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Though Wayojo was composed in either case, there were other forms of documents for a compromise in the sense of 'donation', such as a leave notice (eviction notice) and the Kamakura Shogunate reinforced the right to annul the transfer of property rights and banned Taninwayo in order to control shogunal retainers' careless decentralization of territories, so there are not many Wayojo existing. 例文帳に追加

和与状はいずれの場合でも作成されたが、「贈与」の和与の場合には去状(避状)など他の文書形式も存在したことや鎌倉幕府が御家人の所領の安易な分散化を規制するために親族に対する悔返権の強化及び他人和与の禁止を行ったことで、現存する和与状は多くは無い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the standpoint of the Kamakura bakufu, however, wayo to others could lead territories of shogunal retainers to be scattered and lost as well as cause a problem that if the fief given to shogunal retainers who had a master-servant relationship with the bakufu as onkyu (rewards from a master to a vassal) was subject to wayo to a third party who was not in the master-servant relationship, the bakufu could not claim back the onkyuchi (land awarded by the lord) in compensation for the breach of obligations, as such third party was not obliged to "serve" in exchange for the "favor." 例文帳に追加

だが、鎌倉幕府から見れば他人和与は御家人領の散逸のみならず、幕府と主従関係にある御家人にあたえた恩給知行が、主従関係にない第三者に和与された場合、第三者には「御恩」に対する「奉公」の義務が無く、義務違反による恩給地の取り戻し(収公)が不可能になるという問題も生じる可能性があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Koan War temporarily halted the trade; however, the quasi-official trade relationship came to be established since Japan promoted the trade actively by dispatching the trading vessels, Kenchojibune (the trading vessels dispatched to cover the costs of repair and construction on Kencho-ji Temple) and Tenryujibune (the trading vessels dispatched to cover the costs of repair and construction on Tenryu-ji Temple), to Yuan Dynasty in order to raise funds to build a temple or a shrine with permissions of the Japanese Imperial Court and the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) in the end of the 13th century while increasing the guard against Yuan Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

弘安の役はこれを一時的に中断させたが、13世紀終わりには日本の朝廷や鎌倉幕府の許可の下に勧進活動を名目とした寺社造営料唐船(建長寺船・天龍寺船など)が派遣されるなど、日本側は元に対する警固体制を強化しつつも貿易については積極的にこれを奨励したため、準公式な貿易関係も成立するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the descriptions of the residence of the Kamakura shogun in Azuma Kagami (The Mirror of the East), the residence consisted of a shrine, Kogosho (the residence of the shogun's heir), Tsune no gosho (a room for the Shogun), Nitogosho (the main place consisting of two halls), a tsuridono (fishing pavilion) and Samurai-dokoro, which shows that it inherited the characteristics shinden-zukuri style architecture while adding distinctive samurai aspects and the existence of a tsuridono suggests that there was Chisen garden (Japanese style garden with a central pond and spring). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉将軍邸について吾妻鏡に記録がありそれによると神殿・小御所・常御所・二棟御所・釣殿・侍所などでの構成がわかっていて、寝殿造の構成を引き継ぎながらも武家独自の空間構成がとられていることが伺えるし、釣殿の存在は、池泉庭園が造られていたのではないかと推測される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They originally belonged to the construction-related government officials (Shurishiki (repair offices), Mokuryo (Bureau of Carpentry), Zojishi (provisional government office for construction and repair of the governmental temples) and so on) and the local authorities (Kokuga (provincial government offices), Kokubun-ji (provincial monasteries and so on) and, if needed, made trips for work, and when the Kamakura period started, free Bansho who did not belong to any organization increased in number centering around urban areas, which resulted in keen competition among Bansho, thus Daikushiki was established from the 13th to 14th century as a system to control the contracting rights for work. 例文帳に追加

元は建築関連の官司(修理職・木工寮・造寺司など)や地方機関(国衙・国分寺など)などに所属し、必要に応じて他所に出作していたが、鎌倉時代に入ると都市を中心として特定の組織に属しない散在工が増加し、番匠間に競争が激化したため、13世紀から14世紀にかけて作事請負権を掌る職の体系として大工職が成立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kintsune SAIONJI, who was a great grandson of Michisue, was confined by the imperial court during the Jokyu-no-ran War because, having married the niece of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, he was being watched over as a relative of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun); after the war, however, Kintsune gained the confidence of the shogunate, wielded the real power in the imperial court through holding the office of Kanto Moshitsugi, and rose to the position of Daijo daijin (grand minister of state), raising the social standing of the Saionji Family. 例文帳に追加

通季の曾孫西園寺公経のとき、源頼朝の姪を妻としていたことから承久の乱に際して鎌倉幕府の縁者として警戒されて朝廷に幽閉され、かえって乱後に幕府の信任を受けて関東申次として朝廷の実権を握り、太政大臣にまでのぼって家格を高めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Takauji moved into Kamakura and began establishing the bakufu while the Imperial court sent the subjugating army led by the grand leader Yoshisada NITTA to defeat Takauji, Doyo, as the Takauji army, fought against the Yoshisada army in the Yahagi-gawa River but was defeated, and his younger brother Mitsusada SASAKI was also defeated by Yoshisada in the Tegoegawara river to once yield, but in the next battle of Hakone they fought on the side of the Takauji army that ended in victory for them. 例文帳に追加

