
「発見者」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(16ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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(10)In the distribution stage in the domestic market, subsequent to importation, prefectures and cities and specially designated wards that operate public health centers (hereinafter referred to as “the prefectures, etc.”) shall monitor and give guidance on imported foods. If any violation of the Act is identified, the MHLW, the quarantine station and the prefectures, etc. shall cooperate with each other to take appropriate measures to ensure that the importer concerned properly recalls the food as soon as possible. - 厚生労働省


(9) In the distribution stage in the domestic market, subsequent to importation, each prefecture (including prefectures, cities and specially designated wards that operate public health centers; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall monitor and give guidance on imported foods.If a quarantine station or prefectural organization identifies any violation of the Act, the MHLW, the quarantine station and the prefecture concerned shall cooperate with each other to take appropriate measures to ensure that the importer concerned recalls the food as soon as possible. - 厚生労働省


The quarantine stations shall instruct importers to properly prepare and retain records of theimportation, sales and other details for the imported foods in order to allow the quarantinestations to check and identify the conditions of import and distribution of those foods at anytime.The quarantine stations shall also instruct importers to assure that relevant information beimmediately provided to the quarantine stations and prefectures concerned when a violation ofthe Law has been identified. - 厚生労働省

第七十一条 登記官は、権利に関する登記を完了した後に当該登記が第二十五条第一号から第三号まで又は第十三号に該当することを発見したときは、登記権利及び登記義務並びに登記上の利害関係を有する第三に対し、一月以内の期間を定め、当該登記の抹消について異議のあるがその期間内に書面で異議を述べないときは、当該登記を抹消する旨を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 71 (1) When a registrar has found, after completing a registration of a right, that the registration falls under Article 25, item (i) to item (iii) or item (xiii), he/she shall specify a period not exceeding one month and give notice to the person entitled to register, person obliged to register and any third party who has an interest in the registration to the effect that the registration will be cancelled unless any person who has an objection to the cancellation of the registration files an objection in writing within such period.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


投資からの苦情、捜査当局からの照会、金融商品取引業・金融商品取引業協会等からの情報提供又は新聞広告等から、金商法第 63条第2項に規定する届出を行うことなく適格機関投資家等特例業務を行っている業発見した場合には、当該業に対し、かかる行為を直ちに取り止める又は直ちに届出を行うよう文書で警告を行うこととする。例文帳に追加

When supervisors have recognized cases where a business operator is engaging in a business specially permitted for qualified institutional investors without fulfilling the obligation to make a notification under Article 63(2) of the FIEA, as a result of a complaint from customers, an inquiry from investigative authorities, the provision of information by Financial Instruments Business Operators/Financial Instruments FirmsAssociations, a newspaper advertisement, etc., they shall warn the business operator in writing to suspend the business or immediately make the necessary notification.  - 金融庁


第二十四条 検疫所長は、検疫を行うに当たり、当該船舶等内に、感染症の予防及び感染症の患に対する医療に関する法律第六条第三項から第五項まで及び第七項に規定する感染症で検疫感染症以外のものの患若しくは死発見した場合又は当該船舶等がこれらの感染症の病原体に汚染し、若しくは汚染したおそれがあると認めた場合において、緊急の必要があるときは、診察、消毒等その予防に必要な応急措置を行い、又は検疫官をしてこれを行わせなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24 Under quarantine, the quarantine station chief shall take necessary preventive measures including medical examinations, sterilization, or shall assign a quarantine officer to the job on if urgently needed if it is found that there is an infectious patient or a person has died from such a disease, except quarantinable infectious diseases, specified in Paragraph 3 through Paragraph 5 and Paragraph 7 of Article 6 of the Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases and the Medical Care of Infectious Patients, or if it is recognized that the vessel etc. is infected or potentially infected by such infectious disease-causing pathogens.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However, in the course of the Internal Control Audit, external auditors should report identified control deficiencies and material weaknesses to the management and request remediation. In the course of establishing the internal control system, they are not prohibited from exchanging opinions with the management or other parties as needed, or from providing appropriate suggestions towards the establishment of an effective internal control system, if the company or the management, not external auditors, implements relevant tasks and makes necessary decisions.  - 金融庁


