
「Enlightenment」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(14ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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In 'Sanichigonjitsu no soron,' 'sanichi' (three, one) refers to the lesson of sanjo (the three vehicle; the three paths to enlightenment to be taken by all living beings) and ichijo (the One Vehicle) and the dispute of 'gonjitsu' refers to the dispute of 'gon' (the expediency or hypothetical idea which is a cue for understanding the truth) and 'jitsu' (the true idea). 例文帳に追加

「三一権実諍論」の「三一」とは、三乗と一乗の教えのことであり、「権実」の諍論とは、どちらが「権」(方便。真実を理解させるための手がかりとなる仮の考え)で、どちらが「実」(真実の考え)であるかを争ったことを言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nenbutsu devotees should throw out wisdom and doubts, throw out the differentiation between good and evil, throw out the distinction between high and low social standing, throw out fear for Hell, throw out hope for the Buddhist paradise, and throw out enlightenment of various sects, and when you practice nenbutsu throwing out everything, it comes closest to the transcendent, Original Vow of Amida. 例文帳に追加

念佛の行者は智慧をも愚癡をも捨て、善惡の境界をも捨て、貴賤高下の道理をも捨て、地獄をおそるる心をも捨て、極樂を願ふ心をも捨て、又諸宗の悟をも捨て、一切の事を捨てて申す念佛こそ、彌陀超世の本願に尤もかなひ候へ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Makashikan is a commentary on Endonshikan (perfect and sudden cessation and contemplation) among three kinds of contemplation (Endonshikan, Zenjishikan [the method of gradual attainment of the ultimate enlightenment] and Fujoshikan [indeterminate meditation]) and four kinds of samadhi (jogyo zanmai [samadhi through continual walking], joza zanmai [samadhi through constant sitting], hangyo hanza zanmai [half walking, half sitting], and hiko hiza zanmai [samadhi neither through walking nor sitting]), which construct the Tien tai contemplation. 例文帳に追加

摩訶止観は天台止観を構成する三種止観(円頓止観・漸次止観・不定止観)と四種三昧(常行三昧・常坐三昧・半行半坐三昧・非行非坐三昧)の内の、円頓止観についての解説書。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is true that "The Tale of Genji" was influenced by the Confucian philosophy and Buddhism, but those interpretations were mainly made for the enlightenment of people at that time and it's hard to say they were generated from the story itself; thus they disappeared with the emergence of the 'Mono no Aware' theory (to be mentioned later). 例文帳に追加

『源氏物語』自体の中に儒教や仏教の思想が影響していることは事実としても、当時の解釈はそれらを教化の手段として用いるためという傾向が強く、物語そのものから出た解釈とは言い難いこともあって、後述の「もののあはれ」論の登場以後は衰えることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, changing its policy to putting emphasis on the spread and enlightenment of Japanese foods and ingredients, the ministry established a nonprofit organization 'Organization to Promote Japanese Restaurants Abroad', an extra-departmental organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in 2007, allowing its branch offices to start work in the main overseas cities. 例文帳に追加

そこで、日本食・日本食材の普及・啓蒙を主たる事業とすることに方針を変更し、2007年に農林水産省の外郭組織であるNPO「日本食レストラン海外普及推進機構」を設立し、海外の主だった都市にその支部を発足させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the process of modernization, which began in the civilization and enlightenment age in the Meiji period, until after the war, Yoshoku was considered rakish and expensive for common people due to the fact that the industries which supplied food materials for Yoshoku had not been developed yet. 例文帳に追加

文明開化に始まる日本の近代化の過程では洋食はハイカラな存在であり、また、洋食に適した食材を供給する諸産業も成熟していなかったことから戦前・戦中の庶民にとっては高価なご馳走であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an 'age of decadence' in which Buddhism's standing was weakening, the teachings of 'exclusive nenbutsu' that people are not saved by the aspiration for Buddhahood and that, with the exception of nenbutsu, there is no other method of being reborn in paradise were in contradiction to the beliefs Myoe who emphasized discipline and the attainment of enlightenment. 例文帳に追加