尊氏が鎌倉に入り幕府設立の動きを見せ、朝廷が新田義貞を総大将とする尊氏の討伐軍を発すると、道誉は尊氏軍として義貞軍と矢作川で戦うが敗れ、手超河原では弟の佐々木貞満も討たれ一旦は義貞に下るが、次の箱根の戦いでは尊氏方として戦い勝利する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the end of the Kamakura period to the beginning of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), the clan moved from Nanjo in Sahashinosho, Echigo Province (present Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture) to the Yoshidakoriyama-jo Castle in Takada County (present Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture), and developed their power as assuming the position of kokujin ryoshu (local samurai lord), then became a Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States), the clan eventually grew to be the most powerful one in the Chugoku region. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代末期から南北朝時代(日本)初期にかけて、越後国佐橋庄南条(現在の新潟県柏崎市)から高田郡吉田郡山城(現在の広島県安芸高田市)へ移った後に国人領主として成長し、戦国時代(日本)には国人領主から戦国大名への脱皮を遂げ、ついには中国地方最大の勢力となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Takauji died, however, Motouji ASHIKAGA (Takauji's son), the Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region) forcibly reinstated the former Kozuke and Echizen Shugoshoku, Noriaki UESUGI, who was his trusted retainer but an opponent of Takauji in the Kanno Disturbance, as the Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region), and Noriaki UESUGI tried to make Ujitsuna return the post of Shugoshoku to him. 例文帳に追加

ところが、尊氏が死ぬと鎌倉公方であった足利基氏(尊氏の子)は自分の腹心でありながら観応の擾乱では尊氏と敵対した前上野・越後守護職上杉憲顕を強引に関東管領に復帰させた上に、上杉憲顕が上野・越後守護職を氏綱から強引に返還させようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Tandai (Local commissioner) is thought to have possessed the same authority as Kanrei did, it was not so influential as in the period of the Oshu Kanrei, due to the facts that the powerful Kokujin in the Oshu region later became 'the Kyoto fuchishu' by entering into the feudal master-servant relationship directly with the Shogun family and that the branch families of the Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region) including Sasagawa Gosho (Palace) and Inamura Gosho entered into the southern part of the Oshu region and exercised influence. 例文帳に追加

探題は管領と同じ権限を持ったと思われるが、のちに奥州の有力国人は将軍家と直接主従関係を結ぶ「京都扶持衆」となり、奥州南半には篠川御所、稲村御所など鎌倉公方の分家が入府し、勢力を持っていたため、奥州管領時代のような威勢は無くなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Concerning the writing of its name 'Ando,' in those historical records generally state as, the clan used the denomination of ' (Ando) clan' during the Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts when the clan was settled in Tsugaru region, while it was settled in Akita region in the mid-Muromachi period and after, its denomination came to be written ' (Ando) clan,' and therefore, the individual surnames of the clan until mid-15th century will be written as ' (ANDO)' and after that it will be written as ' (ANDO),' and for the sake of simplicity, the clans name will be consistently written as the 'Ando' clan. 例文帳に追加

なお、アンドウの表記について諸史料では主として鎌倉時代から南北朝時代(日本)にかけての津軽時代には「安藤氏」、室町時代中期以降の秋田時代には「安東氏」とされている例が多いことから、個人名表記は概ね15世紀半ばまでを「安藤」、以降を「安東」とするが、本稿では便宜上、氏族名は「安東」で統一する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What is clear from the historical records is that Masashige KUSUNOKI fought together with the court during the Genko War when Emperor Godaigo raised an army against the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), joined the Kenmu Government established after the fall of the bakufu, and played an active role on the side of the Southern Court, or Yoshino Court, during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts. 例文帳に追加

史料上はっきり記されているのは、鎌倉時代後期に楠木正成が後醍醐天皇が鎌倉幕府に対して挙兵した元弘の乱において宮方に従い、幕府滅亡後に成立した建武政権に加わり、南北朝時代(日本)に南朝(日本)(吉野朝廷)方として活躍した以降である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Assuming that the name Ishibashi is derived from the name of a place, some writings including "Seishi Kakei Daijiten" (a large dictionary of Japanese surnames) state that Kazuyoshi (or Masayoshi) Ishibashi adopted his surname from a place called Ishibashi, Shimotsuke Province, but the origin of the name Ishibashi is unclear because there are many places called Ishibashi; in addition to Ishibashi in Shitara County in Mikawa Province, the Ashikaga clan's territory in the Kamakura period, or another Ishibashi in Kyoto, there are the places which were named after a stone bridge (Ishibashi literally means 'Stone Bridge') throughout Japan. 例文帳に追加

石橋の名を地名に由来するのもだとすると、『姓氏家系大辞典』等では、下野国石橋が和義の名字のもととなったと想定しているが、鎌倉期の足利家領三河国設楽郡内にも石橋の地名があるし、京都市中にも石橋の地名があり、全国各地に石の橋に因んで存在し、未だに由来が判然としない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a theory that, in 1440, just after the downfall of the Kamakura government in the Eikyo War, Mitsunao ASHIKAGA (nicknamed Sasagawa Gosho) was attacked and killed by Mitsuyasu HATAKEYAMA, Mochishige HATAKEYAMA, Sakon no shogen ISHIBASHI, 石橋, Morinobu ASHINA and Toshimasa TAMURA, etc, but questions remain about the Ishibashi clan's involvement (in fact, it is said that the Ishikawa clan killed Sasagawa Gosho). 例文帳に追加

鎌倉府が永享の乱で崩壊した直後の永享12年(1440年)、篠川御所足利満直は畠山満泰、畠山持重、石橋左近将監、石橋祐義、蘆名盛信、田村利政らに攻められて殺害されたとの説もあるが石橋氏らの関与は疑問が呈されている(実際に篠川御所を弑したのは石川氏であろうと言われる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Utaemon performed many successful characters in his lifetime, and those were Shirabyoshi (women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Kyo Kanokomusume Dojoji" (The maiden at Dojo Temple), Yatsuhashi of "Kago Tsurube Satono Eizame" (Basket bucket in red-light district), Yukihime of "Gion Sairei Shinkoki" (The Gion Festival Chronicle of Faith)(Kinkaku-ji Temple), Tokihime of "Kamakura Sandaiki, Kinugawa-mura" (Three Generations of the Kamakura Shogunate in Kinugawa Village), Yaegaki-hime of "Honcho Niju-shi ko, Jusshuko" (24 Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country, Incense Burning), "Oiwa of "Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan" (Tokaido Yotsuya Ghost Stories), Sadaka and Omiwa of "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue in Mt. Imose), Yodogimi of "Hototogisu Kojo no Rakugetsu" (The Sinking Moon over the Lonely Castle Where the Cuckoo Cries), Tonase of "Kanadehon Chushingura, Kudanme" (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, 9th act), Komachi and Sumizome of "Tsumoru Koiyuki no Seki no To" (The Barrier Gate), Umegawa of "Koibikyaku Yamato Orai, Ninokuchi-mura" (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway, Ninokuchi Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Gappo Anjitsu (hermitage of Gappo), Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil)," Masaoka of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" (The trouble in the Date Clan), Onoue of "Kagamiyama Kokyo no Nishikie" (old brocade pictures of Mt. Kagami), Hanjo of "Sumida-gawa Gonichi no Omokage" (Latter-day Reflections of the Sumida-gawa River), and he acted many types of female roles, such as a daughter, princess, Katahazushi (female role of nyobo (a court lady) of a samurai family or goten jochu (palace maid)), and keisei (courtesans with high dignity and literacy). 例文帳に追加