However, in the course of the internal control audit, external auditors should report identified control deficiencies (including material weaknesses) to the management and request remediation. In the course of establishing the internal control system, they are not prohibited from exchanging opinions with the management or other parties as needed, or from providing appropriate suggestions towards the establishment of an effective internal control system, if the company or the management, not external auditors, implements relevant tasks and makes necessary decisions.  - 金融庁


Therefore, if "a person skilled in the art" who is supposed to have ordinary skill cannot understand how to carry out the invention on the basis of teachings in the specification (excluding claims) and drawings taking into consideration the common general knowledge as of the filing, then, such a description of the invention should be deemed insufficient for enabling such a person to carry out the invention. For example, if a large amount of trials and errors or complicated experimentation are needed to find a way of carrying out the invention beyond the reasonable extent that can be expected from a person skilled in the art who is supposed to have ordinary skill, the detailed description of the invention is not described in such a manner that enables a person skilled in the art to carry out the invention.  - 特許庁



The strategy also states that international mutual understanding will be promoted through the expansion of international tourism exchange, as a proper understanding of Japan expands among foreign travelers, and Japanese people also increase their understanding of diverse overseas cultures and national identities through exchange with foreign travelers visiting Japan. It goes on to point out that rediscovering and burnishing the unique nature,traditions and culture rooted in each region of Japan as global tourism resources to attract foreign travelers will contribute to building people’s confidence and pride in their regions. - 経済産業省



Further, in each model, in order to discover the serial data, the analysis of a trial version by way of reverse engineering unavoidably becomes necessary. In some cases, additionally, it is a prerequisite to execute an agreement containing provisions on the prohibition of reverse engineering upon receipt of the trial version from the right holder, on the assumption that such prohibition of reverse engineering is legally valid. (For details regarding the interpretation of reverse engineering in the context of the Antimonopoly Act see Part 2, 1 (3) "Unreasonable Clauses", III. "Contractual clause restricting competition.") If a party to such agreement discovers the serial data by reverse engineering, such party will bear contractual liabilities.  - 経済産業省

一 障害等が障害福祉サービスその他のサービスを利用しつつ、その有する能力及び適性に応じ、自立した日常生活又は社会生活を営むことができるよう、地域の障害等の福祉に関する各般の問題につき、障害等、障害児の保護又は障害等の介護を行うからの相談に応じ、必要な情報の提供及び助言その他の厚生労働省令で定める便宜を供与するとともに、障害等に対する虐待の防止及びその早期発見のための関係機関との連絡調整その他の障害等の権利の擁護のために必要な援助を行う事業例文帳に追加

(i) Service which provides consultation for persons with disabilities, or others , guardians of children with disabilities, or caretakers of persons with disabilities concerning various regional problems regarding support for persons with disabilities, or others, provides necessary information and advice or other benefits prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as well as provides necessary assistance for advocating the rights of persons with disabilities, or others, as well as conduct liaison and coordination with institutes concerned to prevent abuse to persons with disabilities, or others and to recognize such abuse at an early stage so that persons with disabilities, or others can live independent daily or social life according to their respective abilities and aptitudes as using welfare service for persons with disabilities and other service.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a position retrieval system employing a position retrieval PHS terminal where an external instruction is given to the terminal, present position exposition means of the terminal transmit information sensible to a searcher, even when the searcher not knowing the outward shape of the terminal can easily and surely find out and acquire the terminal of the searching object in a short time according to the information. - 特許庁


Acceptance of inbound tourists generates considerable economic ripple effects, such as expansion in domestic demand, as well as the creation of job opportunities and new industries, and the revitalization of related companies and regions. In addition, such acceptance enables the regions to enhance their vitality by rediscovering and refining their distinctive natural environment, traditions and cultures, from the global standpoint. Therefore, in addition to national government commitments, each local government, business operator and citizen is strongly requested to advance foreigner-friendly human resource development and town planning, in order to break free from the exclusive, introversive way of thinking. - 経済産業省