「専修念仏」とは、仏法が衰えた「末法」の時代には、人は菩提心(さとり)によって救われることはなく、念仏以外の方法で極楽往生することはできないという主張であり、これは菩提心や戒律を重視する明恵の思想とは相反するものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, he divided Buddhism into Gateway of the Pure Land that practices senju-nenbutsu and Gateway of the Holy Path that uses other practices, and he prescribed the Gateway of the Pure Land as the gateway by which one engages in senju-nenbutsu with a wish to escape the humanly world and to be born in the Pure Land, and the Gateway of the Holy Path as the gateway by which one aims for enlightenment by training in this world. 例文帳に追加

加えて、仏教を専修念仏を行う浄土門とそれ以外の行を行う聖道門に分け、浄土門を娑婆世界を厭い極楽往生を願って専修念仏を行う門、聖道門を現世で修行を行い悟りを目指す門と規定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also seemed to have strongly disapproved toward Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, who frequently changed his attitude suddenly due to political reasons, Saccho (Satsuma Domain and Choshu Domain) who vowed loyalty toward the emperor but fired guns toward the palace, and people, who originally shouted for the exclusion of foreigners and once the Meiji era began, talked about Kaikoku (the opening of Japan) and Kaimei (enlightenment). 例文帳に追加

また、政治的な理由からか態度を何度も豹変させた徳川慶喜や、勤王を唱えながらも禁裏に砲火を浴びせた薩長、ならびに元は攘夷を叫びながら明治になれば開国・開明を唱える人々に対して、深い不満を抱いていた様である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yukichi FUKUZAWA (January 10, 1835 - February 3, 1901) was a samurai warrior (served in the Nakatsu domain), writer, enlightenment thinker, the founder and publisher of the Jiji Shinpo (a newspaper), educator, the first president of the Tokyo Gakushikaiin (present Nihon Gakushiin,) and the founder of Keio Gijuku. 例文帳に追加

福澤諭吉(ふくざわゆきち、天保5年12月12日(旧暦)(1835年1月10日)-明治34年(1901年)2月3日)は、日本の武士(中津藩士)、著述家、啓蒙思想家、新聞時事新報の創刊・発行者、教育者、東京学士会院(現在の日本学士院)初代会長、慶應義塾創設者。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, some views state that he caused a loss of morale and talent from the Shogun's retainers, as his methods through Ansei no Taigoku resulted in the expulsion of many Joi-ha (supporters of foreigner expulsion) as well as Kaimei-ha (supporters of enlightenment) bureaucrats, which led him to become a remote cause of the fall of the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

一方、その強権的な手腕で断行した安政の大獄では攘夷派のみならず開国を推し進めた開明派官僚まで大量に追放したため、幕臣からモラルや人材が失われ、幕府滅亡の遠因になったという見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the age of the civilization and enlightenment, from the review of the traditional nonsensical Kabuki, Danjuro, intended to reform it, tackling dramas based on historical backgrounds (called Katsureki) together with people of learning and culture (Theatrical performance movement) in the second decade of the Meiji era. 例文帳に追加

文明開化の時代にあって、従来の荒唐無稽な歌舞伎への反省から歌舞伎の革新を志し、明治10年代には学術関係者や文化人と組んで時代考証を重視した劇(「活歴」と呼ばれた)に取り組んだ(演劇改良運動)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Inoue was invited by the Korean government along with his fellow pupils, Takuzo USHIBA and Masanobu TAKAHASHI, Fukuzawa, who was concerned about the Korean people's awareness-raising and felt it necessary to improve their literacy rate to achieve it, gave him instructions, saying 'it is necessary to issue newspapers written in Korean language to achieve Korean independence and Korean people's enlightenment.' 例文帳に追加

朝鮮の一般庶民の意識改革の為、識字率を上げる必要を感じていた福沢は、朝鮮政府に招聘された井上と、同じく招聘された同門の牛場卓蔵、高橋正信に「朝鮮の独立と朝鮮人の啓蒙の為には、朝鮮語による新聞の発行が不可欠」と訓示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although there were some sadness such as the death of his first son, Yoshijiro, by disease at the age of twenty-nine in 1873, Jusuke created the stage based upon new techniques and equipment including "Gaslight" and "Phtographer," generated by cultural enlightenment, and the Buyo dance in a new era such the choreography of Kappore (one of the street performances during the late Edo period). 例文帳に追加