歌右衛門生涯の当たり役は非常に多く、『京鹿子娘道成寺』の白拍子花子、『籠釣瓶花街酔醒(籠釣瓶)』の八つ橋、『祗園祭礼信仰記(金閣寺)』の雪姫、『鎌倉三代記・絹川村』の時姫、『本朝廿四孝・十種香』の八重垣姫、『東海道四谷怪談』のお岩、『妹背山婦女庭訓(妹背山)』の定高、お三輪、『沓手鳥孤城落月(孤城落月)』の淀君、『仮名手本忠臣蔵・九段目』の戸無瀬、『積恋雪関扉(関の扉)』の小町と墨染、『恋飛脚大和往来・新口村』の梅川、『攝州合邦辻・合邦庵室』の玉手御前、『伽羅先代萩』の政岡、『鏡山旧錦絵(鏡山)』の尾上、『隅田川続俤(隅田川)』の班女など、娘形から姫、片はずし、傾城に至るまで、あらゆる女形の領域をこなした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are many theories about in what year the Kamakura period truly began, of which the 1192 theory, the year MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was made Shogun (Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians")), is the orthodox view, but in addition, theories include: the 1180 theory, focusing on Yoritomo raising his army and leading his gokenin (lower-ranking warrior vassals) into battle to destroy the Taira clan, and also establishing the Samurai Dokoro (Board of Retainers, which oversaw rewards for service); the 1183 theory, in which the key moment is the official recognition of the shogunate's right to control Eastern Japan (everything along the Tokaido and Tosando highways) proclaimed by the imperial court in the tenth month; the 1185 theory, which focuses on Yoritomo's use of his struggle to destroy his younger brother MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune as a pretext to usurp the right to appoint and control the offices of shugo (provincial governor) and jito (estate steward); the 1190 theory, in which it was Yoritomo's visit to the capital and subsequent court appointments to Gon Dainagon (Deputy Major Counselor) and Ukone Taisho (Commander of the Guardsmen of the Right) that is considered the decisive moment; and a handful even believe it wasn't until 1196 that the Kamakura period truly began. 例文帳に追加

始期については、従来源頼朝が将軍(征夷大将軍)に任じられた1192年とするのが一般的であるが、頼朝が平家打倒のために挙兵し御家人を統率する侍所を設置した1180年説、寿永二年十月宣旨で東国(東海道および東山道)の支配権を朝廷に公認された1183年説、対立する弟・源義経追討の名目で惣追捕使(後の守護)・地頭の設置権を獲得した1185年説、頼朝が上洛し権大納言・右近衛大将に任命された1190年説、また一部では1196年説など様々な考え方がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"The Tale of Genji" after the Kamakura period was treated as an important intellectual source of classic knowledge, and in those days it was a general practice that manuscripts would be copied carefully from a reliable manuscript that could be the shohon (premised book) and completed after collation; however, in the Heian period stories like "The Tale of Genji" were diffused widely and many manuscripts were made, and among them was a manuscript made by upper-class people such as MINAMOTO no Reishi. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら鎌倉時代以降の『源氏物語』が古典として重要な教養の源泉であるとされた以後の時代に作成された写本は、証本となしうる信頼できる写本を元に注意深く写しとって、きちんと校合などもした上で完成させることが一般的であったが、それ以前、平安時代には『源氏物語』等の物語は広く普及し多くの写本が作られており、その中には源麗子本等の身分の高い人物が自ら作ったと見られる写本もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Representative of the Tozama Daimyo were the Kaga Domain of the Maeda clan, famous for the million koku of Kaga, the Satsuma Domain of the Shimazu clan, a family famous from the Kamakura period, the Sendai Domain of the Date clan, the Fukuoka Domain of the Kuroda clan, the Hiroshima Domain of the Asano clan, the Choshu Domain of the Mori clan, the Yonezawa Domain of the Uesugi clan, the Saga Domain of the Nabeshima clan, the Kumamoto Domain of the Hosokawa clan, the Okayama and Tottori Domains of the Ikeda clan, the Tokushima Domain of the Hachisuka clan, the Tosa Domain of the Tosa Yamauchi clan, and the Akita Domain of the Satake clan. 例文帳に追加

代表的な外様大名としては、加賀百万石として有名な前田氏の加賀藩、鎌倉時代以来の名家である島津氏の薩摩藩や伊達氏の仙台藩、黒田氏の福岡藩、浅野氏の広島藩、毛利氏の長州藩、上杉氏の米沢藩、鍋島氏の佐賀藩、細川氏の熊本藩、池田氏の岡山藩と鳥取藩、蜂須賀氏の徳島藩、土佐山内氏の土佐藩、佐竹氏の秋田藩といった国主が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, according to the age of Tenmu stated in "Ichidaiyoki" (summary chronicle of each reign) in the Kamakura period and "Honcho Koin Joun roku" (the Emperor's family tree) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Tenmu was four years older than Tenji, for which some scholars including Katsuaki SASA, Keiko KOBAYASHI, and Iwao OWA advocate a tentative theory that the father of the fortieth Emperor Tenmu was not the thirty-fourth Emperor Jomei, and it is also advocated that the prerequisite for succeeding to the throne was that his mother was the thirty-seventh Emperor Saimei no matter who his father was; anyway, this is a tentative non-official theory and not accepted by the historical community. 例文帳に追加