「食品等事業の記録の作成及び保存に係る指針(ガイドライン)(平成 15 年8月 29 日付け食安発第 0829001 号)」を踏まえ、輸入に対し、輸入食品等の流通状況についての確認が常時行えるよう、食品等に関する輸入や販売状況の記録等の適正な作成及び保存に努めるとともに、法違反が発見された場合において、関係する検疫所又は都道府県等に当該情報を速やかに提供することが可能となるよう指導する。例文帳に追加

Taking into account the “Guidelines concerning preparation and retention of records by food business operators (Notice No. 0829001 of the Department of Food Safety dated August 29, 2003), the quarantine stations shall instruct importers to properly prepare and retain records of the importation, sales and other details for the imported foods in order to allow the quarantine stations to check and identify the conditions of import and distribution of those foods at all times.The quarantine stations shall also instruct importers to assure that relevant information be immediately provided to the quarantine stations and prefectures, etc. concerned when a violation of the Act has been identified. - 厚生労働省


Taking into account the “Guidelines concerning preparation and retention of records by food business operators (Notice No. 0829001 of the Department of Food Safety dated August 29, 2003), the quarantine stations shall instruct importers to properly prepare and retain records of the importation, sales and other details for the imported foods in order to allow the quarantine stations to check and identify the conditions of import and distribution of those foods at all times.The quarantine stations shall also instruct importers to assure that relevant information be immediately provided to the quarantine stations and prefectures, etc. concerned when a violation of the Act has been identified. - 厚生労働省


ii. If the same imported foods exported from the same country or by the same manufacturer or processor are found in the monitoring inspection to have violated the Act several times with regard to residual agricultural chemicals, etc., all or part of the relevant imported foods shall be subject to an inspection order, taking into account the conditions of regulations and sanitation control in the exporting country and history of compliance with the Act concerning the imported foods. - 厚生労働省

一 満十六歳に達する日の属する年度(四月一日から翌年三月三十一日までをいう。以下この項、第四十四条の二及び第四十六条において同じ。)に前条又は前項の規定により行われた健康診断の際要観察(胸部エックス線検査によつて結核によるものと考えられる治癒所見の発見された及び担当の医師が結核の発病のおそれがあると認めたをいう。次号において同じ。)とされなかつたに対してそのが満十七歳に達する日の属する年度及び満十八歳に達する日の属する年度に当該健康診断を行つた事業が行う健康診断例文帳に追加

