
「names.」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(142ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the "Teikin-orai" (Epistolary for Home Instruction) completed from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) to the Muromachi period, many names of merchants and workmen are described as 'people who should stay in the castle town' including masters of fusuma-shoji such as kami-shi, kyo-ji, paper making, craftsmen of lacquer ware and handiworks, and craftsmen of gold and silver handiworks, which shows that fusuma-shoji was widespread in the samurai class and they required specialized craftsmen. 例文帳に追加

南北朝時代(日本)から室町初期に完成した『庭訓往来』には、「城下に招き居えべき輩」として多くの商人、職人の名を列挙しており、襖障子に関係するものとして唐紙師、経師、紙漉き、塗師、金銀細工師などが挙げられており、襖建具が分業化された職人を必要とするほどに、武士階級に相当普及していた事とが知れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Cake names which are derived from the shape and cooking method include Obanyaki (Kobanyaki), Nijuyaki, Kaitenyaki (Kaiten-manju), Kintsuba, Oyaki (different from Oyaki in Nagano Prefecture), and cakes which were named after shops or manufacturers include Amataro-yaki, Nanakoshi-yaki, Gishi-yaki, Taiko-yaki (Drum cake), Taiko-yaki (Taiko (father of the Imperial adviser) cake), Fufu-manju (Fuman), Taiko-manju, Horaku-manju, and Ajiman. 例文帳に追加

大判焼き(小判焼き)・二重焼き・回転焼き(回転饅頭)・きんつば・おやき(長野県のおやきとは異なる)など、形状や製法に基づく名だけではなく、甘太郎焼・七越焼き・義士焼き・太鼓焼き・太閤焼き・夫婦まんじゅう(フーマン)・太鼓饅頭・蜂楽饅頭・あじまんと店名などでも呼ばれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

About the Shotoku era, 'Kokkei Zatsudan' (Amusing stories) says 'Many girls enjoy it on September 9th now, Haikai (seventeen-syllable verse) names this Nochi no Hina,' and 'Ireko makura' (Nesting pillow) says 'Though Kyoto and Naniwa still have Nochi no Hina as the second Hinamatsuri, it is not respected as one in March, and they display the Hina dolls on Hassaku (August 1st in the lunar calendar) in Muro, Harima.' 例文帳に追加

正徳(日本)年間のことについて、「滑稽雑談」に、「今また九月九日に賞す児女多し、俳諧これを名付けて後の雛とす」、「入子枕」に、「二季のひゝなまつり、今も京難波には後の雛あるよしなれど、三月の如くなべてもてあつかふにはあらずとなむ、播州室などには八朔に雛を立るとぞ」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The number of the tellers of rakugo stories steadily increased: TSUYU no Gorobe II, Matsunosuke SHOFUKUTEI and Bunga KATSURA (III) who all joined the rakugo world almost simultaneously with those new household names, Somemaru HAYASHIYA III who was their age though starting rakugo before the War, Somegoro HAYASHIYA (III), Bunko KATSURA (IV), Beishi KATSURA, and Kacho TSUKITEI, all of whom started in the late 1950s and were improving their skills as mid-level storytellers. 例文帳に追加

この二人とほぼ同時期に入門した露の五郎兵衛2代目、笑福亭松之助、桂文我(3代目)、戦前入門ながら彼らとは同世代の3代目林家染丸のほか、林家染語楼(3代目)、昭和30年代前半入門組の桂文紅(4代目)、桂米紫、月亭可朝などの中堅も力をつけてくるなど、落語家の人数も着実に増え始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The club did not go on doing nothing against the present state of things, and made a lot of efforts to become a community-based club: for example, holding football schools, making the players participate in Kumin Matsuri (district festivals, which differ in names according to administrative districts, such as "Fureai Matsuri") opened in each administrative district of Kyoto City including Kyoto Matsuri (Kyoto Festival), and giving the presentation of the new uniform at Kyoto Nishiki Food Market called the Kitchen of Kyo. 例文帳に追加

このような現状にクラブとしても手をこまねいていたわけではなく、サッカースクール開催、京都まつりをはじめ京都市内各行政区における区民まつり(行政区によって「ふれあいまつり」等名称が異なる)への選手の参加、京の台所・錦市場での新ユニフォーム発表会などを行うなど、地域密着への努力を続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is known from records that Myoho-in Temple was known by a number of names including 'Ayanokoji-bo', 'Ayanokoji Gosho' (Ayanokoji Imperial Palace) and 'Ayanokoji-gu' during the Kamakura period, and it is believed that the main temple quarters existed in Gionmachi-Minamigawa, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City but it is not known exactly when the temple was relocated to its current site adjacent to Great Buddha of Hoko-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代の妙法院は「綾小路房」「綾小路御所」「綾小路宮」などと呼ばれたことが記録からわかり、現在の京都市東山区祇園町南側あたりに主要な房舎が存在したと思われるが、方広寺大仏に隣接する現在地への移転の時期などは正確にはわかっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the name of Emperor Uda came from the place where he abdicated (Tsuigo is sometimes considered to be a type of posthumous name, but strictly speaking these are two different names); however, he spent most of the time at Ninna-ji Temple Omuro, Teijino-in and Rokujo-in (though another theory says the reason was that Emperor Uda spent his childhood at Uda-in, which was the house of his father, Emperor Koko, when he was the Imperial Prince). 例文帳に追加