また、歴史学界からは相手にされない説であるが、鎌倉時代の『一代要記』、南北朝時代の『本朝皇胤紹運録』に記載の天武の年齢に基づくと、天武は天智より4歳年長であると解釈できることから、一部の研究家により第40代天武天皇の父親は第34代舒明天皇でないとする仮説(佐々克明、小林恵子、大和岩雄ら)が提唱されており、その場合父親が誰であろうと母親が第37代斉明天皇であったことが皇位継承の条件であったことになるとの主張もあるが、これは仮説であり正式なものとはされていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The accepted theory and views among historians in early post-World War II period were based on "Chuseiteki sekai no keise" (The formation of the medieval world) by Tadashi ISHIMODA, which stated that "bushi" were the rising armed land lord class (the head of feudal peasant class), who eliminated the ruling class consisting of old aristocrats and religious forces, and this new power (bushi class) founded and controlled the Kamakura bakufu controlled in medieval era. 例文帳に追加

戦後初期の歴史学者の中での通説となったものは、石母田正の『中世的世界の形成』をベースに、古代支配階級である貴族や宗教勢力に対して、新たに発生した在地領主層(封建的農奴主階級)が武装したものが「武士」であり、その新興勢力(武士階級)が、古代支配階級である貴族や宗教勢力を排除し、鎌倉幕府という武士階級を中心とした中世世界をもたらしたという歴史観であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Finally, there were the 'Ban on Yoshiie bringing his army into Kyoto' and the 'Ban on Yoshiie accepting land donations,' knowledge of which comes from entries in "Gonijo Moromichi Ki," the diaries of Naidaijin (the Minister of the Center, ranked below Udaijin) FUJIWARA no Moromichi, and the edited collection of diaries, "Hyakuren-sho," written in the late Kamakura era, concerning events in June 1091, when Kyoto was in uproar over the mobilization of Yoshiie and Yoshitsune's troops following the territorial dispute between their retainers, FUJIWARA no Sanekiyo and FUJIWARA no Norikiyo. 例文帳に追加

次ぎに、「義家に対して随兵の入京禁止令」「義家への土地の寄進禁止」であるが、これは、1091(寛治5)6月 義家の郎党藤原実清と義綱の郎党藤原則清、河内国の所領の領有権を争いから、源義家・源義綱が兵を構える事態となり、京が騒然としたことに関する当時内大臣・藤原師通の日記『後二条師通記』と、鎌倉時代後期に、それまでの諸日記を編纂した『百錬抄』(ひゃくれんしょう)に見える記事である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was regarded as noteworthy and subject of discussion yet again in recent years that Hondo-ji Temple, which had been closely associated with the Chiba clan since the time of its foundation in late Kamakura period, kept its history record and it contains an entry stating Tanetsuna's age of death as 31; thus it was concluded that the age of Tanetsuna's death was incorrectly cited as "21" (May 28 koshijo, 1228) when "Azuma Kagami" was compiled referring the original historical materials, and the editors of "Chiba Taikeizu" believed the information on Azuma Kagami and made a "correction" accordingly. 例文帳に追加

ところが、近年になって鎌倉時代後期の創建であるとは言え、創建当時から千葉氏と密接なつながりを有した本土寺の過去帳に胤綱の享年を31とする記述があることが問題視され、『吾妻鏡』が編纂された時に原史料からの引用を誤って「年二十一」(安貞2年5月28日庚子条)としてしまったものを更に『千葉大系図』の編者が信じて引用して、これに合わせる形で"修正"を行ったものと考えられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is now generally considered as the actual and correct genealogy that "Tokitane was the eldest son of Tanetsuna and the elder brother of Yasutane," because those descriptions in "Genpei Tojoroku" (a record of Genpei battles) considered to be authored by the members of the Chiba clan in late Kamakura period and stating the title of the Chiba clan to be successively passed down to the eldest son of the Chiba family would be inconsistent, or the fact that Yasutane could not take over the Chiba clan after Tanetsuna's death even though he was the "elder brother" would be inexplicable. 例文帳に追加

また、時胤が胤綱の長男でないとした場合、鎌倉時代後期に千葉氏関係者によって書かれたと言われている『源平闘諍録』に千葉氏の当主が長男に継承され続けたとする記述との矛盾や胤綱の没後「兄」である泰胤が千葉氏を継承できなかったことの説明が付かないという点で問題点が発生するため、「時胤は胤綱の長男・泰胤の兄」が実際の正しい系譜であると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Muromachi bakufu, extensive rights were given to shugo (or shugo daimyo, shugo that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords), such as Karita Rozeki Kendan (the shugo's right to suppress provincial warriors who entered shoen unlawfully to harvest rice, and to prosecute and convict them), Shisetsu Jungyo Ken (a right empowered to shugo to implement shisetsu jungyo, in which shugo who received orders from the bakufu sent jungyo-shi, emissaries, to a region and have them execute the orders) and Tansen Choshu Ken (a right to collect surtax), in addition to the existing Taibon Sankajo, but bakufu gokenin (an immediate vasal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) who had been granted the shugoshi-funyu privilege backed by the authority of the Ashikaga family positioned to accede to the shogunate, refused collection of tansen (surtax) from shugo, and responded to one from the bakufu as direct payment to the bakufu (known as kyono) was approved, which enabled them to escape from a danger of being surcharged by the shugo. 例文帳に追加