(i) The medical examination conducted, for a person who has not diagnosed as requiring continuous medical observation (meaning a person who was not diagnosed as having traces of a cured past disease which is considered to be tuberculosis from the results of the thoracic x-ray examination, and a person who was not diagnosed as being apt to be affected by tuberculosis by the physician in charge; the same shall apply in the next item) from the result of the medical examination conducted pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article or preceding paragraph in fiscal year (meaning the 12 months from April 1 through March 31; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and Articles 44-2 and 46) in which the person reached the ages of 16, in fiscal years in which the person reaches the ages of 17 and 18 respectively by the employer who conducted the said medical examination.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百七十一条の七 内閣総理大臣は、提出書類のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき事項のうち重要なもの若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けていることを発見したときは、いつでも、当該提出書類の提出をしたに対し、訂正報告書の提出を命ずることができる。この場合においては、行政手続法第十三条第一項(不利益処分をしようとする場合の手続)の規定による意見陳述のための手続の区分にかかわらず、聴聞を行わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 271-7 The Prime Minister may, when he/she has discovered that there is a false statement with regard to an important matter or a lack of statement of any important matter among the matters that should be stated or any facts necessary for avoiding misunderstanding in the Documents Required, order the person who has submitted that Documents Required, at any time, to submit a correction report. In this case, a hearing shall be carried out irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements under Article 13, paragraph (1) (Procedures Prerequisite for Adverse Dispositions) of the Administrative Procedure Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十二条 国及び地方公共団体は、肝炎の早期発見に資するよう、肝炎検査の方法等の検討、肝炎検査の事業評価の実施、肝炎検査に携わる医療従事に対する研修の機会の確保その他の肝炎検査の質の向上等を図るために必要な施策を講ずるとともに、肝炎検査の受検率の向上に資するよう、肝炎検査に関する普及啓発その他必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12 In order to contribute to the early detection of hepatitis, the national government and local governments shall take measures for the review of hepatitis examination methods or the like, evaluation of hepatitis examination services and the securing of training opportunities for medical personnel involved in hepatitis examination, and other measures necessary to promote the improvement of hepatitis examination quality or the like, and to disseminate information and improve public awareness concerning hepatitis examination and other necessary measures to contribute to improving the rate of hepatitis examination.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 有料許可証の交付を受けたは、次の各号のいずれかに該当することとなつたときは、当該事実のあつた日の翌日から起算して十日以内に、第一号又は第二号の場合にあつては有料の職業紹介事業を行うすべての事業所に係る有料許可証、第三号の場合にあつては発見し又は回復した有料許可証を厚生労働大臣に返納しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who has received the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses shall, when any of the cases listed in each of the following items becomes applicable to such person, return to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses in respect of any and all places of business operating the charged employment placement businesses in case of item 1 or item 2, or the Certificate of License of Charged Businesses found or restored in case of item 3, within 10 days from the day following the date of occurrence of such applicable event.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十二条の六 内閣総理大臣は、提出書類のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき事項のうち重要なもの若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けていることを発見したときは、いつでも、当該提出書類の提出をしたに対し、訂正報告書の提出を命ずることができる。この場合においては、行政手続法第十三条第一項(不利益処分をしようとする場合の手続)の規定による意見陳述のための手続の区分にかかわらず、聴聞を行わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 52-6 The Prime Minister may, when he/she has discovered that there is a false statement on important matters or a lack of statement of any important matters among the matters that should be stated or any facts necessary for avoiding misunderstanding in the Documents Required, order the person who has submitted that Documents Required, at any time, to submit a correction report. In this case, a hearing shall be carried out irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements under Article 13(1) (Procedures Prerequisite for Adverse Dispositions) of the Administrative Procedure Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Therefore, if an automated control was assessed in the previous period as operating effectively without control deficiencies, management may continuously use those results, provided the following conditions are met and recorded. 1) No changes have been made to the control since the last assessment 2) No failures or errors have occurred 3) Related general controls have been assessed and found to be designed appropriately and operating effectively  - 金融庁


When identifying fraud or illegal facts in the course of an Internal Control Audit, external auditors must report them to the management, board of directors and corporate auditors or audit committee on a timely basis and request for the appropriate remediation. External auditors should evaluate their impact on the effectiveness of internal controls and, if judging them to constitute control deficiencies or material weaknesses, should take the measures described under (3) above.  - 金融庁


When identifying fraud or an illegal fact in the course of an Internal Control Audit, external auditors must report it to the management, board of directors and corporate auditors or audit committee on a timely basis, and request for the appropriate remediation. External auditors should evaluate their impact on the effectiveness of internal controls and, if judging the fraud or illegal fact to constitute control deficiencies or material weaknesses, should take the measures described under (3) above.  - 金融庁


Where a transaction for which it is impossible to determine whether it is necessary to give notification of suspicious transactions has been detected based on a reference casebook depicting examples of suspicious transactions and information about the transaction, it is necessary to confirm the information that is necessary for determining whether the relevant money exchange falls under suspicious transactions. Where a specified business operator has determined that the transaction does not fall under suspicious transactions, it is necessary for the specified business operator to record the content of confirmation and preserve it for the period specified by the specified business operator as the period necessary to give notification of suspicious transactions.  - 財務省


To resolve a problem that there is no place or means for publicly opening and notifying new discovery of a product's allurement and its use when a consumer tries a plurality of products such as European clothes on by combining them freely, and creates fashion coordination and dressing personally, and to provide a system for giving the place as the publicly opened website by resolving the problem by an internet website constructing technique and database applying technique. - 特許庁

本発明は、網羅的マイクロアレイ法を用いて、アフリカツメガエルの胚を検討したところ、アクチビンAに応答して早期にその発現が大きく低下する遺伝子として、Unigene code Xl. 7756(BENI, Brachyury Expression by Nuclear Inhibitorと命名)を発見し、これが中胚葉特異的な因子であるBrachyuryの発現を核の中で抑制しながら、中胚葉の分化誘導を調節することを見出した。例文帳に追加