通説では譲位後の在所の名称より宇多天皇と追号された(追号も諡号の一種とする場合もあるが、厳密には両者は異なる)と言われているが、実際の居宅は仁和寺御室・亭子院・六条院を主としていたという(宇多院は元は父の光孝天皇の親王時代の邸宅で、宇多天皇はここで成長したからだという異説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, according to "Shoku-Nihongi" (the chronicles of Japan II), in Nara period (762-764), kanpu-shigo (Chinese style posthumous name) was chosen for the Emperors of forty-one generations, from Emperor Jinmu to Empress Jito, and for Empress Genmei and Empress Gensho at once by OMI no Mifune, but those are shigo (names for the individuals) and the title 'Tenno' doesn't directly concerns with them. 例文帳に追加

なお、奈良時代、天平宝字6年(762年)~同8年(764年)に神武天皇から持統天皇までの41代、及び元明天皇・元正天皇の漢風諡号である天皇号が淡海三船によって一括撰進された事が『続日本紀』に記述されているがこれは諡号(一人一人の名前)であって「天皇」という称号とは直接関係ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Judged by current academic standards, the identifications of mausoleums during the Edo period had various problems, but these identifications were never made based on arbitrary standards; various documents regarding imperial mausoleums were collected and compared against place names and local traditions in order to identify mausoleums and relatively high levels of research was conducted by the standards at the time. 例文帳に追加

現在の学問的水準からみれば問題の多い江戸時代の治定作業ではあるが、それらは決していい加減なものではなく、天皇陵について記載された文献資料を集め、それと地名や土地の伝承などを照らし合わせることで行われており、当時としてはかなりの高水準のものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She had two Japanese-style posthumous names: One was 'Oyamatoneko Ame no Hironohime no Mikoto,' which was used to refer to her in the description given in the "Shoku-Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) of her cremation on January 31, 704; the other is 'Takamanohara Hiro no Hime no Sumeramikoto,' which was referred to in the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) as the name given to her in 720, a time when other emperors also received that kind of name. 例文帳に追加

和風諡号は2つあり、『続日本紀』の大宝3年(703年)12月17日の火葬の際の「大倭根子天之廣野日女尊」(おほやまとねこあめのひろのひめのみこと)と、『日本書紀』の養老4年(720年)に代々の天皇とともに諡された「高天原廣野姫天皇」(たかまのはらひろのひめのすめらみこと)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, the names of Emperor Meiji, Emperor Taisho, Emperor Showa and so on are posthumous titles which denote respect by themselves and therefore the expression of Showa Tenno Heika is not used (Orally 'Showa no Tenno Heika' (his Imperial Majesty of Showa) may be used and in this case 'Showa' is construed as 'Showa era'. However, the Empress Michiko calls the Emperor Showa 'Sentei Heika' (His Imperial Late Majesty) in public). 例文帳に追加

また、明治天皇、大正天皇、昭和天皇などの呼称は、それ自体に敬意が込められた諡追号であるため、昭和天皇陛下とも言わない(口頭では「昭和の天皇陛下」という言い方をすることがあるが、この場合の「昭和」は「昭和時代」の意であると解される。ただ皇后美智子は昭和天皇を「先帝陛下」と公の場では呼んでいる。ただ皇后美智子は昭和天皇を「先帝陛下」と公の場では呼んでいる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also in "Kojiki," it is described that 'the Imperial Mausoleum was located in Mozu no Mimihara' and "Nihonshoki" describes that it was Juryo (a grave built while alive) and further ' he was entombed in the Mozuno mausoleum on November 22, 399' but because there are some people who question academically whether it is the Emperor Nintoku mausoleum, it has recently become general to use names such as (Legendary) Nintokuryo Tumulus, Daisenryo Tumulus, etc. 例文帳に追加

『古事記』にも「御陵は毛受(もず)の耳原にあり」、『日本書紀』には寿陵であったと記され、「(八十七年)冬十月の癸未の朔己丑に、百舌鳥野稜(もずののみささぎ)に葬(はぶ)りまつる」とあるが、学術的には仁徳天皇陵として疑問視する向きもあることから、最近では(伝)仁徳陵古墳、大仙陵古墳などの名称を用いるのが一般的になってきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kobetsu is a term associated with the classifications of three kinds of shizokus, namely Kobetsu (descendents of Emperors and Imperial Princes), Shinbetsu (descendents of Amatsukami [god of heaven] and Kunitsukami [god of the land]), and Shoban (descendents of immigrants from Korean Peninsula, Mainland China, and other areas) described in "Shinsen Shojiroku (Newly Compiled Register of Clan Names and Titles of Nobility), a genealogy of ancient cognate clans compiled by the Chotei (Imperial Court) in 815. 例文帳に追加