1873年に長男の芳次郎が29歳で病没するなどの不幸があったが、『ガス燈』や『写真師』など、文明開化によって生み出された新たな風俗を題材にした舞台やかっぽれの振りを取り入れた舞踊など、新たな時代の舞踊を生み出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seng-zhao cited, in his writing "Chuyuimakitsukyo (Vimalak?rti Sutra commentary)," the idea of "Honmatsu," which had been referred to by Wang Bi of Wei, and other scholars replaced the word "所以" with "" (hon) and defined it (hon) as an unfathomable nirvana (enlightenment) achieved by Bodhisattva and "" (jaku) as a means to enlighten people, as used by Bodhisattva. 例文帳に追加

僧肇は『注維摩詰経』で、魏の王弼(おうひつ)などが用いた“本末”の思想を引用し、“所以迹”を“本”と言い換えて、“本”を菩薩の不可思議なる解脱(悟りの内容)とし、“迹”を菩薩が衆生を教化するために示現した方便という意味で使用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following Taikyo-senpu (propagation of the Great Teaching of Shinto) in 1867, the newly established Meiji Government was enthusiastic about the training of Shinto priests, establishing a dormitory for the trainees under the Shinto Jimukyoku (the Secretariat of Shinto), but the Kyodoshoku-sei (a system of national enlightenment on Shinto through government-assigned preceptors) had to be discontinued as the voices calling for the separation of religion and politics and the freedom of religion prevailed. 例文帳に追加

1867年(明治元年)に大教宣布が発布され、1876年(明治9年)に神道事務局に生徒寮を設置して神職の養成に力を注いだ明治新政府であったが、政教分離・信教の自由論が世の中に広まり、教導職制が廃止された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one theory, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA set the number of stations from Edo (Kanji characters with the same sound, 穢土, meaning unclean land) to Kyo (which means the land where Fugen Bosatsu (普賢菩薩) lives), based on a chapter from Kegon-kyo Sutra, in which Zenzai-doshi (童子) of 'Nyuhokkaibon (法界),' following the orders of Monju Bosatsu, achieved enlightenment at the place of Fugen Bosatsu, through 53 teachers. 例文帳に追加

一説によると、徳川家康は、華厳経の「入法界品」の善財童子が文殊菩薩の命により53人の師を経て普賢菩薩の所で悟りを開いたと言う一節から、江戸(穢土)から京(普賢菩薩の住まう所)への宿駅を五十三にしたと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The civilization and enlightenment is the phenomenon of absorption and intake of Western civilization flew into Japan in parallel with the renovation of political system, during the time when the strongly feudalistic Japanese culture that had been unbrokenly continued throughout the Edo period was coming to the limits due to the isolationism and the like. 例文帳に追加

文明開化は、江戸時代を通じて連綿と続いてきた封建制色濃い日本文化が鎖国などの事情で飽和状態に達していた所に、政治体制の刷新にも伴い流入した西洋文明によって発生した日本での西洋文明の吸収・取り込み現象である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Inside Meiji government, there were heated debates over civilization and enlightenment, over technical and cultural import through the policy of encouragement of new industry and over Seikanron (debate on subjugation of Korea) to dispatch Japanese troops to Korea, which were led by the government itself, and the resignation of Takamori SAIGO, Shinpei ETO and Taisuke ITAGAKI after the political upheaval of the 6th year of Meiji influenced the thought of people from warrior class. 例文帳に追加

また、明治政府が行う文明開化、殖産興業政策による西洋技術・文化の輸入、朝鮮出兵を巡る征韓論で政府が紛糾し、明治六年の政変で西郷隆盛、江藤新平、板垣退助らが下野すると士族層に影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In what became known as the Gapsin Coup, an enlightenment group led by Hong Young Shik, Kim Ok-gyun and Pak Yonghyo, who opposed any Qing interference in Korea's internal affairs, seized the occasion of a ceremony marking the start of operations at the General Office for Postal Administration to stage a coup on December 4; their coup was intended to transform Korea into a constitutional monarchy. 例文帳に追加