The inventor investigated the embryo of Xenopus by using exhaustive microarray method and find out a Unigene code XI. 7756 (named as BENI, Brachyury Expression by Nuclear Inhibitor) as a gene responding to activin A in early development and greatly reducing its expression, and that the gene regulates induction of differentiation of mesoderm while regulating expression of Brachyury which is a specific factor of mesoderm in the nucleus. - 特許庁


An entity handling personal information must endeavor to maintain personal data accurate and up to date within the scope necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Utilization by preparing the procedures of collation and confirmation when personal information is inputted into a personal information database, etc., preparing the procedures of collection, etc. when an error, etc. is found, updating the matters recorded, and setting storage period, etc. (excluding cases corresponding to 2-1-4. “* Explanation about handling of telephone directory and car navigation system, etc.”).  - 経済産業省

本省は、都道府県等の収去検査(法第 28 条第1項の規定に基づく収去又は検査をいう。)や販売等の自主検査等により、国内流通時に輸入食品等の法違反が発見された旨の連絡を受けた場合は、検疫所に対して法違反の輸入食品等に係る情報の提供を行うとともに、当該情報に基づき輸入時における検査の強化等の必要な措置を講ずる。例文帳に追加

If the MHLW receives correspondence from a prefecture, etc. identifying a violation of the Act with concern to an imported food when the food is put into distribution in the domestic market as a result of removal inspections (removal or inspection based on the provision of Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Act) and/or voluntary inspections by seller, etc., the MHLW shall in turn provide the quarantine station concerned with information on the violating food. The MHLW shall also take any necessary measures based on that information, such as enhancement of import inspections. - 厚生労働省


If the MHLW receives correspondence from a prefecture, etc. identifying a violation of the Act with concern to an imported food when the food is put into distribution in the domestic market as a result of removal inspections (removal or inspection based on the provision of Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Act) and/or voluntary inspections by seller, etc., the MHLW shall in turn provide the quarantine station concerned with information on the violating food. The MHLW shall also take any necessary measures based on that information, such as enhancement of import inspections. - 厚生労働省


If the ministry receives correspondence from a prefectural organization identifying a violation of the Act with concern to an imported food when the food is put into distribution in the domestic market as a result of removal inspections (removal or inspection based on the provision of Article 28, paragraph 1 of the Act) and/or voluntary inspections of sales, the MHLW shall in turn provide the quarantine station concerned with information on the violating food.The MHLW shall also take any necessary measures based on that information, such as enhancement of import inspections. - 厚生労働省


Advances in genome and post-genome research are expected to reveal new drug discovery targets through higher-function analysis of genes, proteins and sugar chains etc. In particular, rapid progress is anticipated in the search for and functional analysis of disease-related genes based on analysis of patient-derived genomes and drug response-related genes and proteins linked to pharmaceutical action; in the establishment of animal disease models and elucidation of their link with human diseases; and in efficient drug efficacy and safety evaluations based on biomarker searches. - 厚生労働省


Notification of suspicious transaction prevents criminal proceeds, etc. from being transferred using specified business operators (meaning business operators subject to the Criminal Proceeds Transfer Prevention Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) through notification of information about transactions that are determined to be suspected of being related to criminal proceeds, etc. in comprehensive consideration of the attributes of customers, the circumstances at the time of transactions, and other specific information that specified business operators have, on the premise of general knowledge/experience of specific business operators.  - 財務省