室町幕府においては、守護(守護大名)に対して、既存の大犯三箇条に加えて、苅田狼藉検断、使節遵行権、段銭徴収権などの広範な権利が付与されていたが、幕府御家人は、足利将軍家の威光を背景に守護使不入の特権を得て、守護からの段銭徴収を拒絶し、幕府からの段銭要求に対しても幕府への直接納付(京納)が認められて守護からの加重徴収の危険を免れる事を可能とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It has been believed that the reason why Yasutoki studied "Hososhiyo-sho" (a legal book compiled by the Sakanoue clan between the end of Heian period and the early Kamakura period) as well as the criterion of Myobodo (study of Codes) (legal documents of petition, petition for objection, and so forth) and why his uncle Tokifusa HOJO, a bakufu rensho (assistant to regents in bakufu) who had worked as Rokuhara Tandai (an administrative and judicial agency in Rokuhara, Kyoto) with him and person who had come from lower-ranking government official in Kyoto and their descendents participated in the compilation were that he sought the source of law not for the common law for samurai families, but for the court noble law. 例文帳に追加

これは泰時が『法曹至要抄』や明法道の目安(訴状・陳状などの法律文書)を研究していたことや、編纂に参加しているのが泰時とともに六波羅探題を務めた叔父の北条時房(幕府連署)や京都の下級官人出身者やその子弟が中心であったのも御成敗式目の法源を武家慣習法ではなく公家法に求めたからと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are also several theories on when the Kamakura Bakufu was established, such as the theory that it was founded in 1192, when MIYAMOTO no Yoritomo was appointed to seii taishogun, the theory of 1190, when he was appointed to Japan general Shugo and Jito (military governor and estate steward), the theory of 1184, when he opened a Kumonjo (administration office) and monchujo (a court of justice), the theory of 1185, when the Bunji imperial sanction was declared, which licensed the appointment of Shugo and Jito, the theory of 1183, when Juei-ninen no Senji was declared for approving, in fact, the dominion of Togoku and the theory of 1180, when he established the dominion of Togoku. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府の成立時期をめぐっても諸説あり、源頼朝が征夷大将軍に任命された建久3年(1192年)説、日本国総守護地頭に任命された建久元年(1190年)説、公文所及び問注所を開設した元暦元年(1184年)説、守護・地頭の任命を許可する文治の勅許が下された文治元年(1185年)説、事実上、東国の支配権を承認する寿永二年の宣旨が下された寿永2年(1183年)説、頼朝が東国支配権を樹立した治承4年(1180年)説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the aforementioned sculptures designated national treasures are concentrated in the Kinki (Kansai) region, but there are some sculptures located outside the Kinki region, including the bronze seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata in Kotokuin Temple in Kanagawa (the Big Buddha of Kamakura), the wooden statue of Samantabhadra (Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese) riding an elephant in the Okura Shukokan Museum of Fine Arts in Tokyo (it is not known at which temple this statue originally resided), the statues and the canopy in the Golden Hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate, the three wooden statues that comprise the Yakushi Triad housed in Shojo-ji Temple in Fukushima, and the Usuki Magaibutsu (the stone-cliff Buddha) owned by the city of Usuki in Oita. 例文帳に追加

既指定物件は近畿地方に集中しており、近畿以外の地区に所在するものは神奈川・高徳院の銅造阿弥陀如来坐像(鎌倉大仏)、東京・大倉集古館の木造普賢菩薩騎象像(本来どこの寺院にあったものか不明)、岩手・中尊寺の金色堂堂内諸像及天蓋、福島・勝常寺の木造薬師三尊像、大分・臼杵市所有の臼杵磨崖仏がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Victims of this battle among the members of Yasumori's party other than the Yasumori family were the Ogasawara clan, the Ashikaga clan, the Tomono clan, the Ito clan, and the Muto clan (Shoni clan) and many powerful gokenin since the foundation of Kamakura bakufu also suffered, such as Ainori FUJIWARA (藤原), Mitsuruuji KIRA, Matataro UETA (Yasuhiro Oe), Saburozaemon KOBAYAKAWA, Kurodo SANKA, Kagemura AMANO, Kageie IGA, Yukiie NIKAIDO, Mimasakasaburozaemon (OI) (美作三郎), Jironyudo TSUNASHIMA (入道), a lord of Tonaizaemon IKEGAMI (), Shojiro YUKIKATA (行方), Magojiro (Masatsura?) NANBU, Saburo ARISAKA, Yatonisaemoni KAMATA (鎌田), and Hitobito AKIYAMA (秋山人々). 例文帳に追加

泰盛与党として罹災したのは泰盛一族の他、小笠原氏、足利氏、伴野氏、伊東氏、武藤氏(少弐氏)、その他は藤原相範、吉良満氏、殖田又太郎(大江泰広)、小早川三郎左衛門、三科蔵人、天野景村、伊賀景家、二階堂行景、(大井)美作三郎左衛門、綱島二郎入道、池上藤内左衛門の尉、行方少二郎、南部孫二郎(政連?)、有坂三郎、鎌田弥藤二左衛門尉、秋山人々など、幕府創設以来の有力御家人層の多くが見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Today, the history after the Meiji restoration is generally periodized with the use of gengo (name for an emperor's period of reign), such as the Meiji period, Taisho period, Showa period and Heisei period, but the history before the Meiji restoration is normally periodized with the use of names of political centers, such as the Kamakura period and Edo period (except for the periods for which the political center cannot be ascertained, such as the Yayoi period and Sengoku period); thus there comes up a view that calling the periods after the Meiji restoration with their gengo is inappropriate. 例文帳に追加

現在、日本においては明治維新以後の時代区分を明治時代・大正時代・昭和時代・平成時代と元号を冠して用いるのが一般的であるが、日本の歴史における時代区分において明治維新以前には鎌倉時代・江戸時代などといった政治の中心地から取られて呼称が用いられている(弥生時代、戦国時代(日本)のようにその中心地が確定できない時代を除く)が通例なのに明治以後は元号で分けるのはおかしいという意見がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is difficult to believe that Tsuchimochi clan occupied this castle in this region of warring factions around the 12th to 13th centuries as between the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century this area (Misu, Miwa, Tsunetomi districts; these were formerly known as Agata no sho (manor) occupied by Usamiya and Niina no sho (manor) of Yose Gori occupied by Shimazu) was occupied by Kadokawa Ito clan (in Agata no sho) and Chikayoshi NAKAHARA (in Niina no sho) who held the position of Chinzei Bugyo (Defense Commissioner of the West) and Bungo Shugo (the Governor of Bungo Province) as well as a close retainer of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo; and the area in Nobeoka (then Agata-Nobeoka) occupied by Tsuchimochi clan was limited to Okatomi no sho (manor) in Usamiya, north of the Gokase-gawa River ("Kenkyuzudencho" (cadaster of domains, established by the order of Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun)). 例文帳に追加