皇別とは弘仁6年(815年)に朝廷が編纂した古代氏族の系譜集『新撰姓氏録』が、皇別(天皇・皇子の子孫)・神別(天津神・国津神の子孫)・諸蕃(朝鮮半島・中国大陸その他から渡来した人々の子孫)の3種に氏族を分類していることにちなむ用語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the pressure of the Saionji family, which emerged later, the prosperity experienced during the time of Michichika could not be brought back, but Michichika's children, Michitomo HORIKAWA, Michiteru KOGA (heir), Sadamichi TSUCHIMIKADO and Michikata NAKANOIN, established the Horikawa family, the Koga family, Tsuchimikado family and Nakanoin family, respectively, and their family names were maintained until the Meiji Restoration (just for information, the Kitabatake family was a illegitimate lineage of the Nakanoin family and the Iwakura family was that of the Koga family). 例文帳に追加

その後、新たに台頭してきた西園寺家に押されて通親時代の繁栄を取り戻す事はなかったがそれでも通親の子供達―堀川通具・久我通光(嫡子)・土御門定通・中院通方はそれぞれ堀川家・久我家・土御門家・中院家の四家を創設し、明治維新にいたるまで家名を存続させた(ちなみに北畠家は中院家の、岩倉家は久我家の庶流にあたる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They could not determine Umunosuke YUKI being registered in any historical documents at that time, nor on the list of names of when the Shinsengumi became the direct servant for the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) under the name of the Mimawarigumi on June 10, 1867, a record from December 12 of the same year in "Doshi Renmeiki" (written by Shinpachi NAGAKURA), the list of members created by Toshizo HIJIKATA on January 20, 1868, or "Senyu Esugata" (Painting about my fellow soldiers) painted by Nobori NAKAJIMA after the Battle of Hakodate. 例文帳に追加

同時代資料としては、慶応3年6月10日に新選組が見廻組として幕府直参となった際の名簿や、同年12月12日付『同志連名記』(永倉新八)、慶応4年1月20日に土方歳三が作成した人員名簿、果ては函館戦争後に中島登によって描かれた『戦友絵姿』などにも、結城有無之助の在籍を確認出来ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the end of 1868, he hid with the former Shinsengumi members, Ichiro MINAMI and Mototaro TAKEUCHI in Edo, to assassinate the former Shinsengumi soldiers, HAYAKAWA and FUKUI (first names were unknown) by the order of Kuninosuke ABE of Numazu kinban gumi (Edo duty of Numazu) but ran out of money so they begged for money from Kaishu KATSU in January but were scolded instead over the disposal of HAYAKAWA and FUKUI. So they decided to end the conflict peacefully through negotiations with both parties. 例文帳に追加

明治2年(1869年)前年暮れより沼津勤番組・阿部邦之助の命により早川・福井(名不詳)なる元新選組隊士を討つべく、同じく元隊士の南一郎・竹内元太郎の2人と共に江戸に潜伏するも資金が尽きたため、正月に勝海舟に無心に及ぶが早川・福井の処分について叱責され、両名と話し合いの上で平和裡に問題を決着させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Akira KUROSAWA was first conferred the Order of Culture among film related persons in 1985, he said in an interview 'This award meant that I am the oldest person in the film industry, and if those people were alive, they should have received this award.' pointing out the names of four persons including Kenji MIZOGUCHI, Yasujiro OZU, Mikio NARUSE, and last, Minoru MURATA. 例文帳に追加

1985年、黒澤明が映画人初の文化勲章を授与した際に行われた共同記者会見で、「今回の受賞は自分が映画界の長老になってしまったということであって、あの人たちが生きていれば当然あの人たちも受賞の対象になったはずだ」として溝口健二、小津安二郎、成瀬巳喜男、最後に村田実の四人の名前を挙げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The brothers of Man NOMURA (his real name is Taro) and Mansaku NOMURA (his real name is Jiro) are sons of Manzo ()NOMURA, or Manzo NOMURA, the sixth (his former names were Manzo and Mansaku万作); after the sixth's death, they decided to divide their family name, that is, Man, the older brother, would succeed to a professional name of Manzo NOMURA, the seventh, and Mansaku, the younger brother, would inherit Mansai, the name after retirement of Manzo, the fifth (the father of Manzo, the sixth). 例文帳に追加

野村萬(本名:太良)と野村万作(本名:二朗)の兄弟は、野村万蔵六世野村万蔵(万造万作)の息子だが、六世の死後、名跡を分配することになり、兄・萬が野村万蔵(7世)を襲名し、弟・万作は五世万造(六世万蔵の父)の隠居名・萬斎を相続することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the war, when MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Yoshitsune and Yoshisada YASUDA visited the Kamakura bakufu to report their victory, they all just said 'We won,' but in Kagetoki's report, he wrote in detail where and how Yoshinaka was killed, who the main Busho killed were and names of people that he killed, etc; Yoritomo was pleased with his ability in administrative and practical work. 例文帳に追加