しかし清国の内政干渉を嫌う洪英植、金玉均、朴泳孝らの開化派が朝鮮の立憲君主国家への転換を狙い引き起こしたクーデタ、いわゆる甲申政変は、12月4日にの郵征総局開庁祝賀式典に乗じて事を始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A method for theorizing, in a limited way and compactly, each of the ideas of cosmology, origin of life, emergence of human, and civilization and enlightenment by using only symbolized antonyms and enumerating the symbolized antonyms on the basis of a dogma of natural science, social science, and human science is provided.例文帳に追加

記号化した対語だけを用い、宇宙論、生命誕生、人類誕生、文明開化の各思想を基に、自然科学、社会科学、人文科学の定説で根拠付け、その記号化した対語を羅列する事で、限定的に、そしてコンパクトに理論化を可能とする。 - 特許庁

The enlightenment system using toilet paper as an information recording medium has a series of three or more toilet paper holders 50 and toilet paper rolls 12 mounted on the toilet paper holders 50 to carry information.例文帳に追加

3個以上の複数連のトイレットペーパホルダ50と、前記トイレットペーパホルダ50おのおのに装着された情報を担持したトイレットペーパ12を有することを特徴とするトイレットペーパを情報記録媒体とした啓蒙システム。 - 特許庁

In addition, a liaison organization called the Industrial Network for Fluorocarbon Recovery Promotion, or INFREP, has also been set up to expedite the recovery of fluorocarbon refrigerant. INFREP engages in activities for diffusion of and enlightenment about execution measures to reduce refrigerant emissions as related to commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. 例文帳に追加

"他にも、フロン回収推進を目的として設立されたINFREP(インフレップ)・フロン回収推進産業協議会という連携組織があり、業務用冷凍空調機器に関連したフロン類排出抑制対策に関する啓発・啓蒙活動を行っています。" - 経済産業省

In addition, a liaison organization called the Industrial Network for Fluorocarbon Recovery Promotion, or INFREP, has also been set up to expedite the recovery of fluorocarbon refrigerant. INFREP engages in activities for diffusion of and enlightenment about execution measures to reduce refrigerant emissions as related to commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. 例文帳に追加

他にも、フロン回収推進を目的として設立されたINFREP(インフレップ)・フロン回収推進産業協議会という連携組織があり、業務用冷凍空調機器に関連したフロン類排出抑制対策に関する啓発・啓蒙活動を行っています。 - 経済産業省

It persists in well-known, enlightenment, and guidance of the young person's expansion at the application chance to the entrepreneur, who collects a good case such as the enterprises analyzed, and it offers it to the entrepreneur. In addition, cooperation is aimed at with the entrepreneur group, also entrepreneur who works on expansion at application chance etc., and encourages the strengthening of consultation content.例文帳に追加

若者の応募機会の拡大について、事業主への周知・啓発、指導を徹底するとともに、企業等からの好事例の収集・分析、事業主への提供を行うほか、事業主団体と連携を図りつつ、応募機会の拡大等に取り組む事業主等への相談機能の強化を図る。 - 厚生労働省

Therefore, to be able to recommend hepatitis testing and prevent new infections, it is necessary to disseminate information to educate the population regarding promote enlightenment and dissemination and information provision for all citizens to accurately understand hepatitis prevention, disease and treatment.例文帳に追加

こうした中において、肝炎ウイルス検査の受検を勧奨し、また、肝炎ウイルスの新たな感染を予防するためには、全ての国民に対して、肝炎の予防、病態及び治療に係る正しい理解が進むよう普及啓発及び情報提供を推進する必要がある。 - 厚生労働省

Article 78-2 (1) A Public Interest Corporation-Type Financial Instruments Firms Association (hereinafter referred to as a "Public Interest-Type Association" in this Chapter) shall endeavor to promote sound development of Financial Instruments Businesses and protection of investors by dissemination of financial knowledge, enlightenment campaigns and publicity campaigns, in addition to what is listed in the items of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article. 例文帳に追加

