employment or promoting re-hiring of who is willing to work, promotes positive balance of work and life, providing the adequate child care, most importantly supporting continuous work. - 経済産業省


To support SMMEs’ growth potential, we commit to continue building competitive, open and transparent business environments, assist SMMEs' internationalization and support of export-oriented SMMEs, strengthen their access to markets and financing, and promote innovation as a key competitive advantage for SMMEs. - 経済産業省


In May 2011, a support program of a total of 78 billion by the EU and the IMF was initiated, and thus, immediate financing was in sight. However, to return its economy to a sustainable growth track, it is necessary for Portugal to strive to increase its international competitiveness by forging ahead with structural reform and raise its long-term debt-paying ability as with Greece. - 経済産業省

1948 年に発足した関税と貿易に関する一般協定(GATT)の体制及びその後を受けて1995年に発足した世界貿易機関(WTO)は、多角交渉(ラウンド)を通じた関税など貿易障壁の削減・撤廃だけでなく、国際取引の安定と予見可能性の確保のための通商ルールの強化、充実を図り、多角貿易体制の強化と保護主義の抑制に大きく貢献してきた。例文帳に追加

The world has seen not only trade barriers reduced and eliminated through multilateral negotiations (“Rounds”), but also trade rules strengthened and enhanced to stabilize international trade and secure its predictability, made possible the initiatives of the GATT system, founded in 1948, and WTO, started in 1995 based on the achievements of GATT. - 経済産業省

・ 医薬品は医療の一環に位置づけられるものであり、生命関連商品としての高い価値と重い社会責任を持つものである。産業ビジョンは、様々な点について官民で共通認識を持つことを一つの目にするものであり、官民で責任を分担し、また分かち合うことも重要である。製薬企業に求められるのは国際競争力の強化だけではない。例文帳に追加

Pharmaceutical products are placed as a part of medical care and have high value and grave social responsibility as life-related products. The industrial vision has the purpose of having common view between the public and private sectors for various points and it is also important to divide and share responsibility between the public and private sectors. Those requested to pharmaceutical companies is not only strengthening of the international competitive power. - 厚生労働省


On the whole, in modern times when the speed of traffic and cultural interaction increased, corresponding has advanced on the international level, the cultural interaction has increased as a result of the speed of information-exchange by means of telephone, the Internet, and electronic mail and the ease of travel with the increase of airplanes has increased tremendously, nihon-ryori in the broad sense, including Japanese-style of eating as well as nihon-ryori dishes, and dishes from foreign cultures have all strongly influenced each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

仮に IOSCO の基本行動規範の見直しに加えて、国際的な議論の中でなんらかの監督規制が必要とされた場合でも、各国が異なる規制を導入することによる規制の重複や、規制を導入しない国があった場合の実効性の確保、市場効率の阻害などの課題への考慮が必要となる。例文帳に追加

Even if international agreement is reached that some kind of regulations or supervision is required, in addition to the review of IOSCO Code of Conduct, it would be necessary to take into consideration such issues as the overlap of regulations as a result of various countries implementing different regulations, how to secure enforcement in the event there are countries that do not implement regulation, and interference with market efficiency.  - 金融庁


I have another question regarding the moratorium scheme. You have said that loans to which the moratorium scheme is applied will not be regarded as non-performing loans. That may be fine with financial institutions concentrating on domestic businesses. However, in the case of megabanks with international business operations, a lack of transparency will arise in the eyes of foreign investors if the classification of borrowers becomes vague  - 金融庁

4 前二項の政令は、環境の保全に係る化学物質の管理についての国際動向、化学物質に関する科学知見、化学物質の製造、使用その他の取扱いに関する状況等を踏まえ、化学物質による環境の汚染により生ずる人の健康に係る被害並びに動植物の生息及び生育への支障が未然に防止されることとなるよう十分配慮して定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) The Cabinet Order referred to in the preceding two paragraphs shall be established by taking into account the international trend on management of chemical substances pertaining to the preservation of the environment, scientific knowledge on chemical substances, the status of manufacture, use, and other handling of chemical substances and other factors, and giving sufficient consideration so as to prevent any injury to human health and impediments to the inhabitation or growth of animals and plants caused by environmental pollution by chemical substances.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As you know, this bill provides for the implementation of measures to establish a comprehensive exchange that handles all securities and financial products as well as commodity products in order to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Japanese market and ensure the fairness and transparency of financial instrument transactions.  - 金融庁


As for what to do in Japan, the FSA, as the supervisory body, will strive to keep track of the situation in order to strengthen risk management by Japanese financial institutions and ensure the stability of Japan's financial system.  - 金融庁


When used in a geographical sense, the term includes the states thereof and the District of Columbia; such term also includes the territorial sea thereof and the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to that territorial sea, over which the United States exercises sovereign rights in accordance with international law; the term, however, does not include Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam or any other United States possession or territory;  - 財務省


The World Bank is expected to: mobilize necessary resources for development; further enhance its function as a provider of aid platform as well as its role as a knowledge bank to put together and disseminate best practices and experiences; and contribute to effective and efficient implementation of international aids to achieve maximum results.  - 財務省


The Minister-level Meeting on FTAAP (Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific)/EPA(Economic Partnership Agreements) will consider the basic policy for strengthening "kizuna" (the bonds of friendship) with other countries, such as promoting high level economic partnerships based on "Basic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnership" (cabinet decision adopted in November 2010) and establishing economic security, taking into consideration factors such as the sentiments of the farmers and fishermen who have suffered enormous damage by the earthquake and the nuclear incident, the progresses in the international negotiations, and concerns of de-industrialization. - 経済産業省