戦後、源範頼、義経、安田義定らは戦勝を鎌倉へ報告したが、いずれも「勝ちました」程度の簡単なものであったところ、景時の報告書だけが義仲の討ち取られた場所、様子、おもだった敵方の武将の死者と討ち取った者の名前など詳細に戦果を記しており、頼朝はその事務能力・実務能力の高さを喜んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the night of March 3, 1599, due to the death of Toshiie MAEDA, the 7 bushos, such as Kiyomasa KATO, Masanori FUKUSHIMA, Nagamasa KURODA, Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, Yoshinaga ASANO, Terumasa IKEDA and Yoshiaki KATO (however, some materials also include the names of Iemasa HACHISUKA and Takatora TODO), who belonged to the Budan-ha (political faction that was willing to resort to military means to achieve its aims) and had been in a hostile relationship with his father Mitsunari, attacked his father's Osaka residence. 例文帳に追加

慶長4年(1599年)閏3月3日夜、前田利家の死去により、父の三成と敵対関係にあった武断派の加藤清正、福島正則、黒田長政、細川忠興、浅野幸長、池田輝政、加藤嘉明の7将(史料によっては蜂須賀家政や藤堂高虎の名もある)が、父の大坂屋敷を襲撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As their family name is the same and they enlisted at the same time, it is thought that they were from the same place, and that they were one year apart in age (Ennosuke was 26 years old when he joined Shinsengumi); both names are considered to be of brothers or some type of close relation, in consideration of the fact that Yuzou, who became a master of literature, probably had work as a scholar, and Yoshisuke KONDO said that Ennosuke was a Buddhist monk so both they were educated. 例文帳に追加

苗字が同じで入隊が同期、出身が同地と思われ、年齢が1歳差(縁之助は入隊時26歳)であること、縁之助は元僧侶とする声(近藤芳助)があり師範となった雄蔵同様学識があったと思われることなどから、両名は兄弟ないしは何らかの縁者ではないかとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then Nanshu said "oh, that's unheard-of incident, maybe a fox did some trick, we should call you Ukatsu-sensei (Mr. Careless) from now on," and Seppo answered "call me whatever you like, since it's convenient to have a lot of names," and they promised each other, "whoever gets out of here first would support the other." 例文帳に追加

南州が「それは前代未聞のこと、狐にでもだまされたんですかな、これからは<迂闊先生>とでも着け替え申そう」と言ったら、雪篷は「どうでもお勝手に、名前はいくらでもあった方が便利です」と答えて、それから次の約束を交わしたという、「われわれ二人はどちらでも先に赦免された者が、おくれた者を扶養すること」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Marutamachi Station (Kyoto Municipal Subway), Shijo Station (Kyoto Municipal Subway), Gojo Station (Kyoto Municipal Subway) and Rokujizo Station, which are included in the fare table displayed at each station of the Otsu Line, are the stations of the Kyoto Municipal Subway, not the stations of Keihan that have same names (three Keihan stations other than Rokujizo Station are expected to be renamed when the Keihan Nakanoshima Line comes into operation). 例文帳に追加

大津線各駅の運賃表に掲示されている丸太町駅(京都市営地下鉄)・四条駅(京都市営地下鉄)・五条駅(京都市営地下鉄)・六地蔵駅の各駅は京都市営地下鉄の駅であり、同名の京阪の駅ではない(なおこのうち六地蔵以外の3駅については、京阪の駅の方が京阪中之島線開業時に改称される予定)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Formerly, a flipping/flapping type of train information display board was provided at the ticket gates and one would be able to find, in the station names on the board, slight vestiges concerning former long-distance trains on the Sanin line (because all trains in the direction of Kyoto that stopped at this station were bound for Kyoto, the display was fixed to 'Kyoto' without being flapped), but the board was replaced with an electronic bulletin board in or around February 2008. 例文帳に追加

改札口には、いわゆる反転フラップ式案内表示機があり、その駅名には往年の山陰線長距離列車の名残を垣間見ることもできた(京都方面の行き先の表示は、京都方面の当駅に停車する営業列車が京都行きしかないため、パタパタ式ではなく「京都」に固定されていた)が、2008年2月頃に電光掲示板に代わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The names of some bus stops of private companies are different from those of the corresponding bus stops of the Kyoto City bus that are located at the same places (for example, 'Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae Station' for the Kyoto City bus versus 'Kawaramachi Nijo' for other companies, 'Kyoto-daigaku Nogakubu-mae' for the Kyoto City bus versus 'Nogakubu-mae' for other companies, and 'Kamihatecho Kyotozokei Geijutsudaigaku-mae' for the Kyoto City bus versus 'Kamihate-cho' for Kyoto Bus). 例文帳に追加

京都市営バスとその他の民間バス会社とで一部停留所名が異なる所がある(例;市営バス「京都市役所前駅」・その他の会社「河原町二条」、市営バス「京都大学農学部前」・その他の会社「農学部前」、市営バス「上終町京都造形芸術大学前」・京都バス「上終町」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many of the station names in the central part of Kyoto City are given under the following system: give 'a name of a street running north-south' to a station on the line running east-west that crosses the street or give 'a name of a street running east-west' to a station on the line running north-south (e.g., Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line) that crosses the street; accordingly, the station was temporarily named after 'Tenjingawa-dori' (which is the name of a street running near the station) before the station name 'Uzumasa-tenjingawa' was finally selected by taking into account a request by local people. 例文帳に追加