第二十六条 都道府県知事は、次の各号に掲げる食品、添加物、器具又は容器包装を発見した場合において、これらを製造し、又は加工したの検査の能力等からみて、そのが製造し、又は加工する食品、添加物、器具又は容器包装がその後引き続き当該各号に掲げる食品、添加物、器具又は容器包装に該当するおそれがあり、食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するため必要があると認めるときは、政令で定める要件及び手続に従い、そのに対し、当該食品、添加物、器具又は容器包装について、当該都道府県知事又は登録検査機関の行う検査を受けるべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 26 (1) In the case where a prefectural governor has found food, additives, apparatus or containers and packaging listed in the following items, and when he/she finds, in light of the capabilities, etc. for conducting inspections of a person who produced or processed them, that food, additives, apparatus or containers and packaging which the person produced or processed are likely to continue to fall under those listed in the following items and finds it necessary to prevent food sanitation hazards, he/she may, following requirements and procedures specified by a Cabinet Order, order the person to receive inspections by said prefectural governor or a registered conformity assessment body regarding said food, additives, apparatus or containers and packaging:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A warrant issued under this section may authorize persons, including the registered proprietor or his or her designated representative, to accompany and assist any member of the Garda Siochana in executing the warrant or in collating any inventory or other evidence. A person who-- obstructs or interferes with a person acting under the authority of a warrant issued under this section, is found in, on or at the premises or place specified in the warrant by a member of the Garda Siochana acting as aforesaid and who fails or refuses to give the member his or her name and address when required to do so or gives a name or address that is false or misleading, obstructs the exercise of an authority conferred by a warrant under this section, or fails or refuses to give information to a member of the Garda Siochana when requested to do so under this section, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding .1,905 (£1,500), or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or both. - 特許庁

第十条 原子力防災管理は、原子力事業所の区域の境界付近において政令で定める基準以上の放射線量が政令で定めるところにより検出されたことその他の政令で定める事象の発生について通報を受け、又は自ら発見したときは、直ちに、主務省令及び原子力事業防災業務計画の定めるところにより、その旨を主務大臣、所在都道府県知事、所在市町村長及び関係隣接都道府県知事(事業所外運搬に係る事象の発生の場合にあっては、主務大臣並びに当該事象が発生した場所を管轄する都道府県知事及び市町村長)に通報しなければならない。この場合において、所在都道府県知事及び関係隣接都道府県知事は、関係周辺市町村長にその旨を通報するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) When a nuclear emergency preparedness manager has been notified that a radiation dose above the limit specified by a Cabinet Order has been detected, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, near the border of an area where the nuclear site is located or has discovered such fact for him/herself, he/she shall, pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry and the nuclear operator emergency action plan, immediately notify the competent minister, the competent prefectural governor, the competent mayor of a municipality and the related neighboring prefectural governors (in the case of the occurrence of an event pertaining to transport outside the nuclear site, the competent minister, and a prefectural governor and the mayor of a municipality who have jurisdiction over the place where said event has occurred) to that effect. In this case, the competent prefectural governor and the related neighboring prefectural governors shall notify the mayors of related surrounding municipalities to that effect.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The "compositions comprising a specific quaternary ammonium salt for use in antifouling of ship bottoms" is different from "compositions comprising a specific quaternary ammonium salt for use as undercoating for electrodeposition" even if the compositions of both inventions do not differ in any aspects but the limitation of use, since the limitation of use represents the definition of "the compounds," wherein the use expressed by "for use as undercoating for electrodeposition" is derived from an attribute that enables electrodeposition on materials and improves adherence of overcoat layers and the use expressed by "for use as antifouling of ship bottoms" is a novel use that is derived from a discovered unknown attribute that prevents shells from sticking to the bottom of ships and is not included in the scope of the known arts derived from the attribute.  - 特許庁

(4) 局長への特許出願について(1)の規定に基づいて通知が送達された場合において,前記出願に関し(2)の規定に基づく通知が送達されることなく,その通知の送達日から6月が経過するときは,前記出願の出願日前に当該発明の発見又は開発に関連して費用を負担し又は労力を費やしたは何人も,当該費用又は労力について国防大臣が財務大臣の承認を得て決定する補償金の支払を受ける権利を有する。この補償金は,合理的な負担額と認められる費用額以上のものとし,その額は,国防大臣と前記のとの間で合意に至らないときは,仲裁手続により定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(4) Where, on an application to the Commissioner for the grant of a patent, a notice has been served under subsection (1) of this section and 6 months have elapsed from the date of the service of that notice without the service of a notice under subsection (2) of this section in relation to that application, any person who has, before the date of the application, incurred expense or done work in connection with the discovery or development of the invention concerned shall be entitled to be paid such compensation in respect of that expense or work as the Minister of Defence may, with the approval of the Minister of Finance, determine, and the compensation shall not in any case be less than the amount of the expense reasonably so incurred, and the amount of that expense shall, in default of agreement between the Minister of Defence and that person, be settled by arbitration: - 特許庁