第七十八条の二 公益法人金融商品取引業協会(以下この章において「公益協会」という。)は、前条第二項各号に掲げるもののほか、金融に係る知識の普及、啓発活動及び広報活動を通じて、金融商品取引業の健全な発展及び投資者の保護の促進に努めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The source of Mappo shiso is the description of "Daijkkyo Sutra" (officially, "Daihododaijikkyo Sutra" (Mahsamnipata sutra)) saying, 'Gedatsu Kengo (Age of enlightenment) will remain solid for 500 years after my death, Zenjo kengo (the age of meditation) will remain solid for the following 500 years, Dokuju tamon kengo (the age of reading, reciting, and listening) will remain solid for the following 500 years, Tazo toji kengo (the age of building temples and stupas) will remain solid for the following 500 years and in the following 500 years, there will be disputes concerning my teaching and correct teaching will be forgotten.' 例文帳に追加

末法思想は、『大集経』(正式には『大方等大集経』)の「我が滅後に於て五百年の中は解脱堅固、次の五百年は禅定堅固、次の五百年は読誦多聞堅固、次の五百年は多造塔寺堅固、次の五百年は我が法の中に於て闘諍言訟して白法隠没せん」などを典拠とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because the answer to such a question should be to be aware by oneself individually through the enlightenment gained by mediation, and because what is taught by others goes against the true intention of the Zen sect to return to the inner nature since one's consciousness has already faced outside instead of inside. 例文帳に追加

そのような疑問の答えは、坐禅修行によって得た悟りを通して各々が自覚する事が最上であるとされ、もし人からこういうものだと教わりうる性質のものであるならば、それは既に意識が自身の内奥ではなく外へ向かっているため、内面の本性に立ち返るという禅宗の本意に反するとされるからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hoke-kyo Sutra (the Lotus Sutra) indicated that people who had not been able to believe Buddhism and had intended to stop believing when Daitsuchi-sho-butu had been born a long time ago, had been reborn in the era of Sakya-muni Buddha, who for 40-odd years had expounded his various teachings showing tentative enlightenment to make them understand the teachings and train themselves and had lead them to the real treasure, Ichijo teachings. 例文帳に追加

法華経では、遥か昔の大通智勝仏が出世された時、仏法を信じられず信心を止めようと思った人々が、再び釈迦仏の時代に生まれて仏に見(まみ)え、四十余年の間、様々な教えを説いて仮の悟りを示し理解して、また修行により真の宝である一乗の教えに到達させることを表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Daidoshi saho, they read the name of the incumbent Prime Minister, the Cabinet officials, the chief justice of the Supreme Court and so on and pray for their good works to bring the peaceful world and the affluent life for the national, as well as mourning the bodhi (enlightenment) of the spirits of the Emperor Shomu, successive Emperors, those who were linked with Todai-ji Temple and those who were killed in wars or natural disasters around Japan. 例文帳に追加

大導師作法は聖武天皇、歴代天皇、東大寺に縁のあった人々、戦争や天災に倒れた万国の人々の霊の菩提を弔うとともに、現職の総理大臣以下の閣僚、最高裁長官などの名を読み上げ、その働きが天下太平、万民豊楽をもたらすよう祈願する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Schools of Buddhism in areas where Mahayana Buddhism has traditionally been believed regarded that Shakyamuni preached Mahayana teachings at some point during the 40-something years after his Jodo (completion of the path to becoming a Buddha by attaining enlightenment); however, when the Mahayana Sutras began to become established, there was already criticism from inside Buddhism that they had been created without the permission of Buddha and could therefore not be regarded as orthodox Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

伝統的に大乗仏教を信仰してきた地域の諸宗派は、これらの大乗の経典は釈迦が成道して以来40数年の間のどこかで説かれたものとみなしていたが、成立しはじめた当時すでに仏教の内部から大乗経典は勝手に創作されたものであり正統な仏教とは言えないという批判があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The idea that Shakyamuni was not the only Buddha to appear in history, but that Buddhas had appeared in the past and will appear in the future, existed before Mahayana; however, according to Mahayana Buddhism, countless Bosatsu had completed the path to becoming a Buddha by attaining enlightenment, and each of them exists in their own world, separate from this corrupt world both temporally and spatially. 例文帳に追加