しかし、12世紀末-13世紀初頭にかけて、この地域(三須・三輪・恒富地区=宇佐宮領縣荘および島津領寄郡新名荘)を領有していたのは、門川伊東氏(=縣荘)および源頼朝側近にして鎮西奉行・豊後守護の中原親能(=新名荘)であり、延岡(当時は縣延岡)地域における土持氏領は五ヶ瀬川以北の宇佐宮領岡富荘に限られている(『建久図田帳』)ことから、12-13世紀、敵対勢力地のこの城を縣土持氏が領有しているとは考え難い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Through the main branch of the family of FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa of Fujiwara Hokke (Fujiwara Hoku Family), in the early Kamakura period, FUJIWARA no Tadamichi's sons, Motozane KONOE and Kanezane KUJO established the Sekkan Family (Sekkan-ke) of the Konoe group and Kujoryu Sekkan-ke, a regent family, respectively; this resulted in the division of the main branch of the family into two families (although there was, in addition the Matsudono Family of the Sekkan Family (Sekkannke) of the Matsudono group, the originator of which was Motofusa MATSUDONO, who was also a son of Tadamichi; but, the Matsudono Family is not counted as sekke, with the two families because, after Moroie MATSUDONO became regent, no one from the Matsudono Family became a regent or chief advisor of the Emperor and the family line failed many times). 例文帳に追加

藤原北家の藤原良房の嫡流を経て、鎌倉初期に至り藤原忠通の子の近衛基実と九条兼実がそれぞれ近衛流摂関家と九条流摂関家を成立させ、嫡流が2家に分裂した(この他に同じ忠通の子である松殿基房を祖とする松殿流摂関家の松殿家があったが、松殿師家が摂政になった後は摂政・関白を輩出することなく何度も断絶を繰り返しているため摂家には数えない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the mid-to-late Heian period, the Sugawara clan was temporarily displaced from its dominant position in the field of Kidendo by the Oe clan and, as a result, and with the notable exceptions of Sugawara no Fumitoki (899-981) (Junior Third Rank, non-Councilor) and Sugawara no Sukemasa (925-1009) (Court Rank, Councilor, Dazaifu, foreign affairs office in Kyushu), members of the Sugawara clan were not ranked as Court nobles over this time, but at the beginning of the Kamakura period Sugawara no Tamenaga (1158-1246) was promoted to Senior Second Court Rank, Councilor, Treasury Office and his descendants were subsequently ranked as Court nobles, taking all the important Kidendo posts at Court. 例文帳に追加

平安時代中後期は、一時、紀伝道の分野で大江氏に優位を奪われ、菅原文時(899年~981年)(従三位・非参議)、菅原輔正(925年~1009年)(位階・参議・大宰府)のような例外を除いて公卿に列せられることはなかったが、鎌倉時代初期の菅原為長(1158年~1246年)が正二位・参議・大蔵省に昇進して以降、子孫は累代公卿に列せられ、朝廷における紀伝道の要職を独占。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seiwa-Genji, who enjoyed its fame as military Genji, originated in Kinai, or current Kansai region, spread to various regions, and then split up into Settu-Genji, Yamato-Genji and Kawachi-Genji after MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka, and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie (Taro Yoshiie HACHIMAN) of the Kawachi-Genji, who were based in Kawachi Province, was the mainstream of them, whose descendants flourished as samurai represented by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, who established the Kamakura bakufu, and other clans such as Ishikawa-Genji, Kai-Genji, Hitachi-Genji, Shimotsuke-Genji (Ashikaga clan) and Kozuke-Genji (Nitta clan) were descended from Kawachi-Genji as well. 例文帳に追加

武家源氏として名を馳せた清和源氏においては畿内に始まり各地に土着しており、源満仲の子から摂津源氏、大和源氏、河内源氏とに分かれ、河内国を本拠地とした河内源氏の源義家(八幡太郎義家)はその主流で、その子孫は鎌倉幕府を開いた源頼朝に代表される武士として栄え、さらに河内源氏からは石川源氏、甲斐源氏、常陸源氏、下野源氏(足利氏)、上野源氏(新田氏)などが分派している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is supposed that, the Ando clan's territory during the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts consisted of the major part of the coastal regions except for the vicinity of current Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, according to the documents such as a letter of concession by Munenori ANDO (the widely-accepted theory is that it was the same person as the above mentioned Suehisa) and Akiie KITABATAKE's certificate for the land directed to Morosue ANDO, in which it is mentioned that the clan was in charge of Jitoondaikan (deputy military governor) in Kinuka-jima, Shirihiki-go and Ikunobe-go, Ezo no sata of Hanawa County, Mutsu Province and in Usori-go, Nakahama-mimaki and Minato Tsugaru-nishihama of Nukabe County, Mutsu Province, and others. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉末期から南北朝時代における安東氏の支配領域は、安藤宗季(上記の季久とする説が有力)による譲り状や安藤師季に対する北畠顕家安堵状によると、陸奥国鼻和郡絹家島、尻引郷、行野辺郷、蝦夷の沙汰、糠部郡宇曾利郷、中浜御牧、湊、津軽西浜以下の地頭御代官職となっており、現在の青森県地方のうち八戸近辺を除く沿岸部のほとんどと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to 'Fujufusecho' (literally, the list of Fujufuse temples) compiled in 1667, there were 26 temples as shown below : Rensho-ji Temple (Odawara City), Hosen-ji Temple (Sakawa), Rensen-ji Temple (Itabashi (Odawara City)), Renkyu-ji Temple (Ogikubo (Odawara City)) and Daien-ji Temple (Nuta) in Ashikagashimo-gun, Myorin-ji Temple (Oiso-machi), Myodai-ji Temple (Higashikoiso) and Myosho-ji Temple (Higashikoiso) in Yurugi-gun, Honjo-ji Temple (Funako) in Aiko-gun, Teisei-ji Temple (Tamura), Ryuan-ji Temple (Shimohirama), Ryusei-ji Temple (Ogami), Chogen-ji Temple (Soya), Hogen-ji Temple (Soya) and Rensho-ji Temple (Teradanawa) in Osumi-gun, Myogen-ji Temple (Shimootani), Honzai-ji Temple (Takada), Myoko-ji Temple (Murota), Myoko-ji Temple (Ichinomiya) and Myozen-ji Temple (Fujisawa City) in Koza-gun and Honko-ji Temple (Omachi), Myoten-ji Temple (Koshigoe), Honryu-ji Temple (Koshigoe), Bukko-ji Temple (Fueta), Myocho-ji Temple (Ranbashi) and Enkyu-ji Temple (Tokiwa) in Kamakura-gun. 例文帳に追加