(ⅰ)我が国の優れた医療分野の革新技術の実用化を強力に後押しするため、一元な研究管理、研究から臨床への橋渡し、国際水準の質の高い臨床研究・治験が確実に実施される仕組みの構築等を行う司令塔機能(日本版NIH)を創設する。 【次期通常国会に新独法設立法案提出】例文帳に追加

(i) To push forward the development of practical applications of Japan’s outstanding innovative medical technologies, establish control tower functions (Japanese version of NIH) which will create arrangements to ensure integrated research management, the linking of research and clinical practice, and high quality clinical research and clinical trials that meet international standards. (Submit bill to establish new independent administrative agency to Diet during next ordinary session)  - 経済産業省

「FTAAP・EPA のための閣僚会合」において、「包括経済連携に関する基本方針」に基づく高いレベルの経済連携推進や経済安全保障の確立等、国と国との絆の強化に関する基本考え方を、震災や原子力災害によって大きな被害を受けている農業者・漁業者の心情、国際交渉の進捗、産業空洞化の懸念等に配慮しつつ、検討する。例文帳に追加

The Minister-level Meeting on FTAAP (Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific)/EPA (Economic Partnership Agreements) will consider the basic policy for strengthening “Kizuna” (bonds of friendship) with other countries through such measures as promoting high-level economic partnerships based on theBasic Policy on Comprehensive Economic Partnerships” and establishing economic security, taking into consideration factors such as the sentiments of the farmers and fishery industry workers who have suffered enormous damage by the earthquake and the nuclear incident, the progress in international negotiations, and concerns regarding the hollowing out of industry. - 経済産業省


If no nationally or internationally recognized due diligence framework is available for a particular conflict mineral from recycled or scrap sources, the due diligence inquiry regarding the conflict mineral focuses on whether the conflict mineral is from recycled or scrap sources. - 経済産業省


The second meeting was held in May 2008 in which issues such as the import ban on U.S. chickens and specific measures to alleviate the impact of implementing EU's REACH were discussed. The joint statement on open investment released at the meeting stressed the benefits of international investment and importance of indiscriminate and transparent investment policies37. - 経済産業省


At the same time, this report seeks to identify and analyze problems concerning the trade policies and measures of Japan's major trading partners (which are referred to as "economies" or "countries"), and to urge them to remove or otherwise remedy the problematic policies and measures. - 経済産業省


This time, the BAC has decided to revise this provision considering international practices so that, if management does not present its assessment or plans for future actions, then the auditor would be required to determine whether to disclaim the opinion, as in cases where they are unable to fulfill an audit procedure that they believe is necessary and are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.  - 金融庁


In any case, this rule change is an emergency measure to cope with the rapid expansion of losses, and we have no intention of changing our international commitments or laws with regard to either type of financial institution, as I said at the beginning of this press conference. I hope that financial institutions will take advantage of the new rules in a manner that would benefit them.  - 金融庁


Your reply to the previous question concerning IFRS was apparently somewhat beside the point. What the questioner mentioned was the possibility that due to a weakening of Japan's say in the international community, Japan's circumstances may not be taken into consideration when IFRS is worked out. What is your view on that?  - 金融庁


We endorse the recommendations and the revised FSB Charter for placing the FSB on an enduring organizational footing, with legal personality, strengthened governance, greater financial autonomy and enhanced capacity to coordinate the development and implementation of financial regulatory policies, while maintaining strong links with the BIS.  - 財務省


If risk is to be transferred from the banking sector to governments, it should be at a fair price, including through fees, with appropriate risk sharing, to limit the cost to the government as well as prevent moral hazard, provide the right incentives to the participating institutions and maintain a level playing field across financial institutions, both nationally and internationally.  - 財務省


This type of governance system can compensate for the authoritative and systemic deficiencies relating to auditors while effectively utilizing the functions of auditors, and it enables the supervisory function over management to be strengthened. It has the potential to serve as a preferred, realistic model that maintains consistency with Japan's legal system while also being acceptable by international standards.  - 金融庁


I suppose the next question will be about the measures to deal with significant financial institutions at the system level. Discussions are making progress on an international scale at G20's Financial Stability Board, or FSB, from a broad perspective including developing a system of bankruptcy proceedings, implementing inspection and supervision in a strict manner, and enhancing the financial infrastructure.  - 金融庁


In East Asia, where there is an abundance of human resources, Japanese companies must secure and utilize competent local staff experienced in production, sales and management geared to a developing country. Acquiring such talent would be desirable for a major contribution to the development of efficient international business operations by Japanese companies, including not only the management of local corporations in East Asia but also the development of business in other regions. - 経済産業省


Furniture is the main product handled by this company. Furniture is essentially a heavy and large volume product, resulting in high storage and transport costs, so even if low cost products are purchased from foreign countries, they cannot compete on price with domestically produced goods which have low storage and transport costs. This is one reason that there are limitations on international distribution accompanying expansion. - 経済産業省


It is essential for the government to do its best to protect the Japanese people and firms facing the whirlwind of the international financial market. By doing so, the government must definitely prevent the people's confidence from deteriorating and the economy from falling into a vicious cycle. To that end, the government will immediately work on comprehensive countermeasures against the yen's appreciation, while taking into consideration developments in the foreign exchange market.  - 金融庁



The G-7 statement came in response to messages being sent at a series of international conferences where participants recognized that global current-account imbalances are an important issue that should be tackled seriously by members of the global community. The G-7 countries, sharing the recognition and in view of the need for each member of the international community to fulfill its own responsibility, decided to refer toexchange rate flexibility," an issue for emerging economies, in the statement for the April 2006 meeting. - 経済産業省


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