京都市中心部の多くの駅は、東西方向に走る路線は「交叉する南北の街路名」から、南北方向に走る路線(京都市営地下鉄烏丸線など)は「交叉する東西方向の街路名」から駅名をとっており、当駅の仮称も駅付近を走っている道路名の「天神川通」からとられていたが、地元要望にも配慮して最終決定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the division and privatization of JNR, however, this name has seldom been used because JR West designated the names 'Biwako Line,' 'JR Kyoto Line' and 'JR Kobe Line,' and definitions became vague due to the fact that the section of operations expanded near the end of the JNR era and direct trains started to run into the Fukuchiyama Line and the JR Tozai Line after the JR Tozai Line came into operation. 例文帳に追加

しかし、国鉄分割民営化後はJR西日本において「琵琶湖線」や「JR京都線」、「JR神戸線」などの線名の愛称が定められたことをはじめ、国鉄末期からの運行区間の拡大や、JR東西線の開業に伴い、福知山線やJR東西線などとの直通運転の開始によって定義があいまいになってきたことから、最近ではあまり聞かれなくなってきている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even now, there are still a few descriptions of '五条' in the cases where only '五条' can be described (examples: banks and the savings department of post offices); this is because of problems related to how computers handle old Chinese characters, and the costs for modifying the system; for proper nouns like a company name that includes '五条,' or station names like '五条 Station' this is still an issue. 例文帳に追加

ただし現在でも、一部のコンピュータシステム等の問題(旧字体を使用できない、システム変更に費用がかかる)から「五条」としか表記出来ないもの(例:銀行・郵便の貯金部門)や、固有名詞であるもの(例:「五条」を冠した会社名、駅名である「五条駅」)など、僅かながらも「五条」の表記が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1613, the bakufu aimed to oppress the temples and monks and balance the relationship between the Imperial Court and the religious groups, decreed 'Chokkyo (imperial sanction) Shie tome and Yamashiro Daitoku-ji Temple Myoshin-ji Temple to Shoji Nyuin Hatto' ('Chokkyo Shie Hatto' and 'Daitoku-ji Temple Myoshin-ji Temple to Shoji Nyuin Hatto') and established the Kinchu Narabini Kuge Shohatto (Various Regulations for the Imperial Court and Court Nobles) 2 years later and prohibited the Imperial Court from easily presenting Shie and Shonin names. 例文帳に追加

1613年、幕府は、寺院・僧侶の圧迫および朝廷と宗教界の関係相対化を図って、「勅許紫衣竝に山城大徳寺妙心寺等諸寺入院の法度」(「勅許紫衣法度」「大徳寺妙心寺等諸寺入院法度」)を定め、さらにその2年後には禁中並公家諸法度を定めて、朝廷がみだりに紫衣や上人号を授けることを禁じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there is no record directly identifying the compilers, the names of persons cited as having participated in the compilation of the extraordinary volumes include FUJIWARA no Tokihira, Sadaijin (minister of the left), serving as the editor-in-chief, FUJIWARA no Sadakuni (Dainagon (chief councilor of state) and Ukone no Taisho or the Chief of Ukonefu, (Guard Department)), Kiyotsura MIYOSHI, Monjo-hakase (teacher of Chinese poetry and history under the Ritsuryo system), Haruyuki OKURA (Minbutaifu, executive officer of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) and FUJIWARA no Yoshitsune, (Myoho-hakase, teacher of the law under the Ritsuryo system), and the staff which compiled the main volumes of Engikyaku are assumed to have consisted mainly of the same persons. 例文帳に追加

編纂者を直接示す記録は無いが、臨時格を追加したときに編纂に関与した人物として左大臣藤原時平が総裁を務め、藤原定国(大納言・右近衛大将)・三善清行(文章博士)・大蔵春行(民部大輔)・藤原善経(明法博士)が挙げられており、「延喜格」本文の編纂もほぼ同じ人員構成であったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, although there must have been rebellion ringleaders who had united the widely dispersed Emishi and presented a written petition to the Imperial Court, their names weren't clearly recorded on the long list of casualties (more than 500 people were killed or captured in the battle of Mt. Yake-yama alone). 例文帳に追加

まず、広範囲の蝦夷をまとめて、自分たちの要求を朝廷側に文書にして提出するなど、反乱を指導した人物がいるはずであるが、この人物が朝廷側の多数の犠牲者(焼山での戦いだけで500人以上が死亡あるいは捕虜になったという)にもかかわらず彼らの名前が明確に記録されていないなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his death, the emperors regained the authority to approve families, but since there was no military force in the court nobles' society it was impossible to maintain family estates without depending on the military force of the Muromachi bakufu or the Shugo (Military Governor) Daimyo; thus the cooperative system in which emperors approved of the names of families and shoguns literally approved of family estates continued for a long time. 例文帳に追加