1667年の「不受不施帳」によれば足柄下郡には蓮昌寺(小田原市)・法船寺(酒匂)・蓮船寺(板橋(小田原市))・蓮久寺(荻窪(小田原市))・大円寺(怒田)、淘綾郡には妙林寺(大磯町)・妙大寺(東小磯)・妙昌寺(東小磯)、愛甲郡には本盛寺(船子)、大住郡には貞性寺(田村)・隆安寺(下平間)・隆盛寺(大神)・長源寺(曾谷)・法眼寺(糟屋)・蓮昭寺(寺田縄)、高座郡には妙元寺(下大谷)・本在寺(高田)・妙行寺(室田)・妙光寺(一之宮)・妙善寺(藤沢市)、鎌倉郡には本興寺(大町)・妙典寺(腰越)・本竜寺(腰越)・仏行寺(笛田)・妙長寺(乱橋)・円久寺(常盤)の26寺があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, appreciation of the Drawn Sword Squad in the Seinan War influenced the Japanese Army and Navy to keep using military swords as major weapons for officers, and it became standard to make Japanese swords with military sword fittings of saber style, then the proof of Japanese swords' effectiveness in close combats in the Russo-Japanese War as weapons in a modern war, and the increasing momentum of ultranationalism in the Showa era made the Army and Navy develop military sword fittings more suitable to store a Japanese sword with the motif of Tachi fittings in the Kamakura era, instead of military sword fittings of the saber style (at the same time, however, numbers of swords that had been used in ancient and modern wars as military swords were lost on the battleground). 例文帳に追加

一方で西南戦争における抜刀隊への評価から、日本陸海軍が将校の主要兵器として軍刀を採用し続け、サーベル様式の軍刀拵えに日本刀を仕込むのが普通となり、さらには日露戦争における白兵戦で近代戦の武器としての日本刀の有効性が確認され、また昭和に入り国粋主義的気運が高まった事から、陸海軍ともにサーベル様式の軍刀拵えに代わり鎌倉時代の太刀拵えをモチーフとした、日本刀を納めるのにより適した軍刀拵えが開発された(しかし同時に、軍刀として出陣した古今の数多くの刀が戦地で失われることともなった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The effect of the blade is even from the base to the tip, and "Nioi-kuchi (small particles of Martensite) is tight and turns into the blade tip like it's disappearing quickly" as the greatest characteristic, and tightening Nioi-kuchi and having an effect of the blade feature are typical techniques of the Koto (Old Swords) period, and Kyoshu, a samurai connoisseur highly praised its fine steel for surpassing Heian and Kamakura (they are supposed to be second-class craftsmen), and it is even said that it all comes down to Kanesada; Contrary to the "wide change" seen in Magoroku Kanemoto, it has a "serene" work style; most of the works with the inscription of Nosada have fancy blade patterns which amateurs like; the inscription is done by himself, without an inscriber, which makes the inscription "deep." 例文帳に追加

「刃中の働きは元から切っ先までむらなく”匂い口が締まってサーッと消え入りそうに刃先に向かう”のが最大の特徴であり、匂い口を締て刃中を働かせていいることなど古刀期ならではの技量であり、地鉄の良さが平安・鎌倉(”二流工”の意味)をも凌ぐと武家目利の興趣は絶賛しており、兼定に始まって兼定に終わるとさえ云われている、孫六兼元のような”変化の激しさ”とは対照的に”静寂”な作風である、之定銘の作は素人受けする派手な刃紋が多い、銘は自身銘であり、銘切師には一切切らせておらず”奥義”のある銘振りである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The party of TAIRA no Masakado, who called himself 'Shinno' (new emperor) in the Kanto region in the Heian period, Takauji ASHIKAGA, who broke away from the Kenmu Restoration, which was initiated by Emperor Gotoba after the fall of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), at the end of the Edo period, Choshu clan, which was brought down by the Coup of August 18 in 1864 (became choteki by firing at the Kyoto Imperial Palace in the Kin-mon Gate Incident, and was attacked by the bakufu in the conquest of Choshu, which led to two Bakucho Wars (wars between bakufu and Choshu)), Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, the 15th Shogun, in the oseifukko (restoration of imperial power) (Japan) (Yoshinobu confined himself at the Ueno Kanei-ji Temple when he was deemed choteki), and the Edo bakufu side in the Boshin War (Aizu Clan, which was seen as the central force received concentrated attacks by the new government troops, and Yonezawa Clan, which strongly supported the Aizu Clan, faced serious charges despite their relatively early surrender) were considered choteki. 例文帳に追加