第十条 内閣総理大臣は、有価証券届出書のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けていることを発見したときは、いつでも、届出に対し、訂正届出書の提出を命じ、必要があると認めるときは、第四条第一項又は第二項の規定による届出の効力の停止を命ずることができる。この場合においては、行政手続法第十三条第一項の規定による意見陳述のための手続の区分にかかわらず、聴聞を行わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 10 (1) When the Prime Minister finds that a Securities Registration Statement contains any fake statement on important matters, or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, he/she may at any time order the person submitting the Securities Registration Statement to submit an amendment and may, when he/she finds it necessary, order the suspension of the effect of the notification made under Article 4(1) or (2). In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13(1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十三条の十 内閣総理大臣は、発行登録書(当該発行登録書に係る参照書類を含む。)及びその添付書類、第二十三条の四若しくは前条第一項の規定による訂正発行登録書(当該訂正発行登録書に係る参照書類を含む。)又は発行登録追補書類(当該発行登録追補書類に係る参照書類を含む。)及びその添付書類のうちに重要な事項について虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき重要な事項若しくは誤解を生じさせないために必要な重要な事実の記載が欠けていることを発見したときは、いつでも、当該書類の提出に対し、訂正発行登録書の提出を命ずることができる。この場合においては、行政手続法第十三条第一項の規定による意見陳述のための手続の区分にかかわらず、聴聞を行わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 23-10 (1) When the Prime Minister finds that a Shelf Registration Statement (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or the documents attached thereto, an Amended Shelf Registration Statement submitted under Article 23-4 or paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or Shelf Registration Supplements (including Reference Documents referenced therein) or the documents attached thereto contains any fake statement on important matters, or lacks a statement on important matters that should be stated or on a material fact that is necessary for avoiding misunderstanding, he/she may at any time order the person submitting these documents to submit an Amended Shelf Registration Statement. In this case, a hearing shall be held irrespective of the categories of procedures for hearing statements of opinion under Article 13(1) of the Administrative Procedure Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The textbook cites the three major processes of enterprise risk management and describes the theory and practice of each of them with the aid of case studies: (i) "risk evaluation assessment and understanding," the specific method of appropriately detecting, identifying, analyzing and assessing risks defined as an uncertainty about the future; (ii) "risk response," the specific method of maximizing return by adequately responding to identified risks and making most appropriate decisions; and (iii) "communication of risk information," the specific method of obtaining the understanding and trust of people inside and outside companies by appropriately recording, storing, describing and communicating information related to risks. - 経済産業省

これら我が国に輸入される食品等の現状を踏まえ、平成 22 年度において、厚生労働省本省(以下「本省」という。)及び検疫所は、全国の検疫所における食品衛生監視員の増員、検査施設の増築、検査機器の整備による輸入時の検査項目の拡充を図るとともに、モニタリング検査(食品衛生法(昭和 22 年法律第233 号。以下「法」という。)第 28 条の規定に基づき多種多様な食品等について食品安全の状況を幅広く監視すること及び法違反が発見された場合に、輸入時の検査を強化するなどの対策を講ずることを目的として、年度ごとに計画的に実施する検査をいう。以下同じ。)や検査命令(法第 26 条の規定に基づき法違反の可能性が高いと見込まれる輸入食品等について、輸入に対して輸入の都度の検査を命じるものをいう。以下同じ。)等の輸入時における監視指導の強化を行った。例文帳に追加

In light of actual conditions of the food(s) imported into Japan, in FY 2010, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as “the MHLW”) and quarantine stations expanded the scope of items to be inspected at the time of importation by increasing the number of food sanitation inspectors, expanding inspection facilities and introducing testing equipment, and reinforced import inspections and guidance, such as monitoring inspections (meaning the inspections that are systematically implemented every fiscal year for the purpose of monitoring safety conditions of various foods based on the provision of Article 28 of the Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and of taking measures including reinforced inspections at the time when violations of the Act are found; hereinafter the same applies) and inspection orders (meaning the orders requiring importers to have imported foods with a high possibility of violating the Act inspected each time that the goods are imported, based on the provision of Article 26 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies). - 厚生労働省