ブッダとは歴史上にあらわれた釈迦だけに限らず、過去にもあらわれたことがあるし未来にもあらわれるだろうとの考えはすでに大乗以前から出てきていたが、大乗仏教ではこれまでに無数の菩薩たちが成道し、娑婆世界とは時空間を別にしたそれぞれの世界でそれぞれのブッダとして存在していると考えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It describes 176 years of the Imperial Court's history, the reigns of 14 emperors from Emperor Montoku's ascension up to 1025 and the reign of Emperor Go-ichijo, with the prosperity of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, and especially the glory of Michinaga FUJIWARA as its core, being written in the style of a dialogue between two extremely old men, 190-year-old OYAKE no Yotsugi and 180-year-old NATSUYAMA no Shigeki, with the criticisms of a young samurai, taking place at the enlightenment sermons (bodaiko) held at the Urinin. 例文帳に追加

文徳天皇即位から後一条天皇の万寿2年(1025年)に至るまで14代176年間の宮廷の歴史を、藤原北家、ことに藤原道長の栄華を軸にして、大宅世継(190歳)と夏山繁樹(180歳)という長命な二人の老人が雲林院の菩提講で語り合い、それを若侍が批評するという対話形式で書かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a big difference between Shinto and Buddhism, and while people have believed in Shinto for the purpose of having Kami (God) protect communities (tribes and villages) connected by territorial and blood ties, like Kami (God)s do in mythologies, people have believed in Buddhism for the purpose of securing individuals' Anjin-ryomyo (spiritual peace and enlightenment) and have their souls relieved and keep the state's peace and security. 例文帳に追加

神道と仏教の違いについては、神道は神話に登場する神々のように地縁・血縁などで結ばれた共同体(部族や村など)を守ることを目的に信仰されてきたのに対し、仏教はおもに個人の安心立命や魂の救済、国家鎮護を求める目的で信仰されてきたという点で大きく相違する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While implementing modernistic religious policies including the cancellation of a ban on Christianity (in reality a tacit permission) and the prohibition against woman entering a sacred area at temples and shrines, Kyobusho also established a system called the kyodoshoku (evangelist) system, and propagated national edification and the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto under Daikyoin (Great Teaching Institute) in order to realize the edification and enlightenment of citizens after the failure of the Jingikan department. 例文帳に追加

キリスト教の(半ば黙認という形での)禁制解除、社寺に於ける女人結界の解除など近代宗教政策を実施する一方で、神祇官が為し得なかった国民教化を実現する為に教導職制度を設け、大教院による国民教化・大教宣布運動を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the Iljinhoe group were receiving strong criticism not only from the general public but also from intellectuals at that time and the group was back Japan's invasion of Korea together with another Chinilpa Prime Minister Lee Wan-Yong, in North and South Korea, people were fiercely critical toward this statement as 'a view opposing the protection of national sovereignty, the effort of the Righteous Army (Korean army) and the patriotic enlightenment movement. 例文帳に追加

南北朝鮮では当時一進会が民衆のみならず知識人からも強い批判を受けていたこと、それまで一進会が同じくチンイルパの李完用首相と共に日本の朝鮮侵出を援護してきたことなどから、この声明書に対して「国権防衛運動、義兵闘争、愛国啓蒙運動などに反するもの」であると非常に批判的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was in the period that could be called 'the second civilization and enlightenment' when local kenrei (local heads of government that held authorities equivalent to the integrated powers of governors, police, prosecutors, and school superintendents) or rich benefactors ordered or invested in plans to build administrative buildings, school facilities, and hospitals employing many kinds of Western-style designs. 例文帳に追加

これは当時の県令(現在の都道府県知事に警察・検察・教育長等の権限を統合したような治権首長)あるいは篤志家の命令あるいは出資により、特に地方都市でみられた「第2の文明開化」といっても過言ではない時流であり役所、学校施設校舎、病院などに数多く用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A data center connected to a device adapter installed in electric apparatuses such as an air conditioner, lighting equipment and a refrigerator to be able to acquire electric power consumption through a network, collects the electric power consumption of the electric apparatuses, etc., of each house for management and also transmits energy saving enlightenment data obtained by performing arithmetic processing to a display device of the each house for display through the network.例文帳に追加