足利義満の死後には天皇が家門安堵の権限を回復するようになるが、その一方で軍事力を持たない公家社会においては室町幕府や守護大名の軍事力に依存しなければ家領の保全が不可能であったために、天皇が家門そのものを安堵し、将軍が家領の実質面での安堵を行うという共同体制が長く続くことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Others: Kumonkyu (Kuga-cho, Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture), Jitokyu (Akaiwa City, Okayama Prefecture, Maebaru City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Kajikyu (Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture, Koga City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Banshokyu (Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Totsuka Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) and Tobitakyu (Kamigakyu, Chofu City, Tokyo) are examples of place names originating from Kyuden that are still in use today throughout the nation. 例文帳に追加

その他、久門給(公文給。山口県岩国市玖珂町)、地頭給(岡山県赤磐市、福岡県前原市)、鍛冶給(高知県南国市、福岡県古賀市)、番匠給(山口県防府市、神奈川県横浜市戸塚区)、飛田給(・上ヶ給)(東京都調布市)など、給田に由来する地名が今も各地に残存している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is generally believed that the party were descendants of ONO no Takamura; however, Motohisa YASUDA carefully examined family trees, and calculated the number of years among generations, and studied appointments of kokushi (provincial governors) at that time, and consequently thought that this was contrived by later generations, and the party were actually descendants of kaihatsu-ryoshu (local notables who actually developed the land), and passively supported a view that the party may have been descendants of Musashinokuni-no-MIYATSUKO, which is a view found in the "Seishi Kakei Jiten" (Dictionary of Family Names and Lineages in Japan) by Akira OTA. 例文帳に追加

小野篁の後裔といわれているが、安田元久は諸系図の精査や世代間の年数の計算、当時の国司の任命状況から見て後世の作為で、実際は在地の開発領主の末裔であろうと推測し、太田亮の『姓氏家系辞典』での所見である武蔵国造の末裔ではないかという見解を消極的に支持している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, there is a theory which claims that the name 'monjodo' was only a popular name or which even denies the existence of the name (in the first place, the names of subjects were officially adopted during the Jogan era (or clearly specified for the first time in "Joganshiki Code"), which was much later than this time, and if this is true, there must have been 'monjo ka' but not 'monjodo'). 例文帳に追加

また、「文章道」の名も通称に過ぎなかったあるいはそうした名称すら無かったと言われている(そもそも大学寮において学科の名称が公式に採用されたのは、遥か後世の貞観_(日本)年間(明文化された初出を『貞観式』とする)説もあり、これを採用すれば「文章科」というものはあっても「文章道」は存在しなかったことになる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, as all other subject names and titles of hakase corresponded with each other (myogyo hakase for myogyodo, san hakase (professor of mathematics) for sando and myobo hakase for myobodo in which once the title of ritsugaku hakase (professor of the law in the Ritsuryo system) was used but changed to myobo hakase later on), it left room for misunderstanding after the Meiji period that monjodo and kidendo existed separately and kidendo was absorbed into monjodo. 例文帳に追加

が、結果的には他の学科が学科名と博士の称号の合致を見ている(明経道=明経博士、算道=算博士、明法道では当初律学博士という呼称が用いられたものの後に明法博士と改称された)ことから、明治以後に文章道と紀伝道が別々に存在したのが紀伝道が文章道に併合されたという誤った解釈を流布させる原因となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the middle of the front, the names of the monetary unit and the craftsman's Kao (a stylized signature) are written in ink as 'Ten ryo Goto'; at the upper right, the name of the era is written also in ink such as 'Tensho sixteen (the sixteenth year of Tensho era)'; at the top, one Kiwamein (hallmark) of paulownia in a diamond ('hishi') is stamped; and at the bottom, two same Kiwamein are stamped; therefore it is called 'Tensho hishi oban', however, some of those have one Kiwamein of paulownia in a circle at the top and one same Kiwamein at the bottom, instead of three Kiwamein of paulownia in a diamond. 例文帳に追加

表面中央に「拾両後藤(花押)」、右上に「天正十六」などと年号が墨書され、菱形枠の桐極印が上部に一箇所、下部に二箇所に打たれていることから菱大判と呼ばれるが、同形式で丸枠桐極印が上下にそれぞれ一箇所のものの存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Dainihonkoku Ichinomiya-Ki" corrected mistakes of 19 shrines' names in the copy of "Shokoku Ichinomiya Jinmyocho" (only if the writer had known the copy), and based on "Engi-shiki Jinmyocho" (the Catalogue of High-Ranking Shrines collected in "Engi-shiki") made the 14 corrections of those mistakes; besides it re-categorized some shrines of Mutsu Province and Bungo Province, which the copy of "Shokoku Ichinomiya Jinmyocho" had categorized into Shikigaisha (shrines which hadn't been listed in "Engi-shiki Jinmyocho), into Shikinaisha (time-honored shrines which had been listed in "Engi-shiki Jinmyocho"). 例文帳に追加