平安時代に関東地方において「新皇」を名乗った平将門一党や、鎌倉幕府滅亡後に後醍醐天皇によって開始された建武の新政から離反した足利尊氏、江戸時代末期には1864(元治元)の八月十八日の政変で失脚した長州藩(禁門の変で京都御所に発砲した事により朝敵となり、幕府による長州征伐を受けて二次にわたる幕長戦争が起こる)、王政復古(日本)により15代将軍徳川慶喜(慶喜は朝敵とされると上野寛永寺に謹慎した)、戊辰戦争においては江戸幕府側勢力(中心的勢力とみなされた会津藩は新政府軍から集中攻撃を浴び、会津藩を強く支持した米沢藩は、比較的早期に降伏したにもかかわらず、戦後重罪に処された)が朝敵とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Generals were: the Evil Uemon no kami (Captain of the Right Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace) Nobuyori; his child, the new Chamberlain FUJIWARA no Nobuchika; Nobuyori's own elder brother FUJIWARA no Ieyori the Hyobu no Gon no Taifu (provisional senior assistant minister of Hyobusho Ministry of Military), Minbugonshofu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) FUJIWARA no Motonari; younger brother FUJIWARA no Motonari the Owari Shosho (Minor captain of Owari Province); in addition, Middle counselor of Fushimi-Genji (Minamoto clan) MINAMOTO no Moronaka; Middle captain of Echigo FUJIWARA no Narichika; jibukyo (Minister of the Ministry of Civil Administration) Kanemichi; the former official of Iyo Province Nobutaka; Sadatomo the Governor of Iki Province; Arifusa the Governor of Tanba Province; MINAMOTO no Yorimasa the Head of Hyogo; MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu the former official of Izuo Province (Mitsuyasu); Mitsumoto the Governor of Iga Province; MINAMOTO no Suezane the Governor of Kawachi; their children Suemori the saemon-no-jo (Secretary of the Left Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guard) for the first time in the Minamoto clan Yoshitomo was first on the list for Sama no kami (Chief of the Bureau of Horses); his eldest son Kamakura aku (evil) Genta MINAMOTO no Yoshihira; his second son MINAMOTO no Asanaga was chugudaifu (Master of the Empress' Palace); third son MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was Hyoe no suke (Assistant at Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guard); Yoshitomo's uncle Rokuro MUTSU Yoshitaka; Yoshitomo's younger brothers Juro SHINGU and MINAMOTO no Yukiie; cousin MINAMOTO no Shigenari who was Sado shikibu taiyu (the assistant minister of the Ceremonial Ministry, and also in charge of Sado Province) (Grand Master); and also Shirohei Hiraga and Yoshinori Hiraga. 例文帳に追加

大将に悪右衛門督信頼、その子 新侍従藤原信親、信頼の実兄にあたる兵部権大輔藤原家頼、民部権少輔藤原基成、弟の尾張少将藤原信説、そのほかに伏見源中納言源師仲、越後中将藤原成親、治部卿兼通、伊予前司信員、壱岐守貞知、但馬守有房、兵庫頭源頼政、出雲前司源光保(光保)、伊賀守光基、河内守源季実、その子息左衛門尉季盛、義朝はじめ源氏一門ではまず左馬頭義朝を筆頭に、長子鎌倉悪源太源義平、次男中宮大夫進源朝長、三男兵衛佐源頼朝、義朝の叔父陸奥六郎義隆、義朝の弟新宮十郎源行家、従兄弟の佐渡式部大輔(大夫)源重成、平賀四郎平賀義宣とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Volume 1 deals with the history of Confucianism in Japan from the ancient times to the prosperity stage of Gozan Bunka (culture of the Five Official Temples between the end of the Kamakura Period and the Muromachi Period) such as the age of Empress Jingu which was thought in the author's day to be the time when Confucianism was introduced to Japan, then Jofuku, Wani (Wang In), Prince Shotoku, AWATA no Mahito, KIBI no Makibi, SUGAWARA no Michizane and Shushin Gido, Volume 2 deals with the period from Gozan Bunka to the appearance of Genju KEIAN who brought prosperity to the culture of Confucianism in Satsuma domain, Volume 3 deals with the activity of Tadayoshi SHIMAZU and Bunshi NANPO who tried to develop Satsunangaku school (school of Neo-Confucianism in Satsuma) and Confucianism in early Edo period, and Volume 4 deals with the history of Shoryu-ji Temple (in current Ibusuki City) which was the center of Satsunangaku school and the history of Confucianism in Satsuma domain after the Genroku and the Kyoho Era, but this volume is unfinished. 例文帳に追加

巻1では、日本に儒教が伝来したと当時考えられていた神功皇后期から、徐福・王仁・聖徳太子・粟田真人・吉備真備・菅原道真・義堂周信ら、古代から室町時代における五山文化興隆期を扱い、巻2では、五山文化から薩摩国の儒教文化を興隆させた桂庵玄樹の登場までを扱い、巻3では薩南学派の発展に尽した島津忠良や南浦文之の活躍や江戸時代初期の儒学を扱い、巻4では薩南学派の総本山とされた正龍寺(指宿市)の歴史や元禄・享保以後の薩摩藩の儒教史を扱っているが未完である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The claim that the erection of Sugiyama-jo Castle was by the Yamauchi Uesugi family rests on the following: the discovery of kawarake earthenware representing the characteristics of the period before the Yamauchi Uesugi clan was destroyed, the fact that Koseto style earthenware pots were made during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, that kawarake excavated from other castles have been considered to indicate a connection with the Yamauchi Uesugi clan, the lack of artefacts pointing to the era of the Gohojo clan in the 16th century, and the location of the castle itself, which as a result of research into the Kamakura kaido was found to be strategically unimportant in the era of the Gohojo clan, but was considered important as a key spot during the era of the Yamauchi Uesugi clan. 例文帳に追加

杉山城の築城を山内上杉家によるものとする根拠は、山内上杉氏滅亡以前の時代的特徴を有する土器(かわらけ)の出土、古瀬戸の甕などの遺物の編年が山内上杉氏時代に属すること、他の城から出土するかわらけの分布を検討しても山内上杉氏の城として違和感がないこと、16世紀代の後北条氏時代の遺物が出土しないこと、さらに、後北条氏の時代の鎌倉街道を調査すると杉山の地は必ずしも要衝の地ではないのに対し、逆に山内上杉氏の時代だと要衝として重要視されるという立地条件などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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