エアコン、照明器具、冷蔵庫などの電気機器などに設置し、消費電力量を取得できる機器アダプタとネットワークを接続しているデータセンタは、各家庭の電気機器などの前記消費電力量を収集管理するとともに演算処理して得られた省エネ啓発データをネットワークを介して各家庭の表示装置に送信し表示する。 - 特許庁

Further, labor saving and visualization utilizing the Internet, rationalization of business dealings, improvement in safety, cooperation with banks, judicial scriveners, etc., enlightenment of consumers, and education and picking of practicians are promoted to develop the mediated real estate market which is active and open to consumers while reducing brokerage fees which are currently expensive to half.例文帳に追加

さらにインターネットを活用した省力化と可視化、商取引の合理化、安全性の向上、銀行や司法書士などとの連携、消費者への啓蒙、業界従事者の教育・精鋭化を推進し、現在の高額な仲介手数料を半減に向かわせながらも、活発で消費者に開かれた仲介不動産市場を発展させる。 - 特許庁

This circulation type organic matter solidified cultivation container which is obtained by subjecting a high-quality aged compost produced by a fermentation treatment of an aerobic thermophile bacterium to compression processing by heating and has hardness and strength corresponding to the specific cultivation period of a crop can contribute to enlightenment and popularization of recycling cultivation method friendly to the global environment.例文帳に追加

本発明の主原料は、好気高温菌の発酵処理により製造した良質な熟成コンポストを加熱圧縮加工することにより、作物固有の栽培期間に対応した硬度と強度を持つ循環型有機質固形化栽培容器は、地球環境にやさしいリサイクル栽培法の啓蒙と普及に貢献できる。 - 特許庁

Next is a look into the reasons why SME employees view each of the wage systems as preferable. As for the reasons why employees prefer a wage system with an emphasis on seniority, a large ratio of employees repliedbecause favorable treatment of long-term commitment promotes the education and training of employees as well as self-enlightenment among employees from a long term perspective” (Fig. 3-3-12).例文帳に追加

次に、中小企業の従業員がそれぞれの賃金体系について何故良いと考えるかの理由についても見てみると、年功序列を重視した賃金体系が良いと考える理由については、「長期勤続の優遇が長期的視点に立った従業員の教育・訓練や従業員の自己啓発を促進するため」と回答した従業員の割合が高い(第3-3-12図)。 - 経済産業省

The national government and local government shall conduct the necessary enlightenment activities to increase public interest and understanding with regard to the securing, etc. of equal opportunity and treatment between men and women in employment, and especially to remove the various factors preventing the securing of equal opportunity and treatment between men and women in employment.例文帳に追加

国及び地方公共団体は、雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保等について国民の関心と理解を深めるとともに、特に、雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保を妨げている諸要因の解消を図るため、必要な啓発活動を行うものとする。 - 厚生労働省

Article 4 (1) The national government shall provide necessary guidance, assistance, etc. to business operators and other relevant persons according to their actual circumstances, while respecting their voluntary efforts, with regard to the Employment Management Improvement, etc. for Part-Time Workers. In addition, the national government shall conduct advertising and other enlightenment activities necessary to remove various factors preventing Part-Time Workers from exercising their abilities effectively, and endeavor to comprehensively and effectively promote measures necessary for the promotion of the Employment Management Improvement, etc. for Part-Time Workers and other enhancement of their welfare, such as development and improvement, etc. of their vocational abilities. 例文帳に追加