両書を比較した場合、成立が後となる『大日本国一宮記』が記載を改めたとすると、同一社の神名を書き換えている神社19社の内14社が『延喜式神名帳』の記載神名に基づいて訂正されており、また卜部宿禰奥書『諸国一宮神名帳』では陸奥国一宮と豊後国一宮に式外社が記載されていたものが『大日本国一宮記』では式内社へ変更されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, "Ryakumyo dodai" is considered to have originally listed the names of persons who were scheduled to be conferred a court rank of Shii and Goi and added dates etc. with the help of 'Ryakumyo' after the conferment of actual court rank and also organized parts of them in the process of collating, except for the descriptions of court nobles which overlapped other records such as 'Bunin' (or Kugyobunin based on this) among 'Ryakumyo.' 例文帳に追加

このため、『歴名土代』とは元々は「歴名」のうち「補任」(あるいはこれを元にした『公卿補任』)などの他の記録と重複する公卿などの記述を省いて、予め四位・五位の叙位が予定されている人名を列記し、実際の叙位が行われた後に「歴名」を参考にして日付などが追記され、更に校合の過程で一部の整理がなされたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The use of traditional uji including 'Fujiwara' and kabane including 'ason' was banned and finished its role when the Meiji Government was able to unify the 'uji = family name' by issuing the order to allow all commoners to have family names in 1870 and the compilation of Jinshin-koseki (family registries in Jinshin) in 1872. 例文帳に追加

明治政府は、1870年の平民苗字許容令、1872年(明治5年)の壬申戸籍編纂の二段階によって「氏(シ、うじ)=姓(セイ、本姓)=苗字=名字」の一元化を成し遂げ、旧来の氏(ウヂ)・姓(カバネ)を公称することを自ら廃止したため、事実上、「藤原」などの旧来の氏(ウヂ)・「朝臣」などの姓(カバネ)は、その役割を完全に終えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Early examples include Kushiro City, Izumo City, Kitami City, Bizen City, Nagato City, Mino City, Ise City, Buzen City, Hyuga City, Izumi City, Nemuro City, Tosa City, Kaga City, Settsu City, Harima-cho; during the Heisei era (the end of 20th century) municipalities with old provincial names further increased; the examples include Ishikari City, Izu City, Izunokuni City, Kai City, Shimotsuke City, Hida City, Echizen City, Iga City, Shima City, Tanba City, Awaji City, Mimasaku City, Awa City, Chikugo City, Wakasa-cho. 例文帳に追加

釧路市、出雲市、北見市、備前市、長門市、美濃市、伊勢市、豊前市、日向市、和泉市、根室市、土佐市、加賀市、摂津市、播磨町が古い例で、平成年間(20世紀末)からさらに増加し、石狩市、伊豆市、伊豆の国市、甲斐市、下野市、飛騨市、越前市、伊賀市、志摩市、丹波市、淡路市、美作市、阿波市、筑後市、若狭町が加わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hitach City is located in Hitachi Province and this provincial name has its own story with it; that is, a long time ago this region was said to be 'a road to Hitakami Province (old name for the northern region of Japan; then this 'Hitakami' was shortened to 'Hitachi,' and one day Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA, the domain head of the Mito Domain, saw the rising sun in this region and praised the beautiful scene and he changed the characters which make up the provincial name from 'the province we can see the high sun' to 'the sun rising province' although the sound is the same for both names. 例文帳に追加

なお、日立市は常陸国に位置するが「常陸」の国名は「日高見国(東北地方の旧称)への道」を表す「ひたかみのくにへのみち」が「ひたち」へ転訛し、徳川光圀が現在の日立市一帯において朝日が昇る様の見事さを讃えて「日立」の当て字をしたことに由来すると言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And the place-name 'Owada' is considered to have semantically originated from staying at a ferry and similar place-names remain across Japanese islands like a place-name 'Chibune-eki' which exists in the mouth of Kanzaki-gawa River in Settsu Province in Kawajiri no tomari mentioned above, and among them, simply 'Owada' mostly refers to Muko no minato, which is, they think, because this land was regarded as the most important port (ferry). 例文帳に追加

なお、「大輪田」の地名は津泊の意におこるとも理解されており、上記河尻泊の所在した摂津国神崎川の河口にも「千船駅」の地名があるのをはじめ日本列島各地に同様の地名がのこり、そうしたなかで単に「大輪田」といえば概ね務古水門のことをさすのは、この地が古くから最重要港湾として認められていたことを示しているとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Kyuso Shosetsu" (Kyuso's novel) by Kyuso MURO, which was written based on things Hakuseki ARAI heard through Kira's neighbor hatamoto Chikara TSUCHIYA, when he stepped outside and shouted with a wall between as it was getting noisy at his neighbor Kira's residence, he heard people say their names, Gengoro KATAOKA, Soemon HARA and Junai ONODERA, and that their long-cherished desire was satisfied by killing Kira Kozuke no Suke. 例文帳に追加