In light of actual conditions of the food(s) imported into Japan, in FY 2011, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as “the MHLW”) and quarantine stations expanded the scope of items to be inspected at the time of importation by increasing the number of food sanitation inspectors and introducing testing equipment, and reinforced import inspections and guidance, such as monitoring inspections (meaning the inspections that are systematically implemented every fiscal year for the purpose of monitoring safety conditions of various foods based on the provision of Article 28 of the Food Sanitation Act (Act No. 233 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and of taking measures including reinforced inspections at the time when violations of the Act are found; hereinafter the same applies) and inspection orders (meaning the orders requiring importers to have imported foods with a high possibility of violating the Act inspected each time that the goods are imported, based on the provision of Article 26 of the Act; hereinafter the same applies). - 厚生労働省

第八条 厚生労働大臣は、特定の国若しくは地域において採取され、製造され、加工され、調理され、若しくは貯蔵され、又は特定のにより採取され、製造され、加工され、調理され、若しくは貯蔵される特定の食品又は添加物について、第二十六条第一項から第三項まで又は第二十八条第一項の規定による検査の結果次に掲げる食品又は添加物に該当するものが相当数発見されたこと、生産地における食品衛生上の管理の状況その他の厚生労働省令で定める事由からみて次に掲げる食品又は添加物に該当するものが相当程度含まれるおそれがあると認められる場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度その他の厚生労働省令で定める事項を勘案して、当該特定の食品又は添加物に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するため特に必要があると認めるときは、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴いて、当該特定の食品又は添加物を販売し、又は販売の用に供するために、採取し、製造し、輸入し、加工し、使用し、若しくは調理することを禁止することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) Regarding specific food or additives which are collected, produced, processed, cooked, or stored in a specific country or region, or which are collected, produced, processed, cooked, or stored by a specific person, in the case where, as a result of inspections under Article 26, paragraphs (1) to (3), or Article 28, paragraph (1), a considerable number of articles falling under the following food or additives are found, or it is found that articles falling under the following food or additives are likely to be included to a considerable extent, judging from the conditions of food sanitation management at a production site or on other grounds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may prohibit the sales of said specific food or additives, or the collection, production, import, processing, use, or cooking of said specific food or additives for the purpose of marketing, by hearing the opinions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, when he/she finds it particularly necessary to prevent food sanitation hazards resulting from said specific food or additives, considering the level of the risk to human health and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十七条 厚生労働大臣は、特定の国若しくは地域において製造され、又は特定のにより製造される特定の器具又は容器包装について、第二十六条第一項から第三項まで又は第二十八条第一項の規定による検査の結果次に掲げる器具又は容器包装に該当するものが相当数発見されたこと、製造地における食品衛生上の管理の状況その他の厚生労働省令で定める事由からみて次に掲げる器具又は容器包装に該当するものが相当程度含まれるおそれがあると認められる場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度その他の厚生労働省令で定める事項を勘案して、当該特定の器具又は容器包装に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するため特に必要があると認めるときは、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴いて、当該特定の器具又は容器包装を販売し、販売の用に供するために製造し、若しくは輸入し、又は営業上使用することを禁止することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 17 (1) Regarding specific apparatus or containers and packaging which are produced in a specific country or region, or are produced by a specific person, in the case where, as a result of inspections under Article 26, paragraphs (1) to (3), or Article 28, paragraph (1), a considerable number of articles falling under the following apparatus or containers and packaging are found, or it is found that articles falling under the following apparatus or containers and packaging are likely to be included to a considerable extent, judging from the conditions of food sanitation management at a production site or on other grounds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may prohibit the sales of said specific apparatus or containers and packaging, the production or import of said specific apparatus or containers and packaging for the purpose of marketing, or the use of said specific apparatus or containers and packaging in business, by hearing the opinions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, when he/she finds it particularly necessary to prevent the food sanitation hazards resulting from said specific apparatus or containers and packaging, considering the level of the risk to human health and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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