第四条 国は、短時間労働者の雇用管理の改善等について事業主その他の関係者の自主的な努力を尊重しつつその実情に応じてこれらの者に対し必要な指導、援助等を行うとともに、短時間労働者の能力の有効な発揮を妨げている諸要因の解消を図るために必要な広報その他の啓発活動を行うほか、その職業能力の開発及び向上等を図る等、短時間労働者の雇用管理の改善等の促進その他その福祉の増進を図るために必要な施策を総合的かつ効果的に推進するように努めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 17 In order to encourage Part-Time Workers and persons seeking to become a Part-Time Worker to develop and improve their vocational abilities, the national government, prefectural governments and the Employment and Human Resources Development Organization of Japan shall endeavor to carry out enlightenment propaganda targeting Part-Time Workers, persons seeking to become a Part-Time Worker, and other relevant persons, concerning development and improvement of vocational abilities, and shall give special consideration to the implementation of vocational training. 例文帳に追加

第十七条 国、都道府県及び独立行政法人雇用・能力開発機構は、短時間労働者及び短時間労働者になろうとする者がその職業能力の開発及び向上を図ることを促進するため、短時間労働者、短時間労働者になろうとする者その他関係者に対して職業能力の開発及び向上に関する啓もう宣伝を行うように努めるとともに、職業訓練の実施について特別の配慮をするものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 28 (1) The State shall take necessary measures, in order that citizens shall have a better understanding of and deeper interests in the oceans, to promote school education and social education with regard to the oceans, propagation and enlightenment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as international efforts to realize the sustainable development and use of the oceans, and popularization of ocean recreation. 例文帳に追加

第二十八条 国は、国民が海洋についての理解と関心を深めることができるよう、学校教育及び社会教育における海洋に関する教育の推進、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組に関する普及啓発、海洋に関するレクリエーションの普及等のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

This term comes from the following citation of Amida-kyo Sutra; 'Sharihotsu, those who carefully listen to the teaching surely want to attain enlightenment and be reborn in the Pure Land; Sharihotsu, Shozenkon Fukutoku (good deeds and happiness) cannot enable them to be reborn in the Pure Land.' 例文帳に追加

『阿弥陀経』に、「舎利弗。衆生聞者。応当発願。願生彼国。所以者何。得与如是。諸上善人。倶会一処。舎利弗。不可以少善根。福徳因縁。得生彼国。」「舎利弗、衆生聞かんもの、まさに発願してかの国に生ぜんと願ふべし。ゆゑはいかん。かくのごときの諸上善人とともに一処に会することを得ればなり。舎利弗、少善根福徳の因縁をもつてかの国に生ずることを得べからず。」(『浄土真宗聖典註釈版』124ページ)とあるところから引かれた言葉。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The opinion of the Jodoshu sect was not groundless: Shinran, the founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect, wrote in his book "Koso Wasan" that 'his master Honen appeared from the light of enlightenment and founded the Jodo Shinshu sect, and stated his vow,' describing his master Honen as a leader of the real '' Jodo sect '浄土宗,' expressing the master's teachings as the Jodo Shinshu '浄土真宗' and himself as the successor to Honen, and called the teachings 'the real teachings of the Jodo Shinshu sect.' 例文帳に追加

この浄土宗側の主張も全く根拠の無い事ではなく、浄土真宗を開いた親鸞が著した『高僧和讃』において「智慧光のちからより、本師源空(法然)あらはれて、浄土真宗ひらきつゝ、選択本願のべたまふ」と著し、親鸞が師である法然を真の浄土宗の指導者としてその教えを「浄土真宗」と評し、自らもその継承者として「真実之教浄土真宗」(『顕浄土真実教行証文類』)と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although there are various theories as to when and how kaki furai was made for the first time, one of the major views, based on the written record known as the oldest material suggests that in the late Meiji era (1868 to 1912), the time of civilization and enlightenment and the developing period of yoshoku (Western-style meal), Motojiro KIDA, who is believed to have invented cutlet, was experimentally frying all kinds of ingredients, one of which happened to be oyster at 'Rengatei,' a yoshoku restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, which was founded in 1895. 例文帳に追加

カキフライが初めて作られた時期・発祥は諸説あるが、洋食メニュー発展期・文明開化の明治時代(1868年–1912年)後期に東京銀座の洋食屋「煉瓦亭」(創業明治28年)でカツレツを考案したと伝えられる木田元次郎が、あらゆる食材を油で揚げて試していた食材の一品がカキ(貝)であったという煉瓦亭の記録文献が、最古の資料として現在は有力と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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