新井白石が吉良邸の隣人の旗本土屋主税から聞き取った話を室鳩巣が書き綴った『鳩巣小説』では、隣の吉良邸が騒がしくなったので外へ出て見た土屋が壁越しに声をかけたところ、片岡源五右衛門、原惣右衛門、小野寺十内と名乗った者が、吉良上野介を打ち取って本望を達したと言う声を聞いたとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January 17, 1874, five days after establishing the Aikokukoto Party, eight people, Taisuke ITAGAKI (former Sangi councilor), Shojiro GOTO (Former Sangi councilor), Shinpeo ETO (Former Sangi councilor), Taneomi SOEJIMA (Former Sangi councilor), Kimimasa YURI (Former Governor of Tokyo Prefecture), Kenzaburo OKAMOTO (Former Okura-sho Taijo [Senior Secretary of the Ministry of the Treasury]), drafter Shigeru FURUSAWA and Shinobu KOMURO presented the 'Minsen Giin Setsuritsu Kenpaku Sho' to the Council of the Left in their joint names. 例文帳に追加

愛国公党を結成して5日後の1874年1月17日、板垣退助(前参議)、後藤象二郎(前参議)、江藤新平(前参議)、副島種臣(前参議)、由利公正(前東京府知事)、岡本健三郎(前大蔵省大丞)、および起草者の古沢滋、小室信夫の8名は、連名で民撰議院設立建白書を左院に提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the names of related regulations are slightly different in nuance, like "Food peddling health code", "Food peddling code" or "Seafood peddling regulation", items for peddling are generally defined, which are seafood, its processed products, meat, its processed products, sweets, bread, ice cream, tofu and lunch boxes. 例文帳に追加

自治体によって関係条例の名前は、「食品行商衛生条例」や「食品行商条例」または「魚介類行商取締条例」など、そのニュアンスには若干のちがいがあるが、概ね行商として定められている営業品目には、魚介類とその加工品、肉類とその加工品、菓子・パン・アイスクリーム・豆腐類・弁当などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its form was ordained in Kushiki-ryo (Ritsuryo law) which had to begin with '(lower grade governmental official) 其事 (geshimosu sonokoto)', and after finishing the document, if the document was to Daijokan (Grand Council of State), it had to end with '謹 (tsutsushinde gesu)', or if the document was to other officials, it had to end with '以 (mottegesu)', and after the ending word, the date, the name of the writer and ranks and names of all the members of his office had to be written. 例文帳に追加

公式令(律令法)にその書式が定められており、冒頭に「(下級官司)解申其事(げしもうすそのこと)」と記し、内容を記載後書止として、太政官充てであれば「謹解(つつしんでげす)」・それ以外の官司であれば「以解(もってげす)」と記してくくり、その後に年月日、上申者とその所属官司を構成する全員の官位姓名を記載することになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although in "Azuma Kagami" a historical book edited by the Hojo clan of the Kamakura bakufu in later years, the names of Tokimasa HOJO and Yoshitoki HOJO do not appear in the letter of condemnation of Kagetoki, Tokimasa was the provincial constable of Suruga Province, where Kagetoki and his clan were attacked, and Awa no tsubone, a court lady, who triggered the accusation of Kagetoki, was a daughter of Tokimasa and the wet nurse of Sanetomo. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉幕府北条氏による後年の編纂書である『吾妻鏡』では、景時弾劾状に北条時政・北条義時の名は見られないが、景時の一行が襲撃を受けた駿河国の守護は時政であり、景時糾弾の火を付けた女官の阿波局(北条時政の娘)は時政の娘で、実朝の乳母であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, in the Tsunetomi and Atago area, many regional names derived from temples which no longer exist, including Seikoji, Wagoji, Wahoji, Kofukuji, Riseiji and Tanaka Sosenji (田中) (possibly the site of 'Tanaka Yakushi' in "Enryo Seikan") dot an area within a mere one kilometer square and this combined with the castle remains provide important clues along with the trends in influence in the Nobeoka district from ancient times until the period of clan government. 例文帳に追加

さらに、恒富・愛宕地域には、西光寺、和合寺、知法寺、光福寺、利生寺、田中惣泉寺(『延陵世鑑』にある「田中薬師」寺跡か)など、現存しない寺院名に由来する小字名がわずか1キロメートル四方の範囲に近接して点在しており、城跡と合わせて古代以降から藩政期以前の延岡地域の勢力動向を考察する上での重要な手がかりとなろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a. To periodically consolidate customer accounts with the same telephone number or e-mail address, select from among the accounts those for which different addresses or names are registered and those for which the same password is set and check whether the nominees of the accounts are not fictitious persons by, for example, examining the actual state of transactions involving the nominee and directly contacting the nominee. 例文帳に追加

a.電話番号又は電子メールのアドレスが同一である顧客口座の名寄せを定期的に行い、それらのうち、住所や姓の異なる顧客口座、暗証番号が同一の顧客口座を抽出する等の方法を行った上で、当該顧客の取引実態の把握や顧客本人への連絡等により、取引の相手方が本人であることを確認する。 - 金融庁


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